Mission 92: Offerings

I have to say, this was one of the best damned sessions I've had the honor of GMing before. I think it surpassed Mission 1, 25, 50, and 75 with flying colors. I wonder if 100 can top it....I would also like to thank X1 for his help in this session. Without some of his insights and help on it, the session wouldn't have been as good as it turned out. Thanks X1!
[DeathStar] Time Chart: 1 week later
[DeathStar] Location: Control Room
* DeathStar swings around in his chair
* Slasher walks in with a jug of milk half empty
* Ariel is playing with Strife while Cheryl takes her station
* DeathStar watches a muscrat run by
* Slasher downs the jug and chucks it towards Dak
* Dakota sits near by beside ariel
* Dominator walks in towards his eat
* Dakota ducks
[Slasher] Mind throwing that away for me
[Dominator] seat
[Dakota] nah you can
* Slasher phases over picks it up and chucks it in a garbage can
* Ariel glates angrily at Slasher after she gets hit
[Slasher] OOhh..Sorry Ariel
[DeathStar] X1's going to have your head for that Slasher...
[Slasher] Why? Is that his new girlfriend
* DeathStar the computer begins to beep
[DeathStar] No, I mean about the muscrat
[Ridge] so what's on the to do list today ds?
* Dominator glances at the computer to see what's up
[Slasher] What about the muscrat
* DeathStar Spade appears on the computer
[Slasher] It's probably Spade
* Wiendigo throws a bottle at the comp
[Dakota] figures....
[Slasher] OH yeah
[DeathStar] Spade: Welcome Hunters, we have an unusal assignment for you to accomplish.
[Dominator] Good guess... or bad, depening upon how you look at it
* Slasher does a vic dance for guessing right
[Ridge] what now?
[Dominator] Oh really? Do go on
[Slasher] What, Save the world again
[DeathStar] Spade: A strand of killings have been going on.  All strangely alike.
[Slasher] Do your dirty work
[Dominator] Who were the vitoms and who were the killing alike?
[Dakota] define strangely Spade
[Dominator] Slasher, you realize we do work for EarthGov... I don't like it either, but...
[Slasher] Strange as in his b.o.
[DeathStar] Spade: We suspect some type of cult working going on.
[Dakota] ooo a cult this is actually something new and different 
[Dominator] Send us all the neccesarry information... I assume you want us to find and arrest this cult?
[Ridge] not the general go to base... blow up maverick type deal
[DeathStar] Like the man said, an unusal assignment...
[Slasher] What were the murders like
[DeathStar] Spade: Find, arrest, or kill.
[Slasher] How bout, Find, and then kill
[DeathStar] Spade: They are known as The Followers of Asscension
[Dominator] We'll see what the situation dictates, Slahser...
[Dakota] Asscension?
[Slasher] Spade, what were the murders like
[DeathStar] Spade: You'll see when you get to mainland Europe.  I'll have a body waiting for you
* DeathStar the computer winks off
[Dakota] a body?
[Slasher] Ewww...
[Dominator] ... This will be interesting...
[Ridge] that's just sick
[DeathStar] A cult?  But we're just HUNTERS.
[Ridge] well to the shuttle...
[Slasher] He's probably keeping us busy
[Dakota] meh i got my own ride
[DeathStar] To the Avenger.
* Dakota walks off
* Slasher phases down to the shuttle
* DeathStar teleports down there
* Ridge goes to the avenger
* Wiendigo slides to the shuttle
* DeathStar powers up the Avenger
* Dakota hops into montana starting his jets up
[Dominator] Well, we did do a little detective work with Infinity Inc. And I did some more finding out about Titus. (Infinity sessions + IF)
* Ariel heads down to the shuttle
[Dakota] anyone else want a ride?
[Slasher] DS, wait for the udders
* Dominator teleports and enters the Avenger
* Ridge gets in the avenger
* Slasher sits down in a chair
* Cheryl teleports down
[Dominator] NRP: How many does the Avenger seat? How big is the Avenger? Just wondering...
[DeathStar] NRP: Pretty big.
* DeathStar lifts off
[Dakota] hmmm *closes the door and readies to follow the avenger
* DeathStar exits the hanger
* Dakota follows the avenger
[DeathStar] Off to stop the cult of...what was it called again?
[Slasher] Something Assencion
[Dakota] Assension I think
* DeathStar flies towards Earth
[Dominator] The Followers of Asscension
[Wiendigo] Asswipes...
[DeathStar] Good, remember that for me Dominator
[Slasher] NRP:Dak how could oyu here him..the comm ain't open
[Dominator] All right...
[Dakota] (:p)
* DeathStar flies through space and arrives at Earth
* DeathStar flies through the sky and lands in the area around France/Germany
* DeathStar it is dark
* Dakota lands near by rolling over near the shuttle
[Dominator] Hmm... interestingly eerie time to go looking for a cult
* DeathStar lowers the Avenger's ramp and looks around
[Dakota] so where's this body?
[DeathStar] Hmmm, I think I went to the wrong spot...
* Slasher walks out and looks
* Ridge exits the avenger
[Slasher] Way to go DS
* DeathStar reads the cordnets
* Dominator sets out and looks around
[DeathStar] Oh shit, I messed up.  Into the Avenger
[Slasher] Great..
* DeathStar powers it back up
[Dakota] oy...
* Slasher walks back into it
[Dominator] Great.. *enters the Avenger again*
[Ariel] DS?!
* Dakota starts up the jets again
[DeathStar] So SUE me....
[Wiendigo] Moron...
[Dominator] Lets just get going
[Wiendigo] How about I GUT you instead?
* DeathStar raises ramp and flies towards England
[Dominator] It would be preferable to solve this before more murders occur
* Dakota follows him
[Dominator] ... You miscalculated by a large margon it seems
[DeathStar] I misread a 6 and 9
[Wiendigo] Dumbass.
[Ariel] Preferably not in our own ranks Dom
[DeathStar] Yeah, ARONO could be the clan's next VICTIM
* Dominator glances at Ariel
[Slasher] What's so wrong with that?
[Wiendigo] I could alsways sue another hand to add to my colelction...
* DeathStar flies over England
[Dominator] Lets just see who the murder victoms were before we jump to conclusions
[Ariel] What's with britain now adays...
* DeathStar lands at London
* DeathStar lowers the ramp
[Slasher] Are you sure this is the right spot??
[DeathStar] Yes I'm sure asskisser.
* Ridge lands near by
* Slasher walks out and looks around
[Wiendigo] Better damn well be.
[Slasher] I don't kiss ass?
* Wiendigo flips out and crouches near the ground
* DeathStar walks out
* Ridge walks out
* Dominator exits and looks around
* Ariel gets out
* Wiendigo inhales deeply
[DeathStar] I smell death...hanging in the air
[Wiendigo] Now THIS is my type of place...
* Cheryl walks out
* Slasher walks around
[Slasher] So where's this dead body?
[Wiendigo] Exactly why it's my type of place.
* DeathStar nearby is a EarthGov camp site
[DeathStar] Figures.
* Slasher sees the camp and heads for it
[Dakota] I think maybe over there
* Dominator walks toward the camp site
* Dakota starts driving toward it
* DeathStar walks towards the camp
* Wiendigo bounds off into the heavy rolling fog
* Ridge walks towards it as well
* DeathStar glances at the incoming fog
[Slasher] Man it is kinda foggy...
[Slasher] That won't help matters
*** Spade (ryan_cross@p4-5.reno.powernet.net) has joined #taw
[Ariel] I don't like it
[Cheryl] Well, it IS england
* DeathStar sees Spade
* Spade smoke from a cigar can be seen as Spade comes into view
* Slasher stops next to Spade
* Dakota rides along with the door open
* Dominator stops by Spade
[Slasher] Back to cigars I see
* Dakota stops
[Spade] True, I prefer them...
* Ridge leans on Montana
[DeathStar] So, where's the body?
[Spade] Welcome to England, Hunters
[Spade] This way... *turns and motions for them to cme*
[DeathStar] I'll be sure to visit the bloody queen later.
* Ridge follows
* DeathStar follows behind him
[DeathStar] How many victims have there been?
[Dominator] How many vitcims ahve there been? *follows*
* Dakota drives along
* Slasher follows right behind Spade eyeing him
[Ariel] NRP: Now they're doing it!
[Spade] 18 so far...
* Ariel follows reluctantly
[Slasher] Oohh...
* Spade stops at the body
* DeathStar glances down
[Slasher] I think that's about how many Corsec
* Dakota hops out of montan looking
* Dominator looks it over
[Slasher] 's I've killed
[DeathStar] GM: The body's guts have been removed and burn marks cover the eyes,face, and arms
* Slasher looks at the body
* Wiendigo comes walking through the fog with another body over his shoulder
[Wiendigo] Make that 19.
[Dakota] aw man that is sick...
* Wiendigo dumps it on the ground.
[Slasher] Dude!!!
* DeathStar glances at Wiendigo
[Slasher] That's just nasty
* Slasher sees Cheryl coming
[Wiendigo] Wasn't my work, hoesnt.
[Dominator] ....
* DeathStar glances at the body and sees it's eyes have been burnt out too
[Slasher] Cheryl I don't think you'ld want to see this
[Spade] The count includes this body, wiendigo
[DeathStar] So, you leave bodies in the woods now?
[Wiendigo] Yeah? Well tell me then, WHERE did I find it?
[Spade] ... The eyes were probably burned while the body was still  alive
[Cheryl] I'm a medic slasher, I've seen worse
[Slasher] Then go ahead and look
* DeathStar glances inside and sees vital organs are missing
* Ariel looks down, her face not even hinting any emotion
[Dominator] ....
[Ridge] that's just really nasty
[Slasher] What a strange cult..Why would they want organs.
* Cheryl looks. Disgust shows on her face
[Spade] I don't know. EarthGov and I want them stopped though
[Wiendigo] These are my kind of people.
[Cheryl] How could they do that?
[Slasher] I'm going to enjoy killing these bastards
[Slasher] So who were these people?
[Dakota] that cult right?
[Spade] This one was found in town
[DeathStar] I say....the Followers of this Accession clan is pretty nasty bunch
[Slasher] Anything special about him
[Wiendigo] Either that, or Jack the Ripper's been absent from his grave.
[Dominator] Definetly... Where they all found around this area?
[Slasher] Strange diseases they had..WEre they all left handed, blue eyed..what?
[Spade] As far as we can tell they were chosen randomly
[Spade] They were all founda round this countryside, Dominator
[Ridge] hmm..
* DeathStar stands up, wishing he had a drink right about now
[Spade] Hence our presence here
[DeathStar] Well, Spade, any witnesses?
[Slasher] Did you search there backgrounds?
* Wiendigo takes out a beer bottle and kicks it back
* Dominator glances at Wien
[Spade] Yes, there were.
[DeathStar] There was a witness?
[Spade] NRP: yes=no
[Wiendigo] Yeah, we're so frickin' Shitlock Holmes & Co....
[Spade] NRP: Correc the line to "No, there weren't.":
[DeathStar] Alright then...where are the other bodies?
[Spade] And yes we did do a background search. I can give you the data if you wish
[Spade] The local morgue at the moment.
* DeathStar nods
[Slasher] Sure 
[DeathStar] Lets go guys
[Dakota] right 
[Spade] Don't you want the data first?
[Slasher] Spade, could you give me teh background data
* Dakota hops back into montana
[Slasher] I'll take it
* Spade moves over to a desk for a few moments and comes back with a data pad, giving it to Slasher
* Slasher holds hand out
* DeathStar walks next to Dominator, Ariel, Slasher, and Wiendigo
[Slasher] Thanks
[DeathStar] Okay, how should we handle this?
[Dominator] Check that data over Slasher.
[Slasher] I planed out it
* Slasher starts looking at the data pad
* Spade fades out of view as the Hunters leave, turning to another area of the camp with matters to conduct
*** Spade has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Wiendigo] See cult looking person, kill cult looking person.
[Dominator] Well, first we examine the data.
[DeathStar] Ah, but we don't know what the cult looks like.
[Slasher] I'm doin that now..
[Dakota] I got a computer in here dom
[Slasher] Why would you want a comp Dak
* DeathStar notices a church nearby in the woods, hidden slightly in the fog
[Dakota] meh you never know
[Slasher] Let's head over there
[Dakota] cross with other stuff
[Dominator] If we find any connections we analyze them and figure out where to look. ALso, we need to be prepared to tango with murders
[Dakota] yeah
[Slasher] No thanks Dak.
[Dakota] alright
[Dominator] To the church?
[DeathStar] Don't churches and cults go together
[Dominator] The woods... Interesting location for a church... but this is the country
* Slasher starts heading towards the Church while looking at the data
[Slasher] Yep!
* DeathStar walks towards it, fading into the fog slightly
* Dakota drives beside ds
[Dominator] Slasher... I doubt the cult posses that much danger to us. *follows them*
* Ariel walks beside Dak
[Dominator] As long as we're together that is
[Dakota] want a lift ariel?
* Wiendigo dashes towards the church
* Slasher goes through all the notes and goes over it again
* DeathStar appears at the church
* DeathStar sees someone inside, moving about, robes on
[Ariel] Thank you Dak
* Wiendigo pushes past DS and kicks open the church doors
* Slasher places the data pad into his pocket
[Dominator] If we go in, lets try not to make too much of a scene...
[DeathStar] Wiendigo!
* Dakota hops out of Montana
[Dominator] Wiendigo, stop that!
[Dakota] too late now
* Slasher walks in behind Wien
* DeathStar the man whirls around, a pastor
[Ariel] For offering
[Dakota] yeah no problem
[Dominator] Uh, excuse our companion, pastor...
[Dakota] Wein always the suttle one
[Ridge] heh yeah
[Slasher] Dom, DS, I couldn't find anything in it. They're were just random people
[DeathStar] Pastor: Who are you?
[Slasher] The RedNeck Squad
[Dakota] -_-
[DeathStar] ......*remembers that name quite well*
[Wiendigo] Someone looking for cult people to kill. Seen any around?
[DeathStar] Pastor: Redneck whhat?
[Slasher] Nevermind Pastor..
[Dakota] Maverick hunters Pastor
[Dominator] We're from the Maverick Hunters.
[DeathStar] Pastor: The cult killings?  I know nothing about it, sorry...though there have been threats against some church people.  I believe they are against the Lord.
[Slasher] We were wondering, have you heard anythiing about murders or the Towers OF Accension cult?
[Slasher] I wonder..
[Ridge] figures
[DeathStar] They are a cult after all....
[Dominator] Well, hopefully you won't need to worry as we're here to stop them
[Slasher] Pastor, do you know any of these people *hands him the data pad*
[DeathStar] Pastor: *glances at it* Some, just a few...
[Ariel] Do you think the cult is threatening the Church?
* Dominator glances at Slasher, 1"I didn't know you had some dectetive skills..."
[DeathStar] Pastor: I do not, child.  I cannot say.
[Slasher] Was there anything special about them
[Slasher] Dom, I don't
[DeathStar] Pastor: What?  No.  Just followers of the Lord.
[Slasher] Were they pastors like you?
[Dominator] They went to this church?
[Dakota] odd....
[DeathStar] Pastor: If you would excuse me, I need to go home now.
[Dominator] I think he means church-goers, Slasher
[Dakota] you want a lift Pastor?
[Dakota] i'll be happy to take you
[DeathStar] Pastor: I have my own ride, thank you
[Slasher] Let us escort you home, it isn't safe out there
[DeathStar] Jeeze, if the man says he doesn't need help, let him go
* Slasher takes the data pad back from the pastor
[Wiendigo] I say we tail him, I don't trust him.
* DeathStar watches the pastor leave
[Dominator] Plus, we need to find the cult...
[DeathStar] Wiendigo, it's 1 in the morning.  We need to find some rooms.
[Ariel] You don't trust ANYONE Wien...
[Slasher] Dom, think he was hding something
[Dominator] We could have sent Dakota or another to escourt the pastor
[Wiendigo] Hey, you, ZIP IT!
[DeathStar] But--
[Slasher] Yeah, I'm getting kinda tured
[Slasher] tired
* DeathStar shakes head slowly
* Dominator glances at Slasher, 1"No, not really... I doubt a priest would hide something, especially something related to a cult."
* Wiendigo snarls and heads after the pastor's car
* DeathStar follows Wiendigo
* Slasher looks at Dom 1"You never know this day of age
[Dominator] I think he just wanted to get home... Murders like these would shake up the locals
[DeathStar] Wiendigo, get your ass back here.
[Dominator] Now, did you find anything in the data?
[Wiendigo] Screw you, go get your nap in, old man.
[Slasher] Guys, I say we stay here and get some rest
[Slasher] No...
[DeathStar] Not after I take you down some notches...
[Dominator] The pastor only knew a few, so it's doubtful the others were religous. This is a rural area, so there can't be many churchs in the vicinity
* DeathStar sees the pastor is long gone now
[Wiendigo] Phht, like to see ya try.
* Slasher lays down on a bench looking at the data pad thoroughly
* Wiendigo phases into the ground
* DeathStar glances around and hears some noices nearby
*** Hirozaki (ask.me.to.@maxT1010-jfa.jfa.nutecnet.com.br) has joined #TAW
[Dominator] Lets check those out.
* Slasher gets up and walks outside the church
* Dominator moves toward them, weapons ready
*** Hirozaki (ask.me.to.@maxT1010-jfa.jfa.nutecnet.com.br) has left #TAW
* DeathStar follows the sounds
* Slasher places the datapad in his pocket and walks around causios
* DeathStar the fog rolls in again
* Slasher follows behind DS quietly
* Dominator quietly walks toward them
* DeathStar walks through the forest
[DeathStar] This is getting stranger and stranger....
[Dominator] Yes...
* DeathStar listens to Dom snap a twig
* Wiendigo leaps up out of the ground right in front of DS
* Dakota drives along side DS "no kidding"
[Slasher] Almost like a B Horro movie
* Ridge just walks along
[Slasher] Shhh.
* DeathStar steps past Wiendigo
[Dominator] .... *watches his footing more carefully*
[Wiendigo] The car's heading that way.
* DeathStar sees Montana is causing alot of noice and can fit int he forest
* Ariel follows along with Cheryl, near the front
[DeathStar] What?  You think the PRIEST is part of it?
[Dominator] .... Montana will give away any surprise...
[Slasher] Dom...what did I say..
[DeathStar] Damn, it's dark out...can't even seen the moon...
[Dominator] NRP: How far ARE they from the noise/
[DeathStar] NRP: Getting closer
* DeathStar sees a fire ahead
[Wiendigo] Let's see, odd behavior for a preist, driving a car through the woods on a foggy night, towards an old castle, hmm, COLUD HE?
[Dakota] oh no.
* Dakota drives out ahead
[Dominator] Fire... Radio EarthGov's men?
[DeathStar] No, they'd give any surprise away.
* DeathStar walks closer and sees figures walking around the camp fire
* Dakota stops a little ways away from them
* Dominator hiding, looks at the figures
* DeathStar leans against a tree and tries to get a better view of them
[Wiendigo] Hmm, looks like similar to some sort of ritual fire place thing.
[DeathStar] Hmmm, we near Stone Hedge or something?
[Wiendigo] That's not near here.
[DeathStar] OH.
[Ridge] heh
[Ariel] That's way to the north
[Wiendigo] Different city.
[DeathStar] Looks like they are wearing robes....anyone tell the color
* Dominator strains eyes to see
* Slasher crouches down next to Cheryl watching
* Ariel tries to tell
[Wiendigo] White.
[Slasher] DS, ya see the pastor?
[DeathStar] Sounds KKKish.
[Dakota] nah no hoods ds
[Dominator] NRP: How many figures?
[DeathStar] No, but one of them seems to be wearing a different robe than the rest...must be the leader
[DeathStar] NRP: 30
[Wiendigo] Most cults wear white, sign of being pure.
[Dominator] This is undoubtably the cult...
* Slasher slowly sneacks forwards trying to get closer
[Dominator] Interesting observation, Wiendigo
* DeathStar slides forward
* Dominator is talking very quietly
[Ridge] he's right....
[Wiendigo] You hear alotta stuff in prison.
* Dominator moves with the others
* Dakota slides out of montana going with the others
[Slasher] NRP: How far away am I
[Wiendigo] Wouldn't get too close though, they probably have patrolers around to watch for people like us.
* Slasher creeps forwards quietly
[DeathStar] NRP: A good 40 feet
[Dominator] NRP: Are they armed with anything?
[DeathStar] NRP: can't see
[Dakota] NRP: why don't you jsut cloak slasher?
* Slasher 's body slowly fades away till it is cloaked.
[Slasher] DS, I'll scout ahead
[Dominator] GOod idea... Slasher try to survey the area, but don't go too far
* DeathStar tries to read the one guy's lips
* Slasher stands up and walks forward slowly watching his step
[DeathStar] He's talking about the  Tsivrixsh...cleansing...
* Dominator sees what DS is doing and follows his explain, trying to read one of their lips (if only one is talking, his lips, if others are, someone different then DS's guy)
[Wiendigo] A cult devoted to the aliens?
* Slasher sneacks into the opening and listens
[Dominator] The Tsivrixsh? ... They might have started a cult up?
[DeathStar] Odd.
[Dakota] oh great....
[Ridge] looks that way
* DeathStar the cult members glance in Slasher's direction
* Slasher stands still
[Dominator] Makes sense though... People may belive these powerful aliens are god-like or at least worthy to be followed
[Wiendigo] Shit, little shit's got himself noticed.
[DeathStar] I think Slasher's blown his cover...
[Dominator] He was cloaked..
* DeathStar the cult members begin to head away into the woods
* Slasher mutters 1"Shit"
[Dakota] ?
[Dominator] Alien technology... Damn... We need to do something quick or they'll all get away
[DeathStar] Wait, Wiendigo, did you say something about there being a CASTLE near here?
* Slasher follows behind the cult
[Wiendigo] It's a cult to the Tsiv, you really think they wouldn't be endowed with SOME special abilites?
[Dominator] ... The perfect hideout...
[Wiendigo] 'Bout 5 miles due west
[Slasher] Comm:DS I'm gonna follow them
[Ariel] Castle?  Predictability rating?
* DeathStar watches Slasher step on a mime
[Slasher] OH shity
* Slasher doesn't move
[Dominator] NRP: A mime? AAAAA!
[Ariel] NRP: No!  Not a MIME!
[DeathStar] NRP: ....
[Dominator] NRP: Thank goodness
[Slasher] NRp: how can you watch me I'm cloaked
[Wiendigo] NRPROFLMAO!
[DeathStar] Mime: GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!
[Slasher] Uhh...Sorry
[Ariel] Gah... what a fool...
[Wiendigo] Wait...mime's don't talk...
[Dakota] NRP: Gah it is a mime!
* DeathStar slaps forehead
[Dominator] NRP: ...?
* Slasher punches the mime and walks off
[Cheryl] _¡
[DeathStar] Mime: Hey, I'm a reporter...get back here!
* Slasher stops
[Dakota] oh great
* Slasher uncloaks
* DeathStar walks and joins the mime
[Dakota] TV again
[Slasher] What do you want?
* Dominator follows DS
[DeathStar] Mime: I'm covering the cult killings....are you guys part of the cult?
* Wiendigo stares at the reporter
[Dominator] You were tailing those others?
* Dakota hops back into montana and drives him over
[Wiendigo] Yes.
[Slasher] Yeah sure...
[Dominator] No, we're here with the authorities
[DeathStar] Mime: Of course.
* Ariel follows Dak
[DeathStar] Mime: Ahhhh.
[Dominator] NRP: Er, ignore what Dom said. He didn't say it!
[Dakota] okay 5 miles 
[Slasher] How come they didn't see y0ou?
* DeathStar sees the others are getting way
[Dakota] you want a lift ariel?
[Dominator] NRP: er... did he... *shrugs*
[Ariel] Thanks again
[DeathStar] Mime: I'm a mime!
[Dominator] Lets follow them
[Slasher] Thanks a lot mime boy
* Slasher runs after the cult
[Dakota] alright 
* DeathStar hands Dom his card
* Wiendigo punches out the mime reporter
* Dakota drives after the cult
* DeathStar watches the reporter collapse
* Dominator takes it and looks at it, then follows the others
[DeathStar] I think this is going to get us later...
* DeathStar runs through the woods
[Slasher] Who cares
* Slasher phases ahead of the others and is close to the cult
* Wiendigo tails DS
* DeathStar takes a short cut by heading down a large hillside
* Dominator follows DS
[Wiendigo] What? ACK!
*** Darien_Tobias (Rask@spc-isp-tor-uas-76-36.sprint.ca) has joined #taw
* Wiendigo falls down the hill
* DeathStar slides down
* DeathStar flips off onto the road side
* Slasher continues following the cult
* DeathStar sees the castle ahead
[Darien_Tobias] (I'm here to watch)
[DeathStar] NRP: Shhhh!
* Dakota drives down in montana
[Slasher] Comm: where are you DS?
* Dominator continues to follow DS
[DeathStar] Comm: At the castle
* Wiendigo finally stops rolling
[Dakota] You alright Wein?
* DeathStar smirks at Wiendigo
[Slasher] Comm: I'm right behind the cult, want me to keep on there trail?
[Wiendigo] ....
* Ridge walks down toward the castle
* DeathStar sees the cult entering the castle
* Wiendigo takes out his katana
* Slasher looks to his side and sees DS
[Wiendigo] Say the word...
[DeathStar] Lets kick ass.
* Dakota hops out of montana and heads in
[Dakota] Rock and roll
* DeathStar runs at the drawbridge which is slowly going up
* Slasher 's fists begin to glow a dark brown.5"CHIKEI" Slasher pounds the ground causing the energy in his body to fly into the ground causing it to erupt in a straight path for 30 feet at Cult (Earth Elem/300AP "2x AP if Ultimatium is in use")
* Wiendigo charges after the cult
[Dominator] The Hunter's motto... *dryly*
* Wiendigo leaps up and grabs onto the drawbridge
* Dominator dashes towards the drawbridge, right behind DS
* Slasher leaps onto the drawbridge and rolls down it
* DeathStar grabs the drawbridge
* DeathStar pulls himself up and slides down
[Wiendigo] RAGH!
* Ariel follows closely behind Dak
* Dominator slides down too
* Slasher sees DS land on him
* Ridge goes in behind the group
* Wiendigo leaps at some cult people and tackles them
[Slasher] UGh
* DeathStar steps off Slasher
[Slasher] Off
[DeathStar] Cult Member: RAH!
* Slasher gets up
* DeathStar grabs saber
* Wiendigo punches the hell out of them
* DeathStar watches the cult members fire weapons at them
* Slasher leaps onto a Cult member
[Dakota] !
[Dakota] Crud!
* Dominator goes to cover
* DeathStar ducks as he watches it melt the stone
* Slasher grabs the cult member and uses him as a shield
[DeathStar] OH shit!
* Dakota charges up and fires 3 quick shot at 3 different cult people
* DeathStar stabs a cult member
[Dominator] ...!
* Wiendigo leaves the cultists he's pounding on charges after more
* DeathStar sees the others are missing in the castle halls
* Ridge activates the rig grabbing one of the cult members and slams him into a wall
* Slasher drops the cult's body
* Wiendigo slices two head's off
* Ridge then throws the body at the rest of the cult members
[DeathStar] Well, lets split up and destroy...
[Dakota] right
[Ariel] Fun...
[Dominator] All right
[Slasher] NRP: how many paths
[DeathStar] NRP: 8
* Slasher looks
* DeathStar heads down the furthest hallway to the right
[Slasher] Which one should I take
* Dakota heads right
* Wiendigo runs down one of them, not really paying attention to which one
* DeathStar sees torches are lit
* Ariel follows Dak
[Dominator] NRP: Gotta go, see you all
* Ridge decides to go with DS
* Cheryl walks over to slasher, waiting for him to chose one
*** Dominator has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Slasher runs down the first one on the left
* DeathStar walks slowly down the halls, watching the torch make shadows on the wall.
[Slasher] Come on Cheryl..
[Cheryl] Right behind you
[Ridge] this is kinda freaky DS
[DeathStar] I agree.
* DeathStar grabs torch
[DeathStar] Well, lets go!
* Slasher starts walking and grabs a torch
* DeathStar walks along the halls and hears a dripping sound
* DeathStar glances down and sees a red liquid on the floor
[Ridge] um...
* Ridge looks up
* Ariel uses her flaming blade as a light
* Wiendigo runs blindly doqwn the hall, swinging his katana and yelling
[Dakota] good idea ariel
* Slasher looks around carefully as he walks
* DeathStar sees it's source is from above and he climbs up and opens the trapdoor, bodies falling on him
[Ariel] Can't go walking into this blindly _
[Ridge] Aw man!
[DeathStar] AHHH!
* DeathStar is covered in blood and guts
* Ridge uses the rig throwing the bodies off ds
[Ridge] you alright?
[DeathStar] Fine...
* DeathStar wipes the blood off with disgust
[DeathStar] Well, this is where they do their little surgery..
[Ridge] i must admit... that was sick...
* DeathStar continues down the hallway
[Slasher] This is getting kinda freaky..nothing yet
* Ridge follows him
* Wiendigo ends up in a large room, filled with tons of cultists, praying, who stop and look at Wien
[Slasher] Comm: DS ya find anything
* DeathStar Slasher sees some white up ahead
[DeathStar] Comm: Nothing, not a damn thing..
[Slasher] Cheryl, what do you make of that
[Wiendigo] Shit...
* DeathStar steps into the same room
* DeathStar sees Wien has the cult's attention
[Ridge] oh great....
* Slasher slowly creeps towards the white light
* Ridge fires up the rig
[Slasher] Cheryl??
* Slasher looks back
[Dakota] NRP: me and ariel?
* DeathStar sees the Cult members advance
[DeathStar] NRP: You see...whatever you wnat!
[Wiendigo] ...Shit...
[Ridge] well ds?
[DeathStar] I don't suppose we could watch them attack him and brutally kill him
* Wiendigo runs back down the hall he just came from
* Cheryl follows right behind slasher
[Slasher] Good..
* DeathStar sees the Cult members chase wien, abandoning the room