* Garland grabs Xer by the next and throws him
* DeathStar chases after BJ and Foxfire
[DeathStar] Xer is going to get himself killed1
* Garland punches Xer
[Slasher] Good let him
* Blackjack and Foxfire clear the gate and run full speed to the shuttle
[Garland] DONT do that......
[Wiendigo] Great, we follow someone who slipped uot on us in the middle of the night, into a situation we ahve no idea what's happening with. Yeah, I want to follow him...
* Darien walks up to Blackjack  1 "Did you see the doggy?"
* Xer kicks Ganland
* Slasher phases to the shuttle and starts it up
* Xer kicks Garland
* Garland kicks Xer into Slasher
[Blackjack] That... doggy... is... my... sister... Darien!
* Garland prepares a Kiama
[Garland] NO..... STOP THAT
[Blackjack] And she has some explaining to do...
[Darien] You don't look like a doggy
* DeathStar arrives next to BJ
[Garland] NO= NOW
* Slasher grabs Xer amd tosses him into the shuttle
[DeathStar] Garland and Xer and Slasher....nuts
* Xer charges his rifle
[crimsonmanticore] Shit!
[Blackjack] I'll explain when  I  understand, Darien
* Slasher runs towards the shuttles
* Wiendigo gets inot the shuttle and the co-pilot's seat
[crimsonmanticore] Here we go again...
* Garland looks ay DS "Shut up, bastard
* Blackjack and Foxfire leap into the shuttle
[DeathStar] The shuttle is broken...
* DeathStar leps into the shuttle
[DeathStar] Isn't it?!
[Slasher] Oh yeah
[crimsonmanticore] [fires on Garland] Ah shut up!
* Xer throws a mine on Garland
[Xer] it isn't coming off
[Foxfire] Not anymore it isn't...
[Garland] KIAMA! *fires on xer*
* DeathStar fires a huge blast at Garland
* Foxfire runs to the engine
[DeathStar] BACK OFF KID!
* Wiendigo lights up a cigar, trying to start up the shuttle
* Slasher buckles in
* Garland counters DS's blast with a super Kiama
[Blackjack] Charlie's an expert with machines... hopefully she'll have this done in no time...
[Wiendigo] How the HELL do you start this thing?!?!
* Garland is obviously hurting
[DeathStar] G...forget it
[Slasher] The engines shot
[crimsonmanticore] Damn man... DS... we're seriously outgunned here... WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!
* Darien two level 3 glowing balls appear in Darien's hands and blasts towards Garland. When they hits, it creates a distortion wave, distorting Garland (440 AP)
[DeathStar] CM, I know that one!
* Xer fires his foot thrusters and heads for the shuttle
* Garland looks at the kid
[Blackjack] Everybody that's good with machines, help Charlie!
* Wiendigo leaps out, and starts blasting all of those fighting to get them to stop
* Blackjack runs to the engine, trying to speed up the process
* Slasher phases back there and helps Charlie
[Darien] You hit DS!
[crimsonmanticore] Sorry... but let's get moving.
* Garland blurs into Darien and kick him then Kiama's him
* Xer 's mine blew up on Garland
[Darien] Hey!
* DeathStar tackles Garland
[DeathStar] THAT's ENOGH!!
[crimsonmanticore] Thos ios nuts!
* Garland keeps blasting him on the ground
* DeathStar rams Garlandi nto the ground
* Wiendigo grabs DS and throws him back
* Slasher works fast to get the engines going
[DeathStar] WIENDGIO!!!
[crimsonmanticore] someone knock Garland out for the love of God!
* Garland throws DS off of him
* DeathStar charges attacks
* DeathStar leaps at Garland
[DeathStar] DIE!!!
* Garland walks off
* DeathStar punches him
* DeathStar uppercuts him
* Xer gets in the ship
* DeathStar slams him into the ground
* Wiendigo grabs DS again and socks him
* Garland points sword at DS, DS flying at the sword
[DeathStar] OUF!
[Wiendigo] KNOCK IT OFF
[Slasher] Engine Status Charlie
[DeathStar] ...
* Wiendigo knocks sword out of the air
* DeathStar looks at wiendigo, eyes glazed
[Foxfire] Fully operational! Start 'er up!
[Wiendigo] We have NO time for this you moron!
[Slasher] good
* DeathStar leaps into the shuttle
* Garland walks off and says something into his COMM
[crimsonmanticore] DS, just follow us... we'll worry about him later... you can't save 'im yet!
* Slasher phases to the pilot seat and starts it up
* Xer goes off line
* Darien begins regenerating
* Xer 's repair mode is on
* Wiendigo gets into the shuttls backwards, watching Garland walk off
[Blackjack] Sorry... I should have told you...
* Garland walks with a slight limp, looking at Wien
* Slasher the ship lifts off
[Wiendigo] Get us the hell out of here...
[crimsonmanticore] AMEN!
[Blackjack] But I couldn't stand the thought of Garland in CorSec...
[Slasher] DS take control
* DeathStar sits down at the pilot's seat
[Slasher] Darien someone take control
[Wiendigo] Get used to it human, things change
* Garland 's squad runs out there and talks to Garland
[crimsonmanticore] Neither can I... seeing now why the EarthGov hated them so much.
* DeathStar flies to HQ
* Slasher goes and sits down in a seat
[Wiendigo] We were in over our heads on that one.
[Blackjack] Charlie... How long have you been plotting to leave CorSec?
[crimsonmanticore] BTW, if there were more there, why did we focus our attack on Garland?
[DeathStar] .....
* Cross sits in a seat
* Slasher whisltes when he sees Charlie with grease on her
* DeathStar flies in silence
[Darien] Looks at BJ, "Now do you know what's with the doggy?"
* Wiendigo socks Slasher.  1"Show some class."
[Foxfire] Since you left. I realized that you were right in leaving. CorSec's methods are wrong. I've heard rumors that Hodges is thinking about leaving, too...
[crimsonmanticore] Hmmm... 
* Slasher smacks Wien bac
* Xer gets out of staits
[Xer] are we forgeting anybody?
[crimsonmanticore] Slaher, knock it off!
[Blackjack] No shit?
[Slasher] Hodges will never leav
* Wiendigo puts Slasher in a headlock and slams his face into his seat
* Slasher grabs the chair and throws it at Wien
* DeathStar flies in silence still, ignoring the fighting
[Blackjack] Now, explain something to me, Charlie. How did you pull that werewolf thing back there?
* Garland walks back into the baracks, where he's tackled by Medical Workers
*** Garland has quit IRC ([[-NE][GEN·ACiDMAX-]] ©1998, KnightFal http://nexgen.htonline.com )
* Wiendigo catchs and hits Salsher with it
[Darien] Yes, doggy!
[Xer] put 10 bucks on Wien will win
* Slasher ducks it and walks off
* DeathStar smirks at Xer
* Slasher goes to a room
* Foxfire stands, taking Blackjack's arm and walking to the back of the shuttle. The two talk quietly back there.
* DeathStar arrives at HQ
[crimsonmanticore] Ds... are you sure you're alright?
* DeathStar lands it and shuts down
* Slasher presses some buttons on his arm sending a secret message to someone
* Wiendigo hops out
[DeathStar] ....I'm fine, CM, honestly
* Blackjack and Foxfire walk off of the shuttle
* DeathStar steps out and watches Bj and Fox
[DeathStar] At least those two have a happy ending
* Slasher phases to his room
* Xer gets up and walks off the shuttle
* Cross jumps off the shuttle
[Wiendigo] Buncha no good snot-buckets... 0*mumbles as he walks off*
[crimsonmanticore] Ok... I'm sorry about that back thrre... 
* Slasher starts his comp up and starts typing
[DeathStar] And Xer, you showed guts.  A little stupidity, but guts.
[Xer] hey Ds where is my room
* Darien follows behind BJ
* DeathStar points him in the right direction
* Blackjack walks to DS, Foxfire with him
[crimsonmanticore] CorSec.... who the hell are those guys?
[Blackjack] Charlie wants to join Maverick Hunter.
[DeathStar] ......That's good to hear, Charlie
[DeathStar] You're welcomed aboard.
* Cross falls asleep on a couch
[Foxfire] Yes. Maybe I can do the world some good after all.
[DeathStar] ....That's what we hope....but it's harder than just saying it
* DeathStar walks off
[Blackjack] He's right...
* Wiendigo heads down to the bar to get drunk off his ass
* Darien eyes turn green and he glares at Foxfire
* Slasher phases to where BJ is
[Foxfire] Yes, Darien?
* Xer repairs his arm manually
[crimsonmanticore] DS... can you get me info on these bastards... and how do you know that freak?
* Darien eyes turn normal again
[Blackjack] Yeah, Slasher?
[Darien] Hello doggy
[crimsonmanticore] [follows DS]
* Foxfire smirks
[DeathStar] ....Why are you following me?
* Xer puts his armor on
[crimsonmanticore] I need some info.
[Slasher] nothing sorry phase was off
[DeathStar] On what?
[crimsonmanticore] You wanna clue me in?
[DeathStar] I'll do it tonight
[DeathStar] Meet me in my room
[Darien] So, how do you do the doggy thing?
* DeathStar walks off
* Slasher phase to where Darien is
[crimsonmanticore] Like how do you know that guy... And why did he have something personal against you?
[Xer] ahh... thats better
[Foxfire] I'll show you sometime. Being a lycanthrope has some disadvantages... Right BJ?
[DeathStar] Session Ends