Session Start: Mon Mar 10 21:03:14 2008
Session Ident: #Erevis
* Logging #Erevis to 'logs\EsperNet\#Erevis.20080310.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-588.7.17
<DeathStar> Location: Erevis' Pad
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sits in a group circle, having adjourned a meeting with the various elements of their group. Of course, Xanatos Durran has failed to appear.
<DeathStar> 6* That cock
* Angela sits back in her chair, dressed properly for once, wearing a t-shirt and jeans, sipping a cup of coffee.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis sits there silently. Aya stares around curiously, being there for cameo reasons
* Chad`Winters sits on a stool, his arms crossed.
* Megumi apparently sits there too, wondering what a meeting was about.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Well, I looked around for that amulet you described, Erevis, and I think I found it.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien pulls out his datapad. "There's an eccentric collector of old artifacts, named Adrian Leandres. He purchased the amulet about five years ago."
<Chad`Winters> Than we can buy it back from him.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Wrong. This guy is notorious for never selling from his collection.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis frowns.
<Angela> "Oh great."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> We must retrieve the amulet.
<Angela> "I was afraid she was going to say that."
<Chad`Winters> Your sure he won't make a compromise? 6He glanecs at Darien
<DeathStar> <Darien> Oh, I'm sure. He's rich, and he's eliteist.
<Chad`Winters> What if we trade him Megumi? 6He waves his hand at her.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya peers at Megumi
<Megumi> <Megumi> If there were to be a barter for another unique item would h--" 6She peers at Chad quizically.
* Angela looks deep in thought.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I'd never had thought of that solution, Chad.
<Chad`Winters> That's what I'm here for. 6He smiles at Darien
<Angela> "...That was a solution?"
<Megumi> Y-You're serious..!?
<Megumi> I-I'm not a trinket!
<Chad`Winters> Well we know that, but I highly doubt Adrian Leandres does.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien shakes his head. "I propose we steal it."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis studies Darien now.
<Chad`Winters> Logically. 6He looks at Darien.
<Angela> "May I make a suggestion then?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes Angela cutting into his "Darien's plan of action time".
* Angela looks back at him. "Talk to Dawn, he seems to have a knack for getting a hold of things. Especially rare things."
* Chad`Winters glances at Darien now, studying him deeply.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Yeaaaaaah. So, here's my plan.
<Megumi> Who is Dawn?
* Angela sighs a bit and crosses her arms.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Adrian is holding a party for the upper class two days from now. Now, with my connections, I've managed to get myself, and a few friends, onto that list. Since his security will be unbreakable, we'll use the party as a diverision to get inside and take the amulet.
<Chad`Winters> You have a floor plan?
<DeathStar> <Darien> You doubt me?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien looks offended,.
<Chad`Winters> I doubt everything.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Must be tough, kid. 6* He tells Aya, who makes a face.
* Angela smiles a little.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Anyway, since this is a dance party, to make this believeable, we'll need dates.
<Megumi> ...Eh?
* Chad`Winters leans back, clicking his tongue.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head.
* Xanatos has joined #erevis
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Xanatos
* Angela smiles softly. "High society party?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> Yes. I figured this would be the point you'd bother the mute.
<Angela> "Depends on how many couples we have, but sure if you want him now." *she grins a little*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien motions at Megumi and Aya. "I figure no one will be looking too closely at you two. And since you both appear young, it should be easy for you two to retrieve the amulet."
* Chad`Winters tilts his head slightly at Darien. 1"Excuse me?"
<Megumi> Um...
* Megumi rubs her forehead.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I said, I plan to make your daughter a thief.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya blinks.
<Chad`Winters> Yeah, I caught onto that. Hence the excuse me.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Look at that innocent face. It's brilliant, Chad.
* Angela starts doing some counting.
<Chad`Winters> And when were you going to ask me?
<Megumi> I don't think he planned to...
* Megumi shrinks back into her chair.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Oh, right. Ask. 6* He rolls his eyes.
* Chad`Winters pinches the bridge of his nose.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Frankly, with their young age, I can say I brought Megumi along as a favor to Ariel. And Megumi, wanting company, brought her friend Aya.
<DeathStar> <Darien> And then, while the rest of us adults do the party diverision, they can both get the amulet.
* Megumi gazes toward Aya slowly.
<Angela> "Mmmm, so Ariel is coming?"
* Chad`Winters glances at Aya. 1"No offense Aya. 6He looks at Darien now. 1"Maybe if I had time to train her mentally and physically to do it, yeah.
<DeathStar> <Darien> You have to train mentally and physically to take an object?
<DeathStar> 6* Aya eyes Chad
<Chad`Winters> So you're saying he leaves his objects out in the open without any security devices?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Oh, of course not. 6* He waves his hand. "But Aya's smart. I'm sure Angela can teach her hacking."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sounds amused.
<Chad`Winters> Well let's just hope she doesn't teach her how to avoid doors.
* Angela tosses a muffin at Chad's head.
<DeathStar> <Darien> We have two days to prepare, Chad. I'm sure you can get Aya ready
* Chad`Winters swats it away. 1"That answers my next question."
<DeathStar> <Darien> If worse goes to worse, Megumi just force atom destroys the security.
<Angela> "I can give a crash test in two days easy, knwoing Aya she'll only need a day."
<Megumi> ...Just destroys..?
* Megumi squints. 1"It's not that simple.."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Yeah yeah. 6* He waves his hand dismissively at Megumi
* Chad`Winters looks over at Aya. 1"First off, do you even want to do this?"
<Megumi> Wh-Who're you planning on making... 'dates?'
<DeathStar> 6* Aya pauses. "If it's important."
<Chad`Winters> Ok. 6He nods. 1"Do you think you're upto it than?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> Erevis and Xanatos. Angela and whatever man she can find. And me and Ariel, if I can convince Ariel to do this. If not, I'll go solo and make a comment that my woman is busy with work
<Angela> "If she can't go we could just go together Darien."
<DeathStar> <Darien> I think that might be suspicious
* Megumi grinds her teeth and glares elsewhere
<Angela> "...Alright, I'll contact Dawn."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Chad, I suggest you ask Katrina to be your date.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya pauses, then nods slowly.
* Chad`Winters glances at Darien. 1"I figured you would."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Make sure she knows how to tango
<Chad`Winters> Tango? 6He eyes Darien, more with annoyance.
<DeathStar> <Darien> It's that kind of party.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien smiles.
<Angela> "...Am I going to be giving dance lessons too?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> How does one...'tango'?
<Angela> "...Yep, I am."
<Megumi> It's a dance, beloved.
* Chad`Winters clicks his tongue and stands up. 1"Anything else we need to know Darien?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> Wear good clothes?
<Chad`Winters> So I can't wear a sleeveless shirt and holey jeans?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Not unless you want Aya to be embarrassed when she's denied access to the place.
<DeathStar> *you're
<Chad`Winters> Tempting. 6He glances at Aya.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya sticks out her tongue
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I see. And how does one dance a tango?
* Angela seems to be checking off a list. "Dance lessons, hacking training, dresses."
<Chad`Winters> Alright than. If that's all, I'll start getting Aya prepped.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Well, if Xanatos actually showed up for meetings, you could practice with him.
* Xanatos steps into the house dramatically at this time. As if, you know, to prove Darien's point.
<Angela> "...Lots of dance lessons."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Timing is everything.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien appears to be overly enjoying himself.
* Chad`Winters glances at the door, than at Darien/
* Xanatos steps over and grabs and apple and then glances around. "Ok, you can start. I'm here."
<Megumi> Go away.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at his watch. "Well, I'll be sure to check up on your progress tomorrow, Chad."
<Angela> "Darien, would you mind helping?"
* Xanatos arches a brow at Megumi and glances to Erevis, before looking to Darien. "Wait, you didn't wait on me?"
<Chad`Winters> I look forward to it. 6He grabs his bottle of water. 1"Let's go Aya."
<Megumi> No, and I would like you to leave now.
* Megumi crosses her arms, huffing.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Huh? 6* He pauses, as if a wrench was thrown into his plans.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya nods, and stands up
* Angela looks up wondering that's going on.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis glances toward Megumi
* Xanatos eyes Megumi. "This isn't your place, now stop being rude." He shakes his head.
* Chad`Winters glances at Megumi. 1"They have a point Megumi. Grow up and show some tolerance."
<DeathStar> <Darien> So, Xan. Know how to tango?
<DeathStar> 6* Aya peers at Megumi, then her dad.
* Xanatos smirks. "Well I've went to an academy dance or two. Couple college socials too. Way back in the day. I might be rusty, but I think I can manage."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods. "Excellent." 6* He stands up, and points at Angela. "Good luck." 6* He walks off.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I believe Darien Starr is running away now.
* Angela rubs her face. "Alright people, dance lessons."
<Megumi> I don't need them.
* Chad`Winters heads out with Darien
* Xanatos sighs. "And they go to leave me here...all alone."
<Angela> "Well then I suppose I'll be having Xan and Erevis learn together."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis peers at Xanatos now.
<Megumi> Do whatever you want.
* Megumi rises and moves for the yard.
<Angela> "I suppose there's enough room in the living room."
<DeathStar> 6* Pausing, Erevis glances toward Megumi, then the floor. She takes a deep breath. "Then let us begin, Angela Bennet."
* Xanatos motions to the roof. "It's wider up there. Is that a problem?"
* Angela taps out a message to Dawn before getting up to get a music player.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> You wish to dance on the roof?
<Angela> "Only if you want the neighbors watching."
<Xanatos> There a problem with that?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien walks toward his car, thumbing up at Chad. "Have fun asking Katrina out."
* Chad`Winters grunts at Darien and moves towards his car.
<Angela> "Dunno."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis is silent, peering between the two.
<Angela> "Let's do the living room for now."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Perhaps I should stay out of this mission and you two should go together.
* Xanatos pauses and arches a brow. "You afraid you'll make Megumi more upset?"
<Angela> "It's your amulet..."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis is silent.
* Chad`Winters moves into his car and starts it up
<DeathStar> 6* Aya sits down beside him, glancing at him.
<Xanatos> Come'on Erevis. I know you're not afraid to do a little dancing.
* Chad`Winters glances over to her. 1"Yes honey?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I am not afraid. 6* She responds immediately and quickly.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Nothing. 6* She glances ahead.
<Xanatos> Sure, sure. Come in here and prove it. *he steps into the living room*
<Chad`Winters> Somethings on your mind. 6He backs the car up and takes off to Kat's place.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I simply do not know how to dance properly and you two are versed in it.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Maybe.
<Angela> "I can teach you to be passable."
<Chad`Winters> Than say it.
<DeathStar> <Aya> I'm just trying to picture you and Miss. McCormick dancing together.
<Xanatos> Well I can teach you to be a master at it. *he gives her a smile from the door*
<Angela> "You wish."
<Chad`Winters> Is it Miss. McCormick or just somebody else in general?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head at Angela, then Xanatos.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Well, it's hard to picture you dancing at all.
<Xanatos> Angela. Go go. *he motions* I've got this.
* Angela pouts... could she be dissapointed? She sighs and gets up, heading for her room.
* Xanatos motions for Erevis to follow him.
<Chad`Winters> I've danced once before. A long time ago.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis takes a deep breath and follows after Xanatos.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Once? When?
<Chad`Winters> Back when I was on the PAX, we had a Embassador mission that I went along on. In basic, it was a ball.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Really?
<DeathStar> 6* The fly buzzes around Megumi
* Xanatos steps into the middle of the floor after moving the tables and such out of the way, he turns to Erevis. "Hmm. Where to begin."
* Chad`Winters nods. 1"I had to learn to dance for that, so I did."
* Angela sighs and outright calls Dawn, since she needs to know.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I would not know. The beginning?
<DeathStar> <Aya> Were you good? Who did you dance with?
<DeathStar> <Aya> What did you wear?
<Chad`Winters> I was good enough not to embarass myself. I wore a standard black tux and I danced with Kat and..6He glances at Aya then ahead, a distant look in his eyes. 1"Zephyr."
<Xanatos> Ah, yes. First, let's start with the stance. *he steps forward and taps her left arm.* Tango consists of one person leading, and the other person following. Since i'm going to be the leader, I lead with the hand i'm most comfrtable with. My right. You hold your opposite hand up, and interlock it with my own hand.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Oh.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya glances out the passenger window.
* Chad`Winters nods. 1"You sure you're up for this?"
<DeathStar> <Aya> I guess.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I see. Like this? 6* She goes to try to do as he said.
* Xanatos nods his head once. "Excellent, next your unused hand onto my shoulder, where I place my free hand onto your waist. Can you handle that?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes.
* Chad`Winters pulls into Kat's apartment complex and parks the car.
* Xanatos places his hand on her hip and then waits for her to place her hand on his shoulder. "This is the basic stance, and should be the one that you always begin with and it is the stance you will come back too when you pause."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> A typical dance stance so far.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya gets out of the car.
* Chad`Winters gets out himself and locks the car. He moves to the apartment entrance now.
* Angela sits around selecting dresses while she waits.
* Xanatos nods his head once. "The tango is a very typical dance is most aspects, until it comes to the music." He steps back and pulls out his datapad, hooking it into the holovid speakers and pulling up a thing of music to stream. "The music, if you'll notice, is different. It has a destinct rythymn in a 4/4 timing. Do you hear how dramatic it is?"
* Chad`Winters waves his card and opens the door, holding it for Aya
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Hm. Yes.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis nods.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya steps on through. "So, where do we begin?"
* Xanatos steps up to her and holds his hands up, then looks to Erevis. "I lead, you follow. We'll see if you can pick it up."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Very well. Let us begin.
<Chad`Winters> The basics of hacking and working up from there. 6Moves up the stairs to Kat's apartment. 1"I'll start with basic hacking and then teach you the systems that are out there and which form of hacking will work best. We'll take a break every hour and we'll work on your flexibility for 25 minutes.
* Xanatos taps his foot in time with the music, apparently counting and waiting on the right time to begin, then he leads her forward in the traditional tango step.
<Megumi> 6Dawn leans on the end of the table, browsing about Chad's care package while ignoring his datapad and comm. Not like he ever talks on a comm anyway.
<Chad`Winters> 6It's credits, and it's the exact amount for his hospital bill.
<DeathStar> <Aya> My flexibility?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis attempts to keep up.
* Angela sends him several more messahes while Xan and Erevis tango.
<Chad`Winters> Your body. How well you can bend your joints. 6He opens Kat's door and moves inside.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Oh. This is needed for...stealing this thing?
* Angela gives up after a little while, she dials Marcus.
<Chad`Winters> It's possible. I'll be having Darien send me the floor plans so I can study the security system and try to focus on what you'll run into and than possible surprises.
* Xanatos continues leading her, doing the tango bit, he'd have more detail but his graphics card isn't letting him watch youtube videos. D'OH.
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus answers after a little bit. "Yo Angie, what's up?"
<DeathStar> 6* Aya nods.
* Megumi after studying the fly for a while, backs off and swipes her hand out, forming a wide, crystal fan with a delicate look for wide surface area and swats-- ridding herself of this fly problem once and for all.
<Angela> "Hey Marcus... we've got a mission coming up that involves going to a fancy party, wanna be my date?"
<DeathStar> 6* The fly escaped long ago
* Megumi wouldn't know since it was never said to leave
* Chad`Winters glances around to see if there's any signs of Kat being home.
<Xanatos> <MarcusComm> Whoa whoa, Date? That's serious stuff Angie.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina appears to be at work right now
<Angela> "Oh shush, I need a guy to come with me and since I'm not seeing anyone I'd rather it be a friend."
* Xanatos steps back after a general run through and tilts his head at Erevis. "So what are your thoughts?"
<Xanatos> <MarcusComm> How much are you offering? I'm not a cheap date, you know."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> It is complicated.
<Angela> "Sweetie, this is going to be a higher end date, and I'll buy the tux."
<Chad`Winters> Well, let's begin than. 6He moves over and grabs his datapad off the coffee table and brings up a basic manual for hacking and hands it to her.
<Xanatos> <MarcusComm> Oh sheesh. Fine, fine. You pulled my leg.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya eyes it. She takes a deep breath for a long two days.
* Angela giggles. "Good, I'll send you the time, you can ride with me... oh... do you know how to Tango?"
<Megumi> 6Dawn sets his things away in a sideback and heads out of the cafe, calling a cab.
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-588.7.19
<DeathStar> Location: Adrian Leandres' Estate
<DeathStar> 6* Darien steps out of the shuttle, parked in an area reserved just for shuttles. He adjusts his tuxedo
* Chad`Winters steps down behind Darien, his arm hooked around Kats. He's clean shaved and is wearing his tux. He glances at Darien. 1"Must be rough getting stood up by your own girlfriend."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya steps out, wearing a simple white dress, nothing too fancy. Chad DOES buy her clothes. Katrina is wearing a sexy green dress that shows a lot of things.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Ha ha ha. Ho ho ho ho.
<Xanatos> I'm sure he's used to it. *his hair is trimmed and he's nice and shaven. Tux and all.*
* Angela steps out with Marcus in tow, having gotten him a rather stylish tux, amazingly (or not so amazingly) knowing his measurements. She herself wears a deep azure dress which shows off her body, but retains modesty a great deal.
<Megumi> 6A lady steps out of a cab, light brown hair done up in curls, patting down a victorian-inspired dress in many layers, ankles in length. Deep blue accented with white.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis steps out, wearing a black dress. Her hair is done up fancy like for once, since it's so long.
<Chad`Winters> I can only imagine how getting her to have sex with you is like now.
<DeathStar> <Darien> You're funny.
<Chad`Winters> I try.
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus looks like his usual sexified self. Hey, what more can you add?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien adjusts his cuffs as he moves along, whistling at Megumi to get a move on.
* Angela walks while holding onto Marcus' arm, doing one of the things she does best, being a lady.
* Megumi twitches slightly as she moves to be with Darien. She isn't sure if it's part of the ploy, but she looks like a flowergirl at a wedding.
* Xanatos winks at Erevis and moves to follow Darien.
* Chad`Winters nods to Aya and then starts walking after Darien with Kat.
* Megumi keeps a distinctive occasional glance to Erevis and Xanatos, continuing to twitch.
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus moves to just stick with the group.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis walks along carefully, actually good in high heels, despite not wearing them. Ever.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances at Chad. "You people sure know how to have a good time."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya walks along beside Megumi.
<Chad`Winters> We love the glitz and glammer.
<Megumi> 6The victorian girl peers toward Katrina and Chad, then glances at the rest and seems to doubletake, rub her forehead, then wait for them to get a headstart before heading for the entry.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> And here I thought Angie was lying. *he whistles*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien talks to the person at the door, showing his invitation. He motions at the rest of his group, talking to him about them.
<Angela> "Now why would I do that." *she pouts*
* Xanatos hums casually, probably thinking of the older days when he would do things like that.
<Xanatos> NRP: this*
* Megumi puffs her cheeks over Xanatos and Erevis, but upon looking at Aya takes a deep breath and nods slowly. 1"..Ready..?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien waves them to follow him, stepping inside a huge room, filled with statues and other paintings.
<DeathStar> <Aya> I hope.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> You never know people these days.
<DeathStar> <Aya> You?
* Xanatos moves to do so.
* Megumi moves inside. 1"I don't mind... our task. So much as the means." 6She pauses briefly, since in turning to view Aya, she glances at the brown-haired woman behind her. She stares.
* Chad`Winters moves inside now, glancing at Megumi staring for a second. He follows her gaze.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina peers about, whistling.
<Megumi> You seem familiar.
* Angela walks along with Marcus, looking about, seeingly admiring her surroundings.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis steps inside, quietly observing. While she and Katrina would appear like twins, their attitudes and stances differenr vastly.
<Megumi> 6The girl shakes her head, smiling. A wink is given with a touch of a finger to her lips probably signifying to be quiet about it, and she moves off on her own.
<DeathStar> 6* The sounds of people can be heard nearby in the ball room areas that have been reserved for the party.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Whoooo boy. Let's hope I don't make a monkey out of you, eh?
* Chad`Winters narrows his eyes at the girl, stopping briefly.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien peers, and breaks out into a creepified grin.
* Megumi stares a while longer then shakes her head and looks to Aya and the others.
<DeathStar> <Darien> You don't say.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina peers at Chad. "What's wrong?"
<DeathStar> 6* Aya watches the person Megumi kept talking to.
<Angela> "I'm sure you'll do fine Marcus."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at Chad, wiggling his eyebrows.
<Chad`Winters> Something was off about a lady who just entered. 6He glances at her then moves over to Darien
* Xanatos glances around, he doesn't know what is going on, he glances at Chad, then Darien. "Eh?"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina makes a curious expression
<Megumi> 6The woman doesn't gaze around much, if one guessed, it wasn't her first trip there. She moves for the ballroom with a decidedly purposeful venture.
* Megumi gazes toward Chad and moves along. 1"Off?"
<Angela> "Nothing's off."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Ha ha ha.
* Angela narrows her eyes.
* Chad`Winters leans in close to Darien and whispers into his ear.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> I smell a cross dresser. *he pauses and sniffs Angela*
* Angela pokes his nose. "All you're smelling off of me is the strawberry conditioner I've been using."
<Angela> "But your senses are right, one did pass us... that jerk."
* Chad`Winters glances at Angela.
<DeathStar> <Aya> What? Who? I'm lost.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina makes a hmmm sound of fascination, moving for the ballroom.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Whoa whoa. There's a crossdresser about? Hilarious. These parties are HILARIOUS.
<Megumi> <Megumi> You know that person, Miss Bennet?
* Chad`Winters eyes Darien briefly.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien shrugs.
* Angela sighs, "Nevermind for now."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head as she peers at them all.
* Xanatos makes an arch of his brow and glances at Darien, he looks to Erevis and shrugs, motioning for her to follow him to the ballroom.
<Chad`Winters> Let us enjoy the party. 6He nods to Darien and moves off and into the ballroom
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis walks with Xanatos, apparantly lost on the conversation
<DeathStar> 6* Darien walks along. "Maybe I should ask for a dance." 6* He sound, amusedly.
<DeathStar> *says
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Didn't know you swung that way. *he says with a smirk to Darien, leading her into the ballroom*
<Chad`Winters> Maybe you should. 6He puts his hand in his pockets briefly, than scratchs his arm.
<Angela> "So you do know how to dance right?"
<DeathStar> 6* The ballroom is filled with people. The artwork in here is probably worth a few hundred thousands credits alone. Marcus will probably try to steal it, knowing him.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya peers about in awe.
* Megumi gazes about the ballroom as she enters. It's new to her, she gapes like Aya does.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Ohh, i'm sure i'll manage. I can dance ok, right Kat?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> If it it were a club.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina appears to be looking about for the crossdresser.
* Chad`Winters stops and adjusts Darien's collar.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes Chad momentarily.
* Chad`Winters nods at him.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Wait, you mean I can't dance like that here? *he groans* Way to tell me now.
<Megumi> 6The infamous blue dress stole a wine glass and is standing more or less off to a side, looking bored.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien moves over to the blue dress.
<Angela> "I did ask if you could Tango..."
<Angela> "Nevermind, I can make it look like you're leading."
* Angela smiles.
* Chad`Winters adjust the cuffs on his sleeves and glances around now, taking the area in deeply
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis peers at the dancers.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Ohhh, tango. Ha ha. *he coughs and covers his mouth, then takes Angela by the hands and leads her out into the crowd, starting them right up to keep along with everyone else.
* Xanatos peers at Erevis. "Are you nervous?"
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis frowns, refusing to answer that.
* Angela gasps a bit in surprise as she's lead, finding him good. She looks up at him in surprise.
<Megumi> 6It's not a far stretch considering his normal looks. Not that someone who didn't know him would know, but Darien could definitely make out Dawn in a different light.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien pauses in front of Dawn. "May I have this dance?"
<Xanatos> *Marcus just gives her that wink, this isn't his game, he can be cool as hell here.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya peers at Megumi, then grabs a wine glass when no one is looking.
<Megumi> 6A quiver enters Dawn's expression. Sheer annoyance, but a clever facade. He's caught in a fact that he can neither vocalize disdain, nor likely get off scott if he refuses. A hand is offered, and an attempted smile almost like a grimace.
* Megumi peers toward Aya and joins her, grabbing a glass as well. Clearly this is normal.
* Xanatos coughs when he finally notices who the crossdresser is.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien takes Dawn's hand, leading him to the dance floor. He immediately shifts into a dance stance, showing nothing that gives away he knows who Dawn is. He begins to lead. "I must say, you are positively enchanting."
* Angela smiles and relaxes a little, letting Marcus lead, "Always full of surprises..."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya samples the wine, coughing on it's taste.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis watches the others.
<Megumi> 6Dawn slides back into an appropriate response, eyes narrowing, but joins hands. He goes to say something-- but can't.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien smiles wider.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> You've got to be well rounded if you're going to get people to like you, right?
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina steps up beside Chad. "Interesting. And here I always thought Darien was squeamish."
* Xanatos looks forward to the crowd and tilts his head. "Hmmm, seems i'm a bit nervous myself."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Really? 6* She tilts her head, gazing at him.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya makes a face, glancing at Megumi, and wondering how she can drink it so easily.
* Megumi peers back at Aya and shrugs.
<Xanatos> It's been years. And I wouldn't want to embarass you, right? *he glances at Erevis*
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I would not be, though drawing attention to ourselves is also unwise.
<Megumi> 6Dawn glowers slightly, then snaps a hand out and applies pressure to Darien's wrist, twisting in a fashion that forces him to spin around at least once. He grabs his hands and continues the dance, as if that were perfectly normal.
<Xanatos> Then we need to be mediocre. Think you can handle that?
* Angela smiles and keeps pace with him.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien manages to keep from making a face, but dips Dawn, running his hand along Dawn's chest and stomach, retracting the hand and lifting him back up.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I believe so.
<Xanatos> *Marcus dips her and pulls her back up into a spin, one false move and Angie might trip!
* Angela keeps up quite well with Marcus, she's at her best being led in another's arms after all.
<Megumi> 6Dawn intially looks absolutely furious-- but onlookers might think that normal considering the whole touchy-feely bit. He forces himself back into smiling and resigns to the tango.
* Xanatos nods with a smile and offers out his hand. "Then, may I have this dance, my lady?"
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head. "I am not your lady."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien grins his lopsided grin as he tangos.
<Xanatos> Just part of the dialogue.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I see. Then yes, you may have this dance, my gentleman.
<Chad`Winters> Hmm? 6He looks over at Kat.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina nods at Darien's tangoing.
* Chad`Winters glances over, following her gaze. 1"Well when you get denied as much as he does."
* Xanatos gives her a smirk and takes her hand, leading her out blend in with the crowd and dance.
<DeathStar> 6* She peers at Chad with an amused look
* Megumi seethes next to Aya, staring directly toward Xanatos and Erevis
<DeathStar> 6* Aya peers at Megumi. "Why not ask for a dance after they're done?"
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus finally pulls Angela away from the crowd of dancing, stepping off to the side, letting out a whistle. "Talk about fancy, this place."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis takes a steady breath, putting her hands on Xanatos as she was taught.
* Megumi blinks, then gazes down shyly. 1"I... Hadn't thought of that."
* Angela smiles and rests against him gently, smiling, "Yeah, quite teh party huh?"
<DeathStar> 6* Aya gives Megumi a girl hug
<DeathStar> 6* Darien finally stops his dance with Dawn. He bows. "It was my honor."
<Megumi> Sh-Should we begin?
* Chad`Winters just smiles his Cran smile. 1"Not a single visible camera. 6He holds his arm out to Katrina
<Xanatos> <Marcus> I'll give it a *He wiggles his hand*
<DeathStar> <Aya> Probably should wait for more people to arrive and more drinking to occur.
* Xanatos takes a second to find the beat of the song and begins to lead Erevis.
<Megumi> A-Ah... right...
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis keeps her eyes locked onto Xanatos as they dance. Piercingly.
<Megumi> 6Dawn places 'his' hands before him and bows, smiling in return, then goes to furiously return to standing aside.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien adjusts his collar and passes Chad. "Done."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina takes his arm, smiling at him.
* Chad`Winters nods at Darien and leads Kat out to the dance floor.
* Angela smiles to Darien from her spot with Marcus. "I wish I'd brought a camera for that."
<Xanatos> You are focused. *he notes as they dance*
<Megumi> 6Dawn grabs another wine glass, then shuffles off toward a hall. A bathroom.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien gives a smile back at Angela, though it's not as polite. He knows why she's smiling.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Duuude...remind me to never talk to that guy again.
* Angela gives Darien a consoling nod.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina follows Chad. "So, you know how to tango?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> This is a mission.
<Chad`Winters> If I recall correctly. 6He holds his left hand.
<Chad`Winters> We did this when we created an alliance with the Cartel.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina takes the hand. "Just checking."
<Xanatos> Yes. But if people notice that you're not relaxed and enjoying the evening, they may get suspicious. *he says in a low voice, so only Erevis will hear*
<DeathStar> <Erevis> It is hard to relax in this dance.
* Chad`Winters begins to tango with Kat.
<Xanatos> That it is. *he admits, and dips Erevis* But a general effort is to be admired.
<Megumi> 6Dawn returns, setting the wine glass on a discarded table, then goes to retrieve yet a different one, sipping it.
* Angela smiles and yawns a bit as stretches, "I like it here... kinda nostalgic."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina seems to know how to really tango, grinning as she gets into it.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Oh yeah? To what?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis takes a deep breath as she pulls herself back up, her face close to Xanatos' face.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya leans forward to watch Chad.
<Angela> "To all the parties I used to attend when I was little."
<Angela> "I was a General's daughter after all, public appearances were what it was all about."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sips a wine glass, toasting Dawn.
* Xanatos stares into her eyes, seeming like he's going to kiss her...almost...almost, he begins to lead her in another direction, making sure to stay out of anyone's way.
<Megumi> 6Dawn gestures at the wine glass for some reason, then smiles and heads for the bathroom again.
* Chad`Winters dips Kat, leaning close.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien raises a brow, moving over to the glass.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Ah, well i'm just a dirty ho. You know how that goes.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis' cheeks are a bit redder than normal as she dances.
* Ariel has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
* Angela kisses his cheek.
* Ariel has joined #erevis
<Megumi> 6There's nothing unusualy about the drink. Dawn, the blue-dressed, never returns, however some other girl about the same height ventures out of the hall, having shifted to a shorter-skirt outfit that seems to match those serving the occasion. She carries a tray.
* Megumi starts seething again beside Aya.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at his watch, making a clicking sound as he glances up.
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus winks at her. Then turns his eyes to watch Kat and Chad.
<DeathStar> <Aya> What's wrong, Megumi?
<Megumi> ...It's still annoying me.
<Megumi> Watching them.
* Chad`Winters pulls Kat back up and continues tangoing around
* Angela seems to be watching anything but the two.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina dances, throwing her leg up at one point, being quite flexible.
<Xanatos> *Marcus chokes. "Holy shit that was hot." He pauses and glances at Angela, he whistles.
* Angela looks over, blinking, "Mmm?"
<Megumi> 6The server walks over, same eyes, and takes the wine glass that was set down before. She turns and grins at Darien. Seems the hair colour and outfit changed, one would say it was probably beneath the larger dress.
* Chad`Winters pulls Kat in close then spins her, bending her across his knee
<DeathStar> 6* Darien salutes with his fingers.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis glances out of the corner of her eye at Chad and Katrina, then at Xanatos.
* Chad`Winters glances up, his grip slipping briefly, he quickly recatches Kat.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina raises a brow.
* Xanatos glances at them, and then looks at Erevis. "I may have left off the moves that you do when you're 'feeling' the music." He lays Erevis out lightly in a dip.
<Xanatos> *Marcus just seems to be twiddling his fingers.
* Chad`Winters pulls Kat back up. 1"Thirsty?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I could use a drink.
<Angela> "Wanna dance again?"
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis muses on that, then when she's closer again. "I see. Why did you not teach me all the moves?"
<Megumi> 6The server passes Katrina, and offers the platter of glasses.
<Xanatos> Well, I am not really able to do those things. And I didn't know how comfortable you would be with advanced steps. *he admits*
* Chad`Winters eyes the server, studying her and her timing
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I see. It goes like this, yes? 6* She mimics Katrina's movements almost perfectly.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina takes a glass, smiling.
<Xanatos> *Marcus glances at Angie and then looks out to Kat and Chad. "Hmmmm."
<Megumi> 6The server nods, then eyes Chad back, gesturing the tray to him.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Thank you.
<Chad`Winters> I don't drink. 6His tone is calm.
* Angela looks over at them for the first time. "Mmm?"
* Xanatos arches a brow, though he doesn't seem that shocked. "Exactly. Amazing work." He spins her out and pulls her back to him, adding more 'feel' to the dance, taking it easy at first to see if Erevis can keep up.
<Megumi> 6The server shrugs, then moves along, offering drinks here and there, but apparently weedling her way out of the dancing and further within the place.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis takes a moment to readjust to the new movements.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Sure, sure. Gotta keep my date entertained. *he leads her out again and into the fray of the dancers*
* Chad`Winters glances at Darien and nods his head.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien clicks his tongue.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods to Chad.
<Chad`Winters> I'm gonna go use the restroom. 6He bows to her
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina nods, studying him curiously.
* Chad`Winters turns, and moves through the crowd.
* Angela smiles and lets him lead once more, enjoying herself.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina leans on the wall.
<DeathStar> <Aya> I'll be right back, Megumi. Good luck with the dance
<Xanatos> *Marcus tilts his head. "I think i'm going to steal Kat for a dance, you mind?"
<DeathStar> 6* She trails after Chad
<Megumi> Where are you going, Aya?
<Angela> "Mmm, go ahead."
* Angela smiles.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Bathroom! 6* She lies as she sneaks after her dad.
<Xanatos> *Marcus grins and kisses her forehead. "Thanks." He slides out of the dance and moves up to Kat's side.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Enjoying yourself, Marcus 6* She asks when he gets close enough
* Angela watches him go, and slides over to stand near Darien. "Having fun?"
* Chad`Winters continues moving the crowd, his eyes locked on the server
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Not bad, not bad. I see you've been flaked out on.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: through the
<DeathStar> 6* Darien appears distracted. He glances at her. "Undoubtedly. I can say to my friends now that I tangoed with a man."
<Angela> "How about cancelling out that Karma? Dance with me."
* Xanatos dips Erevis once again and pulls her up dangerously close to himself. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
* Megumi now looks like a lost orphan standing around by herself.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis eyes him. "It is not... unpleasant."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien smiles, holding out his hand. "Very well."
* Xanatos grins. "I always did love teaching you new things."
* Angela smiles and takes his hand, letting him lead.
<Megumi> 6The server checks often, likely for tails or anyone paying too much attention. Again, it seems like she has no trouble with the building's general layout, but that may be a different story further on.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes. 6* She nods, performing another complex move she saw Katrina do. "I remember."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien puts his hand on Angela's waist. "Well, at least I know you won't break my wrist."
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus finally offers out his hand. "You know I couldn't go without asking you for a dance." He bows his head, "May I?"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina pauses. "Of course. I'd be delighted."
* Angela giggles a little and puts her arm around him gently.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> You're leading, right? *he gives her a grin and takes her hand, leading her out to the floor*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I could.
* Megumi sighs and goes to find a chair
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Oh I don't doubt that. *He holds his hands up for her to take*
<DeathStar> 6* And so, Chad and Dawn play a game of cat and mouse around the hallways.
<DeathStar> 6* To epic spy mmusic.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina does so.
<Xanatos> So, you and Megumi are back together, I assume?
<Megumi> 6Once outside of the party scope, Dawn begins searching the walls and rooms. Obviously looking for something.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> No.
* Chad`Winters peers around the corner of a hallawy, studying Dawn.
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus takes a moment to get his ear to the rythmn and releases a smile. "You ready to make everyone look bad?"
<Xanatos> Oh yeah? You two are just living together?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> We are living together, yes.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> If you can keep up.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya peers at Chad from behind a statue
<Xanatos> *Marcus lets out a whistle. "Good lord, let's hope so." He places a hand on her waist and begins to lead her to an epic dance of the tango.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis seems a bit sad now, though she tries to hide it as she dances.
* Angela continues to dance with Darien.
<Megumi> 6Dawn eventually stops, peering up at an antique violin in a case.
<Xanatos> Hmmm. Well we should do more new things. Perhaps we'll get lucky and do more things that are fun like this. *he twists Erevis*
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis is forced to put her mind back to the dancing.
* Chad`Winters narrows his eyes and reaches under his tux and pulls out a small camera. He begins recording
<DeathStar> 6* Darien dips Angela
* Angela goes down gracefully, she seems almost weightless as she uses her leg, matching Katrina's flexibility.
<Xanatos> *Marcus seems to be focused completely on Kat now that they've begun the dance, his jeers about the outside world no longer coming.
<Megumi> 6Dawn smiles at the instrument, as if greeting an old friend, then begins to move back the way he came, toward Chad.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina tests Marcus by going as wild as the tango allows.
* Chad`Winters pulls the camera away then begins backing up, slipping in behind a door.
* Xanatos dances along before stopping and pulling them both out of the dance area. "Would you like something to drink?"
<DeathStar> 6* Aya eyes Chad hide in the door. She pauses, and presses against the wall and statue.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien gives her a lopsided grin, pulling her back up to him.
<Megumi> 6Dawn comes to a stop just slightly past the door, but then begins moving again, peering toward a statue, scoffing at its design. He returns toward the people.
<Xanatos> 6*Seems like Marcus can keep up, after each spurt of wild that Katrina has, Marcus stops her into the tango stance, before twisting or dipping her and continuing along.
* Chad`Winters opens the door quietly and slips his head out, watching Dawn again
* Angela grins back at him, "You're really good."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis nods. "I am thirsty."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Well, when you have to spy, spy good, I say.
* Xanatos nods his head and steps away to get her something to drink.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis stands there now, glancing about the place.
* Chad`Winters moves out of the doorway and starts moving back after Dawn again
<DeathStar> 6* Aya keeps hiding.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina steps forward, sling her leg over Marcus' leg at one point.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis stands by herself as Xanatos is gone.
* Chad`Winters moves past Aya, apparently more focused on Dawn than much else
* Angela smiles more and sighs a bit, looking around. "Well this guy does know how to throw a party."
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus pulls his leg back, allowing Kat to slide forward and get dangerously close to his face, but if he's about to explode from this amazingly sexy dance, he hides it pretty well.
<DeathStar> <Darien> He's a billionare.
<Megumi> 6Dawn stops rather abrubtly and peers back with narrowed eyes.
* Angela nods and smiles a bit more. "Wanna keep dancing? I'm having fun."
<DeathStar> <Darien> I'm not needed elsewhere in this plan.
<Angela> "Then dance we shall."
* Xanatos steps up with Erevis' wine and offers it out to her.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis takes it, glancing at it. She sips it, just enough to deal with her thirst.
* Chad`Winters walks along the hallway, he nods at the serve, smiling and moves back into the party.
* Xanatos takes his and down it, placing it on a tray when a server walks by, he smiles at Erevis. "I guess I could give you a moment to recover before I get you back out there."
<Megumi> 6The server shakes 'her' head and turns back, moving down the hallway again.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya sneaks along the hallway, out in the open, since she thinks everyone is gone.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis inclines her head, taking another sip.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina runs her hand along Marcus' face, winking once.
* Megumi bumps into Xanatos-- spilling her glass along his leg.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis blinks.
* Xanatos glances down and eyes Megumi. "Wow. That was completely on purpose."
* Megumi stares upwards. 1"..."
* Chad`Winters moves upto Darien and grabs his hand shaking it. He leans in whispering.
<Megumi> 6Dawn ditches the serving tray at the statue and stalks Aya.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien pauses in mid-step with Angela, glancing at him.
<Xanatos> If you wanted to dance with her. You could've asked. You child. *he shakes his head*
<DeathStar> 6* Aya peers at the room that they want, glancing at the security pad.
<Megumi> Sticks and stones, Durran, but you should really clean that.
* Angela looks at the two, probably close enough to hear.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> You should apologize. 6* She notes.
<Xanatos> I'm just fine. *he notes with a cross of his arms*
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus tilts his head back and sighs. It's clear now that Kat is getting the best of poor Marcus' heart.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien pauses, eyeing his watch. He shows it to Chad.
<Megumi> I will apologise. Later.
* Chad`Winters glances at it then at Darien, he whispers again
<DeathStar> <Darien> What IS Megumi doing? 6* He peers about.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis sets her wine glass down.
<Angela> "Being Megumi."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya studies the security pad, making sure to stay out of sight of cameras.
<Chad`Winters> What she normally does. 6He nods to them both and turns, moving back into the crowd
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles. Yes. She is a femme fatal.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at Angela. "Seems Aya's begun the operation alone"
* Megumi smiles at Xanatos. 1"You have been cordial. At the surface, but continuing to call me a child at every excuse is the truth you feel beneath the lie."
<Angela> "She's like CHad, probably prefers it solo."
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus finally finishes the dance with some epic pose and steps back to bow. "Amazing. Simply amazing." He notes.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina feins modesty. "You're better than I thought."
* Xanatos leans in to talk low, probably only Erevis can hear. "I will show you more respect when I feel like you've acted mature enough to earn it." He straitens up and steps off to clean his pants.
* Angela continues the dance with Darien. "If we all stop and get tense people are gonna get suspicious."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis watches him go.
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus dusts as his shoulder lightly. "Well, momma didn't raise no fool." He flashes a smile.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien dances. "Oh? Thank God for Katrina, then."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes her taking a lot of the room's attention.
* Megumi continues to smile at Xanatos even as he leaves. She loses the false security and peers at Erevis instead with a lack of self-esteem.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis peers at Megumi. She seems somewhat unsure of what to say.
<Angela> "Yeah."
* Angela looks as they move.
<Megumi> 6Dawn hangs back, using previous experience to remain out of sight with less effort, but neither offers to help nor intereferes with Aya.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I think she gets it from John.
<Angela> "The 'ol McCormick Charm."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya reaches into her dress, looking as if she's fondling herself, but pulls out a device, hooking it to the pad and begins to hack it.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> You up for another, or should I step back and allow you to be entertained by your date?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien twists Angela as they dance, bringing her in close again.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I think Chad's busy with other things right now. But lets get some wine.
<Megumi> I am sorry, indeed, beloved. However, I do not feel I need to earn the respect of someone I never lost it with. I do not believe it was ever there except as a condition. It's true I wanted to dance, but the nature of this mission and your current boundaries... makes that impossible, right? Sorry to intrude on your evening." 6She turns and goes to settle back in her chair at the edge of the people.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina moves over to help herself.
* Angela smiles a bit as they get close, moving with him flawlessly.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Megumi...
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus steps over with her, getting himself a glass. "Pretty nice of them to invite us along."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Oh, we're just convenient.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Still, it's better than most of Warren's missions. Speaking of which, he asked me to help him on a mission himself.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Oh yeah? You mean i'm going to get to see more of you?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis manages to keep from looking absolutely miserible again. "I would like to dance." 6* She says.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> For a few days.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya finishes and opens the door, moving inside.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Well good, it'll give me something to look forward too.
<Angela> "You're always a great partner."
<DeathStar> <Darien> You're to kind.
* Angela keeps that gentle smile. "Not at all."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Ah, but I'm not a natural at this. I had to train for it.
* Megumi turns slowly, but peers over her shoulder at Erevis. 1"Would it not interefere?"
<Angela> "I went to finishing school." *she smiles* "Nothing natural here either."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I do not believe it would.
<Megumi> 6Dawn slinks along to the doorway, gazing in and both ways.
* Megumi blinks. Caught in headlights.
* Xanatos steps up cleaning his leg off. "Except for the fact that Megumi is avoiding what she came here to do."
<DeathStar> 6* Sadly, he can only see a fancy exhibit room from a narrow angle, since the door is only narrowly open.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses, then hangs her head.
<Xanatos> But i'm sure that's being taken care of. Enjoy. *he turns and steps over to find a seat*
<DeathStar> <Darien> Hm. I guess being rich growing up had it's...pecularities.
* Megumi moves back to Erevis and takes one of her hands. 1"...I need to stay away, though, don't I?"
<Angela> "Yeah... you learn how to pretty yourself up and not embarrass yourself in front of a bunch of snobs."
* Angela grins a little and look only at him as they dance.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I do not see how we can dance if you ... stay away.
<Megumi> 6Dawn takes in the view that's possible before shifting it just an inch, gazing again.
<Megumi> You wanted your space to think.
<DeathStar> 6* Fingers jab out for Dawn's shoulder, aiming to hit a pressure point.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes. 6* She nods.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina sips her wine, her eyes locked on Erevis, Megumi, and Xanatos.
<DeathStar> 6* Of course, since the attack has to come in through a narrow door angle, it's not pefect.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Pretty sad, huh? I'm glad i'm not in a situation like that.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> It's curious. Erevis' emotions.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> You think eventually after all of the games that she'll go the way of the 'future' and stick with Megumi?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hm. 6* She sips her wine. "I don't want to speculate." 6* But it's clear she has a piece of the puzzle.
<Megumi> 6Dawn slides away, staggering as if 'she' tripped... much like the last time this move was tried. A movement in a manner that makes it hard to tell if it was intentional.
<Chad`Winters> 6Another set of fingers come in from behind, aiming for a nerve cluster in the back.
<Megumi> 6Dawn is struck in the shoulder, since he fell downward a bit, jerking his head to gaze at Chad.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya breathes heavy, her eyes wide in fear at having been caught. She eyes Chad with wider eyes.
* Megumi shakes her head at Erevis. 1"I can't go against your wishes, even if it's something I want.."
* Chad`Winters shifts his hand and jams his fingers into the base of his neck.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis holds Megumi's hand tightly. "But I wish to dance. If you wish it."
<Angela> "So think she'll pull it off?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> Aya?
<Megumi> 6Dawn slides to the side, his outside foot going to hook about the back of Chad's lead, yanking. A heavy exhale comes from his mouth.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Aw, way to spoil the fun. *he shrugs after a moment* Though i've gotta say, they could have already danced half of a dance instead of just standing there argueing. It's kinda like Raquel and Lilith.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lifts Angela up in one of the moves.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya quickly acks, jabbing at Dawn's leg.
<DeathStar> *acts
<DeathStar> <Katrina> They both fear hurting the other so much.
* Angela adjusts herself perfectly once more, nodding after she comes down. "Yeah."
<Megumi> Th-Then can we... really?
* Chad`Winters shifts his weight, and plants that foot, Dawns' leg just hitting
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis nods.
<DeathStar> <Darien> If she's got half of Chad's talents, yes.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> I guess someone should explain that hurt feelings are just part of living your life. Sometimes you've got to take that step forward.
<Angela> "Then it's a quadruple yes... she's got twice the talent."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hmmm. 6* She looks at Marcus. "On Erevis' part, I think she fears, too, for Megumi. Or what she will do."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Oh?
<Angela> "Yeah."
<Megumi> 6Darien cinches his teeth as Aya strikes him in the leg, part of a hamper on his movements is the bloody skirt. His leg caught out and then struck dumb is a quick realization, but he staggers down sideways, landing on the knee and twists his body around, shoving a palm straight for the side of Chad's knee, eyes locked on Aya in amazement.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> It's like a tango, Marcus. Their movements.
<Megumi> NRP: Dawn. Cry.
* Chad`Winters shifts his leg sideways, letting it strick the side of his knee and he twist sit with the momentum and spins his body around, trapping Dawn's hand between both his legs, he begins applying pressure.
Session Close: Tue Mar 11 00:00:00 2008

Session Start: Tue Mar 11 00:00:00 2008
Session Ident: #Erevis
<DeathStar> 6* Aya freaks out. "Wait, it's not one of them."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya motions at Chad to stop. "It's the person you followed."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Ah, alright. So....*he takes a sip of wine* You and Chad just friends or more?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Chad doesn't want anyone close.
<DeathStar> <Darien> And why do you think she has TWICE the talent?
<Angela> "Her mother."
<DeathStar> <Darien> But you barely knew Eve.
<Chad`Winters> Aya, we're here for a reason.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Oh. R-Right.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Oh, well I guess that's a good thing for me.
<DeathStar> <Aya> You want to do it?
* Angela sighs a bit, "I know what she was capable of."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina peers at him.
<DeathStar> <Darien> And what was she capable of?
<Megumi> 6Dawn's palm thrust seems to have put a great deal of a wrench into the knee's use, a pressure of sort. Definitely not a true point technique, but not a regular 'self-defense' move. He glances up at Chad with a sigh, heaving for breath.
<Chad`Winters> You can do it. 6He shifts more weight around Dawns arm, stressing it to the point of breaking.
<DeathStar> <Aya> D-Dad!
<DeathStar> <Aya> Stop, please.
<Xanatos> *Marcus just gives an innocent smile when he turns to glance around and look at the people dancing.
<Angela> "Chad can adapt, he can wing it, he can even create, but she was just too damn smart. If she's got half Eve's intellect then she's one blessed kid."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Now I feel dumb and useless.
* Megumi peers at Erevis confused at this point. She knows the dance already, but seems at a loss of what to do with Erevis regarding it.
* Chad`Winters eyes Aya then releases his pressure. But he does grab Dawn by the collar and lifts him up.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis peers at her. "If you wish to dance, you should lead. I do not know how."
* Angela pouts and hugs him a bit from the embrace, "You're not dumb or useless."
<DeathStar> <Aya> Uh, you should probably bring him in here. The cameras might catch you
<DeathStar> 6* Aya slides inside.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Thanks. I'm pacified.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina finishes her wine.
* Angela giggles. "You've got a hawk's eye for finding things, you're a skilled pilot, and you've got guts that make most people weep."
<Megumi> 6Dawn's hand, the one opposite of the struck shoulder, snatches around Chad's wrist quickly, reminisicent of a snakebite, thumb and forefingers clenched immediately about the base of the tendons, loosening its grip and intimidation factor, but enough pressure to force it to do anything else or release isn't applied.
<Angela> "You're in no way useless."
<Megumi> 6Dawn doesn't see any point in that, probably, since his leg seems to be asleep.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien dips Angela, then runs his hand along her chest and stomach, pulling her back to him. "My ego is properly fed."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Oh snap, Angie is done with Darien, i'm doomed.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Don't enjoy her company?
* Chad`Winters snatchs Dawns hand with his free one before he can apply pressure. 1"Try that again." 6He drags Dawn inside, and closes the door slightly
* Angela smiles a little, the blush on her cheeks lessening a bit as she looks at him, "Good, you're handsome to boot."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya appears to be doing some weird shit, stepping around oddly, or bending and moving along. She looks almost looney.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Really? I rarely get that that compliment. 6* He steps over to Marcus and Katrina with Angela.
* Megumi nods slowly and takes Erevis' hands, stepping to lead, awkwardly, considering the height difference.
<Angela> "You should get it more often. You really are."
* Angela smiles as she gets close to the other two. "Hey."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Oh she's fine. *he says with a smile to Kat, before looking to Darien and Angela* Bravo, you two.
<Megumi> 6Dawn rolls his eyes at Chad, letting him feel all superior or whatever for the moment, gazing down at his leg in wonder.
* Angela giggles, "Thanks you two were excellent."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Not nearly as impressive as you two
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis peers - they seem to have the dance floor's attention
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Oh ho ho ho. Well it doesn't matter what we do, we can't top a couple of lesbians.
* Megumi thankfully doesn't notice at the moment, too busy translating the dance in her head.
<Angela> "Mmm..."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya flexibly bends backwards, planting her hands on the floor, and then stands on her hands, moving closer to the amulet position. She then twists back to her feet, already breathing hard.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis looks back at Megumi, waiting.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I think you two got the respect, while they're getting the 'oh, it's one of those couples' looks.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina peers at Marcus at the lesbian toss.
<DeathStar> 6* And then Darien
<Angela> "There's that eye for catching things."
* Chad`Winters eyes Dawn, his other hand moving to a spot near his left kindey, he appears to make no move, but odd's are good his fingers aren't that far away from something
<DeathStar> <Aya> Dad, please quit being so mean to her. 6* She chides, apparantly able to focus on Chad while dodging lasers.
* Chad`Winters scoffs. 1"I don't like people spying on my daughter.
<DeathStar> <Aya> I spied first. 6* She reaches the amulet case, and begins to work on getting it.
<Chad`Winters> Yeah, but that was on me.
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus grins, 1"Well as long as everyone was looking at me, I think i'm satisfied."
* Xanatos just sits there drinking some wine, opting to not do anything else.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hmm. A shame Chii isn't here. Something tells me we could have put on a show.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I believe we should begin soon. We are in the way standing here.
* Angela blinks and looks at Katrina.
<Angela> "Isn't she chasing Cheryl now?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I don't think she's chasing her in that way.
<Megumi> 6Dawn adjusts his hand's position to grasp at Chad's own, his other hand seeming has feeling because he places it at Chad's waist, the 'dead' leg shifts, and the hand at the waist catches a minicam fallen out of the dress' sleeve, it snaps a photo without flash. Dawn smiles, having caught the two in a tango-esque pose.
<Angela> "Feh."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> 'Feh'? 6* She peers at Angela curiously.
* Megumi nods determined, changing expressions to an utterly focused one and leans Erevis back, immediately beginning steps.
<Angela> "S'nothin."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Mmmmhm.
* Chad`Winters slips a small syringe that was hiding in his cuff and he jams it into the base of Dawn's neck.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Think Angie is referring to the fact that Chii is still chasing her that way despite what she says.
* Angela motions to Marcus.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> There's more than one reason and goal when chasing someone, you two
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina walks off.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses.
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus pauses and glances around. ""
<Angela> "Yeah, she thinks she's a good pilot."
* Angela shakes her head and sighs.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes Angela, then Marcus.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Chii's after Cheryl?
<Angela> "OBsessively."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Hm.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Eh, it seems if I talk about it, I get in trouble. *he throws up his hands and sighs*
<DeathStar> <Darien> Newsflash. Katrina's gone.
<Angela> "Think Kat and Chii..."
* Angela seems to have noticed that already.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I see. I didn't know Cheryl was bi.
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus pauses and glances over his shoulder where Kat was. "She's not. There's nothing going on."
<Angela> "She's not, that's what makes it entertaining."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Aw hell, where'd Kat go?
<DeathStar> <Darien> She got holier than thou and left to the bathroom.
<Angela> "She did her righteous snip and run manuever."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Sonofa. *he hangs his head*
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis leans in close to Megumi, much like she did with Xanatos. She throws up her leg, apparantly considering this to be the real deal.
<Megumi> 6Dawn boredly looks toward Aya.
<Angela> "What's taking them..."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Taking them?
* Megumi smiles slightly before continuing the dance-- but avoiding maneuvers that would require supporting Erevis' weight....
* Angela smiles at Marcus.
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> Location: Darien's Shuttle
<DeathStar> 6* Darien kneels down, handing Dawn a drink.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya sits, having hid the amulet in her dress.
* Chad`Winters sits beside Aya, his arms crossed and his eyes closed
<Xanatos> *Marcus sits there with his arms pulled behind his head.
<DeathStar> <Aya> So that's Dawn? 6* She stares with wide eyes.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis sits there quietly, sitting between Megumi and XAnatos.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina sits off to the side, arms crossed, silent.
<Chad`Winters> Yep.
<Megumi> 6Dawn nods slowly. Probably having been carried out, it's a wonder how, but he reaches beneath the skirt of the dress.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Sorry about that.
* Xanatos has his arms crossed and leg propped up onto his knee.
<DeathStar> 6* He moves back to his shuttle, which is autoflying them into Tokyo
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus hops up and moves over to sit beside Kat.
* Angela baps Dawn, with a newspaper, that she got somewhere. "I DID invite you, you know."
<Megumi> 6Dawn shrugs, then glares at Angela, pulling out from the skirt-- the violin.
<Angela> "Thought you were going to buy that back."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> I do something to bother you, again? *he glances at Kat, tilting his head*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Of course not, Marcus.
<Megumi> 6Dawn peers toward Darien. Darien should know why he couldn't buy it back, no matter how much he offered.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Yes, Angela, much like we bought the amulet.
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus exhales dramatic and tilts his head. "Did Chad? Cause i'll kick his ass for you."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina pats him on the leg.
<Angela> "Yeah yeah..."
* Megumi sits near the back of the shuttle, musing on the night.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis drifts off, leaning on Megumi and Xanatos, somehow.
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus just smiles at Kat, it seems he wasn't being serious about fighting for her honor.
<Megumi> 6Dawn reaches within the bustier of the dress and pulls out his datapad. He blinks, perhaps having never checked it for Angela's messages, then seems to open his mouth to laugh with no sound.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien parks the shuttle in his own yard, not wanting to use a spaceport. "I can get you a cab, or you can stay here, Dawn. Rare one time offer."
* Xanatos doesn't move, he just rests his head back, before glancing in Darien's direction. Arching a brow.
<Megumi> 6Dawn nods slowly, then points to Darien and gestures at his datapad.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at the datapad.
* Angela shakes her head at Dawn. "This is why you check your messages."
<Megumi> 6Dawn shakes his head and points to Darien again.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I don't get it. You want me to check my datapad?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Or give it to you
<Megumi> 6Dawn nods, then sets the violin down and studies it.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien takes the datapad, turning it on.
<DeathStar> 6* He also lowers the shuttle ramp.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stands up and moves off into the yard.
<Megumi> 6Dawn left a blank message with an attachment for Darien. As for the violin, he reaches in with his two smallest fingers and fishes something out of the f holes of the instrument. A picture.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien opens the picture.
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus stands up and steps down after Kat. "Would you like if I walked you home, or are you just going to go with Chad?"
<Megumi> 6It's a picture from an awkward angle. If it wasn't Chad, perhaps the two were dancing.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'll go with Chad.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien raises a brow.
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus nods his head, "I figured, i'll talk to you later, then." He leans in the shuttle, "Later, Angie. I'll see you later." He winks at her and turns to walk off.
<Megumi> 6Dawn forms an OK sign with his hand, grinning at Darien, then glances at the physical picture in his hand, a sad, nostalgic look.
* Angela smiles, "LAter Marcus, you take care."
* Angela leans up and kisses his cheek before he can go.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien adjusts his tuxedo, glancing at the sleeping Erevis. He looks at Chad. "I got your car parked in the drive way."
* Xanatos stands and leans down to lift Erevis up, "I'll take her home. Call me if you need me, Darien."
* Chad`Winters opens his eyes, blinking and than looks over at Darien. 1"Hmm?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> Your car. Go away now.
* Angela looks at Erevis and Meg, "I guess I'm taking them home."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya pauses, then hands over the amulet to Megumi. "For Erevis."
* Megumi nods to Aya, bowing. 1"Thank you, Aya."
<Megumi> Though I am sad you did not trust me.
* Megumi turns to follow Xanatos, peering at Angela.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya whispers into Megumi's ear. "I just wanted you to have a dance."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya smiles and glances at her dad.
* Chad`Winters glances around, eyeing out the window an odd look flashing on his face.
* Megumi blinks and gazes at Aya, blushing.
<Xanatos> Come'on Angela, Megumi. *he carries Erevis to his car, sliding her into the passenger's seat.*
<DeathStar> <Aya> Come on, Dad. 6* She waves at Dawn. "Sorry about hurting you." 6* She steps out.
* Angela heads after him and sighs. "Night Darien."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Night, Angela.
* Chad`Winters looks at Aya than nods. He moves out himself, heading down the ramp
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina waits in Chad's car in the backseat.
<Megumi> 6Dawn waves a hand to Aya, dismissing the hurting affair.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya gets into the passenger seat.
* Xanatos waits for Angela and Megumi to get into the car, before driving off.
* Megumi sits in the backseat, gazing out the window. 1"My apologies, Durran."
* Chad`Winters moves into the drivers seat and starts the car up.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis seems to shift in her seat. Apparantly she's use to cuddling something as she sleeps. She seems troubled, as if having a nightmare.
* Angela gets in and yawns tiredly.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sits there with Dawn. "So, one nod for a cab, two for a bed here."
<Megumi> 6Dawn, after everyone else has left, gets to his feet, having removed the black wig of the serving outfit. His brown hair is back tied by a single ribbon again and he gazes at Darien.
<Xanatos> Had to say your goodbyes. *he drives off, reaching a hand out to rub Erevis' head, perhaps in effort to calm her nightmare*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina remains silent as they drive.
<Megumi> 6He hoists the violin in his left hand, carrying the bow with his thumb and nods twice, looking a bit weary. A look is given to his right hand, then he raises it, showing Darien the picture retrieved from within the Stradivari
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I think I have an idea about Erevis' big secret.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at the picture
* Chad`Winters glances in the rear view mirror. 1"What's that?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'd tell you, but then you'd use to it to your advantage.
<Megumi> No... I mean for spilling wine on you. I'm sorry for being childish.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis does calm down somewhat.
<Chad`Winters> Cold. 6He makes a face
<DeathStar> <Katrina> But true.
<Xanatos> Apology accepted. Though my Tux is still ruined.
<Chad`Winters> Only if I deemed it necessary.
* Angela gives Meg a hug, "Enjoy your dance?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I think you would. 6* She glances out the window. "And I'm not so sure I want you to interfere."
<Megumi> 6The picture is of two children, probably six or seven, both brown-haired but obviously of japanese descent. They look almost identical, though one is short-haired and the other has mid-length tied back with a ribbon. They're both smiling, giving peace to the camera.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Hm. Twins?
* Chad`Winters tilts his head slightly. 1"You do know how mean it is to tease somebody with information like that. Especially me, right?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien moves for the house
<Megumi> 6Dawn nods slowly. At this point, with his hair longer and the ribbon, he looks like the second in the picture, but logic prevailing, he was probably the short-haired.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I know.
* Xanatos begins to hum as he drives, always used to being alone in this car.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Boy and boy, oooor. Boy and girl? 6* He asks curiously.
<Megumi> 6Dawn holds up two fingers.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods his head.
<Chad`Winters> Than why tell me? 6He asks curiously
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I don't know. 6* She frowns. "Probably because I know I'm bitchy for withholding it."
<Xanatos> Hmmm. If her dreams don't get any better, i'll probably have to stay the night. *he notes to Angela*
<Angela> "I'm sure that'll be alright."
* Megumi immediately scowls out the window.
<Chad`Winters> Language please.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Daaaad.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles. "Sorry."
<Chad`Winters> What? 6He looks at Aya innocently
<DeathStar> <Aya> I'm 15.
<Chad`Winters> So?
* Xanatos nods once, looking at Erevis concerned.
<DeathStar> <Aya> *pouts*
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> Location: Various Homes For Final Scene
<DeathStar> 6* Darien waves his hand around the guest home. "If you need anything food wise, help yourself."
<DeathStar> 6* *room
<DeathStar> 6* Aya gets into Katrina's bed, ready for sleep. Katrina is winding down by drinking some light alcohol.
<Megumi> 6Dawn has changed into a white-button up and basic khaki capris, nodding to Darien and bowing slightly. He seems to find a seat and just stares at the picture.
* Xanatos places Erevis in her bed, stepping back to observe her status.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien steps out of the room and moves for his own bed room
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis curls into a fetal like position, since she has nothing to cling to.
<Megumi> 6Megumi glares from the couch at Xanatos' presence.
* Chad`Winters leans back in the couch, he rubs his face.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina sits on a chair, staring at Chad.
* Xanatos curiously tests this by reaching an arm out near Erevis.
<Chad`Winters> Sorry for cutting out early.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> It's what you do. 6* She shrugs nonchalantly.
* Chad`Winters lowers his hands as he stares up at the ceiling
<Chad`Winters> Doesn't make it right.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm fine with it, Chad. Don't worry. You needed me for cover.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> It wasn't a real date.
* Megumi bites at her lip, leaning forward.
<Chad`Winters> I wouldn't have picked you if I wanted you for cover only.
<DeathStar> 6* ERevis doesn't move at first, probably not detecting it unless he's completely on the bed.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I find it hard to believe that you could or would pick anyone else.
* Xanatos tilts his head and props up onto the bed, leaning back against the wall, though he is still enough on the bed. Seems he's curious.
<Chad`Winters> Fair enough. 6He rubs his right arm. 1"But why do you think I'd only pick you?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, you don't really know many women. And even then having to dance the tango with them is incredibly difficult if you don't have some measure of respect for them.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis slides closer, cuddling up to his side. She grips him, much like she does to Megumi when she sleeps with her.
* Megumi hisses quite literally through her teeth.
* Chad`Winters leans forward now, his hands cupped infront of him. 1"There's a reason why I don't know many women."
* Xanatos brushes some of the hair from her eyes and studies to make sure she isn't have that nightmare again, then leans his head back to close his eyes.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina nods.
* Angela sighs to herself, having retreated to her room to stay out of this.
* Angela lays back on her bed, having changed into her PJs, and reads over the next set of files.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Sometimes, Chad, it can be healthy to go out and meet women.
* Megumi leans on the edge of the couch, her eyes narrowed. She doesn't consciously do much, but the air around Xanatos might feel abnormally warm.
<Chad`Winters> Not for them it isn't Kat.
* Xanatos tilts his head and takes off his shirt.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Chad. 6* She moves over and sits beside him. "You're not a bad luck charm."
<Megumi> 6It gets even warmer.
* Xanatos feels relaxed now.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis shifts in her sleep. Apparantly the heat is getting to her.
<Chad`Winters> Both woman I've gotten close to Kat are no longer here because they got to close. I am the sun to Icarus, fly to close and you'll burn.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> That's not true, Chad. 6* She says sternly, taking his jaw and forcing her to look at him. "They were both circumstances out of your control. And probably would have happened if they knew you or didn't."
* Xanatos arches his brow when he peers at Erevis and pulls up something that he makeshifts into a fan, to wave at her.
* Megumi turns away from them, the heat abrubtly leaving and returning to the temperature of the room previously in an instant.
<Chad`Winters> Eve wanted to stay and keep researching Origin, I could've made her leave Kat. She was there because of me.
* Xanatos pauses and shivers, putting his shirt back on, then closes his eyes once more.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> No, she was there because she wanted to research Origin.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Be honest with yourself.
<Chad`Winters> I am being honest with myself.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> No you're not.
* Xanatos is now known as Xan|Gone
<Chad`Winters> And what about Zephyr? All the pain she went through because of me?
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina takes a deep breath. "That wasn't you, Chad. Sometimes you have to be willing to put yourself on a limb, and know you will hurt your signiciant other, and they will hurt you. But if you have faith and work together, then you can overcome it."
<Chad`Winters> That's the thing Kat, I can't take losing another person I care about.
* Megumi is now known as Kit
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You're going to lose people, Chad. But you have to be willing to take that chance. Just like you're willing to watch after Aya and keep her close to you
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina rubs his shoulder and stands up
* Chad`Winters rubs his face with his hands, he nods. His eyes red
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Good night
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Tue Mar 11 00:59:29 2008

Session Start: Tue Mar 11 01:19:33 2008
Session Ident: #Erevis
* Logging #Erevis to 'logs\EsperNet\#Erevis.20080311.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-588.7.20
<DeathStar> Location: Dawn's Cafe
<DeathStar> 6* It's another wonderful day, with no Angela!
<Kit> 6Dawn silently rejoices, enjoying an espresso at a table in the window, basking in a ray of sunshine.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina steps inside, moving over to a table and sitting down. She glances at a menu.
<Kit> 6Dawn peers toward the entry, raising a cup to a newcomer in greeting, jerking slightly as it's someone he recognizes.
* Chad`Winters is now known as Dias`
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina pauses, peering about now, as if looking for someone
<Kit> 6Dawn lowers his cup, continuing to peer at her. Being in the corner, running would be futile. He glances out the window.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina continues to look, her eyes studying Dawn
<Kit> 6Dawn eventually looks back, a bit offguard by being stared at, but eyes narrowing calmly.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina gives a disarming smile, waving
<Kit> 6Dawn holds up a hand in greeting, pollitely gesturing to the table's opposite side.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina moves over and sits down. "Hello."
<Kit> 6Dawn nods, sliding her the place's menu.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles. "Thank you." 6* She takes the menu, looking it over.
<Kit> 6Dawn sips the espresso, eyeing her curiously.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina picks out what she wants, and looks at Dawn.
<Kit> 6He tilts his head.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I hear you come here often.
<Kit> 6Dawn nods, then seems to smirk.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I adore the atmosphere.
<Kit> 6Dawn peers around a bit, then looks at her and seems to think.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina orders her drink and meal, then back at Dawn.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> So, do you run into Chad and the others often?
<Kit> 6Dawn shrugs gently. Then gazes at the menu, deciding now is better than ever for lunch.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina shifts in her seat, relaxed.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Sorry if I'm bothering you. You just caught my eye last night. 6* She notes.
<Kit> 6Dawn peers at Katrina oddly, not having any idea what that might refer to or why.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina takes her coffee when it's delivered, sipping it. She appears not to elaborate on that statement.
<Kit> 6Dawn has a croissant sandwich delivered to him, with a regular coffee, though he in turn dumps copious amounts of sugar and cream into it as well.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> So, what do you do? Besides breaking into rich people's estates.
<Kit> 6Dawn peers upward, then at Katrina, waving his hands slightly as if in indecision or signifying many things.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina nods, her face curious, and she sips her coffee.
<Kit> 6Dawn sets his datapad on the table and clicks a few keys, turning it for Katrina. [Do you have a request?]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> A request? 6* She looks confused. "No. I just wanted to talk."
<Kit> 6Dawn smirks, typing over it backwards, not looking. [I do many things. If you had a valid request, I might consider it.]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I see. Well, I confess I don't.
<Kit> 6Dawn nods. [Pity. With the company you keep, you might could use a bodyguard here and there.]
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina laughs. "Oh, I think I can handle myself alright. Typically."
<Kit> 6He nods again. [Probably true, considering the tones in your figure.]
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina tilts her head, a slight smile on her face. "Oh?"
<Kit> 6Dawn [Considering how you walk, you're pretty sure of yourself and probably run an office job, but your body says that you're not content with sitting all day and I'd be willing to bet you vent frustrations in a manner other than blog ranting.]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I try to stay healthy. I'm a counselor, on the side.
* Dias` is now known as Dias-Desperate
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina takes a bite of her sandwich, chewing carefully and swallowing.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm Katrina McCormick, by the way.
<Kit> 6Dawn smiles genuinely. [Dawn Alighieri.]
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles. "Nice to meet you properly, Dawn."
<Kit> 6Dawn nods, biting into the croissant. Mm, egg, sausage and cheese.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina eats some more of her sandwich herself.
<Kit> 6Dawn clicks after a while. [So you're not going to rub in the whole crossdressing thing, too?]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> No. Though I did think you looked very nice. I couldn't tell the difference.
<Kit> 6Dawn sighs. [As if I would even bother trying to disguise if it was easily told.]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Fair enough
<Kit> 6Dawn eyes Katrina for a moment. [...How much do you know of... strange things? Things not of this world?]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, that depends. I know some things, but there are a lot of strange things.
<Kit> 6Dawn looks at the table, then the ceiling. [...Things that waver the heart, devour the soul.]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, Dark Ones were known in the past to take souls.
<Kit> 6Dawn looks at the table, then the ceiling. [Dark Ones? They're not just... in the book?]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> The book?
<Kit> 6Dawn nods. [Durran's book.]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Oh. Yeah, that's quite real. All of it.
<Kit> 6Dawn nods, seemingly musing to himself.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> The last few chapters were finished by someone else. 6* She notes, finishing her sandwich
<Kit> 6Dawn nods again. Perhaps he was told that by someone else. [Dark Ones... What are they?]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> The very first race ever. Well, half of the very first race.
<Kit> 6He nods slowly. [Do you... know anything about New Constantinople?]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> No, I do not.
* Arralis` has joined #erevis
* Ariel has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Kit> 6He sighs and looks out the window.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina studies him curiously. "What about it?"
<Kit> 6He peers at her, but is clearly reluctant to discuss it
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I guess it's not something you want to talk about with me right now.
<Kit> 6Dawn. [Hrmph. You're a psychiatrist, right?]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Yes.
<Kit> 6Dawn hrmphs without sound, then reaches into his shirt, fishing out a picture and sliding it over to Katrina.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances at the picture.
<Kit> 6It's the same picture he showed Darien, the two children cheerfully peacing the camera. Naturally he looks more like the second right now.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina studies the picture curiously, glancing at Dawn.
<Kit> 6Dawn rubs his neck, twisting his head to the side and back. Then clicks away. [I lived in New Constantinople. You know, before it looked all Megacity-like. Surely you know about all the weird meteors and crap lately, right? Well they weren't the first.]
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina peers at him curiously. "Really?"
<Kit> 6Dawn [Maybe Earth's just unlucky, but stuff like that's been happening to it for its history. Something fell around Constantinople around a decade ago. I think. I can't really remember.]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I didn't realize.
<Kit> 6Dawn [Not that it wiped the city out, or anything. That'd have been on the news, right? That's the thing. No one seems to know anything about it. I ...can't find out about what happened there, and since I can't remember... What I do remember isn't very pleasant.]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> ... What do you remember?
<Kit> 6He pauses, going blank a moment. Drake moment?
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina studies him. "Dawn?"
<Kit> 6Dawn then clicks rapidly. [My sister. She died-- At least... I thought she did. After all... Wolves. But not the normal kind. I think they were wolves?]
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina reads it quietly.
<Kit> 6[People can't outrun things like that... She sent me ahead and tried to deal with them herself. But... I couldn't leave. When I went back, she wasn't moving... wasn't speaking... Something like a firecracker went off and I could hear it yelping. There were more... I had to go...]
<Kit> 6He shakes his head. [Weird creatures kept showing up one after another in Constantinople after that. No doubt the military was asked to get rid of it. All manner of things were used. The place was all but levelled between the exchanges. A twisted nightmare.]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I see. 6* She says after all that
<Kit> 6[Constantinople was my home. I used undergrounds that my sister and I used to play in to get out of the city even after it was locked away, but once I got out, it was like it had been wiped off the map.]
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina silently reads it.
<Kit> 6He gazes out the window, probably skipping over the parts about what he did for a living. [However, I saw my sister again. Though, perhaps not exactly her.]
<Kit> 6[Before I lost my memory, she appeared again, during one of my]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> What do you mean?
<Kit> 6He puts a hand to his face, twitching. [Can't... remember what happened. Everything's blank after that, but I know it had to be her.]
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina studies him.
<Kit> 6He smiles suddenly, shaking his head and putting his hand down. [It's alright. I was delusional, right? Dead people don't come back to life. But it's no lie that I have no memories of anything after that... dream. Perhaps it was a dream.]
<Kit> 6[It was somewhere between six months and four years ago. I have no idea.]
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina pauses awkwardly at the dead people part. "I don't know, Dawn."
<Kit> 6Dawn blinks.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina thinks about what Dawn wrote.
<Kit> 6Dawn [You don't know? It's impossible.]
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I've learned that very little is impossible, during my time.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> We just don't always understand how it's done, that's all.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Or what was done.
<Kit> 6Dawn is silent, har har har.
<Kit> 6Dawn [Maybe she's... still alive?] He seems to be reaching with this. Then again. He's a 'normal' human.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I don't know, Dawn. 6* She answers honestly.
Session Close: Tue Mar 11 04:05:06 2008

Session Start: Tue Mar 11 14:08:35 2008
Session Ident: #Erevis
* Logging #Erevis to 'logs\EsperNet\#Erevis.20080311.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-588.7.20
<DeathStar> Location: THE PARK OF DOOM
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis wears a tight shirt and shorts, apparantly having been influenced by Angela while shopping once. She peers about the park.
<DeathStar> 6* However, she wears no shoes.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi tags along in a yellow sundress and a hat. 1"That vendor seems to remember you well."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes. 6* She is clearly pleased by that. "He says I look younger every time he sees me."
<MiniKit> <Megumi> Hm, you are, aren't you?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Physically.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi giggles. 1"Poor guy."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head. "I wonder what this body would look like if I appeared your age."
<MiniKit> 6Megumi tilts her head musing. 1"Hm? My... age? Or do you mean what humans usually think of me?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> What humans conceive your age to be.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Katrina's body was an adult's when I took it over, so I do not know what it is like to look young. Or be young.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi leans off and ponders for a moment, then giggles and smiles. "Mm, I think I've heard that sort of thing before."
<MiniKit> <Megumi> I'm sure you'd be adorable.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pouts. "I am not adorable now?"
<MiniKit> 6Megumi gulps. 1Ah!"
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis smiles. "I am teasing."
<MiniKit> <Megumi> Gah!" 6Hangs head.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis seems lost in thought about something as she stares at a couple playing with their child.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi moves about and gazes back toward her glance. 1"Mmh, you know, Erevis."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis looks toward Megumi. "I know what?"
<MiniKit> <Megumi> I don't have to wonder, after all. I know what you look like as a child.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis blinks. "You do?"
<MiniKit> <Megumi> Mmh. I've seen. You don't remember, neither did he.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head. "I do not understand. Who?"
<MiniKit> 6Megumi rubs her cheek for a moment then smiles weakly. 1"Things better left unsaid, perhaps. Much like the future, the past is already behind us."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses, then nods. "You are speaking of Wind."
<MiniKit> <Megumi> Oh?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> It is the only explanation that I can think of.
<MiniKit> <Megumi> Why is that?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> We did travel back in time a few months ago. However, I was not human then. 6* She tilts her head.
<MiniKit> <Megumi> Hm, no fair!
<DeathStar> <Erevis> ... no fair?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis blinks in confusion
<MiniKit> <Megumi> I can't know about the future, but you're able to figure out everything I know!
<MiniKit> 6Megumi grins.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Oh. Then I suppose I shall tell you something about the future.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses, thinking. "You become a bit taller."
<MiniKit> 6Megumi staggers.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis smiles. Apparantly, she's in a good mood today. Perhaps because of their talk earlier.
<MiniKit> <Megumi> So mean..." 6Gazes elsewhere, smiling, playing with the end of an ear.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis peers about, then spots a playground for little kids. She ventures over, staring at the various objects to play on.
<MiniKit> <Megumi> Hmm. A playground.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Would you like to swing? 6* She says, smiling at Megumi.
<MiniKit> <Megumi> I-I'm not a .." 6She peers at Erevis. 1"...Yes."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis steps over to a swing, motioning for Megumi to sit.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi wanders over and plops into the swing, pouting slightly.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pushes Megumi forward. Apparantly she knows about swings.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi squeaks, then regains composure and peers around intently, not wanting anyone to look-- as she swings her legs.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis keeps pushing her, higher and higher.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi begins giggling after a while. Though she's on a swing and wearing a dress and all.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis continues to push Megumi for some time. Some kids watch them after a while.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi gulps after a bit, peering at the kids, holding her hand on.
<MiniKit> NRP: Hat. bah
<MiniKit> NRP: What is Megumi? Jennifer?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pays them mind. She seems to be seeing how high she can safely get Megumi.
<MiniKit> 6Aside from being self-consicous over the kids and trying to hold her hat on, Megumi's the bouncy cat. Heigh doesn't scare her! Only human interaction!
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis continues to push her for a good 10-15 minutes, then stops finally, perhaps to break from pushing Megumi. She sits on the swing beside Megumi's swing.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi hops up from her seat and pats off her sun dress, then gazes at Erevis and moves around to try her hand.
<DeathStar> 6* The kids giggle and point at that
<MiniKit> 6Megumi leans around, glaring at them, continuing to try.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis seems to enjoy herself as Megumi tries to push her.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi huffs and applies combat knowledge! Mass shifting to get her going!
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis leans back a bit in the swing, her head shifting to gaze at Megumi upside down when she's high up, then leaning her head forward again so she doesn't nail the girl when coming back
<MiniKit> 6Megumi appreciates this, surely. She's go rolling.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis peers at the kids as they giggle more. She tilts her head and one of them falls into another, harmlessly. She glances ahead again.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi blinks, continuing to push Erevis along, wondering what happened to the kid.
<DeathStar> 6* The kids get into a pushing match in the meantime.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi pauses after a while, standing back and holding her chest.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis peers at Megumi as she swings back and forth, slower and slower.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi ceases after a while, taking a deep breath.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis studies Megumi carefully, as if making sure everything is okay
<MiniKit> 6Megumi smiles at her. 1"Shall we do something else?"
<DeathStar> 6* Nodding, Erevis hops off the swing. "Do you have something in mind?"
<MiniKit> 6Megumi peers around quickly, put on the spot! ...She moves for a see-saw.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis follows her to the see-saw, staring at it. Then at Megumi.
<MiniKit> <Megumi> ...Mm?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis inclines her head. "You wish to do battle on this?"
<MiniKit> <Megumi> B-Battle..!? I thought we were playing..
<DeathStar> <Erevis> We are. 6* She says, as if not seeing the difference. She takes a seat on end of the seesaw, adjusting her behind some on it
<MiniKit> 6Megumi blinks as she lifts upward. She flails her feet, frowning.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis stares at her with a typical Erevis expression when doing battle.
<MiniKit> <Megumi> ..." 6She strains, and even wiggles, trying to get it to tip.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis keeps watching her.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi frowns again, takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, manifesting. She forms several thick bracers of crystal around her wrists and ankles, sinking the see-saw. She smiles.
<DeathStar> 6* Blinking, Erevis makes an indignant face at being been outdone in such a manner.
<MiniKit> <Megumi> Kekeke.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tries to bring the see-saw down with her own weight, but while she does weigh more than Megumi typically, she doesn't weigh that much
<MiniKit> 6Megumi muses, then flicks two of her bracers, dissolving them.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis lowers the see-saw to the ground now, then bounces back up with her own legs to see what happens speed wise.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi smiles gently as she raises, then erks as she clunks rather harshly thanks to the weight. She gets rid of two of her anklets, too.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Hm. This toy seems as if it can be painful.
<MiniKit> <Megumi> You think so...?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> My butt feels the impact.
<MiniKit> <Megumi> O-Oh... yeah, that can happen. You're supposed to slow the fall with your legs.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Hm. I see.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi pushes gently to rise, gazing at Erevis curiously.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis uses her legs to soften the impact, then pushes up with it. The kids watch and giggle again
<MiniKit> 6Megumi peers toward the kids. Persistent.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis casually uses psionics to make the see-saw go faster.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi smiles toward kids, but then yelps as she goes up and down rather abrubtly.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis smiles, apparantly enjoying that.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi hangs on for her life.
<DeathStar> 6* The see-saw's bolts come loose and it ungracefully collapses
<MiniKit> <Megumi> ...Hm
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis falls onto the sand. She eyes it broken.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis stands, dusting herself off.
<MiniKit> 6Megumi gets up, dusting herself off.
Session Close: Tue Mar 11 16:15:46 2008

Session Start: Tue Mar 11 01:25:10 2008
Session Ident: #Erevis'Harlem
* Now talking in #Erevis'Harlem
* Dias` has joined #Erevis'Harlem
* Angie|Naptimes has joined #Erevis'Harlem
* Kit has joined #Erevis'Harlem
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
* #Erevis'Harlem is being logged
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-588.7.20
<DeathStar> Location: Erevis' House
<DeathStar> 6* It's now morning. Xanatos has apparantly left, as well
<Kit> 6Megumi peers in through the doorway quietly.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis is apparantly in her fetal look again
<Kit> 6Megumi sneaks in quietly, and places the plush tiger, lion and fox aside Erevis.
* Kit retreats quickly to the doorframe
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Megumi...? 6* She says before Megumi reaches the door.
<Kit> 6Megumi freezes-- caught in headlights again
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I miss you. 6* She says to Megumi's back
<Kit> 6Megumi turns slowly, teary-eyed. 1"But..."
<DeathStar> 6* But Erevis is still asleep, apparantly talking in her sleep.
<Kit> 6Megumi nearly falls over.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis shifts in her sleep, mumbling incoherantly now.
<Kit> 6Megumi peers at the floor, rubs her head, then moves over and replaces the plushes with herself, staring at the ceiling.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis snuggles up to her after a few long moments, and her mumblings cease.
<Kit> 6Megumi sighs quietly, putting her hands behind her head.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis grips Megumi in a vice of steel, her head moving to rest on her stomach
<Kit> 6Megumi jerks, straining slightly. "1Ee.."
<DeathStar> 6* The grip loosens.
<Kit> 6Megumi breathes a sigh of relief.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis shifts, opening her eyes now.
<Kit> 6Megumi is still staring at the ceiling.
<DeathStar> 6* Shifting her head on Megumi's stomach to peer at Megumi's face, Erevis speaks. "Good morning, Megumi."
<Kit> G-Good morning...
<Kit> <Megumi> I-I'm sorry!
<DeathStar> <Erevis> For?
<Kit> <Megumi> I've... broken your space again.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I do not mind. 6* She doesn't move her head, either.
<Kit> <Megumi> A-Ah... um..." 6Her head goes limp against the pillow, as if defeated in principle.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> ... 6* She is quiet again.
<Kit> <Megumi> Have you..?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses, then lifts her head up, shifting in the bed so she's sitting. She peers down at her under garments, wondering how she got like this, then at Megumi, dismissing the unnecessary thoughts. "I ... believe. That it may be better. If we..."
<Kit> <Megumi> If we...?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I am not your Erevis. Perhaps it would be best if we remained ... friends.
<Kit> <Megumi> ..Huh? Didn't we cover this once..?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> This is correct.
<Kit> <Megumi> Then what has changed?
* Dias` is now known as Dias-Desperate
<DeathStar> 6 Erevis frowns, glancing to the side. "There are not two Erevises further in the timeline. Soon, my time in this particular part of the timeline will be over."
<Kit> <Megumi> ..A-Ah...
<Kit> 6Megumi peers down, and it takes no genius progenitor to know that she's definitely troubled now.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> ...
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis looks at her quietly.
<Kit> <Megumi> It's not that you're... 'not my Erevis.' Just, that ...You aren't currently.
<Kit> 6Megumi looks toward Erevis and sighs softly. 1"...It's true that I love you, and we can be affectionate for one another in your 'time,' right?"
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses awkwardly, an unreadable flash on her face before neutrality sets in.
<Kit> 6Megumi plays with one of the ends of her ears. 1"Or am I dead, too?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> No.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis sounds unsure, though since she answered, it must be true.
<Kit> <Megumi> Then I leave you for some reason?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I cannot tell you how things proceed from here. One should not know too much about the future.
<Kit> <Megumi> Not that I... disagree, but...
<DeathStar> <Erevis> But?
<Kit> <Megumi> Xanatos Durran returned. That... was not expected, right? Then...
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes. I did not remember being told about his appearance in this time. 6* She frowns.
<Kit> <Megumi> Being... told?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis shakes her head. "My information is second hand about this part of time, after all. This is my first time, though when I first arrived in the future, it had, of course, already occurred."
<Kit> <Megumi> I see... However briefly, your times converge.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head.
<Kit> 6Megumi blinks quickly. 1"Wait, first arrived in the future? There are two... displaced?"
<Kit> <Megumi> I had thought you would switch..
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis frowns. She probably has said too much already, and explaining would only reveal more.
<Kit> <Megumi> That certainly is a complicated situation, beloved.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes.
<Kit> <Megumi> You did not answer, though...
<DeathStar> <Erevis> What did I neglect to answer?
<Kit> <Megumi> Are you loved... where you belong?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis smiles sadly. "Yes."
<Kit> 6Megumi smiles warmly instead. 1"Then I will not cease loving you now because of a technicality."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis stares at her, and smiles in return.
<Kit> 6Megumi awkwardly reaches over and... clamps onto Erevis.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses, and hugs Megumi.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis rubs her back quietly
<Kit> 6Megumi purrs. HAH.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> You are, indeed, my kitten."
<DeathStar> 6* HAH.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I love you, Megumi Zhenmei. 6* She says after a long period. As if she had the urge to say it.
<Kit> <Megumi> You're my love, Erevis, proper or misplaced.
<Kit> 6Her fingers clench slightly. 1"When and how doesn't matter. I'll just start over."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis nods, pulling Megumi closer to her. "If you desire something enough, anything is attainable."
<Kit> 6Megumi giggles. 1"That is how I live."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> ... would you like to go to the park today? 6* She asks, very quietly.
<Kit> <Megumi> Yes, beloved. I would like to go with you. Anywhere.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis nods. "Then we shall go." 6* Though she makes no move to dislodge Megumi from hugging her.
<Kit> 6Megumi makes no move either, squeezing her. Holding her. Lala.
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Tue Mar 11 03:39:15 2008

Session Start: Mon Mar 17 00:08:42 2008
Session Ident: #Erevis
* Logging #Erevis to 'logs\EsperNet\#Erevis.20080317.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-588.7.21
<DeathStar> Location: Erevis' House
<DeathStar> 6* And so, another day at the pad of Erevis
<Xanatos> 6*There's a knock at the door, and judging by the whistling, it's probably Xan.
<Kit> 6Megumi answers the door, staring at Xanatos' stomach, then slowly gazes upward, staring.
<Xanatos> Hey. *he moves to step by her, patting her head*
<Kit> 6Megumi narrows her eyes.
<Kit> <Megumi> Why is everyone touching me lately..?
<Xanatos> You're just so cute, we can't resist. *he says with a glance over his shoulder, moving through the house to look for that illustrious Erevis.
<Seraphna> * As if forboding, Angela's hand comes down to pat Meg now. "Hey there."
<Kit> 6Megumi frowns, pouts, then heads for the kitchen.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis' bedroom door is shut.
* Xanatos steps up to it and knocks, since that's usually where Erevis is.
<DeathStar> 6* Time ticks away
<Seraphna> * Angela follows Meg into the kitchen and pets her head again, "Want something to eat hun?"
* Xanatos reaches for the door handle to open the door and pokes his head in. "Hello?"
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis is asleep, her face buried into a pillow, gripping another
<Kit> 6Megumi twitches at Angela. 1"...Stop that."
* Xanatos slips in and shuts the door behind him, moving over to the side of the bed, he reaches out and prods her gently.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis stirs, shifting and sitting up. As always, she sleeps completely nude. She begins to open her eyes, not yet aware who is prodding her
* Xanatos clears his throat. "Might want to cover yourself, there."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses, glancing at Xanatos slowly. A blink of surprise, then she shifts the covers up over herself. "Xanatos Durran."
<Seraphna> Angela> "That a no?"
<Xanatos> That'd be me. *he turns and sits down on the bed by her* Good morning and all that. Or should I say good-day?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis stares at him, shifting slightly in the bed, as if giving him more than adequate space. "Good day?"
<Kit> <Megumi> Hrmph. Don't touch me. I can cook for myself.
<Xanatos> It's not really that early. *he glances over his shoulder to look at her* You been having some late nights?
<Seraphna> * Angela runs a finger down her arm. "See? You aren't developing the plague."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Perhaps.
<Kit> <Megumi> That was not my point." 6Stares at Angela's atrocious finger.
<Seraphna> Angela> "Then what is the point dear?"
<Kit> <Megumi> That I asked you not to touch me.
* Xanatos stands and moves over to Erevis' dresser and pulls out a t-shirt of hers, tossing it too her. "Thought i'd come by and try to make you spend some time with me. Since you never call." He sticks out his lower lip
<Kit> 6Megumi frowns again. 1"Rude."
<Seraphna> * Angela looks a bit taken aback. "Do I offend you somehow?"
<Kit> <Megumi> When you ignore my requests, yes.
<Kit> 6Megumi begins boiling water.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis catches it, forced to let the sheets lower. She stares at the shirt, then him, then pulls it on slowly. "I do not call anyone."
<Seraphna> * Angela sighs and pats her head, taking a seat. Apparently she didn't even notice her own reflex action.
<Xanatos> Of course, but if you called me more, then I wouldn't come around as much to get in your way. *he turns toward her, crossing his arms.* Though I guess you wouldn't know what to do with yourself, talking to someone casually without being face to face with them.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head. This causes her bed hair to just fall in her face, so she brushes it back. "I believe you do not know what to do with yourself."
<Xanatos> Oh yeah? I have loads of things to do with myself.
* Chad`Winters is now known as Chad-CountingBoobs
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis looks at dubiously.
<Seraphna> Angela> "Sorry I guess, I just wanted to get a bit closer to you I suppose."
* Seraphna sounds depressed again.
<Xanatos> What? Don't give me that look.
<Kit> <Megumi> Strange considering your harmful acts upon my well-being and general distaste for everything I do.
<Seraphna> "Harmful acts?"
* Ilya is now known as Ariel
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I apologize.
<Kit> <Megumi> Commonly on missions you allow me to go first without any warnings to your own insight and generally do not assist.
<Kit> 6Megumi dumps noodles into the water and eyes Angela. 1"I don't necessarily care, so I do not say anything, but it doesn't mean I have no noticed."
<Seraphna> "...What are you talking about?"
* Xanatos gets a smile on his face. "Well despite what we both know to be true. I'll never admit anything that may cause me to seem less manly and all that."
<Seraphna> "You march out on your own volition every single time, you know better, I know you know better, so don't go blaming me for your own recklessness."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Your gender is male. You cannot be less male than you are.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> ... unless there is something I am unaware of. 6* She tilts her head, gazing at him.
<Kit> 6Megumi stares at Angela, then goes back to cooking since apparently the point is lost.
<Xanatos> It's more of a pride thing. Really.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Ah.
<Seraphna> "What are you so afraid of?"
<Kit> <Megumi> I'm afraid?
<Seraphna> "It seems so, you're avoiding things. For instance, you seem repulsed at the touch of others."
<Kit> 6Megumi moves to another pan, removing bits of meat from the refridgerator, and begins chopping it up into small pieces, followed by minced onions, bell peppers and seasoning with thyme, cilantro, paprika and black pepper.
<Kit> <Megumi> I merely do not like your sudden habits.
<Seraphna> "Sudden? More like repressed."
* Seraphna looks down at the table. "It's not like I need to bother repressing things anymore."
<Kit> <Megumi> I beg to differ.
<Xanatos> So. *he tilts his head* You have any plans for the day?
<Seraphna> "You beg to differ?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes. I plan to do work on finding the correlating pryramid that goes with the amulet.
* Seraphna looks over at her.
* Kit has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Xanatos> Ohhh. Guess that means there is no way I could steal you away from that, then?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> It is important work.
* Kit has joined #erevis
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Kit
<Xanatos> Of course. It is very important. When do you plan on getting started?
<Kit> <Megumi> I beg to differ.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Upon awakening.
<Xanatos> Hmm. I hope that takes you a little while then. For my sake.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I am awake. Due to you.
<DeathStar> <Seraphna> "You beg to differ?"
<Xanatos> No, no. You're concious, but it takes time to wake up. Hours. Maybe even half of the day.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> ... 6* She tilts her head, staring at him
* Xanatos glances around, scratching the side of his face, he then looks to her. "What?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> As I said. It would appear you do not know what to do with yourself.
<Kit> <Megumi> If you continue such habits with Chad Winters, I'm sure he would dismember you, or at least disable use of said hands.
* Seraphna giggles a bit and grins. "Right, like I care."
<Kit> 6Megumi gives Angela an odd look.
* Seraphna looks back at her.
* Xanatos sighs. "Well it's not like I have anything to do. I don't have a job, I don't have any friends. It gets lonely and boring hanging out with yourself only."
<Seraphna> "What? The man killed my parents, why the hell should I care what he thinks?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I see.
<Kit> 6Megumi stares. Then goes back to cooking.
<Xanatos> I'm sure you could spend a little time with me, right?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis closes her eyes and nods. "Very well."
* Xanatos pauses and widens his eyes. "Seriously?"
<Seraphna> "So when Xan is around you lose the timid behavior I see."
<Kit> <Megumi> Whatever.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes.
* Xanatos gets a smile. "Well. I wasn't expecting that." He moves over to sit down by her again. "I didn't even have anything in mind..."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I see. Then should I do my work...? 6* She opens her eyes.
<Xanatos> Well I know I often say the wrong thing. But I would be quite satisfied if we can just, you know. Talk.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Alright. 6* She waits.
<Seraphna> "Right, right."
<Xanatos> Of course. I'll need to lead the conversation, then.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis stares at him.
<Xanatos> Ok let's see. *he makes a face that means he is thinking* Oh. Well how've you been, I've not really talked to you since the last dance, amulet stealing thing.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I am well. How are you?
<Xanatos> I can't complain. A bit bored like I said earlier, but I guess it's to be expected really. *he says with a slight shrug*
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis nods once.
* Seraphna sighs and pointedly pats Meg on the way to her room.
<Kit> 6Megumi swats Angela's hand away with the back of her wrist, adopting her defensive stance.
* Seraphna pats Meg's wrist.
* Seraphna turns and looks at her. "Sorry, not into sparring with you unless you promise not to drin my blood again."
<Xanatos> I did get an older shuttle that i'm attempting to modernize. It's something that helps me pass the time. *he pauses and tilts his head* I still can't believe that you learned how to fly.
<Kit> <Megumi> This is not a spar. Don't touch me.
* Seraphna suddenly gets a darker look on her face. She turns away. "Fine."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses awkwardly. "It the right thing to do."
* Seraphna walks away, towards her room.
<Xanatos> It really does mean alot. I mean, more than you can probably imagine.
* Seraphna walks off with no reaction, slamming the door to her room.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis nods once, glancing at the bed. She then lifts her head at a slam.
* Xanatos glances over his shoudler towards her closed door. "That's odd. Pissing Angie off is like teaching me calculus."
<Kit> 6Megumi, while failing to see this 'dark look,' storming off and slamming a door as 'no reaction,' turns back to her cooking, setting the noodles off and finishes stirfrying the meat and vegetables
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head. "You are good at calculus?"
<Xanatos> You're good at pissing her off?
<Seraphna> * Shortly thereafter another resounding thud is heard, like something slamming a wall.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis doesn't answer that.
<DeathStar> 6* She glances at the wall.
* Xanatos shakes his head. "Are you concerned?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes. The walls are thin.
* Kit appears in the bedroom doorway.
<Kit> NRP: Meg.
* Xanatos smiles at Erevis, then glances to the door when it opens.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis turns her head as well. She is half under the sheets still, wearing a t-shirt.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Megumi.
<Kit> <Megumi> Erevis.
<Kit> 6Megumi tilts her head slightly.
* Xanatos looks between the two.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis mimics Megumi.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Is something the matter?
<Kit> 6Megumi giggles and smiles. 1"No, lunch is ready."
* Seraphna grabs her comms, dialing in a sequence she's never used before, waiting for the other side to pick up.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis bows her head. "Then I will eat." 6* She looks at Xanatos, perhaps waiting for him to leave into the kitchen.
<Xanatos> Oh right. *he stands* I almost forgot you are naked under there.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes. I am.
<Kit> <Megumi> Yes, she is.
<DeathStar> 6* Alexander answers almost immediately. "Alexander Cran speaking."
<Xanatos> Though it's not really something that I haven't seen before....on many occassions.
<Seraphna> "Alexander... hi, you told me to call."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis' cheeks turn slightly redder, due to her paler skin.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> This is true...
<DeathStar> <Alexander> Yes. If you needed something.
* Xanatos smiles. "But it would be rude of me, since we're not in a relationship any longer." He turns and moves for the door, motioning Megumi out.
<Seraphna> "I do, I want to figure out my abilities more, I need training and you're the best person to go to about this."
<Kit> 6Megumi stares at Xanatos blankly. 1"I am."
<Xanatos> You are?
<Kit> <Megumi> In a relationship.
* Xanatos glances over at Erevis, with an arch of his brow.
<DeathStar> 6* The sound of Alexander shifting back in the seat can be heard. "There isn't a training manual, Angela Bennet. As I said. The machine wasn't meant for your DNA."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head toward the two of them.
<Xanatos> You are?
<Seraphna> "Yeah I know that..." *she holds her head* "Damnit, I want to be of some use is all."
<Kit> 6Megumi scowls. 1"Surely even your small mind couldn't have forgotten."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis raises a brow.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> As I have said. It is complicated. 6* She says to Xanatos.
* Xanatos looks to Megumi again. "Right, of course. But generally when a person says they want time to be alone, they break up with those that take up that time. So if you're really wanting to be alone, then you can't be in relationship."
* Xanatos looks back to Erevis.
<DeathStar> 6* Alexander doesn't say anything to that.
<Kit> <Megumi> We spent time in the park the other day.
<Kit> 6Megumi tilts her head. 1"And slept together last night."
<Xanatos> Oh? *he looks to Erevis for confirmation*
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis looks partially confused, tilting her head at the bed, having woke up with Xan prodding her, after all
* Seraphna makes a bit of an annoyed sound. "Look, I'd like a face to face if you have the time."
<Seraphna> "I'm sure I can make it worth your while."
<Kit> 6Megumi moves in more, turns and gently shoves Xanatos outward.
<DeathStar> <Alexander> Hm. 6* A pause. "Alright. We'll meet later this afternoon."
<Xanatos> Megumi must've snuck in here and slept with you, then got up and left before you could realize it. Interesting.
<Seraphna> "Sure, you want to name a place or shall I?"
<DeathStar> <Alexander> This is your idea. Where would you want to meet?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head, her lips pursued in her thought
<Seraphna> "There's a restaurant two blocks down from the old Omega building, italian place, know it?"
* Xanatos just seems to shrug at the thought and moves to step out.
<Kit> 6Megumi hrmphs and closes the bedroom door.
* Xanatos whistles and moves into the kitchen.
<DeathStar> <Alexander> Hm. 6* He's quiet a bit. "Yes, I believe so."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis shifts, hearing the door shut, brought of her thought. She stands and rises, moving to get some shorts.
<Seraphna> "Allegrendo's, how's 4:30?"
<DeathStar> <Alexander> Doable.
* Xanatos moves over to look through the food.
<Seraphna> "Alright then, see you there."
<DeathStar> 6* Alexander clicks off.
* Seraphna hangs up, she sighs and stands, looking at her damaged wall.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pulls on her shorts, moving to the door.
<Kit> 6Megumi smiles and opens the door for her, following her out.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis walks out as well, moving into the kitchen. She takes a seat at the table.
* Seraphna eyes the clock.
<DeathStar> 6* Noonish
* Seraphna eyes the clock as her enemy now, she sighs and heads to her console to work on another project.
* Xanatos seems to be eating from Megumi's pot.
<Kit> 6Megumi gasps and runs over, swatting Xanatos' hand with a spoon
<Xanatos> OW WHAT THE FUCK!? *he jerks and knocks said pot or pan or whatever over, spilling it on the floor*
<Kit> 6Megumi catches it with her foot, sadly, balancing it precariously.
<Kit> <Megumi> That's rude.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis stares
* Xanatos pauses and stares, the hot metal on Megumi's foot and no reaction from her. "What's rude is hitting my hand. Bitch." he rubs his hand and steps back, nursing it.
<Kit> <Megumi> Cats can be 'bitches?'
<Xanatos> No, but Megumi's are.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis sighs as they fight. She seems to withdraw.
<Kit> 6Megumi bends down, grabbing ahold of the handles, she sets it back on the stove and shrugs gently, grabbing bowls. 1"Not very hungry, Erevis?"
* Xanatos grumbles something as he moves to the fridge to look for himself something to eat.
<Kit> 6Megumi frowns at Xanatos. 1Now what are you doing?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Y-- 6* She pauses as Megumi talks to Xanatos again. She closes her mouth
<Kit> 6Megumi spoons lasagna caserole into bowls. Three.
* Xanatos pulls up a bottle of water, eyeing Megumi, he then reaches it out to Erevis.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses, brought of her withdraw/ignore state, and takes the water bottle, nodding to Xan once.
* Xanatos pulls out two more bottles and places one at the spot he assumes Megumi will sit, across the table from Erevis, then he shuts the door. "You could really stand to drop the defensiveness, Megumi." He sits down.
<Kit> <Megumi> I've always been this way.
<Xanatos> Like I said. You could stand to lose it.
<Kit> <Megumi> You could stand to many things.
<Kit> 6Megumi sets the dishes out according to the bottles of water and sits after accompanying them with forks.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> ...
* Xanatos just chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm not here to do this, I'm not here to argue with you, so just stop." He looks down at the food. "Thank you for the meal, though."
<Kit> <Megumi> I don't believe I intended to argue, either, Durran. It was you who commented on me.
<Kit> 6Megumi leans under the table for some reason, fiddling below it.
<Xanatos> Just making a causal observation. You would do better in social situations if you weren't so defensive. Not everyone is out to get you like you think. This isn't Famfrit, you can relax, you know?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis eyes her dish, having not moved to touch the food.
<Kit> 6Megumi leans up with a disdainful expression, not apparently tied to the comments since it changes as she looks to Durran with a bit of downright disgust. 1"My homeworld is not... No, never mind."
<Kit> <Megumi> Say what you will." 6The expression dissolves to something more placid, and she takes fork in hand to discreetly poke at sections of the noodles.
<Xanatos> Right, I always do. *he takes his fork and begins to eat*
<Kit> 6Megumi gazes at Xanatos, then looks toward the sink area, taking a small bite.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis finally takes a bite of her own food, though it's half-heartedly.
* Xanatos looks up after a bit of silent eating and eyes Erevis. He tilts his head to look at Megumi. "You're not a bad cook."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis glances up at Xanatos complimenting Megumi.
<Kit> 6Megumi bows her head pollitely, chewing another small bite. She avoids looking any longer, though.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis glances back down and takes another bite, chewing quietly.
* Xanatos glances to Erevis. "Did you teach her how to cook?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Megumi Zhenmei is an excellent cook on her own.
<Kit> 6Megumi blushes slightly, pursing her lips.
<Xanatos> Oh yeah? Looks like you learn new things about people everyday.
<Kit> 6Megumi glances at the floor now.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> She has many talents.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis takes another bite, relaxing now.
<Xanatos> She'd have to.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head, confused now.
* Xanatos doesn't elabroate on it anymore, he just gives a smile and goes back to eating.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis frowns.
<Kit> 6Megumi shakes her head after shifting slightly and returns to eating, peering at the table.
<Xanatos> Tell me Megumi. What are you talents? Besides cooking, of course.
<Kit> 6Megumi looks at Xanatos now, giving a funny look. 1"Talents..?"
<Xanatos> Erevis said you have many talents. I'm interested in hearing about them.
<Kit> <Megumi> I'm not sure to which she might be referring." 6She admits.
* Xanatos glances to Erevis, now. As if wanting her to inform him.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses after taking another bite, then chews. "You wish for me to tell you?"
<Xanatos> I'm interested. And it beats the pants off of the silence.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I see. Very well. 6* She lays her fork down, then begins to systematically list every single talent Megumi has. Every. Single. One.
<Kit> 6Megumi puffs her cheeks.
* Xanatos eats casually as Erevis lists them off.
<Xanatos> Oh yeah? Well, good for Megumi. It's good to have talents, even if they may seem irrelevant.
<Kit> 6Megumi scowls away.
<Xanatos> You never realize how important they are until they end up saving your life.
* Seraphna is now known as Sera|SleepingCabbit
<Kit> <Megumi> What are you talking about?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head as well
* Xanatos shrugs slightly. "I'm an old timer, so I guess I was just thinking back about a time during the Ridarium war, where my knowledge of exotic foods pretty much saved our lives."
<Kit> 6Megumi visibly reels to the odd allusion.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis nods once. "I see."
* Xanatos finishes the food and the water, he stands and moves to toss his trash and wash his dish.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Then I will defer to your knowledge of exotic foods.
* Xanatos chuckles and glances over his shoulder. "I tend to stray away from them, since one planet's exotic food, is no more than a bug to us."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head.
* Xanatos sets his washed bowl and fork aside and turns back to face Erevis, leaning against the counter. "Did I never go over this with you?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> No
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis rises to do her own dish.
* Xanatos slides aside, since he was in her way. "Well, most cultures and races have a different food selection than we do. It's like how Sake is generally a japanese only kind of thing. Well, some cultures have to make do with what they have around them, and that can range from grub to bugs, to pretty much anything. Things that we might think is disgusting."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I see.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis washes her dish
* Xanatos tilts his head to watch her, not saying anything more.
<Kit> 6Megumi stares at the two, especially Xanatos.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis finishes and sets her dish to dry.
* Xanatos has a smile at the edge of his lips. Seems he is thinking about something that he found to be funny.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis finishes, turning to peer at Xanatos with his smile.
<Xanatos> I wonder how you would react if I showed up with some of the stuff that i've had to eat in my time.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I do not know until I see it.
<Xanatos> Oh? Well at least that's something I can put on my to do list. It'll help keep me busy.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I am glad you have found something to keep you busy.
* Xanatos nods his head. "It's a shame that the other thing that I have in mind, I never can do."
<Kit> <Megumi> Do you intend to bring insects?
* Xanatos glances at Megumi. "There might be one or two."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis makes a face.
<Kit> <Megumi> I see.
* Xanatos eyes Erevis' face. "Does that mean you won't try them?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I...
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis glances at Megumi.
* Xanatos follows her line of sight, then archs a brow. "What would Megumi have to do with you trying new things?"
<Kit> <Megumi> Just because you bring them, does not mean we should eat them if they are undesireable. What I ate on Kilek I sometimes ate out of necessity not because I would want to.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Nothing. 6* She notes sternly, glancing at Xanatos now, a slight pout on her face.
* Xanatos glances at Megumi. "It's always good to try odd things and become used to them incase you have to survive and the thought of eating something make you sick to your stomach." He looks back to Erevis and smiles. "Careful now, you might trip over that thing." He says with a nip of his fingers to Erevis' pouting lip.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis recoils a bit, then narrows her eyes at Xanatos.
* Xanatos arches a brow. "Uh oh, am I in trouble?"
<Kit> <Megumi> Perhaps that would be entertaining.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis calms down slightly, turning her head away from Xanatos and moving across the room
<Xanatos> Whoa what was that? That wasn't a sharp group of words to bring me down, or even a punch to the gut to remind me to cool it. You just completely backed down.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses eerily, turning slowly toward Xanatos. "You desire to be beaten?" 6* She asks calmly.
<Xanatos> You desire to beat me? *he tilts his head*
<DeathStar> <Erevis> You are the one who is asking for a punch to the stomach.
<Xanatos> You should know that it was just part of a number of examples of ways to have me back off. Of course, I have to lose back off.
<Xanatos> NRP: to back off*
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL! I was just about to have her kick your ass
<Xanatos> NRP: LOL
<DeathStar> <Erevis> ... 6* She stares at him.
<Kit> <Megumi May I punch you instead, Durran?
* Xanatos steps forward to be right in Erevis' face, he looks down at her slightly. "Of course I don't have my main weapon against you any longer. I wonder just how things would turn out."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> You would lose. 6* She states simply.
<Xanatos> Have I ever lost to you before?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis frowns, her eyes flaring angerily now. She's provoked as hell now.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Very well. Then I shall demonstrate our levels of ability this very moment to you.
* Xanatos gives her his smile, which might even piss her off even more. Then, he steps forward and gives her a hug.
<DeathStar> 6* Xanatos would feel a psionic shove that would send him reeling backwards as soon as his arms begin to wrap around her.
<Kit> 6Megumi tilts her head, rubbing her knuckles against her lips-- as if pondering whether that was her or Erevis.
* Xanatos stumbles back and arches a brow. "Hmm. I guess you're right."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis psionically grabs Xanatos again, throwing him out the back door. She begins to follow, silent. Her killing intent present.
<Kit> 6Megumi marches around the table and follows her.
* Xanatos stands up, dusting himself off. "I wonder how much the doctor bill, will be?"
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis approaches him now, throwing a punch out for his face.
<Kit> <Megumi> Not much if I heal you.
* Xanatos snaps his head to the side, raising his head to stare back at Erevis.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tries to sweep him.
* Xanatos is sweeped, he stands back up, dusting his clothes off again. "Damnit, I think i've got a stain."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis throws her next punch as he tries to stand. It appears the more he talks, the angier she gets, but she withholds using psionic powers.
* Xanatos gets hit in the jaw and stumbles back onto his ass. "Well, at least I know you're serious." He stands up again.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis throws a second punch for his face, aiming to hit his nose.
* Xanatos catches her hand, then pushes her arm back, "Now careful. I can't have you messing up my nose."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis strains to get her arm free.
<Xanatos> 6*This is the part where he normally follows up with an uppercut or a knee or something to that nature, but nothing happens, except for the fact he releases her arm.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis stares at him. She then appears angrier, and turns to go.
<Kit> 6Megumi appears utterly perplexed at Xanatos' behaviour.
<Xanatos> It seems I win, again. Looks like you'll never beat me, Erevis.
<DeathStar> 6* Suddenly, Erevis psionically grabs Xanatos and hurls him away from her and walks inside the house
* Xanatos tumbles about, and then pulls himself to his feet, he eyes the grass stains on his clothes and frowns. "Well that sucks."
<Kit> 6Megumi rubs her head, turns and re-enters the house. She peers once more outside. 1"I... hope you enjoyed lunch.." 6She gazes at the ground, eyes shifting, then shuts the door, locking it.
* Xanatos tilts his head at the sound of the locking door and arches a brow.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis returns to her room instead of doing research
<Kit> 6Megumi huffs and heads for the room. 1"...Beloved?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes? 6* She answers, still fuming.
<Kit> <Megumi> I was wondering if there was something you could teach me.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses, her anger fading instantly for confusion. She looks at Megumi. Erevis was always one to bounce from emotions. "What would you like to know?"
* Xanatos lurks, ok not really he left.
<Kit> <Megumi> I understand that perhaps I don't have a talent for it, but... that ability you use. Since it bears resemblance, is it ...something you could teach me to use?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Are you speaking of moving things with my mind?
<Kit> 6Megumi nods slowly once, then a second time quickly.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> It is a special gene that resides in this body's brain. I merely .... tap into it.
<Kit> 6Megumi nods again. 1"...I thought perhaps the latent Famfrit ability might be of same or similar origin considering. If you don't believe so I suppose it's not necessary."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis sits on the bed, then motions Megumi to sit as well. 
<Kit> <Megumi> As is, because I'm attempting to manifest in a completely new manner, without anything specific to manipulate upon, it's impossible for me to focus it properly. That's why I... get worn out especially when defending myself.
<Kit> 6Megumi inclines her head nervously, then walks over and sits.
* Xanatos is now known as Xan|PRESIDENTOFTHEWORLD
<DeathStar> <Erevis> In order for me to use my abilities... 6* She seems to be hiding something important, but continues. "I merely focus on moving, or pushing, or hitting my target with my mind. I use my...thoughts."
<Kit> <Megumi> That's... all?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis looks like she's been caught in a near lie, but recovers. "For most psionics, that is indeed all. At least, I believe it so."
<Kit> <Megumi> You couldn't use them for a while, though, right? What was different?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis hangs her head, then sighs, relenting. "Katrina McCormick's body was not designed for the level of psionics I use. I burned out the portion of my brain that used it."
<Kit> <Megumi> B-Burned out..!?
<Kit> 6Megumi winces, peering at Erevis.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head
<Kit> 6Megumi bites at her lip, then inclines her head downward. 1"I ..w-want to learn for sure, then,"
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses, then nods. "A real psionic would be able to teach you better than I."
<Kit> <Megumi> I want you to teach me." 6She frowns, intent.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis peers at her. "Very well."
<DeathStar> -END?-
Session Close: Mon Mar 17 03:37:05 2008