Mission 104: Conclusions

[DeathStar] Time Chart: After Christmas Day
[Slasher] I need my makeup
[X1] NRP: 6*cries*1 WAAAAHHH!! FINAL SESSION!!!!
[DeathStar] Location: The HQ
[Blackjack] NRP: Where's my BJ costume, dammit!?
[DeathStar] (DS has been up and about for awhile now, BTW)
[Blackjack] NRP: Aha, here we go. *puts it on*
[DeathStar] NRP: I will SO cancel this if you guys keep this up.  Don't think I won't
[Blackjack] NRP: I'm kidding, dammit
[DeathStar] NRP: 'Nit!  Nit!
[X1] I'm tellin' ya for the last time, I did not leave anything out when I rebuilt your body!
[Paladin`] NRP: Are you boys done?
[DeathStar] Oh yeah?  What the hell is the screeching sound?
* Garland sits in his tapped up chair, typing
* Mirri smirks
* Slasher walks in yawning
[X1] The rat inside your chest. You know, the one on the wheel running to keep your power going?
[DeathStar] You're halirous...
[Blackjack] Hrm. Only X1...
* DeathStar walks into the control room
[Slasher] What if the rat dies?
* Paladin` glances at DeathStar
[Foxfire] Hmm. No more DS, I guess, Slasher
[X1] You think I'm kidding? Had to use something to get you out of the computer mainframe.
[DeathStar] ...He's kidding guys, quit looking at me like that...
[Slasher] Wow....that'ld be so ni...I mean bad..yes bad
* Blackjack and Foxfire stop looking at DS like that and concentrate on their cards
* X1 taps on Ds' chest and it opens up, revealing a rat running on a wheel hurriedly
[DeathStar] Alright, any idea where half the Hunters are?
* DeathStar turns off the hologram projector X1 turned on
[DeathStar] Knock that off!
[X1] Starbucks?
[Mirri] None, DS.
[Slasher] Notta bloody clue
[Paladin`] Celebrating new years awol?
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[DeathStar] Hrm, Dominator said something about searching for more Maverick groups.  
* Garland turns around in his chair, closing his personal log for the day
[X1] Are you sure he didn't say "Beer."?
[DeathStar] Anyway, we just got the Master Comp----X1, go look for Elvis...
[Slasher] Dom? Beer? HA!
[X1] I mean, it's easy to get the two confused...
[DeathStar] Dominator has a problem, Slasher....he didn't want you guys to know.
[Slasher] Sure he does..I gotcha 
* Blackjack scoops up the small pot of cash from his game. Foxfire slams her cards into the table and gets up, leaving behind a satisfied Blackjack.
[Paladin`] A problem?  Who, X1?
* Garland looks at DS
[Garland] Problem..?
* X1 points to the overweight, loudly dressed man in the corner. "Can I go find Waldo now?"
[Blackjack] We've all known that for a while, Paladin
[DeathStar] ...Yes, whenever he drinks, he's...different.  I won't go into it.
* Slasher grabs a chair and sits in it
*** ShadowedFigure is now known as Technician
* Technician walks into the room
[Slasher] He act's drunk perhaps
[Blackjack] Meh. Think he's bad? Stay away from me when I get drunk.
[DeathStar] Worse, he acts sober.
[Slasher] Oh...my...god...WHAT A FREAK!
[Technician] Um, excuse me...
[X1] No.
[DeathStar] Ain't it though---*turns to the Technician* What?
[X1] No excuses!
[Garland] Sober..... huh?
[Slasher] Your excused
*** Ariel (Avalon@CDR6-108.accesscable.net) has joined #taw
* Blackjack turns to the tech
[Blackjack] What do you want?
[X1] No soup for you! Come back 1 year! NEXT!
[Technician] I need to work on the computer *nods at it*
[Mirri] So work on it.
[DeathStar] Oh, yes, go ahead.  Spade said he needed to talk to me on it.
[Slasher] Nah....you can just leave
* Paladin` wonders what the hell X1 is talking about
[X1] Uh...waitiminnute, on WHO'S athority?
[DeathStar] Mine, I called a technican up here
[Slasher] Who gave you authority
[DeathStar] Anyway, as you guys know, there's been no Maverick acti----Slasher...
* Slasher looks around the room whistling
[Ariel] *walks in* He's being an idiot like usual?
[Blackjack] Nice to have a break.
* Garland sighs and turns around back to his computer
[Paladin`] More so
[DeathStar] Yes he is Ariel....how the hell does your twin put up with him?
[Slasher] In one word...yes
* Technician opens a panel in the computer and looks inside
[X1] Then why is this mna really a....6*grabs the tech's face and pulls*1...A WOMAN?
[Foxfire] And MedBay's been a lot quieter lately, we're appreciating the break.
[Ariel] I can't understand it either DS...
* DeathStar turns to Slasher
[DeathStar] How old are you, anyway?  16?
* Slasher looks back
* X1 continues pulling on the tech's face, with no give.
[Slasher] Maybe I am, maybe I am...
[X1] Errgg...c'moff you stupid mask...
* Technician stares at X1 like he's crazy
[DeathStar] You're young and reckless.....you'd think Cheryl would have more sense..you're still a kid almost
* Paladin` opens a small bottle and takes two round pills
[DeathStar] X1, GET OFF OF HIM!
[X1] Damnit, whadda ya use for this? Proxy glue?
* Foxfire , Foxfire, and Mirri snicker
[Slasher] YOOHOO!!! I was created by Corsec...I may have the body of a sexy 16 year old model, but I'm very good at things
[Blackjack] NRP: Whoops.
[DeathStar] You act 14.  That's enough for me.
[X1] But he's a woman in disguise! Lemme prove it!
[DeathStar] X1....go to MedBay, now...
* X1 keeps pulling on the guy's face
[DeathStar] I have to conduct a briefing...
[Ariel] Fourteen DS?  You're being too kind to him.
* X1 stops
* Technician shakes X1 off and goes back to his work
* Slasher sticks his tongue at Ariel
[DeathStar] Saying he acts like a 7 year old would be too harsh for his ego.
[X1] You've won this round, Nofinger...
[Technician] *mumbles* Crazy Hunters
* Garland watches in his own silent way
[DeathStar] Where's Cheryl, anyway? 
[Slasher] Now you've done it, he's hurt
* Paladin` takes 3 more pills
* X1 backs out of the room, looking around in a wily, suspicious way
[DeathStar] Hooboy, Slasher's going into his physco line again
[Ariel] Around... not sure where.
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*** Blackjack has quit IRC (Killed (NickSrv (GHOST command used by Speedblade)))
*** Speedblade (supiidobur@user092.pcnow.net) has joined #TAW
*** Foxfire has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Slasher] Leave BoyWonder the invisible ego boy alone...
*** Speedblade is now known as Blackjack
*** Foxfire (supiidobur@user092.pcnow.net) has joined #TAW
*** Mirri (supiidobur@user092.pcnow.net) has joined #TAW
* DeathStar voice gets a cool, icy edge to it. 1"Shut up...all of you...."
* Technician opens his toolbox and begins working on the computer
[Blackjack] Wuh oh... don't like that voice... *shuts up*
[Slasher] Shut doesn't...ahh nevermind, not worth it
*** Blackjack has quit IRC (Killed (NickSrv (Nick kill enforced)))
* X1 yells form down the hall. "AHHHH!! BAD FERRET! GAAHH! GET OF MY FACE! AAAAIIIEEEEEEE!!!"
[DeathStar] Now, with no Mavericks, we've all been getting slack.  Look at you guys!  You have become a bunch of comedians!
*** Speedblade (supiidobur@user092.pcnow.net) has joined #TAW
[Slasher] And we've become fat
* Paladin` raises an eyebrow at DeathStar
[DeathStar] Shut up.
[Ariel] Speak for yourself Slasher.
[Slasher] Bu....
[DeathStar] I mean, even DOMINATOR'S going weird these days.  Paladin's the only drat one here.
[Slasher] I ain't fat, I'm festivaly plump
[DeathStar] Ut!  *cuts Slasher off*
[Garland] Not all of us, I've kept up with mu studies
[Slasher] Co..
*** Speedblade is now known as Blackjack
[DeathStar] Simon says, "SHUT UP!"
[DeathStar] Garland, you're...well, you're you
* Slasher head drops
* Paladin` twiddles his thumbs
[Blackjack] NRP: If I get disconnected one more time...
[DeathStar] NRP....you'll kill X1?  Please say that
* Technician starts to stand up, but bumps his head letting out a stream of swearing
[Foxfire] NRP: ...I'll kill X1
[DeathStar] Okay, now---*hears the Master Computer come online*
[X1] NRP: Eep...
* Slasher lets out a chuckle
* Garland flips through his text book, noting sharlena took a crayon to some of the pages
[Paladin`] NRP: Should've stuck him with that ice spear . . .
* Ariel waits patiently.
[DeathStar] .....What is this?  Does EVERYONE have something to say these days?
[Garland] NRP: EEEP!!!!!
* DeathStar punches wall and leaves a dent, something obviously eating away at him
[Blackjack] Why do I sense sarcasm in that
[Slasher] Kids these day, eh
* Paladin` wonders how long before DeathStar finally kills one of the hunters
* DeathStar his commlink beeps, Spade appearing on it
* Garland sighs
[DeathStar] ....If you'll excuse me....*walks into a small conference room*
* Technician backs out of the panel rubbing his head
[Blackjack] Good ol' Spade... *snarls*
* Slasher gets up and looks around for something to do
* Technician reaches back in and pulls out a small box attached to a bunch of wires
[Garland] Ever since we succeeding in saving earth, we've been falling appart as friends, as I've noticed.
*** Cheryl (Avalon@CDR6-108.accesscable.net) has joined #taw
* Technician takes a similar box out of his tool kit
[X1] NRP: Heh, save the Earth, lose a friend, good ad banner
* Slasher continues to look aorubd
* Garland rubs his forhead, slightly annoyed, typing
[Blackjack] NRP: *whacks X1 pretty hard*
* Technician begins systematically switching the wires into the new box
[Ariel] If you're saying, without the life threatening danger we're falling apart, I'll agree
[Slasher] I need something to do...
* Blackjack sits next to a table and deals out a game of solitare
* Garland nods to Ariel
[Slasher] Anyone got a coloring book?
* Paladin` thinks "Stick your head in a food processor" but says nothing
[Blackjack] Too true...
* Cheryl wanders in.
* X1 comes out, his face all scratched up
* Garland breaks his pencil at a math problem. "Damnit..... this is hard!"
* Technician finishes, places the new box into the panel and closes it up
[Blackjack] Stick your head in a food processor, Slasher.
[Cheryl] Geez guys, why are you so glum?
[Slasher] Why?
* Paladin` chuckles
[Blackjack] Who are you, anyway, tech guy, I've never seen you around here...
[Paladin`] Might look better after that . . .
[X1] When your faces smells like cheese, stay away from ferrets...
* Technician wipes his hands off with a yellow cloth
* DeathStar walks in, face dark, and his drops the pieces of the commlink on the ground
[Slasher] That was real funny Paladin
* Garland looks at DS
[X1] Mary Margret Sunshine's back.
[Foxfire] Yikes... something tells me what Spade had to say wasn't exactly good...
* Slasher notices Cheryl and waves to her
[Ariel] ?
* Technician closes up his toolkit and looks around at the others in the room
[DeathStar] May I see you all in the Conference Room in a few minuteS?  *walks back in and closes the door*
[Cheryl] That doesn't sound good...
[X1] Yep, we're fired.
[Slasher] Aye
[Foxfire] Something's up.
* Garland closes up his laptop and walks for the conference room
* Slasher walks towards the conference room
[Mirri] Think MH is being disbanded again...?
* Technician walks to the conference door and knocks
[Blackjack] I hope not...
* Paladin` walks in
[X1] Thee goes my pension...
* DeathStar turns to face the Technician
[DeathStar] YeS?
* Blackjack and his sister and wife head for the conference room
* X1 bounces in
* Slasher enters the conference room and sits in a chair
* Ariel enter and sits quietly.
* Blackjack , Foxfire, and Mirri sit quietly
[Technician] The security monitor is replaced, sir.  You shouldn't have anymore problem with glitches
* Garland sits in a chair
[DeathStar] Thanks.  You're dismissed....
* Cheryl takes her seat next to Slasher.
[X1] I'll have you KNOW I personally caused those glitches!
* DeathStar sits at the head chair and rolls to face a map of the station, whirling around
[Blackjack] X1, I don't think DS is in the mood...
[Technician] Stares intently at X1 and then leaves
* Technician Stares intently at X1 and then leaves
* Slasher looks at Cheryl and then glances back
*** Technician is now known as ShadowedFigure
[X1] ...Hey, I think that guy was checking me out. Think he's gay?
* DeathStar clears voice and turns to face them all
[Blackjack] So what's up, DS...? I know it isn't good.
[Blackjack] And I think I have a pretty good idea what it is.
[DeathStar] As you all know, we stopped the war with the aliens, against our planet.  And we crushed the last of the Mavericks.  The war's over.  I was curious about what were you guys planning on doing with your lives?
[Paladin`] Back to CorSec, I suppose
[X1] Yep, we're fired.
*** Slash (Blayde22@sktnsk01d051601201.sk.sympatico.ca) has joined #taw
[Mirri] Why the sudden interest in our personal lives, DS?
* Foxfire solemnly nods at X1
[Slasher] Find a place to live and build myself a house
* DeathStar waves slash into the conference room, him hearing about the question of what do you plan on doing with your lives
[X1] Back to the strip clubs for me...
[Garland] I'm.....not quiet sure.
* DeathStar shakes head at X1
[Blackjack] Move to some peaceful planet and settle down with Mirri...
* Slash strides in and sits down
[Slash] Me?  Well, i guess i hope to reopen Force works....
[Ariel] That... I never thought about...
[DeathStar] Interesting ideas, all of you.
[Foxfire] I really don't know... I'll probably stay with Jared and Mirri for a while, staying a bachelorette until I find a man... heh heh.
* DeathStar rolls chair around not to face them
[Garland] I guess I could fall back on a previous..... formality on Parnel.
* X1 leans next to Foxfire and flexes his eyebrows
[Slash] I really dont know what im gonna do... maybe explore the system
* Foxfire slaps X1 in the face
[DeathStar] You're right in the fact that the Hunters have just been disbanned.  EarthGov seems to think running us is to expensive, and rebuilding the station would cost billions.  But, you're not "fired".
*** ShadowedFigure is now known as Spydirbot
[X1] Ow! Spunk, hey, I like that...
[Blackjack] What's that supposed to mean...?
[Slash] We are retired...
* Spydirbot crawls into the conference room through a vent
[Paladin`] We get some retirement pay?
[DeathStar] EarthGov wants you guys to join either EarthGov Armed Forces or CorSec.
[Slasher] How can it cost so much to keep us runnign when we dont even get paid
[Paladin`] Mep?
[Slash] Doubt it
[Garland] No.
[Blackjack] NRP: *MEP*!
[X1] We're just on the "reserve list"...
[Garland] I'm headed home.
[Slash] .
[Spydirbot] *Mep?*
[Slasher] Screw that Idea
[Blackjack] I'm... I've had enough fighting for a while...
[Paladin`] I can probably get my old rank at CorSec back . . .
[Slash] .....
[Slash] And what if we dont?
[Garland] I have to attend school.
[DeathStar] Then you'll all retire quietly and history will forget about you
[Mirri] And I can't fight... Being pregnant kind of throws both choices out...
[X1] Hot diggity!
[Slash] .....
[Ariel] The armed forces?  Hmmm...
* Slash glances at his warp blades, in their containment cases
[Blackjack] Kind of makes for a tough decision...
[X1] Obscuirty, here I come...AGAIN!
[Slash] ....
[Garland] I wasn't interested in being remembered.
* Slash places them on the table
[Slasher] I think I like not being in the history books
[Blackjack] Recognition never was a goal of mine...
[Slash] Neither.
* DeathStar glances at them
[DeathStar] You're taking this rather well....
[Paladin`] We beat the Tsivrixsh by ourselves, and you don't think we'll be remembered?
[Ariel] ...
[Foxfire] What's the point in NOT taking it well?
[Slash] I am hanging up my blades.
* Garland scratches the back of his head
[DeathStar] For the past year, we've all worked together...known each other, and fought along side each other.  And now, it's all gone.
[X1] Well, after having this happen to me TWICe already...
[Slash] There may come a time in the future when i will pick them up again, but for now... i am sick of fighting.
[DeathStar] The station?  It'll be used, the working parts, for tourism....
[Mirri] Hey, just because history forgets about us doesn't mean WE forget about us, right?
[Slasher] They going to make wax sculptores of us
[Garland] Tourism?
[DeathStar] There is no more fighting, not in EarthGov's eyes *growls this out*
[X1] Jeeze chief, it's not like we're not gonna automatically STOP talking to each toher
[Cheryl] You planning the first annual hunter reunion already? =P
[Slash] Exactly.
[Garland] You mean they're going to have tours of this and such?
[DeathStar] More of a place that aliens can stop at on their way to Earth, Garland
[X1] Wax statues aren't such a good one, I ate the last set of the Hunters'...
[Slash] I just hope they dont find the passcode to my room...
[Garland] Oh.
[DeathStar] ....But...*decides not to go into anything at this time*
[Ariel] ...
[Slasher] So we get to party now?
[DeathStar] Well, who all is rejoining the Forces or CorSec?  I need to know now.
[Paladin`] When exactly will we be officially disbanded?
[Slash] ......
[DeathStar] The station will be shut down on New Year's Eve.
[Paladin`] Me most likely.
[DeathStar] As for you guys, you'll be cleared out before then
* Slash glances at his blades......
[Garland] Well, I have to help fight off the Jiakare on Parnel... so no. I have work to that needs be done and agendas with Ni
[Blackjack] You need to know right now... I...
[X1] "Not I." said the X1 unit.
* Slash closes his eyes remebering
[Garland] Ni'Nareana
[Spydirbot] *MEP!*
[DeathStar] Anyway  *stands up* Whoever doesn't, leave their weapons in here.
* Spydirbot lands on the confence table pulling a sheet of paper from an internal compartment.
* Spydirbot unrolls the paper. It reads:
[Ariel] I think I will be going to the forces...  I don't have another life to fall back on like most, so I might as well.
* DeathStar glances around for the mep, but is too lost in thought
* Garland holds the gospel tightly
[Slasher] I ain't leavin my weapons here
* Blackjack lowers his head
[DeathStar] Slasher, you will
[X1] ...What the hell is that noise?
[Spydirbot]  msg] Hunters, I appologize for the problems you've had with my company.  But since you are going to be unoccupied soon, Infinity Inc. would like to hire any of you.  Signed... Shell
* Slash the warp blade cases disappear
[Garland] I'm not leaving my sword here.
[Spydirbot] *mep*
[DeathStar] ........*grabs the paper* HE'S still ALIVE?  Of all the damned luck...
[Slasher] Think again DS
[DeathStar] Slasher, I have orders, if it can't be stripped off of you, to take it.  You resist, and you'll be arrested.
* X1 looks at the contraption closely
[Spydirbot] *Mep?*
* Slash glances at DS
[Slasher] Why...
* X1 pokes it
[DeathStar] Orders, and my final ones.
[DeathStar] You're civilians, you'll respect EarthGov's rules.
* Spydirbot scutters backwards
[Slasher] Great....
[Slash] Ill join EarthGov elite forces. Unless i manage to resurrect Force Works.
[Blackjack] DS, this rifle belonged to my grandfather, Brian "Delta" Carter... a Maverick Hunter General in the time of X and Zero... I won't let you take it one way or the other.
[X1] Curiousor and curiousor..
* Slasher throws his ion sword at DS
[DeathStar] IF it was signed to you by EarthGov, and you got the documents, it's your's
* DeathStar grabs the sword
* Spydirbot watches the sword
[Garland] EarthGov is not my government.
[Blackjack] This belongs to me, personally. Not Hunter, EarthGov, or whatever.
[DeathStar] BTW, security on the station stops New Year's Eve...all weapon will be unguarded.  *small grin*
[Garland] I respect the laws of the Magistrate now.
[Slash] Good
* Slash grins
* Paladin` smirks
[X1] Uh, I'm technically not, I'm still technically part of the government's science dapartment.
* DeathStar throws the sword into the safe
[Blackjack] I... *catches the grin* guess I don't have a choice, though.
* Slasher tosses his CSII to DS
[Slash] In that case, i think i may just have to leave my weapons here
[Slasher] Good...
* DeathStar grabs it and throws it in with the rest
* Spydirbot wanders over to DS
* Slash drops all his weapons, except teh built in ones, and leaves a small pile of weapons
[Spydirbot] *MEP?*
* DeathStar glances at the bot
[Slasher] Does that include my LM?
[Cheryl] I... don't really have anything to give ^^¡
* Blackjack drops his arsenal on the table, hesitating before placing the rifle on it
[DeathStar] You tell Shell, I'll be looking for him.
* X1 keeps watching the spydrbot
[Slash] Here.  I think my holocard is somewhere in there too
* Foxfire drops her katana and handgun on the table
* Spydirbot shoves the note toward DS
[X1] Can't we keep it? PLEASE?
* Mirri does likewise
* Slasher tosses the holocard to Slash
[DeathStar] X1, you may have it.
* Garland keeps his sword
[X1] Yea!
* X1 grabs the bot and hugs it
[Slasher] DS, does that include my living metal?
* Slash catches it
[DeathStar] No, you keep that
[Slasher] Good...
[DeathStar] Okay, everyone out of the room.
[Garland] Unfortunatly, I cannot put my Kiama on the table, and if I could, I wouldn't.
[Slash] Well DS..... Its been good.  *walks up to DS*
* Slasher gets up and then helps Cheryl up
* X1 attaches a leash to the spydirbot
[Spydirbot] *Mep? Mep? Mep? Mep? Mep?!!!*
[DeathStar] Well, you guys have 5 days left.
* Ariel walks out
[Slash] Take care....
* X1 drags it out of the room
[Ariel] 5 days...
* Slash shakes his hand for what may be the last time
[DeathStar] IF you would like to set up a party, go ahead.
* DeathStar shakes it
* Blackjack sneaks his rifle out with him as he leaves, hiding it under his jacket
[DeathStar] Good luck, Slash
* Spydirbot bites the leash off
[DeathStar] We won't meet again, but....that's that
[X1] C'mon Mep-mep
[X1] HEY!
[Slash] Thanks DS......
* X1 whaps the bot and grabs it
* Cheryl smiles and heads out
[Blackjack] Nice working with y'all... can't say I'll forget any of you.
[Paladin`] What are you going to do DS?
* DeathStar slams the door shut
* Spydirbot hides behind DS
* Slasher follows behind Cheryl
[Slash] Ill always remember what you did for me....
[Ariel] It's been a time to remember BJ
[X1] NO biting!
[Blackjack] Yes...
* Slash moves into the hall
[Slash] It has...
[Cheryl] So what do you think you'll do Slasher?
[DeathStar] Me?  Good question.  The aliens are taking over worlds all around us, enslaving people, killing them...I can't stand by as EarthGov boasts how damned good they are....I will do what I can to stop them.
* Blackjack slams his fist into a wall, emotion finally catching up to him
[Slash] Been good meeting and fighting with all of you...
[X1] I want my little, spider, thingy, gadget back!
[Slasher] Probably grow up for once...
[Blackjack] Dammit, why does it all have to end like this!?
* Spydirbot slips out X1's grasp
[Paladin`] What exactly do you mean?
[DeathStar] I'm going aftet the aleins
* Mirri places a hand on Blackjack's shoulder
[Slash] ...
[Paladin`] Alone?
[X1] Chief? That such a good idea?
[DeathStar] It'll take time, but I'll stay out of EarthGov's way.  It'll forget me, and I'll forget Earth.  That simple.
[Slash] DS..... If you need help, dont hesitate to call... and i mean that..
[Garland] I'm off to parnel... I'm sure I'll see you guys some time..... I'm sure of it.
* DeathStar shrugs
[Slasher] Same here
[DeathStar] I'm use to being alone.
[Foxfire] If that is what you want, DS, no one can stop you from making that decision...
[DeathStar] You guys do know you don't have to leave now...
* DeathStar waves hand around the station
[X1] Yeah, but you're used to being alone...on Earth...
[DeathStar] You guys practically have 5 days left.  I would urge you to stay.
[Blackjack] I don't plan to until I must...
[Paladin`] Open bar won't be around forever . . .
[Garland] I have to leave soon though.
* Slash grins
[Ariel] ...
[DeathStar] I see, Garland...I was hoping you would stick around...but  *looks sad* I understand.
[Slasher] I'm gonna miss open mike night
[Garland] I'm already condemed for Sharlena'
[Blackjack] I hadn't even begun planning my future... guess now is a time better than ever...
* Spydirbot heads for the door, leaving the note on the table
[Garland] s hitchhiking
[DeathStar] You have 5 days and the world's best station at your hands.  Hell, you even got SHELL wanting to hire you.
[X1] AH! Mep-mep! Come back!
* Slash shakes head, and moves over to the bar
* X1 chases after the spydirbot
[Garland] NRP: BRB
[DeathStar] That's irony.
* Spydirbot slips out of the door and downloads away
* Blackjack steps in front of the spydirbot, communicating with it
[Ariel] A real twist...
[Blackjack] *mep* *mep* *mep*
*** Spydirbot is now known as ShadowedFigure
* Cheryl thinks blackjack has lost it
* Slasher enters the bar behind Slash
[Slash] Blackjack... it has been a pleasure working with you...
* Slash pops his scyths, one of his remaining weapons
[X1] ...so much for all of my odd and strange experimentations I was going to perform on it to see how it worked...
* Paladin` takes a seat in the corner of the bar
[Slasher] Slash...
[Blackjack] Gotta bring a little comic relief into this, Cheryl... Besides, I said I'd learn *mep*ese, didn't I?
* DeathStar walks to the viewport, where he stood during Mission 1, and looks around the area
* Slash stoes them again
[Blackjack] Yeah, Slash...
* Slasher looks at Slash
[Slash] Take care y'hear?
* X1 goes off to his workshop
[Slash] Take care of Mirri...
[Blackjack] I'm probably going to settle on Kirahi... if you ever need the help of the card shark, you'll know where to find me...
* DeathStar turns to Garland
[Ariel] When I joined, this was the last thing I pictured happening...
[Blackjack] Mirri and Chris...
[Slash] Heh
[Slash] Slasher....
* Garland looks at DS
[Slasher] Thanks for everything Slash.
[DeathStar] So, kid...how long are you going to be around?
[Garland] A bit longer.
[Slash] ... No prob little bro..
* X1 touches a button on the outside of it, and it starts literally folding up into a minute size, then pops into a conpartment in X1's arm.
[Slasher] Heh..
[Garland] Withing the next 3 days.... definently
[X1] Well I'm done packing.
* X1 rejoins the group
[DeathStar] Well, we'll say our goodbyes then, eh?  Be that much easier.
[Slasher] Good luck with Force Works
[Slash] NRP: damn, this would make an awesome animated sequence..
* DeathStar glances at X1
[Cheryl] Nrp: Definately.
[DeathStar] So, what are you doing to be doing?
[Blackjack] NRP: I've got somebody for TCT drawing pictures of key events... maybe I could talk him into doing one for this
* Slasher goes over to Cheryl
[Slash] Thanks Slasher.... i know who to call if i ever need a chainsaw *grins*
[Garland] Me?
[Paladin`] Annoying the crap out of some poor fool, most likely . . .
[DeathStar] No, I know what you're going to do.  I meant X1.
[Slasher] Yeah..*turns around and walks to Cheryl*
[X1] No idea. Probably rejoin a science expedition or something.
* Paladin` smiles at DeathStar
* DeathStar smirks at Paladin
[Cheryl] And who to call if you need someone to keep him inline Slash ^^
* DeathStar enters the bar with the others
* Slash sits alone for a minute, looking at the locket that hung around his neck.
* DeathStar steps next to Slash
* Garland 's face turns red and turns around, walking off to his quarters
* Slash turns to DS
[Slash] DS..?
[DeathStar] Look at them  *nodding at Cheryl and slasher*
* Blackjack holds the cross hanging around his neck
[Slasher] Real funny wise girl
* Ariel stands against the wall, watching the others.
[X1] Pal, be sure to give me your new address, just so I can come over EVERY night of EVERY day and ANNOYNING hours...
[DeathStar] What do you think the odds that he'll settle down?
[Slash] I know.. they hit it off...
* Garland walks out a few minutes later, in battle clothing (not his armor) and carrying 3 large chests
* Paladin` eyes X1
* Garland walks into the Bar
[Slasher] So what do you plan on doing Cheryl?
[Slash] No idea.. he changes his personality like socks..
[DeathStar] I know.  I just don't see how they'll stay together.....I need to talk to Cheryl about him later.
* X1 slides up next to Ariel
[Garland] Hey um.... as we're no longer hunters, think they'd mind if I "borrowed" a shuttle?
* Slash closes the locket, but DS could see a brief glance of a picture of Crystal
[Cheryl] I'm not sure really... I've thought about finishing my training and becoming a doctor...
[DeathStar] Why, Garland?  You got 3 more days.
[X1] And what might you be doing, milady?
* DeathStar pats Slash on the shoulder
[Garland] Packing early *winks*
* Blackjack removes his eyepatch, revealing the deep scar underneath
[DeathStar] We all lost this year, Slash...we all lost
[Slasher] I'll be sure to come to you if I need a physical
[Blackjack] This is actually the end... it's over for the Hunters.
[Slash] I know.... this is the second time i lost her...
[DeathStar] No, I wouldn't think they'll mind
[Ariel] Just trying to remember the moment... who know if they'll be a next time we're all together...
* DeathStar sees the bartender bring in some cake
[Garland] Okay *smiles and walks off to the shuttle bay and walks back a few minutes later*
* Slash pulls out a small box of his pocket
[Slasher] NRP:*waits to get slapped by Cheryl*
[Mirri] How's that for something to break a depressing moment...
[DeathStar] Dominatorand the others are going to be sad they're on a Maverick hunt..
[Slash] Heres a reminder of the ol Slash..
[X1] Believe me, in this world, with all I've been through, there's always another time, a second chance, nothing's forever.
* DeathStar glances at Slash
* Slash opens the box
* Foxfire glances at X1, surprised to hear him say something that makes sense
[Paladin`] Nothing lasts forever . . . how depressing X1
[Slash] Take on, i ...err, "borrowed" some peices of Sigma after we killed him...
[Slash] They make nifty keychains..
[Garland] Really?
* Slasher gives Cheryl a hug and walks away slowly
[DeathStar] Intreging, but that's like holding a walking timebomb...
[Ariel] What will this be...?  My fourth try at a new life? *sigh*
* Cheryl watches slasher go, not sure what to say
[X1] It's not depressing if you think about it. Goodbyes aren't forever, just temporary.
* Slash holds up his, which has 4 odd shaped keys, and a small cardkey
[Garland] Don't feel bad Ariel, I grew up with these guys *laughs*
* DeathStar walks over to Cheryl
[DeathStar] He likes you, you know.
* Slasher walks over to Slash
* Cheryl nods...
[Slasher] Hey, ya ever find your HoloCard?
* Slash looks up
* Paladin` looks around the room and orders . . . a Pina Coloda
* Slash holds up the one he swiped from Slasher
[Slash] You mean this one?
[Ariel] I don't want to know what that must have been like Garland...
[X1] Don't try for a new life, Ariel, continue with this one, it's been working out pretty damn good so far, I'd say
[Slasher] Hey...how'ld you do that...
[DeathStar] I know I shouldn't ask, but....do you like him?
* Slash grins
* Garland orders a vodka, grinning
* Foxfire spins his eyepatch on his finger
[Slash] Im not as old and slow as you think i am..
[Slasher] Damn, I'm going to miss you
[Cheryl] *looks up* Yes...
[Blackjack] NRP: Er, BJ
* Blackjack smirks at Garland
[Blackjack] Enjoying that "adult Coke?"
[Garland] Oh yeah... I can hold my liquor now-a-days.
[Ariel] Well... nothing last forever right?  I'll just have to make the most of it.
[Slash] .... *cant think of anything to say*
[X1] That's the idea of it.
[DeathStar] Ah.  Normally I would be synical about a relationship on the grounds of these, but sometimes you need to follow your heart.  Maybe going where he goes, wherever the freaky place that might be, would be the best for both of you.
* Slasher orders two glasses of russian vodka and hands one to Slash
[Slash] I can still drink you under the table..
[Slasher] Two the future brother, whereever it may bring us
[X1] I can still drink you all under the table.
[Blackjack] I thought that was me you could drink under the table, Slash!
* Ariel plays [Remember.mp3] - 4481k - [i²]
[Blackjack] Yes, X1? PROVE IT!
[Garland] Yeah X1, I'll take that challenge
* Slasher holds the glass up
* X1 walks over next to BJ
* Slash downs the vodka in one gulp
* Slash then walks over to X1
[Slash] Yea, prove it
* Slasher follows suit and downs it
* Blackjack orders a shot of vodka, downing it quickly and ordering the next
* X1 grabs a beer, downs it, then grabs a table and holds it above BJ's head
* DeathStar smiles at the ground and walks off unnoticed, retreating to the background of the station.
* Slasher looks at them all
[DeathStar] NRP: er, group
[X1] There, you're under the table.
* Slasher lets out a laugh
[Slash] .... Hardy har har
[Blackjack] Funny, X1. Oh well, YOU prove it, Slash!
[Paladin`] NRP: Raise your hand if you saw that coming
* Garland busts outs laughing
* Mirri snickers and shakes her head
* Foxfire simply shakes her head, grinning
[DeathStar] NRP: I'll let you all decided when to end this session,  I'm too tired to think
* Slasher walks over to Ariel
[Ariel] No, that's drinking then holding the table over... I don't think I should finish that...
[Slash] Gladly
*** DeathStar is now known as GM1
* Ariel fears that X1 might try to 'Drink BJ, under the table'
[Slasher] NRP: Till we are all passed out
[Blackjack] Ok, Slash, go!
[X1] Quick, let's ran sack Ds's room and steal his underwear!
* Slash rapidly orders and fills shot glasses, downing 40 in the first minute
* Blackjack downs another shot of vodka, downing 50 in a minute
[Slasher] So, Ariel what do you plan on doing
* X1 runs off giggling
* Slash speeds up, downing 100, and vision not even getting blurry
[Blackjack] YEEEEEEAH! Keep 'em coming, Nova!
* Blackjack downs another 100, not stopping
[Ariel] I don't know...  I might join the armed forces...
[Mirri] Oy... living with him's going to be interesting tomorrow... Hangover Hell.
* Slash keeps going
* X1 comes back with an arm full off Ds's underwear
[Slasher] So who do you think'll win
* Blackjack also keeps going
* Paladin` wonders how they're going to treat all the alcohol poisoning cases
[Ariel] Slash I think...
[Slasher] Hmm...
* Blackjack splashes one of the shots in Ariel's face before continuing
[Slash] *between drinks* Too bad your a human..., reploids can hold their liquor much better
* Garland keeps drinking vodka like water
* Slasher runs over to Slash and BJ and downs a glass of moonshine
[X1] Hee hee hee
* Slash downs BOTTLES at a time
[Blackjack] We'll see about that, Reploid. *continues*
* X1 starts tossing Ds's underware all about
* Ariel sighs
* Slash laughs, as he takes a barrel and downs it
* Slasher leaps in trying to catch up to Slash and BJ
* Slash plays [Nothin's Gonna Stand In Our Way.mp3] - 5150k - [i²]
* X1 shakes his head and puts his ahnd on Slash's shoulder
* Garland sits quietly enjoying the surroundings
[Blackjack] X1's *drinks* done it again... *grabs three bottles and drinks them simeltaneously*
[Ariel] It's really over...  oh well... Hey!  Hand me over one of those.
[X1] You green sprouts ain't nothing
* Slash stops
* Slasher downs some Whiskey
* Blackjack wipes his mouth off and takes another shot
[GM1] NRP: *writes and begins the story with them all having hangovers*
* X1 leaps behind the bar and rips out the beer tanks, then proceeds to eat them
[Foxfire] I'll be damned... BJ won!
[Slash] Lets call it a tie, dont want you getting pissy at mirri today..
* Slash laughs
[Blackjack] Heh heh... yeah, whatever you say, Slush
[Paladin`] NRP: Dead would be better . . . poisoning of the blood, but hey, it's fiction, right?
[Slash] I didnt even begin
* Slash smirks
* Slasher looks at the glass then throws it against a wall
[Blackjack] I myself could keep going, but Slash suggested a tie
[Slash] Just wait..... You'll have a hell of a hangover tomorrow..
* X1 *glass hits X1 in the head isntead*
[X1] OW!
[Slasher] Sorry X1
[Slash] NRP: Change in playlist, new Team theme: Nothings gonna stand in our way
[X1] Narr...
* Mirri shakes her head
[Cheryl] Don't come bugging me in the morning about it *takes a drink*
[Mirri] Like I said earlier...
* Garland drinks another vodka
[Mirri] Hangover Hell tomorrow...
* Cheryl plays [nothin's.mp3] - 3415k - [i²]
[Slasher] A Round for everyone, SLASH PAYS!
[Garland] What's a hangover?
* Slash stands up, and moves to a table
[Slash] I dont think so...
[Ariel] I could go for that.
[Slash] SLASHER pays!
* Slasher holds up Slash's HoloCard
* Slash holds up Slashers holocard
* Mirri drinks a few shots
[X1] Gar, you'll ssooooooooo find out in the morning...
* Paladin` walks out of the room rather quickly
[Slash] NRP: LOL
* Foxfire holds up BJ's holocard
[Slasher] How bout we both Pay!
[Blackjack] HEY!
*** Paladin` is now known as GP1
[Slash] Ok
[Foxfire] Uh oh...
[Slash] BJ's paying!!
[X1] Hey, where's the bodysuit-boy going?
[Slasher] That's ok with me
* Foxfire sprints out of the bar, a drunk and mad BJ on her tail. The two shapeshift into wolves before turning a corner.
* Slasher switches holocards with Slash
[Mirri] Those two... I swear.
[X1] ...I'm not cleaning up after those two...
[Slash] You'll have your hands full with BJ there Mirri...
[Slasher] They must have one kinky relationship...
* X1 whacks Slasher
* Mirri throws a broken bottle at Slasher
[Slasher] OUCH!!
* Slasher it smashes over his head
* Slash ducks and lets Mirris slap pass over his head hitting slasher
[Mirri] I know, Slash. But that's what I like about him...
[Slasher] Oof.
[Slash] NRP: err, bottle
* Slash concentrates for a moment
* Slash a warp opens
[Slash] Who wants to go to Disney land!!
* X1 takes out a glass, puts some stuff in it, then sets it on fire
[Ariel] Where?
[GM1] NRP: There is no Disney Land
[Slasher] Ok...I'll have to blame that on the moonshine
[Mirri] Disney...land? What is that?
[Slasher] Ok, I think Slash has had one too many drinks
[Slash] Dunna know, it sounded like it fit
* Mirri shrugs
[Cheryl] Just getting started eh? =P
[GM1] NRP: Say Session Ends, guys, you're drowning
[Garland] Session Ends