[Dakota] Aw man what is that?
[Mono] Thats my stomach
[Cross] Hodges!
* Hodges explodes through the roof and lands before them all
[Hodges] Fools!
[Dakota] !!!
[Hodges] You lead us right to then!
[Dominator] Hodges...
* Mono turns around
[DeathStar] HODGES?!
[GenjiMan] O_O
[Dominator] Damn Spade....
* Dakota draws saber and loads his cannon
[Hodges] Hodges!
[GenjiMan] oh no! It WAS a trap!
[Iceheart] Hodges!
* Mono pulls out a sniper rifle and aims it at Hodges from 100ft away
*** Blackjack has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
* DeathStar grabs his sabre
* Hodges blasts Mono (500 AP)
* Mono rolls out of the way
* Hodges turns to the rest and blasts at IH
[Dominator] Iceheart, your team is screwed now that CorSec knows your here... You'd better move to emergency evacuation procedures..
* DeathStar leaps in the wya
* Justin-the-II takes out his fathers beam sabre,the yanks out his Z-19 and twerls it in his fingers .1 lets rock!
* DeathStar crashes to the ground
* GenjiMan draws his sword
[Dominator] ARGH! Damn you...
[Dakota] DS!
[Iceheart] ---?!  *bends down to DS
[Iceheart] Are you okay?!
[Cross] Hmph.....
* Dominator swipes at Hodges with Rune Sword (210AP)
*** Garland (Lobo@ip215.greenville3.sc.pub-ip.psi.net) has joined #taw - 2 Clones - Cross,Garland (F7 for details)
* Mono pulls out his Ion Axe
[Hodges] Hmph..blocked my shot.
* GenjiMan quickly slashes twice Hodges 11,1GENJI SLASH!10,0 [150 AP]
* Hodges blasts Dom in the head
* Justin-the-II uper cuts hodges (120)
* Garland jumps down through the hole
[Hodges] I brought company, BTW
[Hodges] RAGH
* Dakota locks on and fires a Crash bomb at Garland (ap 110)
* Justin-the-II slashes(120)
[Garland] Hodges I....... *sees the hunters*
* Iceheart pulls DS behind a boulder
* Dakota activates jets and flies back
* Mono comes flying from above down at Hodges Slashing at him with his axe
[Hodges] Garland, SON, help me here, please
* Hodges guts Mono
* Garland teleports out of the way
[Mono] ooof
[Hodges] Time to DIE, Hunter!
* Justin-the-II upercuts again(120)
* Mono keels over
[Hodges] ARRGH
* Garland teleports nect to Hodges
* Hodges backs off some
* Ariel heads behind Hodges
[Garland] Yes, 'father'
[Hodges] Deal with the Hunters, I'll get the girl!
* Justin-the-II thrusts(120)
* Hodges teleports to the boulder and blasts at IH again
* Garland draws DarkBlood Revenge
* DeathStar takes the hit
[DeathStar] ARRGH
[Cross] Garland....?
* DeathStar his armor smokes with damage
[Dominator] Garland...
* Dakota locks on and fires a Crash bomb at Garland (ap 110)
* Dakota flies back
[Iceheart] DEATH STAR!
[Garland] .....
* Mono dies
* Justin-the-II thrusts at garland(120)
[GenjiMan] ???
[GenjiMan] DS!
* Garland teleports again
*** Mono has left #taw
* DeathStar collaspes
*** Blackjack has joined #TAW
[GenjiMan] Oh no.
[Dominator] Death Star!
[Garland] Hmph....
[Dakota] DAMN IT!!
[Hodges] There goes ONE Hunter...
* Hodges and sees Mono die
[Hodges] TWO ...
* Dakota flies back more
* Justin-the-II uper cuts garland (120)
* Garland kiamas jt2
[Dominator] NRP: I have to go guys... Be back in 2 1/2 hours or so. See you!
* Hodges kicks DS's head and aims at IH
* Justin-the-II thrusts(120)
*** ShadowedFigure has joined #taw
* Garland kicks justin to the side then
* Iceheart fires an iceray at Hodges and knocks him back some
[GenjiMan] STOP!
* Dakota loads and fires a Napalm bomb at Garland (ap 100)
* Justin-the-II flies into a wall
* ShadowedFigure comes flying in from nowhere
[Justin-the-II] aghgh!
* Blackjack yells in fury
* ShadowedFigure slashes at Hodges
[Hodges] ARGHH
* Garland grabs side
[Blackjack] Huh!? Who are you!?
* Hodges rams IH into the ground
*** Dominator has left #taw
[Hodges] FOOL!
[ShadowedFigure] A friend
* Justin-the-II fires at garland(100)
* Dakota locks on and fires a Crash bomb at Hodges (ap 110)
* Ariel stabs Hodges from behind. [200 AP]
* DeathStar stands up and grabs IH and leaps up and away from Hodges
[Blackjack] A friend, great.
[ShadowedFigure] Shouldnt harass the ladies
* Garland flies into a wall
* ShadowedFigure backhands Hodges
* GenjiMan concentrates huge energy, makes an energy tornado around himself and fires huge 11,1GENJI GLOVE BEAMS10,0 on Hodges [160 AP]
[Garland] Augh.......
* Garland has a gash in his side
* Dakota fires 3 quick blasts from his armcannon at Garland (ap 90)
[Hodges] Grrr
[Blackjack] It's over, Garland!
* Justin-the-II jumps at garland and jams his sabre at him (120)
[Justin-the-II] die!
[ShadowedFigure] Lets finish it babty
* Hodges blasts the figure and flies after DS
* Ariel slashes Garland with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
* Blackjack chants, 1"Ancient curse of lycanthropy, fill me with the power of the lupine! Crinos Shift!" Blackjack's body is surrounded with a dull white light. His body gradually reshapes, with a snout growing from his face, a tail sprouting from his lower back, and fur growing from his body. When the change is complete, a fully changed werewolf is standing in Blackjack's place.
* ShadowedFigure reflects it
* ShadowedFigure tackles Hodges
* Cross blasts hodges
* DeathStar carries Iceheart away and looks at Hodges, his arms full
[Hodges] GAHH!!
* Garland sits to the wall
* Hodges blasts the figure back some
* Justin-the-II puts his sabre to garlands neck
[ShadowedFigure] ahhh
*** Cheryl (Terangrel@CDR6-108.accesscable.net) has joined #taw - 2 Clones - Ariel,Cheryl (F7 for details)
[GenjiMan] =p
* Blackjack can't push himself to attack Garland
* Iceheart groans
* GenjiMan runs to Garland
* ShadowedFigure turns arounds and slashes at Garland
* Blackjack looks at Hodges, but won't attack him either
* Garland kicks justin away
[GenjiMan] Garland...
[Garland] Hodges!!!!
* Hodges aims at DS who can't atatck back
[Hodges] Goodbye, Commadner...
* Justin-the-II cuts garlands neck
* Dakota charges his armcannon and blasts hodges (ap 120)
[DeathStar] Grrrr...
* Cheryl stabs Hodges from behind. [200 AP]
* GenjiMan takes Garland 's arm and slams Garland onto the ground, then fires a 11,1GENJI BEAM10,0 at Garland [130 AP]
[Justin-the-II] die!
* ShadowedFigure tackles Hodges again
* DeathStar shifts with ICeheart
[Cheryl] No!
[Hodges] ARGGHH
* Garland runs to hodges side, leaving a trail of silver blood
* Blackjack looks around, undecided about what to do (torn allegiance)
* Hodges whirls around
* Cheryl slashes Hodges with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
* Hodges rams Cheryl into SF
* Garland agh....
* Justin-the-II drives at garland and slashes
* Ariel slashes Garland with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
* GenjiMan runs to Hodges
* ShadowedFigure catches Cheryl and sets her down
[Justin-the-II] (120)
* Dakota loads and fires a Napalm bomb at hodges (ap 100)
* Hodges backs off ansd aims at DS again
* Hodges fires
* Justin-the-II uper cuts garland (120)
* GenjiMan concentrates his energy, points at Hodges and fires a 11,1GENJI BEAM10,0 on Hodges [120 AP]
* DeathStar turns his back to the blast
[DeathStar] ARGHHH
[Dakota] DS!
* DeathStar collaspes with IH and hits the ground
* Garland looks at dom in the eyes, showing his new scar, then fall to the ground from justin
[Dakota] DANG IT
* ShadowedFigure jumps in front of DS
[Iceheart] OUF!
* Dakota charges his wrist blades and slashes at Hodges (110 DP)
* Justin-the-II jams it through garland (??)
* Hodges aims again at DS and fires
* Blackjack finally seems to come to a decision, and launches himself at Hodges, slashing wildly with claws and katana (450 AP)
* Cheryl charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* ShadowedFigure takes the bloww
[Justin-the-II] die!
[ShadowedFigure] ugh
[Garland] AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* ShadowedFigure goes down to one knee
[ShadowedFigure] DS get out of here now
[Hodges] ....This is going bad for us, Garland...want to retreat?
* Justin-the-II blasts garland (100)
* DeathStar shakes head
* Dakota loads and fires a Napalm bomb at garland (ap 100)
* Cheryl points her arm in the direction of Hodges, and fires a large energy blast at Hodges. [190 AP]
[DeathStar] Right...*grabs IH and takes off*
* Blackjack rampages on Hodges with katana
* Hodges uppercuts BJ
* ShadowedFigure slashes at Hodges
* Blackjack flies off of his feet
* Hodges grabs Garland
* Justin-the-II slashes 2 times (240)
[Hodges] LETS GO!
* Hodges leaps into the air with him
[Blackjack] NO!
* Ariel throws her arm out, firing an energy blast at Hodges. [150 AP]
[ShadowedFigure] Ill get you next time Hodges
* Justin-the-II slashes after them
* Hodges takes the blast so Garland won't get hit
* Garland holds side
* Hodges flies out the hole in the roof
[Blackjack] You'll di... *stops*
[Garland] Father..... thank you.....
* ShadowedFigure stands there staring at the hole
* Dakota charges his armcannon and blasts garland (ap 120)
[Justin-the-II] haha!chekins!
[Hodges] You rest, son...*flies back down*
[Hodges] YOU WILL PAY!!!!!
* Hodges blasts Dakota into the ground
* Garland teleports away
[Dakota] argh
*** Garland has quit IRC ([[-NE][GEN·ACiDMAX-]] ©1998, KnightFal http://nexgen.htonline.com)
[ShadowedFigure] Stop everyone
* Hodges blasts at Justin
[GenjiMan] huh?
* ShadowedFigure knocks Justin out of the way
* Justin-the-II jumps out the way
* Hodges sees DS and fires at him again
* Blackjack can't bring himself to attack Hodges
* Dakota slowly gets up
[Hodges] TIME TO DIE!
[Cross] You.... bastard!!! *blasts hodges*
* Dakota uses his jets to deliver a strong flying kick to Hodges (ap120)
[Hodges] ARGH!
* ShadowedFigure phases over to DS and guards him
* DeathStar turns and thrusts his back to the blast, again, so IH won't get hit
[DeathStar] ARGHH!1
* Justin-the-II slashes hodges(120)
* DeathStar collaspes
[Hodges] OUF!
[Cheryl] /shoot1 /me throws her arm out, firing an energy blast at $1. [150 AP]
[Cheryl] /charge /me charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
[Cheryl] /shoot2 /me points her arm in the direction of $1, and fires a large energy blast at $1. [190 AP]
[Cheryl] /slash /me slashes $1 with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
[Cheryl] /ion /me charges her energy blade with ion particles at stabs $1.
[Cheryl] /bs /me stabs $1 from behind. [200 AP]
* Iceheart wakes up
* Dakota backs off
* Blackjack brings himself to attacking after seeing DS hit, and he leaps forward, slashing with katana (210 x2= 420 AP)
[Cheryl] /parry /me parrys $1's attack with her energy blades.
[Cheryl] NRP: OPPS!
* Justin-the-II slashes hodges 2 times (240)
[Justin-the-II] die!!!!
* Hodges grabs BJ by the neck
* ShadowedFigure 's fists begin to glow a ice cold blue. 12"SUKEI"6 Slasher punches Hodges 9 times. Each time he punches Hodges ice covers him up and after the 8 blow Hodges is covered in Ice. The 9th blow Slasher breaks the Ice shattering it every where.(Water Elem)
[Hodges] Jared....time to die....
[Blackjack] Gurk!
[Hodges] ARG!
[Dakota] !
* Hodges drops BJ and teleports
* Justin-the-II blasts hodges
*** Hodges has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Dakota] I know that move!
[Justin-the-II] no!
* ShadowedFigure stands there huffing
* Iceheart stands up and shakes DS, seeing he's out of it almost
[Dakota] ???
[GenjiMan] ...
[Dakota] or not
[Justin-the-II] chekin!
* ShadowedFigure collapses
* DeathStar groans
* GenjiMan looks at his arms
* Cross runs to the shadowed figure
[Justin-the-II] hadges garland!come get some!!!!!!!
* Dakota looks at shadowed figure
[Cross] who are you....?
[ShadowedFigure] Back off
*** BountyHunter (death_star@dial24.planters.net) has joined #taw - 3 Clones - BountyHunter,DeathStar,Iceheart (F7 for details)
[GenjiMan] Stop it JT2.
* BountyHunter teleports in
[Dakota] !!
* Blackjack growls angrily. His fur, snout, and tail are pulled into his body, and his human features restore themselves. 1"The power of lycanthropy will prevail!"
[GenjiMan] Hi.
[Dakota] ?
* DeathStar stands shakeily
[DeathStar] Everyone ok-kay?
[Blackjack] Huh? Great, another unknown.
* Justin-the-II slashes were hodgess was
* ShadowedFigure goes over to DS and helps him up
[GenjiMan] I am OK
[Iceheart] Thanks, Commander...Who the?!
[Blackjack] Justin! He's gone! Stop!
* Justin-the-II grits his teth
[Cheryl] Um, fine, what about you Commander?
[BountyHunter] I have no fight with ANY of you....
[Justin-the-II] huh?
[Justin-the-II] darn!
[Dakota] ?
[GenjiMan] Good.
[BountyHunter] Except DEATH STAR..
* Justin-the-II puts his sabre away
[Dakota] !!!
[GenjiMan] Oh no!
[Blackjack] What!?
* BountyHunter throws a net around DS and teleports him beside him
[Dakota] If you want DS you go through us!
[BountyHunter] CorSec has a HUGE bounty on your HEAD, scum...
[ShadowedFigure] LEt him go
[Blackjack] We'll see who you have a fight with now!
[Dakota] NO!
[Justin-the-II] yah!
[DeathStar] GAHH!!!
* Blackjack fires at BH
* ShadowedFigure walks over to BH
* Dakota uses his jets to deliver a strong flying kick to BH (ap120)
* BountyHunter blocks blast with shield and teleports outside
[Cross] .......bah, bounty hunters, scum I tell ya
*** BountyHunter is now known as GM
[ShadowedFigure] damn
[Iceheart] DEATH STAR!
[Dakota] DS!!!
* Justin-the-II runs over to bh and slashes(120)
[GenjiMan] ...
[Blackjack] Shit...!!!
[Justin-the-II] dsarn!
[Iceheart] We can still catch them, I'm sure...
[GenjiMan] ...
* Dakota flies outside and looks around
[Blackjack] If you say so, Iceheart.
* Iceheart points at a teleporter and leaps in, teleporting outside
[ShadowedFigure] Iceheart got any speeders
[Dakota] DS!!
* ShadowedFigure leaps in
[Blackjack] I'm in charge right now, so I say we listen to Iceheart.
* Cross looks at justin
* Iceheart once outside, a huge ship can be seen, the Bounter Hunter's
[GenjiMan] Cool down, Justin.
[Dakota] !!
[Justin-the-II] garland!!!!hodges!!!!!!!a rookie beat you two!!!!!
*** GM is now known as BountyHunter
[BountyHunter] Back off, Hunters...
[GenjiMan] O_O
[Dakota] Is shooting the ship like crazy!
[Justin-the-II] ??
* Cross kicks jt2
* Iceheart lands beside the ship
[Iceheart] Someone shut your man up...
[Ariel] Justin, shut up!
[Justin-the-II] yah!right now!
[Justin-the-II] k
* ShadowedFigure chases after the ship
[Justin-the-II] ...
[BountyHunter] Forget it, Death Star is worth more..
[Cross] Leave Garland alone....
* BountyHunter takes off into the air
* Dakota flies after the ship
* GenjiMan runs to the ship
[ShadowedFigure] Damnt
[Iceheart] NO!  *Fries icebeam and freezes the engines, causing the ship to crash
* Dakota is still firing at the ship
[BountyHunter] RAGH!!
* BountyHunter exits ship
[BountyHunter] YOU FOOLS!
* Dakota lands
[GenjiMan] ACK!
* Blackjack gapes at Iceheart. 1"Cool!"
* BountyHunter rifle appears
* ShadowedFigure stops
[BountyHunter] I will kill you all!
* Iceheart pants
[GenjiMan] ...
[ShadowedFigure] No your wont
[Blackjack] Playing with rifles, eh?
[Iceheart] That's how one becomes a leader...
[GenjiMan] ....DS
[Justin-the-II] bring it on!
* ShadowedFigure pulls out a blad
* Blackjack opens fire with his rifle (210 AP)
[BountyHunter] Bck off...or I'll kill the prey...he's worth alot DEAD, too
* BountyHunter fires at BJ
[BountyHunter] OUF!
* ShadowedFigure slashes at BH
[Dakota] !!!
[Blackjack] NRP: AP?
[BountyHunter] RARGH
[BountyHunter] AP: 300
* GenjiMan walks slowly
* Dakota uses his jets to deliver a strong flying kick to BH (ap120)
[BountyHunter] gAHH!!
* Justin-the-II slashes bh(120)
* Blackjack falls to the ground, knocked out
[GenjiMan] See, BH.
* BountyHunter looses rifle and it flies off
*** [FLIES] Unknown command
* Cross blasts BH
* Justin-the-II uper cuts bh(120)
* Ariel sneaks behind BH
[ShadowedFigure] BH i gotta surprise just for you
* Dakota flies back
* Cheryl gets behind BH
* GenjiMan concentrates his energy, points at BountyHunter and fires a 11,1GENJI ELETRIC BEAM10,0 on BountyHunter [130 AP]
* Cheryl nods to Ariel
* BountyHunter his helment comes off and a huge reptellian face looks back
* Justin-the-II jams the sabre at bh(120)
[BountyHunter] ARGHH
* ShadowedFigure 's legs begin to glow a holy white. 0"KOKEI"6 Slasher kicks BH 8 times going faster each kick. After the 8th kick Slasher brings his left leg back and Holy Lightning blasts into it. Slasher brings it over his head and ontop of BH going through him. (Light Elem)
* Cheryl stabs BH from behind. [200 AP]
* Ariel stabs BH from behind. [200 AP]
* Iceheart runs towards the ship looking for DS
[BountyHunter] ARGHH
* BountyHunter almost dies from the two
* Dakota charges his armcannon and blasts BH (ap 120)
* BountyHunter snaps large jaws at Ariel
[BountyHunter] OUF!
* Justin-the-II swings and cuts at bh(120)
* BountyHunter flies into the sand
* Ariel jumps back
* ShadowedFigure stands there huffing
* Iceheart enters ship
[Cheryl] Over here!
* Dakota jet BH
* Cheryl slashes BH with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
* Dakota uses his jets to deliver a strong flying kick to bh (ap120)
[BountyHunter] ARG!
* BountyHunter dies
*** BountyHunter has quit IRC (Leaving)
* ShadowedFigure falls to one knee again
* Dakota lands
* Iceheart comes out with DS beside her
* Justin-the-II jumps at bh and jams his sabre into his back (???)
[DeathStar] T-Thanks guys...
[Cross] hmph... like I said, Bounty Hunters, scum.
* Blackjack grits his teeth and stands on one knee
[GenjiMan] N/P
[Justin-the-II] darn!!!
[Cheryl] Hey, your our commander
[Justin-the-II] i want more!!!
[Dakota] Yeah
* Dakota smacks justin
[ShadowedFigure] You want more
[Blackjack] Anytime... Death Star...
[GenjiMan] Stop that, JT2!
* DeathStar almost collaspes, his armor smoking from the damage caused
* ShadowedFigure smacks Justin
[Dakota] Can i help you DS?
[Justin-the-II] ow...
[Iceheart] ...*Scans the base*  REBEL members are all gone...looks like REBEL is dead, again...
[DeathStar] Nothing...fine..
* DeathStar pants hard
[Cross] I bet that stings DS......
[ShadowedFigure] Sorry Iceheart
[Dakota] Who are you?
[Dakota] really?
[DeathStar] And who are YOU? *Asks SF*
* DeathStar turns to Iceheart
* Justin-the-II twirls his sabre and jams it in hes scabard
[Blackjack] Yeah... Who... are you?
* ShadowedFigure pulls off his cloak
[DeathStar] I apologise...it's out fault..
*** ShadowedFigure is now known as Slasher
[Slasher] Me
[Dakota] !!
* DeathStar turns back
[GenjiMan] Slasher!
[DeathStar] SLASHER?!
* Blackjack nearly passes out again
* Slasher falls down to one knee
* Cross falls over
* Dakota draws saber
[Ariel] ???
[Justin-the-II] hi slasher!
[Cross] SLASHER!?
[Blackjack] S... Slasher!?
* Slasher now has a Scare running down his right arm
[GenjiMan] Hi!
[DeathStar] ....
[Slasher] The one and only
* Blackjack laughs
* Cheryl is unsure what is going on...
* DeathStar breathes hard and holds his chest
[Blackjack] Good old, cocky Slasher...
[Dakota] Huh?
[Cross] is everyone getting scars these days?
[GenjiMan] Are you ok, BJ?
* Iceheart looks far off
[Blackjack] F... fine, GM...
* Justin-the-II puts his gun in the holester
* DeathStar turns to Iceheart
* Slasher ignores Cross
[Dakota] Oh my god we have to tell slash!
[GenjiMan] .....
[DeathStar] I offer you spot at the Hunters...you can try to continue your operations there...if you would like...
[Blackjack] Dakota... that wouldn't be wise...
[Slasher] By the way where is slash
[Justin-the-II] ...a rookie beat garland and was his name!
* Iceheart turns back to DS
[GenjiMan] ...
[Blackjack] He's... we don't know, Slasher...
* Ariel smacks Justin
*** [SMACKS] Unknown command
[Iceheart] I'll take you up on your offer, Commander...
[Justin-the-II] hay!!!
[GenjiMan] JT2] Everyone attacked him.
* Iceheart teleports inside the base to get materials
* Slasher head slumps
* Dakota Smacks JT2
[Ariel] Do you want to get yourself killed?
[Cross] Justin, shut up..
[Justin-the-II] i was the main one..
* DeathStar turns back to Slasher and groans, holding his chest
[Justin-the-II] i stuck with him...
[DeathStar] Damn..old battle wound...
[Slasher] Sure
[Blackjack] You REALLY need to have that checked, DS...
[GenjiMan] DS!
[Justin-the-II] ok ok...
[Justin-the-II] ...
* GenjiMan holds his Healing Bomb
[DeathStar] Nothing I can do...BJ...ZERO...was too much for me
[GenjiMan] Just in case...
[Blackjack] I mean, it's months later, and it still hasn't let up...
[Cross] that's not something to be proud of, justin, anyway....
[Slasher] Ever since Corsec kidnapped me...I'll fill out the report later DS. LEts get home
* DeathStar rubs chest
[DeathStar] Years...
* Blackjack looks down and shakes his head
* DeathStar turns and calls the shuttle
[DeathStar] Lets go home...
[GenjiMan] Yeah!
* Ariel looks over at DS and winces...
[Justin-the-II] k..
[Blackjack] I swear, Slash, I'm going to pay you back for this later... My perception of time is screwed...
[Cross] Aye.... home.....
[Justin-the-II] i just want a peace a garland...
* DeathStar shuttle lands
[Slasher] So Guys what happened after i was kidnapped
[Dakota] Yeah good idea
* Cheryl looks around for the first time
* Slasher enters the shuttle
[DeathStar] Tomorrow's another day...and Dakota, welcome to Sergeant.
* Justin-the-II walks to the shuttle
[Blackjack] Let's go home.
* Dakota follows slasher
* Cross doesnt smack jt2, he punches him
* GenjiMan enters the shuttle
* Iceheart teleports up and enters the shuttle
[Dakota] !!!
[Cheryl] It was a short visit atleast...
[Blackjack] Congratulations, Dakota.
[Slasher] Dakotas a sergeant
[Slasher] WHAT
[Justin-the-II] .......??
* DeathStar steps into the shuttle
* Ariel heads to the shuttle
[Slasher] I get my ass kidnapped save you buts and im stil an ensign
[Dakota] Unreal!
* DeathStar powers it up, rubbing his chest and begins to take off
[Slasher] No respect
* Justin-the-II 's eyes almost roll back in his head
* Blackjack gets on the shuttle, falls into his usual seat, and passes out
* Cheryl quickly catches up to everyone on the shuttle
* Justin-the-II gets in
* Cross sits in his chair
[Slasher] I get no respect
* Justin-the-II sets down
* Cheryl seems to stand out alittle...
[DeathStar] That's right, Slasher, but you got more than Justin
* Dakota is stunned
* Slasher goes to a computer and fills out his reports on what happened to him
[DeathStar] Who will be the FIRST on the rookie TEAM.
[GenjiMan] I won't be.
* Slasher laughs
* DeathStar takes off, too busy in thought to notice things
[Dakota] Wait till Montana hears about this.....
* Iceheart stands in the back, quiet.
[Cheryl] About what?
* Blackjack comes around slightly
[Cross] my head hurts
[Blackjack] Never thought you'd be splitting the team, DS...
[GenjiMan] NRP: BRB
[DeathStar] I got to...the rookies and the experienced ones don't mix..
* Justin-the-II wounders wen he will get promotion...
[Slasher] We dont need to split the team DS
[DeathStar] That's why Dom is being put in charge
[DeathStar] We don't?  So far I haven't seen any evidence to PROVE that.
[Dakota] I agree DS!
[Slasher] Great...not that Drill Sergeant
[Slasher] Thats cuz i wasnt here
* DeathStar sighs
[GenjiMan] NRP: Back
[DeathStar] 2 more missions...I give them all TWO more missions
[Slasher] DS what happened after i was kidnapped i cant remember much
[GenjiMan] ..
[DeathStar] We'll fill you in.  Later.  Right now we need to try to contact Slash
* DeathStar flies into HQ
[DeathStar] Session Ends

Death Star smiled at Iceheart, who stood next to him. "I hope you like it here. I'm sure we can get you back on your feet," he told her, looking into her cold blue eyes.

"Thanks, Commander."

"Please, call me Death Star..." he insisted.

"Thanks, Death Star," she said with a smile. She gave him a small kiss on the cheek and walked off. "Talk to you later." Death Star nodded, finding his spirits up for once. Just maybe ....