* Slash eyes glow with a kind of fire
* Slash follows Dom
* Cold-Snap takes the sword out and lays the body down before following
[Wiendigo] NRP: Between floors somewhere
[Dominator] NRP: THere is a small ladder at the side BJ
* Blackjack climbs up the ladder quickly
* Dominator arrives at an elevator door and stops, 1"Elevator..."
* Garland flys past BJ
* Ariel is at the top floor, but can't open the door
[Cold-Snap] Elevator, the guy we're here to stop?
[Slash] NRP: *Cranks up The Battle with Darkness*
* Wiendigo phases through the doors
* Blackjack reaches the top, breathing hard
* Dominator presses the open door and suddenly sees BJ fly by
* Slash snickers
[Dominator] Blackjack?! *sees no elevator in the shaft*
[Slash] Who was that masked man?
* Blackjack slows to a stop. 1"Dom?"
* Cold-Snap hums the Spiderman Theme
[Slash] Yea, its us.. get over here..
* Garland goes back down, and flys out the elevator door
* Blackjack flips through the doors
* Dominator looks up, 1"What happened to the elevator?"
* Wiendigo grins
[Dominator] NRP: To Dominator's level?
* Slash arms all weapons, looking like a small tank on feet
[Blackjack] Blame Wien. It was a good way to avoid making noise.
* Ariel flies down into the doorway
[Ariel] Hi guys!
* Garland nods to the others
* Cold-Snap charges his arm canon
* Blackjack fades out of crinos and back into human form
[Slash] Lo Ariel, nice of you to join us..
[Cold-Snap] We going up?
[Slash] Now.. lets go kick that weenies Ass..
[AceHunter] So, where are the officials?
* Dominator hears a maverick appear wondering what happened to the elevator
[Dominator] I don't know... I found one dead...
* Wiendigo arms arm cannon
* Slash quickly whirls around, firing all long range weapons at the Mav 1500 AP
* Ariel perches on Garland's head.
[Dominator] Uh oh...
* Garland looks back at the elevator shaft
* Wiendigo aims towards the approachinh Mav
* Cold-Snap fires his charged shot at the mav
* Blackjack quietly unstraps his plasma rifle, glad it has a silencer, and fires at the Mav (520 AP)
[Wiendigo] You'd better run, Rabbit.
* AceHunter begins charging again
* Cold-Snap rapidly pumps plasma out
* Garland runs at the mav with sword
* Slash arms his gauntlets and begins charging, soon a crackling field of energy can be seen around the gauntlets
* Dominator the maverick explodes but they suddenly throw a grendande to the hutner's floor (2,000AP, instant KO is at close-range)
* Ariel forms a ball of energy between her paws.
* Cold-Snap laughs at Ariel's attack
[Dominator] Get bacK! *leaps back with CC and uses Force Shield*
* Cold-Snap fires ice from a distance
[Slash] NRP: ARRGH
* AceHunter dives out of the way
* Blackjack quickly leaps back, into the shaft, and grabs the ladder while activating a Splash Shield
[Dominator] NRP: You can avoid it...
* Wiendigo is still phased
* Garland was KOed
[Slash] NRP: *hates ICW*
* Cold-Snap gets on the side of the shaft and uses his hammer to make small indentations to put his hands and feet in.
* Slash dives into a warp
[Dominator] Garland...
* Blackjack climbs back onto the floor
[Slash] Damnit Garland..
* Ariel forms a shield infront of herself and garland
* Garland lies there out cold
[Blackjack] Everybody alright? Garland!
* Slash appears slowly from the warp close to Garland
* Cold-Snap gets back onto the floor
[Cold-Snap] NRP: Mav dead?
* Dominator four maverick jump through the shaft, blasting widly (900AP, poor aim)
[Dominator] NRP: For awhile he's been
* Cold-Snap fires at the mavericks
* Slash ducks and rolls
[Blackjack] Want more, eh?
*** GM is now known as Elite_Mavericks
* Ariel is isn't hurt, but her tail is stuck under Garland.
* Elite_Mavericks reflect the blasts back at CS
[Ariel] Um...
* Slash laughs, cloaking
* Cold-Snap takes it on the shield
* Dominator dodges the blast and slashes at them
[Cold-Snap] ugh
[Cold-Snap] smarts
* Slash disappears, no trace of a distortion
*** Garland has quit IRC (knocked out)
* Cold-Snap fires ice at the Elite_Mavericks
* Blackjack runs at one, thrusting his staff forwards (throw Mav backwards, 200 AP)
* Wiendigo just hovers, yawning
* Elite_Mavericks one teleports behind CS and electircutes him while strangling him
* Slash appears as a distortion behind them
* Ariel forms a ball of energy between her paws.
* Slash uncloaks slashing madly 700 AP/slash
* Dominator blasts at the mav BJ knocked back
[Dominator] Cold-SNap!
* AceHunter appears behind one of them and fires a level five VRP blast
* Elite_Mavericks blcok some of Slash's slashs, and slash back
* Ariel throws the energy ball and it turns into a huge beam hitting a Mav [380 AP]
* Blackjack swings his staff at another Mav, trying to knock him into the shaft
* Slash blocks with his SCyths
* Elite_Mavericks one is dead
* Dominator teleports behind the mav getting CS
* Wiendigo phases through the wall
* Dominator dashes forward at an amazing speed with Crimson Crystal and uses Ebony Crystal to double his attack power, then stabs forward into Maverick with Rune Sword and electricutes them through the sword using his Battle Fury Mode, he uses Purple Crystal to launch a telepathic copy of the attacks at the same time (2000APP + 2000AP)
* Ariel pulls her tail out from under garland
* Cold-Snap kicks at the mav
* Elite_Mavericks two dead
* Slash laughs
[Wiendigo] NRP: Sorry guys, gotta jet
*** Wiendigo has quit IRC (is like sooooo outta here!)
[Cold-Snap] Thank you Dominator
* Slash fires all long range weapons at Elite_mavericks 1500 AP
* Elite_Mavericks one manages to stab Slash through the shoulder, the other is killed
* Ariel flies behind a mac and taps him on the shoulder
* Cold-Snap fires another blast of ice at the remaining Elite_Mavericks
* AceHunter fires another blast at them and moves over to CS to drain the excess damage energy of him
[Blackjack] Oh no you didn't...
[Dominator] Slash!
* Slash drops one warp blade, pulling the other mav close
[Slash] That REALLY HURT
* Ariel taps the mav on the shoulder from behind
* Slash begins draining HP
* Blackjack lets Slash handle it
[Blackjack] He's yours.
* Cold-Snap charges his arm canon
[Elite_Mavericks] Grrr! *hits self-destruct, blsating Slash back, 1,500AP*
[Slash] NRP: BRB Phone
[Cold-Snap] Are we gonna get back in the shaft?
[Dominator] SLASH!
[Blackjack] SLASH!
[Cold-Snap] Slash?
* Ariel is thrown into a wall.
* AceHunter fires off a series of force beams at the the maverick's feet blasting a hole out from one's feet
* Dominator grabs Slash's body which came flying toward him
[Blackjack] Nice catch...
* Cold-Snap heads over to Ariel
[Cold-Snap] You ok?
[Dominator] Yeah...
[Ariel] ...
*** Elite_Mavericks is now known as GM
[Ariel] Do I look okay?
[Cold-Snap] Yea
* Cold-Snap walks off
* Ariel is stuck in a wall.
[Dominator] Lets head up the elevator shaft, only two more floors to the top
* Dominator pulls Ariel out
[Ariel] Thanks Dom
* AceHunter searches the mavs' bodies
* Ariel glares at CS
[Cold-Snap] That's what you get for smacking people in the back of the head
* Blackjack shifts into crinos form again
* Blackjack sighs
[Blackjack] Let's keep moving.
[Cold-Snap] Back in the shaft?
[Dominator] GM: AceHunter finds damaged weapons, a sword, and nothing else of use
[Dominator] Yeah...
* Blackjack leads, going into the shaft and grabbing the ladder, beginning to climb
[Dominator] NRP: Slash was blasted by a self-destruct oin the mav, but Dominator catch him
* Dominator starts up the shaft, following BJ
* Ariel flies ahead back to the top of the shaft.
* Cold-Snap gets on the ladder and climbs
* Slash falls limply, explosion knocking him out
* AceHunter pockets them and affixes the sword to his belt
* Ariel waits for someone to open the door
[Blackjack] Who's got Slash?
* Dominator heals Slash with SC, bringng him about
[Dominator] I think that should help him
* Dominator is carrying Garland
* Slash gets up
[Slash] Damn.. that hurt..
[Blackjack] Good. *continues climbing*
[Dominator] Follow us, Slash
* Slash looks up, and warps to the top
[Dominator] GM: BJ reaches the top, and a closed elevator door
* Ariel was still tapping him on the shoulder when he blew up... =P
[Blackjack] Hmm... shall I destroy it?
[Dominator] This should be the conference hall... top room
* AceHunter climbs upward, but leaves a remote mine on the wall.
[Dominator] Go for it
[Slash] Let oppertunity knock.. and then punch it in the face
* Blackjack fires his rifle at the door
[Dominator] NRP: Wherebouts, AH?]
[Dominator] GM: Door slightly dents
[AceHunter] NRP: In the elevator shaft
[Dominator] Uh...
[Blackjack] Ok... everybody move down...
[Slash] Whoa..
* Dominator climbs down a bit
* Cold-Snap backs up
* Blackjack stays up, planting a mine on the door
* Slash detatches his Hoverpack, pulling a strafing run on the door
* Ariel takes cover
* Slash pulls it back
* Blackjack climbs down, out of range of the mine, and detonates it
* AceHunter drops down to cover
* Slash blastwave knocks off his Helmet
[Dominator] GM: A large hole is in the middle of the door
* Ariel flies back up, and looks through the... hole...
[Dominator] GOod work, BJ
* Slash spikey Black hair is revealed
[Blackjack] Thanks, Dom.
[Slash] Nice job..
[Blackjack] Whoops... sorry, Slash...
[Slash] My Helmet..
* AceHunter catches Slash's helmet as he begins to climb up again
[Slash] Oh well...
[Dominator] All right... Lets hurry and find the vice-president...
* Slash helmet is destroyed
* Blackjack climbs through the hole
[Dominator] We're been here for 20 minutes already..
* Cold-Snap runs into the room, through the hole
* Dominator follows BJ
* Slash climbs up after Dom
* Blackjack looks around
* Ariel hops up on Bj's shoulder so not to be left behind
[Dominator] GM: They are in a small hall, at the end is the door marked "Conference Room" in 12 languages
* AceHunter cloaks and dives into the room, going into a roll
[Dominator] GM: Two maverick guards in 'mech suits are beside the door
[Cold-Snap] Let's go in!
[Ariel] Why do I have the feeling that something is going to happen?
* Blackjack remains in crinos as he walks slowly to the door
[Blackjack] NRP: Ignore that.
*** GM is now known as Ride_Armor_Mavericks
* Slash grins
[Slash] Perfect..
[Slash] A fight..
* Cold-Snap jams his canon into the gut of a mav and opens fire at point blank range
* Cold-Snap runs back
[Blackjack] Let's take 'em from a distance... we haven't been seen...
* Ariel takes to the air
* Ride_Armor_Mavericks spot the Hunters and fire missles at them (1,00AP)
* Cold-Snap dodges
[Blackjack] Until now... *leaps tothe side*
* Slash warps out of the way, appearing on ones head
* Cold-Snap fires plasma rapidly at the Ride_Armor_Mavericks
* Ariel flies out of the way
* AceHunter slings a electro-mine at the Rire Armors' feet
[Ariel] Hey!
* Dominator dives out of the way and from the explosion that ensues hitting all (400AP)
* Slash blasts with all weapons straight down
[Dominator] Arhg
* Slash flys up into celing
* Slash then into floor face first
* Ride_Armor_Mavericks blast the mine as it flies, and it damages AH, then they fire at AH rapidly
* Ariel get blown straight into the door
* AceHunter forms a force shield preventing damage
* Blackjack throws a mine at one of the mechs, detonating it as soon as it hits him (600 AP(
[Dominator] Slash!
[Blackjack] Slash!
* Slash gets up slowly
[Slash] Ow...
* Dominator dashes forward at amazing speeds with Crimson Crystal, then activates Ebony Crystal to double his next attack's AP, he then slashes three times in the time a normal person can only slash once at Ride Amor Mav the attack is mentally hammered at him at the same time using Purple Crystal (3000AP total + 3000AP telepathic)
[Blackjack] You ok?
* Ariel shakes her head and gets up
* Cold-Snap runs around the room, trying to get behind the Ride_Armor_Mavericks
* AceHunter Murphy's law begins affecting the suits
* Ride_Armor_Mavericks one is damaged and blasts Dominator back
[Dominator] YARGH!
[Slash] NO... I just got blown up, Shot at, and crushed... I am most DEFINATLY not ok..
* Slash dives back in slashing again
* Cold-Snap takes out his hammer and begins slamming one from behind
* Ride_Armor_Mavericks they rush forward and the non-damaged one smacks BJ into a wall
* Ariel starts clawing one of the pilots
* AceHunter rolls a few more grenades at the Armor's feet
[Blackjack] OW!
* Cold-Snap climbs up one's back and starts to shoot at its pilot
* Slash jumps on ones back, laying into it with all his weapons
* Ride_Armor_Mavericks one explodes and a maverick jumps out by CS, blasting CS in the chest (KO if hit)
* Blackjack slams into the wall, barely staying conscious
* Slash and absorbing the pilots HP
* Cold-Snap takes it on the shield, but gets knocked off
[Cold-Snap] ugh
* Dominator blasts the mech with Thunder Bolt
[Dominator] Blackjack!
* Ariel scratches a pilot across the face [400 AP]
[Blackjack] I'm fine... *shakes his head*
* Slash gets shocked off by the Thunder Bolt
* Cold-Snap shoots at the maverick
[Slash] Ow...
[Slash] again..
[Dominator] Sorry
* Blackjack leaps at the damaged mech, slashing his electrically charged katana wildly (760 AP)
* Cold-Snap hops up onto the other ride armor and begins attacking the pilot
[Slash] Mental Note.. do NOT shoot things metal with someone on it..
* AceHunter fires a level five blast at the maverick piloting the remaining Ride Armor
* Ride_Armor_Mavericks sparks and throws Blackjack into Dominator
* Ariel keeps beating on the pilot
[Blackjack] HEY!
* Slash catches them both
* Cold-Snap shoots at the pilot from his position on the mech
* Slash sets them down, weapons blazing, firing at teh Maverick pilots
[Dominator] We'll try CS! But I don't want them to kill USQ!
* Ariel charges a ball of energy between her paws
* Ariel throws her arms out Kamehameha style, launching a beam of energy at Pilot [380 AP]
* Ride_Armor_Mavericks sparks somemore, and fires at SLash
* Cold-Snap swings at the pilot from his position right on top of the armor
* Blackjack fires a barrage of plasma at the pilot of one of the armors (800 AP)
* Slash takes the hit, flying back into a wall
[Dominator] NRP: Slash, BJ, and Gar have limits
* Cold-Snap brings his hammer down upon the pilot
* Slash gets up, eyes blazing
* AceHunter uses his suit ability to control electronics to take over the suit remotely
* Ariel starts pressing buttons in the mech
* Ride_Armor_Mavericks blasts CS back (instant KO)
* Cold-Snap is KO's
* Blackjack yells out to Dominator, 1"Ok, Dominator, let's get 'em with the Fusion Blade!" Blackjack quickly chants some words, and he changes into werewolf form.
* Slash wipes the battery fliud from the corner of his mouth, eyes burning a firey red consuming all sanity he had to start with, muscles bulge and Slash slips into insanity, 2x to AP/Speed/Agility
[Cold-Snap] NRP: How long til I can get up?
* Dominator nods, 1"Sure thing, Blackjack," and uses Ebony Crystal on himself and Blackjack, then uses Purple Crystal on them both and Crimson Crystal on himself; Dominator looks at Blackjack and nods, giving him the signal to attack.
* AceHunter ejects the maverick from the suit
* Blackjack nods at Dom. He activates Bestial Rage and, with a howl of fury, leaps at MechPilot. His katana in a blur, Blackjack slashes MechPilot four times.
* Slash rushes at the armor, slashing madly 700 AP each blade
* Ride_Armor_Mavericks blocks AH
* Ariel tries to make one pilot shoot the other
* Dominator dashes forward at lightning speed (x3) and slashes three slashes in one moment, adding to Blackjack's massive attack; Mech is subsequently engulfed by purple energy and telepathically attacked (Blackjack and Dominator's attacks total at 36,400AP)
* Ride_Armor_Mavericks explodes in a ring of fire
*** Ride_Armor_Mavericks is now known as GM
[Ariel] Yeow!
[Dominator] Uh... took care of that...
[Ariel] Hot hot hot hot hot!
* Slash flys back, and continues attacking the charred remains
[Slash] YARGA!!
* Blackjack is in a period of near insanity due to Bestial Rage, and he looks at Ariel with a look of fury
* AceHunter begins looking over the remains
* Dominator suddenly flips around as the door to the conference hall opens
* Slash stops, panting
[Dominator] Uh... Blackjack... Calm down!
* Ariel looks at bj worriedly...
* Blackjack grips his head, trying to will off the Rage. He succeeds with some trouble.
[Dominator] It opened...
[Cold-Snap] NRP: someone revive me?
[Blackjack] I.. see that.
[Dominator] Voice: Welcome, Hunters.
* Dominator revives CS with SC
[Blackjack] Dom, take care of CS.
* Slash tries to shake off the rage... but its a slow process
[Ariel] Hiya!
[Dominator] That voice... Liberator!
* Cold-Snap gets up
* Dominator dashes into the hall
[Cold-Snap] Elevator!
* Ariel ways in, limbing a little
[Cold-Snap] At least we saved the armor *sarcastic*
[Slash] *growls* Hello Liberator
[Blackjack] Well well, it's Liberator again...
[Dominator] GM: A large table is there, with officials lying dead at the table, four alive at the end, and Liberator at the oppoiste side of the room,m the vice-pres behind him
* AceHunter draws his newly aquired sword
*** GM is now known as Liberator
[Cold-Snap] Hello Mr. Elevator.  We've had a hard day.  Would you mind not trying to kill us today?
[Liberator] Welcome, Hunters. Foolish as ever, I see
[Blackjack] Stop! He's got the VP...
* Liberator grins darkly, 1"THe humans must pay for exterminating almost all our race!"
* Slash snickers, and walks up to Lib
[Cold-Snap] [whisper] someone destract him.  I'll try to grab the VP and get out of here
* Slash punches him in the gut
* Ariel walks towards Liberator, looking completely innocent.
* Blackjack 's teeth are bared as he barks, 1"Let him go, you sick bastard!"
[Dominator] You're wrong Liberator
[Slash] Oops fist slipped
* Slash punches him again
* Liberator grabs Slash's fist and starts crushing it
* Cold-Snap sneaks around the room to the VP.
* Liberator galnces at SLash's right arm, 1"Hmnm
* Slash laughs, as he pops his Scyths stabbing Liberators hand
[Cold-Snap] Hold on, I'll have you out of here in a sec
* AceHunter fires a level five VRP blast at Liberator
* Cold-Snap begins chopping at the chains
* Liberator blasts CS back into the other side of the room (instant KO, near death)
[Dominator] Liberator, let the officials go!
[Slash] Yea, Take on me.. If you dare
[Cold-Snap] NRP: Sleepy land again!
* Liberator blasts Slash in the head and rips SLash's bicep off, then slashes him
* Slash armor coils around LIbs arm, absorbing HP
[Slash] ARRGH
[Liberator] Never, Dominator. Now the humans pay!
[Blackjack] SLASH!
* Cold-Snap has a wonderful dream. It looks like it came straight from "The Big Lebowski"
* Liberator blasts an official through the head
* AceHunter slashes at Liberator with his new sword
[Dominator] No!
[Blackjack] You bastard!
* Slash Synthaflesh is revealed, and the tattoo of the Force Works skull and crossbones logo is seen clearly
[Liberator] They were the bastards, killing thousands of reploids!
[Blackjack] Huh? What the hell is that tattoo on Slash's arm?
[Dominator] I don't know...
* AceHunter slashes at Liberator again
* Liberator raises hand and points at AH and a wave of wind blows him back, then a lightning launches from Liberator's palm and curses through him (2,000AP)
* Slash slowly gets up, muscles bulging
[Blackjack] That doesn't matter right now... I'll try to get the VP... you take care of Liberator...
* Slash curses at the armor being ripped off
[Slash] Damn.. you found me out..
[Slash] Time to take you down..
* Liberator dashes forward at the Hunters, slashing another official in half
[Dominator] Damn! *runs toward Liberator*
* Slash dives at Liberator, grabbing his head
* Liberator slashes Slash with his blade (1,000AP)
* AceHunter absorbs the electrical attack with ease
[Blackjack] To hell with saving him! You're dead, bastard!
* Slash latches on to his back, pounding his head
* Liberator uppercuts Dominator with his blade (2,00AP)
[Dominator] Argh!
* Cold-Snap begins dreaming about chocolates
* AceHunter sends the excess energy back into Liberator
* Blackjack leaps at Liberator, slashing and quickly leaping back (SaA x2, 520 AP)
* Dominator spits out blood and narrows eyes at LIberator
* Slash falls to the ground, with a big gash on his left arms armor
* Dominator actives his Rune Crystals, and their energy swirls around and combines into Rune Sword and Golden Crystal, Dominator shouts out 1"Golden Fury!", and a blast of golden energy slams into Liberator in an instant, Dominator is in front of them and follows through with a powerful slash from Rune Sword which crackles with energy; the remaining energy makes Dominator invulnerable for 5 minutes (5,000AP/Dominator is invulnerable for 5 
* Ariel tries to scratch Lib's eyes out [400 AP]
[AceHunter] (2000 AP)
[Liberator] ARGGH! *staggers back*
* Slash wipes the battery fluid off the corner of his mouth
* Slash kneels, and begins drawing power to his gauntlets, creating a seething mass of power around his gauntlets, that begins drawing all light around Slash into it, leaving only his Bright red glowing eyes. He then channels that Dark matter into a blast at Liberator, cutting through all armor/weapons/anything. 2,150 AP
*** Slasher (blarg@ has joined #taw
[Cold-Snap] *in dream* Hi Mr. M!  Where's Mr. M?  "I dunno Cold, but you can bite me if you want . . ."  6He bites him
[Blackjack] Heh heh, my turn! PLease keep me from hurting any on our side, Dom...
* Liberator narrows eyes and a crismon, circular shield appears around him
[Slash] Catch..
* Ariel continues trying to scratch Lib's eyes out
* Liberator blcoks half of Slash's limit
[Liberator] Arggh!
* Blackjack screams loudly. The scream quickly changes to a howl. 1"All of my allies that have fallen! Your sacrifices fuel my anger! Time to show the rage of the canis lupus!" Blackjack loses his mind to incredible rage, and launches himself at Liberator. He circles him in a blur, quickly drawing, slashing, and replacing all of his close range weapons (5,000 AP, Bestial Rage activated (APs and speed x2, 5 min) ).
* Slash backs away from BJ a little
* AceHunter punches Liberator through the shield
* Liberator dashes forward and slashes Blackjack (1,000AP) and continues, stabbing Ace Hunter (2,500AP)
* Ariel is still trying to scratch Lib's eyes out
[Blackjack] AARGH!
* Liberator shield breaks, having blocked lastt too attacks
* Liberator raises both hands forward, palm open, then clentches a fist and the ground around them explodes in fire, damaging all present (2,000AP)
* Slash fires all long range weapons at Liberaror 1500 AP
* Liberator smacks Ariel back
* Slash flys back into a wall KO'd
[Liberator] ARGH! *staggers back*
[AceHunter] Ahh
* Dominator uses SC on himself, coughing up battery acid
[Cold-Snap] *in dream* The candy melts away and become John Denver.  8,2Take me home, country roads . . .1,0The msg here is I'm STILL unconcious . . .
* Blackjack , motivated by rage, ignores the pain and slashes at inhuman speeds with his electrically charged katana (2120 AP)
* Ariel goes flying out the door, almost to the elevator shaft.
[Dominator] You've going down Liberator...
[Ariel] Ouchie... That wasn't very nice...
* Dominator dashes forward at an amazing speed with Crimson Crystal and uses Ebony Crystal to double his attack power, then stabs forward into Liberator with Rune Sword and electricutes them through the sword using his Battle Fury Mode, he uses Purple Crystal to launch a telepathic copy of the attacks at the same time (2000APP + 2000AP)
[Slash] NRP: How much longer?
* Ariel gets up and flies back into the room
[Liberator] ARGGGGGGGHH!!!! *teleports into the corner of the room, hurt badly*
[Liberator] You traitors! Human lovers!~
[Cold-Snap] NRP: When do I wake up?
* AceHunter the bad luck curse is now affecting Liberator
[Dominator] NRP: You woke up
* Blackjack glares at Liberator, standing still even in his rage
* Ariel sets about freeing anyone tied up
[Dominator] GM: Suddenly, the building starts exploding
* Slash armor slowly heals his wounds, still KO'd
[Dominator] What the?!
* Cold-Snap runs to the VP
[Dominator] VP: Who are you?
* Slash stirrs
* Cold-Snap breaks his chains
[Cold-Snap] I'm a hunter
[Cold-Snap] You wanna live?
* Blackjack snarls, looking around, as sanity returns to him
[Liberator] What?! THe buildings being destroyed... Damn...
* Cold-Snap grabs the VP
[Slash] ...
[Dominator] Get out everyone!
[Cold-Snap] Uh, do We go out the window?
[Liberator] We'll meet again Hunters!
* Slash creates a warp with the last ounce of energy and falls KO'd permanently
[Blackjack] Down the shaft! NOW!
* Liberator teleports out
[Blackjack] Or not! Through the warp!
* Cold-Snap puts the VP on his back and sprints to the shaft
[Cold-Snap] Slash!
* Blackjack grabs Slash and leaps through his warp
* Dominator leapts through the warp, which is closing
* Ariel flies through the warp
[Blackjack] [echoing voice] Hurry up!
[Dominator] GM: The warp is being half-blocked and will close in 3... 2...
* Cold-Snap sprints to the warp
* Cold-Snap heads through
* AceHunter grabs one of the still living officials and goes through the warp
[Dominator] GM: The warp closes
* Dominator had pulled Garland through
[Cold-Snap] I've got a slightly used VP here . . .
* Slash lays limply, uncannily cold
[Dominator] GM: The Hunters appear outside the embassy, which is shot by another ship and explodes in a flash of light
* Slash tattoo gleaming a silvery color
[Blackjack] We did it... *drops to one knee, breathing hard* We did it...
[Blackjack] Slash has some explaining to do...
[Dominator] ...! THey destroyed it... But.. Its only been... 30 minutes.. *pants hard*
[Dominator] No... kidding
[Cold-Snap] Well, Mr. Vice-President, many men died today because of your prescence
[Dominator] VP: *is eerily quiet*
[Ariel] What I want to know is, when do we eat? _
*** Liberator is now known as Spade
[Blackjack] So much for the hostages... we only got the Vice Pres....
* Spade walks up to the Hunters
[Cold-Snap] and taht guy *points*
* Dominator heals Slash
[AceHunter] I got another one
* Blackjack remains in werewolf form
[Spade] You got the vice-president out, I see
* Slash is still KO'd from use of Warp field to transport that many people
[Blackjack] We... did it, Spade...
* Ariel freed them, but didn't take them through the warp
[Spade] Good work. Impeccable distractions for the mavericks. Although, it seems one escaped, even through are teleportation blocking
[Dominator] Distraction...?
[Cold-Snap] Great.  Mr. Elevator escaped.  Great blocking.
[Dominator] You destroyed the building in thirty minutes Spade... There still could have been officials left
* Spade chuckles slighlty at Dominator
* Slash slowly stirrs
[Ariel] Some robot if it could fool them as they carved into her[Blackjack] There's no telling how many died because of your actions, Spade...
* Spade puffs out cigar at Blackjack, 1"Perhaps... I should explain?"
[Blackjack] Yes, perhaps you should.
[Cold-Snap] Good job, you murdered a bunch of officials AND let a dangerous mav escape.  Please explain
[Dominator] Yes
* Spade snaps fingures and the VP disappears, replaced with a lifeless robot
[Dominator] Eh?!
[Blackjack] What!?
* Ariel perches on CS's head and watches.
[Blackjack] I thought he was too quiet...
[Cold-Snap] You bastard
[Ariel] ...?
[Blackjack] What is this, Spade?
[Spade] You see, Hunters, I planned a set-up for the Mavericks.
[Blackjack] Aah...
[Cold-Snap] How sweet
[Cold-Snap] La-dee-dah
* Cold-Snap heads to the avenger
[Blackjack] You could have told us, though.
[Spade] There were never any live officials in the base, just robots with holographic technology.
* Cold-Snap yells from the avenger 1YOU BASTARD!!!!
[Spade] We lurved the mavericks in, over 35 total, and then I used yo uto distract them.
[Blackjack] The absolute LEAST you could have done was told us, Spade.
* Spade ignores CS
* Ariel flies back to everyone else
[Dominator] Right, Spade!
* Cold-Snap sits down in the Avenger.
[Ariel] What about that woman we found on the lower floor?
[Spade] No, you see you're knowledge could have warned them.
* Ariel shudders again
[Spade] ALso, you see, I was informed that important information could actually be stolen by them, so I couldn't wait...
[Spade] A mere hologram/robot.
[Blackjack] Hmm...
[Dominator] I still don't like this...
* Slash slowly stirrs
[Ariel] Some robot if it could fool them as they carved into her... -_-
* Cold-Snap turns on the radio and turns it up so loud that the ship begins vibrating
[Spade] Well, Hunters, good job. For once, you've succeeded in a job. Sorry about any danger to you, as a result of my... misjudgement...
* Spade drops cigar and crushes it, walking off
[Dominator] Spade....
[Dominator] I'll bet he destroyed it early, to try and kill off too... 
* Dominator heads to the Avenger
[Blackjack] Probably... But we managed to get out, thankfully... it looks like just in time for our lives, too...
[Dominator] Session Ends

April 30th