[AceHunter] I am proud of what I've been doing, but if you can't keep up the pay, I'm going to have to leave. Sorry Chap.
* Dominator_ looks at Ace
[DeathStar] .....As you know, when I hired you, we were short on people, Ace...
[AceHunter] I know
[Blackjack] Hrm, typical mercenary. That's what I didn't go mercenary after that three-month sting with CorSec... (IF)
[DeathStar] Now we're not, but the pay's even lower then before.   I bet Cran and Spade pulled some strings.
[DeathStar] I'm afraid I can't pay you anymore.  
[AceHunter] Been that way all my life, chap... been in the family
* DeathStar enters the Earth's atmopshere
[Garland] NRP: Pay..? We get paid?
[Dominator_] ...Wait, what does that mean for my pension?
[Arono] why wegoin back to earth?
[DeathStar] NRP: Very little.  Very little.  Not even worth eating on
[Blackjack] NRP: Ace's a mercenary, I think
[AceHunter] I understand... if I see you on the opposite side of the battlefield... I hope to put up a good fight.
* DeathStar flies through space, ignoring Arono
[DeathStar] ......*stares at Ace*
[AceHunter] NRP: Yes
[Garland] NRP... when do I get paid? I ain't seen a dime!
* Dominator_ leans over to DS
[DeathStar] NRP: You get paid when the war is over.
[Dominator_] Quick, kick him out the door
* Blackjack glances at Ace
* DeathStar hands him his last pay
* AceHunter salutes DS, presses a few buttons on his suit and vanishes
[Blackjack] Farewell, Ace... hmph. Damn mercenaries.
[DeathStar] Why do I have the feeling this isn't the end of Ace Hunter?
* AceHunter his voice flickers back...1"Keep it"
[Ariel] Et tu brute?
[Blackjack] Because that last time we saw Baberlus wasn't the end of him?
*** AceHunter has quit IRC (Leaving)
[DeathStar] Why do I have the feeling this isn't the last of the grass jokes?
* Garland looks at BJ.
[Dominator_] Or Sigma? Or North Star? Or Iceheart? Or wiendigo? Or etc...
* Blackjack shudders at the mention of grass
[Garland] Maybe.
[Arono] cuz we are all afraid of grass now
[DeathStar] And Xevil wins a personal little battle with us I see...
[Ariel] *to self* No... Kilgore is gone for good now...
* Darien generates one of his glowing hyperballs and tosses it from hand to hand
[DeathStar] Well, lets head home.  I'm sure Spade has something for us to do now that we saved the world.
[DeathStar] Session Ends
Session Close: Fri Jul 23 21:10:56 1999

Well, the last major multipart storyline for TAW. Hope you guys enjoyed it. As for Azuls, I guess that will never be explained, eh? The only real answer is the one you decide on.