[22:34] [Dominator] Comm] You've failed!
[22:34] [GM] DS:  DS, Wiendigo, Ebony, Garland, and Slash reporting
[22:34] Dominator gets mechanics working on his ship
[22:34] Super_Command_Ship is now known as Ultimate_Weapon
[22:34] [Dominator] Comm] Your alive! Great!
[22:35] [GM] Comm] Aye...now, boarding
[22:35] GM boards
[22:35] [Blackjack] Comm] Good to hear from you! Even you, Wiendigo...
[22:35] ShadowKnight keeps on repairing systems
[22:35] GM is now known as DeathStar
[22:35] [Dominator] Comm] Acknowledged.
[22:35] DeathStar walks over to Dom on the bridge
[22:35] [DeathStar] Hey, Dom, where's Hodges going?
[22:35] Monty helps with repairs
[22:35] Ultimate_Weapon flies off to Jupiter
[22:35] ShadowKnight routes controls to the engine room.
[22:35] Ultimate_Weapon CorSec ships go back to Earth
[22:36] [Dominator] He's pulling back to Jupiter. He took 45% damage.
[22:36] [Blackjack] Comm] Back to HQ, I guess.
[22:36] [Slasher] i dont trust him
[22:36] [DeathStar] JUPITER?1
[22:36] [Dominator] ... That's what he said...
[22:36] [DeathStar] THAT'S WHERE OUR HQ IS YOU!!
[22:36] [Slasher] whats on jupiter
[22:36] [Slasher] OH SHIT!!!!
[22:36] [Dominator] .... DAMN!
[22:36] ShadowKnight begins tractoring in alien rubble in case it has anything useful... perhaps to repair his ship
[22:36] Dominator orders the ship to follow
[22:36] [Slasher] Get the ships repaired now
[22:36] DeathStar brings up map on both ships, HQ flashing by one of the moons of Jupiter
[22:36] [Slasher] oh fuck
[22:36] [Dominator] You don't think he'd....
[22:36] [DeathStar] We gotta stop that thing!
[22:36] [Blackjack] No!
[22:36] [DeathStar] It can wipe out the station...
[22:37] [Ultimate_Weapon] hodges:  I'm truly sorry, Hunters...I'm being ordered to do this...I have...no choice.
[22:37] [Blackjack] We HAVE to stop it! But how!?
[22:37] Dominator their ship jumps to hyperspace, tells the other hunter ship to as well
[22:37] [Dominator] Bastard...
[22:37] ShadowKnight finishes the garbage collection of alien material
[22:37] [Blackjack] HODGES! YOU BASTARD!
[22:37] [Blackjack] You LYING bastard!
[22:37] [DeathStar] Dom, there's no other ships left but you and SK
[22:37] Monty is still working on systems
[22:37] [Dominator] Oh...
[22:37] [Ultimate_Weapon] Hodges: I didn't want to!  I rather have played fairly...
[22:37] [Slasher] SK how much is repaired
[22:37] [Dominator] NRP: ETA?
[22:38] ShadowKnight locks Jupiter into hyperjump computer
[22:38] [DeathStar] NRP: 4 seconds
[22:38] [Dominator] Comm] I knew it...
[22:38] ShadowKnight Hyperjumps
[22:38] [DeathStar] Damn..
[22:38] [Slasher] Are weapons on line
[22:38] [Dominator] Prepare to jump to realspace...
[22:38] [Blackjack] Do like me! You don't HAVE to stay in CorSec! Leave them!
[22:38] [Dominator] Yeah. Shields are toasted though.
[22:38] ShadowKnight enters realspace
[22:38] [Ultimate_Weapon] Hodges:  Too late for that, Jared...Truly sorry...
[22:38] [Slasher] SK are the weapons on line
[22:38] Blackjack mutters something to Slasher
[22:38] DeathStar walks around the bridge, muttering
[22:38] [Monty] SK, I can get you a pulse from the Tractor that will fire like a suped up laser if you want it 
[22:38] Dominator his ship enters realspce
[22:38] ShadowKnight fires missiles at the Ultimate weapon
[22:38] DeathStar they are near the HQ and the Ultimate Weapon
[22:39] [Dominator] That could be helpful.
[22:39] Ultimate_Weapon locks onto the HQ, taking the hits in stride
[22:39] [ShadowKnight] Good do so, the regular lasers are still out
[22:39] [Dominator] Comm] HQ, fire on the Ultimate Weapon. Repeat: Fire on it!
[22:39] Ultimate_Weapon begins to fire
[22:39] Monty gets the tractor/laser online
[22:39] [Monty] Ready !!
[22:39] ShadowKnight fires the tractor/laser
[22:39] Dominator orders full attack with the remaining missles and laser banks
[22:39] [Monty] NRP: I was working on it earlyer BTW :)
[22:39] DeathStar the station opens fire on it, pounding it over and over, damaing it greatly
[22:39] Slasher works on repairing the weapons
[22:39] [DeathStar] Dom...we can put the ship in the way of the fire, but then..
[22:39] [Dominator] NRP: That's "shield" slasher.
[22:39] Blackjack crosses his fingers, not able to do anything
[22:39] [ShadowKnight] NRP I noticed
[22:39] [Dominator] They could just shoot agin though, DS...
[22:39] Ultimate_Weapon begins to fire and a huge beam appears at the end of it
[22:40] [DeathStar] In five minutes...
[22:40] [Slasher] NRP: im on SK's ship
[22:40] [DeathStar] SK could take 'em out...
[22:40] ShadowKnight fires another wave of missile at the UW focusing piece
[22:40] [Blackjack] Comm] HIT IT WITH EVERYTHING!
[22:40] [Dominator] Your right.. Evacute the ship.
[22:40] Ultimate_Weapon it turns red
[22:40] Dominator the ship is
[22:40] Slasher gets he weapons online
[22:40] [Blackjack] Comm to HQ] Hit it, damn it!!!
[22:40] ShadowKnight fires the Tractor Laser at the focusing rim of the UW
[22:40] [Slasher] Ther on
[22:40] [Dominator] Inter-ship COMM] All hands, evacuate the ship!
[22:40] [DeathStar] Hunter Tower:  We're doing it!
[22:40] DeathStar HQ keeps firing
[22:40] Slasher fires lasers at the cneter of the UM
[22:40] Dominator orders the ship to go in front of the blast
[22:40] Monty continues working on some other weapon ideas
[22:41] Ultimate_Weapon fires at it but the blast suddenly is cut off
[22:41] Blackjack paces, unable to do anything
[22:41] [Dominator] Monty, we have to evacute...
[22:41] [Monty] Hmm, I wonder
[22:41] Ultimate_Weapon explodes
[22:41] Ultimate_Weapon [death_star@dial46.planters.net] has quit IRC (Leaving)
[22:41] [Dominator] What the?!
[22:41] [Monty] NRP: I am on SKs ship
[22:41] [Slasher] WOOOOOOOOOOOH
[22:41] [Blackjack] Yattase!
[22:41] ShadowKnight shields his eyes
[22:41] Slasher jumps on top of SK
[22:41] [DeathStar] Hodges:  I play fair.  Next time, Hunters...
[22:41] [Slasher] We DID it
[22:41] [Dominator] Uh... belay that previous order.
[22:41] [ShadowKnight] Yes!
[22:41] [Monty] Alright !!!!
[22:41] Slasher knocks SK over in his joyousness
[22:41] [Dominator] Victory... yes!
[22:41] DeathStar stares in disbeleif
[22:41] [DeathStar] ...he HAD us...Dom...why didn't he??
[22:42] [Blackjack] Comm] You are a worthy opponent, Hodges...
[22:42] [Dominator] I... don't know...
[22:42] [DeathStar] Hodges:  Thanks...Hodges out.
[22:42] Blackjack sighs
[22:42] [DeathStar] ...
[22:42] [DeathStar] Lets go home...
[22:42] [Dominator] We lost alot of ships...
[22:42] [Slasher] NRP: GOTTA GO
[22:42] DeathStar sits down in, tired beyond means
[22:42] [DeathStar] NRP:  Later slasher
[22:42] Slasher [dragonmast@] has quit IRC (Leaving)
[22:42] [Monty] Set a course out of hear sir ??
[22:43] [DeathStar] Too many...next time the aliens will have us, you know
[22:43] [Blackjack] Why couldn't we have people that spirited as Hunters? He seems like he truly only did that because he was ordered... It seems like he would do like I did... desert CorSec...
[22:43] Dominator leans back in the Captain chair, glad the fighting is over
[22:43] ShadowKnight opens comm to DS 1 "as I said, Trust is something you earn"
[22:43] [Dominator] I know, Blackjack...
[22:43] [DeathStar] SK:  Well?  What is your trust to him now, SK?
[22:43] Blackjack sits in a seat, quiet, deep in thought
[22:43] [DeathStar] DS: I mean
[22:43] [ShadowKnight] You don't just throw it away in an instand
[22:43] [ShadowKnight] Only as long as he's in my gunports
[22:43] Dominator has the ship pull up the station for repairs
[22:43] [ShadowKnight] sites
[22:44] [DeathStar] Comm] Right...
[22:44] DeathStar steps off to the Station when they dock with it
[22:44] [DeathStar] A victory....a victory.  And finally, I have full trust in my Hunter's abilities....
[22:44] Dominator commends the officers on board his ship, then follows DS
[22:44] [DeathStar] Session Ends

To Be Concluded...