
Dr. Thomas Light

Dr. Light was a robotic inventor back in the late 21st century, primary influencial between the 2040's and the 2090's. He created robots that were incredibly human-like in their actions and thought process. However, his breakthrough came when he created the prototype, X1, of a new robot he called "reploids". After finishing X1, he created a full model, X, and then sealed X for 30 years as his systems made sure there were no problems. Light died shortly after burying X and never lived to see his work alive.


Reploids are next-generation of robots that somehow were created with the ability to have free-will, emotions, and their own dreams and desires. Reploids are like humans in every aspect except that they cannot reproduce and they can essentially live forever, barring any sort of attack or corroding of their memory chips. Reploids can experience any range of human emotion, plus they can perform sexual acts - and this makes them hated by humans.


X1 was the prototype for the reploids, created by Dr. Light shortly before his death. X1, while not like a modern reploid, can be considered the "grandfather" of reploids, since his younger "brother", X, was the design that all future reploids would be designed after. X1, however, has several bugs and insanity issues with his programming and seems more like anamolie when compared to other reploids.


A Maverick is a term given to a reploid that refuses to follow human orders and goes renegade. When reploids were first mass-produced in 2107, they were used as slave labors and after a while, some reploids began to resist their abuse and place in society, even attacking humans. Any reploid that harmed a human was labeled a "Maverick" and sentenced to death.

The Maverick Wars

From 2108 until 2214, there were several Maverick Wars, when reploids gathered under the leadership of a reploid called "Sigma", who's desire was to wipe out all of humanity in an act of genocide. Throughout the years of fighting, Sigma was finally defeated, but the cost of the wars put human and reploid relations at odd, despite the fact it was reploids who killed Sigma.

The Siberian Years

From 2215 until 2179, reploids were shipped to Siberia, a location that had been destroyed under nuclear attacks during the Maverick Wars, and forced to stay there as a "final solution" to the Maverick problems. However, when the Alien Wars began, starting in 2180 with the "Year-Long War" and in 2199-2207 with the "Galactic Conflict", reploids were freed to help save humanity. The reploids then left Earth for good, hoping to find their own planet.

Present Day Human/Reploid War

Before President Slasher retired at the end of 2223, he granted reploids the right to return to Earth after a long exhile. However, human hatred for reploids began to increase in amazing hostility and humans began to kill reploids, then vice versa. Pretty soon a deadly conflict came about under the leadership of President McCabe, who made the war offical by gathering the human military forces to destroy the reploid forces. But, the reploid forces under Death Star began to strive much like Sigma's reign - to wipe out humanity. Now, the humans are on the verge of losing this war to DS' and his reploids...

Death Star/Wind

Once known as "Death Star", Wind was a famous reploid who led Earth to victory in "The Year Long War" and again in the "Galactic Conflict". Having gained much prestige, he fell into hyperspace during the "TGC" and became an organic being, not human, but not reploid. And shortly after the war ended, he fell off the charts again, popping up to defeat evil whenever it showed up. However, considered mentally unstabble since his transformation, he attempted to distance himself by renaming himself "Wind". Finally getting his life back on track, he planned to marry Ariel when...

A reploid who claimed to be the real Death Star showed up, saying that Wind cannot be the real thing, since he was an organic being. Despite both of them having the same memories, it became increasingly obvious that the years apart since the hyperspace incident changed both men. Once the Human/Reploid War started, the reploid Death Star gathered reploid forces and vowed to wipe out all of humanity until the humans bowed before Reploids. When Wind tried to stop him, Death Star took Wind's sabre and drove it through his chest, putting him in the hospital under intensive care. Now Death Star plans to destroy all the humans with his army and a weapon called Ragnorak.


Wiendigo was once a homocidal maniac of a reploid, who would kill any opponent for the pleasure of it. Used during the "Year Long War" and again in the "Galactic Conflict", it became obvious that he was unstable and a loose cannon, which put him at odds with Death Star. However, after being banished to hell - from which he should have never returned - Wiendigo clawed his way back out, now determined to seek redemption for the man he once was. His goal now is to lead the reploids to a peaceful solution with the humans so that they can live in equality together.


Slasher is a cyborg who reigned as President of Earth from 2209 until 2223. A fairly popular leader, he lost major support when he allowed reploids back on the Earth. After leaving the position of President and seeing the current Human/Reploid War beginning, he reluctantly joined forces with a group of reploids under Wiendigo, hoping to defeat Death Star's genocidical reploids and stop the humans' hatred of all reploids.


Colephantus is your average reploid that got swept up in the war. Before the war, he lived among the humans as a champion, even loving the adopted human daughter of Wind, Katrina. However, when it became obvious that Katrina loved someone else, turning away his love, Cole found solace in the arms of a reploid female called Blue. When the war began, he joined DS' forces temporarily, until he found DS' extreme ways unacceptable, so he left to join Wien's group. However, during the course of the war, the human forces, particularly a human called Mac, placed a chip and a tracker in his head, which could turn him evil and have him attack his friends - plus it allows them to track Cole's every movement. Now Colephantus has to find a way to remove the chip, or he will remain a danger to his friends.


Katrina is the adopted daughter of Wind and Ariel. An orphan of the war, the two raised her as their own child. Well adapt in both of their fighting techniques, Katrina's true strength comes from her scientific skills and rationality, plus her big heart for all races. However, when she decided to try to start a relationship with Junior, she was forced to turn away cole's love, which has put the two in a shakey friendship relationship.


A female reploid named Blue, she attempted to assimilate herself into the human society, only to be scorned and hated by humans when the Human/Reploid War began. Deciding that she had enough of the entire conflict, she picked Death Star's idealogy of wiping out all the humans as her course of action in the war, especially after a falling out between her and Colephantus.

President McCabe

President McCabe, while relunctant to set the Earth into a war with humans and reploids, gave into popular opinion against the reploids. During the course of the war, however, he was captured by reploid forces and hasn't been seen since, which leaves his Vice-President, a man called Mac, in charge of the human forces.


The Ragnorak was a weapon created by the humans during the Human/Reploid War that was designed to destroy all the reploids on the planet with one fell swoop. However, during a course of a battle, Death Star managed to get his hands on the machine and stole it. Now everyone's fear is that he will reprogram the deadly weapon and use it against the humans.