Mission 94: Tour de' Mega City

Session Start: Mon Jul 26 16:08:44 1999
* Logging #taw to '#taw.log'
* Blackjack shoots Garland
[DeathStar] Time Chart: 1 week later
[DeathStar] Location: Enroute to Earth, Vacation
[Arono SOUND]
[Ridge] NRP: cool....
* DeathStar pilots the shuttle, wearing sunglasses
*** Sound requests OFF
* /sound: no such file 'off.wav'
* Dakota is flying nearby in Montana
[Dominator] That your new look, DS?
* DeathStar glances at Dominator
[Arono] NRP:aw heck im laged AGIN
* Blackjack spins his eyepatch on his finger
*** Mirri (speedblade@user017.pcnow.net) has joined #TAW
[DeathStar] Laugh it up, he who does nothing during missions
[Dominator] What's that supposed to mean?
* Garland is laying back in -his- chair
* Blackjack snickers
[DeathStar] You like froze last mission and said nothing
* Paladin snoozes on one of the seats
*** Sharlena (Lobo@ip96.greenville3.sc.pub-ip.psi.net) has joined #taw
[Dominator] ...
* DeathStar flips some controls, piloting the Avenger
* Paladin chuckles in his sleep and mumbles about somebody called, "Muffins"
* Mirri talks with BJ about the upcoming wedding
* Sharlena is sleeping in -her- chair next to garland
* Blackjack laughs
[Dominator] About time we got some vacation time... The last time was months and months ago, and I wasn'te ven there...
[Paladin] Huh, wha?
[Blackjack] Muffins getting to you again, DS?
* DeathStar a cat is curled upside DS
[DeathStar] Har har har, "Splinter"
* DeathStar pilots into Earth's atmosphere
* Mirri a yowl is heard from near Mirri at the mention of Splinter
* Arono dont know were they are anymore..
[Mirri] Quiet, Splinter...
* DeathStar flies into Mega City airport and lands
* Sharlena wakes up
* Sharlena laughs and walks over to DS
* DeathStar eyes Sharlena warily
* DeathStar lowers ramp
* Dominator gets up and exits the Avenger
* Dakota lands near by
* Sharlena hugs DS
* Blackjack positions his eyepatch over his scarred eye and walks out with Mirri, a light meowing coming from Mirri's bag
* DeathStar eyes widden and he glances at Garland
* Paladin walks out
* Garland stirrs
[Blackjack] Wake up, Garly! *snickers*
* Garland yawns and gets up
* DeathStar stands up
[DeathStar] Well, lets take a tour through the city...
* Ridge heads outside
* Arono gets out
[DeathStar] Hey, Arono, we're back at the airport, your favorite place...
* Garland walks off the avenger with Shalena
* Blackjack shudders
[Garland] NRP: eek! I misspelled my own char's name!
[Arono] oh nice DS,i stil got that scrape on my knee
* DeathStar watches as a limo pulls up
* Blackjack glances at the limo
[Dominator] A limo?
[DeathStar] EarthGov is being kind.
[Mirri] Wow...
[Dakota] ooo they get a limo
* Sharlena has sharlena on his head
[Dominator] They must want something from us later on...
[Dakota] [montana] I think something's up....
[Blackjack] Foxfire's going to sorry she stayed behind... But you're right, Dom.
[Arono] =)
[Ridge] Yeah... very big
[DeathStar] NRP: *snickers*
[Sharlena] NRP: Umm...
* DeathStar opens the limo door and steps in
[Sharlena] NRP: you know what I meant
* Dominator enters the limo as well
* Ridge slides in
* Blackjack enters the limo with Mirri
* Garland gets in and sharlena sits in his lap
* DeathStar sees tons of drinks in the icebucket
* Arono sets near the drinks
* DeathStar shifts through, grabs his favorite kind of alcohol, and drinks it
[Blackjack] EarthGov must really want something from us... this thing's nice...
* Paladin sits on one of the side seats
[Ridge] ooo lotsa nice little things
* Dominator grabs a drink, 1"Now this is odd..."
[Ridge] Something is defenetly up
* Blackjack grabs two drinks and hands one to Mirri
[Dominator] Well, lets just try to enjoy it for now...
[DeathStar] 'For now'...
[Ridge] but hey i'll take advantage of it *Grabs a drink
* DeathStar the limo drives along
* Arono grabs one pops it open
* DeathStar turns the radio on
* Garland grabs a Coke and hands one to Sharlena and drinks one himself
* Mirri spins his eyepatch again
* Dakota follows behind in Montana in a motorcade type fashion
[Sharlena] Haha! *drinks it*
[DeathStar] Hey, I kind like it.  We're all sitting around with nothing to do..
[Blackjack] NRP: Er... that was BJ
[Paladin] If EarthGov wanted something, why wouldn't they just order us to do it?
[Dominator] And, no computer to start beeping
[Ridge] that's what i'd like to know....
* Blackjack pockets his patch and draws a pair of shades from his pocket
[DeathStar] Or to back talk us
* DeathStar glances at BJ through his shades
[Ridge] Maybe it's that hard that they think we might not listen?
[Arono] i hate those computer things......they drive me insane
[Blackjack] Yeah, if anything beeps or warns me of a weapon charging, I'm going to rip it's circuit boards out and shove them through its monitor...
* Sharlena walks over everyone over to DS
* Sharlena then sits in his lap
* DeathStar pats Sharlena on the head
[Paladin] What if something meps?
[Blackjack] I'll shoot it.
* Sharlena hugs DS
[DeathStar] *From inside the car something goes mep! in panic*
[Dominator] I thought you were learning to speak "mepese"
* Blackjack puts the shades on
[Ridge] I could really check the car if you really want me too...
* Garland looks at DS and Sharlena and smiles
[Blackjack] Too bad this thing's too bulky to use in here, or we'd have a dead "mep"er
[DeathStar] Don't you dare hurt it!
* Arono watches TV
* Blackjack taps his rifle, which he brought along for some reason
* DeathStar listens to the limo stop
[Ridge] Guess were here
[Arono] weres here?
[Ridge] I don't know but were here
[DeathStar] Yeah, our first stop...the Robot Museum...
[Blackjack] Could be a red light.
* DeathStar opens the door and steps out
[Dominator] Sounds good to me... I've been meaning to go there
[Blackjack] Came to this place a couple times as a kid...
* Arono gets out behind ds
* Dominator exits and well
[DeathStar] I'm surprised it's still up.
* Blackjack and Mirri exit
* Dakota parks and catches up with the group
[Blackjack] So am I. VERY surprised.
* Ridge gets out
[DeathStar] Okay, enough surprises for one day, eh?
* Paladin looks for a hot dog stand
* DeathStar walks in
[DeathStar] NRP: You see none! HA!
[Arono] uh
[Dominator] Why do I half expect the mavericks to spring some kind of trap on us?
* Arono barly knows what a robot is so he dont carer
* Blackjack tries to enter with his rifle
* DeathStar they kick bJ out
* Arono goes in
[Blackjack] Because everything we do is a trap? HEY!
* Dominator follows BJ, Rune Sword still at his side
* Garland teleports next to Dom with Sharlena
* Paladin walks in, with his helmet off, under his coat
* DeathStar they throw BJ out
[Dominator] Hello, Sharlnea
[DeathStar] NRP: Er, Dom
* Blackjack mutters something, shoving his rifle under his jacket, and tries again
* Arono is wering his normal outfit..
* DeathStar wisely keeps his weapons hidden
* DeathStar they let BJ in that time
* Dominator hides Rune Sword this time and goes in
* DeathStar steps in and glances over the rows of old robots
* Blackjack sighs quietly in relief and meets Mirri, who got in with no trouble
* Garland is wearing casual clothes, and doesn't have his sword
* Ridge heads in
* Arono looks at them all
[Dakota] wow this is a nice place...
* Dominator looks around
* DeathStar sees dust building on some
[Blackjack] They've renovated since last time I was here...
* Dakota looks around for anything by Cain, light, or even Vanguard
[Ridge] this is great...
* DeathStar spots replicas of Mega Man and Proto MAn
[Paladin] I wonder if one of you guys will be under a glass case in here someday.
* Arono looks around for anything period
[DeathStar] ...PALADIN!
* Sharlena looks around smiling
[Paladin] Or replicas of you, at least
[Paladin] Eeesh, sorry.
* Blackjack shudders as his eyes fall on the MM and PM replicas
* DeathStar bumps into a the real rebuilt Snake Man
[Ridge] oo look MM and PM
* Garland follows Sharlena around, making sure she doesn't get into trouble
* Dominator looks the MM and PM over
[Dakota] all kinds a stuff in...here
* Arono sets there looking at flash man
* Dakota rounds a corner spotting X and Zero...
* Mirri looks at replicas of the Mavericks that X had fought in the past
*** Shine_Hyena (Shine_Hyen@225.providence-01-02rs.ri.dial-access.att.net) has joined #TAW
[Dakota] oh wow
* DeathStar walks past Guts Man (Taken back after MM7), and it tips over, crashing on him
[Dominator] NRP: Session
[Ridge] -_-
[DeathStar] AHH!!!!
[DeathStar] OUF!
[Mirri] Hey BJ, you could probably copy some of these... what the hell was that!?
* DeathStar is pinned
[Arono] DS?
[Dominator] DS!
* Ridge fires up the rig lifting it off him
[Ridge] You alright?
* Mirri and Blackjack jog to where they heard the noise
[DeathStar] ....Fine *ow* that thing almost smashed me...
* Paladin looks behind guts man for the cause
* Dominator goes over and lifts the Guts Man off DS
* Garland glares at DS, laughing
* Ridge puts it back in place
[Mirri] Sorry we're, uh, late... watch where you're going!
* DeathStar the stuff holding him up has been sawed off
[Dominator] Just look, don't touch
[DeathStar] I didn't touch it
[Blackjack] No sense getting security to throw us out.
[Paladin] Ooh, sabotage
* DeathStar growls at them all accusing him
[Paladin] But why on earth would somebody want to tip Guts man?
[Dominator] Then how'd it fall on you?
* Dakota is reading over the info
[Paladin] The supports have been damaged.
* Arono walks around looking at all wilys robots
[Arono] NRP:ping
[DeathStar] What Paladin said
* Blackjack and Mirri walk past the robots from the Wily's fourth attempt
* Sharlena runs around looking at the MM4 era
[Dominator] Odd...
[Dakota] hey arono check this out.... these 2 were the best....
* Paladin shrugs and walks off
* DeathStar suddenly Skull Man leaps out in Front of them
[Arono] ?
[Dominator] ...?!
* Blackjack turns around
* Arono looks
* Ridge walks by the 7th attempt
[Blackjack] The hell?
[DeathStar] !?  *glances at BJ and Mirri*
* Paladin stares at him
* Ridge spins around
[Arono] uh
[Garland] Look a show!
* DeathStar a guard waves from behind it
[Ridge] ???
* Dakota looks over
[Mirri] What the...?
[DeathStar] Guard: Gotcha!  HA HA HA HA
* Arono looks at skull
[Dakota] heh
* Garland looks at Skull man
* Dakota looks back at the info
[Paladin] Uhm, is this part of the tour?
* Blackjack fights the urge to tackle the man
* Dominator mutters something harshly
* DeathStar smirks
[DeathStar] Okay, well, you guys ready to go?
[Garland] I think it is, I mean.. just LOOK at him.
[Dominator] Just about
* Arono looks around at Magma dragon then at Dakota
[Dominator] None of us brought cameras so...
[Mirri] Who says we didn't?
* Arono looks back and forth trying to see if theres a defrence
[Dakota] heh...
* Mirri draws a camera from her bag
* Sharlena sees Ice Man and runs off to it
* DeathStar reaches for the phone, to call up the food place, and reaches out, not noticing a power surge flowing int oit
[Dakota] Internal and legs Arono
* Dakota walks out
* DeathStar grabs the phone and gets zapped
[DeathStar] GAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
* Dominator glances at the robots as he walks toward DS
* Dakota spins around
[Dominator] DS?!
[Dakota] DS?
* Blackjack whipsa round
[Blackjack] DS!?
* Arono runs to ds
* DeathStar sparks
[Arono] what happened!?
[DeathStar] G-GET ME OFF!!!!
* Sharlena looks at DS
* Dakota runs back
* DeathStar can't let go
* Garland looks at DS too
[Garland] DS?
* Paladin shoves DeathStar
[Sharlena] Mr. DS?
* DeathStar Paladin begins to get zapped
* Blackjack grabs a mop and throws it at DS
* Arono takes out sword and slashes phone in half
[Dominator] ...! *blasts the phone with thunder Bolt*
[Ridge] ??
* DeathStar drops to the ground
[Paladin] AAAAAAACK!
[DeathStar] T-Thanks Dom...
[Dominator] (Not the recieve, but the main part)
[Blackjack] DS! You ok!?
[DeathStar] ...No...
[Dominator] No problem... But, what the hell happened?
* Arono kneels down at DS
* Sharlena runs over to DS and touches him, getting shocked
[Paladin] Ouch . . . 
[Arono] what happened!?
[Blackjack] NRP: Oh sure, my mop didn't do anythign, eh? *smirks*
[Ridge] He just got elecricuted does he look okay?
[Sharlena] OW!
* Sharlena runs over to Garland
[Blackjack] Ok, call me paranoid, but somebody's here other than us.
* DeathStar notices a cigar on the ground and raises eyebrow
* Garland picks up sharlena
* Dominator walks over toward the disintigrated phone and looks it over for anything odd
[Blackjack] Somebody that wants us dead and smokes cheap cigars.
[Dakota] ?
[Dakota] Spade?
[Arono] .......Wien or spade..
*** Hirozaki (ask.me.to.@ has joined #TAW
[Blackjack] Normally, I'd say probably Wien, but...
[Dominator] Doesn't make sense that SPade would have been here....
* DeathStar stands up
[Arono] probly wien
[Blackjack] NRP: Session
[Hirozaki] NRP: I know.
[DeathStar] Nothing makes sense...lets just get the hell out of here
[Paladin] Wien wouldn't be this elaborate
[Blackjack] Yeah, before anything else happens...
[Dominator] All right... How do we know going in the limo is sfae though?
[Ridge] yeah
[Garland] Yeah.. let's get out of here.
[Blackjack] Good point...
[Paladin] We scan it?
[DeathStar] I already did that...it's fine
[Ridge] I can Cyberjack into it 
[Dominator] Hmm... Lets go
[Blackjack] Well, let's go then...
* Blackjack and Mirri start for the exit, weapons concealed
* DeathStar walks outside, rubbing his side, and opens the limo door, getting a static charge to bounce off from it
[Dominator] No point, just paranoid that mavericks might be driving it or something like that
* Ridge heads out
[DeathStar] YEOW!
* Blackjack snickers
* Dominator follows them
* Arono goes outside too
* DeathStar flips the door open and slides in
* Dakota gets into montana
* Paladin gets into the limo
* Blackjack whispers to DS, 1"Scan our driver..." and he and Mirri slide in.
* Dominator enters after DS
* Ridge enters the limo
* Garland gets into the limo with Sharlena
[DeathStar] He's a human...male...about 34....balding slightly.
* Arono gets inside woundering what happened
[Dominator] Well, there goes that idea...
* Blackjack shrugs
[DeathStar] Alright, where do you guys want to eat?
[Blackjack] We're all just getting paranoid.
[Paladin] Pizza place
[Blackjack] How about Tony's? The place has awesome food.
[Arono] Pizza hut= =P
[Ridge] sounds good to me
[Dominator] I
* DeathStar the limo heads to Tony's Pizza
[Dominator] 'm find with that
[Blackjack] Besides, I'm friends with the owner, I may get us a discount, heh heh.
* Dakota follows the limo
* DeathStar glances at the window, thinking
[Dominator] That would be good, considering the ammount of food we consume... *glances at some members*
[DeathStar] After this, we head to the casinos...except Sharlena...I guess we'll take her to a movie or something
[Blackjack] Now you're talking my language, DS...
[Ridge] What's playing ds?
* Blackjack rubs his hands together
[Dominator] Don't they have an arcade around the casino or something?
[DeathStar] I don't know...
[Garland] Sharlena? You wanna see a movie?
[DeathStar] Arcade..hm
* Mirri pops BJ in the back of the head
[Blackjack] Hey...!
* Blackjack and Mirri laugh
[Dominator] I haven't gambled for a long time...
* DeathStar suddenly a car hits the limo, sending it off the road and over a hillside
[DeathStar] WHAT?!
[Dakota] !
[Blackjack] THE HELL!?
[Dominator] ...! WHOA!
* DeathStar it begins to roll over and falls down
[Sharlena] AHH!!
[Ridge] Wha?
* DeathStar hits the ceiling, then the floor, then ceiling
[Paladin] Eraaaagh!
[Arono] WHAT THE ----!?
* Garland grabs sharlena and keeps her from being hurt.....at aall.
* Arono gets tossed around
* Blackjack and Mirri bounce all over the limo, crashing into everyone else at least twice
[Dominator] Shit.... *holds onto his seat, and was buckled in*
* DeathStar the car hits a giant rock, it smashing in the side door and causing it to spin near the edge of the cliff
[DeathStar] Why does this city have to be built at the sea?
* Arono flys into ds then flys around someore
* Paladin curses loudly despite the prescence of a child
* DeathStar glances at the ocean below
[Blackjack] NO!
[Dakota] [Comm] You Guys alright?! Should i get that car?
[Dominator] .... Abondon limo?
[DeathStar] Comm: What about US!?
[Arono] good idea
[Ridge] this is bad....
* DeathStar the limo groans whenever someone moves
[Paladin] open the door!
[Dakota] alright calm down sheesh
[Blackjack] Somebody get the door...
* Dakota heads over toward them
* Arono sets real still..
* Dominator blasts the door open
* DeathStar can't open his, he's facing the ocean
* DeathStar the limo tips over
[DeathStar] AHHHHH
[Blackjack] GOOD ONE, DOM!
[Dominator] Damn!
[Dakota] !
[Arono] OH ----!!!
* Paladin flies for the open door
[Garland] If I teleport out..... the balance will be messed up...
* DeathStar the limo begins to fall
* Ridge dives out firing the rig at montana
[Blackjack] Well, we can get out! DO SO!
* Arono kicks the glass and jumps the other direction
[Dakota] [Mont] ow ow ow!
* DeathStar the limo hits the water
[Ridge] Sorry
* Ridge hauls himself up
* Garland teleports out with Sharlena.
* DeathStar it begins to sink, the driver getting knocked out
* Garland lands on the road
* DeathStar grabs the driver
[Paladin] NRP: Uh, did I get out?
* Blackjack and Mirri dive for the hole
* Garland sets sharlena down
[DeathStar] NRP: I guess so
* Arono is holding on to a rock abouve thelimo
* Dominator teleports outside the limo in the water
* DeathStar kicks open the driver's door
* Blackjack and Mirri swim for shore
* Paladin hovers above the water
[Dominator] Get the driver DS!
[Blackjack] NRP: He did
* Dakota grabs some rope from behind his seat and gets out tossing it down the cliff
* DeathStar the swims towards the shore with the man
[DeathStar] You guys are SOME heros!
* Arono climbs back up to were they were vefore they fell
* Dominator swims to shore as well
[Blackjack] You beat me up there, DS.
* Garland watches from the road
[Dominator] I was going to get him!
[Dakota] (or not....)
* DeathStar arrives at the nearby harbor
[Blackjack] I would have, but you kinda beat me to the punch.
* DeathStar throws the man on the dock
* Arono walks down to the,
* Paladin lands near the others
* Dominator checks the man's pulse
[DeathStar] Okay, I say the vacation is over...anyone want to go?
[DeathStar] GM: There is no pulse
* Ridge hops into montana
* DeathStar pulls himself out
[Ridge] No more limo's....
[Paladin] I say we find the car that did this.  Thoguh they're probably long gone
[Blackjack] I say we get back to HQ before anybody dies... whoops, too late...
[Dakota] I hear ya
* Garland watches the driver
[Paladin] So, anybody even want to try cpr?
[DeathStar] I personally don't know it.
* Dakota drives over to the rest of the group
* Mirri nods and begins to administer CPR
[Garland] CPR????
* Dominator looks around on the dock
* Arono looks at the man
[DeathStar] Dominator *Throws him his comm* call in the Avenger
* Garland doesn't even know what it means [CPR that is]
[DeathStar] GM: the man sputters out some water
* Dominator grabs it ands tarts calling in, 1"On it."
* Ridge hops out
[Ridge] that was weird.....
[Mirri] NRP: Conscious?
[DeathStar] NRP: Nope
[Paladin] Well, he should probably be sent to a hospital . . .
[Paladin] Anybody got a cel phone?
[Arono] yah think?
* Mirri continues administering
[Dominator] All right, the Avenger's coming...
[DeathStar] So much for pizza, eh?
[Dominator] We'll order some for delivery...
* DeathStar the man coughs again and his eyes open up
[DeathStar] Alright, order some
[Mirri] Yes! Can you breathe, sir?
[Dominator] I doubt they deliver to Jupiter, DS...
[Dakota] where they going to deliver to the HQ?
[DeathStar] Man: Lady, you took my breath away....
[Mirri] Forget it, I'm engaged
[Dominator] What happened? *to the man*
* Mirri smiles
[DeathStar] Man: I don't know, you tell me.
* Garland laughs
[Mirri] Somebody ran us off the road. That's about all I know.
[Dakota] Well some white car smashed into the limo
[Dominator] A car hit us, I think. Did you see it or it's license?
* DeathStar watches the Avenger fly over and hover over the water
[DeathStar] Man: Nah, man, I didn't see a thing
[Mirri] Great.
* Arono looks at the avenger
[Dominator] Are you all right? We can give you a ride if you want
* Dakota mumbles well if you don't want the plates.....
[DeathStar] Man: Nah, I'll wait for the cops
[Mirri] Sure you'll be ok?
[Dominator] All right
[Paladin] We should probably radio the cops come to think of it . . .
*** Hirozaki is now known as Hiro-AWAY
[DeathStar] Man: Just jiffy...and if you ever decide not to get married, look me up
* Garland teleports himself and Sharlena to the Avenger
* DeathStar teleports onto the Avenger
* Dominator teleports into the Avenger
* Paladin flies to the Avenger
* Arono aperes in the avenger
* Mirri rolls her eyes
* Dakota goes back into montana closing the door rather hard
* Ridge heads into the avenger
[DeathStar] Wonder what's Dakota's problem
* Paladin thinks evil thoughts about teleportation
* Blackjack morphs into a half falcon and carries Mirri to the Avenger, hovering over the water
* Blackjack curses teleportation
* Dominator runs a scan on the area just for the hell of it
* DeathStar dominator picks up a white car nearby
* DeathStar lifts off and flies into the air
[Dominator] Aha! I've found the car that hit us
[DeathStar] What?
* Blackjack reverts to human and flies to looking over Dom's shoulder
[DeathStar] Where?
* Dominator brings up a map and points to it's location, 1"There."
[Paladin] Are you sure it's THE car?
* DeathStar rolls the Avenger hard, throwing all
[DeathStar] Lets go!
* Dakota follows
* Paladin falls against a seat
* Blackjack and Mirri fly into a couple of seats, a yowl coming from Mirri's bag
* Arono stumbles around
* DeathStar flies over and sees the hover car take off, flying into the city
[Dominator] Whoa! *tumbles forward, having not strapped in yet, then gets into his seat and straps in
* Sharlena hits the wall from the turn "Ow!"
[Dominator] Don't try this at home, kids...
[Mirri] Easy on Splinter, ok, DS!?
[Ridge] No kidding
[DeathStar] Hey now, you're an All Star
[Paladin] *Mumbles "Almost as bad as X1 . . ."
* Blackjack and Mirri take their seats, Mirri taking Splinter out of her bag and petting it
* DeathStar chases the white car
[DeathStar] You got a cat?
[Dominator] NRP: Avenger have a tractor beam? *Doubts it*
[DeathStar] NRP: Nope
[Mirri] Of course.
[Dominator] What's the plan?
[Sharlena] NRP: too trekky
* DeathStar flies over the white car, lowering the ramp, watching Muffins sniff it
[DeathStar] You jump on the car.
[Dominator] I do what?!
* Dakota comes in behind the car cannon on it's bumper
[DeathStar] You jump onto the moving car.
[Blackjack] How about I do it instead?
[DeathStar] Go for it then
[Dominator] I must be crazy but... *jumps on top of the card*
[Sharlena] NRP: BRB
[Blackjack] Or not.
[Arono] um....
* DeathStar Dom hits hard, rolling off and landing into the cannon from Montana
[DeathStar] Okay, next?
[Arono] why dont you just let dak blow it with montana?
[Dakota] [montana] what the?
* DeathStar keeps the Avenger steady.
* Blackjack shapeshifts into a half-hawk and jumps for the car
[Dominator] Aaa! *gets out of the cannon* Uh, don't mind me
* DeathStar points at the predisterians
[Dakota] [montana] uh yeah....
* Dominator teleports back into the Avenger muttering something aout DS and his plans
[DeathStar] Okay, Dom, try again.
[Ridge] heh
[Dominator] What? I thought BJ was going for it
[Blackjack] NRP: Never got a response for my attempt
[Arono] i wanna do it,looks fun
* DeathStar watches BJ land
[DeathStar] Look, see, he made it?  Go for it Arono
[Arono] =P
[Blackjack] Uh... Now what!?
* DeathStar jerks the Avenger at an angle and Dom goes flying into the white car
[Dominator] Break in!
* Arono jumps out onto the car grabing the sid eof it
* Blackjack smashes in the driver's side window
[Dominator] Ahh! *uses Azure Crystal to stay on top*
* Dominator smashes into the passenger's window
[Blackjack] OW!
* DeathStar closes ramp and flies up at of way
*** DeathStar is now known as Driver
[Driver] GAH!!!
* Arono jumps inside and makes the dirver pull over
* Driver jerks to the right, sending them al ljerking
* Driver punches Arono
[Blackjack] Hi. Not every day you see a falcon on top of... HEY!
* Paladin watches the scene unfold from teh Avenger
* Arono smashes into teh driver
* Blackjack hangs on
[Driver] OUF!
[Dominator] Whoa! *tries to get in thorugh the passenger side window*
[Dakota] [loudspeaker] Hey Pull Over! *can see that big ol cannon in the rear view window you know
* Driver the passenger punches Dom
[Ridge] this should get interesting eh DS?
* Driver drives down a crowded roar Montana can't follow
[Driver] DS: Aye.
* Arono kicks driver with both feet trying to make himn fly out the door
[Blackjack] NRP: Two or four door?
[Driver] NRP: Four
* Dominator grabs his fist and pulls it, making him slam his head into the door
[Dakota] [Montana] dang it...
* Driver grabs ARono and throws him out the door
[Dakota] NRP:Croweded roar?
* Arono grabs the driver and pulsl him out too
[Paladin] I guess it is the car.  Why else would they try to escape like that?
* Blackjack uses the open opportunity to strike his fist at the driver
* Driver grabs the steering wheel to stay in
[Dominator] NRP: How many people in the car?
* Dakota lifts off the ground trying to follow the car
[Driver] NRP: four
[Sharlena] NRP: bacl
* Arono is hplding on to the driver
* Driver the passengers battle BJ and dom
* Arono climbs in again
* Driver is holding onto the wheel
* Driver jerks the car into a building, crashing into the roof of it
* Arono headlocks the driver
* Dominator punches the passenger again to try and KO him (human or reploid?)
[Driver] GAH!!!
[Driver] NRP: Human
* Arono slams fist into his head
[Dakota] !
* Driver slams on breaks
* Driver wathes Arono fly through the windshiekld
[Blackjack] YEOW!
* Garland teleports ontop of the car
[Driver] DS: There goes Garland
* Arono STILL has driver in headlock
[Dominator] AHHHH! *grabs onto the passenger side seat*
* Driver takes off again
* Blackjack hangs on to something
* Driver buckles seatbelt
[Paladin] Hmm, think they need help?
* Arono HAD driver in headlock..
[Dakota] [comm] ds should i just fire at the thing?
[Driver] DS:  *eats food* No
[Blackjack] NRP: Where am I, anyway?
* Dominator uppercuts another atack passenger
* Arono jumps on caqr again
[Arono] GRR..
[Driver] NRP: Beisde the driver
* Arono cuts a whole in the roof
* Driver grabs gun and shoots BJ
* Dominator jumps inside on top of the unconcious front passenger
* Dakota flies back to beside the avenger
[Garland] Ugh...... how long is this gonna take?
[Blackjack] ACK!
[Paladin] I wonder why somebody just doesn't try to grab the hand brake . . .
* Driver speeds through the streets and slams on breaks again
* Arono jumps back in punching the driver
* Blackjack grabs his shoulder in pain
[Driver] ARGH!
* Driver shoots Arono
* Garland teleports back to the Avenger next to Sharlena
* Dominator grabs teh driver and pulls him forward toward the backjseat
[Driver] GAHH!!!1
[Driver] LEMME GO!
* Arono grunts and puts sword to drivers neck
* Driver grabs detonator
* Driver dies
*** Driver is now known as DeathStar
* Garland sits down and sips a coke.
* Dominator jumps into the driver's seat
* Arono hits breaks
* Sharlena hugs Garland and takes a nap
* Blackjack reverts to human form, still holding his shoulder painfully
[Dominator] Well... that was one way to do it... *punches the last concious passenger*
* Arono gets out and looks at the junked up car
* DeathStar hoversin the air
* Dominator looks the passengers over
* DeathStar sees car explode, eyes widening
* Blackjack dives out of the car
* Arono flys back becouse his not in the car
[Dakota] Dang Ds i'm almost outta fuel i gotta go c'ya later *flies back to HQ
*** Dakota has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Dominator jumps out of the ground, using Force Shield to shield him
[Mirri] JARED!
* Arono hits the ground a few feet away
[Dominator] (out of the car)
[Arono] ow....
[Dominator] !!!!!!!
* Blackjack rolls to the ground, unconscious
[Paladin] *immitates Nascar announcer*  Ouch, that's gotta hurt
* DeathStar lowers rampa nd hovers over
[DeathStar] Get on in guys
[Mirri] Dammit! Jared!
* Dominator slams into the pavement, being propelled by the explosion and hits a building
* Arono drags BJ inside
* Ridge just sits in the avenger and eventually falls asleep
*** Ridge has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Dominator gets up holding his shoulder, and puts BJ up
[DeathStar] Paladin...you got some real "emotional" issues