Chapter 11: The Final Maverick Master Falls

June 6th
Maverick Hunter HQ

Alarms were going off. The young Hunter ran up to the technician monitoring the screens. "What is that?! Is the General back yet?" he asked.

The technician shook his head. "'Fraid not, sir."

"Then what the bloody hell is making all that racket?" the young Hunter snarled.

"Well, sir, it seems that a small Maverick group is headed this way. It looks like there were two attack groups set up in position to attack the city. And with the General busy with the first group, that just leaves this group to wreck havoc as it pleases."

"Dammit, lets get all the Hunters together and ask Cain if we should counter attack them."

"Well, there's two problems with that..." the technician began.


"Well, you see, the first problem is we have about ten to thirteen Hunters left. MAYBE."

"And the other problem...?"

"General Cain is swinging from the chandeliers again. Too much vodka."


The Jungle

X had teleported into hell. Literally. This was really hell. The air was thick and hard to breath in, even if he WAS a reploid. There was tons of crawling maverick BUGS trying to kill him. The trees kept dripping sap on him. And the pools of water in the area were just driving him bonkers. He couldn't take it anymore. He had spent an hour wandering around the jungle, fighting Mavericks and hunting down Sting Chameleon.

He ran through some more bushes, leaping over a few bugs. They may look stupid, small, and weak, but those things sure were aggravating. Landing on some ground, he practiced flipping around in the forst, trying to get in shape for the battle against Sigma's fortress. Plus he wanted a rematch with Vile.

He flipped onto a small cliff side and worked his way up. He was curious why this area of rocks was in the middle of this stupid forest. Working his way up, he walked along the top of the rocks and reached a dead end; basically, the cliffside went straight up, going extremely high. X decided he didn't feel like mountain climbing today, so he turned around, just in time to see the way he came blocked off with falling rocks. "...riiiiiiight."

Suddenly a huge robot came crashing down and swung out a chain at X. Leaping back, X bounced off the cliffside and blasting the robot in his chest. The blast bounced off and flew off into the air. A few moments later, a bird came crashing down, dead. "Sheesh," X muttered. He glanced back at the huge robot that was attacking him for no apparent reason. It seemed his armor was designed to repel his attacks.

Ducking under the huge chain again, X fired at the chain, trying to destroy it, but found his attacks repelled again. Deciding to go on the defensive and just attempt to dodge the robot, X bounced around the small arena that had been designed, weaving in and out of the robot's attacks. He soon became quite skilled at dodging and avoiding, adding in flips and other moves he had seen on the HoloVid.

X flipped over the chain on it's sixty pass and fired a shot for fun at the robot's head. To his surprise, the blast connected and caused some damage. Landing on the ground, X grinned, now knowing the robot's weak spot. Charging his blaster to a level 2, he fired it straight into the robot's head, knocking it back. Once again charging his blaster, he fired another blast into the head, sending the robot smashing into the wall it had set up to block him in.

The robot straightened up, it's head smoking. It pulled back and threw the chain again at X. Jumping straight up over it, X heard a thunk. Landing on the ground, he glanced behind him and saw the robot had attached itself to the wall behind him. Turning back around, X saw the huge green robot flying forward toward the wall, reeling itself in. Rolling out of the way, X watched it come to a stop. As the robot turned around, X let lose another level 2 blast into it's house, successfully removing it from the body. The robot stood there for a few moments and then began to explode. Covering his eyes to protect it from the bright light, X watched the robot die.

"What...was that? It wasn't a maverick seemed....old," he muttered out loud, when suddenly the ground shaking brought him back to the present. A capsule erupted out of the ground, flashing before him. A few moments later, X stepped out of it, his new armor gleaming in the sunlight.

Blasting a hole where the robot had fallen against the cave in, X escaped back to the path in the forest. Running quickly through, X ran through an actual cave under the spot he had battled the robot, working his way through the mavericks until he came to a swamp. Standing on the edge of it, he kicked a pebble into it, watching the goo suck it down below. Groaning, he surveyed the area to see if there was any path across the swamp; alas, there was not.

Walking along the edge of the swamp, X tried to think of some clever way to run across really quick before he sank below. However, he doubted that his speed was that great, even with the enhancements Dr. Light's capsules had given him. So, then, what could get him across the swamp before it sank? The answer hit him...literally. X had walked straight into a huge mech walker that was hidden in the sand. Bouncing back from it, he blinked a few times, taking in the sight of it.

"Yes!" Hopping into the mech, X flipped the controls on, powering the old machine to life and making it stand up. Working the controls, he pushed forward on the throttle and sent the mech flying straight into the swamp. As he pushed the mech to it's limits, he noticed that it began to slow down some. Glancing over the side, he saw that the goo was sucking the mech down...and fast.

Working the mech to the best of his abilities, X had traveled half the length of the swamp when it began to make signs of protest. By then the goo was up to it's waist, making moving the mech extremely difficult now. However, he refused to give up so easily. After this long day, he wasn't about to let some quicksand like goo kill him. After a few more minutes of pushing the mech along, X saw the other side of the swamp. However, just when he was within eight feet of it, the mech came to a halt...and began to go down faster.

Standing on the rim of the mech, X pushed off of it and landed on solid ground. Rolling to his feet, he glanced back, saluted the sinking mech walker, and ran forward. Blasting a lazy maverick out of his way, he passed a few more trees until he found the hidden door to Sting Chameleon's lair. Running through it and down the hallway, X jumped into the room that belonged to the Maverick Master. Glancing around, he saw vines hanging on the top, but no sign of Sting.

Suddenly the leaves rustled at the top. X froze and glanced around, trying to find what was causing the leaves to move. However, there was nothing there. Suddenly, a slight shimmer could be seen on the top. If X had blood, it would have frozen right there on him. Instead, he let out an involuntary shiver. Sting shimmered into few on the vines, sticking out his tongue mockingly. "Welcome, X. You've come a long way, jusssssst to die."

Sting leaped down and glared angrily at him. X began to charge his blaster and stepped back, waiting for Sting's first move. But nothing came. The two stared at each other silently. Sting, standing still confidently. X, shaking from the rush he was feeling, waiting for Sting to so much as twitch to get ready to fire.

Suddenly Sting fired lasers from his tail. X, not expecting such a move, leaped back to dodge them. Sting flipped into the air and grabbed the vines, firing more lasers. Rolling between them and jumping over the last one, X came to a stop on the ground. Sting attached himself to the roof with his tongue and began to rock back and forth, causing the ceiling to drop spikes. X was impaled in the shoulder, causing him to flinch in pain.

Standing up, X fired the blast into Sting's unprotected stomach and then proceeded to dive between the falling spikes. Another one caught him in his leg, sending him landing on his back. Standing back up, X fired a second level 2 blast at Sting, catching him in the head and sending him flying backward. However, Sting shimmered from view before even landing, despite X hearing a thump. Charging his blaster, X glanced all around, trying to catch sight of the Maverick.

Suddenly a laser blast caught X in the side and Sting shimmered into few. Holding his side, X fired a charged blast straight at Sting and rolled to the right, firing more blasts at him. Sting flipped onto the vines and climbed to the top, firing more laser blasts at him. X back flipped between the two highest ones and landed where the last bolt fell short of him. Sting snarled and used his tongue to swing on the roof and land before X. Expecting the Maverick to fire with his laser tail again, X was caught by surprise when it slammed it's spiked tail into his stomach. Gasping in pain, X fell to his knees.

Sting raised his tail to finish off the weakened Hunter. X, however, had other plans. Roaring in anger, he stood up and fired a level 2 blast straight into Sting's face, ripping it off of him. The Maverick collapsed, his jaw now exposed and the wires sparking beneath, his face no longer there. X began to charge another blast. Sting hopped to his feet and fired three more lasers at X. Leaping back, X let lose another blast that sailed past the lasers and rammed Sting in the chest, sending him smashing into the wall. X ducked the lasers and jumped over the last one, finally coming to a stop. He glanced over at Sting and saw the maverick was twitching, struggling to get back up. His chest had wires exposed, which were sparking.

"I'm sorry, Sting..." he said and raised his blaster, firing another blast straight into Sting, causing the maverick to explode. He felt himself gaining Sting's weapon, then he collapsed to his knees. Trying not to pass out, X blinked a few times, then teleported away, heading back to HQ for the day. He needed X1's repairs. Again.

Outside the Terran Base

Zero leaned against the hover trunk that had brought them there. He turned around and watched Death Star carrying a limp, yet bandaged North Star into the back. "He'll be okay. Especially after X1 patches him up."

"Hoo boy," Death Star retorted, laying his friend down in the back on a cot. He jumped back out of the trunk and watched the other three surviving Hunters getting on. Brian Carter came walking up after them, getting on.

Zero patted Death Star on the shoulder. "You did a great job. You're a great warrior and I know I can trust you with the hard stuff. And this battle will probably seem minuscule compared to what Sigma's Fortress holds."

"Yeah..." Death Star agreed.

"You still in for the duration of the battle?" Zero asked.

"I'm in...until there's no more need for wars."

Suddenly the driver poked his head out. "Sir, we have a situation."

Zero turned around. "What?"

"It seems that a small group of Mavericks is attacking Mega City. Specifically, the HQ. And Captain X just arrived back at the HQ, totally banged up and unable to aid them in the defense. X1 says he just passed out."

Zero cursed. "Dammit to hell. Alright, lets make tracks for Mega City." He leaped in beside the driver. Death Star hopped into the back with the other Hunters and closed the door to keep anyone from falling out.

Brian leaned forward. "What's up?"

Death Star glanced back at him. "The old grinding wheel. We're not going to make it back in time. No way in hell..."

Mega City
Outside the Maverick Hunter HQ

The end was approaching. The assault group of Mavericks had free reign of Mega City. The few Hunters remaining at the base would be a nice warm-up exercise for them. They would have no problem taking over the city, as it's champion Hunter, Zero, was out attacking the Maverick base. But instead of wrecking the city, the small group of Mavericks, which totaled around seventy Mavericks, which isn't too shabby, decided to attack the Maverick Hunter HQ.

Working their way down the street, the air was filled with an electric charge of emotions. On one end there was the fear of the humans left in the city, fearing that once the Maverick Hunter HQ was taken out, they would be next. The other send of the spectrum was that of celebration and happiness, which came from the Mavericks. It was almost a carnival type atmosphere from them as they marched down the street.

Gathering outside the HQ was the few remaining Hunters, barely trained and having never seen an actual combat before. They held their weapons shakily, quaking in their armor, watching with fear at the approaching Mavericks. This wasn't going to be there day, after all.

Standing on one of the near by buildings, one lone robot stood there, his red armor shining softly in the evening twilight. He reached up to his next, as if to tug at something, but his hand only found air. Sighing, he lowered his hand and stepped back. Where was X? Wasn't he stronger now? Sighing, the robot resigned himself to just watching. This wasn't his fight.

The Mavericks continued their approach toward the HQ. They marched confidently forward, taking their time. Not going too fast, nor slow, they marched with definite purpose. Perhaps this is what sent chills down the Hunters' spines. Or maybe it was the Mavericks grinned, which could be described as demonic. Or maybe, just maybe, it was their numbers, which was more than triple than which they had.

Of course, it could have just been the wind.

Then the Mavericks stopped just short of fifty yards from the gates surrounding the Maverick Hunter HQ. They sneered at the opposition that stood before them. The opposition quaked in fear in response. The wind blew softly as the sky turned a shade of pink, the sun beginning to set for the day. Both sides stood still, neither moving, breathing, or speaking. Time seemed to slowly come to a halt.

Finally, the lead Maverick rose his right hand, which held a beautifully crafted saber. "Attack!" he yelled out. The silence, broken by that one word, seemed to fade away slowly as a low rumble began to replace it. The ground shook as the Mavericks began to surge forward and the stunned Hunters began to back track. It looked like the battle was about to begin, and end, all in that very instant.

Suddenly a blast came flying out from the side and nailed the first five Mavericks in the front row, totally eradicating them. Time, once again, stopped, all eyes turning to the right where the attack had come from. Before each side was a giant hover tank with a bunch of armed soldiers, all human, having their rifles trained at them all. Standing to the side and on the edge of one of the hover tanks was one man wearing a military outfit that came with a small cape, which was common for the old style uniforms from ages past. "Men...destroy them."

The battle began again, the new attackers driving forward and attacking the surprised Mavericks. The blasts continued relentlessly, pounding away into the Mavericks. Attempting to retreat, the Mavericks were only shot in the back, taken down before they had a chance to even escape. The new soldiers attacked with fierce vigor and determination that was lacked by the Hunters present and totally blew away the small Maverick attack force in less than ten minutes. There was no casualties for either the Hunters or the new comers.

Stepping off his hover tank when it was done, the man wearing the red cape walked forward and looked at one of the Hunters. "You weren't really prepared to defend this base. How can you Hunters possibly protect the planet from Sigma?"

The Hunter blinked in surprise and squinted up at the man he was thinking of as a hero. He then recognized him. "General Cran..." he spat, stepping away, being a reploid.

Cran sneered. "This entire installation would have been wiped out in an instant if not for my 'CorSec' team here. I laugh at this pathetic 'army' you have here..." he snarled and turned away. Suddenly a new voice broke the silence.

"At least we're leading an offensive attack while you sit on your ass waiting for a small chance to make yourself look good, General." Cran turned and saw Zero standing there, holding his saber, which was turned on that very minute. To his right stood Death Star, his arms crossed, scowling. To Zero's left was Brian Carter, a cocky grin on his face as he stared at Cran. And behind the three stood the other three Hunters that had survived the attack.

Cran glanced at them and started to laugh. "So you led an offensive, Zero? Big deal. Like that will matter anything in this war. It'll take a quick strike to the head to finish this and frankly, you Hunters don't have what it takes to deliver such a blow. Your numbers are below two dozen. I decided to step in and save your small group, but as I can see now, it was a waste of my time and supplies. An'll need more than that, Zero. Pat yourself on the back if you like." He turned away from Zero, still laughing, and walked off with his men.

Death Star scowled. "Dammit...he's going to look good for this."

Brian looked at him. "More political power, right?"

Zero nodded. "Exactly, Delta. Now, lets get our wounded inside and get some rest...I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be the last day of rest some of us will get."

Death Star laughed. "Doesn't that just raise morale?"

June 7th
Maverick Hunter HQ

X sat on the table, resting his head in his hands. The conference room was dark and quiet, just the way he liked it. For the past three days he had been fighting, something he never thought he would be doing. And all that time he had been killing his fellow brothers...reploids.

Was this the right thing to do? Was this the path he was suppose to follow? Was he meant to kill reploids in order to protect humans? Was there an end to it all? Was there anything he could do to stop all wars?

The door behind him opened up and light poured ino the dark room. X squinted and turned around, seeing Zero's shadow in the light. The door closed behind Zero, once again plunging the room into darkness. X could hear the mechanical sound of Zero walking towards him, then finally that too faded into darkness as Zero stopped next to him.

"How are you, X?" Zero asked.

"Physically or mentally?" X countered.

"You know what I meant, my friend."

"I'm hurting inside. Killing the Mavericks is the hardest thing I've ever done. It's like killing a part of myself. Why must we fight, Zero? Why can't humans and reploids live in peace?"

"Because, X, humans and reploids haven't both come to an understanding yet. Humans see reploids as property that they can do with as they please. Plus they think they have the right to kill us if we do wrong. Reploids dislike that, but there's the chance to work for a better future with humans, if we try. However, there's a few, like Sigma, who see reploids as superior to humans and think we should inherit the Earth. Until all these harsh feelings can be thrown away, there will always be fighting. It's human...and reploid...nature," Zero told him.

X sat there quietly, unsure of what to say. His emotions were surging through him faster than they had ever before. Finally he cleared his throat. "Think there's any chance we can stop Sigma without having to kill him? To make him understand?"

Zero rested his hand on X. "If there's way, you'll find it."

X smiled. "Thanks, Zero."

Zero nodded. "Do you want your briefing or should I let you think some more?"

"Go ahead."

"Your final target is Boomer Kuwanger. He's probably the strongest, and fastest, of all Sigma's men. Sting Chameleon was a challenge, but he'll push you to your limits. If you're going to survey, you're going to have to rely on your inner strength and speed to do it. He was one of our best Hunters when he was around. Of course, being in Sigma's shadow dwarfed his accomplishments, but I noticed them when I read the logs. I'm afraid, X, that chances of someone like you beating him is slim. I would go myself, but something deep down tells me it's your fight. And the men need me to raise morale. That battle against Terran wiped out most of our forces. It's going to take a lot of work to get the other Hunters back into fighting shape," Zero informed him.

X grinned. "I understand, Zero. Someone like me is the best person for the job to go tackle Kuwanger because I'm expendable, but a good fighter at the same time. Plus your other good fighters, like Death Star and Delta, are tired and weak, not up to the best fighting shape."

Zero looked worried. "I don't find you expendable in the least."

X winked and stood up. "Maybe not." He teleported away with that, leaving Zero alone in the darkness of the room.

"Good luck, my friend."

* * * * *

Death Star sat in the chair next to North Star's bed. The reploid was still deep in a sleep that he had yet to awaken from. He did not stir or give any indications of life, except for the computers indicating his systems were online and functional. He didn't even breathe, eerily.

"C'mon, you have to pull through this, North Star...I need you. You're my only real friend I got...and your like a brother to me...I don't want to fight this alone," Death Star whispered.

Silence greeted him. "I'm committed to fighting this war until there's no more need to fight. But I want you by my side. You're the only family I have left. You gotta pull through this. You shouldn't have been hit like should have been me. You're the strong one, you're the one who's always gung-ho. You are the warrior, not me. WHY? WHY did you jump in front of me like that?!"

He buried his head into the bed. I refuse to's not my nature. I'll never cry. Never.

That night, Death Star's tears were dried up, never having once left his eyes. He was true to his word...he never cried. Never.

* * * * *

Brian Carter stood outside the HQ, watching the morning sun rise. He had slept little last night, wondering about things. He had come close to death in that previous battle, his wounds patched up to prove that. Yet he had prevailed, as he knew he would. This was his place...his spot. Destiny had certainly brought him here.

Yet he wished he could see his family right now. But, of course, he couldn't just go off and visit them when the Hunters were so few in number. They were at war, after all.

Another thing on his mind was his worry. Worry for Death Star and Wildfire. Death Star he worried about because his twin like friend was seriously injured and teetering on the edge of death. He didn't know what Death Star would do if North Star died. Would he even stay on the Hunters?

As for Wildfire, he worried about him because his friend was off searching for Sigma's Fortress, all alone, without any help. It had been more than twenty-four hours since Zero sent him out. Of course Brian didn't expect him to gather the information that quickly, but there had been no word from him. No one knew if the Hunter was alive or dead.

Brian Carter spent the beginning of his day watching the sun rise. He knew he had to enjoy the small things in life in order to deal with the bigger things when they came up. Besides, what was he fighting for if he didn't enjoy what the earth had to offer.

Sigma's Fortress

Sigma sat back, watching the monitors in the room. He sneered. "So my forces are losing...this wasn't what I was expecting." Vile stepped out of the shadows next to him.

"Shall I gather the entire Maverick forces and attack the Hunters now before they can locate this base?"

Sigma waved his hand back. "It's not the main Hunter forces that's been dealing us a blow. Sure, Zero and the others dealt a blow to us destroying Terran's base, thus halting plans for continued assaults against Mega City, but the main threat has been coming from the single Hunter attacking my Maverick Masters' bases and destroying them. They were key in the operation to take over the planet quickly."

Vile snarled. "And who is this Hunter who has that amount of strength to pull off such an accomplishment?"


Vile blinked, though one could not tell with the mask he wore. "X? You're kidding, aren't you, Sigma?"

Sigma slammed his fist against the armrest of the chair. "I do not kid."

Vile stepped back involuntarily, then begin to laugh, much to the displeasure of Sigma. "So, you're saying that X, the bookworm X, has been destroying your men single handedly? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA."


Vile shut up immediately. Sigma stood up. "We'll wait for them to attack this fortress. This is the place we shall make our stand and drive them into the ground. Once they destroy Kuwanger, if they can manager THAT much, then I'm sure their spies will locate us. We'll just wait for them to move against this base. And when they do, we shall wipe them from this planet...forever!"

Vile nodded. "I want a rematch with Zero. And X would be fun to toy with. Unlike your men, I can take him out easy."

Sigma sneered. "Pray that you can...pray that you can..."

Kuwanger's Tower

X teleported into the heart of the tower. Amazingly, the tower's force field was turned off. Perhaps, an invitation? This was the final Maverick Master and he had undoubtably heard of X's success so far. Perhaps he was looking forward to the fight?

X jumped up onto a flying platform, working his way up the tower. Flying Mavericks swooped in on him, but he easily picked them off his blaster, dodging whatever they had to throw at him. Leaping up, X snagged a ladder and climbed to the next floor. Glancing around, he saw the tower would go very high up. The fun.

Grabbing onto the wall, X bounced himself up toward the top, dodging the electric blasts being thrown at him. Flipping through the hair, he grabbed a handrail on the roof and swung over the mavericks blasting at him. Landing on the ground, X then flipped up, grabbed the rusting ladder, and climbed to the next level.

Running through the hallway, X skidded to a stop when a large turtle like maverick sat before him. It began to fire missiles at him. Leaping back from the missiles, he watched them smash into the ground, exploding, ruining the pretty carpeting Kuwanger had installed. Charging his blaster to a level 2, he fired a blast straight into the turtle maverick and caused it to flicker with damage. Surprised it was that strong, X let lose rapid shots that caused it to explode from the heavy damage it sustained. X rushed past it's falling remains until a platform. It shook and began to rise up into the air.

Maintaining his balance, X tried to relax some and enjoy the free ride, when he noticed that platforms were jutting out with spikes to impale him. Rolling under the first set, X could almost feel the next pair slice into him. That's when he noticed just how many were jutting out...and all over the place. It looked like Kuwanger had a mean sense of humor. Flipping over the next pair of spikes, X dashed under the next set, bounced off the next pair, and spun around another set. Grinning, X began to get the pattern for it and began to bounce all around the elevator platform he was riding, skillfully weaving in and out of the spikes. Finally the elevator came to a halt and X turned, seeing they had arrived at a hallway.

Running through it, X found himself just outside the tower now. Looking up, X saw he would have to scale the side of the tower to reach some opening. Jumping up, he grabbed the side of the tower and began to climb his way up. Every now and then the wind would blow, threatening to knock him off the tower. Gripping on with determination as his only ally, he continued to force his way up. He didn't know why the towers' defenses were turned off, but he was going to make use of this. So far it seemed that Kuwanger was only interested in testing X's resolve.

Reaching up and gripping the tower side, he pulled himself further up. Each grab, in which he had to crush the side of the tower to make a place to grip and then later to put his feet in, weakened him slightly. That was when he realized Kuwanger was trying to wear him down physically through an underhanded mean. Growling, X continued to climb up, knowing it was too late now to turn back. He would have to finish this exhausting climb.

Continuing to inch his way up the side of the tower, X barely notices that some bird mavericks were launching below. Glancing down idly, he saw three of the coming straight up. "Oh, geeze, nice trap..." he muttered to himself. Holding onto the side of the wall with one hand, he aimed it back down a the circling, yet rapidly rising, birds. Firing a blast, he nailed one of them, sending them falling back down the tower.

The two remaining birds quickly flew past X, going straight up, then began to hover over him. Still maintaining his grip on the wall with one hand, X charged his blaster, aiming up at them. He fired a level 2 blast into one of the wings of the remaining birds, sending it spiraling down to it's death below. The final bird, however, got it's attack in, dropping an egg bomb at X. Swing to the right to dodge it, the bomb sailed past X, exploding some ways down, shaking the tower. X clung to it with all his might. After the shaking stopped some, he raised his blaster and blew the bird back, causing it to explode in the air.

Grasping the wall and panting, X finished his climb up into the entrance, climbing into the tower once more. Leaping onto a rotating platform, he worked his way up to the top, where he entered a hallway leading to another tower. Upon entering the room, the lights dimmed. Finally Kuwanger zoomed into view, an after image of himself appearing.

X began to charge his blaster when Kuwanger raised his hands. "Lets fight like men, X."

X blinked. "What?"

Kuwanger raised his fist. "No weapons. Just our strength and speed into our kicks and punches. Lets see how man you really are."


Kuwanger grinned and zoomed straight at X with incredible speed, punching him across the face. X flew back and slammed into the wall, sliding down. A trail of battery fluid began to leak out of his mouth. Standing back up, X formed his blaster back into his hand and got into a fighting stance, only to see Kuwanger blur to his right, his after impression slowly following behind him. Kuwanger kicked out and nailed X in his side before he could react, sending the startled reploid sliding across the ground.

Kuwanger appeared over X and slammed his foot into X's stomach, sending the Hunter flying through the air and letting him land on his back. X rolled to his feet and raised his arm to block Kuwanger's incoming punch. X then punched out, way too slow, Kuwanger blurring to the right, X only punching his after image. Kuwanger bitch slapped X in the face, sending him stumbling back. Using that moment to his advantage, Kuwanger blurred forward and head butted X in the face, sending him crashing to the floor.

X flipped to his feet and kicked out, nailing Kuwanger. The maverick stepped back, stunned, but quickly shadow-dashed behind X, slamming his elbow into the reploid's back. X went flying forward, but stuck out his hands and pushed off the ground, flipping into the air and landing on his feet. He kicked out and hit Kuwanger in the head, sending the Maverick slamming into a wall. Rushing forward, X pulled his arm back and drove his fist forward, to smash in Kuwanger's head, but the crafty Maverick blurred out of the way, causing X to smash into the wall.

Kuwanger appeared to X's right and punched forward, to hit X in the head. X ducked and uppercut Kuwanger back, then slammed his leg into Kuwanger's stomach. The Maverick doubled over, allowing X enough time to raise his fists and slam them over his back, driving the maverick into the floor. Kuwanger shadow-dashed to left and backslapped X into the wall, then drove his own fist into X's back, causing the Hunter to scream out in pain.

X reared back and smashed his arm into Kuwanger's face in a desperate attempt to drive the Maverick back. Stepping back, Kuwanger punched forward, only to have X grab his arm and throw Kuwanger into the wall face first. He then stepped back and rammed into Kuwanger, driving him into the wall further. Then spin-house kicking Kuwanger straight through the wall, X watched him fall down the side of the tower. After he was sure he was dead, X allowed himself to collapse to his knees, battery fluid pouring from his mouth and nose. But he was alive and Kuwanger was dead. But what was more shocking, X had won in a fist fight, something he never thought possible.

Standing up and wobbling some, X felt himself attaining Kuwanger's weapon. Walking stiffly over to the controls, X typed in some keys and the alarms began to go off. He teleported away as the tower self-destructed, falling in on itself. A few moments later, the entire tower was but a memory. X had defeated the final Maverick Master.

Maverick Hunter HQ

X grimaced in pain when X1 applied pressure onto his nose. X1 shook his head. "I would have thought someone named after me would have more sense to use the weapons Light designed him with instead of his fists."

X coughed and scowled. "What would YOU know?"

"I know PLENTY, becau---because...I watch the history channel."

X scowled further. "Dr. Light isn't covered on the history channel."

"Oh, look at the time, I got another patient coming in," X1 told him, shoving X off the table. "NEXT!"

X landed on the floor and grimaced in pain. "But you're not through with me!"

"Yes I am! Now get out, get some sleep, and don't fist fight anymore! You're not Rocky!" X1 scolded.