Mission 93: Infinity Endings

Session Start: Sun Jul 25 22:29:33 1999
[DeathStar] Time Chart: 5 days later
[DeathStar] Location: Control room
* Slasher sits down. He has patches on his shoulders and arm
[Slasher] DS...that's the last time I save your ass.
* DeathStar is still pondering the events of the last session
[Paladin] Ooh, I'm so very very sorry I missed that last mission . . . *chuckles softly*
* Dominator sits in his chair thinking
[Blackjack] NRP: *sighs as lag grows and grows and grows*
[DeathStar] NRP: At least it isn't grassed lags
[DeathStar] So, did you all read up on the cult?
[Paladin] NRP: Or lagged grass . . .
[Darien] What cult?
[Dominator] Guess not...
[Blackjack] Sorry I had to sit out that last time...
[DeathStar] Quite an adventure, I must say....
[Slasher] The one thing that freaked me out was how that lightning stuck that guy
[Blackjack] Mirri and I were finalizing the wedding plans...
[Dominator] True...
[DeathStar] Wedding Plans?
[Paladin] I read the report.  Wedding Plans?
[Slasher] BJ.. you gonna hook the not
[Dominator] Wedding? Congratulations
[Slasher] knot
* DeathStar eyes grow distant at that
[Dominator] Isn't that "tie the knot", SLasher?]
[Slasher] So can I be the ring bearer...the best man?
[DeathStar] I thought it was "burn the knot, I want a divorce!"
[Blackjack] We've got it set up, Slasher... I'll fill you in later.
[Darien] BJ, is doggy going to be there?
*** Blackjack has quit IRC (Lag too high. Server hop.)
[Paladin] Back to the cult at hand . . .
[Slasher] Great..well I'm off these burns have to heal...thanks to our little encounter with tha cult
[DeathStar] ...Darien...
*** Blackjack (speedblade@ has joined #TAW
[DeathStar] Oh, the cult welcomes you to be their next victim, Slasher...
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Blackjack
[Darien] BJ, is doggy going to be there?
* DeathStar waves Dominator over
* Slasher stops and punches a table
[Slasher] What...did you just say DS
[Dominator] Slasher?
[Blackjack] Yes, Foxfire is going to be there... can't leave my sister out.
[Darien] Yay! Doggy!
* Blackjack grins, knowing how Charlie hates that nickname
[DeathStar] I said, "The cult welcomes you to be their next spokesperson"
[Dominator] I think she'll be in human form though...
[Dominator] DS....
[DeathStar] What?
[Slasher] You mean we gonna take those basterds down?
[Blackjack] Uh, yeah.
[Darien] Where's Doggy now?
[DeathStar] We already did...
[Blackjack] Helping to decide on Mirri's wedding dress.
[DeathStar] Dominator, remember your mission against Infinity Inc?
[Slasher] Oh then I'm leaving to take a rest
* Slasher walks out the door and heads to his room
[Dominator] Where are you having the wedding, Jared?
*** Slasher has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Dominator] How could I forget, DS
[DeathStar] Well, the planet.  You had people scan it.  Seems they came up with traces of a hidden lab.  I think the mk.2 models might be in there.
* Darien looks up at the mention of Infinty, Inc.
* Paladin sits backd and zones out
[Blackjack] There's a small chapel in my hometown that we decided on.
[Dominator] NRP: Which planet?
* Blackjack snaps into Hunter mentality (so to speak)
[DeathStar] NRP: It's not named....
[Dominator] Did they detect any lifeforms?
[Blackjack] I've heard about the mk. 2's...
[Dominator] As in Infinity's personel
[Dominator] It's probably good the mavericks don't know about them... They might feel like the Mk.2s would replace them, or just try and steal them
[DeathStar] IT's sketchy, the reports.  Some kind of shield generator blocks most scanning
[Blackjack] Figures.
[Dominator] Well, we should check it out
[DeathStar] I think you guys would love to head back to your ol' romping grounds.
* DeathStar heads to the Avenger
[Paladin] So, to the Avenger?
[Blackjack] Great, so we have to go back there...
* Dominator heads toward it
[Blackjack] To the Avenger, Hunters! *laughs*
* Paladin walks to the Avenger
* DeathStar teleports there, to save time
[Dominator] Are any of our battleships still there?
* Blackjack jogs to the Avenger
* Darien skips to the Avenger
* Dominator gives in and teleports inside to his seat
[DeathStar] Yeah, two.
* Blackjack morphs into a wolf halfway there and sprints the remainder of the way
* DeathStar powers up the Avenger
* Paladin walks very deliberately to his seat
* Dominator tries to recall, 1"How many total do we still ahve? We lost alot during that battle..."
* Darien sits down in the copilot seat
[DeathStar] Okay, all aboard?
* Blackjack gets onto the shuttle, walks to the port weapons seat, reverts to human form, and sits down
*** Slasher (blarg@ has joined #taw
[DeathStar] I'll run a check later.
[Blackjack] We are now.
* DeathStar flips the switches up and listens to the engines purr
[DeathStar] "We"?  
[Darien] Hey, DS, we gonna stop by the At-lan-tic?
[Paladin] We, the Hunters
[Blackjack] Yes, we, as in myself and everyone else.
* DeathStar lifts off, hitting the switch to close the ramp
[Blackjack] NO!
* Dominator glances at Darien, 1"The Atlantic?"
[DeathStar] I figure leave the ship buried there for now.  Never know when it can come in handy.
[Blackjack] Not the Atlantic!
[DeathStar] Okay, the Indian Ocean/
* Blackjack slaps his forehead
[Dominator] NRP: Must have missed this session
[Blackjack] I hate my life...
* DeathStar flies out of the dock
[Darien] Why not, BJ?
[Dominator] Just hyperspace to the planet...
* DeathStar enters the cordnets
[Blackjack] Uh, Darien, we almost died...
[Dominator] Hey, taking time to do the safety measures... This is a first..
* DeathStar hits the hyperspace button and takes off
[Darien] That was Pac-if-ic
[DeathStar] .....Dominator, don't make me grab this mop here...
* Paladin shudders slightly
[Darien] I know my oceans
[Blackjack] Why did that make me shudder...
[Dominator] NRP: Another mop!
[Blackjack] Hrm. Apparently I don't.
[Dominator] What's a mop doing on the Avenger?
[Blackjack] An ocean's an ocean, I guess
[Paladin] I don't know, but how does this strike you, "Mop made from Grass"?
[DeathStar] I think you should ask X1 that.
[Blackjack] Maybe we have a janitor stowaway...
* DeathStar watches the stars streak past
[Blackjack] I still say Wiendigo should be demoted to janitor.
[DeathStar] Actually, he's a Lieutenant now
* Dominator watches the stars too, they are slightly hypnotizing
[Blackjack] Which I don't like the idea of, because he has a higher rank than me...
[DeathStar] Hell, Slasher has a higher rank than you
[Blackjack] Good point
[Paladin] That pyschopath is a leiutenant?
[DeathStar] Well, Cadet....
[Dominator] Though you will be promoted again soon, most likley
[DeathStar] Hey, this is fun....NOT
* Blackjack starts to gloat, but thinks better of it
[Dominator] What's our ETA anyway?
[DeathStar] .....20 minutes.....
* Blackjack yawns and stretches back in his seat
[DeathStar] No, wait, that's the old ETA...Garland screwed with the engines...
* DeathStar glances at the new figures coming up
* Blackjack sits back up
[DeathStar] Hey, 10 seconds.....
[Dominator] That's a big difference
[DeathStar] The Avenger was upgraded alot.
* Darien loads a video game into the Avengers computer
[Blackjack] Ok, I was going to ask about a game of poker, but I guess not now...
[Dominator] I'd say so. Good thing though.
[Paladin] Gonna beat that in a hurry, eh?
* DeathStar hits the button and exits, entering graveyard of ship parts
[Darien] No, for the way back
[Paladin] ah
[DeathStar] Hmmm...*Watches a wing hit the Avenger and bounce off* Charming place here...
* Blackjack shudders as he looks around
[Dominator] Definetly...
* DeathStar glances at the barely recognizeable outline of the station
[Darien] Hey look, a *untranlatable*
[DeathStar] Well, to the planet  *hits the turbo boosters and navigates through the graveyard*
* Dominator looks at the station recalling the battle
[Blackjack] I hoped I'd never see this area again...
[DeathStar] *Bam!*  *wham!* *Crash*  *Thud*  *shrieeek*  *MEOWWWW!*  *WHAAAM*  *Boom*
* Dominator glances at Slasher, 1"We almost lost you here?"
[DeathStar] Lot of garbage...
[Blackjack] What was that? A cat?
[Slasher] NRP: Is not htere
[Dominator] Careful DS...
[Blackjack] Hey DS, I think that was your cat...
[DeathStar] Funny....
* Blackjack laughs
[Dominator] DS has a cat?]
[DeathStar] Don't pick on Muffins...
[Darien] At least it can't get my fish
[Blackjack] I'm only half joking, DS...
[Slasher] NRP: Hey ain't that my fighter over there
[Blackjack] Muffins!? *bursts out laughing*
[Paladin] Muffins?!  *stifles a laugh*
[Dominator] Muffins? *stifles a laugh*
[DeathStar] Okay, ENOUGH OF THE ECHOS!!!!
[Blackjack] NRP: Apparently I'm the only one with lack of control over my laughs.
* Dominator snickers and then is silent
[Blackjack] NRP: *laughs* Wait... dammit!
* DeathStar flies toward the planet
*** Slasher has quit IRC (Eh...I'm bored...and gotta wait for a phone call)
* DeathStar enters into the thick atmoshphere
* Dominator checks what knid of atmospher it has
[Blackjack] NRP: It's a thick one, Dom
[DeathStar] Computer:  Bah!  Why the hehll should I tell you?
[Dominator] NRP: LOL
[Blackjack] Hrm. Damn computer still needs reprogramming...
[Darien] Because you're a nick computer
[DeathStar] ....X1's gotten to the Avenger....
[Dominator] What the?! Made the upgrade wasn';t all for good...
* DeathStar lands outside a sort of jungle type setting
[Dominator] And you should tell me, computer, since I'm ordering you to
[Blackjack] Next time I reprogram the computer.
[Paladin] Well, I've got my own oxygen supply
[Blackjack] NRP: Oxygen, right?
[DeathStar] Computer: Ooooo, I'm scared.  See my cicuits short out?
[DeathStar] NRP: Oxygen there
* DeathStar lowers the ramp and steps onto the mushy ground
* Dominator sighs and looks at the readout on the science consol
[DeathStar] Computer: Muffins?!  *burst out laughing*
* Dominator stifles a laugh after hearing "Muffins" and then follows DS
* Darien follows DS
[DeathStar] .....*slaps forhead* I can't take this anymore....
[Dominator] Hey, you named her...
* Blackjack snickers
* Paladin rolls on the floor laughing
[DeathStar] Alright, THROUGH that jungle, NOW!
* Blackjack steps off the Avenger, laughing
* Paladin gasps for air
* DeathStar vanishes into the misty jungle
* Paladin follows BJ
[Dominator] Somehow I think we are the only military organization that can't stay serious for an entire mission
[Blackjack] Good, enough oxygen...
* Dominator follows DS
* Blackjack draws his katana, following Dom
[Dominator] All right, everyone, be prepared for resistance
[Blackjack] Two steps ahead of ya, Dom
* Dominator draws Rune Sword to slash away vines, etc. if needed
* Darien follows behind using his shield in front of him
* DeathStar leaps from a branch above and lands behind BJ, tapping him on the shoulder
* Dominator glances up at DS
[DeathStar] I'm one behind ya.
* Blackjack grabs DS's arm and flips him
* DeathStar lands on his feet
[Blackjack] Oh, it's you.
[Paladin] SNAKE!
[DeathStar] OH, it's me
[Blackjack] Don't scare me like that...
[Paladin] Oh wait, that's a vine . . .
[DeathStar] Snake?
[Dominator] Shhh
[Blackjack] Just as bad...
* DeathStar listens to twigs snapping nearbyu
[Paladin] heheh, never mind
* Dominator tenses and looks toward that aera
* Blackjack slashes some grass from the ground, it flies back and hits Paladin
* DeathStar walks along, seeing a base ahead
[DeathStar] There's our lab.
[Blackjack] *whispering* Somebody's close...
* Paladin freezes up after being hit by GRASS
* Dominator follows DS
* Blackjack follows Dom
* Paladin follows BJ
[Dominator] NRP: Somehow, I bet that that's going to be an inside TAW joke for a loooong time
* DeathStar the snapping grows louder, BEHIND them.
[DeathStar] ...I suggest we move...
* Darien spins around
* Blackjack whips around
* Paladin keeps facing forward
* DeathStar runs through the jungle towards the base, nothing seen behind them
* Darien runs away from the noise
* Dominator starts dashing to the base
* Blackjack shrugs and sprints after DS
* DeathStar leaps over a tree root and flips into some mud
* DeathStar the snapping continues to follow them, growing louder
* Paladin dashes towards the base
* Dominator leaps over the tree, DS's mud hitting him across the arm and Dom muttering something
* DeathStar grabs a vine and swings over to the door
[DeathStar] Sorry, mudcakes.
* Dominator teleports to the door, wiping mud off
* DeathStar tries to open the door, a passcode required, the noices following them
* Blackjack morphs into a falcon and flies a short distance over everyone's heads, finally reaching the door and reverting
[Blackjack] Uh... open sesame?
[Dominator] Standard enterance?
* Darien falls forward into the mud and slides all the way to the door
[Dominator] AKA blast the hell out of it?
[Paladin] Er, Muffins?
[DeathStar] Standard.
* DeathStar raises blaster
* Blackjack raises rifle
* Dominator arms Thunder Bolt
* Paladin raises . . . his arms really
[Blackjack] 1...
* DeathStar the door flips open
[Dominator] On.... Four
[Blackjack] 2...
[Blackjack] Th... never mind...
[DeathStar] What!?
[Darien] Cool!
[Dominator] Bad...
[Blackjack] That's different... oh well, saves the energy in my rifle...
[DeathStar] Dominator, you go first.  To see if there are any spikes...
[Paladin] Sooo . . . are we expected?
[Dominator] Something tells me, they know we're here
[Blackjack] DS...
* Blackjack walks in first
[Dominator] How about Muffins goes first?
* Dominator follows BJ
* DeathStar watches a pack of splinters hit BJ
[Blackjack] YIPE!
* Blackjack drops to the floor
[Dominator] NRP: A what?!
[DeathStar] How about I cook your friggin' muffins right here?1
* DeathStar watches, his eyes a little wide
[DeathStar] SPLINTERS?
* Dominator helps BJ up
[Blackjack] Thanks... Damn, that hurt...
* DeathStar steps in
[Paladin] Ouch, that must sting.  It's very evil, in a wussy sort of way . . .
[Darien] That was weird
[Dominator] My thoughts exactly...
[Dominator] NRP: What the hell is a pack of splinters?
* Blackjack starts pulling splinters out
[Paladin] NRP: THink toothpicks
* Dominator follows DS
[DeathStar] NRP: Ask the Computer...
[Blackjack] OW! OUCH! YIKES! OW!
* Paladin follows Dom
[Dominator] Shhh, Blackjack
[Blackjack] Sorry... ow.
* DeathStar walks along the hallway
[Dominator] No wonder Xevil laughed as we infultrated the base...
* Darien walks in, his shield in front of him
* Blackjack follows Dom, still removing splinters, keeping quiet
[DeathStar] Okay, our mission is this: Find the MK.2s, deal with them...and...stop talking about muffins
* Dominator walks, Rune Sword drawn
[DeathStar] Plan on having your sword hit you in the head today, Mr. Commander?
[Blackjack] And the first person to mention splinters meets the business end of a rifle...
[Dominator] I'll make sure to note that in the report, DS
[Paladin] Are the mkIIs active?
* DeathStar reaches the lab door
* Dominator follows him
[DeathStar] Hey, as the old saying goes: We'll find out on the other side of this door
* Blackjack also follows
* DeathStar opens the door and steps into the lab
[Blackjack] Never heard that saying before... *shrugs*
[Dominator] I don't like this... It's been deserted so far, but there were those footsteps and the door
* Darien walks in
[Dominator] Neither have I...
[Blackjack] Maybe there was a motion sensor. *shrugs*
* Dominator steps in as well
* Blackjack also steps in
* DeathStar glances around the large lab complex, all neat and tidy
* Blackjack pulls another splinter out
* Blackjack throws it at Paladin
[DeathStar] May the woodpecker be with you...
[Dominator] NRP: And empty?
[DeathStar] NRP: So far...
* Dominator starts moving around the lab, surveying it
[Blackjack] Grrr...
* Paladin uses it to get out some chicken from between his teeth he ate for last nights dinner
* DeathStar looks over some files scattered on the tables
* Blackjack examines the lab, still pulling splinters out
*** Spydirbot (shadezader@pub56k-18-189.dialup.umn.edu) has joined #taw
* Dominator glances at the files
* DeathStar glances up
[DeathStar] Do you hear something?
* Spydirbot crawls out from under a table and blinks at the group
* Blackjack listens
[Paladin] Is it . . . dangerous?
[Blackjack] What the...?
* DeathStar glances down
* Dominator looks at the Sppydirbot
* Paladin blinks at Spydirbot
[DeathStar] ....Do those things seem familiar to anyone else?
[Darien] What's that?
[Blackjack] Hmm. I think I had one of those at one time.
[Dominator] Hmm... At least he isn't giant like that one... (waaaaaaay back in a BJ returns session)
[DeathStar] Should we step on him?
[Blackjack] NRP: Way way way back
[Dominator] NRP: I know, I'm surprised I remembered it
[Blackjack] Why not.
[Paladin] If he knows we're here, could he be telling others of our prescence right now?
[Dominator] Wait... It doesn't look natural
[DeathStar] Because we're supposed to be good guys?
[DeathStar] Yeah, he could be telling a BIG one..like that one a long time ago.
* Blackjack snickers
* Spydirbot stares at the group and then scutters to a vent
[Dominator] Hey, wait!
[DeathStar] Wait!
[Blackjack] Well, never mind that...
[Dominator] Somebody dive for it
* DeathStar follows it
* Blackjack dives for it
* DeathStar steps out of BJ's way
* Blackjack makes a grab for it
[Spydirbot] *mep*! *mep*!
[Blackjack] Got it!
[DeathStar] Or does it have you?
[Spydirbot] *MEP!*
* Dominator glances at DS
[Blackjack] I'm hoping I've got it.
* Spydirbot BJ has it
[DeathStar] Dominator....you have an eye problem?
[Dominator] Hmm, somehow I doubt it can talk...
[Blackjack] Would you SHUT UP, you damn spider!
* Blackjack shows it to DS and Dom
[Paladin] It's kinda cute . . .
[Blackjack] What do you think?
* Blackjack ignores Paladin
* Spydirbot quietly *mep*
[Dominator] Why does that remind me of UO...? (waaaaaaaay back in Mission 2)
[DeathStar] I think we should be nice to it....
[Blackjack] Odd, but it does, Dom...
[Paladin] Maybe name it?
[Dominator] That's a first...
[Blackjack] YOU? NICE to something?
[DeathStar] Don't make me change my approach on life...
[Blackjack] So just let it go?
*** Spydirbot2 (shadezader@pub56k-18-189.dialup.umn.edu) has joined #taw
*** Arono (Swordsman@208-223-199-70.du.pldi.net) has joined #taw
[DeathStar] I guess.  What else can we do with it?
[Paladin] Kill it .. . 
[DeathStar] KILL it?  Jeeze...
[Arono] hay ppl
* Blackjack shrugs and flips it towards the vent
[Dominator] One track mind I see...
[DeathStar] NRP: SESSION!
[Paladin] NRP: Session
[Arono] NRP:oh..
[Dominator] NRP: SES-SION!
* Spydirbot2 runs out from under the table and heads toward the vent
* DeathStar crawls into the vent
* Spydirbot dives into the vent
[Blackjack] TWO of them!?
[Spydirbot] *MEP*!
[Dominator] A nest of spiders...?
* Paladin looks under the table
[Blackjack] MEP one more time and I won't go easy on you...
* DeathStar slides down the vent
[Dominator] DS...?
[Paladin] Oooooh
[DeathStar] Ow!  OUF!  ACK!  WATCH IT!
* Spydirbot in the vent just in fron of DS
[Arono] NRP:anyway i can join?
* Blackjack hears DS and snickers
* Dominator glances at the papers on the table again
[Spydirbot] *MEP*!
[DeathStar] I'll mep you!!
[Dominator] NRP: It'd be kinda hard to explain, but... *shrugs*
* DeathStar continues to crawl
* Spydirbot vent is getting smaller
* Blackjack whispers into the vent, 1"Hey DS, kill that spider for me."
* DeathStar gets stuck
* Dominator sighs and checks the computer out
[Arono] NRP:how do i get there...?
* Blackjack flips through another stack of papers
* Spydirbot dives into a side passage and vanishes
*** Spydirbot (shadezader@pub56k-18-189.dialup.umn.edu) has left #taw
[Paladin] NRP: Fall from the sky on DS's cat?
* DeathStar ifres his cannon at the vent
* Spydirbot2 is staring at the vent shaft
[DeathStar] LET...ME....OUT!!!!!
[Dominator] DS!
[Blackjack] DS?
[DeathStar] I got your frickin' muffins right here!!!
* DeathStar keeps firing, making more room
* Darien picks up the second Spydirbot
[Blackjack] But Muffins is back at the base, DS
* Dominator looks over at DArien
* DeathStar finally manages to escape
[Paladin] Well, if nobody knew we were here earlier, they do now . . .
* DeathStar dusts himself off
* Spydirbot2 the vent closes off
* DeathStar glances back in surprise
[Spydirbot2] *mep*
[Arono] NRP:so...i cant join ...its to late?
[DeathStar] ....
* Darien drops it
[DeathStar] NRP: Weeeeel
* Blackjack aims his rifle at the spydirbot
[Blackjack] I said don't mep!
[Spydirbot2] *mep*?
[Paladin] *mep*
* Spydirbot2 dodges back under the table
* Blackjack finger shudders on the trigger
* DeathStar grabs the trable
* Blackjack sighs and slings his rifle back over his shoulder
* DeathStar throws it across the room
[Dominator] Guys... Aren't we getting a little sidetracked?
* Spydirbot2 huddles very still, shivering
[Blackjack] Yeah, we kinda need to get this over with...
[DeathStar] ....
[DeathStar] Right, lets find the Mk.2s before we grow webbing of our own.
[Blackjack] I want to be back in time for my own wedding, you know.
[Dominator] Okay, maybe not. Maybe, very sidetracked.
* Paladin pokes Spydirbot2
* DeathStar heads for the nearest exit
*** Arono has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Spydirbot2 runs to a far corner
* Blackjack , to spite DS, shapeshifts into a half-spider
[DeathStar] Egads...
* DeathStar opens the door and finds......!
[Dominator] I don't think I'll ever get used to your "talent", BJ...
* Blackjack snickers as he reverts to human
* Paladin makes dumb comments about bug repellant
[Dominator] Now, we try and download the information on the computer?
* DeathStar watches a broom hit the floor
[Blackjack] It comes in more handy than you might realize
[Blackjack] Oh great. DS found a broom closet.
* Blackjack applauds sarcastically
[Paladin] Any *shudder* mops?
[DeathStar] ....
[Dominator] At least there's not a mop.....
* DeathStar grabs the files
[DeathStar] Alright, lets go.
* Spydirbot2 runs over to the broom closet and grabs the broom
* DeathStar glances down at it
* Blackjack shudders at the mention of the word "mop"
[DeathStar] Shoo!  Go!  Scat!
[Dominator] Lets
[Blackjack] And DON'T MEP
* Spydirbot2 moves the broom back into the closet
[Spydirbot2] *mep*?
* DeathStar pulls out scanner and scans
[Dominator] ... Some kind of workers?
[Paladin] hee hee, he meps whenever you say mep
* Blackjack sighs, not having the heart to blow the Spydir's brains out
[DeathStar] I'm going to find these damn Mk.2s
[Blackjack] *mep*.
[Spydirbot2] *mep*! *mep*!
[Blackjack] *mep*?
[Paladin] *mep*
* Dominator shajkes head
* DeathStar sighs
* Spydirbot2 runs to the back of the broom closet
[Blackjack] I don't know what I said, but it had some effect...
[Dominator] The Hunters... Earth's finest...
[DeathStar] You probably said, "Go Sweep"
* Spydirbot2 the back of the closet slides open revealing a passage
[Blackjack] Earth's finest idiots in some cases...
[Dominator] DS, did you pick up the Mk.2s?
[Spydirbot2] *Mep*!
[Blackjack] Hey...
[Paladin] Well, idiocy works most of the time
[Blackjack] Look in the back of the closet!
[DeathStar] No, but our little friend found us a passage.
[Darien] Cool
[Dominator] ... Something tells me... *starts toward the back of the closet*
* DeathStar enters the passage
* Blackjack nods to Spydir
* Blackjack enters the passage
[DeathStar] *mep*!
[Paladin] *mep*!
* Spydirbot2 grins out a *mep*
*** Hirozaki has quit IRC (.,.,.,.,)
* Spydirbot2 runs off
*** Spydirbot2 (shadezader@pub56k-18-189.dialup.umn.edu) has left #taw
* DeathStar continues down the passage
[Blackjack] I really must learn Mep-ese.
[DeathStar] I'm sure you'll need it one day...
[Blackjack] Who knows?
[DeathStar] I agree.
* Darien follows them
[Paladin] The entire thing consists of one word.  It must be tone more than sylablles
[DeathStar] You know, one day I'm going to write a book about the Hunters and become famous...
* Dominator stifles a laugh at DS and BJ's conversation
* Blackjack looks at Dom. 1*mep*.
[Dominator] No one will belive what you write, DS, even though it's true
* DeathStar arrives at the end of the passage.
*** Slasher (blarg@ has joined #taw
[DeathStar] So, to the room on the other side of this door?
* DeathStar opens door and steps in
[Blackjack] NRP: I'm still in Delta Cross RP mode... heh heh.
[Blackjack] Is probably another broom closet.
[Dominator] Sure... Lets "Open the door and find out"
* DeathStar the room has 20 large canisters in it ranging in size from half-human up
[DeathStar] Some brooms...
[Dominator] Or not....
[Blackjack] Bingo...
[Paladin] bingo?
[DeathStar] Alright, this must be our little friends.  Lets plant some explosives and go.
[Paladin] What are they?
[Blackjack] An expression meaning "All right!"
[Dominator] And I just needed one more space and I would've one...
*** GigaManX (shadezader@pub56k-18-189.dialup.umn.edu) has joined #taw
[Paladin] Ok, anybody have remotes?
* Blackjack tosses some mines at some of the canisters. They attack and beep, signaling they are activated.
* GigaManX walks out from behind a canister
[Blackjack] NRP: attack = attach
* DeathStar glances at GMX
[GigaManX] Hey! What are you doing?
[Dominator] We're blowing this place up?
[DeathStar] Who are YOU?
[Paladin] We're mopping?
[Dominator] It's... Giga Man X??
[Blackjack] We're blowing this place to kingdom come and back?
[GigaManX] GigaManX
[DeathStar] I remember that name...
[Blackjack] Giga Man X? Little corny, don't you think?
* GigaManX looks and sounds amazingly like MMX
[Dominator] NRP: oops, Dominator wasn't there in that session was he?
[DeathStar] Uh, we're about to *mep* someone's plans?
[Slasher] NRP: I remember him
* GigaManX goes over to the mines and begins deativating them
* Blackjack yells various 1*mep*s at GMX
[DeathStar] Hey!  STop that!
[Dominator] Blackjack...
* DeathStar grabs GMX and thrusts him back
[Blackjack] What do you think you're doing!?
* DeathStar reactivates them
[GigaManX] You could damage the testing canisters!
[DeathStar] That's the IDEA.
[Paladin] He's trying to stop us . . .
[GigaManX] But why?
[Blackjack] So if you don't mind, we'll just plant these mines and leave you alone, ok?
[DeathStar] Because Infinity Inc. is evil, and anything they make can't be trusted.
[Dominator] ...
[GigaManX] The testing canisters?
[Blackjack] No, X1's coffee. Of COURSE the testing canisters.
[DeathStar] How about you just leave and we pretend we didn't meet each other?
[GigaManX] How could those be evil?
[DeathStar] Well, they hold some reploids in them...
[Blackjack] Speaking of X1's coffee, I have the recipe. Want it, Giga?
[DeathStar] Blackjack, torture isn't in your line of work I thought
[Dominator] X1's coffee could be... but...
* Blackjack snickers
[Blackjack] A man can't change his views?
* GigaManX looks up at the reploids in the group thoughfully
[DeathStar] BJ, plant some more.
* Dominator looks at GMX
* Blackjack nods and flips out some more mines, planting one directly on GMX's face, over his eye
* GigaManX activates his arm cannon and begins charging
[Paladin] . . .
[Dominator] Blackjack!
[DeathStar] .....DOW!N
* Paladin dives to the floor
* DeathStar dives behind a canister
[Dominator] ...! *dives to the floor*
* Blackjack dives
* GigaManX takes the mine off and looks at it
* Blackjack detonates just it
* Darien dives behind a canister
[Dominator] NRP: Ack! Be back in a bit
*** Dominator has quit IRC (Leaving)
* DeathStar watches GMX explode
* GigaManX appears undamaged after the blast
[DeathStar] What!?
[Blackjack] Wuh oh.
[Paladin] . . .
[DeathStar] .....Plan B: GET TO THE AVENGER!
* Blackjack scrambles up and runs
[Paladin] The best word for this situation . . . "crap!"
* Paladin runs like the wind
* DeathStar heads for the entrance
* Blackjack yells various 1*mep*s as he runs
* Darien runs
[DeathStar] Set off of the other mines
* DeathStar dives into the passage
* Blackjack pulls out the trigger and detonates the mines, following DS
* Paladin keeps running
[DeathStar] YO, FOREST, IN HERE!
* DeathStar watches the blast go off in the room
* Paladin skids back and dives into the passage
* DeathStar watches the canisters get completley destroyed...just not the Mk.2s inside
[Blackjack] What was that crack about Forrest? Who the hell is Forrest?
[Blackjack] Oh now that's just perfect.
* GigaManX yells, "Where are you guys going?!"
[DeathStar] HOME!
* Blackjack yells a few more meps
* DeathStar slams the door shut
* DeathStar glances up and blasts a hole in the roof, heading up
* Paladin flies up through the hole
* Blackjack morphs into a half-spider and climbs the wall
[DeathStar] Okay, I hope dominator is okay..
* Darien hides behind DS
*** Slasher is now known as Dominator
* DeathStar glances down the hole
* Blackjack climbs through the hole
* Blackjack reverts to human form
[Paladin] What the hell is he made out of?
[GigaManX] Why'd you guys do that?
* Dominator leaps through the hole and lands next to DS
[Blackjack] Because you're evil?