* DarkPhoenix takes off away from the base
[GM] :Timer Stopped
* Slash pants
* Baberlus sits down
[Slash] ?
* Slasher turns around
* DeathStar appears beside DP
[DeathStar] Thanks..
[Slash] Thanks DP..
[DeathStar] Lets go...to Earth
* Slasher continues going
[Slash] I owe you one..
* Dominator is about to hit the button then says, 1"... It stopp.ed.."
[Seraphna`] what happened to the time
* Slasher heads for Earth in the shuttle
[X1] What the? Aw hell, this is gonna be interesting getting this tihng back...
[Baberlus] ...
[DeathStar] comm: I put it on delayed
* Dominator closes the docking bay door so the others can get in the shuttle bay
[DeathStar] Comm: When CorSec boards, BOOM, the timer will start again
[DarkPhoenix] How long do we have now?
[DarkPhoenix] Ah
* Slash smirks
[Ariel] Nice on
[Dominator] Commm] Lets GO then!
[DeathStar] 3 minutes, max.
* Slasher The ship enters hyperspace
[Slash] Nice going DS...
* DarkPhoenix hyperjumps
[X1] You people, are nuts...
[Seraphna`] good thinkin DS
* DeathStar watches a CorSec board the station
[Slasher] Dom take control
[Baberlus] We need to find a place to law low for a few weeks.
* Dominator looks to see how is in the shuttle
* Wiendigo pops into the shuttle
[Slash] I left a nice present for them in my quarters also..
[Seraphna` SOUND]
[DeathStar] DP, teleport me and Slash to that shuttle
* Slasher collapses from exaustion
* Slash smirks as he thinks about that viral bomb he planted
* Dominator is firing up the engines again
* DarkPhoenix teleports DS and Slash to the shuttle
[Baberlus] we could crash at my pla-----no.. there's no room for 14 people....
[Cheryl] Oh no...
[Slasher] uh
[Wiendigo] Somebody better damn well have a cold one on hand...
[Dominator] DS... Slash... Everyone aboard?
*** GM is now known as Iceheart
[Slash] im here
[Iceheart] That was close..
* Seraphna` has one hidden in Ariel's bag
[Slash] Burn..
[DeathStar] Aye...DP, hide that shuttle and come here
* Slasher lays knocked out on the floor next to his bag
* Dominator opens the docking bay doors, motioning for DS to take his pilot seat
* Slash armor Enhancement fades away, armor returning to normal
[Seraphna`] here!
[Wiendigo] There's going to be an awful lot of room at Hell now *grins evily*
[justin-the-II] ...
* DeathStar looks at the viewport
[DeathStar] 120...
* Slasher slowly gets up
* Dominator glances out the viewport
* Slash watches
* DeathStar watches a hologram of the station vanish a few moments later
* Slash smirks
[Cheryl] It isn't your fault DS
* Slasher falls to one knee
[Dominator] Its... gone...
[Ariel] I bet they planned this from the beginning...
* justin-the-II sets back
* DeathStar brings them out of hyerspace
* Wiendigo takes out a few wallets
* DarkPhoenix breaks off from the shuttle and heads elsewhere
* Seraphna` send psionic message "there is an escape pod it think"
[Dominator] Where... where are we headed?
[Slash] ..
[justin-the-II] that was a little to mutch action.....
[Baberlus] *laughs* Hell... we're alive....
* Dominator takes his normal seat at the weapons consl
[Wiendigo] I'm SO glad I took the time to loot some rooms...
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Slash] Im happy..
[Seraphna`] yes!
[Slash] sorta...
* Slasher shakes exauhstion off
[Slasher] Damn i need a coffee

* DeathStar suddenly the shuttle enters the atmosphere and begins to rattle hard
* Seraphna` smiles, looking at Ariel
[Ariel] See?  I told to we'd live
[Dominator] What now...
[Slash] Perfect..
* X1 and his workshop are also entering Earth's atmosphere
[Dominator] NRP: nope, I have it not
* DeathStar a hole is busted into the hull
[DeathStar] What rhe?!
* Slash looks at the hole
[Slash] this is not a good thin...
* DeathStar turns to see that an EarthGov vessel is firing on them
[DeathStar] Oh shit..
* Dominator checks the computer to figure out what's happening
* DeathStar tries to fly this thing
[Iceheart] Ohhhh nooooo
[Dominator] My thoughts exactly, DS.
* justin-the-II goes somepalce
*** justin-the-II has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Slash] DS, fly this sucker.. 
[Seraphna`] aree we safe enough to open our back door to them?
* Dominator wonders if he should arm the weapon systems
[DeathStar] No..
* Wiendigo sighs and phases to the underside of the shuttle
[Cheryl] I HATE feeling helpless...
* DeathStar the shuttle is suddenly blown to bits
[DeathStar] RAGGHH!
* Slash attempts to open a warp to fire into at the ship
[Dominator] AARGGGH!
* DeathStar crashes onto the ground, 100 feet below them
[Wiendigo] Holy!
* DarkPhoenix flier teleports onto the shuttle
[Slasher] AHHhhhh
[Iceheart] GRAAHHH!!!!
* Iceheart hits the ground, KOed
[Seraphna`] Nooo!!
* DarkPhoenix flier vanishes
* Slash lands hard, bleeding heavily, but OK
[Baberlus] EGYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
* Slasher flies into a lake
* Slash catches Bab
* Wiendigo phases onto the ground
* Dominator falls toward the ground
[Baberlus] My Hero....
* DarkPhoenix falls into the lake
* Slash then catches Dom
* Slasher slowly floats up and begins to sink again
[Dominator] T-thanks.. Slash...
* Ariel falls, but stops for some reason before she hits the ground
[Seraphna`] ARIEL!!!!!!!
* DeathStar stands up , shakily
* X1 crashes the workshop into the same lake
[Slash] Dont... men..*falls over KO'd*
[Slash] (overtaxing of system)
* DarkPhoenix shakes off the fall and swims to grab Slasher
* Dominator uses Silver Crystal on Slash, then on himself
[Seraphna`] i seemed to have stopped our fall
[Ariel] Quite a present... but did you have to die for me to get it...
* Slasher sinks under water
* DeathStar the EarthGov vessel hits everyone with a stun ray (KO all)
*** DarkPhoenix is now known as Darien
* Slash slowly wakes up
* Slash then falls KO'd again
[Dominator] ARGH!
[Wiendigo] ARGH!
* X1 sinks with the workshop
[Baberlus] OUF
* Dominator falls unconcious, but mutters, 1"No... we're... failed... Venerator's... dream..."
* DeathStar a teleport beam teleports them all on land
* Slasher lands there shaking
*** Iceheart is now known as Cran
* Ariel struggles to remain conscious, but it proves futile.
[X1] This is peachy...
[Cran] The Reploids are finally being destroyed...your hopes, and dreams, are dead.
* Slash armor fights the KO effect
* Slasher trys to fight the ko effect mentally
[Cran] And finally, I can take over all like I always wanted...send them to the Doomsday Base..
* Slash armor heals wounds
* Cran walks into the shuttle
[Cran] There, they will slowly be destroyed...while being enslaved by Cor
[Cran] Sec
[Dominator] ...
*** Cran is now known as GM
* Slasher clenches after hearing Cosec
* Ariel is surrounded by an unstable white field, which disapates before it can fully form.
* Slash armor twiches slowly
* Cheryl is missing.
* X1 babbles in his unconsciousness
* DeathStar they are all teleported onboard the vessel were all weapons like sabres, Xvash is taken and a collar that stops all weapons is placed on them
* Dominator is unconcious, though inside he realizes Rune Sword was taken from him...
*** GM is now known as Hodges
* Hodges kicks DS
[Hodges] And YOU will come with us.  
* Seraphna` is unconsiously activating and nullifying her psionics, hurting herself
* Slasher body stirs
* Hodges grabs DS and lugs him over his shoulder, turns to Dom and frees him
* Slasher slowly gets up but falls back down
[Hodges] How dare you enslave him?  He helped us find their location earlier.  With his help, we captured DS.
* Dominator hears Hodges and stirrs
* Wiendigo bears his teeth
[Dominator] W-what...?
* Seraphna` tries to stand on all fours, managing to get onto Ariels stomach
[Slasher] Hod..g.es...You..ree...gonna die
* Slasher crawls towards Hodges
[Wiendigo] I'm gonna tear someone's throat out!
* Slash wakes up suddenly
* Hodges leads Dom away from the group and locks him up in a soft, cozzy room
* Ariel stirs, on the edge of consciousness...
[Baberlus] .........?
* Slasher Hodges
* Slasher leaps at Hodges
[Hodges] There you go.  Thanks, Captain.  With your help, Death Star will go on trial for his crimes
[X1] Someone has quite the fetish...
* Hodges slasher is shocked to bits
[Seraphna`] *whispers* ar...i...el......
[Slasher] AHhhhhh.hhhhh.
* Slasher falls down
* Ariel sits up and rubs her head.
* Hodges pats Dom on the back, smiling, and leaves with DS to the front of the ship
[Dominator] What do you mean with my help?!
* Slasher eyes glow red
[Slash] i...hate...you..
* Wiendigo taps his fingers on his helmet
* Slasher gets up
[Ariel] I hate... it when that... happens...
* Slash eyes also glow red
[Seraphna`] ariel?
[Slasher] I do love a collar
[Hodges] Oh, don't play dumb.  You're helping us is over now, Dom.  A TRUE loyal Earthian.
[Ariel] I... I'll be okay...
[Hodges] Why do you think he wouldn't kill our men?
* Wiendigo suddenly starts clawing at his collar
* Hodges leaves
[Slasher] I remember these Collars
* Slash attempts to stand
* Dominator stares at Hodges
*** Hodges is now known as GM
[Slasher] Those damn pirates put it on me last tiem
* GM wien is zapped
[Slasher] Lucklily i know how to get htem off
*** DeathStar has left IRC
*** DeathStar is now known as Iceheart
[Slash] ... *whispers*
* Iceheart glares at Dom sitting cozz
[Slash] i.. i know Slasher... i was...
[Iceheart] YOU BASTARD!!
[Slash] one of them..
* Dominator looks around his "room"
[Slasher] Whos handy with a hairpin and can take alot of pain
[X1] So...anyone up for sharades?
* Seraphna` resents the collars, feeling more like the animal tahn anyone else
* Slasher pulls out a hairpin
[Baberlus] ....I dont blame you Dom... no one's morals are perfect
* Ariel glows white faintly, then screams and the glow is gone...
* Iceheart a hologram field appears of Doomsday base, a huge enslavement camp with Reploids dying slowly
* Slasher searches for a hole
* Darien knocks on the door, 1"Lemme out! Lemme out!
[Ariel] No... NO!
[Slasher] (In he collar)
* GM Slasher finds none
* Wiendigo glares
[Slasher] not good
[Slasher] These are modified
[Wiendigo] Even I take offense to that monstrosity...
[Dominator] They took, Death Star...
[Slash] It effects everything..
* Slasher touches the collar
[Baberlus] piss it.....
* Slash kicks door
* Ariel falls to the ground in pain.
[Seraphna`] DEATH STAR!!!!!!
* GM slash is zapped
[Wiendigo] Oh, pipe down Icewoman...
[Seraphna`] Ariel?
* Slasher goes over to Ariel
* GM suddenly they are all teleported into a huge room in Doomsday Base
[Slasher] You ok
[Darien] Lemme out! Lemme out!  I don't like this place
* Slash falls to the ground, armor receding from his foot
[Slasher] Ahhh
*** GM is now known as Roberts
* Slasher falls down
[Ariel] I'll get over it...
[Roberts] Welcome, Hunters.  To the last days of your life.
[Roberts] Session Ends


Cran, Leader of the CorSec armies, stood in front of holographic picture flipping through images. One was the destruction of the Hunters' station. That had been a minor loss. The other showed the Hunters getting shot down and crashing, then getting captured. That brought great pleasure. But it wasn't perfect. There were still a few Hunters unaccountable. They soon too would be captured, along with the rest. Tons of Reploids were already dead. Others were inslaved in prisons as Doomsday Base and Hell.

Everything was falling into place. X-Commander Death Star was being transferred to Washington DC for his execution in public, to show the world who was boss. And as for the Mavericks, led by Crucifixtion, well, they were in hiding, waiting for a chance to strike back at Earth. But the Hunters WERE a bigger threat. Were being used in past tense form.

Reaching down, Cran pushed the button on the desk. "Bring him in." A young man walked into the room behind him, wearing a CorSec outfit. "As you can see, your decision to join us was just, no? The Hunters went Maverick...." Cran told him.

"I see it. I can't believe I worked for them..." the man said.

"Don't worry about it, Carter. You're back were you belong...at CorSec..."

To Be Continued...