<Sardis> ^^
<Katrina`> Up for Part 2, gang?
*** Kim[AWAY] is now known as Kimera
<Sardis> I could do it.
<Irae> Sure
* Katrina` head turns around to look at Cardinal.
<Katrina`> I think he'd agree.
<Cardinal> I'm kind of distracted, if you couldn't tell.
<Katrina`> ;) We'll continue and you can RP whenever you can.
<Katrina`> 5
<Katrina`> 4
<Katrina`> 3
<Katrina`> 2
<Katrina`> 1
<Katrina`> -0-
* #taw is being logged
<Katrina`> Session 117: Nothing Stops the Bots
<Katrina`> Time Chart: Shortly after 116
<Katrina`> Location: Surface of Roboticron.
* UltraAlpha leans against the Alliance shuttle.
* Katrina` glances at her chronometer.
<Katrina`> The Bot should have arrived in orbit of the planet now.
<Sardis> We don't have much time, then.
<UltraAlpha> What's left of our fighting forces will be ready to show up on our command if Irae here fails.
* Irae floats near the shuttle, roughly 2-3 feet off the ground, his tattered and shredded cloak pulled around him armored body. "I will not fail."
<Katrina`> GM: *as if on cue, the sound of something flying overhead can be heard. A sleek greenish ship with black veins appears above head, stopping around 900 feet above them*
* Irae looks up, "Prepare yourselves."
<Katrina`> GM: *at first, nothing happens. Then, suddenly, bright beams of light begin to appear all over the ground. Emerging from the warp gates opened up are the Bots - tall robots, around 6'5", with arms and legs like a human, only their robotic head shows no real facial expressions other than the location of the eyes - red - and the mouth speaker. Dozens appear..no, wait, more...around a hundred.*
<UltraAlpha> There's teleporting in through some type of gate!
<Sardis> ...
<Sardis> This can't bode well.
<Cardinal> ...You said it.
<Katrina`> C-Can you stop that many?
* Irae balls his hands into fists, psionic energy crackling over his form. Around him, peices of debris begin to lift into the air and slowly begin to spin. More debris kicks up as a veritable tornado of wreckage begins to build. His voice is strained, "I can...try.."
* Katrina` steps back, looking at Sardis
<Katrina`> There could quite possibly be thousands of them.
<Sardis> Maybe if we spook them?
* UltraAlpha charges his blaster.
<UltraAlpha> Looks like we should attack, too.
* Irae keeps his eyes on the large force of Bots for a moment, then his gaze turns up to the ship. Suddenly, the tornado of wreckage stops and all the peices of debris begin launching up at the ship.
<Katrina`> GM: *the Bot, momentarily, seem confused. Then, all in unison, begin to march towards Irae - determining him to be the source. The ship, meanwhile, fluxuates, the shields being battered by the debris*
<UltraAlpha> Wow, that's creepy. They're all moving in the same formation at the same time.
<Cardinal> ...You know what to do.
* Irae continues to pepper the ship's shields, attempting to weaken them long enough for the second part of his attack - a large peice of jagged metal that was once part of a roof's super-structure begins to lift into the air, like a large jagged spear. It slowly begins to turn, pointing up at the ship.
* Cardinal takes her contracted spear from her boot, expands it by spinning it, then ignites the blade. "Defend Irae."
* Katrina` activates the DS sabre, stepping in front of Irae.
<Katrina`> Understood, Captain.
* Cardinal steps in front of Irae in formation with Katrina, holding her spear vertically, pointed at the ground in a defensive stance.
<Katrina`> GM: *the ship is speared, fluids and sparks gushing out the underside as a hole is formed. The ship lowers in altitude to around 500 feet before stableizing*
* UltraAlpha fires a normal shot at a Bot, instantly killing it.
<UltraAlpha> Wow, they're pathatically weak.
<UltraAlpha> GM: *the bot aim their weapons and fire energy pulse weapons at Irae*
* UltraAlpha re-aims his blaster and fires again, taking down two more of the Bots.
* Katrina` hesitates.
<Katrina`> Stop this! Just go back where you came from.
* Irae drops and lands on his feet landing in a crouch. More debris picks up, to intercept the bolts being fired at him.
<Katrina`> Bot: ... *keep marching forward* Resistance IS futile.
* UltraAlpha has taken down ten Bots easily, each with one shot from his blaster. He begins to smile, joyous.
<Cardinal> Cover Irae, Katrina. *expands her wings to their full span and raises her veil* I'll take the direct approach.
* Katrina` slides in front of Irae, holding up her sabre. She deflects a few shots aimed their way.
* UltraAlpha re-aims and fires. A Bot absorbs the blast. Confused, he fires at another. It, too, absorbs the blast.
* Irae growls, "...Where is it...ah...." *He extends a hand up towards the ship, psionically feeling for it's atmospheric stabilizers. He attempts to tear them from the ship itself.
* Cardinal takes to the air, flying low to the ground, straight at the formation. She swings her spear into the Bots as she flies in.
<UltraAlpha> M-My shots aren't doign anything! *keeps firing wildly. All shots are absorbed*
* Sardis jumps forward, chopping at the bots.
* Katrina` slashes a Bot in half that tried to leap at Irae.
<Cardinal> Looks like they can adapt...
<Katrina`> GM: *The Bots are easily taken out, almost like cannon fodder*
<Katrina`> GM: *the Bot ship tilts, then begins to plummet downward*
* Katrina` slashes another in half that tries to approach.
<UltraAlpha> Well, dammit! *is overtaken by two Bots, who begin to drag him off*
* Cardinal notes Alpha's plight and throws her spear at one. She instantly has her sword in hand and is diving for the other.
<Katrina`> GM: *the Bots choose to fire at the rest, trying to kill them with pulse blasts. Their shots become more and more accurate with each fire*
* Irae grins beneath his mask, sweat dripping from underneath it. He collapses to one knee then looks to the remaining Bots. The blasters weilded by the dead attacks would begin to lift into the air, spinning around and firing at their former owners.
<UltraAlpha> GM: *Bot 1 carrying Alpha goes down, dead. The other turns to look at Cardinal, firing a pulse blast at her*
<Irae> nrp: er dead attackers
<Katrina`> GM: *the Bots are hit by their own weapons, going down easily*
* Katrina` goes to slash another Bot, which suddenly reflects the energy from the sabre. It's like it absorbed it.
* Cardinal hesitates, flies straight up again, then resumes the dive with a Dharina battle cry.
<Katrina`> My-My sabre...
<UltraAlpha> GM: *the bot is helpless against Cardinal*
* Cardinal lands, driving her sword straight down the Bot, splitting it in half.
* Irae turns his gaze to Katrina, then to her attacking Bot. One blaster turns and unleashes hell on her attacker.
<Cardinal> Be more careful, Alpha.
<Katrina`> GM: *suddenly, Irae's firing the shots at the poor Bots begins to stop working --- they are absorbing the shots from their comrades' dead guns. Above, the Bot ship is still dropping...towards them all*
* UltraAlpha stands.
<UltraAlpha> Right.
* Cardinal heads back into the fray, this time using her sword to attack the legions.
* Sardis hacks at the bots with his axe.
* Katrina` deactivates the sabre, putting it up. She grabs the Emerald Sword from the sheith and it removes it. It glows, then becomes a rapier blade. She slashes the Bot in half, turning to Irae
<Katrina`> It seems anything made of energy can be absorbed.
* Sardis jumps back, next to Kat.
* Cardinal flies above the fray and looks up.
* UltraAlpha leaps up and kicks a Bot back.
<Cardinal> We may have a rather large problem coming up REALLY soon...
<UltraAlpha> Physical combat does nothing to stop them. Do they have a weak point?
* Irae stands, shakily, and lifts into the air. "We have to move, NOW!" *With that, he attempts to psionically grab Cardinal, Katrina and Sardis alike and hurl them out of the way of the falling vessel.
* Katrina` goes flying out of range, coming back down to the ground, rolling.
<UltraAlpha> H-Hey, what about me?!
* Cardinal , in midair, is caught badly off guard by the telekinetic grab and is thrown to the ground hard.
* UltraAlpha punches a Bot back.
<Katrina`> GM: *the bot all seem to be trying to get out of range of the ship now*
* Cardinal pushes herself up. "Any good with a quarterstaff, Alpha?" She points at her spear, now lying on the ground.
* UltraAlpha looks above him, the Bot ship coming down on him.
* Irae ignores Alpha. He looks below himself and the concrete shatters. As he drifts down through the hole, leaving the ship to Alpha.
* Sardis gets to his feet.
<Sardis> UltraAlpha!
<UltraAlpha> GM: *the Bot ship will impact in the ground in 10 seconds*
<Katrina`> Alpha!
* Cardinal grits her teeth. "Alpha, run!" .oO{And bring my spear with you!}
* UltraAlpha scrambles away, tripping as he tries to go. He's not going to make it.
<Cardinal> Tch...
<Katrina`> GM: *the bot ship smashes into the concrete, causing a loud smashing sound to occur. Moments later, the ground begins to shudder and shake as shockwaves fly out, knocking things aside as the ground literally moves. Next, debris and dust is thrown out, flying at everyone.*
*** UltraAlpha has left #taw
* Katrina` is thrown back, dust full of sharp particles flying past.
* Sardis ducks low to cover.
* Cardinal snatches her spear from the flying debris before hitting the ground - and is quickly sent flying with the rest of the debris.
<Katrina`> GM: *as the dust clears in the following moments, the Bot ship lays on the ground, having crushed several of their enemies to death. No sign of Alpha remains.*
* Katrina` pants raggedly.
<Katrina`> ...no...
<Irae> *The concret beneath Sardis begins to bubble as it grows liquid hot. Then it melts away in a perfect hole as Irae floats out of it to join his 3 'comrades.'
* Cardinal slams hard into a wall, leaving a Cardinal-shaped impression in it, and falls to the ground. Still conscious, she looks up. "Did...did he make it?"
<Irae> nrp: not beneath sardis, next to sardis
* Katrina` makes herself stand. A few Bot here and there are standing up, looking around as if determining their next logical decision.
* Irae crosses his arms over his chest, "Only a few remain."
* Cardinal pushes herself up. She examines the remaining forces with disgust.
<Katrina`> There'll be more...*holds her chest*
<Katrina`> GM: *Cardinal's comm beeps*
* Sardis stands and glances at Irae.
* Cardinal flips it on. "This is Hwenira."
<Katrina`> Drake: Captain, we have an issue. It seems the Bots are teleporting Reploids up to their command ships. I don't see any possible way to salvage this situation.
* Irae looks to Sardis, "Pity about your friend. It seemed I lacked the strength to save all 4 of you." *Considering his tone, it's a lie.*
<Cardinal> ...Say what?
* Katrina` spins on Irae, her face angry.
<Katrina`> Drake: The Bots are literally RIPPING up Reploids from the planet surface to their remaining ships.
<Katrina`> GM: *as if to make things more dire, shadows form in the sides of the ship. Bots are emerging from the fallen ship in the dozens. They don't look happy*
<Cardinal> I got that part. *looks up* Argue later, guys, we've got a situation.
* Sardis narrows his eyes at Irae.
* Irae looks to the ship, "I believe you should all head underground."
* Sardis runs at the bots, chopping hard at them.
<Katrina`> Drake: You should return ot the Aquarius, Captain. This mission cannot be completed.
<Katrina`> ...Sardis has the idea.
* Cardinal bites her lip behind her veil.
* Irae looks to Katrina, "Sardis is wrong. I suggest you get him out before it's too late."
<Katrina`> GM: *The Bots are chopped in half. Two more gather up and knock Sardis back with some well placed blows -- his own fighting style, in a sense. They're learning, justu sing their arms as "axes"*
<Cardinal> ...Right. We're on our way.
<Katrina`> Sardis! They're learning how you fight!
* Cardinal looks up. "We're leaving."
<Sardis> NRP: *throws paper balls at them instead*
* Katrina` glances at Cardinal
<Katrina`> You can't be serious!
* Sardis grits his teeth and falls back.
* Irae starts toward the ship, "I'll cover you."
<Cardinal> Look at Sardis. They're adapting to our fighting styles. They're absorbing our energy weapons. There's no way we could take them on for long on foot.
* Katrina` turns around to look at the shuttle.
<Katrina`> GM: *The Bot begin to walk towards the group, firing random shots at them*
* Cardinal parries the shots coming towards her one-handed with her sword.
* Irae continues toward the Bot, debris lifting off the ground to intercept their shots, then to rain down on their comrades.
<Cardinal> Let's get out of here.
<Katrina`> Irae --- what are you doing?!
* Cardinal sheathes her spear and heads for the shuttle, walking backwards to keep an eye on the Bot.
* Irae doesn't bother to answer, and continues on towards the shuttle.
<Irae> (nrp: er, that being the downed Bot ship
* Katrina` falls back, holding the Emerald Sword tightly in her hands. She runs up the ramp.
* Cardinal boards the shuttle as well. "...I hope he has enough sense to run once we're out of here."
* Sardis jumps back, holding his axe.
* Katrina` pulls herself up in the shuttle, not taking the co-pilot seat this time.
* Irae then drops the debris and tries a new trick - he attempts to reach into the mechanical head's of the bots, to tear into their systems and (simply) to reprogram them.
<Katrina`> GM: *this works surprisingly well. It seems the back of the bot's heads are their MAIN weakpoint. They are helpless against this tactic*
* Sardis jumps in and takes the co-pilot without argue.
* Irae grins, "Welcome, my children."
<Katrina`> Did you see that? The heads...*hits a button to scan*
* Irae then looks to the downed Bot ship, feeling out with his psionics for any power left in it. If found, he attempts to activate a distress beacon.
<Katrina`> GM: *the bots' collective picks up the sign a recovering beacon. One of the ships in the fleet turn, heading downward to the planet*
<Katrina`> GM: *Bots begin to approach the shuttle, which is still parked*
* Irae turns to the parked shuttle, saying simply, "...Kill them."
<Cardinal> ...I don't like how they're coming this way... how about we leave? Maybe, NOW?
<Sardis> Kat.
* Sardis turns to her. "We leave now."
* Katrina` stands there, glancing at the empty pilot seat. She takes the seat, frowning and putting up her headsets.
* Katrina` reaches over and boots up the emergency systems, like she learned from the pilot, and jerks back on a lever, lifting them up 10 feet.
<Katrina`> GM: *The Bots begin to open fire, hitting their shields.*
<Katrina`> I'm shakey on flying, guys.
* Irae watches the shuttle rise into the air.
* Sardis switches it over to co-pilot and takes off.
<Katrina`> GM: *above, another Bot ship fills the sky, dipping downward. Various bot are teleported up as it lowers downward*
<Katrina`> GM: *the Botship is between the shuttle...and freedom*
<Katrina`> GM: *the bot ship begins to fire green lasers, attempting to blast the shuttle to bits. There's nothing useful on their, anyway*
* Irae glances up at the Botship, extending both arms to it. He reaches out again, straining with all his might to reprogram every single bot on the ship.
<Cardinal> *flips on her comm* Aquarius, come in.
* Sardis takes the shuttle into a roll to dodge.
<Katrina`> Comm: Drake here.
<Katrina`> GM: *the blasts barely miss the shuttle. However, at this range, Sardis will be hit sooner or later. He could be crazy and get in closer to the hull, or try to flee*
<Cardinal> We've got a problem here. We may need some support getting back to the Aquarius.
<Katrina`> GM: *moments pass, then Irae vanishes in a teleporting beam*
<Cardinal> The Bot ship is blocking us, and they don't look like they're going to let us by.
<Katrina`> Comm: I'll see what I can do.
* Sardis glances at the drive.
<Sardis> Crazy would be hitting hyperspace.
<Katrina`> Are you nuts? That could kill us all.
* Sardis grits his teeth and presses the shuttle down.
<Katrina`> GM: *the the shuttle begins to fly back towards the planet*
<Sardis> Buckle up.
* Katrina` stumbles around, clasping her seatbelt.
<Cardinal> No, hyperspace is suicidal. There's a difference... *realizes he's serious and buckles up*
<Katrina`> GM: *the shots stop suddenly*
* Sardis throws the shuttle into a roll, flying the opposite direction--upsidedown.
<Katrina`> Comm: There's something odd happening, guys . The other Bots ships are freaking and seem to be targetting the Bot ship near you
<Katrina`> GM: *the shuttle beeps. They're being hailed.*
* Katrina` reaches over and hits the hail button.
* Irae 's golden visage fills the screen, "You can stop your feeble dive."
* Sardis glances at the screen.
<Katrina`> ....Irae!
* Irae tilts his head to the side, slightly, "I have taken command of this vessel, and it would seem to me that two ships attempting to run the blockade would have better odds than one, yes?"
* Sardis pulls up and levels off.
<Sardis> He has a point.
<Katrina`> ... *nods reluctantly*
* Irae nods, "Of course I do. We'll leave together, I'll provide cover for all of you. You've already given me what I wanted."
* Katrina` turns to Cardinal
<Katrina`> Your decision, Captain?
<Cardinal> ...Sounds good to me...
* Katrina` glances back at Irae, then at Sardis.
<Katrina`> Alright.
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* Irae nods, "Follow me." *Screen goes dark as he cuts off the transmission.*
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*** Kim[AWAY] is now known as Kimera
* Sardis pulls up.
<Katrina`> GM: *The Bot ship turns, then begins to fly towards the other Bot ships heading downward. All except one Bot ship, which hovers off to the side, not attacking.*
<Sardis> Well, let's do it.
<Katrina`> GM: *the Bot Ships open fire on their own ship, causing massive damage to begin with -- but like all Bot technology, the shields begin to adapt to their blasts before Irae's ship is destroyed.*
<Katrina`> NRP: Their own ship being IRae's.
<Katrina`> Aquarius: *hovers off to the side, near the one Bot ship that isn't attacking*
<Katrina`> GM: *within moments, Sardis' shuttle has a clear run for the Aquarius. And Irae's bot ship twists, turns, and enters hyperspace*
* Sardis flies for the Aquarius.
<Katrina`> GM: *Within moments Sardis is in the Aquarius' hanger. Red alert alarms are screaming all over the ship and people are rushing around, trying to get things ready*
<Katrina`> Comm: Report to the bridge, guys. Something has come up ... in our favor, perhaps.
<Sardis> Beautiful.
<Cardinal> Finally.
* Cardinal steps off and heads for the elevator.
* Katrina` exits, throwing off her oxygen mask as she keeps up with Cardinal.
* Cardinal takes her own off, shoving it in her pocket, and removes her veil.
* Katrina` steps into the elevator.
*** Retrieving #taw info...
* Sardis follows Kat.
<Katrina`> GM: *the elevator takes them up to the bridge, where various people sit in the stations. The one in the science station excuses himself as Kat arrives on the bridge, as does the one in the Weapon Console, nodding to Sardis*
<Katrina`> Drake: *turns around, sitting in his Captain's chair* You have arrived.
<Katrina`> Ensign 2: *sits at the flight console, waving at Cardinal. He stares at her boobs*
* Cardinal glares at ensign 2, realizing exactly what he's doing, but ignores it for now and heads for her chair.
<Katrina`> Drake: Take notice of the viewscreen. *he turns around as she speaks, pointing to the 5 Bot ships. 4 are in a group, with one near the planet, not doing anything. It was the one not fighting earlier. Then, one by one, the pack of 4 ships begin to enter hyperspace.*
* Katrina` steps forward, squinting.
<Sardis> NRP: Drake's a girl?
<Katrina`> NRP: Shhh.
<Katrina`> Drake: That ship by itself is the one teleporting up all the reploids.
<Katrina`> GM: *now there's only two ships left. The one Drake pointed out, and another one, which seems to be getting ready to go now*
<Sardis> And doing... what with them?
<Katrina`> Drake: If we can isolate that ship by itself and stop it from entering hyperspace, we can board it, rescue the reploids, and never face the majority of the Bot fleet. *glances at them* But it'll be a group decision. I can only imagine what's inside that ship.
<Katrina`> Drake: We don't have a clue, honestly.
<Cardinal> Is there really an option?
* Katrina` stands quietly. It's obvious what her vote is.
<Katrina`> GM: *the other Bot ship enters hyperspace, leaving the lone Bot ship, which is now turning to begin it's run*
* Sardis looks at Kat.
<Sardis> Well, we're here, nothing better to do.
<Katrina`> Drake: I thought as much. Sardis, take the weapon console. *glances at Cardinal* Do you want the flight console, or shall we let the Ensign do it?
<Cardinal> I think the ensign can handle it.
* Katrina` sits down in her science station, bringing up what scans they can get of the Bot Ship.
<Sardis> Ensign.
<Katrina`> Ensign 2: Yay, I get to fly.
<Katrina`> Sardis, the weapons we have might be adapted by these Bot. You're going to have to use each weapon sparingly to take out their engines.
* Sardis walks over to the weapons.
<Katrina`> Drake: Ensign 2, begin your attack run now.
<Sardis> I'll adjust the power of the weapons from low, slowly grading to high. They'll have to adapt to each new level of firepower.
<Katrina`> GM: *The Aquarius drifts forward, moving up behind the Bot ship, which is beginning to pick up speed. Still, it seems the Bot ship is almost lazy, never considering the Alliance ship a threat. The Aquarius comes up quickly on it from behind*
<Katrina`> Good idea. I think I found the engines. I'll bring up the locatios on the viewscreen. *the viewscreen blinks and two areas flash, one on the left, bottom side, and one on the right, bottom side. They don't LOOK like engines, but if Kat says so...*
<Katrina`> Ensign 2: They'll be ready to enter hyperspace in 1 minute, 30 seconds. We are now in firing range.
<Katrina`> GM: *The Aquarius drifts up behind the Bot ship*
* Sardis clicks on the weapons systems.
<Sardis> Alright, let's show them hell.
* Sardis opwns fure on them.
<Katrina`> GM: *the phasers slam into the shields, damaging them severly. The Bot ship begins to turn, as if trying to avoid, but the Ensign keeps the Aquarius level, following them. Right now Sardis has a clear shot at the right engine*
<Katrina`> 80% on the shields of the right engine, Sardis.
<Sardis> I'm going to disable the sheilds and that in one fell swoop.
<Sardis> Novas, fire!
* Sardis slams his fist down on the large red button.
<Katrina`> GM: *the Bot ship opens fire, forcing the Ensign to jerk the Aquarius out of the way, even though the shields are hit. Alarms wail, Kat crying out that their shields are at 55%. The nova impacts fly, slightly off course, and slam into the shields, impacting not quite where the target is. The shields of the right engine drop to 20%
<Katrina`> Ensign 2: Christ, sorry. *titls the Aquarius around, trying to keep it out of the firing range. Sardis only has an open shot on the Left Engine now*
<Katrina`> Ensign 2: 45 seconds and they will be in range to jump into hyperspace.
* Sardis fires on the sheilds with the lasers, slowly increasing the power as he does.
<Katrina`> GM: *the shields on the left engine begin to drop steadily, adaptation occurring quicker and quicker.*
<Katrina`> Kat: You have them down to 65% on the left engine shield.
<Katrina`> GM: *Suddenly the Bot ship fires a missile, forcing the Aquarius to move right. Beign an old, sluggish ship, part of the ship on the left is nailed, alarms wailing as shields fail on some decks. Sardis is back in line up of the right engine*
<Sardis> NRP: You're going Kat: for Katrina? :P
* Sardis fires missiles at the right.
<Katrina`> GM: *the missiles impact, taking out the shields, exposing the right engine*
*** Irae is now known as Vile
* Sardis fires the phasers at it.
<Katrina`> GM: *the Aquarius wobbles, alarms blaring. The phasers fly out and hit the engine, damaging it*
<Katrina`> The engine hull is at 50%...40%...no..the damage stopped!
* Sardis fires another nova impact at it.
<Katrina`> Ensign 2: 25 seconds.
<Katrina`> GM: *the nova impactor slams into it, blowing up the right engine and part of the hull around it. Bot drift out into space. The ship begins to turn, firing wildly, as it's left engine is exposed again*
<Katrina`> Drake: Good job, Sardis. Take out the final engine.
* Sardis fires the lasers at it.
<Katrina`> GM: *the lasers fly out and impact the left engine's shield. It shatters the shield, but at that moment the lasers are adapted.*
<Katrina`> The engine hull is at 100%.
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* Sardis fires missiles at the engine.
*** Kim[AWAY] is now known as Kimera
<Katrina`> GM: *the missile flies out and impacts the engine hull, damaging it to 25%. The last bit of missile damage is adapteD*
<Sardis> We're out of things to throw at them.
<Katrina`> GM: *The Bot ship begins to open fire back at them again, nailing them as it swings back and forth*
<Katrina`> Ensign 2: Well, we need a plan fast. The Aquarius is one unhappy lady.
*** Dias-Skateboarding has joined #taw
<Katrina`> There has to be something we can...
* Katrina` reviews the data.
*** Vile has quit IRC (Quit: 11:15 AM. A man called suffering from a sunburn. He was advised to visit his physician or the emergency room and no ambulance was dispatched. He called back later to inform the 911 switchboard that they were "no good in his book". -Zack "Geist Editor" Parsons)
<Katrina`> The adapting seems to begin with a certain distance of the hull. You think, maybe, if we fired something that exploded outside that distance, the splash damage would happen?
<Sardis> I don't know.
<Katrina`> Drake: I'm not sure if that would work. But we really don't have much to lose at this point.
* Sardis fires a nova impactor off to the side of the ship.
<Katrina`> GM: *the nova impactor flies forward through the air*
* Sardis fires the lasers at the impactor.
<Katrina`> GM: *the impactor explodes, sending a shockwave out that hits the Aquarius and the Bot ship. The right engine explodes from the shockwave damage, while the Aquarius' weather out the damage. The Bot ship spins in space, unable to escape, with two gaping holes now*
<Katrina`> Drake: You did it! *stands up* Now we'll just get an away team to go into the holes you made and rescue the reploids, then we'll get the hell out of here.
*** Dias-Skateboarding is now known as Dias
* Katrina` smiles at Sardis.
<Katrina`> Drake: I suppose you will be leading the Away Team, Sardis?
* Sardis holds up his axe.
<Sardis> Let's do it.
<Katrina`> Drake: Time is short. If help arrives, you might never escape. Prepare and prepare well.
<Katrina`> Session Ends
Session Close: Sun Nov 02 21:56:09 2003