Mission 99: Training with Instructor Wiendigo

Session Start: Tue Aug 03 15:51:13 1999
[DeathStar] Time Chart: 3 days later
[DeathStar] Location: Control Room
* Darien still is sneazing severly
* DeathStar glances at Darien
* Dakota has a pizza where he's at in the control room
[Dakota] anyone else want some?
* DeathStar glares at Dakota
[Ariel] Hmmm... Are you alright Darien?  Maybe you should go see Cheryl about that...
[DeathStar] Or X1.  
* Garland rips the sleeves off his shirt as their just half attached anyway
* Wiendigo puts out his cigar on teh control room's table
[Darien] Why? *achoo* Dhat can Cheryl do?
[DeathStar] Alright, I called you in here for a briefing.  Tell me when you're ready for me to begin.
[Ariel] She's a fully trained doctor now.
* Garland types a report on his complete blunder of leading the mission last time
[Wiendigo] We will, don't worry you dumbass little hairstyle...
* Dakota finishes what he wanted of the pizza and pushes it aside
* Ridge looks up at ds
[Darien] So, does dhe know da cure for da dold?
[Wiendigo] Yeah, death.
* Paladin waits for the briefing
* DeathStar has had it up to here with Wiendigo
[Darien] Dhut Dup Wiendigo
* Wiendigo takes out his katana and smirks. 1"Wanna try it?"
[DeathStar] Wiendigo, leave the room.  Now.
* Wiendigo settles into his seat more. 1"Screw you, Mr. Big Shot."
* DeathStar walks towards Wiendigo
[Wiendigo] You wanna talk, then talk.
[Ariel] Well, she could get you some medicine for that...  It'd make you feel better
* Darien eyes are really red
[DeathStar] You can either leave, or I'll have everyone in the room go right at you.  Want me to put up the phazing damperners?  I'm sure they would all love to tear you apart.
[Ridge] heh
[Dakota] ooo...
* Garland doesn't need phaze dampeners anyway... heeh
[Wiendigo] Gee, and wouldn't THAT go against your simplistic code of ethics? I think it would. You'd be a murder, like me, and we all know you hate being ANYTHING like me...
* DeathStar turns the damperners on
[DeathStar] Try me
[Dakota] uh oh....
[Wiendigo] You first, twinkle toes.
* Garland turns around in his chair, observing
* Paladin eyes Wiendigo
* Ridge looks at them both
[Dakota] this could get interesting.......
* DeathStar draws saber and points it at Wiendigo
[Ariel] ...
[DeathStar] Get the hell out of that chair, now
*** Hirozaki (ask.me.to@ has joined #TAW
[Garland] DeathStar..... if you really want to take him out. I condone.
[Garland] NRP: Session.
[Hirozaki] NRP: k
* Wiendigo bounces off of Garland's head, and lands on the computer console. 1"There. I'm out of the seat."
* Garland doesn't flinch from Wien's comepletely idiotic move.
[Wiendigo] NRP: Err, should have read "leapt up out of his chair", etc.
[Paladin] Am I mistaken in thinking that there was a mission or something we needed to take care of?
[DeathStar] Smartass.  Now, remove that ass and sit it outside that door I'll have you removed from the team.
* Garland glares at wien.
* Wiendigo smirks
[DeathStar] Actually, I had TRAINING excercises set up for you all
* Garland stands up
[Dakota] oh hey i wouldn't mind a little training... 
[DeathStar] You do know, wien, if any of them decide to attack you right now, I won't stop them.
[Wiendigo] I'm staying right here, take it or leave it. I'll be good...for now...
[Garland] I'll go on to the training room then, if you need any help with Wiendigo.
[Ridge] no life threating encounters today... that's a good thing... unless we have to fight wein
[Garland] ......gimme a call.
[Darien] *achoo*
* Garland leaves the command room and heads to the training room.
* Ridge sparks a little starting up the rig
[DeathStar] Everyone, head to the control room.  Me and Wien are going to have a little chat.
[DeathStar] NRP: Er, Simulation room
[Dakota] k
* Dakota walks off
* Paladin follows Garland to the simulation room
* Ridge follws Paladin
* Ariel nods, a smile barely touching her face
* Garland enters his access code and opens the door
* Ariel follows Dak
* Darien sneezes and follows
[Paladin] NRP: o/~ We're following the leader, the leader . . . o/~
* Garland stands in the middle of the room.
* Ridge follows everyone in being the last one and closes the door
* DeathStar the room begins to change around them, forming that of the station from Mission 1
* Garland looks around, slightly bewildered
[Dakota] ?
[Dakota] um...
[Garland] What's this place...?
[Dakota] where?
[Ariel] ?
[Darien] Neato!
* Ridge looks around curiously
[DeathStar] Computer: The Hyper Station...Beginning Programs
[Garland] Hyper...
[Paladin] Oh wow, no smart remarks from the computer . . .
[Dakota] hyp... aw man...
[Dakota] I sure hope it ain't making that stuff...
[Ridge] ???
[Ridge] I'm lost...
[Garland] Remember, this is a sim. So don't get too worried.
* DeathStar they are in the hanger, hyperspace traveling around them
* DeathStar speaks up
[DeathStar] Oh, so it is.  But, if you haven't reviewed history, what good IS that?
*** Hirozaki (ask.me.to@ has left #TAW
* Dakota listens
* Darien sneezes
[Garland] NOW I'm worried.
[Dakota] well I was there to see the affects of hyper on vile....
* Garland looks down
* Ridge takes note... read history...
[Garland] I used hyper a few times before.
[Paladin] I believe it refers to hyperspace . . .
* DeathStar Mavericks leap out at them
[DeathStar] Remember, these are the older models..shouldn't be too much of a problem
[Dakota] oh goodie
* Dakota rapid 3_mav's
[Dakota] (grrr)
* Garland punches one into a wall, it then explodes
* Ariel quickly forms her firey sword and slashes at the mavs
* Dakota fires 3 quick blasts from his armcannon at 3_mav's (ap 190)
* DeathStar Mavericks blast Dakota (100 AP)
* Dakota leaps up with his jets firing some more
* DeathStar two of the seven explode
* Darien sneezes as he tries to blast some mavs, missing entirely
* Paladin fires a force wave at the mavs
* Ridge locks onto mav and fires a Missile [130 ap]
* Garland kicks 2 of them, the mavs moving incredibly slow in comparison to..... ALL the hunters
* DeathStar the rest explode
[Darien] *achoo*
[Ridge] bless you
[Garland] NRP: DS, come on.... these guys are probably lv 1s!
[Dakota] hey i think we need it garland
[Paladin] Hrm, older models . . .
[DeathStar] NRP: Perhaps...but do you REMEMBER who's on this station?
[Ridge] um..
[Dakota] _¡ Vile or sigma....?
[DeathStar] Hurry up, you're timed...
[Garland] NRP: Vile Bile and that guy whose name I donna remember?
[Dakota] oh timed c'mon
* DeathStar whistles cheerfully
[Paladin] Uh, what's the objective, just hunt down all the mavs?
* Garland runs through the corridors, knocking any mavs he runs into into the walls
[DeathStar] Computer: Objective?  Thanks for asking.  Blow the station
[Paladin] Ah, anybody have any mines or anything or is there a self destruct?
[Ridge] that makes it interesting
[Garland] Any one have a grenade?
* DeathStar doors open up, sucking them all towards space
[Ridge] !
* Ridge latches onto something with the rig
[Ridge] Crap
* Garland doesn't worry, he's been in space before
* Paladin blasts his thrusters towards the station
* Dakota fires up his jets
* Ariel grabs onto what here she can, and looks for the controls
* DeathStar Garland is thrown into space and the doors close, locking him out
[Ridge] !
[Garland] *to himself* Damnit.....
[Paladin] Hrm, crap?
[DeathStar] Foolish to think oneself immortal....Garland is now out of the simulation
[Ridge] aw man....
[DeathStar] He was destroyed....due to the fact that HYPERSPACE is outside, not normal space.  
[Dakota] ungh c'mon people lets go
* Dakota heads for the door
[Garland] *slaps his forhead*
[Paladin] Go where?
* Ridge follows
* Darien sniffles
* Paladin follows Dak
* Ridge walks along
* Dakota opens the door from the side of it
[Paladin] control room or core would probably be the most likely places to find some sort of self-destruct . . .
* Garland lands on the white tile of the sim room.
* Dakota motions someone through
* Ariel takes one last look around the room, marking it's contents and follows
* DeathStar the control room is ahead
* Darien walks carefully behind Ariel
* Garland sits on a bench in the room, watching the sim intenly
* Ridge goes through the door lokking around for anything
* DeathStar above is a catwalk
* DeathStar the computers are on the ground
* Dakota follows behind Ridge
*** DeathStar is now known as Hyper
* Hyper flips off the catwalk
* Ariel holds her sword in a defensive position
[Hyper] Prepare for destruction
*** Wiendigo is now known as Vile
* Ridge locks onto Hyper and fires a Missile [130 ap]
[Dakota] aw man here we go
* Hyper hypers out of the way
* Hyper rams Dakota into the wall (200 aP)
* Vile slams his fists down on Paladin's back
[Paladin] GacK!
[Dakota] ouf...
[Dakota] grr
* Paladin falls on his face
* Dakota charges his armcannon and blasts hyper (ap 280)
* Hyper hypers out of the way
* Vile kicks Pal into the wall (150 HP)
* Garland watches, and then looks for something to do.
* Ridge tries to grab Hyper with the rig
* Hyper throws a blinding light into Dakota's eyes
[Paladin] Somebody get to the computer ARG!  And find the self-destruct!  Or somethign useful!
[Dakota] Gah!
[Dakota] dang it
*** Vile has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (Nick kill enforced)))
* Ariel seems to flicker as Vile is slashed twice
[Ariel] (Who hoo!  Got him!)
*** Wiendigo (wiendigo@rc-172.netonecom.net) has joined #taw
* Darien activates hyperblur and charges hyper with Psi enhance strength (515 AP)
* Ridge draws his staff
*** Wiendigo is now known as Vile_
* Ridge twirls it appropirately swinging at vile
* Paladin fires a force wave at Vile and ignites his energy blades
* Vile_ bum rushes Ridge
[Hyper] OUF!
* Vile_ dodges the force wave
[Vile_] Nice try punk
[Ariel] Dak!  Try to find the selfdestruct!
[Paladin] Uhm, sorry?
* Vile_ jump kicks Paladin's face
* Ridge blocks a bit of it swinging again
[Dakota] right...
* Hyper throws the blind Dakota
[Paladin] Ouf
[Dakota] ow...
* Ariel round house kicks Hyper
* Dakota gets up
* Dakota is surrounded by a black sphere of energy.... it eventually dissipates revealing a golden version of Dakota
[Dakota] there i can see now
* Hyper blinds him again
* Dakota runs looking over the computers
* Dakota isn't lookin
* Darien Xvash appears in his hand and he tries to slice Hyper, but misses due to a sneeze
* Hyper is in front of the computers and gets him, even if he isn't looking
[Paladin] So nobody has any computer skills!?
[Dakota] SOB
[Darien] I do
* Vile_ grabs a pipe of pipe and smacks Paladin in the head with it (300 HP)
[Ariel] Darien, you take the computer then!
* Ridge grabs the pipe with the rig attempting to prevent vile from hitting Paladin
* Hyper snickers
* Ariel punches Vile in the face.
* Vile_ kicks Ridge in teh ribs
[Vile_] ARGH!
* Vile_ smacks Ariel away
[Dakota] ow
* Paladin slashes at Vile
[Dakota] man my eyes...
* Hyper rams Ariel into a teleporter
[Ariel] !
[Ridge] ouf... dang you
* Vile_ drops down and trips Pal
[Ariel] (Teleported?)
* Hyper she is teleported into Hyperspace and destroyed
[Darien] Me fires a distortion wave of hyperballs at Vile, increased in power due to the fact that they are in hyperspace
* Darien fires a distortion wave of hyperballs at Vile, increased in power due to the fact that they are in hyperspace
[Ridge] grr..
* Paladin falls over and rolls away
[Hyper] Who's next for the ride?
* Ridge points his chain guns at Vile and fires [120 ap]
[Vile_] ARGH!
* Garland watches Ariel land on the tiles a short way away from him
[Garland] Hey.
* Vile_ is hit by Darien, but manages to dodge Ridge's attack
* Paladin is seeing spots
* Dakota stumbles around....
* Hyper grabs Paladin
[Ariel] Now that sucked...
[Garland] Yup.
[Paladin] hrk!
* Hyper throws him at the teleporter
* Ariel sighs and sits down.
* Ridge lunges at Vile
* Ridge pulls out a small device with a point on it, he rams it into vile 's neck and tries to digitize into him
* Garland leans back and watches the sim
[Hyper] DS: Hey, you two, quit moping.
* Vile_ kicks Ridge
* Paladin lands next to Ariel
* Darien punches the ground, Psionic ripples spreading outward to hit Hyper and Vile (245 AP)
[Ridge] this is really getting annoying...
* Vile_ throws Ridge away
[Hyper] DS: Wise idea?  Destory that teleporter
[Ridge] aah ouf...
[Vile_] DIE!
[Ridge] right...
[Garland] Hey, I'm not moping, I made an error, I'm just thankful this is a sim!
* Ridge locks onto teleporter and fires a Missile [130 ap]
[Paladin] My head hurts . . .
* Hyper the teleporter explodes
* Vile_ is bleeding slightly
[Ariel] Yeah, gotta hate being the first one to find a trap.
* Ridge looks around at the ceiling and uses the rig to bring down some piping on vile
[Vile_] OOF!
* Garland looks at Vile from the vid screen
* Hyper attacks Darien
* Dakota blinks trying to see
* Vile_ hits the ground hard
* Ridge locks onto vile and fires a Missile [130 ap]
[Paladin] Vile's a nasty litlle SOB
[Garland] Now I remember why we found him tough.
* Darien stares at the teleportor Hyper using his psionic powers to explode his armor from the inside (285 AP)
[Vile_] Can't...uhhh...*
* Vile_ teleports out
[Hyper] GAH!
*** Vile_ is now known as GM2
[Ridge] heh 
* Hyper explodes
*** Hyper is now known as DeathStar
[Darien] ACHOO!
[Dakota] um... i wish cheryl was here...
* Ridge walks over to dak
[DeathStar] Hey, I was blinded myself
[DeathStar] Okay, blow that station and get out of there.
[Ridge] it's never that easy....
[Darien] Dhis is detting drilly anoying
[GM2] Computer: Bopsy bopsy bop!
* Ridge starts looking over the computers
[DeathStar] The hell?!
[Dakota] well if ds got blinded i don't feel so bad...
* DeathStar the simulation ends
* Garland looks around for something to do (gm: see anything??)
* Darien walks over to the computer and touches it, letting his nanos run through it's systems
[Dakota] NRP: i can see now then right?
* DeathStar teleports to the group below
[DeathStar] NRP: Aye
[Darien] Drat was deird
* Dakota blinks
[Dakota] that's better
* Garland claps
* Ridge seems happy
[Paladin] Were they successful?
[Ridge] I got vile buried...
[Garland] They lived longer than me! *laughs*
[DeathStar] Error in the program.  *shrugs* But I have to say, compared to the original group, you guys did worse.
*** GM2 is now known as Wiendigo
[Ridge] aw...
[Dakota] I figured
[Garland] Original group?
[Darien] Dhey didn't dave a danceporter back then, drough
[Paladin] I'm sure the original group had a briefing and maps and neccessary equipment for preparation . . .
[DeathStar] Get ready for the last programming...due to this bug, we can't continue on...*smirks*
* DeathStar teleports away and the group finds themselves in the woods
* Wiendigo *cough*1"suck"6*cough*
[Ridge] here we go again...
[Dakota] last?
* Garland looks around at the woods
* DeathStar a low fog is floating around
* Dakota draws a black plasma saber from it's place on his back
[Garland] Don't ask me..
[Ridge] oh yippie....
[Darien] I drate dhis *sneezes*
* Garland pulls out his sword too.
* DeathStar snow is piled on the ground, and a cold chill is blowing
* DeathStar snow falls down,also
* Ridge draws his staff
* Ridge fires up the rig as well
[Dakota] geez...
*** GM2 (wiendigo@rc-172.netonecom.net) has joined #taw
[Paladin] So, objective?
[Dakota] hey were outside... *grins evily
[DeathStar] You'll see.
[DeathStar] You're being hunted, Hunters.
[Darien] Dy dold dis donna det worse in dis deather
[Ariel] Chilly out...
[Dakota] hunted... 
[Ridge] oo pred and pray type deal
[Garland] Hunted?
[Garland] By what?
[Dakota] right everyone split up make it harder and try not to make tracks
[GM2] *suddenly, a snowball hits Garland in the back of the head*
* Darien cloaks, becoming invisible to light and sensors
[Garland] OUF!!!
[Ridge] ?
[Garland] Snow......ball?
[Dakota] or not...
*** Darien is now known as InvisibleDarien
* Garland shaked the snow out of his hair
* Ariel hops nimbly up into a tree.
* GM2 *dozens of rock-filled snowballs starts hitting the team*
* Dakota jets up and away from the assault
* InvisibleDarien hyperjumps away from the team
* Paladin looks for the source of the the snowballs
[Garland] NRP: rocks wouldn't normally hurt...but snow rocks sting!!!
* Ridge uses the rig and starts catching and flining the snowballs back
* Garland gets hit on all sides
[GM2] Voice: Ready for a real challenge?
* Ariel puts her shield up
* Garland holds his ear in pain from the stinging
[Garland] Oww.....
[Ariel] It feels like the attack of the 5th graders...
[Paladin] Er, yes?
* InvisibleDarien keeps on the move to keep himself from being located by his sneezes
* Dakota is flying over the trees
* Wiendigo drops out of the trees and kicks Garland in the back, also flipping back and landing on his feet with his sword drawn.
[Garland] OUF!
[Wiendigo] School's in session.
* Garland teleports up
[Ridge] oh yippie....
[Wiendigo] Catch me if you can.
[Garland] Hey.... what'd you do that for?
* Ridge fires up the rig grabbing at Weindigo's sword
* Wiendigo disappears into the fog
[Paladin] Oh . . . we hunt Wien?
[Ariel] I think Wien is the villian this time.
[Garland] NRP: BRB
[DeathStar] Lifelike, isn't he?
[Wiendigo] Stealth 101: Don't get caught
* InvisibleDarien uses his Psionic senses to try and locate Wiendigo
[Ridge] yeah.... 
* Wiendigo swings around on a tree and slashes Paladin
* Paladin rolls with the slash, trying to reduce the damage
* Ridge watches around carefully
* Wiendigo quickly climbs back up and hides among the leaves
* Paladin fires a force wave at the tree
[Paladin] Hey, why does a tree have leaves in winter?
[GM2] Computer: Hey! It's a sim, shaddup!
* DeathStar a met runs up and bites Paladin
* InvisibleDarien uses his Psionic sences to target Wiendigo and concentraits, causes Wiedigo's armor to explode (285 AP)
* Paladin bites the met back
* DeathStar rams Paldin in the neck
[DeathStar] Hello
[Paladin] Ugh!
* GM2 *Wien is not found by Darien*
* DeathStar pushes off and kicks Garland into Ariel
[Garland] NRP: I SAID BRB!
[Paladin] I'm going to take that to mean DeathStar is a bad guy too
[Ridge] hmmm...
* Ariel uses her blitz slash and hits DS twice and appears behind DS before Garland hits her
* DeathStar charges his sabre and leaps at Ridge and double slashes (2000 AP)
* Ridge walks carefully listening to everything
* Wiendigo wraps a dark tednril around Ridge's leg and yanks him high into the air
[DeathStar] GAH!
[InvisibleDarien] NRP: I do have Psionics 3
* DeathStar flips around
[Ridge] !
* DeathStar charges his sabre and leaps at Ariel and double slashes (2000 AP)
* Paladin slashes at DeathStar
* DeathStar slashes Ariel with his sword, he goes into Polaris and begins to crush Ariel to bits and follows it with a miniture version of his Limit Breaker 3. (2,340 AP)
* Ridge fires the rig in desperation trying to hold ds back
* DeathStar steps back from the Slash
[DeathStar] Hardly
* DeathStar teleports
* Ariel stumbles back
[Ridge] ungh...
[Ridge] that sucked 
[Ariel] (I really need my aliases back =P)
* DeathStar a tree lands on Ridge
[Ridge] we have to fight Wein And DS...
[Ridge] OUf
* Ridge pulls out a small device with a point on it, he rams it into DS 's neck and tries to digitize into him
[Ridge] *as he tackles ridge
[DeathStar] NRP: I'm not seen
[Paladin] I really doubt they would ever work together . . .
[Ridge] NRP: you landed on me...
* Paladin looks around for one of the two
[DeathStar] NRP: Uh, no
[Ridge] (oh n/m)
[DeathStar] So, Wiendigo *voice echoes*.  How should we double team them
[Ridge] aww dang it...
[Ariel] People!  Get your act in gear and stop going solo!
[Wiendigo] You have to ask?
[DeathStar] Computer: Due to bug, all psis are being blocked
[Ridge] right!
[DeathStar] Alright, on three?
* Paladin stands next to Ariel
* Wiendigo leaps out and tackles Ariel
* Ridge shoves it off...
* DeathStar grabs Paladin
* DeathStar rams their heads together
* Ariel tries to impale Wein as he does
* Paladin kicks at DeathStar's gut
*** Dakota is now known as Eclipsion
* Eclipsion puts his hands together pulls them apart and the Forcebreaker appears as they seperate
* Eclipsion lands firing at DS and wein
* Wiendigo avoids her blade and blasts her, then runs off again
* DeathStar grabs the kick and flips him
* InvisibleDarien uses his computer sence to locate Wiendigo's CPU and he uses his hyperspeed to try and ram him (270 AP)
* Eclipsion lands firing at DS and wein
* Garland super kiamas Wien
* Wiendigo absorbs the impact and hits Darien back for double the AP value
* Paladin` slashes at DeathStar
[Wiendigo] ARGH!
* Ariel uses her blitz slash on Wein and appears back in a tree
* InvisibleDarien falls to the ground
* Wiendigo runs off into the woods again
[Eclipsion] heh 
* Garland watches him run
* Eclipsion flies back up
* Death_Star jumps on Dariens chest and flips off
* Ridge locks onto DS and fires a Missile [130 ap]
* InvisibleDarien gets back up and his Nanos begin working on his system
* Death_Star slashes Garland's back
* Death_Star blasts the missle out of the air
* Paladin` fires a force wave at DeathStar
* Ridge grabs for DS's Sword with the rig
* Garland flipkicks hitting DS in the head
[InvisibleDarien] Dy dealth dis dever going do dake dis
[Ariel] Garland!  Double slash!
* Death_Star moves his sword
* Garland slashes DS
* Ariel waits for Garland to be ready then slashes DS
[Death_Star] OW! 
* Paladin` slashes DS
* Ridge locks onto DS and fires a Missile [130 ap]
* Death_Star uses his jetpack to fly up into the air
[Ridge] dang
* Paladin` flies after him
* Garland raises hands and charges a glowing shere, it soon grows so bright the light is nearly blinding.
[Ridge] okay we gotta stay together
* Garland screams and shoots the ball/beam at DS, causing massive holy damage. "HIJIKAR!!!!!" (900 AP, Holy Damage)
* Eclipsion opens fire on DS as he enters air space
* Death_Star blasts Paladin back down
* Paladin` lands with a sickening thud
* InvisibleDarien uses his computer sence to locate Wiendigo's CPU
* Ariel whistles appreciatively at Garlands attack, then fires a bright white beam at DS herself.
* Garland rubs his back where he can reach it
[Garland] Oww.....
[Death_Star] Echoing: Tired yet?
* InvisibleDarien fires a twin set of hyperballs at Wiendigo (300 AP)
* Garland teleports behind DS and slashes him in the back
* Garland backs off then
* Wiendigo is gone
* Eclipsion lands near by the group
* Paladin` stands up ever so slowly
* Death_Star is gone too (Jeeze, dramatic pause here guys)
[Eclipsion] (in case you didn't know eclipsion is just Kaiser a bit bigger more powerful and roboticized)
* Garland stands there, limping (if possible) in the air.
[Death_Star] What do you think Wien, they had enough?
* Eclipsion wanders over to the group on all 4's
*** Ariel (Avalon@CDR6-108.accesscable.net) has left #taw (blazingswordinn)
* InvisibleDarien stops for a moment coughing
*** Ariel (Avalon@CDR6-108.accesscable.net) has joined #taw
[Wiendigo] Hell no.
[Ariel] (WTF?!)
* Garland uses holy healing on himself (FULL RESTORE (I need it after you guys attacked me while I was away))
[Eclipsion] (shrugs)
[Ridge] okay think guys we got to make them the hunted not the hunters
* Death_Star and Wien fly out from the woods and double blast the group (300 AP)
* Eclipsion takes the blunt of it shielding everyone with his wings
* Wiendigo slashes Reidge with his Shadow Claws
* InvisibleDarien fires a series of hyperballs back (300 AP each)
* Paladin` gets knocked back, but counters with a force wave at DeathStar
* Garland uses a super kiama blastback (GM: how many me nullify or hit with?)
* Death_Star flips over the wave and slashes Pal
* Ariel freezes DS's feet to the ground.
* Paladin` parries with a blade of his own
[Death_Star] (Uh, half, sure...)
* Ariel blitz slashes DS
[Death_Star] Gack!
[Death_Star] Damnit!
* Eclipsion arms his shoulder cannon that looks a whole lot like mont's cannon and fires at DS [230]
* Death_Star blocks with his sword
* Ariel kicks DS in the head for good measure
* Garland draws the gospel sword and flies into DS's gut
* Paladin` takes this opportunity to blast him from point blank range
* Death_Star tackls Gar and Paldin off of DS
* Garland uses speed tech and slashes DS
[Paladin`] Take out one, then deal with the other!
* InvisibleDarien fires a hyperball at Wiendigo (300 AP)
[Death_Star] (Errr, Wien does rather)
[Garland] NRP: ds knocks them off of DS.....
* Ridge fires the rig at DS and hurls him into a tree
* Wiendigo absorbs the blast
[Death_Star] ARGH!
* Garland super kiamas wien
* Ridge locks onto ds and fires a Missile [130 ap]
[Garland] Absorb THAT!
* Death_Star tree falls on DS. And yes, it makes a sound.
* Paladin` fires another wave at DS
[Wiendigo] OOF!
* Ariel hits Wein with a light beam from another Angle
* Wiendigo wraps his Dark Tendrils around Garland's throat and aqueezes
* InvisibleDarien crumples to the ground with a coughing fit
* Wiendigo slips into the shadows and heals himself
* Garland grabs them, choaking
* Ridge fires the rig at the tendrils and try's ripping them off of Garland
[Garland] GAccckkk....
[Death_Star] Hey guys.
* Ariel slices the tenticles with her blade
[Paladin`] Anybody got a really big light so we can take away those shadows?
* Death_Star hits Ridge and garland with a tree
[Ridge] Ouf!
[Ridge] dang it!
* Paladin` flies into the air
* Ariel uses a ball of light to dispell the shadows where she last saw Wien
* Garland lossens enough to say "with light the trees would just make more shadow-----gack!!"
[Death_Star] Score for the home team!
[Paladin`] So burn the trees!
* Garland motions to DS to say "c'mon..."
[Death_Star] Yes Garland? Can I help you?
* Ariel appears behind DS
[Ariel] Hey DS...
* Ridge fires at the distracted DS with a missile
* Death_Star ducks and the missle hits ariel
* Garland grins at DS, holding the tendrils
[Ridge] ..
[Ariel] 10* Two trees are falling on DS
* Ariel gets blasted.
* Eclipsion puts his hands together pulls them apart and the Forcebreaker appears as they seperate
[Death_Star] Damnit!
* Death_Star leaps out of the way
* Eclipsion swings at ds as he does
* Paladin` lands near Death_Star and slashes
* Death_Star flies away
[Eclipsion] (big sword too...)
* InvisibleDarien becomes visible as his coughing overwelms what concentraition he has remaining
*** InvisibleDarien is now known as Darien
* Garland falls to one knee the tendrils still getting him
*** Darien is now known as Darien`
[Death_Star] */me tendrils are gone*
* Ridge fires the rig again trying to get the tendrills off of gar
[Garland] NRP: now you tell me.
[Ridge] (yeah)
* Eclipsion looks around
[Death_Star] NRP: Sorry, figured you'd take it when ariel cut ya loose
* Eclipsion swings at Wein with the Forcebreaker
* Wiendigo laughs, which echoes
[Garland] NRP: well wien has that blasted kinetic thing
[Eclipsion] (aw dang it...)
* Garland looks for wien
* Garland laughs, making his OWN echo
* Ridge wonders what the frick they can do to wein to hurt him
* Wiendigo comes out of the shadows and slashes Paladin
[Garland] I can hurt him nicely.
[Wiendigo] Tag. You're it.
* Paladin` rolls forward, expecting an attack
* Wiendigo stomps on Pal as he rolls
* Garland super kiama's wien
[Wiendigo] ARGH! DAMN YOU!
* Paladin` fires a force wave up at Wien's crotch
* Ariel slowly gets to her feet, only determination keeping her going.
* Wiendigo fires a soul shot at Garland with his katana
* Wiendigo leaps back from teh wave
* Garland slashes it with the gospel
* Darien` fires off two hyperballs at Wien as he recovers (300 AP each)
* Wiendigo dodges one but is hit by the other
[Wiendigo] GRRRRR, gonna pay for that kid...
* Ariel fires another nameless white beam at Wien
[Garland] I wonder if you can absorb holy power..... HOLT SWIPE! *slashes, sending a slash/beam out*
* Darien` climbs to his feet and leans on a treen
* Wiendigo leaps up and grabs onto a tree
* Darien` sniffles
* Ridge locks onto tree and fires a Missile [130 ap]
[Garland] NRP:....HOLY SWAT! no....
[Ridge] Timber!
* Wiendigo starts climbing up
* Wiendigo leaps off onto another one
* Garland holy swipes the clibing wien
* Wiendigo throws up his Shadow Shield
* Ariel appears behind garland and the tree is cut in three pieces
* Wiendigo leaps off the falling tree and aims for the group
* Darien` charges his staff with dark energy, teleports behind Wien and slices
* Wiendigo has his katana out, ready to kill
* Garland be burst into flames, illuminating the area, holy prowess, but no armor.
[Darien`] Boo!
* Ariel throws her sword at the incomgin Wien.
* Wiendigo *Darien's blocked by the shield*
* Eclipsion charges up a rather large orb of energy and flings it at Wein
* Garland looks quiet pissed.
[Darien`] NRP: Dark energy is shadows, Wiendigo
* Wiendigo almost hits the teams, but phases, and goes straight through them into the ground
[Ridge] great 
* Ridge steps back a bit
[Wiendigo] NRP: Sorry, thought it was jsut a sword
[Garland] AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *teleports and super kiamas Wien*
* Wiendigo is already in the ground