* AceHunter punches up the scanner
* Dominator walks into the Avenger and sits at the pilot seat
* Wiendigo gets on the shuttle
* Cold-Snap straps in
[Wiendigo] Godzilla's going DOWMN!
[Cold-Snap] With what?
* Blackjack shakes his head and gets on after Dom
* Blackjack takes a seat at the weapons console
[Cold-Snap] Nothing phased him!
[Seraphna`] We need DS
[Dominator] Xevil's no longer Xevil... he's some kind of monster....
[AceHunter] Maybe the shuttle's weapons will do something
*** Hirozaki (ask.me@ has joined #TAW
* Ariel gets off the entry ramp and takes a seat in the shuttle.
[Dominator] This is one of our darkest days, Hunters, I only hope we can recover from it. *takes off toward the HQ*
*** Hirozaki is now known as GenjiMan
[Wiendigo] I say we jsut ram the damn shuttle into his head and blow it up.
[Dominator] Session Ends

Session Close: Sat Apr 24 13:56:57 1999