Mission 91: It's Still NO Laughing Matter

Session Start: Sat Jul 24 00:02:36 1999
* Logging #taw to '#taw.log'
[Seraphna] START!!!
[DeathStar] Time Chart: 4 days later
[DeathStar] Location: The Bar
* DeathStar sits on the stool, alone
* Garland beats the hell out os Slasher and Sera MY FREAK'N LINE DAMNIT!
* Seraphna is a dragon... on Dak's shoulder
[Slasher] ACK!!!
* Ariel walks up to Sera and Dak
[Seraphna] Ouchies!!
* Slasher gets up
[Seraphna] Hiya Arieel!
* DeathStar raises drink
[Dakota] hey ariel
[DeathStar] To another year of getting a chance at death.
* Garland runs off to a closet for.. no reason.
[Ariel] Hi Sera, Hiya Dak _
[Seraphna] Horah!
[Lactose] Here here!
[Dakota] Yep to you ds
[Lactose] Oops, guess I'm not supposed to be here
*** Lactose is now known as Paladin
[Slasher] DS, is it the aniversary of the day you were created
* Seraphna looks proudly at Dak... but then frowns
* DeathStar glances at the newcomers
[DeathStar] So?  Who cares...
[Dakota] what's wrong Sera?
* Garland sneaks up behind DS
[Seraphna] I...
[Slasher] HEY EVERYONE!! IT"S DS's B-Day
[Dakota] 12:00
* Ariel whispers to Dak and Sera 'You get your parts ready?'
* Arono looks at slasher
[DeathStar] I'm the damnest oldest person HERE that was from EARTH probably....
* Garland throws a BIG HAMMER down infront of DS
[Dakota] NRP: look at icq!
[Slasher] So what
[DeathStar] GAH!
* DeathStar jumps
[DeathStar] Garland!?
[Garland] NRP: HAppy B-DAY!
[Garland] HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
[Seraphna] I don't know what my B-Day is...
[DeathStar] NRP: Thankee
[DeathStar] ....What's so HAPPY about it?
[Arono] NRP:happy new years!no thats not right...
[Garland] Your alive?
* DeathStar notices that the bar keeper has a red nose on
[Ariel] Same here Sera... but honestly don't want to know how old I am...
* Dakota whispers to Seraphna "july 17th" and grins
[Slasher] Think of the alternative
[Paladin] You're getting presents?
[Garland] The earth's still not under complete rule?
[Seraphna] !
* Dakota looks at the bar keeper
[Dakota] uh oh
[Paladin] Wien's dead?
[Slasher] I finally know my B-day..it's Feb.10
* Seraphna smiles
[Paladin] Kidding . . .
[DeathStar] Wien's dead?  Whoo hoo!
[Garland] NRP: Sera's no being annoying with her storylines?
* DeathStar gets up
* Arono cheers to wiens death! J/K
* Seraphna whispers... how old am I?
[DeathStar] Well, if you people will excuse me...
* DeathStar walks off, frowning
[Seraphna] NRP: What storyline?
*** X1 (wiendigo@rc-138.netonecom.net) has joined #taw
[Blackjack] NRP: Hold up, what'd I miss!?
* Slasher grabs DS.
[Ariel] Why would we do that DS?
* Garland hands DS his big ass hammer
* DeathStar bumps into X1
[Dakota] DS?
[Slasher] Nope..Your stickin here
[DeathStar] The LAST person I wanted to see on my B-day
[Dakota] Hey X1 it's ds's b-day
* DeathStar side steps X1
[Dakota] Make'em a cake!
[DeathStar] OH, he knows...he's tortured me many of a time
[Paladin] Poof, he's a cake!
[Slasher] Ah..DAK...
[DeathStar] At least Wiendigo isn't here...then the moment would be so special to me....
* Arono dunno what hes gonna get ds for a present...
*** Foxfire (speedblade@ has joined #TAW
* DeathStar keeps on walking and steps on a wig
* Slasher looks around and finds something
* Blackjack enters the bar with Foxfire and Mirri flanking him
*** Wiendigo (wiendigo@rc-138.netonecom.net) has joined #taw
[Slasher] Uhh...DS here's your B-Day present, a shotglass
[Blackjack] Heard we were missing a party...
* DeathStar bumps into Wiendigo
* Wiendigo appears
[Dakota] yep
* Garland pulls DS back into his seat
* Seraphna whispers again.. "How old am I daddy?"
[Ariel] Okay, he's gone.  Have you to got the stuff yet?
[Foxfire] Thought we'd come crash it.
[DeathStar] Hi honey, came to spank me?
[Mirri] Hrm.
[Wiendigo] Happy...something or other...
* Dakota whispers to sera 17 believe it or not....
* DeathStar looks at Garland
* Slasher looks for the Jukebox
[Garland] Have a drink1
[DeathStar] Boy, don't make me grab you by the neck....I'll celebrate alone
[Slasher] Hey X1, where's your girlfrien
[Seraphna] 17?
* Paladin gives DeathStar Blood2:The Chosen 1,0 There's supposed to be a patch REAL soon
[Ariel] Now how does THAT work Dak...
* DeathStar drops it
[X1] We...had a hole in our relationship...
[DeathStar] Oh, sure, I'll have to wait a few frackin' months then
[Slasher] Oh..
* DeathStar decides to use it as a cap holder
[Garland] NRP: yeah sometime before we all reach 60!
* Blackjack , Foxfire, and Mirri all snickers
[Dakota] NRP meh i don't know.... 
[Ariel] I met Sera over 60 years ago...  Are you sure about those memories of yours...
[Arono] NRP:im laged to heck..
* Slasher gives DS a wigh
[Blackjack] My own birthday is a month from yesterday...
* Seraphna hops to his shoulder and deposit's a gift in his hands
[Slasher] NRP:Wig
[Dakota] (i'll say i forgot a zero or somethng....)
[Slasher] NRP:Arono when aren't you lagged
* DeathStar looks at another bar worker who has a clown nose too
[Arono] NRP:ping please
* Foxfire shudders
[Slasher] A clown nose...
[Foxfire] Deva vu...
* Slasher grabs it and places it on DS's nose
* DeathStar sees Foxfire has one too
[Ariel] Anyone have a haunting feeling of Deja vu?
[Dakota] 2 people with clown noses....
* DeathStar looks down as his nose and then back up
[DeathStar] I think I'll go....
* Seraphna the gift is sheped small and like a weapon
* DeathStar walks off
* Paladin eats the bartender
* Slasher stands there in front of DS
[Foxfire] Uh...
[Dakota] c'ya
* Foxfire rips it off
* Seraphna is still on his shoulder
[Dakota] (er not this chan)
* Foxfire can't
[Ariel] NRP: LAC!
[Blackjack] Charlie!?
[Paladin] NRP: hee hee
[Blackjack] What the hell is going on?
* Slasher lairs down across from Cheryl
* DeathStar escapes
* Mirri points at the clown nosed bar-goer
* Garland throws DS's big ass hammer at DS "DONT FORGET YOUR HAMMER!!"
* DeathStar grabs it
* DeathStar is now gone
* Seraphna is still on DS's shoulder
*** Ridge (Matrix@gc-digital63.pathway.net) has joined #taw
* DeathStar glances at Seraphna
[DeathStar] AHHH!
[Blackjack] Uh oh... deja vu... Mirri, Foxfire, let's get outta here...
[Seraphna] DS...
[Ridge] Oh hi DS
* DeathStar grabs her and stuffs her into the airvent and keeps walking
[Seraphna] Open my gift...
* Cheryl goes and hands everyone a weapon of some sorta from a arsenal of them
* Seraphna hands it to him
* Garland teleports infront of DS
* DeathStar bumps into Garland
[Cheryl] Alright people, listen up!
[Dakota] Hey!
* Blackjack and Mirri quietly leave the bar while Foxfire stays behind
[Seraphna] What did...
[DeathStar] ....This isn't even getting funny....
[Slasher] Now that he's gone..lets make the prep
[Garland] Hey.. I didn't know what to get you so I got that hammer
* Dakota walks out grabing sera out
[Cheryl] Your mission, wiether you choose to except it or not is to hunt down DS.  Got it?
* DeathStar points at Dakota's nose
[Dakota] that was just cruel
[DeathStar] Why do you have a clown nose?
[Dakota] ?!
* Dakota rips it off
[Slasher] I don't know..what if we don't except it
[Paladin] What do we do when we find him?
[Dakota] Not a clue
* Blackjack and Mirri, who were just outside the bar, say, 1"Got it."
[Seraphna] What did I....
* DeathStar points at the new one
* Ariel walks in
[DeathStar] Why do you have another one on?
* Wiendigo slides away
*** Wiendigo (wiendigo@rc-138.netonecom.net) has left #taw
[Dakota] don't worry bout it sera go back to the bar
[Dakota] ?!!!!
* Dakota rips it off
* DeathStar a banana grows instead
[DeathStar] .....
* Slasher looks around
* DeathStar quickly rushes off
* Seraphna flies back into the bar
[Dakota] ?
* DeathStar trips over his cat
[DeathStar] AHHH!
[Ariel] Dak! *laughs*
* Garland tackles DS
* Dakota starts pulling everything off his nose
[Garland] DOG PILE!
* DeathStar X1's underwear appears on the nose and won't come off
* Seraphna silently unwraps the preesent herself
[Dakota] * a sink.... a bowl... a blaster... 
* Blackjack hears the yowl and turns the corner with Mirri, and pile on top of Garland at his call
* Slasher heres Garland yell and phases over to him
*** Arono has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Seraphna it is a beam sabre
[DeathStar] H-Help....
[Slasher] Dog Pile..wehere
* DeathStar gives up
[X1] But I don't wear underwear...
* Slasher leaps ontop of all of them
* Garland isn't squised, just uncomfortable
* DeathStar sees Slasher has a clown nose now
[Dakota] *grass... mucus... bobo the clown's body...
[Dakota] AH!
* Slasher looks at his nose
* Seraphna fondles the weapon... looking reemarkably like Zero's
[Paladin] I'VE GOT IT!  I'VE GOT IT!
* Blackjack and Mirri fight their way from the pile and walk off, clown noses and all
* Blackjack glances down
[Dakota] Um ds 
[Blackjack] WHAT THE HELL!?
* X1 throws a chicken at DS
* Slasher gets off everyone and starts walking on the cieling
* DeathStar vanishes into an airshaft
[Mirri] Blackjack! Hehe, you look ridiculous!
[X1] A GIANT chicken
[Paladin] A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood!
[Dakota] Whyere the heck did this come from? *points at the clown body
* Blackjack points at Mirri's face
[Ariel] 12* Strife runs into DS
* Mirri glances down
[Mirri] EEEEEK!
* Slasher walks past Cheryl waving to her still on the cieling
[DeathStar] Computer: Hey, I'm Bimbo's father's brother's cousin's nephew's roomate's dog!
[Ariel] [Strife] Hey!  What are you doing in here?
* Dakota starts pulling things off his nose again
[Blackjack] I KNEW something was wrong with that computer!
[Dakota] chicken....
[Dakota] mime
[Paladin] You're a dog?
* X1 follows Ds into the airshaft
[Blackjack] Hey... where's Charlie!?
* DeathStar rests there in the airshaft
[Mirri] I dunno, last time I saw her she was at the bar...
[DeathStar] Computer: Hey, Baywatch is on...ooooo...shake that ass....
* Seraphna changes into human... now whereing a uniform similar to that of a jedi... only black like a sith's with a white belt, a blaster is at her side, and her staff is strapped against her back
[X1] Hey everybody! Party's in here!
* Dakota suddenly pulls DS off his nose
[Dakota] Gah!
* Slasher enters the bar
* DeathStar sees X1
[DeathStar] AHHHHH
[Ariel] 12* Strife falls asleep on DS's head
* Blackjack is headed to the bar before Mirri finishes
[Paladin] Computer, would you mind flooding the airshaft with whipped cream?  As a personal favor?
* DeathStar glances up and sighs
[Paladin] Please computer?
* Seraphna sits down at a chair at the bar
[Dakota] what the heck?
[Ridge] oy... weird
* Seraphna hooks the weapon to her belt
* Blackjack and Mirri enter the bar and see a female clown trying to entertain everybody. She looks at Blackjack.
[Blackjack] CHARLIE!
* Slasher sits down on the cieling and drinks a scotch
* Ridge walks into the bar
[DeathStar] Computer: *floods the airshaft with whip cream*
[DeathStar] GAHHH!!!
* Dakota starts pulling things off again
* Blackjack and Mirri scream, backing away, as Foxfire approaches with a balloon animal
[DeathStar] Computer: What is it lassie?  Did Timmy's virgin alarm go off?
[X1] AHHHH! Mmmm....AHHHHHHH!!!!! Mmmmmm....AHH...mmmm...AAHHHHH!
[Slasher] Comp:Where's my Seltzer
[DeathStar] X1, get away from me...
[Dakota] *cd's... a sword... a disk... Vile's body
* Paladin stifles a laugh
* Blackjack and Mirri suddenly bolt, Foxfire chasing them
* Seraphna walks over to Dak
[X1] Sorry, can't do that, gotta keep ya annoyed until tomorrow
* Slasher sees Cheryl standing in the bar
* Seraphna shows him the beam-sabre
[DeathStar] Computer: This is Sigma here, I'm going to blow up Earth, if you'll excuse me....
* Blackjack and Mirri fly past X1, Foxfire the Clown on their tails
* DeathStar escapes the airvent
[Slasher] CHERYL!!! HI!!!
* Dakota is in a pile of random stuff he's taken off his nose
* X1 follows DS
[Dakota] hi sera 
* DeathStar glances at X1
[DeathStar] Ut!
* Paladin runs after DS and X1
[Dakota] maybe if i pulls enough stuff of my nose DS will come back...
[Seraphna] I was gonna give him this...
* DeathStar grabs Seraphna
* Dakota looks at it
* Blackjack and Mirri turn, running the other way. Foxfire, stunned, also turns and chases them.
[DeathStar] Hey, SANE person, lets go
[Seraphna] What?
* Slasher looks at Cheryl
* Cheryl puts a finger to her lips and directs Slasher to go one way to intercept DS
[Slasher] YOOHOO!!! HEllO!!
[Dakota] ?!
* DeathStar locks them in a broom closet
[DeathStar] If you ask me, something's going on here....
* Blackjack and Mirri are also chasing DS now
[Seraphna] Um.. ok...
* Slasher stares at her upside down
[Paladin] Computer, could you flood the closet with . . . hams?
[DeathStar] I Think there's a virus goign around
[Paladin] or turkeys
[Seraphna] I think so too...
* Cheryl goes off after DS
* DeathStar is hit by hams
[DeathStar] OW!!
[DeathStar] DAMMIT!
* DeathStar rubs head
[Paladin] hee hee
* Slasher chases after Cheryl still on the cieling
[Seraphna] HAMS?
* Blackjack listens to the closet
[Blackjack] What's going on in there!?
[Slasher] Comp:Where's DS?
[Cheryl] 12* Strife is still sleeping on DS's head
[Dakota] (LOL)
[DeathStar] Computer: Making out in the broom closet....
[Dakota] hey computer fill the room with Grass seed
[Seraphna] Strife!
[Dakota] and water it
[X1] Hey Computer, alpha delta beta triad nanu nanu
[DeathStar] Computer: *shows a picture of Wiendigo in the nude*
* Blackjack and Mirri are suddenly heard screaming as Foxfire catches them and makes them balloon animals
* Slasher phases next to DS and looks at him still upside down
[Seraphna] Um!!! I"M IN HERE!!!
[DeathStar] Alright, so some virus is going around...what do you think we should do?
[DeathStar] ...uh, slasher?
[Paladin] GACK!
[Paladin] I'M BLIND!!!
[Blackjack] DS! HELP! NOOOOOOOO!
[Paladin] Hey Computer, flood this place with X1's coffee
[Slasher] What
* Cheryl throws the door open and tries to tackle DS
[Dakota] NO PALADIN!
[Seraphna] NOOOO!!!!!
[DeathStar] Computer: *changes picture to that of DS when he was a little baby*
[Paladin] Awwwww
[Dakota] oh cute... 
[Slasher] DS, why is everyone upside down
[DeathStar] Computer: *sends out the lions*
[Paladin] Are you symbolyzing that Wien will become a baby DeathStar?
[DeathStar] Because you're on your head?
* Seraphna walks out of the closet and goes back to thee bar...
* DeathStar runs around
[Seraphna] They aree all insane!
* Mirri the sounds of a struggle are heard as Blackjack and Mirri break away from Foxfire
* Paladin does his david hasselhoff impersonation
* DeathStar heads to the laundry level
[Slasher] Are you sure DS
[Paladin] Drezen!?  
[Seraphna] Even for X1!
[Paladin] No Drazen!
* Blackjack and Mirri crash into DS
* Dakota goes with sera
* Slasher leaps onto DS's back
[DeathStar] Computer: Uh, does anyone care that someone's activated the self-destruct on this place?
* Paladin watches Dak to a piggy back ride
[X1] Or was that huge seven alyer birthday cake with stripper inside? Aw, I can never remember...
[Dakota] !
* DeathStar is attacked by a stripper
[DeathStar] GACK!
[DeathStar] HELP!
[Dakota] self... aw man
[Cheryl] No computer
[Seraphna] Um... This place is insane...
* DeathStar falls into a pile of clothes
[Paladin] You mean the coffee?  Well I know it's bad, but . . .
[Dakota] yep
* Cheryl sits next to Dak with Sera
[Paladin] Computer, don't self-destruct this place
* Slasher falls ontop of ds
*** Sharlena (Lobo@ip3.greenville3.sc.pub-ip.psi.net) has joined #taw
[Cheryl] (Scratch that =P_
[Dakota] this is nuts sera
* Seraphna orders a drink...
* Sharlena runs into DS
[DeathStar] Computer: Warning, decks 2 and 3 are being flooded by X1's coffee...
[Dakota] !
* Foxfire screeches to a stop, seeing something fall into a pile of clothes. She assumes it to be Blackjack and Mirri and approaches it.
[Sharlena] Mr. DeathStar!!!!!!!
[Dakota] Gah!
* DeathStar is tussling with a stripper
* Slasher phases and is now on Cheryl's shoulders
[Seraphna] That's legal for me... right?
* DeathStar pokes head up and sees FF
* Paladin wonders if the coffee will spread
* Foxfire makes DS a balloon animal
[DeathStar] Uh, hi.....
* Sharlena runs around
* Cheryl goes and programs little robots to chase DS with color changing strobe lights
[Paladin] or stain
[DeathStar] AHHHH
* DeathStar dives into the clothes with the stripper
* Slasher looks down and sees Cheryl below him
* DeathStar is attacked by little robots
[Dakota] GRASS!
[Seraphna] He got over Iceheart real quick
* Ariel sits next to Dak, with Sera
* Foxfire looks hurt, and, satisfied that it isn't BJ and Mirri, takes off in another direction
* DeathStar watches grass attack X1
* Sharlena runs and crawls all over DS, him being 8 times her size
[X1] AHHH!
* Ariel laughs at what Sera said
[Blackjack] Did I just hear... SEND OUT THE GRASS!?!? NNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
[Slasher] Computer: Attack Paladin with chocolate honey bees
[Paladin] Wheeeee!
* X1 sends out the clowns and mimes to attack the grass
[Ariel] You missed alot, didn't you?
* Garland doesn't notice Sharlena yet
[Sharlena] Whatcha doing?
* Blackjack and Mirri dart through the mini casino. Blackjack screeches to a halt for a quick game of blackjack.
* Paladin frolics in a flower filled meadow with the bees.
* Slasher phases away and is now on Ariels shoulders
[Sharlena] Hmm? huh huh?
[Slasher] BOOO!!!
[Paladin] Hey, where'd this meadow come from?
* DeathStar grabs Sharlena and hides in the broom closet from the stripper
* Sharlena doesn't notice the woman.
[Ariel] Computer: Send the monster's from under Wien's bed, and from X1's closet after DS
[DeathStar] Okay, are YOU still insane?
* X1 walks around and accidentally falls down teh laundry shute
[Seraphna] Um... yeah...
* Blackjack gets blackjack on the draw, takes the pot, and continues running
[DeathStar] Computer: Uh....
[X1] AHHHHH!!!!
* DeathStar the stripper grabs X1
[Ariel] Do it computer!
* Sharlena hugs DS's head
[DeathStar] Computer: Lock and load, Ariel
[X1] Ack!
[Paladin] Computer:  it was the one-armed man, I swear it!
* Blackjack suddenly thinks of something as he catches up with Mirri. They then dash for Blackjack's quarters.
[X1] Alsion? is that you? How're the folks?
[Slasher] Comp: Could I get Fries with that
[Seraphna] Wait! Why has the bar become a shady glenn?
[DeathStar] Computer: Hey, look, there's a Red Nose Virus going around..ahhh, my nose!!!!
* Ridge walks to his quarters crushing the grass... to weird...
* DeathStar sighs
*** Ridge (Matrix@gc-digital63.pathway.net) has left #taw
* DeathStar leaps out intot the clothes
[Paladin] Computer:  Could you, uh . ..  Could you scratch my back?
* Slasher phases off and is now sitting on DS's shoulders
* Garland drinks a shot of vodka
[DeathStar] Computer: Only if you scratch that bum in the corner
[Sharlena] Mr. DeathStar!!!
[X1] Computer: Who? Who said that? Who's talking?
* DeathStar looks at X1 and the striper
[DeathStar] X1...
* Paladin scratches the bum
[Dakota] HEy Garland why is your daughter down here?
*** Arono (Swordsman@208-223-198-128.du.pldi.net) has joined #taw
* Blackjack and Mirri return to the scene, an all-too-familiar weapon in Blackjack's hand
[X1] ...What?
[DeathStar] ...Why are you....?
[Slasher] Cuz she's my secret lover
[Dakota] welcome to the insane asylum arono
* Slasher chases after Sharlena
* Sharlena is still holding onto DS's head
[DeathStar] Computer: I'll now sing a few lines from the song, "I got the beat"
[X1] ....We're...uh....hmmmm....
[Sharlena] AHH!!!
* Blackjack runs into Arono, firing the weapon at him. Arono turns into a housecat.
* Paladin sings "My Way"
[Arono] NRP:we still on in the base?
[X1] Computer: Ohhhh no you don't!
* Seraphna wanders around the bar, wondering at how it became a shady glenn
[Slasher] Don't run away..I'M DEAD SEXY!!!
* Garland Slasher suddenly finds himself Decked by Garland
[Garland] Bad move....
* DeathStar runs off
[X1] Computer: *whacks the computer*
[Dakota] maybe montana should join us....
* DeathStar enters his quarters and locks the door
[Blackjack] Made a few modifications... *continues running, Mirri right behind him*
[Ariel] 12* Strife is still on DS's head, and leans down to stare DS in the face
* Garland slams Slasher into a wall
[DeathStar] ....Safe...
* Slasher looks at Garland smiles and collapses
* DeathStar stares back
[Blackjack] Computer, give me DS's location...
* DeathStar throws strife into Sharlena
* Garland punches him in the gut
* X1 crawls out from under DS's bed
[Dakota] ((ROFL ROFL!!!))
* Arono jumos on BJ's head
[Slasher] ACk!!
[Arono] MEOW!!!
[Blackjack] AAAACK!!!
[Ariel] 12* Strife goes splat
[DeathStar] Computer: He's with Garland's DAUGHTER in his ROOM.  *nudge nudge wink wink*
* Seraphna comes out of DS's closet
* Slasher keels over and falls down
* Arono claws his head
[Paladin] Computer, hit DeathStar with X1's . . . just hit DS with X1
* Blackjack throws the cat against the wall
[DeathStar] Seraphna?!
[Seraphna] how did I just....
[Arono] HISSSSSS!!
* Garland kicks Shasher into the computers
[X1] Computer: What now?
* Blackjack fires at Arono again, turning him back into Arono
[Dakota] hey Sera look a cat.... *snicker sorry
[X1] DS?
[Slasher] WEEE
[Arono] +P
[Sharlena] Mr. DeathStar!!!
[Arono] =P
* Slasher flies into the computers
* DeathStar glances at DS
[DeathStar] Hi DS!
[DeathStar] DS: AHHHH
* Blackjack picks the lock on Death Star's quarter's door
[DeathStar] ...Um, her...
* Slasher phases into the control room and turns off the gravity
[Ariel] 12* Strife goes to sleep on Sharlena's head instead
[Paladin] Computer, merge DeathStar and DS into ONE!!!
* DeathStar hides Sharlena under the bed
[Dakota] AAAAAH!
[X1] Computer: Moooooon riiivver, wider then a mile.....
[DeathStar] Computer: What do I look like, a computer?
[Paladin] Fine
* Sharlena laughs
* Blackjack bursts open the door to DS's quarters
[Blackjack] Hello, General...
* DeathStar waves at BJ
[DeathStar] Hello, .....
[Slasher] COMP:Turn the gravity off
* Blackjack points the weapon at DS
* X1 hangs from the chanderlier
* Seraphna continues to wonder how she got in DS's room
[Dakota] oh no...
* Paladin floats around like a maniac
[Ariel SOUND]
[DeathStar] Computer: Hey, what's Sharlena doing under DS's bed]
* Sharlena messes with the things under DS's bed
[X1] Computer: What now? Huh?
[Slasher] Turn it off Computer...Turn the gravity off
[Dakota] your not your in the bar with me era
[Dakota] (er sera)
* Blackjack fires, turning DS into a dachsund
[DeathStar] Computer: Hey, shu that computer up!
* Slasher phases back to where everyone else is
[Seraphna] BRB
[DeathStar] ARF!
* Garland is suddenly in DS's room.
* Paladin then lies down as if there were no tomorrow
[DeathStar] ARF!
* DeathStar walks around
* Blackjack spins the gun of his finger
[Blackjack] NRP: on
[Paladin] WEENIE DOG!
[X1] Computer: I'm afraid I can't do that Dave.
* Paladin gets a hot dog bun
* Slasher hits the gravity and turns it off
* Sharlena laughs
[Dakota] AAAH!
[Arono] LOL!
* Slasher floats up and starts swimming
[Paladin] C'mere, I gots some ketchup too, weenie dog
[Slasher] WEEE!!!
* Garland pulls DS's bed up and gets Sharlena
[DeathStar] Computer: Jim, he's a dog, not a doctor dammit!
* X1 swings on a trapeze in Ds's room
* Arono is rolling on the floor laughing his dang head off
[Seraphna] (What?)
[DeathStar] Computer: He's dead, Captain....
* Blackjack reverts DS as Slasher tries to have lunch
* Sharlena jumps back onto DS's head
[DeathStar] ACH!
[Blackjack] Sorry, DS.
* DeathStar runs from his room to the Control Room
* DeathStar enters the control room
* Dakota thinks "hey ds isn't Palain's birthday in a couple days?
* Garland busts out laughing
* Slasher swims by Arono and flicks him off with an oversized glove
* Blackjack and Mirri sprint from his quarters
* X1 tackles DS
[DeathStar] Computer: To the doghouse, Batdog!
* Foxfire looks around for her brother and future-sister-in-law
* Slasher swims by DS
[Seraphna] ?
* Paladin runs to the doghouse
[DeathStar] Computer: Ooooo, taking a showerrrrr *takes a shower*
* Sharlena jumps onto X1's head
[Seraphna] This is all VERY confusing
* DeathStar runs off with X1 distracted
[Dakota] this is insane....
[Ariel] 12* Strife swims past DS
[Foxfire] Computer, give me the locations of Jared "Blackjack" Cater and Mirri "Freewind" Brooks...
* DeathStar arrives at the control room and locks the door
* Slasher plays [SmashMouth--All_Star.mp3] - 4719k - [iČ]
[Dakota] so sera what were you giving ds?
* Paladin slaps the computer in the back of the central processor for being such an utter moron
* DeathStar turns around and sees BIMBO THE CLOWN!
[Ariel] 12* Strife swims past DS again in the other direction
* Slasher knocks on the control room door
[Dakota] GAH NO!
[DeathStar] Bimbo: Ha ha ha!  My virus is working PERFECTLY!!!
* Paladin eats Bimbo's left leg
[Dakota] NOOOOO
* Seraphna shows him the beam-sabree
[DeathStar] Bimbo: What!?  AHHHH
* Arono gets a glass of water and leaves the focet running making it flood
[Paladin] grrrr
* Garland grabs X1, and looks him in the eyes.
* Blackjack screeches to a halt behind Bimbo
[Ariel] 12* Strife swims right into Bimbo
* Slasher rams his head into the door
[Seraphna] This was Zero's
* Mirri also stops
[Dakota] DIE THING!
[Garland] Rat you say.....?
[DeathStar] Bimbo: AHHHHHH
* Dakota charges his armcannon and blasts bimbo (ap 280)
[Blackjack] Heh heh... payback time, Bimbo...
[X1] Eep.
* X1 runs off
[DeathStar] Bimbo: You guys are nuts!  How the hell can I kill someone nutier than I am?
* Dakota looks at the saber
* Slasher phases into the room and turns the gravity on
[Dakota] really??!
[Seraphna] I thought another MH leader should have it
[Slasher] BIMBO!!!
* Slasher leaps onto Bimbo a
[Seraphna] Ye
[Slasher] DADDY!!!
* Blackjack aims the weaponat Bimbo and turn him into a muscrat
[Seraphna] s
* Sharlena jumps off and into Garland's arms
* Ariel comes comes running out and to a scretching halt, when she runs into Bimbo
* X1 runs by Bimbo and knocks him inot a vat of lobsters
[Sharlena] DADDy!
* DeathStar watches Bimbo pull out a time machine
[Dakota] Gah!
* Sharlena hugs garland
* Paladin slaps X1 in the crotch
[Slasher] NO!!!
[DeathStar] Bimbo: *leaps in and reappears two minutes ago*
[Paladin] uh, oops?
[DeathStar] Bimbo: Hello Bimbo from 2 minutes ago!
* Slasher falls on the ground
[DeathStar] Bimbo: Hello you sexy thing you!
[X1] HEY! Only Alison can do that!
[Ariel] 12* Strife swims right into Bimbo again
[Slasher] Oof
* Blackjack slaps his forehead
[Dakota] oh no...
[Dakota] Gah
[DeathStar] ....
* Dakota blasts both of them
[DeathStar] This is scary...
[Slasher] Two Bimbos...
* Blackjack fires the weapon at the Bimbo from two minutes ago, turning him into a muscrat
* Cheryl runs into the other Bombo
[Slasher] DADDIES!!!
* DeathStar watches both bimbos blow up and the time machine blow up
[Dakota] WHOA
[Paladin] Computer, give them X1's cake!
[Dakota] !
* X1 tosses Pal into the time machine and sens him back to 11 minutes from now
[DeathStar] Time Reverts itself:
[Slasher] AKC!!!
* DeathStar drinks adrink alone
* Arono runs into controle room screaming"FLOOD!SOMEONE LEFT THE FOCET ON!no wait that wasme..."
[Seraphna SOUND]
[Paladin] I've gone back to the FUTURE!
[DeathStar] Ah, another year to get a chance to die....
* Garland sits next to DS
* Blackjack fires the weapon at Paladin, turning him into a muscrat
* DeathStar looks at Garland
* Slasher walks in
* Sharlena jumps on DS's head
[DeathStar] Wait, do you have a BIG hammer?
* X1 sits next to Ds on teh other side
* Paladin musks BJ
* Dakota turns Bj into a chicken
[Arono SOUND]
* DeathStar turns to X1
[Paladin] ew, stinky
* Ariel walks up to Dak and Sera
[DeathStar] Where the hell did you guys come from?1
[Ariel] Got your stuff ready yet?
* Blackjack reverts to true form
[X1] Memphis?
* DeathStar glances at Sharlena
* Seraphna sits, confused
[Dakota] what ariel?
[Slasher] NRP:Umm..guys were back to where we started
* Blackjack turns Dakota into a rabbit
[Ariel] Wait a sec... didn't I already do this?
* Paladin musks Bimbo
[Slasher] I don't know
* DeathStar shakes Sharlena off
* Dakota turns into a 40 foot rabbit nose bouncing and all
[Paladin] NRP: Except for the fact that I'm a muskrat
* Arono whaps BJ