Session Start: Wed Nov 05 09:14:56 2008
Session Ident: #erevis
03[09:14] * Now talking in #erevis
03[09:14] * Topic is 'Erevis the Progenitor | Season 5 (Personas): 9 of 20 complete | Session #90 | Episode Ten: Viral Exodus Part 5 | 5 of 5 | Sessions will be RPed on M/W at 9 EST | Please visit our brother RPG at #taw'
[20:02] <13@DeathStar> -0-
[20:02] <13@DeathStar> Stardate: Less than an hour later
[20:02] <13@DeathStar> Location: Executive Building Hanger
03[20:02] * Jackieness is now known as Myria
[20:02] <13@DeathStar> 6* Alexander moves about the shuttle - it's armed to the teeth, more so than normal shuttles. He seems satisfied with his check, turning to peer at Chad.
[20:03] <13@DeathStar> <Alexander> We'll travel in the shuttle with the infected. The non infected will travel with Cheryl in Gear Form.
[20:03] <13Kit> <Freyja> Very well.
15[20:03] * 13Chad`Winters leans against the outside of the shuttle, looking over at his daughter. 1"Makes sense."
[20:03] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya is sitting on a seat near the hanger area. Cheryl is busy eyeing the city.
[20:04] <13@DeathStar> <Alexander> You should decide now if you want Aya along. Her healing may be necessary.
[20:04] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC checks rifle over as she waits.
[20:04] <13@DeathStar> 6* Alexander steps into the shuttle, where Paladin is already at, having trouble breathing at this point, despite not feeling pain.
[20:05] <13Chad`Winters> Aya.
[20:06] <13@DeathStar> 6* Alexander sits in the co pilot seat and begins to bring the engines online
[20:06] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> Y-Yes? 6* She looks at him
[20:06] <13Chad`Winters> What do you want to do?
[20:07] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC moves up and onto the infecteds shuttle and takes a seat near the back.
03[20:07] * Seraphna is now known as Jennifer`
[20:07] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> I want to go.
15[20:08] * 13@Jennifer` steps up the shuttle ramp, looking over at SPoC.
[20:08] <13Kit> <Freyja> I'll watch over her.
[20:08] <13Chad`Winters> Stay out of this Freyja.
[20:09] <13@DeathStar> 6* Alexander finishes. "We need to go now before more peple die." 6* He states loudly through the window at Chad. "Drop your attitude and get in."
15[20:09] * 13@Jennifer` sits down next to Natalie and takes a deep breath, before coughing.
[20:10] <13Chad`Winters> Just remember everything you've learned, princess.
[20:10] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya nods once.
15[20:11] * 13@Jennifer` looks over at Aya quietly, she sits back and straps in.
15[20:11] * 13Chad`Winters closes his eyes, and lets out a breath as he pushes off hte shuttle and moves inside.
[20:11] <13Kit> <Freyja> There is no 'out of this.' Whatever your problem is with me died when you killed me. Short of saying you'd prefer I let whatever happen, happen, I'll watch her and make sure she lives at my expense. I'm sure that would please you..." 6She ties her hair back with a red ribbon, set to match the hakama and liner of the kimono. Back to priestess clothing.
[20:11] <13@DeathStar> 6* Alexander closes the ramp once Chad is on, and begins to move the shuttle forward.
15[20:12] * 13Chad`Winters glances down at his datapad, eyeing the time, than takes a seat in the co-pilots chair
[20:12] <13@DeathStar> 6* Alexander eyes Chad sit in his lap. "Want to sit in daddy's lap?"
15[20:13] * 13@Jennifer` puts a hand over her mouth.
[20:13] <13Chad`Winters> I just wanted to see how well you'd enjoy it. 6He shifts over to the pilots seat.
[20:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl watches them flying up, then moves out and takes Chii's hand, focusing. She melts into her Gear form, placing a hand down for Aya and Freyja to get on.
[20:13] <13@DeathStar> <Alexander> I'll chalk it up to the virus affecting your mental ability. The controls are yours. 6* He lets go of the co pilot controls.
15[20:14] * 13Chad`Winters grunts and heads off towards the coordinates
[20:14] <13Kit> 6Freyja peers at Aya curiously, then hops up onto the hand, turning and offering her own to help Aya up.
[20:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin hacks up some more fluids in response. Aya steps up with Freyja's help, leaning against a finger.
15[20:15] * 13@Jennifer` looks over at Paladin worriedly.
[20:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl tenses and begins to fly up and after the shuttle now.
[20:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* For Natalie, blood has begun to seep slowly from her eyes and nose, and the world is constantly spinning. Jennifer would probably be suffering a severe cold like state
[20:16] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC moves her hand to her head as she closes her eyes.
[20:16] <13@DeathStar> <Alexander> Tell me something, Chad.
15[20:17] * 13@Jennifer` looks between the two major authorities in her life, a sad look on her face before she looks down at the floor, before coughing hard again.
[20:17] <13@DeathStar> <Alexander> Is it easier to reject the world than it is to accept it?
[20:18] <13Chad`Winters> Something. 6He eyes the sensors
[20:19] <13@DeathStar> <Alexander> Hrm.
[20:19] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[20:19] <13@DeathStar> Location: Dias' Shuttle. En Route to Tokyo
[20:19] <13@DeathStar> 6* Caduceus looks at his datapad, reading reports about the virus outbreak. "So, a virus created by the Dark Ones?"
[20:19] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias shrugs. 1"It's out of my ability to think"
[20:20] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> That's what the message said.
[20:20] <13@DeathStar> <Caduceus> Thinking is always outside your ablity.
[20:20] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> True.
[20:20] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> It's why I just act and skip the thinking part.
[20:21] <13@DeathStar> <Caduceus> I don't think my healing touch will be able to stop such a virus, really. Virulent's diseases were enough to challenge me.
[20:21] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Well apparently this is worse than anything she could pull off.
[20:21] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well I was only able to beat her uber disease because of the Dark One corruption.
[20:21] <13Ariel> Raquel> " we're doomed?"
[20:21] <13@DeathStar> <Caduceus> Why not punch this virus in the face?
[20:22] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> You know how hard it is to punch a virus in the face?
[20:22] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> He wishes he could.
[20:22] <13@DeathStar> 6* Warning alarms begin to go off. Ahead of them is the golem - flying toward them with a jetpack of sorts. Caduceus leans forward, staring with a look that's comically blank. As if he isn't processing it. X stares as well, with a surprised look
[20:23] <13@DeathStar> <Caduceus> that?
[20:23] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Now that's something you don't see every day. 6He rolls the shuttle to the right.
[20:23] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem adjusts it's course, firing dark beams at them.
[20:23] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus reaches over to make sure Kat is secured in, giving her a worried look.
[20:23] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias brings the shuttle down as he does his best to keep out of the dark beams paths.
[20:24] <13@DeathStar> <X> I wonder how they create those.
[20:24] <13Kit> <Lilith> Good question, mistress.
[20:24] <13@DeathStar> 6* As Dias goes lower, they get closer to the ocean, the beams that miss hitting the ocean and causing splashes.
[20:24] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> I think they have a device that they shoot at some rocks ro something.
[20:25] <13@DeathStar> <Caduceus> I can see why Dias picked you to be his side kick.
[20:25] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias flies along the ocean, weaving between giant splashes. 1"I taught him to think outside the box."
[20:25] <13@DeathStar> <Caduceus> Apparantly outside the box for you two is a vaccuum.
[20:25] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Hey, it's VI. I don't doubt anything anymore.
[20:25] <13@DeathStar> <Caduceus> If it's made of rock, do you think getting it wet will affect it?
[20:26] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> How far back is it?
[20:26] <13@DeathStar> 6* It appears to be about 100 meters back, firing beams at them wildly.
[20:26] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> I'll see what I can do. 6He eyes the missiles to see if they have a timer option
[20:26] <13@DeathStar> 6* Not really
[20:27] <13@DeathStar> <Caduceus> It would be easier to open ripples in the ocean above him, probably. Spirit?
[20:27] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Pffft. Do it the easy way.
[20:28] <13@DeathStar> <Caduceus> Whatever was I thinking? Lets splash the shuttle in the water some and hope he follows us
[20:28] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> I like your thinking. 6He drops the shuttle down enough to drag across the ocean
[20:28] <13@DeathStar> 6* Caduceus sighs now.
[20:28] <13Ariel> 6* Raquel opens a ripple to try to dump sea water into the jetpack.
[20:28] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem gets in lower to follow Dias, when Raquel's ripple hits it. It begins to fall comically toward the ocean
[20:29] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias brings the shuttle back up and off the ocean
[20:29] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem falls into the ocean, causing a big splash.
[20:29] <13@DeathStar> <Caduceus> Problem solved. Really. You think you people have never heard of strategies.
[20:29] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Let's hope the lil bastard never learned to swim.
[20:29] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> What's a strategy?
[20:29] <13@DeathStar> 6* They begin to fly over land again, coming in toward Tokyo
[20:30] <13@DeathStar> <Caduceus> I can see why your leader isn't here now.
[20:30] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> ...CRAP! We totally forgot about Cass.
[20:30] <13Ariel> Raquel> "...he gives her a headache."
[20:30] <13@DeathStar> <X> Hm. Perhaps she'd rather be forgotten?
[20:30] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus rubs his head slightly. 1I don't know, but the house kinda caved in on her.
[20:30] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> We should try to get a hold of the others to tell them we found Cad.
[20:30] <13@DeathStar> 6* As they begin to fly in closer, they can see the Executive Building, which looks rather damaged.
[20:31] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Oh that's not good.
[20:31] <13@DeathStar> 6* A short range comm begins to crackle over. "Is that you, Cassandra?" 6* Eve's voice.
[20:32] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias flips the comm. 1"Nah, she can't fly this good. It's Dias and the other.s"
[20:32] <13@DeathStar> <Eve> Did you find Caduceus?
[20:32] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Yep. He was digging in the mud again. 6He slows them down as they approach the executive building
[20:33] <13@DeathStar> <Eve> Thank God. Land here - we got some critical patients that were hurt in the attack. And I'll tell you where the others went - we think we located V.I.'s base.
[20:33] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Kickass. It's about time we can take out VI.
[20:33] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Sweet. 6He swings the shuttle in, bringing them to land.
[20:33] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[20:33] <13@DeathStar> Location: Space Outside Earth
[20:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* The shuttle jumps back in from the Light Engine jump, with everyone unconscious at first, though they would probably quickly awaken to warning alarms.
15[20:34] * 13@Xanatos groans as he puts a hand to his head, opening his eyes slowly.
[20:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* They're flying right toward the space station - again. Only this time it's firing at them.
[20:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao opens her eyes now, peering about. She jerks and shakes Erevis awake.
15[20:35] * 13@Xanatos widens his eyes and jerks the shuttle to the left and upward, trying to break away from the station.
[20:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* Apparantly a coded message is playign in the background - do not approach Earth under any circumstances.
[20:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* As Xanatos jerks to the side, a blast hits the side of the shuttle, causing it to shake. Power begins to die again.
[20:36] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr opens her eyes, widening them. She can feel Megumi again, clear as day, somewhere below.
[20:36] <13@Xanatos> Son of a bitch! 6* He tries to keep control. 1Zephyr, send a message back, tell them we here to help stop the virus.
[20:36] <13Myria> Huh? What? *lifts her head up from Theron's lap*
[20:36] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr looks at the controls just as they die. "Uh, can't..."
15[20:37] * 13@Xanatos puts a hand to his face. 1Perfect.
[20:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* More blasts are flying in. Right now one of the few options left would be to plummet toward Earth and pray they don't burn up
[20:37] <13@Xanatos> Hold on. 6He does just that, trying to make sure he gets his angles right.
[20:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* More alarms go off. Zephyr eyes them and bangs them with her fist, causing it to shut off - literally.
[20:38] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis peers ahead tiredly. "This seems somewhat familiar."
[20:38] <13@Xanatos> ...they just don't make shuttles like they used too.
[20:38] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> We have kinda abused this one... 6* She begins to name all the things they've done to it
[20:38] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron weakly opens his eyes, katana still in his stomach and all, he winces from the pain.
[20:38] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> <Megumi? Can you hear me?>
[20:38] <13@Xanatos> Ok. Ok. You're right, this one has served us pretty well.
[20:38] <13Ariel> "...I do blaim flying into the dark energy the most."
[20:39] <13@Xanatos> Oh i'm sure you would have done better.
[20:39] <13@DeathStar> 6* Things begin to heat up as they fly in.
15[20:39] * 13Ariel smiles a little.
[20:39] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> While this may not be possible, if we are going to crash, let us crash as close to Tokyo as possible.
15[20:39] * 13@Xanatos grits his teeth at the whole shuttle shakes, trying to keep it steady. 1Yeah i'll work on that.
[20:40] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek frowns slightly. 1I hate flying. 6He announces.
[20:40] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> You are a leaf on the wind, Xanatos Durran
[20:40] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> More like brick.
[20:40] <13Myria> Theron needs medical facilities.
[20:40] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Theron can wait.
[20:40] <13@Xanatos> <Theron> I will be...fine. 6He hisses.
[20:41] <13@Xanatos> At least I know Erevis believes in me.
[20:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* They can see Japan below as they come in, but at the angle they're moving not to burn up, they'll be heading more for Asia
[20:41] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> I have little choice but to believe in you. 6* She adds, a tired smile on her face
[20:41] <13Myria> ...o...ok...
[20:41] <13@Xanatos> It's about to get a little hot. Sorry about that.
[20:41] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> <Meg. Meg. Megumi. Nekonee. HEY HEY HEY HEY."
15[20:42] * 13@Xanatos adjusts their angle to get them closer toward Tokyo.
[20:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* The shuttle twirls downward, the hull beginning to melt bit by bit. Erevis tiredly focuses on a protective barrier around them.
[20:43] <13Kit> <Megumi> <Zephy..?>
[20:43] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> WE should probably aim a bit outside Tokyo. It would suck if we killed someone.
[20:43] <13@Xanatos> I know Zephyr.
[20:44] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> <Hey, Megumi. We're kinda dropping in. Literally. Mind picking us up if we survive?> 6* Megumi could probably sense the bond isn't what it normally is - something is definitely wrong with Zephyr and Ariel.
[20:44] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr puts a hand to her face, smearing some blood.
[20:44] <13Kit> <Megumi> <...What?>
[20:44] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr weakly sends the image of what's happening to Megumi.
[20:44] <13Kit> <Megumi> H-Heaven... what about Isis..?
[20:45] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> <Crap...Keep her away from us. Me and Ariel are infected, though we're not contagious.>
[20:45] <13@DeathStar> 6* At this point, they can now see Tokyo clear as day.
[20:45] <13Ariel> " think she can do anything, Zephyr?"
15[20:46] * 13@Xanatos counts slightly in his head, waiting for the shuttle to break atmosphere before he would try to make it so the crash it survivable, by making so at they get closer to the ground their angle would be closer to being level. Trying to make the brick of a shuttle glide.
[20:46] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Once our shuttle is destroyed, we'll need a way to get to Zerith, won't we? 6* She suddenly begins to cough violently, grabbing her lungs in pain
[20:46] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek gives Zephyr a frown, wishing he could help her right now.
[20:47] <13@DeathStar> 6* As they fly inward, they apparantly are heading more for a surburb area.
[20:48] <13@Xanatos> Ah shit. 6He tries to reposition the shuttle to steer away from that area.
[20:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* It doesn't move anymore.
15[20:48] * 13@Xanatos puts a hand to his face, sighing. 1This is going to be bad.
[20:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr leans against the controls a bit, dizzied. "Least it isn't a hospital."
15[20:49] * 13@Xanatos frowns slightly before nodding. 1True.
[20:49] <13@DeathStar> 6* The shuttle flies inward, taking the roof off a house as it skims over it, then drops lower to hit into a fence, then bounce into a dog house, then bounces again, sliding into the street roughly. Ariel, who would probaly be already dizzy, would get the feeling her stomach wants to be empitied.
15[20:50] * 13@Xanatos jerks, hitting his head againt the side of the shuttle, letting out a grunt of pain.
15[20:50] * 13Ariel would fall over, if she wasn't fastened down. Still, her body feels like it's trying to curl in on itself as she trys to maintain her dignity.
[20:50] <13@DeathStar> 6* The shuttle comes to a stop finally after hiting a tree, which knocks a tree house on top of the shuttle. They've landed.
15[20:50] * 13Myria 's eyes are squeezed shut as she hangs on.
[20:50] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek holds onto his chair, thought he still gets jerked around.
[20:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao opens her eyes, then sighs in relief, stepping on Ariel as she hurries to the ramp.
[20:51] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron either passed out amid all of that, or he's also got his eyes shut.
[20:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr leans back, having thrown up some blood on the controls.
[20:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* By now, Theron's entire body would be burning - if there was poison on the blade, it's spreading
[20:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis rises, moving to help ARiel up.
15[20:51] * 13@Xanatos slowly pulls up a hand to his head, groaning. 1Everyone ok?
[20:52] <13Myria> Th...Theron?!
[20:52] <13@Xanatos> Uh. That bloke doesn't look so good. 6He points to Theron, who is sweating worse now, with an extremely pained face.
[20:52] <13@DeathStar> 6* Rioters begin to circle the shuttle now, peering at it.
[20:52] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> We got problems.
15[20:53] * 13@Xanatos unlatches the safety belt, hand to his head as he turns to move towards the back of the ramp. 1What is it?
[20:53] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Humans doing what humans typically do.
[20:53] <13@DeathStar> 6* They begin to bang on the shuttle with objects
15[20:54] * 13@Xanatos makes a face and glances around. 1Try not to kill anyone. 6He slips out his pistols, sliding them to stun.
[20:54] <13Kit> <Megumi> ... ...Back away from the damn shuttle!!
[20:54] <13@DeathStar> 6* Suddenly, a car can be seen driving in their direction, driven by one Megumi Zhenmei. The humans turns to eye her car coming
[20:54] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek eyes his leg, or what it used to be. He begins to sing. Ok not really, but he still looks sad.
[20:54] <13Kit> 6Megumi shakes a fist, yelling out her window.
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> 6* The humans begin to back away as the car comes in at them, to avoid being run over.
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Well. The backwater ruffian has her uses.
15[20:55] * 13Ariel smirks a little, though it barely shows through the pain.
[20:55] <13Kit> 6Megumi slides it to a halt, springing out the window to stand atop it, pointing at the crowd. 1"Stay the hell away!"
[20:55] <13@Xanatos> Grab anyone that needs help and get ready.
15[20:55] * 13Myria unbuckles Theron so she can move him.
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> 6* They begin to approach again now that the car is stopped.
[20:55] <13Kit> <Megumi> I am warning you.
[20:56] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis lifts Ariel up, putting her arm around her shoulder. Ao lowers the ramp now, smashing one person with it
[20:56] <13Kit> 6Megumi brings her hands out, as if about to orchestrate a symphony. 1"I am in a really bad mood right now."
15[20:56] * 13Myria starts moving Theron toward the ramp.
[20:56] <13@DeathStar> 6* Someone tosses a rock at Megumi
15[20:56] * 13@Xanatos sighs at Ao and moves down the ramp, holding his pistols out. 1Everyone back up. Right now. Or i'll fire.
[20:56] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao eyes Drasek, then moves over to help Zephyr up, dragging her out. "Come on."
[20:56] <13Kit> 6Megumi closes her eyes, vaporizing the rock-- literally. She brings her hands up, making a hazy, semispherical wave of friction around the car away from the shuttle. 1"Back off. Now."
[20:57] <13@DeathStar> 6* The humans stop to eye Xanatos and his gun, as if debating charging him with sheer number - but when the rock is vaped, they run off in far.
[20:57] <13@DeathStar> *Fear
[20:57] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek sighs. 1Thank a lot. Bloody skank. 6He shift sto begin crawling down the ramp.
[20:57] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> You can hop, can't you?
[20:57] <13@Xanatos> Never thought I would be glad to see you, Megumi.
[20:57] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Probably just fall on my arse, this is faster.
[20:57] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis peers at Megumi tiredly, giving her a smile.
[20:57] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Grow a new leg. Your body is fake anyway.
15[20:57] * 13Myria moves Theron toward Megumi's car.
[20:58] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao dumps Zephyr onto the hood of the car.
[20:58] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Oh right. I'll do that in the car.
[20:58] <13Kit> 6Megumi smiles weakly at Xanatos, then nods to Erevis. 1"I am using a similar manifest around Isis. I would recommend not trying to touch her." 6She blinks at Drasek. 1"Or risk losing.. ...another limb."
15[20:58] * 13@Xanatos peers around and then moves to open the back door, helping Myria get Theron in.
[20:58] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis helps Ariel to the car. "I am glad you are well, Kitten."
[20:59] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr waves at Meg - her trench coat and clothing stained with her own blood
15[20:59] * 13Ariel gets in the car with help, "...I hope it works."
15[20:59] * 13Myria gets Theron in and then sits next to him.
[20:59] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek pulls himself up slightly and slides into the car. 1Bloody hell this'll be a tight fit.
[20:59] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> So, does anyone know where Zerith's base is at? 6* Xanatos would have the information from Alexander.
[20:59] <13@Xanatos> <Xanatos> Yeah I have it up here. 6He motions to his head.
[21:00] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> We're doomed. 6* She jokes weakly, looking like she's about to pass out
[21:00] <13Kit> <Megumi> Actually, seeing as this is the fifth vehicle... and although I only intended it for myself originally... The constant flood of unit members, and the addition of Erevis and Isis made me choose an SUV model. There should be plenty of room.
15[21:00] * 13@Xanatos laughs once and pulls out a datapad, handing it out towards Megumi. 1Those are the coordinates. Hope they are the same here.
[21:00] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis takes the front passenger seat now.
[21:00] <13Kit> 6Megumi hops down and moves to the back, entering a hatchback to play with Isis. 1"Horrible fuel economy.."
[21:01] <13Kit> <Megumi> You are driving, Xanatos.
[21:01] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> We must hurry. I do not think Zephyr and Ariel have much longer to live.
[21:01] <13@Xanatos> I'm not even going to bother asking why. 6He moves to get in the drivers seat.
[21:01] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> 'cause she didn't see your landing with the shuttle.
15[21:01] * 13Ariel gives a smile. Trying to hide how shitty she really feels.
[21:02] <13@Xanatos> Obviously. Everyone in?
[21:02] <13Kit> <Megumi> It is difficult for me to pay attention while maintaining a manifest as well. I have a feeling we may need to... avoid things and I am not the best candidate."
[21:02] <13Kit> 6Megumi tilts her head at Xanatos. 1"Although your landing history is horrendous-- this is a land vehicle. You do not have to land it. Just survive, please."
[21:03] <13@Xanatos> Well surviving is my forte. 6He puts it in gear and begins to head for the base.
[21:03] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis leans back in her seat, closing her eyes. Apparantly going to sleep despite Xan driving.
[21:03] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[21:03] <13@DeathStar> Location: The Chad Shuttle
[21:04] <13@DeathStar> 6* Alexander eyes the datapad with the tracking device. "We're almost there." 6* They're outside Tokyo now, near a mountainous area.
15[21:04] * 13Chad`Winters grunts inresponse, his eyes darting from the sensors to the view screen
[21:04] <13@DeathStar> <Alexander> It would be safer to land now and approach by foot, but it will take longer.
15[21:04] * 13@Jennifer` blinks and opens her eyes blearily, yawning a little. "Cool..."
[21:05] <13Chad`Winters> Times not on our side, now is it?
[21:05] <13@DeathStar> <Alexander> No. But if we get shot down, I wanted to have said we should do the opposite.
[21:06] <13@DeathStar> 6* Alexander indicates a mountain on the sensors. "That one ahead."
15[21:06] * 13Chad`Winters grunts, and wipes at his face quickly, turning the shuttle towards the mountain
[21:07] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl zooms in around them, approaching from a slightly different angle.
[21:07] <13@DeathStar> <Alexander> I don't see any entrances.
[21:08] <13Chad`Winters> So much for the obvious way in.
[21:08] <13@DeathStar> 6* The mountain's sides shift a bit and gun ports appear, firing beams at the two targets.
15[21:08] * 13Chad`Winters jerks the shuttle to the side to avoid it
[21:08] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl spins to avoid one blast as well.
[21:08] <13@DeathStar> 6* Alexander taps his comm. "Cheryl, can you make an entrance for us? Set Freyja and Aya on top of our shuttle for now."
[21:09] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin groggily tries to focus on what's happening.
[21:09] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pauses a moment, then turns and flies back for Chad's shuttle, shifting and placing her hand on the top so Freyja and Aya can get onto it. Aya goes on her knees to keep from sliding off.
[21:09] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC takes several deep breathes.
15[21:10] * 13Chad`Winters reaches upto his ear, tapping it. 1"Aya, form some crystals to hold onto the shuttle."
[21:10] <13@DeathStar> 6* More blasts come flying in for the shuttle. Cheryl breaks off and flies at the mountain now.
15[21:10] * 13@Jennifer` gently puts her hand on SPoC's arm, looking at her with increasing concern.
[21:10] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya does so
15[21:11] * 13Chad`Winters pulls the shuttle up to avoid the blasts
[21:11] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl forms her energy whip. <Chii. Get some seals ready so we can blast a hole in this thing.>
[21:12] <13Kit> <Chii> We going for the beauty of brute force or something more subtle?
[21:12] <13@DeathStar> 6* Five missiles launch from the mountain, moving in towards the shuttle. Two move for Cheryl.
[21:12] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC glances at Jennifer. 1"I will be fine.
15[21:12] * 13Chad`Winters locks onto what he can and fires their blasters at the incoming missiles while he pulls off to the right
09[21:12] <13@Jennifer`> "K-Kay..." *she puts what faith she has into her response*
[21:12] <13@DeathStar> 6* Alexander targets the mountain with secondary weapons.
[21:13] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> <Brute force.>
[21:13] <13Kit> <Chii> Rose Liberation it is.
[21:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl whips out, destroying the two missiles.
[21:13] <13@DeathStar> <Alexander> We need to hurry before they get more enemies on us. 6* He notes, then comms Cheryl. "Move quicker."
[21:14] <13Kit> <Chii> Find me a target." 6She starts to form the seals.
[21:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl points at the center of the mountain. "There." 6* She begins to fly right it at.
15[21:14] * 13Chad`Winters brings the shuttle in behind Cheryl now, leaving plenty of space.
[21:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* Golems begin to emerge from the mountain bottom. They aim at the sky.
[21:15] <13Chad`Winters> Brace yourselves. 6His comm has been left open for Aya to hear
15[21:16] * 13@Jennifer` holds onto her seat and closes her eyes.
[21:16] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPo
[21:16] <13@DeathStar> 6* Alexander targets the golems and launches missiles down at them, trying to slow them.
[21:16] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC grabs onto her seat as tight as she can.
[21:16] <13Kit> <Chii> Futon, Hyoton, Katon." 6She closes her eyes, taking a breath, then holds both hands up, bringing a funnel of air from high up down toward the center, freezing following it and crystallizing where she plans to hit. Then she clans both hands and brings them down. 1"Light art. Rose Liberation." 6She brings the fireball down for it the frozen section.
[21:17] <13@DeathStar> 6* The fireball smashes into the frozen mountain side, causing a large hole. Alexander targets and fires a huge beam weapon into the hole now, causing the mountain to shake.
[21:17] <13@DeathStar> <Alexander> NOw.
[21:17] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl flies in after the hole, moving inside the mountain. AFter the first 30 feet, it turns to a metallic constructure, which has been heavily damaged, with alarms going off.
15[21:17] * 13Chad`Winters flies in behind Cheryl now.
[21:18] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl returns to her normal form, rising up. She peers about. There's several hallways visible, and the ceiling seems unstable in this area.
[21:18] <13Kit> <Chii> All you, Cherry... I need a minute.
[21:18] <13Kit> 6Chii kneels nearby in child form, battle costume donned.
15[21:18] * 13Chad`Winters brings their shuttle to a stop behind Cheryl and Chii and lands it.
[21:18] <13@DeathStar> 6* V.I. troopers begin to pour in from the side hallways, firing. Cheryl grabs Chii and leaps back, using her own body as a shield for now.
[21:19] <13@DeathStar> 6* One trooper throws a grenade at the shuttle. Aya breaks her crystal holds and leaps off the shuttle on the other side of the troopers.
[21:19] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin grips his weapon, looking a gray color almost instead of black. He begins to stumble for the ramp, hitting his bloody palm against the button
[21:19] <13Kit> 6Chii groans, reaching into a satchel, then rolls two grenades down along the floor for the side hallways. Freyja appears by Aya and grabs her, moving them both further back.
15[21:19] * 13Chad`Winters quickly lowers the ramp and gets up, moving to the back of the shuttle. SPoC rises and starts moving down
[21:19] <13@DeathStar> <Alexander> I'll fly the shuttle back out to protect it.
15[21:20] * 13@Jennifer` pulls out a handgun and and rises, moving behind SPoC.
09[21:20] <13@Jennifer`> "Alright sir."
[21:20] <13@DeathStar> 6* The troopers are knocked back by the grenades.
15[21:20] * 13Chad`Winters hops off the ramp and moves to the side, quickly unholstering Ebony and starts firing shots at any VI troops he can.
[21:20] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC moves down and against the wall, and opesn fire down the hallway
[21:20] <13@DeathStar> 6* Alexander grips the controls and turns the shuttle around, firing the blasters into troopers, oblirating what he can, then flies back out
15[21:21] * 13@Jennifer` moves after SPoC, looking around carefully, watching SPoC's back.
[21:21] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin moves to another hallway entrance, firing down it to get what soldiers he can. "Which do we take?" 6* There appears to be two hallways on one side, and one on the other
[21:21] <13Kit> 6Freyja kneels down after moving the two, setting some origami animals along the floor. She holds up her fingers and chants quietly, forming Shiro and two cats, sending them down the hallways to forwarn her of approaches.
[21:21] <13Chad`Winters> No idea. 6He glances around for aya
09[21:21] <13@Jennifer`> "Flip a coin?"
[21:21] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya checks a blaster she has, standing behind Freyja, using her as a shield.
[21:22] <13Chad`Winters> <SPoC> Preferably the one that will lead us to what we desire.
[21:22] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> Lets take this one. 6* He takes the one hallway on the one side, sweeping, then unsteadily moves down it, leaving a blood trail almost.
15[21:22] * 13@Jennifer` sets a charge on her gun and flexes the fingers of her fake hand, "Natalie's got some logic there."
[21:22] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC moves in after Paladin, holding her rifle up as she follows him.
09[21:22] <13@Jennifer`> "Might as well."
15[21:23] * 13@Jennifer` moves after SPoC and Paladin.
[21:23] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya peers at her dad, then where the others are going.
[21:23] <13Kit> <Freyja> Searching for the missing. I'll say when I know.
15[21:23] * 13Chad`Winters unhooks his datapad and checks to see if he's still getting the tracer signal
[21:24] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya begins to move after the others now, peering abotu nervously. The tracer signal indicates they're somewhere below them.
[21:24] <13Chad`Winters> Below us...6He moves after Aya now, keeping a slight distance.
[21:24] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[21:24] <13@DeathStar> Location: Executive Building
[21:25] <13@DeathStar> 6* Caduceus finishes healing Sam, standing back up. Eve is showing a map to Dias where they think the base is at.
09[21:25] <13@Jennifer`> * Sammael smiles at him softly. "Thank you."
[21:25] <13@DeathStar> 6* X crosses her arms, leaning against a wall
[21:25] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias eyes the map, then tilts his head sideways. 1"Pretty cloes place."
[21:25] <13@DeathStar> <Eve> It's probably more of a way point for their troops than the actual base, but if Zerith is there, we might can find a cure.
[21:25] <13Kit> <Lilith> Keep enemies close.
[21:26] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> That's all I need to know.
[21:26] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus sits by Kat, arms crossed.
[21:26] <13@DeathStar> <Eve> Good luck, everyone.
[21:26] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Pscht. When I'm involved, there's no need for luck. 6He grins cockilly.
[21:26] <13@DeathStar> 6* X nods to Eve, stepping back onto the shuttle just outside.
[21:27] <13@DeathStar> <Eve> I think everyone could use some luck
[21:27] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> And sex. 6He turns and jogs outside and onto the shuttle
[21:27] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Could you look at Katrina for me, Duce? 6He stands.
[21:27] <13@DeathStar> 6* Caduceus dusts his hands, peering at Marcus. "Best she remain unconscious."
[21:28] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus nods once. 1Keep her safe for me then. 6he moves to get on the shuttle.
[21:28] <13@DeathStar> 6* Caduceus moves for the shuttle. Eve nods, moving to Katrina's side.
09[21:28] <13@Jennifer`> * Sammael looks over at Katrina and sighs a little, sitting up and fixing a replacement shirt on herself.
[21:28] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias hops into the pilots seat and glances back at Marcus. 1"You sure about this, Marcus?"
[21:28] <13@DeathStar> 6* X takes a seat near Dias, peering at Marcus when Dias talks to him. Caduceus takes a seat.
[21:28] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Why wouldn't I be? 6He takes a seat.
[21:29] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias smiles. 1"Alright man. Let's see this through than. 6He flips the switches, powering the shuttle up. He lifts it off hte ground to hover.
[21:29] <13Ariel> 6* Raquel fastens herself back into her seat.
09[21:30] <13@Jennifer`> * Sam gets up and moves to the shuttle, taking a seat inside. Fastening herself in.
15[21:30] * 13@Xanatos peers at Sam slightly before looking ahead. 1At the very least i'll get to kick some major ass before this is over.
[21:31] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias closes the ramp and lifts the shuttle into the air as he heads forward towards the coordinates. 1"Me and X'll save you some."
[21:32] <13@DeathStar> <X> Maybe.
[21:32] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> I guess i'll just have to make do with what you leave me.
[21:32] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Oooh. You might have to fight to get some.
[21:32] <13@DeathStar> 6* As they fly over the city and the surburbs and heading out of Tokyo, they can see a SUV below, driving away from Tokyo, probably trying to escape it
[21:33] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Infact, if you can defeat...20 bad guys. I'll let proceed to phase 3 of Superhero training.
09[21:33] <13@Jennifer`> * Sam closes her eyes and listens to them talk, she gets a smile on her face, letting out a soft giggle.
[21:33] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> I'll just focus on ending this. You can focus on counting. I know it's hard for you.
[21:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* As they fly outward, they can see a mountain with a gaping hole in it, surrounded by angry Golems that are firing at a shuttle that's dancing about out of range.
[21:34] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> I find it's easier to avoid the counting thing...6He glances at the SUV. 1"Huh...fancy that."
[21:34] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Anything else think this is the place?
[21:34] <13@DeathStar> <Caduceus> Astute observational skills.
[21:34] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> I know. I'm proud of myself. 6He beams with pride and brings the shuttle in towards the gaping hole
09[21:35] <13@Jennifer`> * Sam lets out a little sigh. "I... enjoy this."
[21:35] <13@DeathStar> 6 *X glances at Lilith once, then ahead. "Is it it me, or is having II be our leader unnerving?"
[21:35] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Oh it's not just you, X. 6He says to her lightly.
[21:35] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Is that lack of faith in me, I hear?
[21:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golems fire at the shuttle as they get in close.
[21:35] <13@DeathStar> <X> The only faith I have in you is that you will last long enough for me to kill you
[21:35] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias spins the shuttle as he dodges.
[21:36] <13Kit> <Lilith> ...
[21:36] <13@DeathStar> 6* The shuttle spins about and finally reaches the hole in the mountain and inside what appears to be an open area, full of ashes and tactical suits laying about, and grenade damage.
[21:36] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias lands the shuttle right side up and lowers the ramp. 1"See? I'm awesome."
[21:37] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Man I hate it when he brags. 6He gets up and moves for the ramp.
[21:37] <13Kit> <Lilith> I should not mind, but I feel an ache.
[21:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* X nods once to Lilith
[21:37] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[21:37] <13@DeathStar> Location: Elsewhere in the Mountain of Doom
[21:38] <13@DeathStar> 6* Alarms can be heard as Dawn and Darien remained tied up in their chairs. Zerith scowls, peering upward, then moves out, leaving Fiore and one guard behind
[21:38] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien cranes around to eye Fiore and the guard, then begins to work at his restraints.
[21:39] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Well, Dawn, it appears some of our friends have arrived.
[21:40] <13Kit> <Dawn> ...Lag? About time.
[21:40] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Huh? LaG?
[21:40] <13Kit> <Dawn> Your device. Lag.
[21:40] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Knowing the others, they took their time coming.
[21:40] <13Kit> <Dawn> Doubtful. You're involved.
[21:40] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Even more likely.
[21:41] <13Kit> <Dawn> That's my line.
[21:41] <13Kit> 6Dawn keeps his eyes on Fiore, but tests the bonds.
[21:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* The mountain shakes again and more alarms ring. Some mist can be seen drifting into the room now. She peers down at it.
[21:41] <13Kit> <Dawn> Kuso..
[21:41] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> That's bad.
[21:42] <13Kit> 6Dawn strains and sees if he can outrightly reject its entry psionically.
[21:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* The mist doesn't seem to stop. Though maybe he can use his psionics on his restraints.
[21:43] <13Kit> <Dawn> Very. 1"He attempts to rip at them instead now, since barriers are out of his specialty.
[21:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* Dawn's restraints are ripped off. Fiore moves in quickly to try to subdue him, as does the guard.
[21:43] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> What's going on back there? 6* He twists about, trying to see, the mist at knee level now.
[21:44] <13Kit> <Dawn> Nothing." 6He brings out a hand as if beckoning Fiore, but yanks her toward him, trying to grab at her hand and actually pull her into a dance move ahead of the guard.
[21:44] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore blinks in surprise. Darien strains more now. "Are you free? Goddamnit, free me."
[21:44] <13@DeathStar> 6* The guard tries to take aim, moving to try to get a shot.
[21:45] <13Kit> 6Dawn leans forward, staring at Fiore, but spins her around, kicking one of her feet up as he does so she'll kick the guard.
[21:45] <13Kit> <Dawn> Patience.
[21:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien strains at his restraints. "If that's the virus, I don't have time for patience!"
[21:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore's foot hits the guard and he falls into the mist.
[21:46] <13Kit> 6Dawn yanks her back, putting her in a hold as he focuses on Darien's restraints.
[21:47] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore twists and psionically tries to cripple Dawn's grip. Darien's restraints are ripped off and he rises.
[21:47] <13@DeathStar> 6* Turning around to eye the two, he pauses. "Which is which again?" 6* He asks the two.
[21:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien moves over and grabs the guard's gun, holding his breath as he does so.
[21:48] <13Kit> 6Dawn winces and lets loose of Fiore, twitching slightly. 1"Oneesama. Wake up."
[21:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* Rising up, he eyes the two, then takes aim at both. Right as another explosion goes off from above
[21:48] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[21:49] <13@DeathStar> Location: Above in Mount Doom
[21:49] <13@DeathStar> 6* V.I. troopers stalk Chad's team from behind
[21:49] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes behind herself, snarling.
15[21:49] * 13Chad`Winters glances back. 1"We've got company."
[21:49] <13@DeathStar> 6* Chad's comm buzzes lightly. "Chad." 6* Alexander. "We got a problem."
15[21:49] * 13@Jennifer` slowly looks back over her shoulder.
[21:50] <13Chad`Winters> <Comm> Define trouble."
[21:50] <13Kit> 6Freyja looks back at them, smiling slightly as she rings a bell-- Making it appear as if Cheryl and Chii are rushing them-- merely moving the images amongst them so they'll shoot within themselves.
[21:50] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC turns around, aiming her rifle the way they came.
[21:50] <13@DeathStar> <Alexander> Oh God, Oh God, you're all going to die. There's high levels of the virus leaking out of the mountain now and I'm getting readings inside. It's a generation of the virus that I haven't seen before - it could likely speed up the infection in those of you with it already and kill you in minutes.
[21:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* The soldiers fire at the images, though don't seem to hit each other. Either way, they're distracted.
[21:51] <13Chad`Winters> Great...
15[21:51] * 13@Jennifer` turns around fully and aims her gun carefully.
[21:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya looks at Chad, even more worriedly. Paladin leans against a wall, trying to breathe despite his lungs being filled with fluid.
[21:51] <13Kit> 6Freyja frowns slightly, then steps forward and waves her hand, billowing flames down the hall toward them instead. 1"Hrmph."
[21:51] <13@DeathStar> <Alexander> If you see any mist, avoid it all cost. You cannot afford - none of you - to touch it.
[21:52] <13@DeathStar> 6* The troopers catch on fire, screaming in panic.
[21:52] <13Kit> <Freyja> Let's go.
[21:52] <13Chad`Winters> Understood. 6He clicks his tongue in annoyance. 1"Let's keep moving and watch out for any mist."
[21:53] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grinds her teeth more, peering at Chad. "Yeah, before more show up." 6* There's a mild explosion elsewhere in the base.
[21:53] <13@DeathStar> -Scene Shift-
[21:53] <13@DeathStar> Location: The Side of Mount Dread
[21:53] <13@DeathStar> 6* V.I. troopers begin to move in from the side hall ways with rocket launchers, aiming at Dias' shuttle
[21:54] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus leans against part of the shuttle for cover, shifting around to fire towards some of the VI troops with his shotgun.
[21:54] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias leaps down the ramp and moves to the side of the shuttle. 1"Holy shit..."
[21:54] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Ripples would be nice!
[21:54] <13@DeathStar> 6* X ripples off the shuttle and away from it, as they fire three rockets at the shuttle.
[21:54] <13@DeathStar> 6* Caduceus deadpans and gets off the shuttle, leaping away.
09[21:55] <13@Jennifer`> * Sammael frowns and keeps her gun ready, leaping off the shuttle after Cad.
[21:55] <13Ariel> 6* Raquel opens a ripple to divert at least one rocket behind them.
[21:55] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias leaps to the side, rolling away from the shuttle
[21:55] <13@DeathStar> 6* X gets a ripple to save Lilith, as the two rockets hit the shuttle, blowing it up. The explosion hits Marcus, burning his flesh
15[21:55] * 13@Xanatos jerks to turn and dash away from the shuttle.
[21:56] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus is sent flying back, rolling along the ground.
[21:56] <13@DeathStar> 6* The redirected rocket hits the troopers, blowing them up, too. The base rocks from the explosions, and there's fire abotu the hanger now from the explosion
[21:56] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias stands up, eyeing Marcus. 1"Marcus..." 6He growls and turns, dashing in towards the troopers
[21:56] <13@DeathStar> 6* Caduceus eyes the half-dead Marcus Jones, then moves over to him, placing his hands on him to heal him.
[21:57] <13@DeathStar> 6* More troopers pop up from another hallway, firing blasts at them
[21:57] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus groans, nodding slightly to Duce.
09[21:57] <13@Jennifer`> * Sammael looks over Marcus worriedly, watching Cad do his thing for now, she looks up as she hears the blasts and lets out a shot at any aiming towards Marcus and Duce.
[21:57] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias twists about as he tries to avoid them as he approaches one.
[21:57] <13Ariel> 6* Raquel creates a ripple to shield herself, and moves for cover.
[21:58] <13@DeathStar> <Caduceus> Hold still. What idiot uses a shuttle for a shield when people are aiming at it with rockets. 6* He begins to drone on, when suddenly a blast catches him in the throat. Sammael shoots one trooper, though
[21:58] <13Kit> 6Lilith begins to pull out her lance, narrowing her eyes. 1"If you can get me close, mistress, I would appreciate it."
[21:58] <13@DeathStar> 6* X steps back to stand near Lilith, shielding both with a ripple.
[21:58] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus' eyes widen, he weakly tries to catch Caducues from falling over.
[21:58] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias kicks off, spin kicking at the nearest trooper.
[21:58] <13@DeathStar> 6* The trooper is kicked and stumbles. Another two aim at Dias and fire at him
15[21:59] * 13@Jennifer` looks over at Cad and her eyes widen in horror, she fires another shot at the attackers.
[21:59] <13@DeathStar> 6* Caduceus slumps into Marcus' arms, bleeding
09[21:59] <13@Jennifer`> * Sam
[21:59] <13Ariel> 6* Raquel moves her ripple to cover Dias, and redirect the shots back
[21:59] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias lands and grabs onto the trooper as he stumbles, twisting him towards the shots
03[21:59] * Jennifer` is now known as Sammael
[21:59] <13Kit> 6Lilith moves around and dashes with the sincerity of a killer, not planning on being shot at all day. She uses the reach of her weapon to cleave a wide arc at those firing on her and X, leaving a trail of white.
[21:59] <13@DeathStar> 6* The shots are redirected at the troopers.
[21:59] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus weakly tries to pull them both to some cover, being out in the open is bad.
[21:59] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias takes a step forward and spins, hurling the trooper towards another one
[22:00] <13@DeathStar> 6* Sam's shots and the redirected shots keep the troopers stunned, and Lilith then cleaves into more. Only two remain. They go for grenades.
15[22:00] * 13@Sammael aims for one of the remaining and fires at him.
[22:00] <13Kit> 6Lilith whirls around and hurtles her weapon like a javelin for one of them
[22:01] <13Ariel> 6* Raquel sees that Caduceus took a hit, and darts over to Marcus
[22:01] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias shifts his feet apart in a ready stance as he locks onto the two
[22:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* Lilith's weapon pierces the soldier's armor and stabs him, turning him to dust. Sam's shot only stuns her trooper.
15[22:01] * 13@Sammael fires at the stunned trooper's head.
[22:01] <13Kit> 6Lilith rushes the stunned one, bringing her hand forward in the process of forming a gauntlet, either way needing to retrieve her lance.
[22:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* The shots to the head helmet only keep him stunned more. X aims with a holy arrow, letting it go, and stabbing him in the throat.
[22:02] <13@DeathStar> <X> You need stronger weapons.
[22:02] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> If you can heal him, you might want to do that. 6He manages to get up, sitting up slightly.
09[22:02] <13@Sammael> "I do."
[22:02] <13@DeathStar> 6* Golems begin to climb up the side of the mountain, entering the hole the team made earlier. X turns to stare.
[22:02] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias eyes X and her holy arrow and than Liliths and her gauntlet. 1"Idea for later."
09[22:02] <13@Sammael> "I do not like those things."
[22:02] <13Ariel> 6* Raquel pulls out the firstaid kit she carries... wishing she could heal. She only knows what she picked up working with Caduceus in the medbay. But she does her best to treat the wound.
[22:02] <13@DeathStar> 6* Caduceus grabs Marcus, whispering something in his ear, despite the talking making his throat gurgle out more blood.
[22:03] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> We can sit here and fights those things all day or we can keep moving in and get what we came for.
[22:04] <13@DeathStar> <X> We should keep moving.
[22:04] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golems begin to take aim now.
[22:04] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus glances towards Caduceus with a frown and moves to push himself up. 1I'm sorry Raquel, we need to go.
[22:04] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Marcus, carry Cad and let's GO!
09[22:04] <13@Sammael> "Agreed. We need to move."
[22:04] <13@DeathStar> 6* Caduceus continues to bleed out, though he's alive barely.
[22:04] <13Kit> 6Lilith stares, then runs back and slashes the ceiling wide with her land, leaping and slamming the gauntlet into it, then leaps back as she drops.
[22:04] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus kneels to pick him up and move, albeit slowly, being half-dead and all.
[22:05] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias eyes their options and turns, moving down a hallway.
15[22:05] * 13@Sammael rushes over to help Marcus with Cad, she pulls out a nanite injector and carefully injects Cad before Marcus moves, then heads with him.
[22:05] <13@DeathStar> 6* The ceiling is abused and responds accordingly - by caving in
[22:05] <13Ariel> 6* Raquel does the best to keep pressure on the wound as she moves along with Marcus
[22:05] <13@DeathStar> 6* X leaps through a ripple into a side halway.
[22:05] <13Kit> 6Lilith trails the group in a run from the cave-in, not close enough to leap after her beloved mistress.
[22:06] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus quickly stumble-hops to the side for the hallway X went into.
[22:06] <13@DeathStar> 6* Raquel would need Caduceus still to properly treat him - moving him about is probably going to kill him
[22:06] <13@DeathStar> 6* X opens a ripple for Lilith in front of her once she's in the side hallway. Though it'll be cutting it close.
[22:06] <13Kit> 6Lilith leaps forward, rolling low with a heaving pant.
15[22:06] * 13@Sammael stays with Marcus and Raquel. "We need to find cover to treat him properly."
[22:07] <13@DeathStar> 6* X closes the ripple now, looking tired
[22:07] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> M-maybe this...will provie enough cover. 6He moves to place Duce against the wall.
[22:07] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> You guys can treat him here. There's no way you're going to get taken from behind. 6He looks at X. 1"You ready for the hard part?
[22:07] <13@DeathStar> <X> Yes.
[22:08] <13@DeathStar> 6* The caved in area begins to shake - the golems are coming for them
15[22:08] * 13@Sammael pulls out other medical tools and gets to work. "I'll need your assistance Raquel... and we need to work fast."
[22:08] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Alright. 6He glances at everyone. 1"Sam, you should stay and treat...Son of a bitch. New plan. We all run down this hallway as fast as possible."
[22:08] <13Ariel> 6* Raquel nods slowly.
[22:08] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Ah shit. Maybe you should ripple him away Raquel.
[22:08] <13@DeathStar> <X> If we keep moving Weapon V, he will die.
[22:09] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> ...Got it. Raquel, open a ripple as big as you can at this entrance. 6He motions to the caved in spot where they came from.
[22:09] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> What are you thinking, Dias?
[22:09] <13Kit> <Lilith> Redirecting the golems elsewhere..
[22:09] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Set it..Hell if I know. somewhere that'll kill them. 6He looks at Marcus. 1"Element of surprise.
15[22:09] * 13@Sammael starts to work on Duce as best she can given the circumstances, trying to stop the bleeding and provide a temporary patch to Duce's neck.
[22:10] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Wow. That's actually..6He winces and puts a hand to his side. 1Smart.
[22:10] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... Scary.
[22:10] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[22:10] <13@DeathStar> Location: Outside the Mountain of Golems
[22:10] <13@DeathStar> 6* The SUV comes to a stop outside a mountain with a gaping hole that's recently caved back in. Outside are 4 golems, guarding the place, where an entrance on ground level can be seen
[22:10] <13Kit> <Megumi> ...My car would not have made it up this "trail."
15[22:11] * 13@Xanatos peers at the golems then glances around. 1I don't think we're up to taking them out. Any ideas?
[22:11] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis opens her eyes, and gets out of the car, eyeing the golems approaching.
[22:11] <13Myria> They're coming.
[22:11] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao hops out now. Zephyr strains to get out, running a huge fever now, as would Ariel
15[22:11] * 13@Xanatos frowns at them and slides out, checking his pistols.
15[22:12] * 13Ariel gets out slowly, using the 'car' for support
[22:12] <13@DeathStar> 6* Theron's poison has been halted by Megumi, but the Erusian is still weak
[22:12] <13Kit> <Megumi> Myria Arhnya, please watch over Isis." 6She goes to get out.
[22:12] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> We cannot let them near the car. 6* She rushes at the golems, her emerald scythe forming.
[22:12] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek gets out, having grown a new leg, but looking very exhausted now, he begins to walk forward slowly.
15[22:13] * 13Myria nods and guards both Isis and Theron
[22:13] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron remains there, though if he could talk he would probably praise Megumi right now.
[22:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis dodges a beam from one golem, swinging her scythe out at it's arm, tearing into it. All four of the golems focus on her now.
15[22:13] * 13@Xanatos breaks into a run after Erevis, he begins firing towards the head of one.
[22:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao eyes her datapad, then the mountain. "The mountain has a new form of the virus inside. We cannot get infected by it, no matter what."
[22:13] <13Kit> 6Megumi rushes from the car, holding out a hand and forming--- a single dagger, small.
[22:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis bounces about, dodging beams from the golems, but she's moving slow now from lack of rest.
[22:14] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> More good news. Brilliant.
[22:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao aims and fires a hyperspace beam at one golem. Zephyr leans back in and grabs the ring from Theron
15[22:14] * 13@Xanatos would continue moves in, throwing out two discs for the legs of the golem he is attacking.
[22:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao and Xanatos destroy one of the golem's legs. It falls over.
[22:15] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> We cannot waste time with the golems. Some of you need to continue.
[22:15] <13Kit> 6Megumi leaps for it as it falls, driving the dagger downward toward the center of the head.
[22:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* The dagger digs into the golem.
15[22:15] * 13@Xanatos nods. 1Come'on Zephyr. Ariel. 6He continues on.
[22:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr grips the ring and moves for the mountain wealy
[22:16] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek stops and kneels holding up his finger, peering at a golem carefully, looking for the core.
15[22:16] * 13Ariel moves at Zephyr's side
[22:16] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis peers at the three remaining golems. "Come, lifeless creatures."
[22:16] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[22:16] <13@DeathStar> Location: Basement of Mountain of Doom
[22:16] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore eyes Dawn and Darien carefully now. The mist is filling the room more and more. Darien aims the gun at her
[22:17] <13Kit> <Dawn> She'll fall into the mist and I'll have to kill you.
[22:17] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> We don't hurry, we'll all be infected in under a minute.
[22:17] <13Kit> <Dawn> I understand that.
[22:17] <13@DeathStar> 6* The base shakes again.
[22:17] <13Kit> <Dawn> I have an idea.
[22:18] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> What is it?
[22:18] <13Kit> 6Dawn drops his readied stance and holds out his arms. 1"Come on, Oneesama. Let's play your way." 6He taps his head, inviting her.
[22:18] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore frowns. She psionically tries to overpower Dawn's mind to knock him out
[22:19] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien circles about as the two twins begin their unseen battle. He approaches the door
[22:19] <13Kit> 6Dawn closes his eyes, relying on the ziggurat-style gathering of his thoughts to divert the brute force method and divide its effort into ineffectiveness.
[22:20] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore frowns as her attack fails. She moves forward, swinging her fingers out for Dawn's throat now, trying to close his windpipe.
[22:20] <13Kit> 6Dawn attacks Fiore in turn as she goes to do so physically-- dividing her attention.
[22:21] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore stumbles now, her attack sluggish. Dawn can almost feel the source of the brainwashing, a knot of commands in her brain
[22:21] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien fires at the door now, blasting out the lock. He kicks it open, eyeing the hallway, which is filling up quickly.
[22:21] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Dammit. We're probably already fucked. 6* He curses.
[22:22] <13Kit> 6Dawn focuses on it, trying to derive its origin.
[22:22] <13@DeathStar> 6* It would take too long, though he can cut it off from the rest of Fiore's mind. But if he cuts the connection, he won't be able to look into it later. The choice must be made.
[22:23] <13Kit> <Dawn> Got it.
[22:23] <13Kit> 6Dawn makes the choice to try and knock her out, moving forward in case she starts to fall.
[22:23] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien looks back. "Then lets go." 6* He moves down the hallway and for a set of stairs. Fiore's mind is knocked out and she falls against Dawn
[22:24] <13Kit> 6Dawn quickly lifts her up and moves to follow Darien.
[22:24] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[22:24] <13@DeathStar> Location: Hallways of Mountain Doom
[22:24] <13@DeathStar> 6* The tracing beacon is indicating that the blips are on the move, toward them
03[22:25] * Sammael is now known as Jennifer`
[22:25] <13Chad`Winters> It's heading this way. 6He glances at his datapad as he moves down the hallway
[22:25] <13@DeathStar> 6* Strangely, there's been no sign of V.I. troopers lately.
[22:25] <13Ariel> 12[10 35 - Hope Eternal 12|10 1.92mb 12|10 1m 49s 12]
[22:25] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods, peering about on guard. Aya moves along silently.
09[22:25] <13@Jennifer`> "Should we just wait for it then?"
[22:26] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC moves along, albeit slower now
[22:27] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien busts out a door way a moment later, a cloth over his face.
[22:27] <13Kit> <Chii> Oh look. It's the uncaped crusader.
15[22:27] * 13Chad`Winters swings his gun at Darien, than lowers it.
[22:27] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl tenses, then relaxes.
[22:27] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien leans in and yanks Dawn into the hallway, with Fiore over his shoulders, and slams the door shut.
[22:28] <13Kit> <Chii> And the creepy twins..
09[22:28] <13@Jennifer`> "Okay... so we got Mr. Starr... and those twins, what about the cure?"
[22:28] <13Chad`Winters> We need to watch out for the mist. It's at it's deadliest strength right now.
[22:28] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore opens her eyes, then psionically throws Cheryl into Chad.
[22:28] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> It's on it's way u--
[22:28] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien turns as Cheryl goes flying.
[22:28] <13Kit> <Dawn> Kuso--" 6He close shis eyes and tries to knock her out again.
15[22:28] * 13Chad`Winters throws his hands up to catch her as she flies into him, causing him to fall down
[22:28] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore blocks his attack this time, and then brings her fist around to hit him in the nerve cluster in his back.
09[22:29] <13@Jennifer`> "Oh crud."
[22:29] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grunts. Aya turns and aims at Fiore, her gun shaking. "S-Stop."
[22:29] <13Kit> 6Dawn pauses, blinking as his body doesn't respond.
[22:29] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC swings her rifle at her, flicking it to stun and fires several shots at her.
[22:29] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore moves off of Dawn now, eyeing the infected ones in the group. She begins to back away, dodging the shots.
15[22:29] * 13@Jennifer` lets out a stunning shot at Fiore as well.
[22:29] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien aims at Fiore now. Fiore makes Jen's aim hit SPoC with the shot
[22:30] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC leans against the hallway wall, firing until she's hit by the stun, causing her to slide down it
09[22:30] <13@Jennifer`> "N-Nat!"
[22:30] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin coughs up more blood, then charges at FIore.
[22:30] <13Chad`Winters> If you wanted a hug, you could've just asked.
[22:30] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore lazily knocks Paladin into Darien
15[22:30] * 13@Jennifer` moves over to Natalie, holding her gun at Fiore again, gently shaking Natalie. "S-Sorry..."
[22:30] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snorts and gets to her feet.
[22:30] <13Kit> 6Freyja flickers down the hall behind Fiore, loosing an arrow at her back.
[22:31] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore turns to try to avoid it, but the arrow enters her back, causing her to stiffen
[22:31] <13Kit> 6Freyja immediately dissolves the arrow. 1"Now. Get her."
15[22:31] * 13@Jennifer` fires another stun shot at Fiore.
[22:31] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya moves toward Dawn, touching him to heal his nerves.
15[22:31] * 13Chad`Winters pushes himself up, his right hand sliding along his belt. He turns and tosses a small injector over to Jen. 1"Inject her with it, it'll wake her up
[22:31] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore is hit by the shot. She falls backwards.
15[22:31] * 13@Jennifer` catches it with her free hand and injects Natalie.
[22:31] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien helps the bleeding Paladin to his feet, making a face.
[22:32] <13Kit> <Dawn> ...Not enough time. To locate source. Need her unconscious for now.
09[22:32] <13@Jennifer`> "She's down, I think."
09[22:32] <13@Jennifer`> "Sedate her or something to be sure."
[22:32] <13@DeathStar> 6* At that moment, moving down a side hallway, Zephyr, Ariel, and Xanatos can be seen.
[22:32] <13Chad`Winters> It's only an arrow in the back. She'll survive. 6He rotates his neck slightly.
[22:32] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien's eyes widen. "Ariel!"
[22:32] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin falls to his butt, trying to breathe, in clear agony now.
15[22:33] * 13@Xanatos sees them and arches a brow. 1Wow. You all look like hell. 6He notes, wearing a hazmat suit still.
09[22:33] <13@Jennifer`> "Hey! Zephyr and Mr. Durran too!"
[22:33] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC groans as she wakes up.
[22:33] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr leans against a hallway wall, too tired to move now. She looks ready to collapse. Xanatos' information would indicate the source needed is down a set of stairs nearby.
[22:33] <13Kit> <Dawn> ...Thanks, Ayahime.
15[22:33] * 13@Jennifer` frowns and turns to help Natalie up.
[22:33] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> N-No problem
15[22:33] * 13Chad`Winters turns to eye the others, his eyes locking on Zephyr. 1"Zeph?"
[22:34] <13@Xanatos> If you're here for the cure, come with me. I know where it is. We don't have time for this reuinion. 6He continues moving towards those stairs.
[22:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Zephyr, worriedly, seeing all the blood coming from her. "Oh God..."
[22:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien jerks from staring at Ariel, then grabs Xanatos. "Stop. DOn't open that door."
[22:34] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC nods to Jen.
[22:34] <13Chad`Winters> Aya, see what you can do for Zephyr. 6He moves over to Zephyr.
[22:34] <13@Xanatos> I have too. The cure is that way.
15[22:34] * 13@Jennifer` coughs a bit and grumbles as she looks at everyone's conditions. "We ummm... really don't have a lot of time."
[22:34] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> The virus is down there. By now the entire ground floor is covered in the mist. You can't even be sure if that suit will protect you."
[22:35] <13Kit> 6Dawn checks on Fiore, frowning. Freyja moves over, wincing at Paladin's condition.
09[22:35] <13@Jennifer`> "We can't touch that mist stuff either."
[22:35] <13@Xanatos> <Xanatos> You're right. We should all turn around and go home. 6He eyes Darien.
[22:35] <13Ariel> "...but... if the cure is that way..."
15[22:35] * 13Chad`Winters kneels down beside Zephyr, checking her over.
[22:35] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> .... 6* He goes to say something, then Paladin rises. <Paladin> I'll go look for it. 6* He notes weakly. Cheryl studies Zephyr as well - the girl appears to be unconscious
09[22:36] <13@Jennifer`> "S-Sir!"
[22:36] <13Kit> <Freyja> Gordon..
[22:36] <13Chad`Winters> <SPoC> It is unlikely you will make it all the way down in your condition, sir.
[22:36] <13@Xanatos> <Xanatos> I have to disagree. With this suit, I at least stand a chance more than you do.
[22:36] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> Then you can come, too.
[22:36] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin holds his chest, trying to get air, panting like a dog.
[22:36] <13Chad`Winters> <SPoC> I will go instead.
09[22:37] <13@Jennifer`> "Natalie... no..."
15[22:37] * 13Chad`Winters glances back at Aya. 1"Aya."
15[22:37] * 13Ariel goes to support Zephyr, then looks to Darien, confused about what to do in this situation.
[22:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya looks over.
15[22:37] * 13@Xanatos moves over and kneels down, taking the ring from Zephyr, then turns to move back towards the door.
[22:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien runs his hand along Xan's suit, then pokes a finger in a small hole on his side, gotten from the crash. "We'll need to plug up Xan."
15[22:37] * 13Chad`Winters waves her over.
[22:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya walks over.
15[22:37] * 13@Xanatos pauses and glances down. 1You wish, Darien. 6He jokes.
[22:37] <13Chad`Winters> See what you can do to keep her steady.
[22:38] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin shakes his head at SPoC. "Stay here."
[22:38] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC eyes Paladin. 1"But sir.
[22:38] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> That's an order.
[22:38] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC frowns than nods.
[22:38] <13Chad`Winters> <SPoC> Understood.
15[22:38] * 13Ariel eyes Xanatos, "...he was infected at the same time as Zephyr and I."
[22:38] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya nods, touching her and closing her eyes, trying to help her.
[22:38] <13@Xanatos> Chad. Do you have a seal? I know you've got one.
15[22:38] * 13@Jennifer` gently puts a hand on Natalie's arm and looks up at her.
[22:39] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes Ariel saying Xan is infected, then steps back, moving to her. "Are you okay?" 6* He asks, his voice thick with concern. Cheryl meanwhile is looking out for guards.
15[22:39] * 13Chad`Winters glances at Xan and slides his hand along his belt, tossing a patching kit to him
15[22:39] * 13@Xanatos catches it and moves to patch up the hole. 1I'm a clone, so I think you're fine Darien.
15[22:39] * 13Ariel smiles, "For being on death's doorstep, I feel pretty good."
[22:39] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin moves his crippled ass to the door with the stairs, waiting on Xanatos.
[22:40] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Yeah. Just in case that virus down there is more potent, pardon me if I don't go near you when you come back.
[22:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien nods to Ariel, worriedly watching her.
15[22:40] * 13@Xanatos turns to eye Paladin. 1If I can do this alone, you're wasting your life. 6He nods to Darien, moving towards the door.
15[22:40] * 13Chad`Winters pushes himself up, unholstering his other gun. He moves over to stand beside Cheryl.
[22:40] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> And if something *hurks loudly* happens...then we all die.
[22:40] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC watches Xan and Paladin.
[22:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* At this point, Chad would notice his cold symptons getting worse.
[22:40] <13@Xanatos> Alright. I understand. 6He glances around and then motions. 1Step back.
09[22:41] <13@Jennifer`> "Sir... no offense but you look like you're going to happen all on your own."
[22:41] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Chii, get something ready to knock back any mist tht comes out.
15[22:41] * 13@Jennifer` moves back, guiding Natalie back with her.
[22:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin looks at Freyja now, offering her a weak smile.
15[22:41] * 13Chad`Winters clicks his tongue as he shifts his feet.
[22:41] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC moves back with Jennifer.
[22:42] <13Kit> <Chii> R-Right..
15[22:42] * 13@Xanatos puts his hand on the doorknob, glancing to them slightly. 1On three. Get ready. 1...2...6He opens the door and moves inside.
[22:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin moves in after him. The entire area is filled wiht mist now, and it begins to pour out
[22:42] <13Kit> 6Freyja bows to Paladin, hiding her expression.
[22:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin closes the door.
15[22:42] * 13@Xanatos peers around slightly, then moves on.
[22:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* Xanatos would find the area so thick now, seeing it is almost impossible, like he were in Silent Hill.
[22:42] <13Kit> 6Chii curses, finishing seals. 1"Futon..!" 6Freyja holds out her hands, chanting silently, the two conjuring winds that howl at the door itself to try and hold it at bay.
[22:43] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[22:43] <13@DeathStar> Location: Outside
[22:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* V.I. troops can be seen escaping on foot from various parts of the mountain. However, the two golems that remain don't seem to be letting up
[22:43] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Oh bloody hell, just tell me where to shoot!
[22:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis ducks a beam blast, stepping back.
[22:43] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> The center.
[22:43] <13Kit> <Megumi> Stubborn constructs..
[22:44] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao gets more energy ready
[22:44] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek holds up his finger, narrowing his eyes slightly to aim, then fires towards the center of the golem attacking Erevis.
[22:44] <13@DeathStar> 6* The center is punctured now by a beam and it begins to fall. Erevis turns and hacks away it's arms.
[22:45] <13@DeathStar> 6* The last golem charges the car now.
[22:45] <13Kit> 6Megumi abandons her weaponry, holding up her hands to the sky and focusing-- nothing happening initially.
[22:45] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Bloody hell, Myria get them out of there!
[22:45] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis jerks, her eyes widening in panic. "Isis!"
[22:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao aims at the golem and fires a beam, hitting one of it's legs and causing it to fall a bit
[22:46] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek holds up his hand and fires towards the other leg with his hand.
[22:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem aims it's hands at the car now, gathering dark energy.
[22:46] <13Kit> 6Megumi opens her eyes, bringing her hand out toward the golem. She forms a series of rings of spires in the air, all glowering and flickering with the heathazes-- then drops the other-- systematically pummeling the golem with them.
[22:47] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron weakly eyes the golem and reaches out to take Isis, pulling himself and Myria along with the baby away from the car, albeit slowly.
[22:47] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem is hit again and again, then falls apart.
[22:47] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis sighs in relief, the scythe turning back to it's sphere form. "It is over out here."
[22:47] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Think we should go on in to help the others, or is it too late for that?
[22:47] <13@DeathStar> 6* She tilts then begins to flal,
[22:47] <13Myria> Th...Theron?!
[22:48] <13Kit> <Megumi> B-Beloved..!
[22:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao jerks. "Erevis1"
[22:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis just hits the ground, apparantly passed out.
[22:48] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron peers at Myria weakly and then reaches her Isis. attention. 6He sits down right there, leting out a breath.
[22:48] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek frowns at Erevis.
[22:48] <13Kit> 6Megumi moves quickly to try and catch her, even if she is too small-- apparently falling short, she kneels, checking on her.
[22:49] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao moves over, scanning her for the virus.
[22:49] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> She's fine. Just exhausted.
[22:49] <13Myria> Ok...
[22:49] <13Kit> 6Megumi shifts to set Erevis' head on her lap, sighing. 1"Thank heaven."
[22:49] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT MINI-
[22:49] <13@DeathStar> Location: Elsewhere Outside
[22:50] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zerith moves through some rocks and stuff, heading for his shuttle, laughing insanely at how he's escaping, only to bump right into some breasts. He falls back to eye Iceheart and Loki
[22:50] <13Chad`Winters> <Loki> Iceheart, look at what we found.
[22:50] <13@DeathStar> <Iceheart> My, isn't it our lucky day, following that SUV?
[22:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zerith scrambles to get his katana.
[22:51] <13Chad`Winters> <Loki> I wouldn't try that. Icehearts for scary when she's about to die.
[22:52] <13@DeathStar> 6* He tries anyway. Iceheart drives a dagger into Zerith's hand, causing him to howl
[22:52] <13Chad`Winters> <Loki> I warned you. 6He shifts open his vest, and reaches inside.
[22:52] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zerith eyes them both. "I'll give you the cure if you let me go!"
[22:53] <13Chad`Winters> 6Loki looks over at Iceheart. 1"That sounds completely fair.
[22:53] <13@DeathStar> <Iceheart> Completely.
[22:53] <13Chad`Winters> 6Loki holds his hand out for the cure.
[22:53] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zerith narrows his eyes. "I don't have it ON me..."
[22:53] <13Chad`Winters> <Loki> Ooooh...That's not the answer you were looking for.
[22:54] <13@DeathStar> 6* Iceheart stabs him again with her dagger
[22:54] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[22:54] <13@DeathStar> Location: Virus Infected Under Level
[22:54] <13@DeathStar> 6* As Xanatos leads them down the hallway, Paladin has ceased talking altogether, his movements more erratic than ever.
15[22:55] * 13@Xanatos glances towards him slightly, frowning, then looks ahead. 1Wish I had a flashlight. 6He says, continuing to talk, so Paladin has something to focus on.
[22:55] <13@DeathStar> 6* Just as they're about to arrive at the indicated room, a golem smashes through a nearby wall, blocking their path
[22:55] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem fires a beam at Xanatos.
15[22:55] * 13@Xanatos slides to a stop, eyeing the golem. 1Fuck. 6He tries to pull himself and Paladin to the left.
[22:56] <13@DeathStar> 6* Xanatos' suit is ripped as he moves them both aside. Mist fills up in his helmet area.
[22:56] <13@Xanatos> Double fuck.
[22:56] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin grabs his gun, coughing up blood. "I'll hold it off. G-get the formula."
15[22:56] * 13@Xanatos pulls up some of the silver disc and hands them to paladin. 1Use these. 6He turns to run past the golem.
[22:57] <13@DeathStar> 6* He takes the discs. The golem turns to stop Xanatos, when Paladin fires at it's face, getting it's attention.
15[22:57] * 13@Xanatos quickly tries to slide around it before it can get him
[22:57] <13@DeathStar> 6* Xanatos slides by. Paladin moves forward, planting the discs on the golem's side.
[22:58] <13@DeathStar> 6* Xanatos would see the room on the far end.
15[22:58] * 13@Xanatos glances back slightly and breaks into a full on run, despite not being able to see very much, he's using his eye for the most part.
[22:58] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin fires into the discs, causing an explosion behind Xanatos, which launches him into the room. A chest can be seen, where a lock made where a ring can fit into is seen
15[22:59] * 13@Xanatos skids along the ground and groans slightly, pushing himself up, he takes the ring and tries to open the chest with it.
[22:59] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[22:59] <13@DeathStar> Location: Non-Infected Level
[22:59] <13@DeathStar> 6* An explosion rocks the area below them
[22:59] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes the floor
09[23:00] <13@Jennifer`> "I... hope he's okay..."
[23:00] <13Chad`Winters> Hmmm.
[23:00] <13@DeathStar> 6* Mist is coming up from some cracks in the walls and floor.
[23:00] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> We need to get outside.
09[23:00] <13@Jennifer`> "Y-Yeah, fast."
[23:00] <13Chad`Winters> Agreed.
[23:00] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes the mist, then eyes Ariel, leaning around to pick her up and cradle her in his arms.
15[23:00] * 13Chad`Winters quickly holsters one of his guns and moves over to Zephyr, lifting her up in his arms.
15[23:01] * 13@Jennifer` creeps away from the mist a bit. She pulls Natalie away from it. "Where to?"
[23:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya pants as Zephyr is taken away. She looks a bit ill
[23:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl picks up Aya now, then uses her other hand to pick up Chii
15[23:01] * 13Chad`Winters looks down at Aya then looks at Cheryl. 1"Thanks."
[23:01] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> The way Ariel and Zeph came.
[23:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien nods, moving down the hallway they came from. Cheryl follows, carrying her two people.
[23:01] <13Kit> 6Freyja leaves the wind enchantment, wincing a bit and turns to follow those going
[23:02] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr mumbles something, burning with fever.
15[23:02] * 13Chad`Winters moves after Cheryl.
[23:02] <13Kit> 6Dawn hefts Fiore and starts to troop after
15[23:02] * 13@Jennifer` heads after them, tugging Natalie's hand.
[23:02] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC motions for Jen to follow and moves after them
15[23:02] * 13@Jennifer` ends up following SPoC.
[23:02] <13@DeathStar> 6* It takes a few minutes, but eventually they emerge at ground level from the mountain, where they can see the others who were fighting golems.
[23:03] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek peers up. 1Well there they are. I guess we can go home now, right?
[23:03] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao peers over at them coming out
15[23:03] * 13@Jennifer` coughs. "Got a regular reunion going here."
15[23:03] * 13Ariel tries to control her breathing, trying to will her body to fight off the virus, since that's about all she can do now
[23:03] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> I don't see anything that looks like the formula
[23:03] <13Kit> <Freyja> They're retrieving it now.
[23:04] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Hmm. Good thing Revi is out. That Xanatos bloke isn't with them.
[23:04] <13@DeathStar> 6* The mountain begins to shake, and sections begin to crumble
15[23:04] * 13Chad`Winters moves over and to the others and sets Zephyr down. 1"Cheryl." 6He holds his arms out for Aya
[23:04] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> You're infected. You sure you want her?
15[23:05] * 13Chad`Winters shakes his head. 1"Right. How's she doing?" 6He reaches down to Zephyrs neck, checking her pulse
[23:05] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron peers at them weakly, holding a hand over his bloody stomach.
[23:05] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> I'm okay..just feel sick
15[23:05] * 13@Jennifer` joins the others and watches the mountain. "Really hope Mr. Durran's alright."
[23:05] <13@DeathStar> 6* There's another shaking, and a section of the mountain explodes out. Xanatos can be seen surfing the remains of a golem out through the air, only to fall off and land roughly on his face near the team. A canister in his pocket
[23:05] <13Chad`Winters> If anyone can tell if she's infected, do it now.
09[23:06] <13@Jennifer`> "Hey! He did it!"
[23:06] <13Kit> <Freyja> ..Did that just ..?
[23:06] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao scans her boredly. "She's fine. Just has internal injuries." 6* She looks up, then moves over and grabs the formula
15[23:06] * 13@Xanatos rolls along the ground, peering up slowly towards Ao.
[23:06] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Finally. Myria, we have work to do
[23:06] <13Chad`Winters> Internal...6He stares at his daughter, worry on his face.
15[23:07] * 13Myria nods to Ao.
[23:07] <13@Xanatos> <Xanatos> Don't get near me. I touched the bad stuff. 6He notes.
[23:07] <13@DeathStar> 6* Meanwhile, another part of the mountain explodes outward, and Dias can be seen walking out with his team, destroyed golems all about
[23:07] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien squints at Dias. "I didn't even know they were there."
[23:07] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias dusts some debris off his shoulders as he walks towards the others
[23:08] <13Kit> 6Freyja moves over towards Aya. 1"If you'll allow me to look.."
[23:08] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes Xanatos. "What happened to Paladin?"
[23:08] <13Myria> We also need to get medical attention for Theron.
[23:08] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus carries Duce like a damsel in distress. 1Hey. ANy of you healers want to fix him up?
09[23:08] <13@Jennifer`> * Sammael moves with Cad, Raquel, and Marcus, a frown on her face, covered in Cad's blood.
[23:08] <13Kit> <Freyja> Bring him here.
[23:08] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos sits up, peering over his shoulder. 1I'm not sure. We were cut off by a golem, he stayed behind.
[23:08] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya nods once to Freyja
[23:09] <13Chad`Winters> Since you asked so nicely. 6He glances at Zephyr than looks over at Aya again
[23:09] <13@DeathStar> 6* As Xanatos says this, the rest of the mountain collapses inward now, mist leaking out from it
15[23:09] * 13@Xanatos frowns and glances down. 1I guess he didn't make it.
15[23:09] * 13@Jennifer` starts backing up.
[23:09] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes the mountain silently, then peers at Sam.
[23:09] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias eyes the mountain. 1"Yep, time to get ourselves away.
09[23:09] <13@Jennifer`> * Sam moves away from the mountain with Marcus and Cad.
[23:09] <13Kit> 6Freyja hangs her head silently, then kneels and lays her hands out at Aya.
[23:09] <13Myria> We need to go now.
[23:09] <13@DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
[23:10] <13@DeathStar> Location: A Military Base
[23:10] <13@DeathStar> 6* Many hours have passed, and those infected have been put in one part of the medical bay, to be monitored as their conditions continue to worsen. Currently, Zephyr, Ariel, and SPoC are near death's door, with Jennifer having begun to bleed. So far Xanatos has showed no signs of the virus, though he has high levels of infection and is isolated
[23:11] <13@DeathStar> 6* Those with injuries unrelated to the virus have been placed in the mess hall of this base, where medical equipment is set up to monitor them. And right now, Ao and Myria are working on a cure in the other half of the medical bay.
15[23:11] * 13@Xanatos sits on a stool in his isolation room, staring upward at the ceiling.
[23:11] <13Kit> 6Freyja takes turns looking at those injured but uninfected quietly.
15[23:11] * 13Chad`Winters sits on a chair beside Zephyr's bed, watching her.
[23:11] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits in the are of the medical bay, that's suitable for non infected, watching those on the other side.
[23:11] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron lays in a bed, eyes closed as he rests.
[23:12] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien stands there, peering over at Ariel, frowning.
[23:12] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias stretches slightly. 1"This is taking to long."
[23:12] <13@DeathStar> 6* He looks as if he might break down, literally.
[23:12] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Well, they're kinda doing something important.
15[23:12] * 13@Jennifer` lays back in bed, trying to ignore her bleeding, she looks towards SPoC constantly.
[23:12] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> I think we have it. 6* She says finally, holding up some of the cure. "We just need to give it to them and see if it works."
[23:13] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> What happens if you're wrong, luv?
[23:13] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> They'll probably die.
09[23:13] <13@Jennifer`> * Sammael stands by Darien, looking over at Ariel with a sad look on her face. Her hair tied back.
[23:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis is resting in the mess hall in a bed made up for her, being given IV fluids to help her body
[23:13] <13Myria> Most likely because it attacks all of their cells instead of just the Dark One components.
[23:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao hands Myria the shot. "All yours."
[23:13] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Well let's hope you two birds are right, then.
[23:14] <13Myria> Who to test on first though?
[23:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao motions at the three about to die
[23:14] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Pick one
[23:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien rubs his face, listening to Myria and Ao talk, his eyes bloodshot at this point.
[23:15] <13Myria> Alphabetically...Ariel is first...sooo...
[23:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore sits up in the mess hall, looking about. "Where?" 6* She seems to be her normal self right now
[23:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao nods, stepping back.
09[23:15] <13@Jennifer`> * Sam looks over at him, she looks like she wants to comfort him but isn't sure how he'd react.
15[23:16] * 13Myria goes to administer the potential cure to Ariel.
15[23:16] * 13Chad`Winters reaches over and grabs Zephyr's hand, squeezing it as he watches Myria
[23:16] <13Kit> 6Dawn pats Fiore's head. 1"Base."
[23:16] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien watches Ariel's vitals, silent still, as if waiting for a miracle.
[23:16] <13@DeathStar> <Fiore> Ah. Aha.
09[23:16] <13@Jennifer`> * Sam looks over as well.
15[23:17] * 13Ariel would actively pray for a miracle, if she were conscious
[23:17] <13@DeathStar> 6* After a bit, Ariel seems to be breathing better, and the bleeding begins to slow.
[23:17] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus shifts, adjusting his bandages from his burns, but is overall in better condition that moth.
[23:17] <13Myria> Symptoms have begun to diminish.
[23:17] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Then it works.
[23:17] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sighs in relief.
09[23:17] <13@Jennifer`> * Sam breathes a sign of relief.
[23:17] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> That's a load off of my mind. 6He notes, putting a hand on his head.
[23:18] <13Kit> <Chii> Hate to have gone through all of this for nothin'.
[23:18] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Thank god.
[23:18] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien lets out a sound of relievement, his hand covering his face. Ao nods. <Ao> Lets shoot up the others, then
[23:18] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus watches carefully, a smirk on his face.
09[23:18] <13@Jennifer`> * Sammael hugs Darien gently. "Get some rest while she recovers?"
[23:18] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Then begin to get the cure out there for everyone in the galaxy to begin making it
[23:19] <13Myria> Alright!
15[23:19] * 13@Xanatos peers over at the others. 1Well it looks like the universe owes their lives to me and Paladin. Fancy that, huh?
[23:19] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Feels good, doens't it?
[23:19] <13@Xanatos> It could feel better. 6He notes, referring to Paladin probably.
[23:20] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Paladin died doing what he believed in.
[23:20] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> The man died a hero. No better way to go.
[23:20] <13@Xanatos> Would have been better if he lived a hero. 6He notes, shifting slightly.
[23:20] <13Kit> 6Freyja peers in the medical bay. 1"...If no one else needs help, then I will be going."
[23:21] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks at Freyja, then nods once.
[23:21] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT/TIME JUMP-
[23:21] <13@DeathStar> (Epilogue. Erevis Team Only)
03[23:21] * Jennifer` is now known as Sammael
[23:21] <13@DeathStar> Stardate: 10-590.4.13
[23:21] <13@DeathStar> Location: House of D
[23:22] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien opens his door, having finally gotten Ariel and Zephyr and Chad cleared medically to return home. So far the city is still suffering from the aftermath of the virus, but as far as the group goes, they can finally get some rest
[23:22] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien turns and helps Ariel inside, babying her despite her being healthy again.
15[23:23] * 13Ariel is glad for the help, though she doesn't admit it. Even if she's free of the virus, she's exhausted after all that.
[23:23] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek walks in, falling down onto the couch with a sigh. 1Bloody hell, mate. I feel like I could sleep a month.
15[23:23] * 13Chad`Winters moves inside, helping Aya.
[23:23] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya walks in, looking better herself. Fiore walks in with her hands folded together.
[23:23] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien helps Ariel to the couch. "Do you need anything?"
[23:23] <13Kit> <Dawn> Think I removed it... Oneesama feel better?
15[23:23] * 13@Sammael steps in after them, she watches quietly, if she's jealous it doesn't show, her hair's been trimmed a little to make up for the fraying from being blown up a bit, she takes a seat by Drasek on the couch.
[23:23] <13@DeathStar> <Fiore> Hm? Hai hai.
[23:24] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis watches them all moving inside, her hands folded together silently.
15[23:24] * 13Ariel smiles a little, "No... honestly. Just glad to be home."
[23:24] <13Kit> <Megumi> Something wrong, beloved?
15[23:24] * 13Ariel takes a deep breath, then pauses.
[23:24] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao peers at them all, leaning against Erevis. Zephyr is in the car, sleeping like a baby.
[23:24] <13Ariel> "...well... there is one thing."
[23:24] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Name it.
[23:25] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek eyes everyone on his cough and sighs slightly, shifting to prop his head up.
[23:25] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> Hm? ... I still feel it is my fault that Ariel and Zephyr and Xanatos Durran were infected...I should have done more.
[23:25] <13Ariel> "...supper shall not include anything remotely gelatinous."
15[23:25] * 13Chad`Winters runs his hand along his hair and moves towards the kitchen.
15[23:25] * 13@Sammael starts to giggle a bit.
[23:25] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien smiles. "Done. I'll make sure Fiore gets the message."
[23:25] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien rises. "I need to do a few things in my office. Sam? Could I talk to you a minute?" 6* He turns and moves for the door, opening it, and stepping in.
09[23:26] <13@Sammael> "Sure..."
[23:26] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Speaking of that. 6He pushes himself up and moves to walk towards the kitchen.
15[23:26] * 13@Sammael gets up, and moves into the office after him.
[23:26] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Well, thanks to me, the universe is saved. 6* She eyes Megumi, as if saying 'beat that'.
[23:26] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya moves over and takes a seat on the couch. <Aya> I hope nothing more happens...
15[23:26] * 13@Sammael closes the door behind her.
15[23:26] * 13Chad`Winters moves to the fridge and opens it, pulling out a water.
[23:27] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien stands at his board, peering at notes silently, as he waits for Sam to enter. Once she closes the door, he turns to look at her. "I think we should take a break from dating each other, Sam."
[23:27] <13Kit> <Megumi> Technically you helped infect the universe by seeking it out to begin with.
[23:27] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek gets a beer, moving past Chad since he's currently in the fridge, then leans against the counter. 1Whew I missed you. 6He tells the beer, taking a swig.
15[23:27] * 13@Sammael looks at him, her expression frozen. "I-I see..."
[23:27] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Excuse me? That guy would have done it anyway.
[23:28] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> You can stay here, of course - this is your home. But...I think you should take one of the empty rooms for yourself.
15[23:28] * 13Chad`Winters steps back, shutting the fridge. He moves out of the kitchen now.
[23:28] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek watches Chad leave, then stands there silently drinking his beer.
15[23:28] * 13@Sammael slowly nods, she feels herself go numb a little, "Y-Yes... I... okay..."
[23:28] <13Kit> <Megumi> Perhaps, however the most effective manner would to have been to seek out the source here on Earth with none of us infected rather than how many died and risked doing so.
[23:28] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> I'm sorry... 6* He sounds like he means it. "But I think this would be better."
[23:29] <13Kit> 6Megumi headtilts. 1"And if I am to understand it correctly, you would not have obtained the source without the mishap of Xanatos Durran's incorrectly fixated light engine."
[23:29] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao stares at Megumi, then walks off. "Fuck you."
[23:29] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis turns to peer at the two, frowning
[23:29] <13Kit> 6Megumi raises a finger. 1"I said I would not!!"
15[23:29] * 13@Sammael nods slowly, she closes her eyes, a tear going down her cheek. "I... I understand... I-I think I do... anyway..."
[23:29] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Blame me... 6* She mutters darkly to herself. "You'll regret that."
15[23:30] * 13Chad`Winters moves behind the couch and leans down to Aya. 1"You should take it easy for a bit."
[23:30] <13Kit> 6Megumi's ears twitch. 1"You tossed out all my food."
[23:30] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya nods, looking up at him. "You too."
[23:30] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head now, then shakes it oce. "Let us all return home."
[23:30] <13Kit> <Megumi> I am surprised anyway.
[23:31] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> About what?
[23:31] <13Chad`Winters> I'll try. 6He kisses her on the top of her head, hugging her with one hand. 1"I was proud of you today."
[23:31] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien looks away, not saying anything else.
[23:31] <13Kit> 6Megumi holds up her keys, eyeing them. 1"I did not expect Ao to assist in such a way, regardless."
[23:31] <13Kit> <Megumi> I am quite impressed." 6She unlocks the car.
15[23:31] * 13@Sammael looks down, as though she has no clue what to do from there.
[23:32] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> ... I should get some work done that's piled up. 6* He says, as if indicating she should go now. He doesn't look in her direction
09[23:32] <13@Sammael> "I-I should... move my things..." *she turns slowly to face the door* "D-Darien...?"
[23:32] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Yes?
[23:33] <13Kit> <Megumi> Beloved?
[23:33] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis silently glances up from her thoughts. "Yes, Kitten?"
[23:33] <13Kit> <Megumi> Would you make dinner this evening?
[23:33] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis nods once. "Of course."
09[23:33] <13@Sammael> "If... if whatever you... if you're happy... I can be." *she strains to say it*
[23:33] <13Kit> 6Megumi leans on her door, glancing back. 1"Aochan, come, or you will miss dinner!"
[23:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien nods a few times, not having a response to that. He just peers away awkwardly.
[23:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao eyes Megumi, her eyes still narrowed. She gets in the back, sitting on Zephyr's face.
09[23:34] <13@Sammael> "I'm sorry..."
15[23:34] * 13Chad`Winters squeezes Aya's shoulder and turns, moving to his room
[23:34] <13Kit> 6Megumi deadpans. 1"Behave-- Beloved is preparing it this evening."
15[23:34] * 13@Sammael opens the door and steps out, she doesn't look at anyone as she moves down the hall to Darien's room.
[23:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien sucks in some air, letting out a sigh at her apologizing, looking a bit annoyed at her apologizing. He moves over and closes the door.
[23:35] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Oh? My bad. 6* She gets off Zeph's head, who sits up, rubbing her face with a glare.
[23:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya watches Sam go by, a frown on her face now.
[23:36] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[23:36] <13@DeathStar> Super Secret Epilogue
[23:36] <13@DeathStar> 6* Marcus and Dias are alone currently.
[23:36] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Duce had something pretty important for me to pass along.
[23:36] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> So what did you need to tell me? 6He eyes him curiously
[23:37] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias rests his hands behind the neck. 1"Yeah? It's not something he did to me, was it?
[23:37] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> He said Caesura's body was taken or missing. Or something like that. I could barely hear him, but I think that's what it was.
[23:38] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias' eyes go wide, his hands dropping. 1"What?"
[23:38] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus nods once. 1That's what he said. I think that's what he was doing in Mega City.
[23:39] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> What the hell does VI have planned...
[23:39] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> I'm not sure man. But you know i've got your back either way.
[23:40] <13@DeathStar> -END-
[23:40] <13@DeathStar> Well, there endth the Viral Exodus arc
03[23:40] * Myria is now known as Jackieness
15[23:40] * 13@Xanatos collapses, completely dead now.
03[23:40] * DeathStar changes topic to 'Erevis the Progenitor | Season 5 (Personas): 10 of 20 complete | Session #91 | Episode Eleven: Maximum Cloneage Act One | 1 of 2 | Sessions will be RPed on M/W at 9 EST | Please visit our brother RPG at #taw'

[20:09] <13@DeathStar> 3
[20:09] <13@DeathStar> 1
[20:09] <13@DeathStar> -0-
[20:09] <13@DeathStar> Stardate: 10-590.4.18
[20:09] <13@DeathStar> Location: Kitty House
04[20:09] <13@DeathStar> 6* Sammael the Non Progenitor stands before the house.
15[20:10] * 13@Sammael stands at the front door, wearing jeans and a light shirt, she knocks at the door.
[20:11] <13@DeathStar> 6* No immediate response.
15[20:11] * 13@Sammael waits patiently outside.
[20:11] <13@DeathStar> 6* A kid goes by on his bike, peering at the house, moving slower and slower, as if hoping for a good show today
15[20:12] * 13@Sammael knocks again after a little bit.
[20:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* The door opens and Zephyr peers out, dressed in a pink shirt, shorts, and a brand new trench coat. Her hair is a wild mess, probably since she just got up and hasn't showered yet. Peering at Sam, Zephyr wrinkles her nose. "Yes?"
15[20:14] * 13@Sammael smiles at her softly. "Is Ao in?"
[20:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr narrows her eyes suspiciously. "Maybe."
15[20:15] * 13@Sammael tilts her head a little, curious about such suspicions. "I would like to speak to her."
[20:15] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Why?
15[20:16] * 13@Sammael frowns a little. "That is personal. But I will tell you, I wish to ask her some questions and get to know her a little better."
[20:16] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr keeps staring at Sam, frowning clearly now.
09[20:16] <13@Sammael> "You do not approve?"
[20:17] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> I don't. I'll see if her "highness" wants to see you. 6* She goes back inside and closes the door, moving off to find Ao
15[20:17] * 13@Sammael pulls out her datapad, checking on something while she waits. An odd look on her face as she goes over messages.
[20:18] <13@DeathStar> 6* Minutes tick away.
15[20:19] * 13@Sammael seems content to wait, completely absorbed in whatever she is doing.
[20:19] <13@DeathStar> 6* The door opens and Ao steps out, wearing her usual Progenitor garbs that consist of a top and bottom, showing her stomach. Her hair is braided in circles. "So the Puppet wanted to see her god?"
15[20:20] * 13@Sammael finishes what she's doing and slowly puts the datapad away, looking up. "I wish to see you, yes."
[20:21] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao begins to go back inside as Sam continues to finish what she's doing, apparantly not one to wait
15[20:21] * 13@Sammael starts to follow her, the timing making her see it as an invitation. "I was hoping we could talk a little."
[20:22] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> About what?
09[20:22] <13@Sammael> "Several things, the first is a query on how you are doing."
[20:22] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao just waves her hand once, not answering. She moves over and begins to peer at some stuff Megumi was researching, then picks it up and moves to the trash with the notes
15[20:23] * 13@Sammael frowns a little, watching her, "And how are you doing with Erevis?"
[20:23] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao ignores her still, tossing the notes in the trash
09[20:24] <13@Sammael> "Why are you doing that?"
[20:24] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Because I want to.
09[20:24] <13@Sammael> "That does not look like your work."
[20:24] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Aren't you smart. 6* She says it sarcastically.
15[20:26] * 13@Sammael tilts her head a little. "I've lost the ability to use Hyperspace."
[20:26] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> So? 6* She moves over and sits down on the couch
15[20:26] * 13@Sammael takes a seat as well. "Do you know why?"
[20:27] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Yeah. 6* She yawns now
09[20:27] <13@Sammael> "You took it?"
[20:28] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> You cut it. 6* She notes, referring to Sam's independence.
15[20:28] * 13@Sammael blinks, apparently she didn't know she could do it that well. "...I blocked you that thoroughly?"
[20:29] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Cut. 6* She corrects.
09[20:30] <13@Sammael> "Cut..." *she frowns a little, as she looks at Ao she attempts to open herself up a little*
[20:30] <13@DeathStar> 6* Nothing happens. Ao doesn't even seem to notice, peering over the couch boredly
09[20:31] <13@Sammael> "I... think I would like to repair this bond between us."
[20:32] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao stares at her now, like a cockroach. "You cut it, now you want it back? You want to be my puppet again?"
15[20:33] * 13@Sammael considers this a moment. "I do not believe you will use it for evil intentions, you and Erevis are reaching understandings."
[20:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao just studies her, a poker face on. "Yeah? So you'd give control of your body to me just so you can be stronger again?"
15[20:34] * 13@Sammael slowly puts a hand to her shoulder, just under where she was stabbed and looks down a little. "So I can survive."
[20:35] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Why not avoid fights, then, if survival is all you want, human?
09[20:35] <13@Sammael> "It is not survival I want, it is to survive in the world I want to be in."
[20:36] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> And what world is that? 6* She studies her with interest.
[20:36] <13Kit> <Megumi> A world with warring goddesses.
09[20:36] <13@Sammael> "The world Darien Starr lives in."
15[20:36] * 13@Sammael blinks and looks at Megumi slowly.
[20:36] <13@DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr stands behind Megumi, a frown on her face, having been listening in
[20:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao peers back at them, then at Sam, shrugging. "If you want your powers back, I'll give them to you. Lets go outside."
15[20:37] * 13@Sammael stands up slowly.
[20:37] <13Kit> <Megumi> Mm. She will need them if Ao throws another tantrum.
[20:38] <13Kit> 6Megumi stares glumly at the trash can with her notes and current hypothetical theories about dark energy manipulation.
[20:38] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao puts a hand to her face, eyeing Megumi with a smile, then moves for the front door. Zephyr shakes her head at Sam. <Zephyr> Ao used you before, and you're just going re-establish a link to her? You're stupid. 6* She moves into her room, closing the door
15[20:38] * 13@Sammael frowns at Zephyr and shrugs, walking after Ao.
[20:38] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao steps outside, moving down the steps and turns to face Sam, waiting.
15[20:39] * 13@Sammael moves down after her and looks at Ao.
[20:40] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Alright, first, close your eyes, and willingly drop all your defenses to me and allow me to take control of your mind and body once again.
15[20:40] * 13@Sammael nods and closes her eyes, she slowly brings down all her defense, letting go of her fears about Ao.
[20:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao closes her own eyes, and begins to take control of Sam's strings, one by one, tightening them in her favor so Sam can't use them against her again, re-establishing her control one link at a time. She moves her hand, and Sam's hand moves. She nods, focusing on giving Sam all her strength back, the hyperspace abilities returning to her. Finally, Ao stops controlling her, the links firmly in place again
[20:42] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> There>
15[20:42] * 13@Sammael opens her eyes slowly. "Thank you Ao."
[20:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao just nods, a hand over his mouth. "Fuu fuu. Think nothing of it."
[20:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao moves to go back inside now
09[20:43] <13@Sammael> "Ao?"
[20:44] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Yes, puppet?
09[20:44] <13@Sammael> "I believe you might to better with Erevis if you are kinder to Megumi."
[20:45] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> And are you doing well with your Darien by being kinder to the idling Ariel?
09[20:45] <13@Sammael> "I do not know... but they are different people."
15[20:45] * 13@Sammael looks a little hurt at that.
04[20:46] -Stage- YO KARA
[20:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao waves her hand in dismissal. "I'll do things my way, thank you. Erevis will soon see the backwater Famfrit is nothing but an anchor around her neck." 6* She moves to go back inside
09[20:47] <13@Sammael> "A-As you wish."
[20:47] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao re-enters the house now.
15[20:48] * 13@Sammael stands outside, looking down at her hand slightly, knowing what she's just done. She closes her eyes and sighs deeply.
[20:48] <13@DeathStar> -END-
[20:49] <13@DeathStar> Since I assumed she wasn't going back inside to hang with Zeph or Erevis
09[20:49] <13@Sammael> Not yet.
[20:49] <13Chad`Winters> That'd be funny to see her try and hang with Zeph
[20:52] <13Chad`Winters> I'm gonna shower. Than I can mini for awhile.
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> 2
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> 1
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> -0-
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> Location: House of D
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien sits in his office, drinking his coffee, going over information from John's statement.
15[20:55] * 13@Sammael knocks on his door, home from her little excursion.
[20:56] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Enter.
15[20:56] * 13@Sammael steps inside, a look on her face like she's afraid.
[20:56] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien glances over at her, a wince on his face as he sees her expression. "What is it, Sam?" 6* He asks softly.
15[20:57] * 13@Sammael closes the door and takes a seat, putting a hand to her forehead. "I have to tell you... because I do not want you or anyone else at risk for my actions..."
[20:57] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien turns his seat toward her, a frown on his face now, trying to figure out what she's talking about. "Your actions?"
09[20:58] <13@Sammael> "I opened my link to Ao."
[20:58] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> What? 6* He repeats, his tone and facial expression indicating he didn't seem to hear her correctly.
09[20:58] <13@Sammael> "I opened my link to Ao again."
[20:59] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien stares at her a few minutes, this expression shifts to one of outright anger. He stands up, his voice rising now. "You did what?"
15[20:59] * 13@Sammael looks down, shaking a little.
04[21:00] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> What the hell are you talking about, Sammael? Why the hell did you do such a thing? 6* He sounds, his tone still raised.
09[21:01] <13@Sammael> "I've nearly died several times in the last month, I'm slow... I..."
04[21:02] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien brings his hand down on the desk. "You've nearly died because you keep putting your self in situations you have no business being in, Sammael. And now you go and give yourself BACK to Ao, after what all she did to you before? How she controlled you to try to capture Erevis and Isis? Are you just stupid?"
15[21:03] * 13@Sammael shakes more now, gripping the seat, she closes her eyes as tears stream down her face. "I-I... I am..."
04[21:04] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien turns his back to her, so he doesn't have to look at her, his expression severely pissed. "Get out, Sammael. Just...get out of my office. I don't want to look at you right this second."
09[21:06] <13@Sammael> "...I am lost."
15[21:06] * 13@Sammael slowly stands, her voice strangely calm, creepily calm.
15[21:07] * 13Chad`Winters steps into the house, having been gone since 8. A box under his arm.
04[21:07] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien slms his hand down on the desk with aloud thump. "Get out of here now, Sammael." 6* He shouts at her now, turning to face her in anger. "Now you're just another goddamn liability. Don't you get that? Your powers are meaningless when I can't fucking trust you anymore."
15[21:12] * 13Chad`Winters moves into the hallway and over to Aya's door, knocking on it gently
[21:12] <13@DeathStar> 6* No response.
15[21:13] * 13Chad`Winters rubs the back of his head and moves over to his door and opens it, moving inside and setting the box on his work bench
[21:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya is in the backyard, under the tree, reading her college books, a datapad on her lap for notes.
15[21:15] * 13Chad`Winters steps back outside, leaving his door open for once and moves to the pool door, glancing outside. He opens the door and steps outside, making his way over to his daughter
15[21:16] * 13@Sammael shakes violently, staring at him almost blankly, if anyone was about to finally snap, now was the time, she stammers a little, she slowly holds her head, breathing quickly.
04[21:17] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien's fist begins to tighten, his anger clearly boiling more and more. He steps forward and grabs her roughly by the arm, moving to the door and opening, pushing Sammael out and closing the door. He locks the door, turning away to try to control his boiling rage. Part of him debates trying to kill Ao.
[21:17] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya pauses, as if sensing heavy emotions from the house, despite her distance. She glances toward it.
15[21:18] * 13Chad`Winters eyes Aya glances at the house and looks back it briefly then back at his daughter. 1"I'm home."
15[21:18] * 13@Sammael lay on the floor, staring at the carpet a moment, she grips it and slowly stands, her face looks... broken, somewhere between tears and anger, she starts to walk down the hall to the room she's using.
[21:18] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> Hey, Dad... 6* Her tone is blank. "Something bad is happening inside. I can sense dark emotions of anger...and one person feels like they're breaking mentally."
[21:19] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien steps away from the door, then kicks his chair, grabbing an object and smashing it into a board with his nots. He begins to stop the board after it hits the ground. "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." 6* He clenches his fist, grabbing his datapad, planning to confront Ao now.
15[21:19] * 13Chad`Winters crosses his arms as he looks back at the house again. 1"Want me to find out what's going on?"
[21:19] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya actually looks scared for once, hugging her knees. She shakes her head, as if afraid what's going on would engulf Chad next
04[21:19] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore passes Sammael as she moves for the kitchen. She stops to stare at Sam
15[21:20] * 13Chad`Winters looks at his daughter and quickly moves to sit beside her, putting an arm around her. 1"Maybe we should go out for awhile, than."
15[21:20] * 13@Sammael doesn't stop, she's a mess between what can only be called purely homocidal emotions and grief. She opens the door and moves inside.
[21:20] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> I-Is that a good idea?
[21:21] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore calls out. "Lunch will be ready. One hour." 6* She tells Sam, then heads on for the kitchen
15[21:22] * 13@Sammael shuts the door behind her and looks around the room, she sits on the bed and looks at a baord she's set up, currently containing calculations and formulas about hyperspace, she slowly stands and grabs a marker, looking at it, she suddenl;y becomes calm, the grief vanishing, only the unbelievable anger and murderous intentions remaining as she starts to write.
15[21:22] * 13Chad`Winters shrugs. 1"I'm more concerned on what'll make things easier on you right now."
[21:22] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien's shuttle lands next to the house and Darien storms out, a gun in his left hand. He moves up the ramp, his face twisted in anger.
15[21:23] * 13@Sammael comes to the end of the board, working on math that somehow involves lettering from multiple languages, she blinks, then continues writing on the wall around it.
[21:24] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya peers out, watching Darien silently. The shuttle ramp rises and the shuttle lifts up in the air, turning and flying out toward Tokyo's suburbs.
15[21:24] * 13Chad`Winters lets out a breath of air. 1"That won't end good."
[21:24] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya gets to her feet, nodding. "Let's go somewhere...else." 6* Her tone is a bit empty now
[21:25] <13@DeathStar> -END-

[21:37] <13@DeathStar> 1
[21:37] <13@DeathStar> -0-
[21:37] <13@DeathStar> Location: Various Spots
[21:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien lands his shuttle in the yard and gets steps out, heading for the door. He opens the door to Megumi's house without knocking, walking toward Ao who is on the couch
[21:38] <13Kit> 6Darien would be held back-- as if walking into a glass door that no one ever notices.
15[21:38] * 13@Sammael continues to write furiously on the walls, eyes blankly starign as her mind works on overdrive, she stops to grab a light engine schematic, she starts to combine the calculations of the design into the formula.
[21:39] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien pauses, then slams his gun against the glass. "Ao! Drop the link right this fucking minute.'
[21:39] <13Kit> <Megumi> Darien, what is the meaning of this?
[21:39] <13Kit> 6Megumi stands at the edge of the hall, not looking pleased.
[21:39] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr peers from trying to make lunch staring now.
[21:40] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Ao has control of Sam again. Server your connection right now, Ao. 6* Ao peers at him boredly.
15[21:41] * 13@Sammael continues to write, she comes to the end of the wall she was writing on, and starts on the next.
15[21:41] * 13Chad`Winters pulls the car upto the park and shuts it off.
[21:41] <13Kit> <Megumi> Regardless of the circumstances, there is no reason ever to bring weapons into my home.
[21:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya distractedly eyes her book, closing it.
[21:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis steps out finally, wearing a robe, her hair a mess about her face. "What is going on?"
[21:41] <13Kit> 6Megumi raises a finger. 1"Disregarding to use on my family, since this member here is not exactly at peace with being considered family."
[21:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes Ao again, pressing against the barrier. "Server. It. Now." 6* Ao rises. <Ao> I can't. It's permenant.
[21:42] <13Chad`Winters> Let's go for a walk. Get your mind off what you felt back there.
[21:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya nods and gets out of the car.
[21:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr peers back at the food she was making having lost her desire to cook. She shuts the oven off, then turns to watch Darien seething against the barrier holding him back.
15[21:44] * 13Chad`Winters gets out of the car, locking it. 1"So I've been doing more thinking on the vacation I had planned before."
04[21:44] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Erevis. Make your little Progenitor brat break her connection to Sammael now. 6* Erevis tilts her head, peering toward Ao.
[21:44] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> Really?
[21:44] <13Kit> <Megumi> Lose the gun or I will make you, Darien.
15[21:45] * 13@Sammael stops as she reaches something she needs to think on, she sits back and hugs her knees, rocking a little and starting to cry again.
[21:45] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> I'm not lying. Can't be done. She wanted her powers back, and they're back. For good. Ask Erevis. 6* Erevis closes her eyes, then peers at Darien. <Erevis> I do not sense deception
15[21:45] * 13Chad`Winters nods as he walks along the park pathway. 1"Yeah. I'm really liking the caribbean."
[21:45] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien is quiet a moment, then turns and walks back outside. "All of you stay out of my fucking house."
[21:45] <13Kit> <Megumi> Ao never broke the connection to begin with. There is nothing to prove she ever could.
04[21:45] <13Kit> 6Megumi shakes her head. 1"Much like recreating it, it was Sammael's wish in breaking it."
[21:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis sighs a bit, a hand to her face. She looks more weary than ever. Ao sticks her tongue out at Darien's back as he storms off back for his shuttle.
[21:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya walks to Chad's side, nodding a few times. "When do you think it'll be safe to go?"
[21:47] <13Kit> 6Megumi lowers her field and puts a hand to her face, twitching a little, holding the other out to steady.
[21:47] <13Chad`Winters> I don't know. 6He frowns slightly, than shakes his head. 1"Soon." 6He nods.
[21:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien climbs up the ramp of the shuttle and sits back down, clicking to raise the ramp. Erevis moves over to put an arm around Megumi, as if to comfort her.
[21:48] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Well. I don't think those two are getting back together.
15[21:48] * 13@Sammael continues writing and stopping to break down every little bit, shivering and focusing all of her anger into the equation. She looks at her bags from her trip, an doesn't unpack them, returning to focus on her work, her feelings swimming, but the crazed mindset never wavering.
[21:49] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya peers out at the small lake.
[21:49] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore works on lunch in Darien's kitchen, humming as she prepares dishes.
[21:50] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> I'll be in my room. 6* She notes, turning and heading back to her room, closing the door.
[21:50] <13Chad`Winters> I'm sorry if I haven't been the greatest father to you.
[21:50] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya blinks, looking at Chad, thoroughly confused now. "Huh?"
[21:50] <13Kit> <Megumi> ... Deplorable.
[21:51] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> Deplorable?
[21:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien grabs the controls and flies the shuttle off now.
[21:51] <13Chad`Winters> Being so controlling on things. I'm sorry for that.
04[21:51] <13Kit> <Megumi> I have no concern if this leads to Darien veering from Sammael, because it would mean that mama knight is happier-- however, if we are not welcome there, then it creates another awkwardness between members of the family.
[21:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya gives a hesitant shrug, not sure how to respond to this. "You're my father. It's your job."
[21:52] <13Kit> 6Megumi glances toward Ao sighing and shaking her head.
[21:52] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> I will speak with Darien Starr on the matter after he calms down.
15[21:52] * 13@Sammael shakes and stops, two walls filled now, she sits on her bed and stares at the formulas, and starts writing on her arm a little.
[21:52] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao crosses her arms, sitting on the couch. "Don't look at me. I just did what the girl wanted."
[21:53] <13Kit> <Megumi> Yet did you consider the outcome.
[21:53] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Right. Blame me like always. Blame me for spreading the virus, when I helped save the universe. Blame me for that man getting upset that I did what the human wanted. 6* She stands up and moves for the door. "Forget it. I'm gone."
15[21:53] * 13Chad`Winters rubs the side of his arm. 1"Yeah, but sometimes I wish life would've been easier and I would not of had to be."
[21:54] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> Life is what it is, Dad.
[21:54] <13Kit> <Megumi> That easy to give up on Erevis, because things do not go your way..?
[21:54] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao stops at the door, peering back. "Who said I was giving up on Erevis, Famfrit?" 6* She opens the door and steps out, closing the door.
09[21:55] <13@Sammael> "Why... why do I do this... why do I need this... for him... all for him..."
[21:55] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis frowns silently.
[21:55] <13Kit> <Megumi> ..." 6She narrows her eyes and opens the door without her physical touch, running after her.
[21:55] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao begins to move across the yard, peering at the sky, as if calculating an angle now
15[21:55] * 13@Sammael whimpers and closes her eyes, "A puppet no matter what... I can't..."
[21:56] <13Chad`Winters> This is true. 6He shifts his hands into his pocket. 1"I'm just glad you came into my life."
[21:57] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya gives him a smile at that, hugging his arm.
[21:58] <13Chad`Winters> You're everything I could ever ask for in a daughter and more.
[21:58] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya looks embarrassed at the compliments, peering down shyly.
15[21:59] * 13Chad`Winters laughs lightly and he shifts his arm around his daughter, pulling her into a light headlock
15[21:59] * 13@Sammael pulls out a notebook, sniffling a little as she starts to write the same phrase in it over and over again, before slamming the notebook on the foor, she blinks and stares at something peeking under the bed, she leans down, pulling it out.
[21:59] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya playfully struggles now
[22:00] <13Kit> 6Megumi huffs, springing to leap at Ao from behind
[22:00] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao steps to the side as she comes in, narrowing her eyes
[22:00] <13Kit> 6Megumi cries slightly, then reacts instinctively to catch on her hands and push, flipping to her feet, blinking ahead.
[22:00] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Are you challenging me, Famfrit?
15[22:01] * 13@Sammael pulls out an old datapad and sits with it, turning it on, she starts to look over it. She clutches it a little tightly, she looks at the notebook on the floor, and those words.
[22:01] <13Kit> <Megumi> Would it make a difference?
[22:01] <13Kit> 6Megumi turns and blinks at her.
15[22:01] * 13Chad`Winters shifts his other hand around to life Aya up.
[22:01] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> No. You're are beneath me.
15[22:02] * 13@Sammael curls up on the bed, staring at something on the screen of the datapad, she starts to read from her position.
[22:03] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya blinks, making a startled noise. "D-Dad!"
[22:03] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore puts food out on the table, then takes a seat, despite the fact no one at home seems to be in good shape
[22:04] <13Chad`Winters> What's the matter? You too big now? 6He teases her as he holds her like someone would an toddler
[22:04] <13Kit> <Megumi> It would not make a difference because I am beneath you?
[22:04] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> P-People are staring.
[22:04] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao nods, moving to step past Megumi
[22:05] <13Chad`Winters> Good thing your out of diapers than. 6He sets her on her feet.
[22:05] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya blushes at that one. "Daaad."
[22:06] <13Chad`Winters> I could tell them it was only 3 years ago that you finally were potty trained and I wouldn't be lieing. 6He pokes her, smiling.
[22:06] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya looks even more embarrassed. "Now you're being even more mean."
[22:07] <13Kit> <Megumi> Why is that?
15[22:07] * 13@Sammael lays curled up still, she goes through the files of the datapad, reading logs, journal entries, news clips, someone kept or collected very meticulous notes on something.
[22:07] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> I'm a God. You're nothing but a backwater creature.
[22:08] <13Kit> <Megumi> Yet you blame me.
[22:08] <13Chad`Winters> Wait until you turn 18 and I pull out the embarassing baby pictures.
[22:08] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao peers at Megumi annoyedly. "Yes. You've corrupted her. Look at how she hangs on your every word. It's sickening. You get depressed, she does as well. She's been mopey since you all got back from that other place."
[22:08] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> Who would you show them to? 6* She counters.
15[22:09] * 13Chad`Winters drops his jaw, feigning a hurt look.
[22:10] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya smiles and pokes his side now.
[22:10] <13Chad`Winters> Well, since you asked. 6He starts listing off people. Dias, Marcus, Zephyr, Ariel, Megumi, than lists off her friends at school.
[22:11] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> All those people are saw me as a baby, and there's no one left at school anymore.
[22:11] <13Chad`Winters> Well played. 6He nods approvingly as he reaches out to rustle her hair
[22:11] <13@Ariel> 6* Raquel is sadly left out.
[22:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya smiles at him, peering about the park, studying it quietly.
[22:13] <13Kit> <Megumi> Yet I do not blame you.
[22:13] <13Chad`Winters> Feeling a little better now?
[22:14] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> You blame me for plenty else.
[22:14] <13Kit> 6Megumi peers upward, pushing up her sunglasses. 1"So you assume."
[22:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya nods.
[22:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao quotes what Megumi said about her being at fault in the virus, and that she should have thought things through with Sam. "Sounds like blame to me."
15[22:15] * 13Chad`Winters puts an arm around her, pulling her in for a hug. 1"Good. It's kind of beautiful isn't it." 6He nods at the lake.
[22:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya nods. "Yes."
04[22:16] <13Kit> <Megumi> Thought what through with Sammael?
[22:16] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Outcome. Whatever.
[22:17] <13Kit> <Megumi> I never said anything. I merely responded to your guilty conscience.
[22:17] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao rolls her eyes, and starts walking again, looking huffy.
[22:18] <13Chad`Winters> I wish there was more moments in life like these, to make up for everything that's gone wrong.
[22:18] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> Life's not that bad, is it, Dad? 6* She sounds worried for him again
[22:20] <13Kit> <Megumi> I am actually pleased.
[22:20] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao stops to eye her again. "Pleased?"
[22:20] <13Kit> <Megumi> Quite.
[22:21] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> About?
[22:21] <13Kit> <Megumi> To know you have such thoughts means you are not completely hopeless.
[22:21] <13Kit> 6Megumi smiles, then turns back for the house.
[22:21] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao just watches her go, then just moves off again
[22:22] <13Chad`Winters> I've had to live though a lot, princess. Most of it not something I'd file in the positive department. 6He runs his hand through his hair as he stares at the pond now. 1"It's only natural to want it to mean something good.
[22:22] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> ... 6* She peers at him, then at the lake, silent in thought
15[22:25] * 13Chad`Winters lowers his hand now. 1"Don't worry, I won't stop looking for something good.
[22:25] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya nods, reaching up and squeezing his hand
[22:25] <13@DeathStar> -END-

[22:29] <13@DeathStar> 2
[22:29] <13@DeathStar> 1
[22:29] <13@DeathStar> -0-
[22:29] <13@DeathStar> Stardate: 10-590.4.19
[22:29] <13@DeathStar> Location: Tokyo
15[22:32] * 13Chad`Winters pulls up outside Meg and Erevis house, sometime around noon.
[22:32] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya is reading her books as usual in the passenger seat.
[22:34] <13Chad`Winters> We're here. 6He shuts the car off and opens the door
[22:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya pauses, then closes her book and opens her door, peering at the house quietly
15[22:36] * 13Chad`Winters steps out and looks over at Aya. 1"They'll be happy to see you."
[22:36] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> I'm not so sure. It feels tense here.
[22:36] <13Chad`Winters> Really? 6He leans on his car, studying his daughter now. 1"Maybe this isn't a good idea right now than."
[22:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya gives a helpless shrug
[22:38] <13Chad`Winters> Well we're here. We should atleast see how they're doing, we can always leave.
[22:39] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> Okay.
15[22:39] * 13Chad`Winters pushes off the car and heads to the front door, knocking on it.
[22:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya follows a face paces behind him. There's a brief pause, then the door opens and Zephyr squints at the two of them. She's dressed in a white shirt and shorts, with her new trench coat on; her hair is braided about to make it's long length more bareable. "Hey, you two."
[22:41] <13Chad`Winters> Hey. Care if we come in?
[22:42] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Sure. 6* She steps on inside so they can come in. The area seems to be empty of people right this second. Zephyr moves over to the couch to sit down, where a datapad with a game can be seen
15[22:43] * 13Chad`Winters steps in, slipping his shoes off. 1"How things going around here?"
[22:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya takes her shoes off as well, moving in behind Chad. Zephyr shrugs. <Zephyr> As well as can be expected with two pregnant women and a bratty goddess."
09[22:43] <13@Jennifer`> * Sammael steps out of her room, looking clean, changed and showered, though her expression a bit vacant as she makes her way out to the kitchen, those feelings haven't subsided.
[22:45] <13Chad`Winters> So stressful, huh? 6He steps in further, glancing around
09[22:45] <13@Jennifer`> * Sammael moves to the fridge once in the kitchen and opens it, scavenging for food.
[22:45] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Challenging. Megumi's working right now, if you're wondering, and Erevis is in the backyard.
[22:46] <13Chad`Winters> Isis down for a nap?
[22:46] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Outside with Erevis.
[22:47] <13Chad`Winters> Must be hard living with Ao.
[22:47] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr just smiles, not answering that, peering about as if Ao might be listening in.
15[22:48] * 13@Jennifer` puts together a sandwich, looking around as though afraid she's being watched before moving to the table with it, starting to eat hungrily, possibly the first food she's had since she locked herself away.
09[22:48] <13@Jennifer`> * Sammel
03[22:48] * Jennifer` is now known as Sammael
[22:48] <13Chad`Winters> I see. 6He raises his eyebrows than glances at Aya, to check on her.
[22:49] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya is standing there quietly, just letting the two talk.
[22:49] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> So, what are you two up to?
[22:50] <13Chad`Winters> Needed to get out of the house. Too much negativity.
[22:50] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Yeah? Sounds bad. Darien still pissed? 6* She glances at Aya, who is studying her shirt intently
15[22:51] * 13@Sammael finishes it and moves back to the kitchen, putting away her plate before looking around quietly, wandering into the living room, she stops and pulls out a marker, pulling up her sleeve and writing on her arm again.
04[22:52] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore steps in from outside with a broom, moving past Sammael into the kitchen
15[22:53] * 13@Sammael doesn't even notice her, absorbed in whatever she's writing, she stops suddenly for no particular reason and pulls her sleeve up, putting the marker behind her ear.
[22:53] <13Chad`Winters> He's been scarce, so yeah. 6He crosses his arms. 1"Sam's been spending her entire time in her room."
[22:53] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> She's a crazy one. 6* She pats for Aya to sit next to her. The girl moves over and does so.
[22:53] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> You two still planning that vacation?
[22:54] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore begins to sweep the kitchen
15[22:54] * 13Chad`Winters nods. 1"I started looking into things again."
15[22:55] * 13@Sammael sits down on the couch and puts her face in her hands, remaining motionless, as though she was going to start crying, only she doesn't.
[22:55] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> That's good to hear. Everyone could use a vacation that doesn't end badly.. 6* She murmurs
[22:57] <13Chad`Winters> Last vacation I had was when I accidentally crashed a shuttle on that back water planet with Angela.
[22:58] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Then you should probably avoid asking Sam to go with you. 6* Aya peers at Chad now, probably wondering how he survived being with Angela
15[22:59] * 13@Sammael gets up and moves out the front door, walking onto the lawn slowly.
15[22:59] * 13Chad`Winters smirks at that. 1"You're probably going to need a vacation sometime soon, what with living with two pregnant woman."
[22:59] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Maybe a year or so from now.
[23:00] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore finishes sweeping and begins to mop
15[23:00] * 13@Sammael walks down the street, along the side walk, a dazed look in her eyes.
[23:00] <13Chad`Winters> Hopefully Aya and I won't have to wait that long.
[23:01] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> I hope so, too. 6* She gives Aya a smile. Fiore finishes mopping and heads into Jen's room to wash the walls
[23:02] <13Chad`Winters> I could always plan it for three people.
09[23:03] <13@Sammael> * It's gotten far worse in there, every wall now is covered in equations and theories, it seems she even figured out how to get some on the ceiling.
[23:03] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Three people? 6* She glances at him, wondering if he means her, or someone else.
15[23:04] * 13Chad`Winters nods. 1"If you'd think you'd want to come with us."
[23:04] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> It would probably be nice, but I can't. Right now I'm needed here more than ever, with Megumi and Erevis both pregnant, and living here with Ao, and the whole thing with Cheryl and V.I...
15[23:04] * 13@Sammael keeps walking, before stopping in front of a familiar house, looking out over the lawn at it quietly.
[23:05] <13Chad`Winters> It probably won't be until after VI's taking care off for us anyways.
[23:05] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr nods.
[23:06] <13Chad`Winters> How is she doing, anyways?
[23:06] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Who? Cheryl?
15[23:06] * 13Chad`Winters nods
[23:06] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Looking lifeless and without energy. But she's working again, at least.
15[23:06] * 13@Sammael wanders over the lawn, stopping for a moment, looking around at it, before stepping up to the door.
15[23:07] * 13Chad`Winters frowns at that. 1"That bad, huh?"
[23:08] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Well, she hasn't spoken it verbally, but I'm sure she came to the same conclusion I did
15[23:08] * 13@Sammael puts her hand up to knock and hesitates, before finally knocking on the door.
[23:08] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr peers at Aya, as if not wanting to say it in front of her
[23:08] <13Chad`Winters> We can talk about it later than. 6He nods.
[23:11] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> I can go outside and check on Isis if you two want.
[23:11] <13Chad`Winters> If it's not that much trouble.
[23:12] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya nods and gets up, moving out the back door. Zephyr watches her go
[23:12] <13Chad`Winters> 6The door opens and a 30 some year old man stands there. 1"...Yeah?"
15[23:13] * 13@Sammael blinks, her face going from blank to pleasent as she smiles a little. "Hello, my friend used to live here, I hope I am not intruding."
15[23:13] * 13Chad`Winters moves over and takes a seat. 1"You were saying?"
[23:14] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Time moves differently between realities. There's a good chance she'll never find Ben alive.
[23:14] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> And I think she knows that.
[23:14] <13Chad`Winters> <NPC> And?
09[23:15] <13@Sammael> "Oh, right, forgive me, my name is Sam, you might know that she died? I simply wanted to see the house again, and inquire if there was anything left from her residence still around."
[23:16] <13Chad`Winters> <NPC> Uh, thanks for giving me that bad news. And the house was empty when I bought it.
09[23:16] <13@Sammael> "I see. Would it be alright if I took a moment to look around? I will not take up much of your time."
15[23:16] * 13Chad`Winters frowns. 1"Thought crossed my mind too."
[23:17] <13@DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr nods, sighing a bit.
[23:17] <13Chad`Winters> 6The NPC eyes her. 1"Am I going to have to call the cops?"
15[23:17] * 13@Sammael shakes her head and bows politely. "Of course not. I am sorry for disturbing you."
[23:18] <13Chad`Winters> It is possible that he wound up in a reality that moves slower than ours.
[23:18] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> It's possible, yes. I think that's why she hasn't lost all hope.
[23:19] <13Chad`Winters> There's one thing that's bothered me.
15[23:19] * 13@Sammael turns to go after that, walking back across the lawn.
[23:19] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> What's that? 6* She glances at him now
15[23:21] * 13@Sammael walks along again, walking down the road towards the park. Her face blank once again.
[23:22] <13Chad`Winters> If all realities move differently, than this alternate Dias would face the same problem that we'll face. A thousand years could pass if he wound up in the wrong reality.
[23:22] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Yeah, I guess that might happen
[23:24] <13Chad`Winters> Well whatever this disease is that the alternate John was talking about, could easily destroy their reality by the time he completed his mission making it pointless.
[23:24] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Hm. John did say that it would take thousands and thousands of years before our reality dies from the lack of a crystal; it may be that they're acting proactively with those kind of time frames in mind
[23:25] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Or they hope to recreate their reality with all the crystals, if they can do that
15[23:25] * 13@Sammael takes a seat on a park bench, she closes her eyes and sighs deeply, before laying down on it. Returning to where she started, like a kid going back to bed to get out on the other side during a bad day.
[23:28] <13Chad`Winters> I also find it odd that we ran into an alt. John and Dias. Considering how time flows differently.
[23:28] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Why?
[23:30] <13Chad`Winters> Statistically, it's a huge long shot that they'd actually show up here while we're still alive. We should go off the thought that time doesn't flow that greatly between the realities
[23:30] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr nods, trying to follow him
[23:31] <13Chad`Winters> We've seen, what, about two months to 6 hours at one point?
[23:31] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> We also seen that 1 year here is 2 days somewhere else.
15[23:33] * 13Chad`Winters nods. 1"I know it's a longshot, but it's something to hold on to for her atleast."
[23:33] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> I hope things will work out for the best
[23:34] <13Chad`Winters> Sometimes hopings the only thing we can go off of.
[23:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr nods a few times, offering a slight smile
[23:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* Some NPCs spot the sleeping Sam and move toward her, jeering at each other about her. One looks around, and reaches out toward her
15[23:37] * 13@Sammael doesn't seem to notice them.
[23:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* The NPC leans over and grabs Sam quickly, putting a hand over her mouth
15[23:37] * 13@Sammael opens her eyes slowly, not moving.
[23:38] <13@DeathStar> 6* The men begin to carry her off to where no one would look
15[23:38] * 13@Sammael blinks and starts to struggle against them.
[23:39] <13@DeathStar> <Man> Aw, quit your strugglin'. We just wanna talk
15[23:39] * 13@Sammael yells against the hand, struggling harder, trying to break free.
[23:39] <13Chad`Winters> If she loses hope, we'll never get her back.
[23:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* The man loses his grip on Sam as she breaks free. The other two tense
[23:40] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Cheryl's tough. She carried the burden that she was going to die at 16 for over a decade and she never broke down
15[23:40] * 13@Sammael backs away from them slowly, hands out, glaring. "Then talk."
[23:40] <13@DeathStar> <Man> Heh heh. I'd rather talk with you under me. 6* He takes a step forward
15[23:41] * 13@Sammael takes a step back, she shakes her head. "No."
[23:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* He lunges at her
[23:41] <13Chad`Winters> You're right. She's tough.
15[23:41] * 13@Sammael hops to one side and brings the cuff her her hand down on his back.
[23:42] <13@DeathStar> 6 *The man stumbles and turns; it seems her strength isn't that great.
[23:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr leans against the arm of the couch now. "I wish I could join them."
15[23:42] * 13@Sammael backs away again. "Do not make me defend myself."
[23:42] <13Chad`Winters> Why can't you?
[23:43] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> My family is here. 6* She notes, peering to the side. "Cheryl is my sister, but my family is here. Megumi. Erevis. Mom. You guys."
[23:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* The men all laugh at Sam's words
15[23:44] * 13@Sammael glares and fires a blast into the ground.
[23:44] <13@DeathStar> 6* They all stop to stare now, going very still. They then retreat
[23:44] <13Chad`Winters> Must be hard for you. 6He rests his head on his propped hand as he looks at Zephyr
15[23:44] * 13@Sammael shakes a bit and falls to her knees, eyes wide as she watches them run off.
[23:45] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> A little. Cheryl understands. Chii is her family, and she'll have Chii with her.
[23:45] <13Chad`Winters> She'll have Dias with her, wether she likes it or not.
[23:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr giggles a bit. "That could be both a blessing and a curse."
15[23:46] * 13@Sammael slowly move back to her bench and lays back down on it. "Wrong side."
15[23:48] * 13Chad`Winters smirks. 1"I'm sure if she ever gets annoyed with him, she can just spacelock him.
[23:49] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Or find a nice reality to leave him.
15[23:49] * 13@Sammael gets up again and starts to walk home, eyes still wide, barely blinking. She hugs herself as she walks, her mind on what would have happened without the power.
15[23:49] * 13Chad`Winters smiles now. 1"We could only be so lucky."
[23:51] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Yeah. 6* She grins back. Fiore finishes removing all the markings and steps out of Sam's room to put up the heavy duty cleaning supplies she used, slipping a note into Darien's room to let him know to deal with Sam and her writings
15[23:52] * 13@Sammael steps back inside, her mind pointedly still broken into shards, but now the anger and murderous intent is completely gone, replaced with fear. She closes the door behind her and moves to sit on the couch, curling up.
[23:52] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore finishes putting up her supplies and begins to cook
15[23:53] * 13@Sammael stays curled up on the couch, silent, possibly asleep again.
[23:53] <13@DeathStar> -END-