Mission 45: There's Something About Duplicates

[DeathStar] Time Chart: 2 days later...
[DeathStar] Location: Ruins of the Control Room
* Justin-the-II looks around
[Justin-the-II] DARN IT!
[Regix] What happened here?
[Justin-the-II] i wish i could have ben here......you get all the fun....
* Darien is collecting pieces of equipment
[Regix] What a mess.
* Baberlus walks in
[Blackjack] We need to get this place repaired...
* DeathStar watches construction crew work
[Dakota] What a mess...
* Blackjack looks longingly at the spot where his chair used to be
[Blackjack] FUN!?
[Blackjack]  FUN !?
[DeathStar] FUN!?
[Dakota] No THAT WAS NOT FUN!!!
[Blackjack] We almost DIED! It's a miracle no one did!
[Dakota] And if i see........
[Blackjack] Except for...
[DeathStar] Cross did..
* Dakota is noticably angry
[Justin-the-II] hay so sue me....i have a defrent idea of fun...
* Ariel tires to put a computer together
[Blackjack] You have a strange mind is what you have...
* Dakota shakes justin
[Ariel] nrp: Back in two secs
*** Ariel has quit IRC (Leaving )
* DeathStar walks over to the master computer, miraclously still standing
*** Ariel (Jager@CDR6-108.accesscable.net) has joined #taw
* Blackjack sighs, and sits on the floor
[Baberlus] Maybe if I turn DeathStar into CorSec, you guys could pay this off. *laughs*
* DeathStar sits down in his chair and flips it on, he screen fizzing
* Darien grabs some more wreckage
* Ariel turns on the computer... or tries to
* DeathStar glares at Baberlus
[Blackjack] Very funny, Baberlus
[Regix] Damn...
[Dakota] That isn't funny
[Ariel] Stupid piece of junk1
[Ariel] !
* Ariel kicks the computer
* Justin-the-II picks up his damadged head set
[DeathStar] Gahh...blasted...X1 will have a field day in here..
[Ariel] *The computer boots up*
[Baberlus] hmph
[Ariel] Better!
[Justin-the-II] darn it....
[Blackjack] Oh, now THAT'S good for it, Ariel...
[Justin-the-II] now i have to bye another one....and how are we gonna replace this room?
* DeathStar shifts through the files
* Blackjack deals out a game of solitare
[Dakota] What are you looking for DS?
[Regix] Good question...
[DeathStar] Trying to get back to EarthGov Comm...
* Ariel stands up and puts the computer back on the table.
* DeathStar turns to Regix
[DeathStar] And what the hell are you still doing here?!
[Regix] I nefver left.
[Dakota] Is their any survelince info from the battle yesterday?
* DeathStar nod at BJ
[Justin-the-II] what battle yesterday?
[Regix] I want... to help you.
[Darien] The one against Vile
* Baberlus notes no one wonders why  he's  here
[Regix] Let me join...
[Justin-the-II] that was 2 days ago
[Dakota] er 3 days ago
[DeathStar] Will you escort him FROM the Hunter floors?
[Blackjack] Sure.
[Ariel] Hey, your hunch was right Commander
* Blackjack finishes his game and stands up
[DeathStar] Take him to the civilian deck
[Blackjack] Yes sir.
[Regix] ?puches BJ
[Justin-the-II] who?
[Blackjack] Ow!
[DeathStar] And someone get Baberlus too
[Baberlus] Lemme in on this, there's no more good bounty out there.
[DeathStar] Bounty Hunter scum...
* Regix punches BJ
[Blackjack] DS, should I kill him NOW or takes him out of Darien's sight first!?
[Regix] Hands off!
[Baberlus] Hey, I WOULD take you in...
[DeathStar] Take him out of Darien's sight...
[Baberlus] but am I? No.
[Regix] I told you... I want to help you, and this is te thanls I get?
[DeathStar] You could TRY Bounty..
* Blackjack hits Regix over the head with his staff (KO attempt)
[DeathStar] ..*voice trails off*
[DeathStar] You should have thought of that when you punched the Captain of the Hunters
[Dakota] Is their any survelince info from the battle against vile?
* Darien begins putting together the pieces of the wreckage
* DeathStar boots up into EarthGov Comm. finally and shifts through reports
[Regix] I didn't pu8cnh ANYONE DAMN IT!
[DeathStar] Hardly...*snorts*
* Justin-the-II takes out the tape
[Dakota] figures
[Baberlus] Let me in on this.. most of the criminals on earth are dead anyway, cept the mavs.
[Regix] Look... you need help.
[Justin-the-II] well...,this is undamadged at least
* DeathStar grows annoyed
* Blackjack grabs Regix's arm and leads him out, saying,  1"Hit me again, and you won't live long enough to join the Hunters..." 
* Darien walks over to Dakota and his eyes turn green,  1"What do you mean?"
[DeathStar] How the hell did Regix and Baberlus even get IN here?
[Dakota] ?
[Regix] Come on!
[Regix] You relased me DAMN IT!
[Dakota] what darien?
[Regix] Use your HEAD DS!
[DeathStar] I released you to EarthGov, not to the Hunters
[Baberlus] I was was driving by here on way to earth, and I saw the damaged station, THATS how I go there
[Regix] I'm signing on...
[DeathStar] I do, and I'll use it to ram you if you don't shut up
[Regix] Please let me help you.
* DeathStar slams fist on the keyboard
[Ariel] Shall escourt Baberlus to the civy floor now Commander, or do you want to listen to him
* Justin-the-II scratches his head
[Darien] You were asking about survelance info.  What did you mean?
[Justin-the-II] darn it!
* Baberlus pulls out a comm
[DeathStar] Leave them BOTH in here.  I could give less of a damn now then I ever could
[Dakota] I want to look at it.
[Ariel] Alright
* DeathStar has hardly ANY authority these days over people
[Darien] Why?
[Baberlus] You know, I could let CorSec know the hunters are severly crippled right now, and that your here.
[Ariel] Honestly, it's alot nicer there than here any more...
[Dakota] Look i have my reasons
[Baberlus] now, gonna let me in?
[Regix] I'm sorry... I'll leave...
* DeathStar turns back and shifts through files, reading reports of increasing Maverick activity
[Regix] Mavericks...
* Justin-the-II tries to turn on the tape
[DeathStar] I could just shoot you, pal, if you don't shut up
* Blackjack shakes his head
[Justin-the-II] its not working......
[Dakota] !
[DeathStar] Seems Crucifixtion is enjoying his...leadership
* Darien stares at the computer and runs through the data
* Dakota grabs Regix
* Justin-the-II flips it over and notices it has no batterys
[Dakota] WHAT"D YOU SAY???
[Baberlus] Hmph... *presses a button on the Comm* Hello CorSec civilian contacts? yes, transfer me to the bounty reports area
[Regix] Get off ofme Dakota.
[Blackjack] Figures.
* Baberlus covers the mouth peice
* Ariel cuts the transmition on Baberlus
[Baberlus] Last chance.
[DeathStar] Someone,  kill  Baberlus
[Baberlus] Hmph....
[Dakota] NO i want to Know what that "mavericks" was for
[Justin-the-II] for real ds?
* Darien a computer chip pops out and Darien tries to get Dakota's attention
* Baberlus draws a gun
[Baberlus] fine, I'll leave
* Justin-the-II draws his 19 too
[Justin-the-II] do that...
[Dakota] ?
[DeathStar] If he doesn't drop that comm. in 5 seconds, yes.
[Dakota] huh
[DeathStar] 4.
[DeathStar] 3.
[DeathStar] 2.
* Dakota looks over toward darien
[DeathStar] 1.
[Regix] Some Mavericks put me in my current amniestic state... so I have them to personally ti rip apart.
[Baberlus] And tell CorSec that their little DeathStar is here, on a crippled station
[DeathStar] 0.  Fine.  Shoot him.
* Baberlus walks off
* Darien tosses Dakota the chip
[Darien] Catch
* Justin-the-II puts his gun back into its holester
[Dakota] What's up darien?
* Dakota is still holding Regix
* Ariel had vut the comm on Baberlus, but apparently he hasn't noticed yet
[Regix] Look... trust me...
* DeathStar goes back to the computer when suddnly the alarms go off
[DeathStar] What the--?
[Blackjack] Huh?
[Blackjack] At least the alarms are working...
* Darien picks up the chip again
* DeathStar flips screen to the outside and a MH shuttle fires on the station
[Justin-the-II] why in the heck dont we let rigex join?
*** Cheryl (Terangrel@CDR6-108.accesscable.net) has joined #taw
[Baberlus] You know, when I get to earth, I'm going  strait  to corsec.
* Cheryl walks in
[DeathStar] .....?
[Blackjack] Great, it's our little doubles again...
* DeathStar watches the shuttle land
[Baberlus] I was gonna be a nice guy... but hey, just 'cause I'm a BH, you hate me... oookay...
[Regix] Alright... who set the damn alar.
* Baberlus heads for the shuttle bay
[Cheryl] I didn't like your "double" much either BJ
[Blackjack] Looks like they want a fight...
[DeathStar] They...landed on the hull of the station...
[Regix] They who?
* Dakota catches the chip
[Justin-the-II] who?
* Ariel tries to reassemble combuter #2
* Baberlus gets in his ship
* DeathStar stands up
[Dakota] thanx darien
[DeathStar] So, lets give them a fight
[Justin-the-II] who ds?
* Darien looks confused at all the conversation going on and walks down to the shuttle bay with the wreckage he's grabbed
* DeathStar rolls eyes at the others
[Blackjack] Let's surprise 'em...
[DeathStar] That's a REALLY pathetic..
* Blackjack runs off towards the quarters of the station
* Cheryl starts working on fixing the main computers busted OS
-] [Darien] PING
* DeathStar sighs
[Cheryl] Don't worry, I got that door locked up good
* Darien walks over to the alien ship with the wreckage he has, when he finds the hanger destroyed
* Baberlus goes off in his shuttle
[DeathStar] We're screwed.
[Blackjack] Yes, we are...
*** Digo (death_star@dial8.planters.net) has joined #taw
*** Baberlus (Lobo@ip113.greenville3.sc.pub-ip.psi.net) has left #taw
* Blackjack returns
[Dakota] We can't get off here
*** Foxfire (speedblade@ has joined #TAW
* Digo teleports in
[Blackjack] Thought I'd bring in a little extra help...
[Regix] Oh no... 
[Dakota] Who the heck?
[Justin-the-II] did you ever take sharla home ds?
[Blackjack] Well well, it's Weiner's lameass ripoff...
[DeathStar] Grr.
[Ariel] Baka ne...
*** Smash (death_star@dial8.planters.net) has joined #taw
[Foxfire] Jutin, we have other worries
* Smash teleports in
[Dakota] !
[Dakota] man i hate clones
[DeathStar] Not NOW Justin..
[Blackjack] And here's lameass's clone
[Cheryl] !!
[Justin-the-II] huh?
* Regix preps for battle.
* Cheryl glares at Dakota
* Digo draws his katana and smirks at them
[Digo] Feel my WRATH Hunters..
* Ariel charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* Cheryl charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
[Ariel] Another party so soon?
[Regix] Back off.
* Dakota draws his saber
* DeathStar twirls his sabre
* Blackjack grips his rifle while Foxfire grips her katana
* Dakota turns his jets on
* Justin-the-II takes out his fathers beam sabre,the yanks out his Z-19 and twerls it in his fingers . 1 lets rock!
* Smash armor strangles BJ
[Blackjack] aaaaccckkk!!!
* Digo phases behind Justin and slashes him down the back
* Regix opens fire on Digo.
* DeathStar stabs at Digo
* Dakota crash
* Digo phases
* Dakota locks on and fires a Crash bomb at digo (ap 150)
* Darien after hiding the wreckage returns to the command room
[Regix] Shit///
* Smash rams into Regix
* Darien ducks inside
* Justin-the-II gets hit and spins around
[Ariel] Hey smash
[Cheryl] Remember this?
* Foxfire slashes at Smash (290 AP)
* Dakota loads and fires a Napalm bomb at smash (ap 140)
[Regix] oof!
[Smash] Yes Hunter?
* Ariel points her arm in the direction of Smash, and fires a large energy blast at Smash. [190 AP]
* Cheryl points her arm in the direction of Smash, and fires a large energy blast at Smash. [190 AP]
[Darien] Doggy!
* DeathStar fires his cannon into Digo
* Justin-the-II slashes digo(160)
* Dakota charges his armcannon and blasts smash (ap 160)
[Foxfire] Yeah, Darien, doggy is here...
* Darien notices the clones
* DeathStar slashes at Digo
*** Baberlus (Lobo@ip113.greenville3.sc.pub-ip.psi.net) has joined #taw
* Ariel leaps over smash
* Cheryl charges Smash
[Justin-the-II] look what you did too my wolf pack T-shirt!
* Digo punches DS in the head
* Dakota uses his jets to deliver a strong flying kick to smash (ap160)
[Smash] GAH!!!
* Baberlus telports in
* Darien attacks Digo with a energy blast (210 AP)
* Smash begins to flicker
* Darien two glowing balls appear in Darien's hands and blasts towards Digo. When they hits, it creates a distortion wave, distorting Digo (230 AP)
[Baberlus] Oh hell... I wont tern ya in.
* Ariel stabs smash from behind. [200 AP]
* Justin-the-II side kicks digo
* Cheryl slashes slash with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
* Dakota 's sword changes to electric as he delivers an omnislash to smash (ap 160 Elec)
* Smash slashes Ariel across the face
[Digo] GAHHH.
* Digo stabs darien
* DeathStar rams into Digo
* Justin-the-II uper cuts with sabre(160)
* Cheryl stabs Smash from behind. [200 AP]
[Cheryl] Over here!
[Baberlus] Eh? *points at Digo and Smash* Those are mavs right?
[Darien] Hey, that hurt!
* Digo flips DS over his shoulder and into the ground
[DeathStar] OUF!
* Ariel slashes Smash with her energy daggers. [170 AP]
[Regix] TERAS CLIMB! (Regix lauches and preps his sword and jump slashes at Digo, and loses 10 energy units)
[Smash] We're the Hunters, apl
* Darien slashes Digo with his Xvash (250 AP + 10 AP poison)
* Dakota hops into montana
* Foxfire shifts into crinos form, and jumps at Smash, slashing wildly with her katana (540 AP)
* Justin-the-II slashes digo's arm(160)
* Dakota swings Montana's cannon around locking on to smash and fires (120 DP)
* Smash explodes
*** Smash has quit IRC (Leaving )
* Blackjack chants,  1"Ancient curse of lycanthropy, fill me with the power of the lupine! Crinos Shift!"  Blackjack's body is surrounded with a dull white light. His body gradually reshapes, with a snout growing from his face, a tail sprouting from his lower back, and fur growing from his body. When the change is complete, a fully changed werewolf is standing in Blackjack's place.
[Digo] Oh shit..
* Dakota starts to charge Montana's cannon energy flows into it slowly then an enormous bolt of energy is shot at Digo sending Montana back a few feet from the kick back (160 DP)
* Digo holds his shoulder in pain
* Justin-the-II slashes digo's other arm(160)
* Baberlus scrathes head
[Regix] PAthetic little pieces of shit.
[Baberlus] who's who?
* Darien with Psi-enchanced power, punches Digo, and a waves of Psi energy blasts out from Darien's fist. (95 AP + 205 AP all enemies)
[Ariel] Alright, now
* Digo forms two of himself and sics them against Justin and Dakota
* Digo stabs DS
[Dakota] aaw man
* DeathStar blocks
* Blackjack growls in fury and leaps at Digo, slashing with his katana. Foxfire does the same (1020 AP)
* Dakota swings Montana's cannon around locking on to digo and fires (120 DP)
* Ariel slashes Smash with her energy daggers. [200 AP]
* Cheryl slashes Smash with her energy daggers. [200 AP]
* Digo uses his shield to throw BJ off
* Justin-the-II jams the sabre throw him (160)
* Blackjack flies backwards
* Darien two glowing balls appear in Darien's hands and blasts towards Digo. When they hits, it creates a distortion wave, distorting Digo (230 AP)
[Digo] ARGH
* Dakota starts to charge Montana's cannon energy flows into it slowly then an enormous bolt of energy is shot at digo_clone sending Montana back a few feet from the kick back (160 DP)
* Digo phases
[Regix] Digo... go home!
* Darien with Psi-enchanced power, punches Digo, and a waves of Psi energy blasts out from Darien's fist. (95 AP + 205 AP all enemies)
[Digo] HA!
* Ariel throws her arm out, firing an energy blast at Digo. [180 AP]
* Cheryl throws her arm out, firing an energy blast at Digo. [180 AP]
[Blackjack] Great
[DeathStar] Grrr..
* Dakota swings Montana's cannon around locking on to digo and fires (120 DP)
* Cheryl charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* DeathStar is still phased
* Ariel charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* Justin-the-II sweet cheminees digo
* Cheryl nods to Ariel
[Foxfire] Get back here! I'm not through with you!
* Digo is still phased
[Baberlus] eni meni miny moe..... *blasts Digo*
* Regix fires rapis shots at Digo
* Ariel points her arm in the direction of Digo, and fires a large energy blast at Digo. [220 AP]
* Cheryl points her arm in the direction of Digo, and fires a large energy blast at Digo. [220 AP]
* Foxfire looks around for the  phased  Digo
* Digo remainds phased, laughing his head off
[Cheryl] ...
* Digo the other two shadows attack Ariel and Cheryl
* Justin-the-II slashes a 4 hit sword comboe(480)
[Dakota] psy wave him or something
* Darien tries to see if Psi attacks go through phasing (215 AP)
* Ariel slashes Shadow with her energy daggers. [200 AP]
* Cheryl slashes Shadow with her energy daggers. [200 AP]
[DeathStar] Grrr,
* Blackjack and Foxfire do a combined slash attack on one of the Digos (1100 AP)
* Digo the shadows vanish
* Digo grins evilly
[Baberlus] Uh....oh well... *draws sword*
[Blackjack] Takes care of that... now where's teh real one?
[Regix] [unsheathes word and attacks Digo mercilessly (150 AP)
* Ariel charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* Cheryl charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* Justin-the-II slashes a 4 hit sword combo on digo(480)
[Digo] IT's a shame you guys allowed WIENDIGO to die so easily...I would have enjoyed HIS challenge...compared to YOU idiots...
* Digo is phased
* Darien tries to see if Psi attacks go through phasing (215 AP)
[Regix] COWARD!
[Blackjack] Look who's the idiot! Scared to unphase and take us on!
[Regix] Fight us you fucker!
* Digo flickers
* Dakota starts to charge Montana's cannon energy flows into it slowly then an enormous bolt of energy is shot at digo sending Montana back a few feet from the kick back (160 DP)
* Digo rams Regix's head in the ground
[Cheryl] Go Darien
* Justin-the-II slashes a 4 hit sword combo on digo(480)
* Darien tries it again (215 AP)
[Ariel] Now!
* Ariel points her arm in the direction of Digo, and fires a large energy blast at Digo. [220 AP]
* Cheryl points her arm in the direction of Digo, and fires a large energy blast at Digo. [220 AP]
* Digo unphases
* Dakota swings Montana's cannon around locking on to digo and fires (120 DP)
[Regix] Eat this shit head!
* DeathStar slashes Digo
* Blackjack and Foxfire immediately jump at Digo, slashing wildy with their katanas (900 AP)
[Digo] ARGHH!!
* Digo explodes
* Cheryl stabs digo from behind. [230 AP]
*** Digo has quit IRC (Leaving )
* Dakota starts to charge Montana's cannon energy flows into it slowly then an enormous bolt of energy is shot at digo sending Montana back a few feet from the kick back (160 DP)
* Blackjack frowns at Regix
* Justin-the-II flies into a damadged comp
[Regix] Coward!
[Darien] KABOOM!
[Ariel] These guys are getting ANNOYING...
[Justin-the-II] ahhhhhh!!!!
[Dakota] well that was fun
[Blackjack] Try to keep that cursing down, Regix... Darien's here...
* Dakota exit's montana
[Baberlus] Hey, I didnt say nuthin, it's potty mouth here.
* Ariel winces...
[Regix] Sorry.
* Darien helmet protects him from the explosion
* Justin-the-II hits the ground with his knees
[Ariel] I was almost done that one...
*** NorthStar (death_star@dial8.planters.net) has joined #taw
* NorthStar claps hands
[NorthStar] Well, well, well..
[Dakota] ???
* Baberlus look sat Darien
[Baberlus] Cute kid.
* Justin-the-II gets up
[Regix] Who the...
[Justin-the-II] ow.....
[Blackjack] Well, well, well... welcome, Death Star ripoff
* Dakota gets back into Montan
[Darien] Funny GUY!
[Justin-the-II] who is you!?
* NorthStar hovers in the air
* Darien a glowing ball appeares and fades into Darien. He floats into the air.
* DeathStar growls at NS
[NorthStar] Me?!  The ripoff?!  I'm hurt..
[Darien] I can fly too!
[Foxfire] Are there clones of everyone or something?
[NorthStar] That's nice, kid
[Baberlus] Hmmmmm maybe I can turn this northstar guy into CorSec, he looks alot like him..... nah..
[Regix] It's DS clone syndromwe again...
* Darien slashes NorthStar with his Xvash (250 AP + 10 AP poison)
[Cheryl] Do you have something against clones, or just them?
* Dakota aims Montana's Cannon at him
[NorthStar] Wildcard.....Devestator....Get in here
* NorthStar teleports away
* Darien slashes NorthStar with his Xvash (250 AP + 10 AP poison)
* Darien uses his psi power to increase damage (+95 AP)
* Cheryl charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
[Regix] Just DS clones.
[Justin-the-II] huh?
* Ariel charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
*** NorthStar is now known as Wildcard
* Wildcard appears
[Blackjack] Ah man...
[Foxfire] Your clone has made an appearence, Jared.
*** Devastor (death_star@dial8.planters.net) has joined #taw
* Devastor appears
* Dakota swings Montana's cannon around locking on to Wildcard and fires (120 DP)
[Blackjack] I see that.
[Wildcard] Heh heh
[Regix] Great... more idiots.
* Wildcard throws five cards into BJ
[Ariel] On 3 Cheryl
[Wildcard] Your mine!
[Cheryl] Right
* Darien suddenly speeds up into a blur, ramming into WildCard (200 AP)
* Darien touches WildCard and Nanos invade him starting desconstruction (95 AP / 10 seconds)
* Darien uses his psi power to increase damage (+95 AP)
* Darien drains WildCard of its life energy (50 AP/10 seconds)
[Blackjack] AAAH!
* Dakota swings Montana's cannon around locking on to Wildcard and fires (120 DP)
* Wildcard forms shield around him and BJ
[Foxfire] Jared!
[Ariel] 1
[Regix] [throiws 30 light grenades at Wildcard]
[Devastor] Hey, why break their fight up??
[Cheryl] 2
[Ariel] 3
[Blackjack] Urgh... so you want one on one, eh?
[Regix] Back off, Joker!
[Dakota] aw man....
* Devastor blasts all the others
* Ariel points her arm in the direction of Wildcard, and fires a large energy blast at Wildcard. [220 AP]
* Cheryl points her arm in the direction of Wildcard, and fires a large energy blast at Wildcard. [220 AP]
[Blackjack] You got it!
* Justin-the-II jumps behind wild and slashes(160)
[Wildcard] Come on, human
* Justin-the-II slashes(160)
* Darien bounces off the shield  1"Ow!!"
* Wildcard shield protects him
* Baberlus shoots blaster at Devastator
* Blackjack lunges at WC, slashing at an inhuman speed (540 AP)
[Regix] Whi's human?
* Sound request: unable to play 'jackswild.mid'
* Dakota plays  [ jackswild.mid ]  - 31k -  [ iČ ] 
* Wildcard kicks BJ in the head, countering it
[Ariel] Hey wildcard
[Foxfire] Jared!
* DeathStar slashes Devastator
[Cheryl] Have fun
* Regix fires at Wildcard mercileesly]
* Foxfire stands still, watching the fight
* Darien slashes Devistator with his Xvash (250 AP + 10 AP poison)
* Darien uses his psi power to increase damage (+95 AP)
*** Devastor is now known as Devastator
* Dakota starts to charge Montana's cannon energy flows into it slowly then an enormous bolt of energy is shot at Devastator sending Montana back a few feet from the kick back (160 DP)
[Justin-the-II] wow.......gambler against gambler...
* Blackjack snarls in fury
* Devastator blasts Darien
* Ariel stabs Wildcard from behind. [230 AP]
* Cheryl slashes Wildcard with her energy daggers. [200 AP]
* Darien falls to the ground
* Blackjack slings a barrage of cards at WC (430 AP)
* Wildcard is protected by the shuekld
* Baberlus pulls out both blasters
* Blackjack follows the cards, slashing
* Wildcard throws his own cards that stop BJ's and continue on
[Blackjack] (420 AP)
* Wildcard blasts following the cards
* Devastator rams Ariel and Cheryl
* Darien attacks Devistator with a energy blast (210 AP)
[Cheryl] Ahhhhh
* Dakota starts to charge Montana's cannon energy flows into it slowly then an enormous bolt of energy is shot at Devastator sending Montana back a few feet from the kick back (160 DP)
* Baberlus fire alternativly at WC "Yeah....!
[Devastator] ARGH!
* Justin-the-II slashes madly at wc
[Devastator] GAH!
[Ariel] Baka ne!
* Blackjack dives to the ground, sliding under, and slashes upwards (420 AP)
* Ariel slashes Dev with her energy daggers. [200 AP]
* Devastator blasts at DAkota
* Cheryl points her arm in the direction of Dev, and fires a large energy blast at Dev. [220 AP]
[Regix] Let's have some fun!
* Wildcard slashes downward
[Devastator] ARGH!
[Cheryl] You want to play?
[Dakota] *montana lurches back a bit
[Ariel] Let's rock!
* Devastator uses Rune Sword to increase his speed
[Regix] TERA DIVE!
* Dakota starts to charge Montana's cannon energy flows into it slowly then an enormous bolt of energy is shot at Devastator sending Montana back a few feet from the kick back (160 DP)
* Devastator rams into Ariel and stabs her
[Blackjack] OW!
* Justin-the-II side kicks dev
[Wildcard] Ha ha ha ha ha
* Wildcard kicks BJ back
* Ariel slashes Dev with her energy daggers. [200 AP]
* Cheryl stabs Dev from behind. [230 AP]
* Baberlus slashes Devastaor
[Wildcard] Should've stayed in CorSec, human
[Devastator] ARGH!
* Darien suddenly speeds up into a blur, ramming into Devistator (200 AP)
* Darien touches Devistator and Nanos invade him starting desconstruction (95 AP / 10 seconds)
* Darien uses his psi power to increase damage (+95 AP)
* Darien drains Devistator of its life energy (50 AP/10 seconds)
* Devastator holds side
[Cheryl] Back off!
[Regix] Wildcard... back off!
* Cheryl charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* Ariel jumps back
* DeathStar fire his cannon on Devastator
* Ariel charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
[Baberlus] Didn't you know? It's not right to hit ladies!
* Justin-the-II slashes 4 times (480)
* Dakota uses Montana to ram Devestator
* Blackjack holds his shoulder in pain
[Cheryl] Now
[Dakota] (???AP)
[Justin-the-II] at dev
[Devastator] ARH!!
* Ariel points her arm in the direction of Dev, and fires a large energy blast at Dev. [220 AP]
* Cheryl points her arm in the direction of Dev, and fires a large energy blast at Dev. [220 AP]
* Devastator begins to flicker
[Regix] [blasts rapidly with his rifle but it overheats]
[Cheryl] Charge!
[Regix] Pice of junk!
* Ariel slashes Dev with her energy daggers. [200 AP]
* Cheryl slashes Dev with her energy daggers. [200 AP]
* Darien with Psi-enchanced power, punches Devistator, and a waves of Psi energy blasts out from Darien's fist. (95 AP + 205 AP all enemies)
* Justin-the-II slashes 4 times at dev(480)
* Devastator explodes
*** Devastator has quit IRC (Leaving )
* Wildcard charges his cannon
[Wildcard] Time to die, human
* Wildcard aims at BJ
* Dakota backs Montana away from the debirs
* Baberlus blasts Dev
[Cheryl] I think we're winning!
[Justin-the-II] ytah!
[Justin-the-II] nrp:music dak?
* Darien runs to Wildcard's shield and begins draining it
* DeathStar watches BJ and Wildcard
* Blackjack snarls loudly.  1"Power of lycanthropy! Give me the ultimate power! LYCANTHROPIAN RAGE!"  Blackjack launches himself at WC, slashing with all of his close range weapons and claws at an unheard of speed (? AP)
[Regix] Tera Climb! (Slashes into Wildcard) (150 AP)
* Sound request: unable to play 'jackswild.mid'
* Dakota plays  [ jackswild.mid ]  - 31k -  [ iČ ] 
* Wildcard shield protects him damnit
* Justin-the-II shoots eb at wc's back
[Baberlus] NRP: isnt lycanthropy a disease? that's been bugging me
[Wildcard] ARAGHH!!
* Wildcard holds his shoulder
* Justin-the-II drains the sheild
* Darien tries draining the shield
[Dakota] nrp: Wildcard vs Blackjack
[Regix] Go home.
[Justin-the-II] c'mon baby!
[Ariel] nrp: Lycantropy is more of a curse
* Blackjack uses the hesitation after the hit to continue slashing at him (420 AP)
[Blackjack] Die, you Reploid ripoff!
[Ariel] Go BJ!
[Cheryl] You can get him!
* Baberlus looses interest in the fight between BJ and WC
*** Smasher (death_star@dial8.planters.net) has joined #taw
* Smasher phases in
[Dakota] here we go again
* Wildcard stabs BJ through the chest
* Dakota swings Montana's cannon around locking on to smasher and fires (120 DP)
[Foxfire] Yeah, Jared! Come on! NO!
[Smasher] ARH!!
[Blackjack] AAAHH!!!!
* Smasher blasts DS into Baberlus
[Regix] Everyone seems to be forgetting that Foxfire's here.
[Cheryl] You!?
[DeathStar] OUF!
* Dakota starts to charge Montana's cannon energy flows into it slowly then an enormous bolt of energy is shot at Smasher sending Montana back a few feet from the kick back (160 DP)
* Blackjack reverts to human form, a large gash in his chest
* Ariel slashes Smasher with her energy daggers. [200 AP]
* Justin-the-II sees smasher and side kicks him
[Smasher] GAHH
[Ariel] REady for round 2?
* Cheryl stabs Slasher from behind. [230 AP]
[Regix] But... seeming that there are more pressing matters...
* Smasher punches the ground at Ariel
[Smasher] COME ON THEN!
[Cheryl] Prepare to die scum!
[Baberlus] You knew I wanted to catch you! but not like this!
* Dakota swings Montana's cannon around locking on to smasher and fires (120 DP)
* Blackjack grits his teeth, and grabs his rifle, firing with everything he's got (640 AP)
* Darien keeps draining the shield
* Cheryl throws her arm out, firing an energy blast at Smasher. [180 AP]
[DeathStar] Har har
* Justin-the-II shoots eb at smasher(130)
[Regix] (Slashes at Smasher)
* Ariel charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* Baberlus blasts Smasher
* Cheryl stabs Slasher from behind. [230 AP]
[Foxfire] JARED!
* Wildcard fires everything he's got, countering BJ
* Smasher stabs Baberlus
[Cheryl] Face me you fool!