* AlienCommander grabs her by the hair and yanks
* Blackjack shapeshifts into a panther and runs at the Commander, diving at him, claws unsheathed
[Dominator] YARGH! *in rage slams Rune Sword into the alien's midsection*
* Ariel drop kicks the alien in the head
[AlienCommander] AIE!
* AlienCommander bleed from the gut
[Cheryl] Ahhh!
[AlienCommander] ARH!
* AlienCommander falls back with her hair in hand
* Blackjack roars in fury as he slashes at AC's chest
[AlienCommander] GACK!
* Slasher leaps on the Alien and punches it
* AlienCommander slowly begins to die
[Slasher] DIE!!
* Dominator stumbles back blasting AC, then leans on a wall
* AlienCommander blasts ceiling and Arono falls in
* Slasher punds on it'
* AlienCommander dies
* Cheryl forms her shining blade and swings to cut his hand off
*** AlienCommander is now known as GM
* Paladin takes this time to look for a key or something to get the thing off of him
[Arono] HAY!!!
[Arono] ouf
[Cheryl] (Oops)
[Cheryl] (That was ariel)
[Slasher] Everyone grab your weapons
[Arono] you guys throwin a party without me?
[Dominator] ... I was going to interrigate him, but who knows if he spoke English...
* Slasher takes his ion blade and his combo system
* Blackjack growls as he reverts to human form, forgetting about his sprained ankle as he grabs his weaponry
[Dominator] All right, everyone, we've got to blow this ship up
* GM a hand dangles in Cheryl's hair
[Blackjack] No no no, we need to find DS first, Dom
* Kaiser_vanguard slowly starts to form armor over him and starts to shrink, slowly Dakota becomes recognizable as the features of Kaiser disappear
[Cheryl] Get it off, get it off! GET IT OFF!
*** Kaiser_vanguard is now known as Dakota
[Paladin] And find a key or something for this damn thing
[Dominator] We'll try and do that on the way then... Any idea where he went/
* Cheryl tries to shake the hand out of her hair
[Dakota] Hey get me outta here
* Ariel walks up and plucks it out
[Ariel] (NRP: Deja vu?)
* Dominator looks around in the room (where are we?)
* Arono gets up
[GM] (Weapons room....two doors, one they came in, the other on the other side)
* Slasher places his blade away
[Dominator] NRP: ANy computers?
[GM] Xevil: Ah, got your weapons back, I see.  How foolish of me./
[Blackjack] Well, we know where go next...
[GM] NRP: nope
* Slasher exits the room
* Dominator ignores Xevil and follows Slasher
* Dakota follows group
[Dominator] Stay alert everyone... We want to avoid fights and not get into them
* Blackjack aims his rifle at his ankle, and fires the Cure Laser to ease the pain
[GM] Xevil: I suggest you stop your plan of attack or I kill your leader.
* Paladin wanders behind everyone
* Slasher stops
[Blackjack] Speaking of fearless leader... where the hell is he!?
[GM] Xevil: As you can see, I hold all the cards.
[Slasher] What do you want us to do
[Blackjack] No no, see, that's MY part, Xevil...
* Slasher tries cloaking
[Dominator] ... *glances at SLasher and Blackjack*
[GM] Xevil: He's in the control room, directly three floors above you.
[Paladin] except for the fact that there's a squad of ARMED hunters in your base . . .
[Ariel] Well, you kill him, we kill al of you.
[Slasher] NRP: Do i cloak?
* Arono leans on the wall still hurting from the stabing aliens
[GM] NRP: Yep
* Blackjack whispers 1"Easier said than done," to Ariel
* Slasher tries phasing up three floors
[GM] Xevil: hah.  I tremble in terror.
* Dominator heals Arono a bit with Silver Crystal
[Arono] tanx dom..
[GM] Xevil: I'll deal with you myself.
* Blackjack mumbles something about Slasher and dumb
[Arono] +h
* Dominator tries teleporting up, 1"If this works, follow me..."
* GM Dom teleports up three floors
[Slasher] NRP: DO i phase?
[Paladin] Hmm, if somebody tries to slash this thing off, do you think it'll explode or something?  Might be a bomb . . .
[GM] NRP: yep
* Slasher looks around cloaked
[Blackjack] Oh great, sure, go on ahead. Me? I'll find the stairs.
[Slasher] Dom..you moron. you should've waited til i gave the ok
[Dominator] I just realized... confronting Xevil is probably a very bad idea...
[Slasher] I can cloak you can't
* Ariel freezes the device off Paladin
[Dominator] You shouldn't said something before you went...
* Blackjack looks around
*** GM is now known as FiveAlienSpecialGuards
[Paladin] hmm, thanks
[Slasher] Well..we might as well go together
[Dominator] Anyway.. I doubt your cloak 'll help here much...
[Slasher] WE'll find out soon enough
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards guards a limp form
[Blackjack] While they, and anyone else that can, teleports, everyone else come with me. I'm going to find some stairs or something.
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards a blast from behind hits Dakota
[Slasher] Dom..stop..
[Slasher] It's DS
[Dominator] ?
* Paladin follows BJ
[Dakota] Gaa!
* Blackjack turns
[Ariel] !
* Dakota is out cold...
[Blackjack] Dakota!?
* Arono doesnt know what just happened
[Ariel] DAK!
* Blackjack cocks his rifle
[Dominator] ... *looks at who the guards guard*
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards twirl their Xvash Sh'irs
*** Dakota has quit IRC (Out cold for the moment)
[Blackjack] Whoever just shot, SHOW YOURSELVES!
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards sees Dominator
* Ariel holds her sword ready
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards an alien runs at the group (BJ's)
[Blackjack] Ok... they showed themselves.
[Slasher] Dom have them follow you
* Blackjack draws his own Xvash
[Dominator] All right.... *starts running*
[FiveAlienSpecialGuards] NRP: Wait, the 5 are three floors up!
[Arono] nrp:Im in bjs group right?
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards ignorees Dom
[FiveAlienSpecialGuards] NRP: Yes.
[Blackjack] NRP: Ok, take "own" out of that action.
* Dominator turns and blasts the guards
* Slasher creeps towards the limp body
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards they deflect with their Sh'irs
* Blackjack spins his Xvash and slashes the alien
[Dominator] Damn... why don't these idiots fall for it... I'll keep 'em busy..
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards sense Slasher and slash at him, taking off a good chunk of him
[Ariel] (NRP: *is REALLY confused*)
[Blackjack] (450 AP on that)
[Slasher] ARg
* Slasher uncloaks
[Slasher] Son of a 
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards the alien dies
* Slasher 's Metal arm starts bubbling. 1"Ultimatium" The armor flies in all directions and comes back and latches onto Slashers Skin/Armor. Slashers body is covered in Living Metal boosting his abilities.(2x AP/ lasts for 5 minutes)
* Dominator sidesteps his own blast
[Blackjack] Come on... they can't be doing to well up there...
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards the five attack Slasher and begin to slash (700 AP each)
* Blackjack dashes out the opposite door
* Paladin continues to follow BJ
[Dominator] Well, we try to take them out with force I guess... Slasher!
* Arono unsheeths sword,trying not to fight unless attacked personaly
[FiveAlienSpecialGuards] NRP: BJ finds stairs
[Blackjack] Here! Come on!
* Slasher turns his arm into a Sledge hammer and he slams it into one of the Aliens
[Slasher] Arg
* Blackjack takes the stairs three at a time
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards takes the blow
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards stabs Slasher in the gut
[FiveAlienSpecialGuards] Tysh!
* Paladin sprints up the stairs
* Dominator blasts a giant charged blast with ebony crystal adding to it, then leaps at one of them and slashes
* Slasher the armor absorbs it
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards the other four attack Dom
* Arono doesnt know were to go...
[Slasher] Gotta love this armor
* Blackjack tells everyone to stop at the correct floor, drawing his rifle
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards they swing the Sh'irs
* Paladin ignites his blades
* Blackjack bursts open the door and readies his rifle
* Dominator slashes at one, trying to push him in front of the others, then jumps back blasting
[Blackjack] NRP: Anybody there?
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards ram one at Slash's eye
[FiveAlienSpecialGuards] NRP: No, just the five attacking Dom and Slasher
* Slasher gets up and leaps on a Alien sending spikes into it's body
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards sees BJ
[Blackjack] NRP: Oh, ok.
[Dominator] Blackjack! Get over here!
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards two run at him
* Blackjack fires at the approaching aliens
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards it grabs Slasher in a choke grip
* Paladin fires a force wave at the running aliens
[Slasher] Ack
[Blackjack] Paladin! Take out the one that's got Slasher...
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards they cry out but keep running
* Dominator using Crimson Crystal to increase his speed, slashes rapidly, his sword in a blur
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards one stabs at BJ
* Slasher 's armor creeps around the alien choking him and starts squeezing it
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards the other two keep attacking Dom, overpowering him
* Paladin flies over the two and begins attacking Slasher's alien
* Blackjack tries to parry with his own katana
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards knocks it out of BJ's hand
[Blackjack] Somebody go help Dominator, dammit!
[Slasher] I'm gonna kill you 
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards the alien dies
[Dominator] Rrr.... Here goes... nothing...
* Dominator stands and concentrates, as golden energy slowly encompasses over his body. 1"Golden Prowess... times 3!" The energy engulfs his body momentarily, then it is entirely absorbed into his body. He flashes gold for a moment. Dominator slowly takes a few steps forward, then holds Rune Sword high. He points Rune Sword forward and a giant blast fires forward from his sword at Special Guards as golden energy circles his body (300AP).
[Slasher] Ha
* Blackjack quickly rips out his rifle and fires a blast at point blank range
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards the aliens spin their Sh'irs
[Paladin] Your welcome
* Slasher the armor shoots out the dead carcass at one of the aliens
* Arono twirls his sabre and swings at the in a hack as hard as he can(dont ask me....200 somethin..)
* FiveAlienSpecialGuards the alien dies
[Slasher] thanks somewhat
* Dominator his attacks powered up extremely now, he continues his attacks
* Paladin starts slashing at another alien
* Blackjack turns to the other and fires Cryo Blast at him
*** FiveAlienSpecialGuards is now known as Three
* Three keeps attacking
* Three the other takes it in stride
* Three stabs BJ
* Slasher 's armor retracts back into his right arm
* Three the two keep attacking DOm
[Blackjack] OOOW!
[Slasher] Not good
* Blackjack draws his dagger and tries to stab the alien
* Three the alien dies
*** Three is now known as Two
* Two keep attacking Dom
[Blackjack] NRP: BJ, the walking arsenal
* Paladin rams one with his shoulder 1,0Dammit, I'll never get this taste out of my mouth
* Two drops a tool
[Slasher] nrp: Gotta mow neighbors lawn right now..damn piece of ass stepdad
* Blackjack doubles back to pick up his katana
* Dominator using Crmison Crytal to try and keep up, continues attacking
[Slasher] NRP:ko me and carry me around
* Two the two die from Dom
*** Two is now known as GM
[Shine_Hyena] *
* GM NRP: a rock lands on Slasher's head
* Blackjack jogs back in, the pain in his ankle finally being realizes as he falls to one ankle
* Dominator stops and pants heavily, going to normal mode
[Blackjack] NRP: Er, one knee
* Arono is ready for this mission to end......
* GM spikes fly at ARono's head
* Paladin breaths heavily
[Blackjack] Let's get DS and get outta this hellhole... Ouch...
[Blackjack] ARONO! DOWN!
*** GM is now known as DeathStar
* Dominator uses Silver Crystal on himself
* DeathStar stands up, holding side
[Arono] WHA!?
[Dominator] Death Star....
* Slasher collapses from exhaust
[DeathStar] Nice to see you TOO
* Arono ducks
[Blackjack] JUST GET DOWN!
* DeathStar the spikes drive into the wall
* Arono wounders were they came from
[Paladin] Boy, I don't know if I can take the dullness of this job
[Arono] what the hell was that!?
[Blackjack] Who knows... and who cares?
[DeathStar] ....Alright, lets blow the Core and get out
[Blackjack] Dom, heal DS the best you can. Let's get out of here.
[Dominator] All right... Now, lets blow this ship up and get out before Xevily finds us
[Dominator] Energy running low from Golden Prowess...
[DeathStar] Xevil: Hah ha ha ha ha
* Blackjack motions to the stairway
[Paladin] finds us?  I would think he knows exactly where we are.
[Blackjack] Paladin has a point...
* Dominator heals DS with what he can and follows BJ
* Paladin starts heading down the staircase
* DeathStar spikes fly at Slasher
* Cheryl does her best to treat DS as they go
[Blackjack] Anybody have any idea where the core would be?
[Dominator] Slasher! Duck!
[Blackjack] SLASHER! GET DOWN!
* DeathStar slasher is impailed in the side, knockin him out
[Dominator] As for your question, BJ, no...
[Ariel] Not a clue...
[Blackjack] Shall we split up?
[Dominator] Lets get out of here!
[DeathStar] .....
* DeathStar points at map
[DeathStar] The core is in the next room, lets go
[Arono] ok.....i love this place.....whata death trap
* Paladin grabs Slasher
[Dominator] No.. stay together... someone grab Slasher
[Blackjack] Ok...
* Dominator runs toward the next room
* Blackjack decides not to ask where DS got the map
* Blackjack dashes to the next room
* DeathStar poitns at computer
* Ariel follows
* Paladin runs after everybody
[Blackjack] Hmm, didn't see that
* DeathStar walks into the engine room, a large room, but not as big as the other one in Gears of Destruction Prelude
* Blackjack fires Cure Laser at his ankle, trying to ease the pain
[DeathStar] Wish I brought some bombs...Dom, you got bombs on you?
[Blackjack] I do...
* Blackjack fingers a remote mine
[Dominator] And a matter of fact, yes. There's a word I used... prepared...
[Ariel] I think those'll do nicely
[DeathStar] Well, slap 'em on in the back
* DeathStar twirls sabre
* Blackjack plants a few around the core
* Dominator plants his bombs as well
[Blackjack] Now am I just a "liability?"
* Paladin idly wonders what this Xevil person is doing
[DeathStar] Grrr.
*** Dakota (Jaxer@gc-digital110.pathway.net) has joined #taw
* Cheryl goes around to heal the wounded
[Blackjack] Let's get outta here...
[Ariel] Let's blow this joint
* Dominator finishes planting them
[DeathStar] Alright, lets go
[Paladin] Wouldn't somebody so well prepared have another line of defense?
[Dominator] Okay... we'd better hurry
[Arono] NRP:IM LAGED!!!!!
* Dakota wake's up and catches up the other hunters
* Blackjack dashes towards the Avenger
* Xevil appears
[Xevil] .....
* Paladin runs after everybody, still carrying Slasher
[DeathStar] You!
[Dominator] You had to ask
[Blackjack] Figured you'd make an appearence...
[Ariel] Well well, Mr. Evil himself
* Xevil grabs BJ
[Xevil] Going somewhere?
[Dominator] To the shuttle! Blackjack!
[DeathStar] BLACKJACK!
[Dakota] oh this just keeps getting better...
[Blackjack] PUT ME DOWN!!!
[Xevil] Certainly.
[Dominator] Drop him Xevil, or face the same fate as your guards
* Blackjack struggles, kicking at Xevil
* Xevil throws him down a hole to the Core's reactor room
[Dakota] ! BJ
[Blackjack] YEOW!
[Xevil] Now, lets go on with business/.
* Dakota kicks his jets on trying to go after him
* Ariel falls back, ready to strike
[Dominator] Blackjack! *fires Enemy Ensnare to catch him*
* Blackjack shapeshifts into a falcon
[Xevil] Heh heh heh
* Dakota meets up with Bj
[Xevil] How devoted you are...
[Blackjack] NRP: Ok, doubly saved
[Dakota] Forgot you could do that....
* Blackjack is pulled back up by the Ensnare
* Paladin fires an energy wave at Xevil
* DeathStar slashes at Xevil
* Xevil reflects attacks at Paladin and dodges DS
* Dakota flies back up firing at Xevil
* Arono twirls his sabre just knowing all hells gonna break loose
* Xevil reflects at Dakota
* Blackjack reverts on the walkway and begins firing at Xevil
* Ariel slashes at Xevil
* Xevil reflects at BJ
* Paladin sidesteps
* Dakota flies up somemore
[Dakota] dang...
* Xevil dodges Ariel
[Blackjack] Dammit!
[DeathStar] This is fimiliar...
[Paladin] So, melee weapons then?
* Blackjack dives aside
* Cheryl creates a fire un Xevil
[Blackjack] No projectiles, that's for sure...
[Cheryl] un = under
* Dakota lands near the group
* Xevil absorbs it, gaining life
* Paladin lights the blades for the umpteenth time and runs at Xevil
* Arono stabs at xevil
* DeathStar leaps at Xevil
* Blackjack activates Flash Sabre and leaps at Xevil, slashing
* Xevil twirls DS into Arono's stab
[Dominator] .... *glances at DS*
[DeathStar] ARGH!!!!
[Dominator] DS!
[Arono] DS!
* Blackjack hesitates
[Blackjack] DS!
* DeathStar drops, holding shoulder
[Xevil] HA!
* Ariel throws a ball of ice at Xevil's feet to freeze him in place
* Arono takes his sword outa ds
[Blackjack] You'll pay for that one in spades...
* Xevil fire melts it
[Arono] DS!you ok!?
[DeathStar] ...Fine...
* Blackjack slashes at Xevil in an x pattern
* Xevil blocks with staff
[Paladin] Why don't we just go around him?
* Cheryl goes over to heal DS
* Xevil thrusts BJ back
* Xevil swings at ARono's head
[Paladin] Are those things set for remote or timer?
* Blackjack lands on his feet, ready for the next attack
* Dominator teleports behind Xevil and slashes iwth RS using Crimson Crsstal to increase his speed
* Paladin slashes at Xevil
[Arono] its ok general.....youll make it...i hope....HAY!*ducks*
[Blackjack] Mine were remote...
[Dominator] Mine... too...
* Ariel drop kicks Xevil
[Xevil] OUF!
* Xevil throws Ariel into the wall
[Xevil] PEsr.
* Dakota saber
* Arono jumps at xevil slashing madly(200 a slash)
* DeathStar stands up
[DeathStar] Lets dance....again
* Dakota slashes at Xevil as he does
[Xevil] ARFH!
* Paladin flies at Xevil and punches at his head
* Xevil bashes Arono's arm
* Ariel grabs the wall and slides down the the ground
[Dakota] yep 
* Blackjack tries to slash Xevil again, this time with Cryo Sabre
* Dakota 's sword changes to electric as he delivers an omnislash to Xevil (ap 240 Elec)
* Xevil bashes Dakota
* Dominator stavbs at Xevil while he's distracted
* Xevil leaps back
* Xevil lfips over Dom
* Cheryl foots sweeps Xevil as he lands in front of her
* Arono holds arm
* Xevil bashes his head (2000 aP)
[Dominator] ...!
[Dakota] oy i don't like this guy
* DeathStar swings at Xevil
[Dominator] HURK!
* Xevil dodges and DS hits Dom
[Blackjack] Dom!
[DeathStar] DOM!
[DeathStar] (that dealt 1000 aP)
* Dakota fires 3 quick blasts from his armcannon at Xevil (ap 190)
* Paladin blasts the floor beneath Xevil
[Xevil] OUF1
* Blackjack , behind Xevil, tries to slash at Xevil
[Blackjack] Now that was bright, Paladin...
* Xevil hits the ground, rolls, hears comm. go off and teleports
* Dominator blocks the last slash with RS
*** Xevil has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Blackjack] Dammit!
* Cheryl body checks Xevil
[Dakota] Dang...
[Dominator] Uh... Lets go...
* Cheryl falls face first on the ground
[Blackjack] Everybody, to the shuttle! NOW!
* Dakota puts his saber away
[Cheryl] Owwie...
[Paladin] Great . . .
* Blackjack dashes in the direction of the Avenger
[Paladin] At least the bad guy got away
* Dakota jets to the shuttle and starts it
* Paladin runs for the shuttle
* Arono looks around tryinf to remember were it is
* Dominator runs toward the ship
* TheElder appears, hovering, his face hidden in a cloak
[TheElder] ...Greetings Hunters.
[Dominator] Oh, hell...
* Blackjack screeches to a stop
* Ariel helps cheryl up joins the others
* DeathStar stops his run
[DeathStar] We're in deep shit
[Blackjack] What the...?
[Ariel] Oh fun...
* Dakota stops short
[Dakota] aw man now what
[Blackjack] I've heard that voice somewhere...
[Paladin] Uhm, is he dangerous?
[Dominator] That's an understatement DS
* Dakota is surrounded by a black sphere of energy.... it eventually dissipates revealing a golden version of Dakota
[Dominator] Xevil looks like a first-grader to him..
[TheElder] While you were distracted here  *talks slowly, each word wrapped in evil* Exodus planted a device at MEga City.
[Blackjack] Great, another mention of Exodus...
[Ariel] . . .
[TheElder] Now we have direct teleportation access to Earth.
[TheElder] Your planet is doomed
[DeathStar] What?!
[Dakota] aw man....
[Blackjack] Oh, now THAT'S nice to know...
[Dominator] No....
* Ariel frowns at a private joke
[TheElder] What!?
* Dominator grins and sets it off
* TheElder the ship rocks hard
[Dakota] heh
[Blackjack] Everybody else, to the shuttle! NOW!
* DeathStar is thrown forward by the explosion
* Paladin shrugs and heads to the shuttle
* Dakota jets into the shuttle he and dom brought
* Blackjack dashes for the Avenger
[TheElder] MY SHIP!!!
* TheElder vanishes
* Ariel runs as fast as she can
* Paladin flies off of the floor and jets to it
[Blackjack] HURRY, DAMMIT!
* DeathStar runs
* Dakota starts it
[Dakota] C'mon DOM!
* Dominator runs to the Avenger
* Blackjack boards the Avenger
* DeathStar the Avenger is ahead
* Arono aperes in the shuttle
* Paladin takes a comfy seat
* DeathStar the ship begins to tilt slightly
[Arono] oh todays iv ben to hell and back..
* Dakota starts it being the only one aboard...
* Blackjack dives behind the weapons, trigger in his hand
* Cheryl takes her seat
[Dakota] [comm] let's get outta here!
* DeathStar leaps into the shuttle
* Dominator jumps into the Avneger
[Blackjack] Get this thing moving, DS!
* DeathStar grabs controls
* DeathStar powers it up
* Ariel leaps, rolling into the ship
* Dominator dashes to the weapons consol and jumps in the seat
[DeathStar] Moving as fast as I can.
* Dakota powers up as well
* DeathStar lifts off, noticing Slash and Crystal kncoked out on the floor
* DeathStar flies forward from the dying ship
[DeathStar] Okay, blow it up
* Blackjack hits the trigger
* Dakota follows DS
[Paladin] NRP: Uhm, I brought Slasher with me . . . yea.  yea, I've been carrying him the whole time.
* DeathStar the battle ship explodes
[Dominator] Take that you alien bastards...
[Blackjack] One more strike for Earth...
[Dakota] Peace baby...
[Ariel] Doomed world eh?  Take that!
[DeathStar] Comm: Next stop HQ, then to Mega City...we have to find that device.
[Dominator] What about Mega City...
[DeathStar] Session Ends
Session Close: Wed Jul 21 22:12:16 1999
