* Seraphna casts regen on DS's wounds
* Cheryl is trying to work on DS's wounds
* Blackjack mutters something about not winning
* Seraphna holds the general down
* DeathStar the entire room begins to fill with some kind of liquid that eats metal alive
[Wiendigo] Shit!
[DeathStar] Sit STILL!?
* Wiendigo phases
[Arono] aw man!
* DeathStar backs up
[Cheryl] Okay, now you can move!
* Paladin flies above the floor
* Blackjack glances as the liquid that is doing no damage to him and Mirri
[Seraphna] Ok... maybe later
* DeathStar it eats as BJ's flesh too
[Blackjack] Ok... let's try this trick again...
[Garland] NRP: Uh.. that would kill Garland wouldn't it??
[Blackjack] OOOW!!!
[Paladin] NRP: There a door?
[Kaiser] aw man....
* Seraphna backs up
[DeathStar] NRP: Yep
* Arono gets on the seat thing...trying not to get tutchesd
* Kaiser slowly starts to form armor over him and starts to shrink, slowly Dakota becomes recognizable as the features of Kaiser disappear
* Cheryl flys up to the ceiling
*** Kaiser is now known as Dakota
[Garland] NRP: shoulda known.
[DeathStar] NRP: No
* Paladin flies to the door
* Dakota turns on his jets hovering
* Blackjack slams the 5 of clubs into the floor, causing an explosion
* DeathStar grabs ceiling
* DeathStar the liquid hurts Wien
[Paladin] NRP: er, never mind
* Seraphna takes out her blaster
[Wiendigo] ARGH!
* Garland flies up
* Wiendigo flies up
* Blackjack and Mirri grabs the ceiling
* Ariel tries to cut the ceiling
[DeathStar] ....Any...suggestions?
[Blackjack] My little trick didn't work this time, dammit...
[Paladin] Blow a hole in something
* DeathStar notices the roof is slick
* Garland blasts the ceiling
[DeathStar] BLOW A HOLE?!  BRILLIANT!!!!
* DeathStar the shot reflects off
* Blackjack slams another club card into the floor, causing another explosion
[Garland] DAMNIT!
* DeathStar watches Cheryl get hit by it
[Blackjack] Cheryl!
[Paladin] CUT a hole in something?
[DeathStar] PALADIN!!!!
[Seraphna] THE FLOOR!
* Garland blasts the fluid
* DeathStar floor does nothing
* Ariel keeps bashing the ceiling with her sword until she can think of something
[Seraphna] Um... The door?
* DeathStar the fluid catches on fire too
[DeathStar] ....GARLAND!!!
* Cheryl is flying as close to the ceiling as she can
* DeathStar room is half full now
* Blackjack throws a razor sharp diamond card at the ceiling
[Garland] I was hoping it'd evaporate!!
[Paladin] Why doesn't it eat the floor?
* DeathStar it bounces off and hits Mirri
[DeathStar] Maybe it's not metal....?
* Seraphna is flying near the ceiling with psionics
[Blackjack] NRP: ...
[Garland] The.. mucus!
* Arono will be half naked if that stuff gets ahold of him
* Wiendigo jsut hovers there
[Paladin] Ah, plastic
* DeathStar the room is 3/4s full
[Mirri] AAACK!
[Garland] The slick stuff!
[Blackjack] Damn it, what else is left!?
[Paladin] Death?
[DeathStar] Xevil: Death.
[Seraphna] The slick stuff!
[Dakota] Aw man this is BAD
[Blackjack] Besides that, pessimistic bastard...
* Arono sets there on the ceiling holding his sword
* Garland flies up to the ceiling and rolls all over the ceiling
[Paladin] Maybe we can plug the hole?
[Cheryl] Everyone ram the door at once?  And hopes it gives?
[DeathStar] Maybe if we all scream the room will shatter.
* Seraphna follows Garland lead
[Wiendigo] Open sesame!
[Blackjack] We'd need to get to the floor first...
[Paladin] It must be coming in from somewhere
* DeathStar the roof slides open at Wien's words
[Wiendigo] Worth a try...
* Garland is trying to get covered in the goo grab on the ceiling
[Blackjack] Oh, now that was a nice trick, Wi...
[Dakota] !
[Ariel] ?!
[Wiendigo] What the hell?
[Arono] ?
[Blackjack] Well I'll be damned.
* DeathStar jaw drops as the liquid hits the bottom of his feet
* Dakota flies up through
[Ariel] Nice...
[Paladin] Oh hell yea
[DeathStar] Xevil: The hell
* Seraphna flies out
[Wiendigo] Damnit, i  wasn't even SERIOUS!
* Paladin flies upwards
* Arono jumps through it
* Garland flied up
* Blackjack snickers
* Ariel flys up with Cheryl
* Wiendigo goes up
[Blackjack] Even stupidity pays off sometimes
* Arono backflips on the roof
* DeathStar crawls out into a room that has more liquid flying at them
[Garland] I feel.. like an idiot now..
[DeathStar] Xevil: HA HA HA HA HA HA
* Blackjack follows DS
[DeathStar] Xevil has a sense of humor I see....
* Dakota looks around thinking azuls is around.....
[DeathStar] RUN!
[Seraphna] NOW? GARLY... Uh.. I mean Garland
* Arono ducks and dodges
* DeathStar the liquid is flying right at them in another room
* Blackjack and Mirri run
* Wiendigo dodges it
* Garland is now covered in that snot stuff...
* Paladin dodges as best he can
[Dakota] ! that stuff has AI or something!
* DeathStar presses against the wall
[Garland] blehgh.. what IS this?
*** Android_13 (pirch@98A6221B.ipt.aol.com) has joined #taw
[DeathStar] Xevil: Oooooboy, that was funny.
* Seraphna follows suit
*** Retrieving #taw info...
*** DeathStar sets mode: +i
[Blackjack] Just like your evil grass, I take it...
*** Android_13 was kicked by DeathStar (DeathStar)
[Garland] NRP: Super 13?
[DeathStar] Xevil: C'mon, I gotta toy with my prey...
[Dakota] Yeah sure BJ
[DeathStar] Alright, suggestions?
[Paladin] Death?
* DeathStar the room is filling up quickly
* Ariel looks around
* Garland slides from the mucus on his foot
[Wiendigo] ...Open sesame?
[Blackjack] Paladin, will you SHUT UP!?
[Dakota] um... blast it like crazy with everything we have?
[Paladin] Egad, sorry
* DeathStar a huge spike flies at Wien's head
[Blackjack] Wien, move!
[Wiendigo] GAH!
* Wiendigo ducks
* Arono slammsswordinto the wall and climbs that way
* DeathStar notices a crack in the wall
[DeathStar] Hey, look!
* Garland looks and rams into it
[Ariel] Can we destroy where it's coming from, and possibly cause a chain reaction?
[Blackjack] Blast that wall!
* Seraphna notices and firees her blaster at it
[Wiendigo] It's a crack, like your....nevermind, too easy...
* Dakota blasts it too
* Ariel blasts it
* Wiendigo blasts at it
[Paladin] It's gotta be a trap . . . but ok
* DeathStar the wall reflects all attacks and hits all that fired
* Blackjack shapeshifts into a half-bull, exhales quickly, and rushes the wall
* Cheryl blasts it aswell
* DeathStar ducks
[Dakota] !
* Garland rammed into it....
* Dakota dodges
* Seraphna blocks with her shield
* DeathStar leans against the solid wall and hears a soft crunch
[Dakota] ?
* Wiendigo absorbs the attacks
* Blackjack rams into the wall and immediately backs off, stunned
* Ariel absorbs her own blast
* Garland blasts THAT wall
[Seraphna] DS?
* DeathStar it shatters
* DeathStar falls through
[Dakota] !
[DeathStar] AHHHH!!!
[Blackjack] Ooh... ouch...
[Wiendigo] ...
[Dakota] oooh that way!
* Blackjack reverts to human form
[Blackjack] DS! You ok?
* Cheryl runs out
* Paladin flies after DS
* Seraphna walks to where the wall was
* Arono runs out too
* DeathStar falls out of the 10 story building
* Wiendigo climbs through
[DeathStar] Oh, SHIT, how did we get here?1
[Garland] AHH!!
[Wiendigo] Wha? AHHH!
* Cheryl flies down and cataches DS
* Arono stands there un mid air
* Dakota dives down with his jets to catch DS
* Arono falls
* Garland is startled
* Wiendigo phases and flies
[Dakota] (grrrr.....)
[DeathStar] ......
[Arono] HELP!
* Ariel flies out
* DeathStar hugs Cheryl
[DeathStar] MY HERO!
* Arono is falling too
[Paladin] We should probably get moving . . . Xevil will probably have more surprises sent our way . . .
* Dakota grabs arono
* Blackjack and Mirri dive out of the building, Blackjack catching Mirri and Arono as he shapeshifts into a half-falcon
[Cheryl] Look before you leap next time DS ;]
[Arono] thanks dak
[DeathStar] I hear that alot....
[Dakota] no problem
* Garland sighs.
* DeathStar the building explodes
* Blackjack takes his hand off Arono and holds Mirri with both hands
* DeathStar the force hits Cheryl and causes her to fall
* Seraphna flies down slowly with psionics
* Seraphna is still human
[Cheryl] Ahhh!
[DeathStar] AHHHH!
* Garland still has the slick mucus all over him
* DeathStar hits a tree and flips off onto the ground
* Wiendigo hovers down towards the ground
* Blackjack catches Cheryl as she passes
* Dakota lands using his jets
* Seraphna regains her flight and continues down...
[DeathStar] That looked like an old CorSec building....
* Paladin touches down near the others
* Garland lands on the ground
* Blackjack lands, putting Mirri and Cheryl down
[Seraphna] Not anymore...
* Arono looks around
[Paladin] Come to think of it, it did.
[Mirri] Thanks for the lift, BJ...
[Blackjack] Anytime. *reverts*
* Ariel loses the wings, and falls the rest of the way, landing in a croutch
[DeathStar] Well, so, what about the Knights?  That was still freaky...
[Seraphna] Ariel? You okay?
[Ariel] Fine
[Blackjack] Holograms, probably...
[Seraphna] It was a simulator
[Garland] I they were robots or holigrams
[DeathStar] But how did other people see it?
[Blackjack] Everybody ok?
* Arono hates it was a sim
[Ariel] The first time was different...
[Blackjack] Because it wasn't just meant for us, maybe?
[Paladin] Seraphna, I find my faith in your feelings about things wavering . . .
[Dakota] fine
* Dakota drops arono
*** Slasher (blarg@ has joined #taw
[Seraphna] A hologram can be seen by everyone General
* DeathStar trips over something shiny
[DeathStar] What the?
[Dakota] ?
* DeathStar bends down and picks it up, a rusted sword
[Mirri] Heh. Accident prone DS does it again.
[Arono] whats that ds?
[Cheryl] What is it DS?
[Blackjack] Hmm, a blade... looks familiar...
[DeathStar] ....Some medievil sword....
[Garland] BRP: rusted metal isn't shiney.
* Ariel is strangely silent
[DeathStar] NRP: Shit, you're right.  So, why is your ass shining?
[Ariel] NRP: LOL
[Seraphna] Why aree you losing faith Paladin?
* DeathStar snaps it
* Wiendigo smokes a cigar
[Garland] NRP: I have a metal ass god I love plastic surgery.
[DeathStar] Best not to question what one does not know
[Arono] wounders whos that was
[Paladin] You told us not to use advanced technology on the knights . . 
* DeathStar calls in the Avenger
[DeathStar] Session Ends
Session Close: Fri Jul 23 23:55:55 1999