* GigaManX runs to the hole
[Blackjack] And we're not?
[DeathStar] We're just misunderstood!
[Paladin] Because you specifically asked us to?
* DeathStar grabs the nearest object near him and holds it over Giga's head
[DeathStar] Don't come any closer!
* Blackjack yelps as he is picked up
[Paladin] . . .
* DeathStar drops BJ and grabs another object
[Blackjack] OUCH
[Dominator] Hey let go
[GigaManX] You were hurting that human!
[DeathStar] ....*Drops Dom*
[Dominator] Thanks
* DeathStar grabs himself and holds him over Giga's head
[Blackjack] NRP: We're giving DS hell tonight
* GigaManX fires a charged shot at DS (1000 AP)
[DeathStar] OFU!
[Paladin] Wait wait wait, you care about WHOA!
* DeathStar falls through the hole and lands on Giga
[Paladin] Er, uh, you care about humans Giga?
* Blackjack dives into the hole, katana at the ready
*** Dominator has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Paladin shrugs and forgets about that line of strategy
* GigaManX you must be a maverick... am I right?
[Blackjack] Just what is your... uh... "mission" in life, anyway...?
[GigaManX] You must be a maverick... am I right?
* DeathStar coughs
[DeathStar] I am a Maverick HUNTER.
[Paladin] We're the maverick hunters
[Blackjack] Um, no, he isn't... we aren't... we're Hunters.
[GigaManX] Than why were you hurting that human? *points to BJ*
[DeathStar] Because he likes it....
* DeathStar stands up
[Blackjack] Accident, I guess.
* DeathStar whacks BJ
[Paladin] He's a masochist.
* DeathStar points at human Paladin
* GigaManX blasts DS (200 AP)
[Blackjack] O... *goes with DS's theory* Hey, that felt... *hesitates* ...good, do it again...
[DeathStar] See?  He's *dodges*
[GigaManX] That's no excuse!
* DeathStar punches Giga
[DeathStar] Here's one for the books!
* GigaManX begins charging again and is unaffected by the punch
* DeathStar slashes Giga with his sword, he goes into Polaris and begins to crush Giga to bits and follows it with a miniture version of his Limit Breaker 3. (2,340 AP)
[DeathStar] You shoot me again, and you're going to get it alot worse than that!
[GigaManX] You dented my helmet!
* DeathStar watches a spider land on BJ
[DeathStar] .....*Sighs* Do insult me...
* Blackjack ignores it
[Paladin] *mep*
[GigaManX] And I just waxed it!
[DeathStar] Okay, can't we all be FRIENDS?
[Paladin] We're humans, and we'll vouch for DeathStar here
[Blackjack] Look, apparently you're not supposed to be against us, for some reason...
[GigaManX] But... you..you're a maverick
[DeathStar] No, no I'm not.  I hunt Mavericks.
[DeathStar] Okay, where's Spade and Shell?  Are they dead?
[Blackjack] He hit me because I did something stupid and I deserved it.
[GigaManX] Than why did you hurt that human twice?
[Blackjack] NRP: Shouldn't that be Fade?
[GigaManX] Spade? Who's that?
[DeathStar] Because we're friends.
* Blackjack shakes DS's hand
[DeathStar] NR: I meant Fade
* DeathStar shakes BJ's hand
[GigaManX] But that doesn't make sence
[Paladin] Who's Fade?
[Blackjack] NRP: Now THAT felt retarded.
* DeathStar hugs BJ
[DeathStar] Give it there, 'bro!
* GigaManX looks confused at all this
[Paladin] Where'd this mop come from?
* Blackjack starts to back off, but returns the hug. A look of disgust crosses his face, unseen by GMX.
[GigaManX] But what about what you did to the testing cylinders?
[Paladin] That was to test their . . . er. . . durability
[DeathStar] Because Fade and Shell created those.  They plan on...hurting humans.
[GigaManX] Huh?
[DeathStar] INFACT, they attacked BJ here once.  
[Blackjack] Yeah.
[GigaManX] No, they didn't create them
[DeathStar] They didn't?
[Blackjack] Say WHAT?
[Paladin] NRP: Because we're friends with the cylinders.
[DeathStar] OH, well, okay, we'll just find Fade and shell and go about our business.  Deal?
[GigaManX] They merely copied them from Light's design for MMX's canister
[Blackjack] They? Who they?
[Paladin] So all those things inside the canisters . . .
* DeathStar watches Dom nod silently
[GigaManX] Shell and his robots
[DeathStar] So, Giga, where IS Shell?
[GigaManX] Not sure, he said something about needing to infultrate something or rather
[DeathStar] .....*sighs*  Fade?
[Blackjack] Infiltrate... HQ, maybe?
[GigaManX] He's somewhere around the base, not sure exactly
* Blackjack shakes his head
[Blackjack] DS, scanner?
[DeathStar] ....He IS?  *scanner appears over his eyes*
[GigaManX] What do you want with him?
[Paladin] To be friends . . .
[DeathStar] Doing a scan on a previous biosignature of Fade, I will be able to locate him in minutes.
* Blackjack sighs, draws his cards, and plays solitare on the floor
[DeathStar] .....Doesn't show up!?
[DeathStar] Okay, that's it, we blow the base up
[Paladin] Hey GigaMan, look behind you, a giant chocolate cake
[Blackjack] Hrm. No game, then.
[DeathStar] ....Giant chocolate cake?
*** FadeHologram (shadezader@pub56k-18-189.dialup.umn.edu) has joined #taw
* FadeHologram appears
* Blackjack turns
[Paladin] Sorry DeathStar, was just doing a little test of his iq
* DeathStar glances at the hologram
[FadeHologram] Hello again
[DeathStar] So, you're not dead.
* GigaManX is looking at Paladin like he's crazy
[Blackjack] Damn. I was hoping I wouldn't have to see that ugly mug again.
[FadeHologram] Right on the first guess
[DeathStar] I don't suppose you would commit suicide, would you?
[FadeHologram] Been there, done that... didn't work for me
[Blackjack] NRP: This session is dragging slightly...
[DeathStar] NRP: *ass is in the ground, dragging* Really?
[Paladin] NRP: Well, a three person session . . .
[DeathStar] Really.....oh well.  Don't suppose we can make a deal.
[FadeHologram] And what is that?
[Blackjack] NRP: Four.
[DeathStar] You leave Earth alone.  You leave the Hunters alone.  We never hear from each other again./
[FadeHologram] Earth alone, it's my biggest market center
[DeathStar] For local criminalization....
* DeathStar sighs
[FadeHologram] No, unlike CorSec... everything we do is perfectly legal
[DeathStar] Is it now?  Then what do you explain ATTACKING us?
[FadeHologram] O, as far as I can tell you were the one attacking my base all the time
* Blackjack stands there, listening in silence
[DeathStar] Gah!  
* DeathStar turns
[FadeHologram] I do have the right to defend my property
[DeathStar] Stay away from the Hunters Fade.  I don't want to see your face again, got it?
[FadeHologram] If you do, it will not be my falt
* DeathStar snarls and heads for the exit
[Blackjack] Well, what do you know, things went our way for once.
* FadeHologram vanishes
* Paladin turns and walks after DeathStar
* Blackjack follows DS
*** FadeHologram (shadezader@pub56k-18-189.dialup.umn.edu) has left #taw
* Blackjack Dominator follows BJ
[DeathStar] But for how LONG?  Fade has the Mk.2s....what does he plan on doing with them?
[GigaManX] Hey wait up!
* DeathStar turns to Giga
* GigaManX runs after them
[Blackjack] NRP: Better not be too much longer, 100 is coming. *smirks*
* Blackjack stops
[GigaManX] So, why did you destroy the canisters?
[Blackjack] Will you leave us alone about the damned canisters!?
[DeathStar] To try to destroy the Mk.2s for whatever twisted plot Fade has for them.
[Paladin] To give their innards air
[Blackjack] NRP: That's a first. Three completely different answers.
[DeathStar] NRP: Mooo?
[GigaManX] Yes, but the Mk. 2's are immune to that level of blast
[Blackjack] NRP: *shapeshifts into muffins* MEEEOOOOOOW!
[DeathStar] So we see.  *shrugs*  Well, we better go.  Stay out of trouble, Giga
[Paladin] What level blast are the mk2's vulnerable to?
[GigaManX] And Shell ins't going to be back for a while to copy more
[Blackjack] We kinda figured that out. Hey, it's been nice meeting you, and let's hope we stay on the same side of the battlefield, ok?
[GigaManX] Well, I suppose starfighter weapons would work
* DeathStar smiles evilly
[GigaManX] I'd have to check design parameters
[DeathStar] Giga, do me a favor...leave this base in the next 20 minutes, would you?
* Blackjack turns around to hide his evil grin
[GigaManX] How?
[Paladin] walking
[DeathStar] However.  Get to the jungle or something. Hide.  Run.
[Blackjack] Doesn't matter. Just leave.
* DeathStar takes off into a run for the entrance
[GigaManX] OK, Why?
* Blackjack dashes after DS
[DeathStar] You'll see in 20 mins.
[Paladin] There's a free pizza waiting for you!
* Paladin runs after DS
[Blackjack] *muttering to DS* I've seen smarter Mavericks than that guy...
* DeathStar arrives in the one lab, does something, and continus on to the entrnace
[DeathStar] He's naive.  A trait X had.
* DeathStar arrives outside and runs through the swamp
* GigaManX begins wandering into the forest
*** GigaManX (shadezader@pub56k-18-189.dialup.umn.edu) has left #taw
* Blackjack shapeshifts into a falcon and flies next to DS's head
* DeathStar leaps across the jungle, flips into the Avenger, and preps it
* Paladin flies next to the other side of DS's head
* DeathStar grabs comm.
[DeathStar] Yo, Battleships...blow this target up for me *Gives location*
* Blackjack dives into the Avenger, Dominator a short distance behind him
* Paladin straps into a seat
* DeathStar lifts off
* DeathStar watches as six mini explosion go off before the ships fire
* Blackjack reverts and sits at the weapons, just by habit
* DeathStar flies through the atmosphere. What the hell was that Darien?
*** PlanetBase (shadezader@pub56k-18-189.dialup.umn.edu) has joined #taw
[DeathStar] Er, What the hell was that Darien?
[Blackjack] NRP: Darien? Oh my god, we left Darien!
[DeathStar] NRP: Oh shit!
[Darien] I have no idea... but it looked sorta like my hyperpulse weapon 
[DeathStar] .....you think....?
[Blackjack] Hmm.
* DeathStar covers eyes as the ships fire on the base, blowing it up
[Paladin] So what happened?
*** PlanetBase (shadezader@pub56k-18-189.dialup.umn.edu) has left #taw
[Blackjack] I'm not sure, Paladin...
[Paladin] What were those mini blasts?
[Paladin] hmm
[Blackjack] You can read my filed report later...
[Paladin] I think I will.
[Blackjack] Because I have a feeling DS is going to make me do it. Again.
[DeathStar] Trouble.  Maybe not now, nor months for now, or year even...but one day, we'll learn what it is.
* Blackjack glares at DS sarcastically
* Darien stiffles and sneazes
[Paladin] Priviledges of rank
[DeathStar] Priviledge of learning mep-ese...
[DeathStar] Session Ends
Session Close: Sun Jul 25 23:53:56 1999

In the wreckage of the base a rock move. A voice that would have spooked any who heard it murmered from the wreckage. "Not enough time..." As the body pulled itself from the wreckage, it could be seen to be dripping a yellowish blood. "There's never enough time." It lifted its head, staring at the distance to the forest. If any of the Hunter's were there, the would have reconized Fade's visage... or at least the half they had always seen. The other half faded away into nothingness... the origon of his codename. "At least Darien will never know that he trully had his revenge on me. He'll never know that I'm not out there." He crawled, using his good arm, toward the forest. He knew he was dying, the way he had failed to do with his attempted suiside years earlier, when living past all his opponents had given him no reason to live. His overly complex suiside... left him literally half a man. But his power had increased beyond that of normal humans. But now... As he crawled to the edge of the forest, he could see Giga Man X running toward him. "Fade! What happened to you!?" "What should have happened long ago." At Giga Man X's feet, what was left of Fade faded away, like he never existed.