Full Name: Aya Winters

True Age: 5

Appeared Age: 17

DOB: 10-585.1.1

Race: Human

RPGs: TAW4 and Erevis the Progenitor

Weapon of Choice: None


Aya Winters is the daughter of Chad Winters and Eve Summers. Born after her mother was mortally wounded and put in a coma, she was raised by Chad and Alpha Zephyr. A normal, healthy baby, the only remarkable talent she showed was high intelligence, even at an early age. However, that all changed when a group of agents belongings to V.I. rapidly aged her in order to manipulate her. Chad was forced to take her to the clone of General Cran, known as Alexander. He indeed stopped her rapid aging, but also tampered with her DNA to make her more than just human. Aya could now acquire the abilities of others if they continually used their powers around her.

Having to adapt to being a teenager now, Aya struggled through many trials as she learned to adjust to her new body. With her new age came new intelligence that she lacked as a three year old. She managed to adapt quickly and soon enrolled in High School to flesh out her socializing and experiences.

During the battles against Legion, her high school was damaged and too dangerous for her to remain, so she began to take online College courses thanks to Chad's help. Quickly finding her groove with the courses, she spends most of her free time reading the books. Also during this period, Dawn Alighieri began to become closer to her, with the two doing little "dates" together at amusement parks or cons where they would dress up. One might even say Dawn is her boyfriend at this point, as much as Chad allows him to be one.

When Isis came from the future and warned them to find the Progenitor ship to change the future in which they are all doomed, Aya quickly wanted to be part of it. Trying to find her place on the team on the ship, Aya will soon find herself more and more on the front line as she will need to learn about the ship and her own powers to protect everyone that is important. And, according to Isis, she might be one of the few people capable of beating Legacy.

After getting onto the ship, however, Aya found herself stranded on it when it took off for unknown parts of the galaxy and beyond. Now part of a more complex family circle than before, with the clone of her mother, Eve, and her cloned grandfather on the ship as well, plus Angela wanting to be an Aunt, Aya will have to balance more complications than before - just who does she side with?