* Crucifixion appears behind Wiendigo and blasts him 200 AP
* Wiendigo dodges
* Crucifixion the blast TURNS and heads for him again
[Crucifixion] Ha ha ha ha ha ha
[DeathStar] What the hell....?
* Wiendigo spins in the air and phases
* Crucifixion the blast then locks onto Death Star
[Blackjack] Did it!
[DeathStar] .......Damn it to hell!
* DeathStar begins to teleport
* Blackjack sets the rifle to fire laser and fires at Crucifixion
[DeathStar] C'mon...
* Crucifixion takes a little damage
* Crucifixion shuttle opens fire on Crux
[Crucifixion] ARGHHH
* Wiendigo unphases and jams his sai into Crux's back
* DeathStar teleports as the blast hits where he was
* DeathStar appears on Crux and stabs him
[Crucifixion] ARGGHHH
* Slash^ still laying there on the shore
* Crucifixion vanishes
* Blackjack continues the stream of fire
[DeathStar] WHOOAA!!!!
* DeathStar begins to fall
[Wiendigo] SCATTER!
* DeathStar shuttle lands
* Slash^ gets up,
[Slash^] uhhh what happened?
[Blackjack] DS!
* DeathStar crashes into the lake
* Blackjack leaps into the water after DS
*** X1_Weirdo_God is now known as Dominator
* Slash^ tries to warp DS but he cant
[Slash^] too little power...
[Dominator] Help's on the way guys
* Crucifixion appears underwater and tackles BJ
[Dominator] Help's on the way guys
* Dominator fires off more shots at Crux
* Crucifixion begins to drain his life
* Crucifixion is far underwater
* Slash^ falls over while walking to the shuttle
* Crucifixion is far underwater
* Slash^ falls over while walking to the shuttle
* Dominator lands
[Blackjack] No!
[Blackjack] ...
* Wiendigo dives into the water and starts blasting Crux
[Crucifixion] HA HA HAHA HAHA
[Crucifixion] ARGGHHH
* Crucifixion teleports
[Dominator] Get your asses in people!
* Blackjack is KOed
* Slash^ gets back up, and targets crux with his PPC's
*** Albert (death_star@dial25.planters.net) has joined #taw
* Wiendigo grabs BJ and flies out
[Albert] WHAT IS THIS?!
[Crucifixion] What the?!
* Crucifixion appears
[Dominator] What?
* Slash^ grabs Bj and helps him to the shuttle and falls KO'd soon as he gets in
[Albert] You foolish Reploids!!
* Wiendigo grabs DS and loads him into the shuttle
* Albert hits Crux with a 500 AP blast, sending him crashing into the water
[Crucifixion] ARRGHHh
* Crucifixion crashes into the water, deep below the surface
[Dominator] We're outta here people!
* Albert turns to the shuttle
[Albert] ....
* Dominator flies off in a hurry
* Albert channels some energy and fires it off at the shuttle
* Crucifixion explodes out of the ground and grabs Albert, hitting him with a 1000 AP attack
[Albert] ARGGHHH
* Albert hovers in the air, enraged
* Wiendigo out of the back of the shuttle, fires off several blasts, breaking down Al's shot
[DeathStar] ...
* Dominator hypers into space
* Blackjack wakes up
[DeathStar] *wakes up*
* Slash^ wakes up
*** Albert has quit IRC (Leaving )
*** Crucifixion has quit IRC (Leaving )
[Slash^] .uhh...
[Blackjack] Urgh... What happened...?
[DeathStar] .......What happened?
* Slash^ groans
[Slash^] anyone get the license of the truck that hit me?
[Dominator] Talk about nick of time...
[DeathStar] ......
[DeathStar] We failed...
[Wiendigo] Albert reappeared and fought with Cruxifiction
[Blackjack] Yeah... Any longer and somebody might have followed UO...
[Slash^] its a good thing too...
* DeathStar closes eyes at UO and forces himself up.
[DeathStar] We....must...start working....like a team....if we are....to beat them..
[Dominator] Easy DS, you took alot of damage
[Blackjack] Maybe I shouldn't have said that...
[Blackjack] NRP: HP?
[DeathStar] NRP:  Too low to remember
[Blackjack] NRP: Ouch...
* Dominator arrives at the station
[Slash^] NRP: whoa
* DeathStar steps into the Hanger Bay and limps for his room
* Blackjack limps out of the shuttle
* Dominator steps out too and helps DS
* Slash^ stumbles out of the shuttle
* DeathStar shakes Dom off. "Let go of me!"
* Wiendigo flips out of the shuttle
* Slash^ falls over
[Blackjack] If anybody... needs me... I'll be... at... the infirmary...
[Slash^] uhhh..
* Slash^ begins crawling to the infirmary
* Blackjack limps away, headed for the infirmary
[DeathStar] ....
[Dominator] Hey, you need help, so don't act all noble on me
* DeathStar stands and looks out the viewport
[DeathStar] .........CorSec.....will pay.....
* Wiendigo phases into the wall
* Slash^ finally gathers enough strength to warp to the infirmary and does so
* Blackjack yells back, "Take what Death Star said to heart. Teamwork is the only thing that will get us through this."
[Slash^] Isn't that true
[DeathStar] Mission over

Crucifixion teleported into the base, holding his shoulder and gasping in pain. That damn Albert had managed to escape, but he looked worse than he did. Snickering, the Reploid hit his comm. and Sigma's face loomed before him. "I...got great...news, Master..."

Sigma looked over the hurt Reploid mildly. "And that is....?"

CorSec stole some important Weaponary Data Chips. This will allow them to build a super weapon to wipe out the Reploids. It's dire we get these chips from them and steal the weapon. It would mark the end for the Hunters..."

"Good idea. But where is CorSec taking them?"

"I do not know yet, but they can't take them directly to HQ, not with them knowing I and the Hunters are looking for them....But I will find out soon..."

Albert teleported into the little camp of stuff. He hit the ground, holding his stomach in pain as CorSec medics came and began to doctor him up. "*cough* We can't allow this to set us back. We managed to defeat the Hunters and get our mission objective. Now we must get this to HQ," he said, and noticed a light rain had begun. He glanced around. "But first we need to get to a city nearby and out of the rain." The rain began to pick up rapidly.
Some men gathered around a table at EarthGov HQ. "The Hunters have directly killed humans. They have broke the first law of Robotics. They must be shut down."

"There is a human in there group. The human could have killed the humans..."

"Not likely one human killed around 70 humans. This is a crime and it must be dealt with immedately."

"Not just yet. But I do have future plans for this. Believe me....The time is just not right."