Full Names: Hisui Mizukaze

True Age: Chii's + Sixteen + Three

Appeared Age: 16

DOB: Twentieth Century, Pandora-sealed (Previous reality?)

Race: Kitsune

RPGs: TAW4 and Erevis

Weapon of Choice: Pacifism, light element spiritualism, miko talents, hides deadly martial arts ability.


Freyja is a bit on the enigmatic side of things. She's presumed to be a being from the old realm, yet sometimes eludes that she may be from another reality altogether. It's come to be accepted that she was an entity Wind thought amongst the other paranormals out of control and sealed in Pandora's Box when the reality was recreated.

Unlike many, she didn't accept the illusionary world, using her spiritual power to peer at the free world in unclear, fading glimpses from divining skills she learned as a miko, but altogether cut off from affecting it. She caught sight of Erevis in one such event, witnessing the destruction of Centerpoint and the demise of Wind thought for good.

Freed soon by the unwitting jesters Dias and Marcus, she with many other creatures of the unnatural escaped into the universe to reclaim their places in that which is. She immediately sought to manipulate those close to Erevis, but failed miserably and instead caused a rather nasty incident involving Ariel, the dragoon Zephyr and Megumi on Megumi Zhenmei's homeworld of Famfrit where she made her first true appearance, an unknown enchantress toying with them in the realm of Erevis' soul.

She followed them secretly back to Earth where she made her first attempt to test the might and strange powers of the group, displaying her own in a grandiose manner that led to a rather odd mistake-- the group pried into Freyja's own soul, a delicate lotus of tragic memories and empty feelings. With the symbolic heart shattered, they were brought to the real realm where Aya Winters was held hostage, an ultimatum given to Freyja by Dark Ones-- she refused, much to her dismay ending in terrible state for Aya and sealing her fate by Chad Winters' hand... for a time.

To her surprise, Chii actually made an effort to restore her, and she chose to live rather than sacrificing her second chance to seal away the dark ones for good. She began a rather loose and listless path with the group after that, joining them officially mostly as a medical-support personnel using her healing powers, but providing some tactical advice and occasionally an unorthodox spy with her shapeshifting abilities. She dislikes fighting, but has resorted to the bow of light and defensive barriers in many circumstances to ward those around her. She caught favor of Warren Carmichael, but remained in his presence only a short time before the man passed on, lingering rather aimlessly as Chii sought to distance herself from her. She kept a somewhat motherly role to Chii, watching her from afar, but gaining the attention of the replacement general Gordon Paladin, whose life would also take a turn for the short window, even despite an attempt on Freyja's part to change that with a warning from Billy. She killed his eventual murderer pre-emptively, with naught but a whispered apology and a strike from a deadly palm, only to find that fate is not so easily swayed.

With the demise of Cassandra's significant other, Setsuna, she saw a deep wound in the dark one assumed-child form Billy, staying close to her in hopes of helping close the wound, leading to a reality trip in which she interfered with the girl's attempt to steal an alternate incarnation of Setsuna's soul to restore her own, trying to show her that once one is gone, it is never truly the same. It brought them to fighting terms in which she sealed Billy's dark one powers, causing her to essentially go out like a candle. Dismayed and heartbroken, Freyja created a seed for a life tree in order to gather residual spiritual energy and restore Billy's livelihood, and on the condition of staying by her side always, the two have resumed a seemingly positive relationship on unknown foundations.

She mostly keeps to herself, both shunning her kitsune days of manipulating and using people, but also her human days when she was a frightful, inward-kept girl that refused to connect with others and lived only a melancholy life of lined-up tragedies. Very few could say they have any idea what this woman holds for the future, and even fewer currently have any say or part in it.