[Dakota] good lord what a quake
[Arono] 8 what?
[Dakota] 8th floor arono
[Arono] oh...
[Dominator] Wow...
[Dakota] maybe this is that so called Big one they were talking bout years ago that supposed to send california into the ocean
[Dominator] The other half of the parking lot we saw below must be the normal side
[Dominator] Well, Dakota, San Fransico is on the edge of California and there haven't been earthquaks any other places... that we know of
[Dakota] true....
* Dominator hears crashes the floor above them
[Dakota] something's up....
[Dakota] Aw no....
[Arono] =)
* Arono looks up
* Dominator starts up the stairs, which on this level are still all right
[Dakota] Dom that might be the building crashing not people
[Dominator] GM: Arono sees the roof of this level
[Cheryl] An 8 would be felt around the world Dom
* Dakota follows reluctantly
[Arono] =P
[Dominator] True, but explain those voices... *chatter can be head*
* Arono fallows eagerly
[Dakota] ah... 
[Dakota] good point
[Dominator] GM: As they enter the 8th floor, they see about a dozen people, stealing what they can
[Dakota] well dom what's the plan?
[Dominator] GM: Various and expensive computer equipment can be found, not too damaged
[Dominator] Stop the looters
[Dakota] right 
[Dakota] HEY STOP!
[Dominator] Looter: Hey! Who the hell are theY!
[Arono] us?
[Dominator] Looter 2: Who cares? Kill them! *they start blasting with obviously stolen lasers*
[Ariel] Your worst nightmare *evil glare*
[Arono] were uh..
[Arono] yah!
[Dakota] grrr...
[Arono] like what she said
[Dominator] Down! *jumps down to dodge*
* Dakota fires 3 quick blasts from his armcannon at 3_looters (ap 190)
[Dominator] Try not to kill them!
* Arono takes sword and charges at them
[Dominator] Looter: *three die*
* Dakota drops
[Dominator] Surrender now!
[Dakota] Damn it Dom you didn't tell me that
[Dominator] Looter: Never!
[Arono] GGGRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAA!!*slashes one down the middle*
* Ariel leaps into action (literally) forming her ion blade as she lands with a sweep of her blade
[Dominator] GM: Suddenly, the building starts shaking crazily
[Dakota] uh oh
* Arono thrusts at another
[Dakota] Dom out the window now!
[Dominator] Looter: Awww, shit. Everyone out! *the looters scatter*
* Dakota dives out
* Dakota Suddenly two huge wings rip out of Dakota's back... his legs slowly growing explode revealing large muscular legs underneath, his arms follow suit, his hands also grow giant claws at the transformation continues... A large crest busts out of the back of Dakota's head and the rest of his normal armor blows off, revealing a powerful looking Dragon where Dakota was...Kaiser-Vanguard.
*** Dakota is now known as Kaiser
[Dominator] Right!
[Kaiser] C'mon!
* Ariel runs out, followed by Cheryl
[Dominator] GM: Suddenly the building starts falling, the above floor dropping down
* Kaiser hovers out the window
* Arono jumps out the window
[Kaiser] GET ON!
* Dominator leaps out the window flying with AC
[Dominator] Get Ariel and Cheryl!
[Kaiser] * Montana is seen jetting away
* Dominator sees several looters jump out the window to their dooms
* Ariel and Cheryl fly after the rest
[Dominator] Uh... guys...?
[Kaiser] what everyone can fly?
[Kaiser] gee....
[Arono] @_@
[Kaiser] or not
[Kaiser] arono c'mon
[Kaiser] GET ON
[Dominator] GM: The building topples over, following directly toward the hunters. It being around two dozen stores hey
* Arono holds the edge of the building
[Kaiser] Dang it!
[Dominator] ARONO!
[Arono] ah heck!
* Kaiser swoops around grabs arono quickly and flies away
[Arono] thanx
[Kaiser] No problem
[Ariel] We're doing a great job at saving lives...
[Kaiser] [montana] everyone alright?
* Dominator tires to fly out of range
* Arono almost drops his sword
[Ariel] A'ok!
[Dominator] GM: The building smashes into the Hunters, sending them flying inside as it hits the gorund
[Kaiser] [M] that's good to hear
[Kaiser] !
[Kaiser] [me too?] 
[Dominator] ARGH! W- *cry is cut off*
[Dominator] NRP: Yes
[Kaiser] Dang!
[Dominator] NRP: You are right at the edge
* Kaiser meets the ground with a loud crash
* Arono stands up as he is hit and falls to the ground after its over
[Dominator] GM: A large earrining crash is heard, then silence
* Kaiser is half pinned down
[Kaiser] aw dang it....
[Arono] ow..
* Dominator kicks off rubble and a chair on him, trying to get his bearings
[Dominator] GM: Only Kaiser and Arono are in the same location
* Dominator gets up, walking on what used to be the building's wall, toward the door
[Dominator] Comm: Dakota, Arono, Cheryl, do you guys read me?
* Kaiser tries to get out but the attempt shoots pain into his chest
[Kaiser] Gah 
[Kaiser] I broke somthin...
[Arono] *a black blade flys up through the ruble on top of him*
* Arono hacks away the debries trying to get out
[Dominator] Comm: Anybody?
[Dominator] GM: The hunters are all getting this comm message...
[Kaiser] NRP: Dom i gotta eat
[Dominator] NRP: All right, I'll handle Montana and your body
[Kaiser] [comm] Dom... i'm pinned i think i busted a rib or something....
[Dominator] NRP: Message when yer back
[Dominator] I'll try to come... You're not to far yet...
[Dominator] Comm: Ariel? Cheryl?
* Dominator leaps up to the side of the "wall", getting through the doofr
* Arono gets out of the rubble and digs kaiser out
* Dominator makes his way toward Kaiser's location
[Ariel] Comm: *cough* I'm okay...
[Ariel] Comm: I lost cheryl though...
[Dominator] Damn..
* Dominator finally arrives in the room with Kaiser and Arono
[Dominator] GM: Kaiser is unconcious, but alive
* Dominator enters from a crack looking around
* Ariel manages to 'dig' her way out
[Dominator] GM: Ariel makes it to the same large room the others save cheryl are in
[Arono] can we go home now...?
[Dominator] All right, lets try and get out, Arono. *picks Kaiser up*
* Dominator tries to locate Ariel through her comm
[Arono] @_@
[Arono] dom you stronger than i thought
[Dominator] NRP: Uh, how big IS Kaiser?
[Arono] how can you lift a dragon that big?
[Arono] NRP:draco size
[Ariel] (About 20ft I think)
[Dominator] GM: Kaiser reverts to Dakota from the damage
[Dominator] NRP: There...
[Ariel] Hey... *cough* have you guys seen Cheryl...
* Ariel leans against a wall
[Arono] no
[Dominator] I think I've located her comm signiture..
[Dominator] GM: THe wall ARiel is leaning on cracks and breaks, having her fall into another room
[Dominator] GM: Which is 20 meters below this one
[Ariel] (Gah!  Some weak wall!)
[Dominator] Ariel! C'mon... by chance, Cheryl is that way too... *leaps down, using AC to lower himself8
* Ariel is suspecting the fall and almost breaks her leg
[Ariel] (Gah!  20 meters!)
* Ariel DOES break her leg
* Dominator looks around for Ariel
* Dominator arrives at Ariel, 1"Are yo uall righ?
* Ariel tries to stand and fails
* Dominator heals Ariel with Silver Crystal, then takes a med pack and raps her leg in a splint
[Dominator] Here... try to stand now
[Arono] yah know,why dont we just teleport all the injured folks to the hospital?
[Dominator] Because, it's all ready full a dozen times over?
* Ariel manages with an effort
[Arono] oh
* Dominator walks toward a crack, leading to another room
[Dominator] I think Cheryl's around this location
[Ariel] *wince* Thanks... that wall was some weak... I'm not that heavy...
* Ariel limps over to Dom
* Dominator hears a muffed sound from a pile of rocks and diggs them off
[Arono] NRP:is there gonna be a big fight?
[Dominator] GM: Cheryl can be seen. Surprisingly not that hard, save scratches and bruses
[Dominator] hurt
[Dominator] NRP: You'll see
[Arono] i didnt know "reploid" got bruses
* Dominator shrugs
* Dominator pulls her out
-] [Cheryl] PING
[Dominator] Are you all right, Cheryl?
[Dominator] NRP: *hears voice echo in the "lively" channel*
[Cheryl] Owwie... I'll be okay
*** Slasher (blarg@ has joined #taw_2
*** Slash (Blayde22@sktnsk01d051701168.sk.sympatico.ca) has joined #taw_2
[Dominator] Help Ariel, who's banged up more...
[Dominator] NRP: Slasher? Slash? ??
* Arono walks around
* Dominator moves toward a small crack, seeing the outside from it
[Dominator] Aha! This way everyone...
* Cheryl goes over and treats Ariel's wounds
* Slash calls out
[Slash] Dom, where in the hell are you
* Slasher appears right behind Slash and looks around
[Dominator] Slash?! *crawls out, draggin Dak behind him and gets out*
[Slash] Damnit man, you look like you went through a meat grinder
* Cheryl helps Ariel out
[Slash] a few times...
[Dominator] GM: Outside, the bottom part of the parking lot can be see, the crashed building around it. It's raining now. Smeared blood can be seen by the body of a looter
[Slash] Oh goody
[Dominator] We had a few, ah, problems...
[Slash] What are we up against?
* Dominator calls Montana back and it lands
[Dominator] A city hit by a giant earthquake, mobs, looters, injured people...
* Cheryl adverts her gaze
[Dominator] GM: Puts Dakota inside Montana and looks around*
[Slasher] Do we know why it was caused
[Dominator] Looks like the looters weren't so lucky...
[Slash] Or more importantly Who caused it
[Dominator] The quake? Unfortutently, not yet
* Arono yawns
[Cheryl] I want to know how...
[Cheryl] I can't think of anything short of a subterranial nuke that would do this sort of damage
[Slash] ...
[Slash] *softly* I know of something...
[Arono] arnt nukes huge explosives?
[Dominator] Everyone on top of Montana
[Slasher] Maybe it's alien tech
[Dominator] Slash..?
[Dominator] Could be...
* Dominator gets on top of Montana
[Slash] Hes Dead.
[Slash] I killed him.
* Slash jumps on Montana
* Arono jumps on montana
[Ariel] Who's dead?
[Dominator] What...?
* Ariel gets on Mont
[Slash] and when i kill him, he Stays.. *trails off*
* Ariel gets in mont
* Cheryl climbs on mont
[Dominator] Cheryl, pilot Montana and slowly thata way
[Dominator] GM: Sees smoke and flames coming from close by
* Ariel takes the pilot seat
* Kaiser wakes up
[Slash] Looky what we have
*** Kaiser is now known as Dakota
[Ariel] Hehehehe *evil giggle*
* Slash 's armor slowly shifts, small tenticles and blades forming and disappearing around his body.
* Slash flips up his autocannons
* Slash flips and arms his lockdown cannon
* Slash arms his gauntlets and begins charging, soon a crackling field of energy can be seen around the gauntlets
* Slash 's warp blades suddenly appear in his hand ready for action
* Slasher leaps on to Montana and holds up taking the rain head on
* Slash twin PSI scyths appear out of his arm's glowing a wicked purple. They extend 4 feet into the room
[Dakota] i'm up 
[Dakota] i'm up 
* Slash rolls his cape out, and it flows down falling into place
* Ariel drives off in that direction
[Dakota] i'm up 
[Dakota] I can *winces
[Dominator] Damn... teh quake itself doesn't kill the majority of the people  who die in a quake... Fire does
[Dakota] maybe not....
[Slash] Lets do a little hunting....
[Dominator] Fly toward the fire and lets see what we can do
* Dakota looks at ariel
* Slash Cries out 1"HELL FIRE ENHANCEMENT!"a circle of flame, coming from the pits of hell, appears around slash, and firey lines trace themselves around him, burning lines into his armor, and turning its color to a blood red. 1"Lets burn..."
[Dakota] what's going on?
* Ariel only drives a little insanely
[Dominator] Slash...?
[Slash] Hellfire..
[Slash] I can absorb fire now
[Dominator] Good, that could be helpful
[Arono] i can oborb fire anyways
[Dominator] Ah, you'd better land, Ariel, getting pretty close to the flames
* Slasher looks onward his hair matted down from the rain
* Arono points to his gem
* Dominator charges water enhancement to thunder bolt
[Dakota] Meh Montana can handle fire Dom
[Dominator] Get your water "attacks"
[Dominator]  ready
* Slash jumps down into the midst of the fire, and begins to draw the flames into him
[Dominator] You're awake?
[Ariel] Water?  Ha
[Dakota] yeah
* Ariel lands mont
* Slash the armor begins glowing with power as the flames keep coming
[Dominator] Good, pilot Montana on the ground and we'll get these flames out
[Dakota] NRP: i woke up a long time ago
* Arono makes it rain
[Dakota] okay
* Ariel ices the flames
[Slasher] NRP: Uhh it is raining
[Dominator] GM: They are in an area of destroyed houses and rubble, with fire around. Many of the houses are semi-okay
[Dominator] NRP: True, but lightly
[Arono] NRP:uh...oh
* Dakota slides into the driver seat as ariel gets out
* Arono makes it rain very hard then
* Slasher leaps off montana and looks around
* Slash looks around once the fire he is working on is extinguished
* Slash oddly enough, no rain touches him
* Dominator fires water blasts from thunder bolt around
* Sound request: can't find 'macross_anthem.mp3'
* Ariel plays [macross_anthem.mp3] - 2724k - [iČ]
* Dominator hears muffled cries from some of the houses
* Slasher turns towards a house and runs towards it
* Cheryl goes through the houses to help anyone that really needs it
*** Retrieving #taw_2 info...
* Slash looks at another house where another scream comes from, warps in and and out repetedly resquing people
* Arono is getten a head ache
* Dominator teleports into another house to help
* Slasher kicks down the door to a house and looks around
[Dominator] GM: Most of the hunters have to go through the rubble, furniture, etc.
* Dakota stays in montana
* Ariel teleports in, fixes people up, teleports out
* Arono has a bad head ache and does nothing
[Dominator] GM: Slash finds a wounded man in his house, and a streaming chidl by him
[Ariel] (Er, CHERYL!)
* Ariel keeps putting the flames out
* Slasher walks throught the house searching while walking over crap
* Slash picks up both of them and warps them to the street
* Dominator finds a woman and helps her out of the house after finding out there's no one left there else... alive
[Dominator] GM: Slasher finds a women, highly wounded and near death
[Dominator] GM: It's raining heavily by now
* Slash keeps looking
* Arono aperes in a house looking around not expecting to find anyone
* Cheryl finds a elderly gentleman, but is unable to save him...
[Slash] What the heck did all this damage?
[Dakota] Dom anything i can do from in here?
* Dominator teleports by Slash, 1"The quake..."
* Slasher picks the women up and carries her outside
[Ariel] An earthquake...
[Slasher] CHERYL!!!!!
[Dominator] Get the people to stay by Montana
[Ariel] Was it 8.2 or 8.4?
[Dakota] alright 
[Dominator] 8.5....
* Dominator walks out, about a half dozen people around Montana
[Dakota] * Montana starts calling the people over and to stay nearby
[Slash] Jeeze..
[Ariel] Even worse...
* Cheryl has enough people to help out by Montana now...
[Slasher] Comm]Cheryl, I have an injured woman here..near death
* Slash keeps looking, and warping people out, giving a bit of his health to heal them
[Dominator] Women: Uh... t-thanks for s-sav... ing m... *trails off, and is still*
[Dakota] cheryl i got a bunch of med packs in here
* Dominator grabs a med pack and heals some of the more hurt people
[Cheryl] I'm working as fast as I can!
* Slasher carries her over to montana
[Dakota] monts doors are gull style so if i open them i can provide some shelter if you want
[Slash] Comm] Hey, ive found.... ARRRGH *loud crash*
[Dominator] GM: After getting more people out, Slash reaches a point where the rest of the neighborhood is simply destroyed. Too difficult to search trhough
* Cheryl is helping all the people they carry out as fast as she can
[Dominator] Slasher...?
[Slash] Comm] *static*
[Dominator] Comm: Slash?!
* Slash the house he was in collapsed on him
[Arono] i got a headache,can we go home now?
* Slasher sets the lady down next to Montana
* Dominator tries to help the woman Slasher got out, but finds she has no pulse
[Dominator] ....
[Dominator] You guys stay here and help the people... I'll get Slash
* Cheryl tries her best to save her still
[Dakota] okay
[Arono] i aint findin no one in this darn house
* Dakota opens both doors making a little more shelter
* Slasher grabs Dom
[Slasher] I'll get Slash
* Slash lays there unmoving
[Dominator] GM: Despite Cheryl's tries, the women is too wounded. Her chest was crushed by the rubble
[Dominator] All right... hurry
* Arono gives up and goes to another house
* Ariel uses a tarp as a makeshift tent
* Slasher runs off towards where Slash was last seen
* Dominator uses a bandages up another person
[Cheryl] ... she was too far gone...
[Dominator] I'm sorry, Cheryl... We tried...
* Cheryl goes to help the others
[Slasher] SLASH!!!
[Dominator] This rain isn't helping matters
[Dakota] i'm doing my best to help dom
* Dominator hears thunder in the distance
* Slasher looks at the crumbled building
[Cheryl] There are too many to save to greave over a single loss...
[Dakota] if you really need to i could go kaiser spread my wings over them all
* Slasher starts tossing rubble around
*** Slash has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SlashMk3)))
* Ariel helps get a temp shelter set up since all of the fires seem to be out now
[Dominator] Comm: Slasher? Have you found Slash?
*** Slash (Blayde22@sktnsk01d051701203.sk.sympatico.ca) has joined #taw_2
[Slasher] Comm] No...sorry no luck yet
[Dakota] You want me to do that dominator?
[Dominator] GM: Slash's body is found next to two children he was trying to save
[Slash] NRP: sorry, phone
* Slash an arm sticks out of rubble
* Slasher sees it and grabs it
[Slasher] Slash!!!
[Slash] did....i...save..them?
[Slasher] I don't know....
[Dominator] GM: They are still alive, shielded by Slash's body
* Slasher starts diggging Slash out
[Slash] Good....
[Dominator] To do what, Dak?
* Slash lets the armor heal himself
[Dakota] i said... i could change into kaiser and shelter everyone 
[Slash] NRP: AFK for a sec
* Slasher pulls Slash out and then pulls the children out
[Dominator] All right, these people are all right now...
[Dominator] Dakota, can Montana fly them to the outskirts by the other people?
[Dakota] sure 3 at a time if i don't pilot
[Dakota] i can lock the manual controls
* Slasher grabs Slash and the children and phases them back to Dom
[Dominator] GM: *lightning slams the building Slash and Slasher just narrowly escaped from, then the rain traisls off and stops*
[Slasher] I found him!!
[Dominator] Good work. *helps the, mostly unhurt, children*
[Slasher] Luckily Slash had such a hard head, eh
[Dakota] so what do you want to do dom
[Arono] THERE ARE NO MORE PPL LEFT!i cant find any....
[Dominator] Maybe you could squeeze some on the top?
[Slasher] Don't have to yell, damnt
[Dominator] We did what we could...
[Dakota] now that it's not raining 
[Dakota] yeah
[Dominator] Have Montana start taking the people out on auto-pilot
[Dakota] I couldn't fly as Kaiser though
[Dakota] I busted someone
[Dakota] Er something
[Dakota] alright
[Arono] NRP:this session is looooooong
[Ariel] I can fly pretty fast... I could carry another two or three...
[Dominator] Meanwhile, we'll hike that way, and Montana will rendexous with us
[Dominator] NRP: True...
* Dakota gets in montana and tells him what to do and gets off
[Dakota] he's set
[Slash] NRP: back
[Dominator] All right. *tells the people what Montana will do then goes to the others*
[Dominator] Lets get going
[Slash] Rock n roll
[Dakota] alright
[Ariel] Dom?  Should I?
* Slasher walks towards Dom and follows behind him
[Dominator] Should you...?
* Dakota walks along hinting an injury in his chest area
* Dominator walks as well, along the mostly level ground
[Ariel] Should I take another couple too?  I can't fly as fast as Mont, but I can still go pretty fast...
* Slash stumbles along hinting an injury in his everywhere
[Dominator] It's all right, Ariel. We may need you to help if we find more wounded
* Cheryl follows along
[Dominator] Montana will shuttle 'em as fast as he can
[Ariel] Right
[Dakota] how many were there Dom?
[Arono] NRP:*despretly looks for session end*
[Dominator] About a dozen and half
* Dominator grounds cracks around his feet
* Dakota thinks
[Slash] NRP: why did you start then idiot
[Dakota] it'll take him bout 20 minutes or so....
[Dominator] NRP: If ya need to leave, I can get you otu
[Arono] NRP:i didnt know it was gonna be this long
[Dakota] depends on how many times he takes each time
[Dominator] The others should be fine... AH! *falls down into the subway*
* Slasher looks down and then continues walking
[Dakota] Dom?
[Ariel] (*still considers this fairly short*)
* Dakota uses his jets to get to dom landing near him softly
* Slasher looks down the hole
[Dakota] you alright
[Dominator] Down here... There's an entrance to the subway about 22 meters from you
* Slash looks down
* Arono disiperes
*** Arono (Swordsman@208-223-199-39.du.pldi.net) has left #taw_2
[Dominator] Yeah, I landed ontop of a subway car
[Slash] Nice landing Dom
[Dominator] GM: Arono sticks with the people
[Dakota] man my side is killing me.......
[Dominator] Hey... Get down here guys..
* Slash jumps down and winces
[Slash] ... Never knew my armor to take so long
[Slash] to heal
* Slasher shrugs his shoulders and drops down smashing into the subway car
[Dakota] at least you can heal slash
* Ariel dives down, flips at the last minute and lands 1 foot above the ground.
[Dominator] Lets check these cars for trapped people
* Cheryl flies down
* Dominator tries to kick open a door, but it's stuck so he blasts oit
* Dakota knocks on the car roof
* Slasher phases into the car that he;s on and looks around
* Dominator enters and looks around
* Cheryl searches the station
* Dakota follows dom
* Ariel looks down the tunnel to see if any trains got stuck
[Dominator] GM: A few cars are all right, most with no one inside. However, several people are in Dominator's chair and are still alive
[Dominator] GM: Slasher is in the same car as Dom
* Slasher looks at Dom
[Ariel] (NrP: Not on the station!)
[Dominator] GM: Rubble blcoks Cheryl from continuing
* Dominator goes to the people
[Dominator] Are you all right?
* Cheryl turns back
* Slasher looks at the people
* Dakota looks around
[Dominator] Man: Uh.. We're got wounded here... Broke my arm and couldn't get the door open
* Dakota sighs
[Ariel] (NRP: What are they doing in your chair Dom ;]
[Dominator] Man: *A women is holding some hurt children*
[Dominator] NRP: What?
[Dominator] Any others on the train..?
[Dominator] Man: Maybe... BUt not many were on this train
[Dakota] Sir can I ask you something?
[Ariel] NRP: '... However, several people are in Dominator's chair and are still alive'
* Slasher helps the women up and picks up the hurt children
[Dominator] Yeah?
[Dakota] Before this quake was there any small ones?
[Dominator] NRP: D'oh.. I mean car
[Dominator] I'm not sure...
[Dakota] that's odd...
[Dominator] GM: Suddenly the ground shakes madluy
[Slasher] OH shit
[Dakota] Dom most Big quakes have pre and after shocks
[Dakota] Speaking of aftershocks
[Ariel] ...
[Ariel] If that was the pre shock...
[Dominator] Not... again...
[Dakota] Don't say that ariel
*** Slash has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SlashMk3)))
* Slasher holds the two hurt children and covers them
[Dominator] GM: Suddenly, the car they are in starts flying down the tunnel
[Dakota] AW DANG!
[Slasher] CRAP!!!
*** Slash (Blayde22@sktnsk01d051701203.sk.sympatico.ca) has joined #taw_2
[Dominator] GM: Cheryl sees them go past her... toward the wall of rubble!
* Ariel dives out of the way and hops in a door as it goes by
[Slasher] NRP: who many people are on the car
[Dakota] we gotta stop this thing....
[Dominator] NRP: 4, man, women, 2  children
[Slash] NRP: sorry, server booted me off
[Dominator] We have to get them out...
* Dakota leaps out onto the roof
* Ariel tries to get the emergency brake
[Slasher] NRP: I'm talking about Hunter
* Dakota walks toward the front of the train
* Dominator grabs the children as the people and him go to the door
[Dominator] You have jump and now!
[Ariel] Abandon ship!
[Dominator] Woman: W-what?
* Dakota climbs down onto the front of the train
* Slash grabs the man and woman, and prepares to jump
[Dominator] GM: The man grabs teh woman and jumps out, Dominator jumping out with the children
* Slasher grabs the woman and leaps out of the car
* Dakota goes kaiser plants his feet in the ground and pushes hard the other way
*** Dakota is now known as Kaiser
[Kaiser] STOP DAMN IT!
* Ariel jumps out
[Slash] NRP: err.. whatever
* Slash flips out of the car
[Dominator] GM: The car slams into the rubble. Slasher and Dom throw into the rbble
[Kaiser] NRP: OH DANG!
* Slasher collides with the rubble
[Slasher] Ugh1\
* Dominator half of the car lands ontop of him and the children
[Slash] Sheesh
* Kaiser roars in pain from the front of the train
[Ariel] !
[Dominator] A----!
* Slash rips the car almost in half to get it off Dom
* Ariel goes to help Dom get out
* Slasher lays next to Dom not covered by the train car
* Slash helps Dom up and checks the kids to see if they are ok
[Dominator] GM: Slowly, Dominator and the children are revealed. Dominator is banged up, but so is one of the children...
[Dominator] Uh-hh
* Slasher slowly gets up shaking his head as blood covers half his face
* Ariel go to help the wounded child
[Cheryl] Slasher!
[Dominator] GM: One child is okay, but the other is unconcious, bleeding from the head and breathing shallowly
* Cheryl comes running over
[Slash] Cheryl, get the kid
* Kaiser is breathing shallowly pincered imbetween the train and the rubble
[Slasher] Che.....
[Slash] Ill take Slasher
* Ariel uses her healing powers to help the child
* Slash grabs Slasher
[Slash] This is gonna hurt a bit...
[Slasher] Huh.....
[Dominator] All right Child: Look! T-the roof!@
* Slash drains life from him and gives it to Slasher, stifling a scream
[Dominator] GM: The roof starts to cave in
* Slasher face clenches
[Kaiser] NRP: Say what dom???
[Dominator] G-get the kids out!
* Kaiser wakes up
[Dominator] Kaiser...!
[Kaiser] ungh....
* Slash falls weakly to his knees
* Slasher gets up slowly and catches Slash
[Ariel] Slash!
[Kaiser] dang.... that. hurt.....
[Dominator] GM: A large piece of the roof lands next to Slash and Kaiser
[Dominator] Lets go everyone!
[Kaiser] !
* Slasher picks Slash up
[Slasher] How we going to get out
[Dominator] GM: The man and the women grab the children and start to the exit
[Kaiser] How?
* Slasher tosses Slash over his shoulder and runs towards the exit
[Dominator] There's the stairs out! *points and starts running to them*
[Ariel] Up
* Ariel runs
* Cheryl runs
* Kaiser runs up the stairs just fitting through
* Slash is really heavy, and still has hellfire burning around him
* Kaiser then collapses on the surface
[Dominator] Women: *rubble hits her leg, crushing it, and she falls with a child*
* Slasher ignores the pain and runs up the stairs
[Dominator] ...! *tries to grab the women and the child*
[Dominator] Women: L-leave me... get Jake out...
* Slasher reaches the surface and drops Slash on the ground, he then collapses next to him
* Slash rolls off Slasher, and stands above the woman
* Cheryl grabs the woman as dom gets the child
* Dominator gets the child and goes to grab the women, but rubble falls around her, trapping her
[Slasher] NRP:Fine scracth that
* Kaiser is layin on his chest on the ground wings spanned out on the ground in obvious pain
[Dominator] GM: Cheryl is knocked down by the rubble too, but not burried*
[Dominator] Man: *has gotten out next to Slasher*
* Cheryl is pyschic, but it didn't help
* Slash trys to deflect the rubble from around the woman
[Dominator] Cheryl!
[Cheryl] I'm okay!
* Slash gets buried again
* Dominator pulls her out as the enter roof collaspes, and jumps out just in time with Cheryl and the child... but the women is still insde
* Slasher senses something 1"Cheryl..."
[Dominator] Slash...!
[Slash] NRP: . o O {This is getting annoying..}
[Dominator] Man: Linda...! *tries to run back in, but Dominator stops him*
* Dominator starts digging Slash out
[Dominator] Some... uh... help here?
* Slasher looks at Cheryl then at the rubble blocking Slash
* Slasher runs towardst he exit and starts digging the rubble out along side Dom
[Dominator] GM: They find Slash, the woman's arm next to his body
[Slasher] Slash, 
* Slasher grabs Slash and carriers him outside
* Dominator digs the women out, who is barely alive
* Slasher drops Slash
* Slash lays on the ground slowly healing
[Dominator] Woman: Uhh... M-my child... *sees breaks Dominator's drip to get to the hurt child*
[Slash] Ow...
[Slasher] If you ever do something that stupid again..I'll personaly kick your ass
* Dominator heals the child with Silver Crystal
[Slash] Thats good.  Have to beat me first.
[Dominator] Woman: Th-th... *collapses, the healed child in her arms*
[Dominator] Man: No! *catches the woman*
[Slasher] Smartass
* Slasher sits on the ground breathing heavely
[Kaiser] NRP: who else is on the surface and not in the subway?
* Dominator looks forward, the sun setting, the man holding his near-dead wife in his arms, a child clutching the ohter, and the hunters almost dead