* Seraphna casts ice on a bunch of 'em
* DeathStar watches them finish the aliens off before they can react
* Blackjack quickly stands and slashes the alien that was sneaking up on Dom
[DeathStar] They were unarmed....
[Garland] Lucky for us.
[Wiendigo] Almsot as much fun as a bar brawl!
[Seraphna] SO!
[Dakota] yeah 
[Dominator] Thanks, Blackjack...
[Paladin] Screw em, they were helping to . . . attack earth
* Blackjack replaces his blade
[Blackjack] Anytime, Commander.
[Arono] im ready to kill anyone anytime anywere
[Wiendigo] Probably a mess hall, they wouldn't have weapons.
* Blackjack looks around
[Dominator] You attacked first, and they would have set off the alarm.
[Dominator] It's them or Earth and frankly since they are attacking Earth, I don't really give a damn about them
* Seraphna changes into human... now whereing a uniform similar to that of a jedi... only black like a sith's with a white belt, a blaster is at her side, and her staff is strapped against her back. A beam-sabre is at her side...
[Ridge] i'd hack these computers but i bet they got plenty of security on them
* Seraphna lands on thee floor
* DeathStar sees one had a gun
[DeathStar] That's how they attacked us
[Ridge] it's your call ds want me to try to get a map or something?
* DeathStar sees BJ is standing in some type of food
[DeathStar] Ridge, the alien technology could destroy you
[Ridge] good point...
* Blackjack quickly steps aside
[Seraphna] I might be able to do it..
[Arono] @_@ nasty
[Blackjack] They actually eat that shit? Ugh.
[Dominator] Are you sure that food is even dead...?
[DeathStar] Same to you Sera
* Wiendigo tries some of the food on a leftover plate
[Wiendigo] Nope, pretty much alive...
* DeathStar heads for the door
* Seraphna glowers
[Ridge] sera i hack going inside... if i cant do it ain't no way you can
* Dominator follows DS
[Dominator] Thanks for that info, Wiendigo...
* Blackjack glances at the amulet around his neck before following Dom
* Garland holds the blood stained sword
[Seraphna] I can reead the words on the screen doof
[DeathStar] So mouch for the sneak approach...looks like some type of computer room next door
* Ridge guards the group's back as they go
[Wiendigo] Taste's like aligator.
[Garland] We have no time for this....
[Dominator] And it says... In English...?
[Blackjack] English?
* DeathStar points at the machines
[Dominator] The sign...
[DeathStar] There is no sign
[Seraphna] English... Mavericks
* Dominator looks at them
* Wiendigo charges his katana
[Dominator] NRP: Oh, Sera said there was
[Seraphna] I didn't
* DeathStar sneaks across the hallway and opens the other door, sneaking in, the room clear of threat
[Seraphna] NRP: I didn't I said I can reead Tsiv on a computer
* Dakota hurries across the hall
* Dominator follows DS once it was safe
* Blackjack looks to both sides of the hallway as he follows DS
[Dominator] NRP: Ohh, oops
* Wiendigo follows, staying near the floor
* Ridge follows behind the rest
* Wiendigo sniffs the air
* Garland flies an inch off the floor, quiet as possible
* Arono fallows DS on alert
[Seraphna] NRP: Now I always get blamed!
* DeathStar glances at the gibberish on the machines
[Dakota] so now what fearless leader?
* Seraphna moves quietly, her boots preventing noise
[Blackjack] *quietly* Hey Sera, mind giving us a hand?
[Wiendigo] Someone was here recently.
[DeathStar] We blow it up, since we can't read it
[Blackjack] That's quite obvious, Wien...
* Seraphna walks over
[Wiendigo] Wouldn't advise it.
[DeathStar] That's nice 'Digo
* Dominator looks it over, 1"At times like this, I wish that we knew move about their language..."
[Seraphna] I can
*** Iceman (goldicema@sktnsk01d051101221.sk.sympatico.ca) has joined #taw
* DeathStar Seraphna can't make sense of it
[Seraphna] Hmmm..
[Seraphna] This is sector Z regional.. not my language..
[Wiendigo] You blow thse up, you're likely to set off an alaram. We'd have the entire ship on us in momemts.
[Dominator] It might not even be in the same dialect or even language as you know..]  Or coded...
[Seraphna] I think..
[DeathStar] NRP: There is no sector Z
* Seraphna types, the letters on thee keyboard more farmiliar..
[Dominator] Not the entire ship, but most in the vicinity probably
[Arono] why dont we just push buttens and hope we get it right?
* DeathStar alarms go off
[Blackjack] A code, probably... It's obvious we're on a Tsivrixsh... ship.
[Paladin] Or it could just be a load of gibberish, what differance does it make?  If we can't read it we can't read it.
[Dominator] !!!
[Seraphna] (My namee for a language)
[Blackjack] Smooth going, Sera...
[Arono] ahhhhh hell!
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[Seraphna] Damn!
[Wiendigo] Okay, NOW blow it
[Ridge] greeeeat
* Blackjack shoots the computer
[Seraphna] I knew this looked farmiliar...
* Dominator blasts TB Fire Enhancement at it
* Garland stands there quietly.
[DeathStar] ....
[Paladin] Let's get the hell out of dodge
[Blackjack] See any more vents?
[Paladin] Before Guards show up?
* Seraphna pulled out her blaster
* Dakota draws a black plasma saber from it's place on his back
* Arono fires at all the comps with his pistol he got a long time ago
* DeathStar points above them
[DeathStar] Right there
[Dominator] Into them?
* Wiendigo flips up and kicks a way in
* Blackjack slings his rifle over his shoulder
* DeathStar pulls the cover down and leaps in
* Dakota puts his saber back
* Blackjack leaps through the hole Wien made
* Dominator leaps in following DS
* Dakota boosts sera up
* Seraphna leaps in as a dragon
* Paladin heads up
* Dakota goes in
* Garland follows
[Wiendigo] Which way?
[DeathStar] NRP: Vents, Take 
* Ridge follows after everyone
[DeathStar] NRP: 2
* Blackjack looks both ways
* DeathStar slides along to the right
[DeathStar] This way.
* Arono kneels and jumps up into it
[Seraphna] *Mentally* [Sorry guys..]
* Blackjack points to the right and follows DS
* Dominator follow DS, nodding
* Wiendigo follows
* Paladin follows
[Garland] *wispers* Right...
* Dakota whispers "no sounds this time guys"
* Ridge follows
* DeathStar crawls and they reach vent cover, facing a labortory...humans are inside, being experimented on
* Blackjack glances down
* DeathStar stops, watching
[Arono] @_@
[Dominator] ...!
* Blackjack doubles back in disgust
[Seraphna] Urp....
[DeathStar] finding better ways to kill off the human race....
[Arono] *wisperas*thats just cruel....
* DeathStar watches them tinker with a small baby
* Wiendigo mentally scans the room for any alien lifeforms
* Dakota gulps silently
* DeathStar the aliens are in there, doing the work
* Dominator mutters something under his breath, a few curses almost being able to be made out
* Blackjack swallows hard
* Garland looks around *enhances senses*
* DeathStar slides on, ignoring the crying
[Paladin] We can't risk it . . .
* Dominator grits teeth and continues
* Paladin moves after DS
* Dakota heads forward sighing
[Blackjack] *whispering* I can't watch this... but Pal is right...
* Blackjack moves forward
[Ridge] *whispers* they'll get theirs soon enough
[Dominator] We don't have the time too... It's them or billions of people
* DeathStar reaches the end and kicks the vent in, arriving in a huge arena type area
* Seraphna is on Dak's back, sobbing silently..
* DeathStar leaps down
[Blackjack] Now this is comforting...
* Blackjack leaps after DS
* Arono fallows
[Wiendigo] This brings back memories...
* Dominator enters, 1"Uh oh... Huge arenas are not good..."
* Wiendigo drops down and stands ready
* Garland drops out
* Blackjack lands on one knee and readies for a fight
*** ThePhantom (belmont@ has joined #taw
[Dominator] Last time I recall one of these was our first tangle with Crucifixtion (mission 3)... The day a Hunter died...
* Arono flips out his sabre
[Dakota] (arena... aw man...)
[Wiendigo] We used to be forced into cock fights in an area of Hell. 
* ThePhantom appears from the dust of the air
* Garland looks at Dom

[Wiendigo] I of course never lost.
[ThePhantom] Time to die, eh?
* Arono looks at him
[Blackjack] Knew it...
* Dakota hops down
[Blackjack] Yeah. Time for YOU to die!
* Ridge gets down looking
[Paladin] But for whom?
[Arono] damn right!YOUR GONNA DIE!
* ThePhantom twirls huge blade
[DeathStar] Damn!
* Seraphna is on his shoulder
[Dakota] @_@ Yike
[Blackjack] Think that scares me?
* Garland looks at this phantom
* Dakota draws a black plasma saber from it's place on his back
* Arono growls eager to fight
* ThePhantom slashes at DS, sending him flying into the stands
[Wiendigo] The bigger they are, the more blood they spurt
[DeathStar] gAH!!!
[DeathStar] OUF!
* Blackjack walks backwards, firing as he retreats
* Seraphna leaps back
* Wiendigo licks his teeth
* Ridge draws his staff
* Seraphna changes into human... now whereing a uniform similar to that of a jedi... only black like a sith's with a white belt, a blaster is at her side, and her staff is strapped against her back. A beam-sabre is at her side...
* ThePhantom rams Wiendigo
* Dakota charges his armcannon and blasts phantom (ap 560)
* Paladin fires a force wave at the Phantom's gut
* Ridge locks onto and fires a Missile [130 ap]
* Arono leaps at the phantom and slashes while hes destracted
* ThePhantom reflects it with blade
* Wiendigo flips over Phant and stabs him
* ThePhantom vanishes
* Paladin rolls out of the way
[Blackjack] Eyes open!
* ThePhantom reappears in the air and fires down at Dom (1000 AP)
* Garland looks around
* Arono vanishes as well
[Ridge] grrr
* Seraphna reemains behind her father
* Blackjack rams Dom out of the way, taking the blast instead
* Arono apperes behind the phantom
* DeathStar stands up
* Ridge locks onto phantom and fires a Missile [130 ap]
[DeathStar] Ow....
* Arono slashes down
[Blackjack] ACK!
[Blackjack] NRP: AFK yet again
* ThePhantom vanishes
[Dakota] dang it...
* Wiendigo fires at Phan, charged katana shot 290 AP
* Garland looks around
* ThePhantom reappears behind Ridge and slashes him (1000 AP)
[Dakota] can someone scan that thing?!
* Paladin fires quickly while the phantom is visible
[Ridge] GRA
[Garland]  Where the hell is he!?
[DeathStar] Not picking it up
* ThePhantom vanishes
* Seraphna gets back to back with Dak
* Arono makes fire rain on the phantom
* Ridge rolls forward firing a missile behind him
* Wiendigo looks around
* ThePhantom appears behind GArland and slashes (1000 aP)
[Garland] ARGH!
* Arono tackles the phantom
[ThePhantom] FOOLS!
[Arono] GRRRR!
* Garland recoils and kicks him
* ThePhantom Arono goes through him
[Wiendigo] Hit the lights. TAKE OUT THE LIGHTS!
* Arono stabs at him
* ThePhantom so does the kick
[Dakota] keep together!
[Arono] HUH!?
* Garland blasts a ligt
* ThePhantom laughs
* Paladin fires a force wave at the lights
* DeathStar the room is emmitted into darkness
[Dakota] ???
[ThePhantom] HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
[Ridge] oh that was really smart
* ThePhantom now can't be seen
[Garland] Wien.... you know what your doing... right?
* Blackjack shapeshifts into a half-bat, using sonar to try to "see"
* Seraphna fires uses her Dragon sences to see
[Wiendigo] We'll have a better chance
* ThePhantom slashes wien (1000 aP)
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[Wiendigo] ARGH!
* ThePhantom stabs Sera (1000 aP)
[Dakota] Yeah sure wein
[Dakota] !
[Seraphna] Urr.
* DeathStar runs back
* Garland holds up his hand ang gathers ki as if to Kiama, but holds it, emmiting light.
[DeathStar] Where is he?!
[Blackjack] NRP: Am I successfully "seeing" with the sonar?
[ThePhantom] NRP: Nopw
* Arono lestens...
* Seraphna casts moon healing
*** Dominator (ryan_cros@p4-33.reno.powernet.net) has joined #taw
* ThePhantom hovers towards Dom
* Wiendigo uses the shadows to alsh out several Dark Tendrils at Phant
[ThePhantom] HA HA HA HA HA HA
[ThePhantom] GAH1
* Dakota charges his armcannon and blasts phantom (ap 560)
[ThePhantom] WHAT IN THE?!
[Dominator] ...! *blasts at it*
* Arono stands in a dafensive stance lestning for him
[ThePhantom] GAH!!
[Ridge] get him now!
* ThePhantom struggles
[Seraphna] (+450LP ALL)
* Garland follows the tendrils to the phantom and hacks away
* Ridge locks onto phanotm and fires a Missile [130 ap]
[Paladin] Ah, the shadows . . . clever Wiendigo
* Wiendigo fires on Phant
* DeathStar blasts it
[Garland] DIE DAMN YOU!
* ThePhantom dissolves into the air, dead
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* Dominator fires a volley of energy at it
[Garland] Yeah!
[Seraphna] Whew..
* Arono slashes the phantom
[DeathStar] What WAS that?
* Wiendigo slips into the darkness to heal (1000 HP)
[Dakota] thankgod... sera you okay?
[Dominator] NRP: Which hits the walls I suppose
[Arono] oopsee
* Blackjack reverts
* Garland sheiths the Gospel
* Seraphna casts moon healing
[Blackjack] Who knows...
[Seraphna] (+450LP ALL)
[Dominator] I don't think we want to know...
[Seraphna] Yes... 
* DeathStar sees the light from the hall ahead and moves towards it
* Arono twirls sabre
[Ridge] thank's for the healing sera
* Garland holds his shoulder
[Seraphna] Welcom
* Paladin goes towards the light
[Paladin] NRP: hee hee
* Blackjack moves after DS
* Dominator follows DS
* Dakota follows
* DeathStar they arrive in the control room
* Seraphna stays near Dak
* Garland walks around
* Ridge takes the backside of the group
* DeathStar attaches a machine to one of the computers
* Arono grips sabre in stabing positon
* Wiendigo stay along the walls
[DeathStar] Given enough time, that can decode the self-destruct sequence
[Blackjack] *muttering* I'll be damned...
[Seraphna] NRP: Midget: De light! De light!
* Garland stays sharp
* DeathStar glances around
[Dominator] We made it close to the ocntrol room... Amazing
[Wiendigo] The probably know where we are by now.
[DeathStar] I would agree.
[Dakota] yeah
* Ridge silently follows
[Paladin] Where are the guards of the control room?
[Seraphna] If I could only decifer the code for the language...
* DeathStar twenty minutes pass
[Garland] .... How long will our luck hold?
[Wiendigo] ...Trap.
[Paladin] Or was the phantom it?
[Blackjack] Which gives us that much more reason to hurry up...
* DeathStar taps foot, the machine still decoding
[Paladin] How much longer does it need?
* Dakota hopes "phantom i hope..."
* Garland humms
* Dominator glances at it impatiently
* DeathStar it beeps and the computer begins to talk in Tsivrixsh
[Wiendigo] NRP: The Phantom "Meanace", LOL
* Garland yawns
* DeathStar the alarms flash
[Dakota] aw man
[DeathStar] Did it
[Blackjack] Oh, just perfect.
[Arono] ....
* Seraphna listens careefully
[Ridge] -_-
[Seraphna] Oh.. 
*** Xevil (belmont@ has joined #taw
* Blackjack says that again, with no sarcasm this time
* Xevil steps up and raises machine, stopping the self-destruct
* Xevil pockets it
[Dominator] Dammit
[Garland] Xevil!
[DeathStar] WHAT?!
[Dakota] xevil....
[Dominator] Xevil!
* Ridge remains quiet
[Xevil] You hardly think I would let you do that....if you want to blow the ship, you'll need this *steps into a car like machine on a track and it closes, shooting off into a tube*
[Blackjack] Xevil... figured you'd show at some time or another.
[Wiendigo] Is that a decoding machine in your pocket, or are you just happy to see us?
* DeathStar another car pulls up
[DeathStar] Alright, everyone into that car!
* Dominator jumps onto it
* Paladin hops in
[Garland] Man...... he's got a car!
* DeathStar sits down in it
[Dominator] Lets go!
[Blackjack] We don't have a choice... just do it!
* Garland jumps in
* Ridge gets in
[Wiendigo] NRP: *smacks Justin with a severed hand*
* Blackjack gets in
* Arono goes in
* Seraphna hops in
* Dakota takes the backseat
* Wiendigo climbs in
[Dominator] This is most definetly a trap, but we have no choice

[Blackjack] You know it is.
* DeathStar the car takes off
* DeathStar is pressed back into Arono
[DeathStar] GAH!
* Dominator looks to see if he can see Xevil's again
[Dominator] WHOA!
[DeathStar] To the last battle, eh?
[Paladin] And the rest of the ship, what's that?  A joyride?
* Xevil is ahead
[Arono] OW!
* Xevil grabs comm and talks
[Xevil] Ah, this is how we move around the ship, Hunters
[Dominator] To the last battle... If I had a glance of wine, I raise it...
* Garland stands at attention, missing his armor
[Blackjack] YEOW! Man, now THIS is a ride!
[DeathStar] Oy vey
[Wiendigo] This is one f***** up ship...
[Dominator] How quaint...
* DeathStar the car picks up speed
* Dominator looks around for a seatbelt
[Xevil] See you on the far side, Hunters.
* Dominator or something remotely like it
[Dakota] You First Xevil!
[Garland] Not likely.... Xevil.
* Wiendigo tosses Dom a bottle of beer
[Dominator] Him first...?
* Seraphna charges her blaster keeping the Target command ready
[Wiendigo] Just as good
* DeathStar the car jerks to a stop
[Dakota] To die dom
* Xevil gets out
* DeathStar is thrown foward
[Dominator] You have beer with you...?
[DeathStar] OUF!
* Seraphna leaps out
[Wiendigo] I ransacked the bar before we left.
* Arono flys out the window again...
* Garland jumps out
* DeathStar steps out, them in a huge room
* Blackjack slams into the seat in front of him
* Dakota gets out
[Dakota] oh here we go again
* Xevil turns and faces them
* Dominator drinks some of the bear in a small toast and pockets it, getting out
* Ridge looks at xevil
* Wiendigo leaps out, katana ready and chainsaw going
* DeathStar twirls saber
* Blackjack gets out
[DeathStar] Do or die.
[Garland] I need a vodka... I have a headache.
* Arono gets up
[Xevil] You think you can beat ME?
* Ridge fires the rig at xevil before he has a chance to do anything
* Xevil laughs
[Wiendigo] Yes. Die.
* Xevil ducks it
* Dominator 's Rune Sword swirls with energy from the Rune Crystal
* Seraphna puts away her blaster and draws the sword
[Xevil] So much for talking
* Xevil fires at Ridge (5000 aP)
[Wiendigo] DAmn straight.
* Ridge slams into the wall
[Dominator] Ridge! DAMMIT!
* Wiendigo spin kicks Xevil in the face
[Ridge] Ko... (owie...)

[Blackjack] NRP: Always into a wall
* Arono grips his sabre and apperes behind Xevil slashing
* Xevil throws Wien
[Xevil] OUF!
[Dominator] NRP: Good thing it wasn't over the cliff
[Garland] Xevil, I owe ya from last time, time to feel your insides go squish.
* Xevil stabs Arono (3000 AP)
* Garland draws the gospel
* Paladin fires a force wave at Xevil from across the room
* Dominator teleports
* DeathStar charges his sabre and leaps at Xevil and double slashes (2000 AP)
* Arono trys to block...
[Garland] Hya!
* Seraphna rushes over and Heals Ridge continually
* Wiendigo rebounds off teh wall and slashes him in the back with his chainsaw
* Dakota flies up into the air firing down on Xevil
* Dominator enters Battle Fury Mode, surging with electricity, and activates Majestic Shield's AP increase, then uses Rune Matrix: Metapower, Crimson, Ebony, and Purple Crystal then rushes at 13 times normal
* Garland slashes Xevil
[Xevil] ARGH!!
* Blackjack keeps his distance, giving himself some reaction time, as he fires at Xevil
[Garland] Die!
* Xevil kicks Garland into Dom
[Garland] Ow!
* Wiendigo tears up Xevil's leg
* Arono kicks Xevil in the head 5 times
* Xevil throws shield up
* Ridge blinks awake meeting Sera's eyes
* Dominator ducks Garland, going at 13 times speed
* Xevil all attacks are blocked
[Wiendigo] DAMNIT!
* Arono grabs his arm and slams him
[Ridge] thanks...
* Garland uses holy prowess
* Paladin stays back and fires a wave at the floor beneath Xevil
[Blackjack] Cheater!
* Xevil ARono is shocked to hell and back
[Seraphna] Your, um.. welcome..
[Dominator] Damn... *goes back to normal speed*
* Garland uses Speed Tech
* Xevil it reflects at Paladin
[Arono] OW!!!!!!!!!!
[Garland] YAH! 
* Xevil shield flickerso ff
* Garland slashes him THEN
* Ridge grins at Sera firing a missile at xevil
[Dominator] Arono! *fires SC at him (1,000LP or something like that)*(
[Xevil] OUF!
[Wiendigo] We could sure use that damn chip right about now
[Xevil] GAH!
* Arono fallows through with the slam before lettin go
* Blackjack begins opening fire
* Garland slashes him again
* DeathStar slashes Xevil
* Dakota is still flying when
* Xevil reflects all "blasteD" attacks
* Dakota charges his armcannon and blasts Xevil (ap 560)
[Xevil] TIME TO DOE!
* Dominator slashes rapidly with praticed skill at Xevil
* Wiendigo hacks at Xevil with chainsaw
[Garland] NRP: MONEY!
* Arono 's hands are burned up..
* Xevil stabs Wiendigo (5500 AP)
[Arono] grrrrrr..
* Dominator holds Majestic Shield in the other hand, using it to increase powers
* DeathStar spin slashes Xevil
* Blackjack shapeshifts into a half-cheetah. 1"Dominator! Fusion Blade! NOW!"
* Paladin runs up and slashes Xevil's knees
* Garland uses holy healing, full revive
[Wiendigo] HUr-*is dead*
* Dominator nods, 1"Sure thing, Blackjack," and uses Ebony Crystal on himself and Blackjack, then uses Purple Crystal on them both and Crimson Crystal on himself; Dominator looks at Blackjack and nods, giving him the signal to attack.
[Garland] Wien!!!!!!
* Wiendigo drops to the ground
* Dakota uses his jets to deliver a strong flying kick to xevil (ap 480)
* Dakota flies back up
* Garland runs over to wiendigo
* Xevil laughs
* Blackjack rushes at Xevil, slashing repeatedly at an incredible pace
* Dominator dashes forward at lightning speed (x3) and slashes three slashes in one moment, adding to Blackjack's massive attack; Xevil is subsequently engulfed by purple energy and telepathically attacked (Blackjack and Dominator's attacks total at 36,400AP)
* Arono holds his sabre and over head swings
[Xevil] ARGH!!!!!
[Garland] Wiendigo!
* Xevil hits the wall
* Dakota charges his armcannon and blasts xevil (ap 560)
[DeathStar] Wien?!
* Ridge locks onto xevil and fires a Missile [130 ap]
[Paladin] Garland, just use one of his medpacks on him
[Blackjack] Wien!?
[Dominator] Attack him NOW!
* Xevil it reflects at Dakota; same with Ridge
* Arono charges at X and thrusts through his stomach
* Garland puts his hand on wien's shoulder
[Dominator] Wiendigo!!!
[Seraphna] What is this Ridge, an attempt to win me with rougeish charm?
[Dakota] grrrr...
* Blackjack forces himself to ignore his fallen ally as he rushes Xevil, slashing twice and quickly retreating
[Garland] *growls* XEVIL!!!!!!!
* Dakota Suddenly two huge wings rip out of Dakota's back... his legs slowly growing explode revealing large muscular legs underneath, his arms follow suit, his hands also grow giant claws at the transformation continues... A large crest busts out of the back of Dakota's head and the rest of his normal armor blows off, revealing a powerful looking Dragon where Dakota was...Kaiser-Vanguard.
*** Dakota is now known as Kaiser
* Dominator dashes forward at an amazing speed with Crimson Crystal and uses Ebony Crystal to double his attack power, then stabs forward into Xevil with Rune Sword and electricutes them through the sword using his Battle Fury Mode, he uses Purple Crystal to launch a telepathic copy of the attacks at the same time (2000APP + 2000AP)
* Kaiser breathes in heavily and realses a giant amount of fire energy at xevil (230 ap)
[Xevil] ARGGH!!!
* Paladin runs at Xevil and slashes
* Garland stabs Xevil and slashes him
[Seraphna] That's my pop!
[Garland] DIE DAMN YOU!
[Xevil] ENOUGH!!!! *Blasts everyone back
* Garland kiama's Xevil
* Kaiser lands and stagers back
[Seraphna] Weak..
[DeathStar] STOP!
* Blackjack flips backwards, avoiding the blase
[Garland] Shut up!
[Kaiser] Deal?
* Dominator falls back, tahnkful Force Shield protecting him
* Arono jumps to his feat and stabs at his neck
[Ridge] ?!
[Seraphna] .A deal!
[Dominator] Talk fast, Xevil
* DeathStar swings sword at Xevil
[DeathStar] What is it?
* Garland reluctantly stops
[Xevil] I will tell you information...in return for my life....
* Kaiser starts taking another breath but breaths out... no fire
* Seraphna s sword begins to glow
* Kaiser growls....
[DeathStar] Someone, tend to Wien.
* Arono stops,sword at his neck..
[Kaiser] sera
[Dominator] Tell us it and if it's good enough, we might just do that
* Seraphna walks over to Wien
[Xevil] I'll even tell you how to end the war with my people.
[Garland] He's bloody scared of us.... HAH!
[DeathStar] .....Okay, you have your ..... deal  *spits the word out*
[Blackjack] Now you're talking...
* Xevil bleeds
[Dominator] ... I'm listening... *slightly taken aback*
* Ridge listens keeping the rig ready
* Arono thinks...get information then kill him
[Seraphna] You need my help now?
[Paladin] Heh, join the empire, right?
[Blackjack] So start talking.
* Seraphna heals him repeatedly
* Wiendigo is dead, can't speak, could sue some healing
[Wiendigo] NRP: use
[Xevil] I have no problem telling you how to end the war...kill the Elder.  You see, he's the one who pushed for the invasion..the counsel will think twice if he dies
* Wiendigo coughs up some blood
[Paladin] And how do you propose we kill the Elder?
* Seraphna numbs his pain and heals him to full health
* Garland uses holy healing on Wien ? if not already dead, full restore
* Dominator listens, while using onje of Wiendigo's full heals on Wiendigo
[Blackjack] You talk like that will be any easy task.
[Arono] any more information?
[Wiendigo] Guess...third time's not a charm...screw you, Death...
[Xevil] I know it won't.  Why not tell you?
[Seraphna] That's one you owe me Wien..
[Kaiser] easier said then done xevil...
[Dominator] Kill the Elder... Easier said than done...
[DeathStar] And how do we stop this weapon  *pats the machine*
* Xevil laughs insanely at DS
[Wiendigo] Fine, I won't eat you then.
[Dominator] Welcome back, Wiendigo
[Xevil] You Earthlings think so simple mindedly...
* Arono pushes blade at X"stop laughing...."
[DeathStar] ...What?
* Seraphna readies her sword
[Dominator] What the hell are you talking about?
[Seraphna] I knew it..
* Garland laughs at Xevil
[Xevil] THIS is just a protect, safe PASSAGE for the "Weapon".  This is a but a SHELL
* Kaiser growls at Xevil
[Blackjack] NRP: Would somebody explain to Arono that attacking Xevil would be stupid right now?
[Garland] I'm not from earth!
* Wiendigo turns to Xevil and grins bloodthristily
[DeathStar] .....?
[Blackjack] ...?
[Dominator] ...?!
[Paladin] Jesus Christ . . .
[Seraphna] The dome!
[Arono] NRP:im gonna kill him after he gives the info...
[Blackjack] NRP: There was a little variety in that one...
[Xevil] The planet is the weapon....the PLANET...*laughs*
[Kaiser] Lord help us all....
[Wiendigo] NRP: Cheese & rice? WHERE?
[Garland] God.....
[Dominator] What...?
[Xevil] And there's only one way to get down there....to fly a specially designed shuttle there.
[Blackjack] NRP: Sure. Yeah. You try it.
[Seraphna] The dome!
[Xevil] That's where the Elder is.
[Kaiser] NRP: arono do that and kaiser will have you for breakfast
[Paladin] And where might we find this shuttle?
[Dominator] Where's the shuttle... Tell us and live
* Xevil throws Dom a map in English
[Xevil] For the Mavericks who were being transferred here
* Dominator grabs it and looks it over
[Kaiser] Mavs?
[Kaiser] Which Mavs?!
* Xevil drops the remote to turn the self-destruct on
[Seraphna] Crux?
[Xevil] Crucifixtion's mavs.
* Garland stands there looking at Xevil
[Kaiser] Crux included?
[Seraphna] !
[Garland] Crucifixtion?
* Xevil walks off into the darkness of the ship, the self-destruct turned on
[Blackjack] Damn...
*** Xevil has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Kaiser] Dang it!
[Seraphna] I knew I jinxed this..
* Wiendigo growls
[DeathStar] Okay, we better hurry
[Dominator] ... You can leave Xevil... Never come back or we'll finish the job
[Kaiser] yeah 
* Dominator sees how far away the shuttle is
* DeathStar looks
[Blackjack] ...the self destruct? We might want to turn it off... *doesn't revert*
[Paladin] Let's head out
* Arono growls cuz he didnt get X's blood...
* Kaiser slowly starts to form armor over him and starts to shrink, slowly Dakota becomes recognizable as the features of Kaiser disappear
[DeathStar] IT's down this hallway
*** Kaiser is now known as Dakota
[Wiendigo] I wanted to floss my teeth with his nervous system!
* DeathStar runs down the hall
[DeathStar] Lets go
* Dakota follows DS at a sprint
[Garland] Ugh...... So.... we won?
* Dominator runs after DS
* Paladin sprints
* Seraphna starts off
[DeathStar] For now!
* Wiendigo follows at top speed
* Ridge chases DS


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