* Garland stops attacking
* MutantBeast mid body explodes
* Cold-Snap stays behind the shield and fires plasma at MutantBeast's head
* Slash hits it with everything he has, 1800 AP
* Wiendigo drops his shield and slashes at the beast with his shadow claws
* MutantBeast head explodes
Garland I has not attacked us
* MutantBeast rams them all again (200 aP)
* Blackjack supplements DS's attack by firing plasma at the midsection (640 AP)
Garland NRP I mean It
* Cold-Snap fires an ice beam at MutantBeast's feet
[Dominator] ARGH
[Slasher] Ugh
* Dominator points Rune Sword at himself and Silver Crystal starts to sign a white light; then dazzling silver energy engulfs him and begins to restore his life. Only moments later, the energy fades, but he is left feeling refreshed and has been healed (+180HP)
* Cold-Snap takes it on the shield
* Wiendigo dives
* MutantBeast begins to blink
[Cold-Snap] ouch
* Blackjack flies back into a wall
[Ariel] Speak for yourself...
* Slasher takes extra pain from a broken rib
[DeathStar] ARHG!
* Slash armor heals, and whips out to drain 100 LP from the Beast
* Cold-Snap refreshes the shield
[Garland] Never mind... *holy swipes it*
* Ariel falls back some
* MutantBeast explodes
[Justin-the-II] ...
* Wiendigo lashes at it with Dark tendrils
* Blackjack falls to one knee and fires from that position (420 AP)
*** MutantBeast is now known as GM
[Wiendigo] Three...
* Slash gasps for breatj
* Cold-Snap falls
[Blackjack] That was weird...
* Dominator glances at the wounded hunters
[Slasher] Ill take the rear
[GM] Computer: 1 minute
[Cold-Snap] need. . . help
[Garland] Who is injured badly?
* Blackjack stands
* DeathStar sees the next room unlock
[Cheryl] Move move move!
[Blackjack] We need to hurry...
[Slash] not me..
[DeathStar] That should be the final room..
* Dominator heals CS with Silver Crystal (+300HP)
[Wiendigo] We need to get to that computer...
[Dominator] Lets go!
* Slash armor heals slowlty
* Cheryl dashes into the next room
* Slasher waits for everyone to go ahead
* Cold-Snap gets up
[Garland] DAMN! Lets us ignore the others and fight!
* Cold-Snap runs after all
* Slash warps into the next room
[Dominator] 1 minute... Hurry!
* DeathStar enters the room
* Blackjack shakes his head and runs after Ariel
* Justin-the-II fallows ds
* Dominator dashes into the next room
[Slash] ..
* Ariel enters Slowly
[Slash] Come on...
* Wiendigo hovers in
[Slash] Show your fat face
*** GM is now known as Spade
* Cold-Snap charges his arm cannon
* Spade steps out
[Cold-Snap] Thanks Dominator
* Cheryl searches desperately for the computer
[Justin-the-II] ?
[Spade] Wouldn't you like that?
* Slasher sees everyone go in and slowly walks towards the door
[DeathStar] Spade?!
[Dominator] Spade!
[Blackjack] Well, never expected YOU to be here. *dripping with sarcasm*
* Justin-the-II looks at spade
[Ariel] You?!
[Garland] You know him?
[Spade] I see you ran off Spade....*glares*
[Slasher] Heh..maybe my lucks holding out
[Wiendigo] A Blackjack and a Spade, how clever...
[Cold-Snap] You people know this guy?
[Dominator] Yes...
* Slash powers his gauntlets up
[Spade] I work for EarthGov.  I advise you not to attack me.
[Slash] Thats it..
[DeathStar] ...
[Blackjack] Yeah, Cold-Snap, you could say that...
[Garland] Oh wait.... I remember...
* Slasher walks through the door and sees Spade
* Slash glares at spade, taking close aim
[Spade] Computer: Program Beginning
* Garland draws the Gospel Sword and looks at Spade tentativly
[Dominator] EarthGov...
* Cheryl stands out of view and searches for the computer
[Justin-the-II] ?
[Ariel] !!!
[Blackjack] It's begun...
* Spade throws a force field around it
* Slasher works with Cheryl
* Cold-Snap puts up his shield
* Slash fires all weapons at Spade
[Dominator] Programming begun!
[Spade] OUF!
* Spade hits the wall
[Slash] Thats it..
* Cold-Snap fires the charged shot at Spade
[Spade] Too late...
[Garland] You are evil... will you repent, Spade?
[Blackjack] Good job Slash!
* Wiendigo fires at the floor around the force field
* Cheryl looks for the power control for the station
[Slasher] NRP:Do we see the cpu
* Justin-the-II slashes spade
[Blackjack] Somebody take out the forcefield!
* Spade the entire room is mostly computer
* Slash jumps on his body, slashing madly
* DeathStar slashes computer with his sword, he goes into Polaris and begins to crush computer to bits and follows it with a miniture version of his Limit Breaker 3. (2,340 AP)
* Cold-Snap continues to fire at spade
[Dominator] Spade! 
* Justin-the-II slashes spade 4 times(800)
* Spade coughs up blood
* Dominator lets loose a powerful blast from Thunder Bolt; its green circular energy blast slams into all enemies in the area (500AP)
[Spade] Heh hegh
[Slasher] hmm...should we just attack it Cheryl
* Cheryl tries to take out the power
* Wiendigo starts trying to cut away at the floor
* Spade knocks Justin out
* Cold-Snap fires more plasma at Spade
* Slash is on him, slshing at his body, and head
* Spade relfects it at CS
* Blackjack ignores the fight and tries to find a way to get rid of the forcefield
[Garland] I ask again, will you repent?
* Cold-Snap takes it on the shield
[Slash] HE DIES
[Cold-Snap] ouf
* Justin-the-II falls down ko'd
[Dominator] I hhate Spade... but.. I have to destroy the computer forceshield
[Spade] Repent?
* Slasher starts typing on a comp as fast as he can
* Cold-Snap fires an ice beam at Spade
[Blackjack] Damn it... Where's Foxy when you need her!
* DeathStar keeps blasting shield
* Slash slips into insanity, and goes Bezerker, slashing madly
* Dominator rapidly fires all weaposn on the forcefield
* Cold-Snap fires a continuous beam at Spade
[Garland] .... You heard me.
* Blackjack decides to take the direct approach by firing on the forcefield
* Slasher tries cutting power to shields
* Spade looks around as the satilite begins to shake
[Dominator] Hit the force field you idiots!
[Spade] I power the shield fool
[Wiendigo] Aw screw it...
* Spade runs off
* Spade vanishes
* Ariel blasts the shield
* Cold-Snap fires plasma at the tshield
[Dominator] Spade-..!
* Wiendigo fires atht eh force field
* Slash follows Spade
[Slasher] You guys go find him
[DeathStar] SPADE!!
[Blackjack] Oh, great.
[Slash] SPADE!!!!!
[Garland] ........
* DeathStar whips around
* Cold-Snap slams the shield with his hammer
* Garland turns around
* Slasher starts hacking into the comp
* Dominator turns around
* Slash returns
[Slash] he escaped
* Spade the weapon onboard can be heard powering up as it aims at a Reploid colony
* Cheryl cuts open a floor pannel, looking for power cabels
[Wiendigo] A litte HELP here...
[Blackjack] Great, just great.
[Slasher] Come on....
[Dominator] NO!
* Slash eyes glow bright red
* Blackjack kicks the forcefield
* Justin-the-II slowly gets up
[DeathStar] ...
[DeathStar] There's nothing we cawn do
* Cold-Snap continues to hit the shield with his hammer
* Slasher searches for the off switch
* Slash fires at the floor, hoping to go under it
[Blackjack] Damn it... DAMN IT!
[Dominator] What...?! There must be something...!
[Justin-the-II] huh?
* Cold-Snap hits it again and again
[Justin-the-II] wha?
[Slash] GO UNDER!
[Ariel] Can we take out the engines instead?
[Garland] ..... any who can go into space, I sugest do So! I can hold my breat... I'm going to take this thing out!
[Spade] I GOT IT!
[Cheryl] !
[DeathStar] I GOT IT!
[Wiendigo] What if we take out the base itself?...
[Blackjack] You got it?
[Dominator] Eh?
* DeathStar turns around and points at the engines
* Slasher gets so pisssed he punches a comp
[DeathStar] Blow THEM up!!
[Garland] Righ!
* Wiendigo fires at the engines
* DeathStar slashes engines with his sword, he goes into Polaris and begins to crush engines to bits and follows it with a miniture version of his Limit Breaker 3. (2,340 AP)
* Cold-Snap fires at the engines
[Justin-the-II] ?
[Wiendigo] Don't ahve to ask me twice...
* Ariel is surronded by an aura of cobalt flames.
* Slash turns all weapons to the engines, 1800 AP
* Dominator dashes forward at amazing speeds with Crimson Crystal, then activates Ebony Crystal to double his next attack's AP, he then slashes three times in the time a normal person can only slash once at the computer the attack is mentally hammered at him at the same time using Purple Crystal (3000AP total + 3000AP telepathic)
* Garland raised hands into the air and calls upon his hidden power, forming a pure enegy ball, "HOLY KIAMA!!", Garland then fires it at the_engines. (495 AP)
* Ariel throws her arms out Kamehameha style, launching a beam of energy at Engine [??? AP]
* DeathStar the engines explode
* Justin-the-II throws a granade at the engines
[Justin-the-II] get back!!!!
[Cheryl] Yeah!
[DeathStar] ARG1
[Slasher] Weeee
* Cold-Snap starts running back to the shuttle
* DeathStar the entire station begins to rattle as the weapon begins to fire blindly
[Blackjack] Well, once again I don't have time to act.. I'm getting to old for this... Wait, I'm only 21...
[Dominator] Gagh! *jumps back*
[DeathStar] THE WEAPON!!
[Cold-Snap] I suggest we go back
[Slash] ..
[Garland] NRP: Justin, stop with the booms.
[Cold-Snap] SHIT!
[Dominator] Uh.. that's NOT good!
[Slasher] Now what
*** Spade is now known as GM
* GM the weapon fires
[Slash] thats it..
[Blackjack] Uh, that shuttle I brought has weaponry... Maybe we could take it out from the outside?
[DeathStar] NO!!!
[Wiendigo] Can we PLEASE blow UP the station now?
[Dominator] No!!!!
[Cheryl] With if we take out the power generator?
[Slash] ... the.. deaths....
[Justin-the-II] huh?
* DeathStar the station explodes some
[Cold-Snap] Can we direct the beam?
* Slash eyes blaze brighter
[Garland] You should talk Jared, I'm only 5.
* DeathStar the blast misses Earth
[Cheryl] ...
[Slash] ...
* Slasher starts slashing at the comps
[Cheryl] Maybe we don't have to...
[DeathStar] What the?!  Did stopping the engines help?!
* Justin-the-II kicks a comp
[Slash] ......
[Cold-Snap] WAIT!
[Dominator] ....!
[Slasher] Justin bad...
[Blackjack] Either we get out of here and try to take it out from there, or we die. Your choice.
[Cold-Snap] Who's it hitting, Rep's or humans?
* GM the blast keeps going at the moon
* Slash iniates self destruct, powering all weapons into his internal generator
[Slash] get out NOW
[Blackjack] Slash!?
[Dominator] NRP: Do we have any idea where its headed?
[Cheryl] !!
[Slasher] Uh OH
* GM the satlight explodes some
* Cold-Snap starts running to the shuttle
[DeathStar] ARG!
[Dominator] Uh, this thing is going to explode?
[Cold-Snap] Hell, let's go!
* Ariel takes off
* DeathStar falls down a hole and down to the gun part of the satlite
[Cheryl] Let's go go go!
* Slasher runs towards the shuttle and
[Wiendigo] Haul ASS!
[Dominator] Lets go!
* Slash looks around
[Dominator] DS!
* DeathStar hits head
[DeathStar] OUF!
[Blackjack] Uh, Slash, this things about to take itself out! Com eon!
[Cheryl] DS!
* Wiendigo phases to the shuttle
* Justin-the-II runs
* Cold-Snap runs throught the rooms back to the shuttle
* Cheryl jumps down
[Cold-Snap] come on!!!
[Blackjack] DS! You ok!?
* Slasher enters the shuttle and powers it up
* Slash depowers his self destruct, and picks up DS running to the shuttle
* Dominator flies down to Death Star and grabs him
* GM the blast turns with the orbit of the moon and comes flying at the satlite
* Justin-the-II jumps into shutle
* Cold-Snap enters the shuttle
[Cheryl] DS, come on!
[Dominator] NRP: Er, cancel that
* Garland jumps down the hole DS fell down
* Wiendigo phases in
[Blackjack] MOVE!
* Blackjack runs for the shuttle
[Garland] I'll get him!
* Ariel boards the shuttle
* Dominator starts running toward the shuttle with Crimson Crystal (speed times 3)
* Garland looks around for DeathStar
[Slasher] WE dont have much time guys

* Slasher lifts the shuttle off
* Cheryl tries to get DS out of there
* Cold-Snap takes a seat
* Dominator jumps into the shuttle
[Dominator] Slasher, wait!
* GM the blast hits the station and hits the shuttle, taking it out
* Blackjack leaps aboard the shuttle
[Slasher] Everyone aboard???
[Dominator] No!
[Justin-the-II] huh?
[Slasher] damnt
* GM it rips over the satlite and leaves it dead in space
* Slash warps everyone aboard the shuttle
[Garland] DeathStar! Where are you?
* DeathStar wakes up
[Dominator] The shuttle!
* DeathStar looks around
* Slasher tries to resotre power
[Slash] I got him
[Wiendigo] Ohh shit...
[Blackjack] What now!?
[Cold-Snap] Oh shit, oh shit oh shit oh shit
[Slash] I got ds
* Cold-Snap continues
* Wiendigo floats back in
* GM the satlite begins to explode
[Dominator] Shut up Cold-Snap!
* Garland is looking around the area he thinks DS fell
[Slasher] Someone get the engine online
[Slasher] WE cant
* Slash powers the engines up
[Justin-the-II] drrrGO!!!!
[Garland] DeathStar!
* Slash punches the accelerator
* Blackjack backhands Cold-Snap
[Dominator] We'll make it!
* DeathStar watches as another blast heads for the satlite
[DeathStar] Waht the hell!?
* Slasher tries to re power the engines
[Blackjack] Shut up, or more of that is coming.
[Cold-Snap] Ouch!
* Dominator hits the booster
* GM it split off form the main blast
[Slash] come on...
* Cold-Snap stops
[Slash] come on...
*** GM is now known as SuperNovaBlast
[Garland] Shit! I have to get out of here!
* Cheryl knocks on the shuttle door, being stuck outside
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Cold-Snap] NRP: the shuttles gone
* Slash warps Cheryl inside
[Dominator] ....!!!
* SuperNovaBlast aims at the satlite
S[lasher] NRP:we got power??
* Garland teleports out, into space, holding breath
[Cheryl] Ah, thanks...
[Cold-Snap] NRP: it blew up, remember?
*** Azuls (death_star@dial52.planters.net) has joined #taw - 3 Clones - Azuls,DeathStar,SuperNovaBlast (F7 for details)
* Slash looks at the satlite
[Slasher] NRP:its disable
* Justin-the-II has on a oxygen mask
[Dominator] Azuls!!!
* Ariel shakes her head
* Azuls appears beside Slash
[Slash] Frick frick frick......
* Garland looks for the shuttle
[Slash] AHH
[Slasher] Azuls help us now
[Slash] .. dont do that..
* Cold-Snap heads back into the shuttle
[Blackjack] Azuls! Come to save our asses again?
[Wiendigo] Great, not him...
* Azuls fires at the blast
[Dominator] If you have, then do it quick!
[Slash] thanks Azuls..
* SuperNovaBlast absorbs it and grows larger and a piece of it hits Azuls off into space
[Slash] we owe ya one..
[Azuls] ARGHH!!
[Ariel] !
[Dominator] AZULS!
[Slasher] UH OH
[Wiendigo] Well, that was odd...
[Blackjack] DAMN!
* Dominator fires Enemy Ensnare to grab Azuls
* SuperNovaBlast keeps heading at them
[Cheryl] Oh no...
[Slash] AZULS!!
[Azuls] WHOA!
[Blackjack] Well, we're screwed...
* Azuls grabs on
[Justin-the-II] darn...
[Slash] Thats it..
[Ariel] Not the hero this time...
* Dominator pulls him back
* Slasher punches the terminal and power flickers
[DeathStar] I guess we can't blast it....
[Dominator] Uh... We're in trouble...
[Wiendigo] Anyone who can survive in space, and fly, I'd advise you to go outside and help me move this thing...
[Slasher] Come on
* Slash warps to the outside, preparing to face the blast
[DeathStar SOUND]
* Garland flys up to the shuttle, still holding breath
* Slasher starts typing
* Wiendigo flies out and starts trying to push it
* SuperNovaBlast would destroy anyone going into space
[Dominator] Azuls, do you have any way to get us out of here?
* Slash warps back in
* Garland helps Wien
[Azuls] I don't...too weak..
[Slash] that sucker is huge...
[Dominator] Damn.
[Ariel] ...
* Cold-Snap sits on the floor.
* SuperNovaBlast the blast is 100 meters away
[DeathStar] ...
[Justin-the-II] ...
[Wiendigo] Shit...shit...shit....
* Blackjack clutches his temples, thinking
[Dominator] ....!
[Justin-the-II] crap
[DeathStar] I can't think of anything!!
* Slasher tries restarting the engine
[Dominator] Neither can I!
* Slash kicks engine
[Cold-Snap] If I hit it with ice, would that help?
* Slash kicks it again
[Blackjack] NRP: Is the shuttle in any condition to be working?
* SuperNovaBlast is 50 meters
[SuperNovaBlast] NRP: No
* Cheryl is very worried...
* Garland pulls out oxygen mask (the one he got earlier) and breaths from it for a moment, then keeps pushing.
[Slasher] Damn damn damn
[Dominator] No... it would burn the ice
* DeathStar feels the intense heat
* Dominator shields eyes
[Blackjack] DAMN IT...!
* DeathStar feels station move slightly
* Ariel kicks the controls
[Slash] ... is it hot in here? or just me?
[DeathStar] Whoa?!
[Blackjack] Wha...?
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Slash] whats this?
[Blackjack] It ain't just you, Slash, I'll say that...
* SuperNovaBlast is now 20 meters away
* Cold-Snap continues to sit
* Slasher pounds a terminal
[Cold-Snap] We're doomed, aren't we.
* DeathStar station is half way out of the blast's path
* Garland mouths "It might not move too well!"
[Dominator] Can't.. give... up...!
[Dominator] RUN!
* Cold-Snap futily fires his ice beam at SuperNovaBlast
[Azuls] Uho h.
[Blackjack] You heard the man!
* Slasher goes to the other side
* Garland keeps pushing
[Justin-the-II] crap...
* SuperNovaBlast hits the station and rips it into two
*** SuperNovaBlast is now known as GM
[Wiendigo] ARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!
[DeathStar] RAGH!!
[Cold-Snap] shi. . .
[Justin-the-II] mother!
* Wiendigo shields himself
* DeathStar falls into the blast
[Ariel] Ba..k...
[Blackjack] DS! Damn it!
* Cold-Snap pulls up an ice shield
* Slasher grabs DS with his good arm
[Garland] OUGH!!!!!!!! (no one hears this, because of space)
* Slash screams, as his armor is slowly burnt off of him
[Dominator] DE... ATH.... ST...AR...!
* Slasher starts to lose grip
* Azuls grabs onto Slasher
[Slasher] Its not over yert
* Cold-Snap continues to generate his ice shield (helps to keep cool. . .)
[Azuls] Come on, friend...
* Wiendigo grabs the half of the station with the team
* Slasher is getting pulled from both directions
* Blackjack is suddenly affected by being in space, and loses his breath
* Slash begins smoking
* Azuls listens to metal falling down from bneath them
[Justin-the-II] WERE GONNA DIE!
[DeathStar] Uh..er..
* Cold-Snap fires some ice Slash's way
* Garland does so with wien
[Dominator] Uh.... what now?!
[DeathStar SOUND]
* Azuls yanks Slasher into safety
[Blackjack] NRP: Are we in space? Or are we inside?
* Slasher pulls DS inside
* Garland breaths with mask a little
[Azuls] NRP: We're still in the station with space just knockin' on the door
* Cold-Snap heads into an inner room with oxygen
[Blackjack] Great... what now?
* Slash falls to the floor, badly burnt
* Slash armor not healing
[Slasher] Thanks Azul
* Wiendigo tosses his Shadow Shield over the missing part of the station
[Azuls] ....*hits his comm. again*
[Azuls] Damnit, hurry..
[Cheryl] What are we going to do mon ami?
[DeathStar] Thanks you two...
[Slasher] Someone wanna help Slash
* Dominator glances at Azuls
[Cold-Snap] Someone wanna heal Slash?
* Blackjack runs to Slash's side, hitting him with Curative Ray, trying to stabalize him (360 LP)
* DeathStar looks into space and feels the satilite begin to churn again
[Wiendigo] Someone wanna help ME???
[DeathStar] What's taht?!
* Dominator uses Silver Crystal on himself
[Slasher] Thank my leg...*right leg is stretched out*
* Garland IS helping wien
* Slash gets up, armor still smoldering
[GM] Computer: Powering up for 2nd Attack
[Wiendigo] Need MORE hlep then the runt!
[DeathStar] What!?  
[Justin-the-II] ?
[Blackjack] What would you do without me, eh, Slash?
[Blackjack] What!?
[Dominator] 2nd attack?!?!?!
[Cheryl] Second attack?!
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Azuls] We're screwed...
[Slasher] THIS damn piece of junk
* Slash reaches out and touches Wien's chest, attempting to heal them (100 LP)
* Azuls sees shuttle coming in distance
[Blackjack] Who votes we go take that bastard out?
* Garland mouths something that shouldnt be typed to wien
[Dominator] ....!
[Wiendigo] I don't need HEALTH you idiot!
* Slasher jabs his ion blade into a comp terminal
[Cheryl] That's it, I'm shutting the power generator down now!
* GM begins to fall into Earth's atmosphere
[Slash] This heals burns..
[Justin-the-II] im gonna die,.........your gonna die.....WE ALL ARE GONNA DIEEEEE!!!
* Cold-Snap fires some ice at the computer
[Blackjack] Speaking of burning...
[Cold-Snap] HOT HOT HOT
[DeathStar] We're falling into the atmopshere...we're about to be burned!
[Blackjack] We're entering the atmosphere!
* Slash a shimmering warp field appears around him
* Cold-Snap forms another ice shield
* Garland pulls trying to stop it
* GM begins to power up to fire
[Slash] I cant hold this sucker for long.....
* Cold-Snap fires ice at the portion that would burn first
[Slash] if you want out MOVE
* Slasher 's blade distorts the comp system
* Blackjack forms a Splash Shield, advising everyone that has it to do the same
* Wiendigo throws a shadow Shield around himself
* Azuls shuttle lands
[Dominator] We have to stop it!
* Slash jumps out
[Dominator] A shuttle?!
* Azuls leaps onto the shuttle
[Azuls] Mine
* Ariel 's eyes seem to embody ice itself.
* Dominator leaps into it
[Cold-Snap] What shuttle?
[Ariel] Then let's go
* Wiendigo tries to slow the station's descent
* Slash jumps into the shuttle
* GM fires the blast and it does what the first one did, go at the moon
* Blackjack leaps aboard, leaving the shield up
* Slasher leaps into the shuttle with leaving his ion blade behind
* Justin-the-II fallows
* Cold-Snap runs to the shuttle
[Blackjack] Oh, now this thing has incredible aim...
[Dominator] Lets get out of here...
* DeathStar trips and begins to fall towards Earth
[Slasher] Well now im down to one blade
* Garland leaves wien and looks for the others
* Blackjack lunges for DS's hand
* GM enters Earth's atmopshere and turns red
* DeathStar grabs it
* Cold-Snap enters the shuttle
* Ariel heads to the other shutttle
* Blackjack pulls DS up
[Slash] ...
[DeathStar] Thanks..
* Cold-Snap keeps his ice shield up
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Dominator] Lets go!
[Blackjack] Like I said to Slash, what would you guys do without me?
[Wiendigo] Screw this...
* Slasher sits down
* Garland mouths "Wien.... there is nothing you can do... I am glad you care though."
* Slash pulls his cape around him closly
* Wiendigo lets the reast of the station go
* Azuls takes off
* Ariel shakes her head
[Wiendigo] Screw off runt...
[Ariel] You're worse than a rookie today DS.
* GM hits Earth and burns up, landing over the muntains
* Slasher feels fatigue hit
[DeathStar] Thanks...
[Slash] ...
[Dominator] He wasn't so bad...
* GM shuttle alarms go off
[Slasher] Hell I'm out of shape.
[Azuls] Trouble..
* Slash looks out
[Ariel] !
[Blackjack] Hey Azuls, what's up]
[Blackjack] ?
* Azuls points in front of them and the blast is coming at them
[Dominator] What's going on?
* Wiendigo flies alongside the shuttle
[Slash] This is NOT good.. AT ALL
[Cheryl] What's going on?
* Garland nods to wien, thinking he said "Thanks."
[Cheryl] Again?
[Blackjack] Uh, may I suggest MOVING!?
[DeathStar] SHIT!
[Justin-the-II] whanna know whats next?!:DEATH!
[Slasher] How bout you move the ship
[Slash] PUNCH IT!
[Justin-the-II] HIT IT!
[Blackjack] GO!
* Garland breaths with mask
[Ariel] This shuttle does work doesn't it?
[Azuls] The shuttle is caught in it's grabity
[Dominator] GO!
[Azuls] We're heading right for it..
[Azuls SOUND]
[Slash] ..
[Ariel] ...
[DeathStar] WHAT!?
[Blackjack] Just great...
[Slash] this is gonna hurt....
* Wiendigo does nothing to help
[Blackjack] Well, it was nice knowing y'all...
* Azuls speeds towards the blast
[Justin-the-II] im gonna die,.........your gonna die.....WE ALL ARE GONNA DIEEEEE!!!
[Wiendigo] Let 'em fry this time...
* Dominator looks at Azuls
[Cheryl] Remember to pull up...
[Justin-the-II] we air dead men!
* Slash looks up
[Blackjack] Remember what happened last time, DS? That made it bigger!
* DeathStar instantly begins to blink madly as he reroutes all the damage through his old Limit Breakers and restores all of his HP and brings his HP to 1,400 for five minutes. Becoming a living inferno of destruction he fires it at NovaBlast and watches the blast engulf them in a huge light, dealing 5,550 AP and stunning them for a minute.
* Slash creates a warp field
[DeathStar] DO IT!!
* Cold-Snap fires ice at the blast
* Dominator rapidly blasts with Thunder Bolt + EC + CC (3,000AP0
* Azuls grows larger
* GM grows larger
[Dominator] NO!
* Ariel throws her arms out Kamehameha style, launching a beam of energy at NovaBlast [??? AP]
* Blackjack fires all of his weapons at the blast (3290 AP)
* DeathStar fire shis cannon at it
[Slash] umm...
* Garland floats in space watching helplessly
* GM keeps growing bigger
[Cheryl] Sling shot time...
[DeathStar] Yes...it's working
* Cold-Snap fires a continuous beam of ice
[Blackjack] This isn't working...
* Slash kneels, and begins drawing power to his gauntlets, creating a seething mass of power around his gauntlets, that begins drawing all light around Slash into it, leaving only his Bright red glowing eyes. He then channels that Dark matter into a blast at NovaBlast, cutting through all armor/weapons/anything. 2,150 AP
* Slasher 's thrusts his hands out and aims and and area 2 ft away from his hand starts to waver. The area turns into a big ball "ELEMENTAL SURGE" A blast of Elements flies out and nails the SUPERNOVA
* Wiendigo hovers smirking
[Dominator] What?!
[Blackjack] Take this thing down, Azuls!
* GM grows larger
* Dominator continues rapidly blasting (3,000AP)
* Azuls fires on it
* Cold-Snap pulls up his ice shield
[Slash] .. Damn
[Justin-the-II] ..
* GM it explodes
[Slash] that sucker is gonna hurt..
* Cold-Snap fires more ice at it
* Slasher collaspses
* Dominator shields himself with Force Shield
[Blackjack] Uh, that did it?
* Slash pulls hsi cape around himself, and cloaks
[Justin-the-II] ?
* Garland flys near the shuttle
* Azuls flies towards it
[Azuls] Uh oh..
[Azuls SOUND]
[Slash] This is Gonna hurt.. a whole bunch..
[DeathStar] "Uh oh"?  Care to define that?!
* Garland knocks on the shuttle door
* GM forms a blackhole
* Slash warps Garland in
* Slasher faints from exhaustion
[Slash] ..
[Slash] umm...
[Dominator] ....!
[Ariel] !
[Wiendigo] Yeah, THAT's comforting...
[Blackjack] Oh. Uh oh...
[Justin-the-II] crap...
[Garland] Gah.
[Slash] i think thats an uh oh....
[Cold-Snap] NRP: a BLACKHOLE?
[Cheryl] Full speed ahead!
* Azuls is being pulled towards it
[Garland] Did you guys know there's no air in space?
[Slash] NRP: we are dead.. very dead..
[Justin-the-II] WE IS DEAD!
[Blackjack] Full speed reverse!!!
[Cold-Snap] Maybe, we can swing ourselves around it?
[Justin-the-II] WE IS DEAD!
[Wiendigo] Well that's cute...
[Slash] thanks for informing us..
[Cheryl] Ahead!
* Azuls hits the reverse
[Blackjack] NRP: We've been dead the last five sessions, Slash
* Azuls goes ahead
[Slash] NRP: *LOL*
[Dominator] No...!
* Azuls aims at it with all his speed
[Cheryl] Sling shot it!
[Cold-Snap] Stear to the SIDE
[Garland] I was being sarcastic...
* Justin-the-II starts saying his prayers
[DeathStar] Cheryl is right...
[DeathStar] I hope
[Slash] Punch it
* Azuls is 100 meters away
* Wiendigo hangs near the shuttle
* Azuls 50
* Azuls 30
[Blackjack] The odds are worse than winning the lottery...
[Ariel] It's our only choice...
[Dominator] Sling shot better work...
* Azuls 10
[Wiendigo] You do realize that that thing WILL pull Earth in, don't you?...
[Azuls] Uh...NOW?!
[Dominator] Its the best we've got!
* Azuls 5 meters
[Dominator] NOW!
[Azuls] 4...
[Azuls] 3...
* Azuls pulls on it
[Justin-the-II] A-MEN!!!
[Slash] COME ON..
* Azuls fires a nova blast into it
* Blackjack crosses his figers
[Blackjack] fingers
* Azuls is thrown past it and into Earth's atmosphere
* Cheryl has her eyes closed.
* Slash thinks of his life, how he lived it
[Slash] ..
[Dominator] We... we made it...
* Slasher body slides around the shuttle
[DeathStar] WHOA!
[Slash] i just realized something..
[Ariel] It... it worked...
[Cold-Snap] Won't that blackhole swollow Earth???
Wiendigo MORON!
* Azuls crash lands on Earth