Mission 43: The All New, All Evil Hunters

[DeathStar] Time Chart: 1 day later
[DeathStar] Location: Control Room
* Slasher walks in
* Blackjack stretches outs in a chair
* Dominator paces around the room
* Darien runs up to BJ
* GenjiMan jumps around
[Darien] Wanna play tag?
[Slasher] Sorry i couldnt make it for the last session. I was searching for Slash
* Ariel is at the comm station
[Darien] You're it
[Blackjack] Why not? Nothing else going on...
* Darien begins running
* Blackjack gets out of his chair and chases Darien
[Dominator] ....
[DeathStar] ..
[DeathStar] A playground...a playground..
* Cross types on the computer
* Darien dives beneath a table
* Ariel listens for ... anything...
* Darien and scrambles for the door
* Slasher joins in on the game
* Blackjack leaps over the table and tags Darien
[Slasher] Im playing to
[DeathStar] .....Looks for a gun to shoot himself...
* GenjiMan looks at everyone
[DeathStar] Wait, did I say that outloud?
[Cross] DS?
* Darien runs up to Slasher and tags him 1"OK, you're it!"
[GenjiMan] DS] Do you want a gun?
[Slasher] Hey im not ready
* Slasher chases after BJ
* Blackjack turns and goes the other way
[DeathStar] ....*sits at the Master Computer and watches the news*
* Darien runs for the elevator
[Slasher] hey
* Ariel shakes her head
* Dominator sits down to avoid the tag game, and watches news as well
* GenjiMan walks to the Master Comp
* Slasher turns around and tackles BJ "YOUR IT"
[Cross] Um... Look, I know things are bad, but we cant have you dying on us DS, we need you
* Blackjack throws Slasher off
* Slasher gets up and enters the elevator
[Blackjack] Go away
[Dominator] ...
* Blackjack shakes his head, glad he wasn't wearing his shades, and goes back to the control room
* Slasher phases back to the control room
[Slasher] BJ your no fun
[DeathStar] Newscaster: A few hours ago the Maverick Hunters appeared and AIDED the Maverick forces working in this area.  Right now EarthGov is contacting the Hunters about what the hell is going on with them
[Dominator] ...
[Blackjack] I thought I heard something interesting from in here...
[Ariel] ?!
[Dominator] What now?!
* Slasher 's mouth drops
[DeathStar] ...?
* Darien re-enters the room, looking around
[Blackjack] Great, so WE destroyed the city. Perfect.
[Cross] What the F***?
* DeathStar comm. beeps
[DeathStar] Uh, hee hee.
[GenjiMan] The EarthGov.
[Slasher] 3 guesses to who it is
* DeathStar hits it and brings the person on the screen
[Darien] Hello funny person!
* Blackjack looks up
[DeathStar] Spade: So, so so, the just plain MAVERICK Hunters..
[Ariel] ?
[Blackjack] You...
[Dominator] Spade...
[DeathStar] ...again
[Slasher] Man spade your a funny guy..not
[Blackjack] Why don't you leave us alone for FIVE MINUTES...
[Slasher] Hes got no life thats why
[DeathStar] Spade: You didn't think your aiding the Mavericks wouldn't be found out?  Be prepared for some of our agents to get over there to investage this.  You got 1 hour.
[Blackjack] Good reason.
[GenjiMan] We destroying cities? We're not bad guys. If we were, then we'd never do LITTLE things like that.
[GenjiMan] ...
[DeathStar] Grr.
* DeathStar watches Spade end the contact
[Dominator] We're being framed... just great
[Slasher] Now that hes gone....
[Darien] I don't like funny-looking man
[Ariel] So they're coming up here to plant evidence?
[Cross] .... Great.... man this is becomming a soap opera...
[DeathStar] First a group of Hunters aids some people, next day the same group is killing people.
[Slasher] Should we give them a hearty welcome *laughs evily*
[Blackjack] Perfect, now we're Mavericks. How do they explain me, anyway? Humans can't go Maverick!
[Dominator] They go insane I guess...
[Ariel] No-one said he was bright...
[Slasher] Looks like its the Us vs. Everyone
[Cross] They'd proably pass you off as a mind control victim
* Blackjack realizes how dumb that was
[Blackjack] Good point.
* Darien eyes go green, 1"As a maverick sympatiser of course"
[DeathStar] Well, I'm going to go FIND these Hunters...
* DeathStar stands up
* Dominator looks at DS, 1"Could this be a real squad? Are any squads unaccounted for?"
[Slasher] Im with ya
[DeathStar] We're the only fighting force these days
* DeathStar heads for the shuttle
* Dominator follows DS
* Slasher follows DS
* Blackjack shakes his head
* Blackjack follows DS
[Cross] I'm begining to see what this is......I think...
* Darien heads for the shuttle
[Ariel] I'm going to, no-one dishonors the mh like that!
* Ariel is on the shuttle
* Slasher laughs at what Ariel said
* DeathStar powers it up
[Darien] Where're we goin'?
* Slasher leaps in and buckles in
[Cross] We're a pleceabo for the public, we're only here to make the public feel safe...
[DeathStar] To the city attacked.
* Darien gets in
* Cross jumps in
*** GenjiMan has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Blackjack gets into the shuttle
* DeathStar locks in the cordnets and flies off
* Dominator taps fingures on the weapons consol
[Cross] and everyone, but us, is in on this entire thing.
[Slasher] Its all one big Conspiracy man...
* Blackjack removes eyepatch, and shoves it in his pocket
* DeathStar flies towards Earth, looking at Earth up ahead
[Dominator] ....
[DeathStar] Alien Nation..
* DeathStar eyes narrow
* Ariel is talking to herself?
*** Genji (hirozaki@ has joined #TAW
* Darien asks BJ 1"What's with the eyepatch?"
[Dominator] ... Alien Nation...
*** Genji is now known as GenjiMan
* DeathStar enters the Earth's atmosphere
[DeathStar] Is there an echo in here?
* DeathStar glares at Dom
[Blackjack] Covers this scar... *taps his eye, and its deep scar*
* GenjiMan is in the shuttle
[Cross] This sounds like a cheezy movie, but in any movie, the good guys always win.... they should know that
[Slasher] Alien..Nation. Alien Nation alien nation .......
[Ariel] Part of the job requirement
[Darien] ECHO!
[Dominator] No... just wondering what your thinking...
[Darien] No... just wondering what your thinking...
* DeathStar flies over the city and notices a MH shuttle nearby
[GenjiMan] -_-
[Dominator] Eh?
[Slasher] And the plot gets thicker
[DeathStar] Hrm..
[GenjiMan] O_o
[Darien] Eh?
* Dominator scans the shuttle
* DeathStar aims at the shuttle
[Slasher] I advise we land there and check it out
[Blackjack] Wha...?
* Slasher gets up
* GenjiMan looks at the shuttle
* DeathStar shuttle flies faster
[DeathStar] They're trying to outrun us!
[Dominator] What?
[Slasher] really
[Blackjack] Hit it, DS!
[GenjiMan] Other MH shuttle...
* DeathStar hits the turboboosters and tries to get in closer
[Slasher] Someone wanna get out and push....looks for justin
* Dominator looks over scans, 1"Something seems wrong with this shuttle... Get closer and I'll scan it again..."
[DeathStar] Hey, I got a weapons lock on me!
[Cross] ..... Lets get'em
* Darien moves to the rear of the shuttle
[Slasher] From where
* DeathStar rolls over to the shuttle's side
[DeathStar] From THEM
[Dominator] What? ... Do I arm the weapons?
* Slasher flies around
[Slasher] Shoot them DOm
* DeathStar rams the other shuttle
[Slasher] Do something
* Dominator arms weapons and locks onto the shuttle
[Blackjack] Uh, DS, aren't there better ways to take them down?
[DeathStar] Hit their engines...
[Slasher] their engines maybe
[Dominator] DS...? What are you doing?
* Dominator fires a spread of lasers at their engines
* Blackjack sits, unable to do anything
* DeathStar the others' engines explodes and they crash
[GenjiMan] :)
[Slasher] Lets get down there before its to late
* DeathStar lands
* GenjiMan gets out of the shuttle
* Slasher phases out and runs towards the ship
[Blackjack] Hope there's still someone alive to explain...
* Cross jumps out
* Darien runs to the other shuttle
* Dominator charges weapons and gets out
* DeathStar leaps out
* GenjiMan walks towards the crashed shuttle
* Blackjack leaps out and runs to the wreckage
*** Reploid (death_star@dial7.planters.net) has joined #taw
* Slasher gets there first
[Reploid] You DARE attack me unit?!
[Slasher] Who are you
[Dominator] You targeted us!
* DeathStar skids to a stop when he sees the Reploid.
* Slasher pulls out his Ionblades which gleam with energy
[DeathStar] No...
[GenjiMan] And who begun it?
* Reploid smirks at Death Star
[Reploid] The name's 
* Dominator glances at DS, 1"Who is this guy?"
*** Reploid is now known as NorthStar
* Blackjack shakes his head
* Cross aims blaster at the reploids 1"Name rank and affiation!"
* DeathStar grabs sabre
[Slasher] The plot thicken
* GenjiMan looks at the reploid
[NorthStar] Commander, of the NEW Hunters...and now you old wannabies are going down..
[Dominator] The what?!
* Darien runs by NorthStar to the crashed shuttle
[GenjiMan] ?
[GenjiMan] New Hunters?
[Blackjack] The new Hunters?
[GenjiMan] Then the news WERE truth.
[Slasher] Now all we need is a SouthStar and we can have ourselves a howdown
[NorthStar] Each of us can rival you guys...
*** Devastator (death_star@dial7.planters.net) has joined #taw
[Cross] New Hunters.......?
[Slasher] Yeah right
* Darien shield appears on his back
[GenjiMan] Ok.
* Devastator teleports in, looking similiar to Dominator
[Slasher] Whers my double
* Slasher searches franitaclly
[DeathStar] Uho h..
*** Wildcard (death_star@dial7.planters.net) has joined #taw
[GenjiMan] I'm GenjiMan, ex-leader of the genji pirates.
[Dominator] ...!
[Blackjack] Great, another look-alike.
[Cross] Great... now if they have copies of our dead, that could be creepy
* Wildcard a reploid taht looks like BJ appears
[Slasher] .me frowns
[GenjiMan] More and more ROOKIES.
[Blackjack] And another one... of me.
* Slasher frowns
[Dominator] Who are you?! (to Dominator look-alike
[Ariel] Hey!  I already got a double thanks
*** Smasher (death_star@dial7.planters.net) has joined #taw
[Blackjack] Lemme guess, you're Poker, right? *laughs*
* Ariel is surrounded by a bright white light
*** Cheryl (Terangrel@CDR6-108.accesscable.net) has joined #taw
[Ariel] See?
[GenjiMan] And more look-alikes.
*** Digo (death_star@dial7.planters.net) has joined #taw
* Slasher looks at Smasher and laughs
* Digo a Reploid like Wiendigo appears
[Cheryl] 'Allo
[Slasher] Defiantly know who the good looking one is
[GenjiMan] i wonder who's MY clone.
* Devastator smiles cruely at Dom
[Devastator] Captain Devasator
[Ariel] See?  I don't need ANOTHER double
[NorthStar] Ooooo, look, a showdown...
[Blackjack] Not gonna answer, eh, Pokerface?
[Wildcard] .
* Cross laughs
[Dominator] New hunters....
* Wildcard stares at BJ
[Wildcard] Human scum like you shouldn't be addressed
[GenjiMan] They look a lot like us.
[Cross] no me? Iknew it! I'm the one and only!
[Smasher] .
[Dominator] I don't know who you jerks think you are, but are you the ones who attacked a city?
[Slasher] Whats you name 
* Smasher flicks his fingure at Slasher
[Smasher] Smasher.
* Digo stands there quietly
[Slasher] Cocky lil' son of a bitch
[NorthStar] We aRE
* Slasher pulls out his Ionblades which gleam with energy
* GenjiMan looks at NorthStar
* Dominator draws Rune Sword
[Cross] ....
* DeathStar watches them
* GenjiMan walks to Wildcard
* Cross raises blaster
[DeathStar] So, whose going to start fighting?
* Dominator glances at DS, 1"Orders...?"
* Sound request: unable to play 'maverick2.mid'
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Cross] I am Cross.......MAVERICK HUNTER FOR LIFE.
* NorthStar blasts DS
[Ariel] Ah, at least my double is on our team
[DeathStar] GAGH!
[DeathStar] ATTACK!
[Slasher] I think ill take Smasher here
* Cross blasts NS
[Slasher] then again
[Smasher] You can try!
* Blackjack lunges at Wildcard with his katana extended, wildly slashing (280 AP)
* Darien glares at Digo and an explosion ripples across Digo (215 AP)
[Slasher] Why not
* Wildcard blocks BJ and guts him
* Ariel nods to cheryl
* Cheryl nods to Ariel
* Dominator moves toward Devestator
[Blackjack] Oof!
* Devastator throwsa ball into Dom and shuts down half his weapons
* Cross kicks NS
* Ariel stabs Smasher from behind. [200 AP]
* Cheryl stabs Smasher from behind. [200 AP]
* NorthStar rams Cross
* Slasher phases behind Smasher and kicks him in the back
[Cheryl] Ha!
[Slasher] Thanks Girls
[Cross] GAH
* Blackjack quickly stands and slashes across, then leaps backwards (280 AP_
[NorthStar] Digo, take Cross and Genji!
[Ariel] Take this!
* Ariel slashes smasher with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
* Darien two glowing balls appear in Darien's hands and blasts towards Digo!. When they hits, it creates a distortion wave, distorting Digo! (230 AP)
* Wildcard blocks and rams into BJ
[Dominator] Argh!
[GenjiMan] O_o
[Cross] Digo? Hmmmm
* Digo attaks the two
* Cheryl charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* Cross blasts NS still
* Slasher 's legs begin to glow a holy white. 0"KOKEI"6 Slasher kicks Smasher 8 times going faster each kick. After the 8th kick Slasher brings his left leg back and Holy Lightning blasts into it. Slasher brings it over his head and ontop of Smasher going through him. (Light Elem)
* GenjiMan takes Digo 's arm and slams Digo onto the ground, then fires a 11,1GENJI BEAM10,0 at Digo [130 AP]
* DeathStar slashes NS
[Cross] Hah!!!
* Dominator uses Silver Crystal on himself to heal the damage
* Blackjack falls to the ground, but quickly stands and arms his rifle, firing at WC
* Ariel throws her arm out, firing an energy blast at Smasher. [150 AP]
[Cross] NRP: BRB
[Blackjack] (260 AP)
* Dominator dashes forward at amazing speeds with Crimson Crystal, then activates Ebony Crystal to double his next attack's AP, he then slashes three times in the time a normal person can only slash once at Devestator the attack is mentally hammered at him at the same time using Purple Crystal (1500AP total + 1500AP telepathic)
* Smasher fires a dark element and stops Slasher
* Cheryl points her arm in the direction of smasher, and fires a large energy blast at smasher. [190 AP]
[Slasher] ahhh
* Devastator blocks the attack with his sword
* Darien shield appears in one hand and a Xvash in the other
* NorthStar blasts DS back some
[Dominator] !!!
* Cheryl stabs Smasher from behind. [200 AP]
* Slasher freezes in place
[Cheryl] Face me!
[Smasher] HEY!
* Blackjack continues his assault on WC (260 AP)
* Ariel slashes Smasher with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
*** Smasher has quit IRC (Leaving)
* GenjiMan concentrates his energy, points at Digo and fires a 11,1GENJI ELETRIC BEAM10,0 on Digo [130 AP]
[Cheryl] Ha!
[Ariel] Okay, who's next!
* GenjiMan quickly slashes twice Digo 11,1GENJI SLASH!10,0 [150 AP]
*** Smasher (blarg@ has joined #taw
* Digo blocks the attacks and rams GM into Ariel
[GenjiMan] O_O
[Ariel] ?
[Digo] I am, sweets.
[DeathStar] Gr..
[Ariel] Ah!
* Cross kicks digo
* DeathStar slashes NS
[GenjiMan] OW!
* Cheryl stabs Digo from behind. [200 AP]
* NorthStar blocks
[Cheryl] Don't touch her!
* Cross blasts
* GenjiMan looks at Ariel and says "Hi"
* Blackjack fires Typhoon Wave at WC (275 AP, possible KO)
* GenjiMan fires 3 11,1GENJI BEAMS10,0 on Digo [140 AP]
* Ariel throws her arm out, firing an energy blast at Digo. [150 AP]
[Ariel] Baka!
* Digo creates two shadow clones
[Slasher] Basterd
* Devastator fires a fire attack and stops it
* Slasher breaks free of the stun
[Wildcard] Thanks Dev
[GenjiMan] O_O
[GenjiMan] WHA?
* Slasher slashes at Smasher
* Wildcard throws cards into BJ (300 AP)
* GenjiMan quickly slashes twice Digo 11,1GENJI SLASH!10,0 [150 AP]
* Dominator flips out of the way
* Smasher dodges it
* Cheryl stabs Digo from behind. [200 AP]
* Darien slashes NorthStar from behind with his Level 3 charged Xvash with his Psi strenthening the blow (1000 AP + 40 AP poison) + (95 AP)
* Digo all three of them pick on each other
* Ariel slashes Digo with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
[Smasher] Heh...Im your double baby
* Blackjack rolls, taking only some of the damage
* DeathStar slashes Xvash and snaps it in half
[Blackjack] Cards, eh? We can play that way!
[Slasher] Doube this
* Slasher 's hands begin to glow a sky blue.11"FUKEI"6 Slasher releases the energy in the form of 9 small Chi Balls and 1 Giant Chi Ball at Smasher (wind elem)
* Cross slashes Digo with saber
[Smasher] AHhh
* NorthStar rams Dominator
[Smasher] Nice one
* Devastator smashes dom
[Dominator] Oof!
[DeathStar] DOM!
* GenjiMan concentrates his energy, points at Digo and fires a 11,1GENJI BEAM10,0 on Digo [120 AP]
* Darien attacks NorthStar with a energy blast (210 AP)
* DeathStar slashes NS
* Dominator lets loose a powerful blast from Thunder Bolt; its green circular energy blast slams into all enemies in the area (250AP)
* Blackjack throws a few spade cards at WC (870 AP)
* Smasher Fires 9 balls of Black Fire at Slasher
* Cross kicks digo in the side
* Ariel charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* Cheryl charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* Slasher goes flying into the dirt
*** Devastator has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Darien punches the floor with tremendous power and a wave of Psi Energy sweeps outward (205 AP all)
* Ariel points her arm in the direction of Digo, and fires a large energy blast at Digo. [190 AP]
* Cheryl points her arm in the direction of Digo, and fires a large energy blast at Digo. [190 AP]
[Slasher] ahhh
* DeathStar rams into NS
* NorthStar flips NS into the ground
* GenjiMan concentrates his energy, points at Digo and fires a 11,1GENJI BEAM10,0 on Digo [120 AP]
[Cheryl] Charge!
* Digo roars in pain
* Ariel slashes Digo with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
[GenjiMan] I can do that too, Ariel.
*** Devestator (ryan_cross@ppp01016.snowcrest.net) has joined #taw
* Slasher gets up eyes flaring bright red
* Digo slashes Cheryl (100 AP)
* GenjiMan quickly slashes twice Digo 11,1GENJI SLASH!10,0 [150 AP]
* Cheryl slashes Digo with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
[Wildcard] .
* Blackjack then flings four club cards at WC (680 AP)
* Devestator starts toward Dominator, carrying a very similar sword
* Cross presses a button on blaster, charges and blasts "CANNON!" (500 ap)
[Smasher] Ooohh...Lil Slasher gotta boo boo
* Ariel stabs Digo from behind. [200 AP]
* Wildcard throws his own cards and stops attack
[Slasher] Boo boo this
* Darien suddenly speeds up into a blur, ramming into NorthStar (200 AP)
* Slasher 's legs begin to glow a holy white. 0"KOKEI"6 Slasher kicks Smasher 8 times going faster each kick. After the 8th kick Slasher brings his left leg back and Holy Lightning blasts into it. Slasher brings it over his head and ontop of Smasher going through him. (Light Elem)
* Wildcard fires a knife at BJ's head
* Dominator jumps forward, slashing
[Smasher] what the
[Smasher] AHhhh
* Blackjack follows it up with four diamonds (640 AP)
* GenjiMan fires 3 11,1GENJI BEAMS10,0 on Digo [140 AP]
[Cheryl] Come on!
* Cross blasts Digo I mean with the 500 ap thing
* Smasher eats dirt
* Cheryl slashes Digo with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
* Blackjack one of the cards stops the knife
* Ariel stabs digo from behind. [200 AP]
* Wildcard throws four objects that stops the cards and keeps going at BJ
* Devestator blocks the slash and disappears, using a mysterious Rune Crystal
* Smasher gets up slowly
[DeathStar] NORTH STAR!
* GenjiMan concentrates his energy, points at Digo and fires a 11,1GENJI ELETRIC BEAM10,0 on Digo [130 AP]
[Dominator] Eh?
[Slasher] What the??
* DeathStar guts him
[NorthStar] GAH!
* Blackjack drops to the ground, rolling under the objects
[Smasher] Time to die
* Darien grabs onto NorthStar's leg and | /touch1
[NorthStar] You can't stop us Mavericks!
[Blackjack] This is impossible
[GenjiMan] ...
* Devestator appears behind Dominator and slashes him in the back
[Blackjack] !
* Smasher disapears
* NorthStar slashes back
[Slasher] Where...
[Ariel] ?
[GenjiMan] MAVERICKS?!?!?
[Ariel] Maverick?!
* Digo grabs Ariel and beats her senseless
* Darien touches NorthStar and Nanos invade him starting desconstruction (95 AP / 10 seconds)
[Cross] DeathStar? wouldnt your double be more of a LifeStar?
* Dominator using Crimson Crystal flies and slashes him
* Cross kicks Digo
* Cheryl tackles Digo from behind
* NorthStar rejects the nanos
[GenjiMan] I have no double. COOL!
[NorthStar] We learned of your attacks, kid!
* NorthStar slams Darien in the head
* Smasher appears behind Slasher and blasts him with a Dark Beam
* Darien drains NorthStar of his life energy (50 AP/10 seconds)
* Slasher flies into the shuttle
* Wildcard smirks at BJ
[Darien] Ahh!
* Devestator jumps back, blasting rapidly with Thunder Bolt
[Wildcard] Give it up Human!
* Smasher walks overto Slasher
* DeathStar pants
[Smasher] Wuss
[Cheryl] I'll kill you for calling me a Maverick!
* Dominator redirects it with Force Shield
* Cheryl stabs Digo from behind. [200 AP]
[Digo] GRR!
[Blackjack] Looks like my opposite is a little too cocky!
* Smasher picks Slasher up by the Head
* Devestator as does he, making it hit a pile of rocks
* Digo all three Digos leap on Cheryl
* Ariel backs away
* Cross uses cannon on Digo
[Wildcard] I have to make up for you, "brother"
[Cheryl] Get off!
* Blackjack activates a Splash Shield, and opens fire with plasma (560 AP)
* Ariel charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* Ariel points her arm in the direction of Digo, and fires a large energy blast at Digo. [190 AP]
* Smasher starts squeezing
[Slasher] ahhhhhh
* Cross runs for the three digos
* Wildcard throws a firewave and cancels the shield and hits BJ
[Smasher] To easy
* Darien suddenly speeds up into a blur, ramming into NorthStar (200 AP)
[Devestator] You can't defeat me, Dominator... I'll defeat you and the Rune Crystal will unite with my sword, Dark Sabre!
* NorthStar slashes at DS and blocks
* Ariel slashes Smasher with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
[Blackjack] AAAAAHHH!
* DeathStar blocks and slashes
[Smasher] ahhh
[Dominator] ... Dark Sabre? 
* Smasher knocks Cheryl into the shuttle
* Blackjack falls to the ground, injured, but refuses to lose
* Devestator rams Dominator, slashing
[Cheryl] Oww...
* NorthStar laughs evilly
* Ariel charge
[NorthStar] Oh Death Star, your men are WORTHLESS...
* Dominator slashes back and the two get in a big sword fight
* Slasher grabs Smashers wrist and squeezes it
* Ariel charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* Cross tries to get the digos off of Cheryl
[Smasher] WHat the
[Blackjack] I bet you don't have this one, Wildcard!
[NorthStar] And I haven't even CALLED them all in
[Smasher] AHhhh
* Smasher drops Slasher
* Darien punches NorthStar's back with PsiEnhancement (95 AP)
[Wildcard] Oh, you do?
* Blackjack chants, 1"Ancient curse of lycanthropy, fill me with the power of the lupine! Crinos Shift!" Blackjack's body is surrounded with a dull white light. His body gradually reshapes, with a snout growing from his face, a tail sprouting from his lower back, and fur growing from his body. When the change is complete, a fully changed werewolf is standing in Blackjack's place.
* Ariel points her arm in the direction of Smasher, and fires a large energy blast at Smasher. [190 AP]
[Slasher] Im not done yet
[NorthStar] ARGH!!!
* Smasher flies on to his side
[Wildcard] Oh, that?
* Wildcard fires a ray and turns BJ back to normal
* Digo forms into one
[Blackjack] Ah, damn it!
* Digo stabs Ariel
* Smasher gets up
* Slasher Chikei Smasher
* Dominator flips back and enters Battle Fury Mode, surging with electricity
[Smasher] Oh shit
* Slasher 's fists begin to glow a dark brown.5"CHIKEI"6 Slasher pounds the ground causing the energy in his body to fly into the ground causing it to erupt in a straight path for 30 feet at Smasher (Earth Elem)
* Ariel slashes Digo with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
[Cross] ....*looks at northstar* I just thought of something... yes? your our copies?
* Slasher flies bacl
* Darien takes a few steps back and begins glowing
[Cross] does anyone have an ice attack?
* NorthStar blasts Cross into the head
* Devestator enters Battle Fury Mode himself, and teleports behind DOminator electricuting him
* NorthStar turns to DS and gets stabbed by him
[Cross] Ouf!!
[DeathStar] FOOL!
[Dominator] Gah!
* Blackjack gives up and backs away, opening fire with fire laser (260 AP)
[Cheryl] Fight me not her!
* Slasher starts to pant
*** GenjiMan has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Smasher gets up
* Darien grows and morphs
* Wildcard fires his own laser
* Cheryl stabs Digo from behind. [200 AP]
* Dominator uppercuts his double
[Digo] GAH!
[Cross] S-s-someone hit NorthStar with ice!!!
*** Darien is now known as GutManMorph
* Smasher disapears
[Devestator] Argh... Nice shot..
* Cheryl slashes Digo with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
* Digo grabs Cheryl
[Digo] YOU!!!
* Smasher appears behind Slasher
* Digo rams her head into the ground
* Ariel stabs Digo from behind. [200 AP]
[Digo] ARE DEAD!
[Ariel] Drop here!
[Slasher] Not this time
* Digo stabs her
* Cross kicks digo
[Digo] GAH!!
* GutManMorph slams into NorthStar with a punch
[Ariel] Er, Her!
* Slasher backhands Smasher
* Digo smirks
[Smasher] ugh
[Cheryl] Tag team!
[Cross] leave her alone!
* Dominator blasts with Thunder Bolt at Devestator
[NorthStar] ARHG!
* Blackjack temporarily ignores Wildcard and hits NorthStar with Cryo Blast (260 AP, weak to it?)
[NorthStar] I wasn't ready for THIS..
* Slasher punches him in the gut
* Smasher keels over
* NorthStar blasts DS in the head, KOing him
* Ariel slashes Digo with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
* Cheryl slashes Digo with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
* GutManMorph pounds NorthStar into the ground
* Devestator absorbs it with Dark Sabre, and jumps up slashing at Dominator
* Slasher knees him in the head
* Smasher falls over
* NorthStar grows stronger from ICE
* Dominator staggers back, dripping battery fluid
[NorthStar] Heh heh heh
[Cross] Um... fire?
* NorthStar blasts Gutsman
* Ariel throws her arm out, firing an energy blast at Digo. [150 AP]
* Cheryl throws her arm out, firing an energy blast at Digo. [150 AP]
[Digo] ARG!
* Digo teleports away
* GutManMorph absorbs the blast
*** Digo has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Blackjack shrugs, hits an adjustment, and uses Fire Laser on NS (270 AP, weak?)
*** GenjiMan (hirozaki@ has joined #TAW
* Smasher turns to DS
* Ariel charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* Cheryl charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
[Cross] It's an oppisite.... I think.... right?
* Slasher turns to DS
[NorthStar] Hunters, teleport away!
[Slasher] Ya need some help
* Devestator presses his advantage and charges Domniator
[NorthStar] NOW!
* NorthStar teleports
* Ariel points her arm in the direction of Smasher, and fires a large energy blast at Smasher. [190 AP]
* Cheryl points her arm in the direction of Smasher, and fires a large energy blast at Smasher. [190 AP]
*** NorthStar has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Cheryl] Ha!
* Smasher gets up slowly
[Wildcard] Next time!
* GutManMorph picks up a large rock and throws it at Digo
* Wildcard teleports
*** Wildcard has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Cheryl] Run Mavericks!
* Dominator manages to block the slashes, and pushes Devestator back
* Smasher teleports out of there
[Cross] Hahah!!!
*** Smasher has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Blackjack] We'll see...
[GenjiMan] I'm BACK.
[Cross] It's smart to be me.
* DeathStar kneels over and coughs up battey fluid
[Blackjack] I hate cocky Reploids...
[DeathStar] A little LATE Genji..
[Cross] DS!
[Ariel] Owww...
* Slasher falls to his knees
* Cross runs to DS
[GenjiMan] DS] yeah.
* Dominator uses Ebony Crystal to do a massive slash
* GutManMorph shakes and
* Blackjack collapses onto the ground from damage
[GenjiMan] NRP: My ISP sucks.
* GutManMorph begins shrinking and his blue windbreaker appears. He is once again a seven-year-old human. He blinks his blue eyes.
*** GutManMorph is now known as Darien
[Cross] You ok DS?
[Cheryl] I...I have to rest...
* Slasher falls on his side
* Devestator is knocked back, but blasts with Thunder Bolt at Dominator as he falls
* Cheryl disappears in a flash of light.
[Dominator] Gagh!
[GenjiMan] ...
* Ariel throws her arm out, firing an energy blast at Dev. [150 AP]
[Ariel] Get out of here!
* Slasher slowly gets up
* GenjiMan quickly slashes twice Devestator 11,1GENJI SLASH!10,0 [150 AP]
* Darien shoulder is bleed, but the wound glows and closes as Darien concentraits on it
* Devestator stabs GenjiMan (250AP)
[GenjiMan] OW!
*** Cheryl (Terangrel@CDR6-108.accesscable.net) has left #taw
* Dominator rushes Devestator as he does that
* Darien runs over to DS
* Slasher walks over to Ariel
* Dominator stabs Rune Sword forward into Devestator (250AP)
* Cross blats devastator with cannon (500 ap)
[GenjiMan] Healing Bomber!
* DeathStar stands up
[Devestator] Argh!!
* Blackjack runs towards Dom
* DeathStar blasts Dev
[Slasher] Thanks for the help Ariel
[DeathStar] Why isn't HE gone?
[Ariel] No prob
* GenjiMan fires a 8,1bomb10 that heals GenjiMan with heat! _ [+150 LP]
* Devestator disappears suddenly
* Darien two glowing balls appear in Darien's hands and blasts towards Dev. When they hits, it creates a distortion wave, distorting Dev (230 AP)
[Ariel] I can't let you guys go and die on me now can I?
[GenjiMan] ...
[Devestator] HAHAHA!
* DeathStar pants