* Slash keeps firing
[Cross] GET THE HELL OUTA HERE!!!! *runs for the shuttle*
* DarkPhoenix grabs on and begins draining (60 AP/10 sec)
* DeathStar tackles Crux into the pond of water
[Slash] DS!!
* justin-the-II starts toward the shuttle
* Crucifixtion exits the range of draining because of DS
* justin-the-II gets in
[justin-the-II] oh man......
* Crucifixtion waters churn slightly
* DarkPhoenix attacks water with a energy blast (150 AP)
* justin-the-II rubs his shoulder
* Slash warps to the water
* Cross jumps in the shuttle
[Slash] DS...
* Crucifixtion explodes out of the watere
[Crucifixtion] DIE!!!!
* Crucifixtion charges energy to fire at shuttle
* Slash fires ion cannons at Crux close range
* DarkPhoenix stands in the way and holds shield in front
* Slash warps to the shuttle
[Slash] GO GO GO!
* Crucifixtion reflects some of them back and fires a 1000 aP attack at the shuttle
* Cross glares at Crux
* Slash looks around for everyone
* DarkPhoenix puts his shield in the way and reflects it back
[Cross] I know your a mavm but isnt that overkill?
[Crucifixtion] LIFE FORCE!!! *turns it into LP*
[Crucifixtion] Thanks...Hunter.
* Crucifixtion wipes battery fluid off his mouth
* Slash stands by the shuttle, spraying Crux with every long range weapon he has
* DarkPhoenix is charging
* Crucifixtion begins to walk towards the shuttle
[Crucifixtion] ....No....more running....Hunters...
* Crucifixtion begins to charge
* DarkPhoenix slashes b3 with his Level 3 charged Xvash (720 AP + 40 AP poison)
[Cross] Ummmm *jumps out of the shuttle
* Crucifixtion grabs the Xvash in mid air and throws it into the pond
* Slash fires again, with L3 concussion burst, hoping to blow Crux Back
[justin-the-II] ok thats it
* Crucifixtion keeps walking slowly towards it
* DarkPhoenix with Psi-enchanced power, punches Cruci, and a waves of Psi energy blasts out from DarkPhoenix's fist. (60 AP + 130 AP all)
[Slash] crap.. crap... crap..
[Crucifixtion] ARGH
* Crucifixtion ignores DP
* DeathStar leaps out of the water holding the Xvash
* Slash warps behidn Crux, and fires at his back
[DeathStar] Loose this?
* DeathStar throws it at DPO
* DarkPhoenix drains Cruci of his life energy (25 AP/10 seconds)
* justin-the-II gets out the shutle and fires z-19 at crux,100
* Cross blasts Crux
* Crucifixtion begins to spark
[Slash] BURN!!
[Crucifixtion] Vile: CRUX!  GET OUT OF THERE!
[Crucifixtion] What?!
[Crucifixtion] Next time Hunters...
* Slash fires his plasma cannons at Crux 190 AP
* Crucifixtion teleports away
* DarkPhoenix grabs it and slams him with it 180 AP + 10 AP poison
*** Crucifixtion is now known as GM
[justin-the-II] man.....
[Slash] Damnit..
* DeathStar holds chest in great pain as he slumps to the ground at the shuttle
* Slash holds sholder, and chest
[justin-the-II] this is getten weird........
[Slash] DS..
[Cross] YOUR ONLY LEAVING AFTER WE KILL YOU!!! *slashes crux, only slashing air, as crux teleported*
* DarkPhoenix crashes to the ground
* Slash helps DS up
[Slash] we gotta make it back...
* DeathStar spits out battery fluid
* justin-the-II keeps fireing were crux was
* justin-the-II stops
[DeathStar] ...Hell...Crux packs a punch
* Slash hobbles, and uses DS more for support then DS uses me for support
[Slash] ugh..
[Slash] im running on empty...
[Cross] And what
* DarkPhoenix concentraits an begins repairing himself
* Slash attempts to warp to the shuttle, but falls over KO'd(too much energy drain for using warp)
[Cross] 's worse is that he could just upgrade part of himself, and kick our asses
[justin-the-II] (gatta go.........)
* Slash lands with a loud *THUD*
* DeathStar steps into the shuttle and grabs comm. contacting Dom
[DeathStar] Dom....we might need cover flying home...
[DeathStar] Dom: On it.
[DeathStar] .....
* DeathStar leans against a wall
* DarkPhoenix hobble over to Slash
[DeathStar] I see birdies...
*** GM is now known as Dominator
* Dominator teleports in
[Slash] i see death...
*** Dominator is now known as Dominator
* DarkPhoenix helps him up and leans on his shoulder
[Cross] Dont let X1 know that, ok DS]
[Dominator] Come on guys!
* Dominator steps over to the controls and begins to power it up
[DeathStar] Fine fine...
* DeathStar passes out
* Slash with DP's help, walks to the shuttle
* Cross grabs DS
* Dominator looks at Justin
[Dominator] What the hell your name is, make yourself useful!
* Dominator begins to fly the shuttle back to HQ
[Dominator] You guys look like you went to a late late late night party.
[Cross] Geee, he's whacked out.... *looks at DS*
[Slash] ..... and what a party it was...
* Dominator arrives at HQ and lands the shuttle
* Dominator grabs comm.
[Dominator] X1?  Get down here now
[Cross] *carries DS to medbay*
* Dominator pockets it and walks down into the medbay with Justin
[Cross] Hehe, finally, were taking YOU to the medbay
* Slash gets up, and falls over
[Dominator] ....I'll go.  I'll have DS brief me later.
* Dominator walks off
*** Dominator is now known as X1
*** justin-the-II has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* X1 comes rollar skating in
* DeathStar wakes up
[Cross] Hey X1
[DeathStar] Me?!
[Slash] ugh....
[Cross] take DS here to the medbay!
[DarkPhoenix SOUND]
* DarkPhoenix begins shrinking and his blue windbreaker appears. He is once again a seven-year-old human. He blinks his blue eyes.
*** DarkPhoenix is now known as Darien
* X1 grabs DS
[X1] Whoo hoo!  He's a sack of metal
* X1 rollar skates back to Med Bay
[DeathStar] HEY!! HELP!!
* Slash manages to stand
* DeathStar calls out to Slash
[DeathStar] Don't...forget....about what I said about Slasher!
[Slash] ..
* X1 stuffs a carrot in DS's mouth as he leaves
[Darien] NRP: Sorry
[Slash] i... cant beleive it...
[DeathStar] Session Ends