Session Start: Wed Dec 03 20:50:48 2003
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20031203.log'
*** Hikaryuu has joined #taw
*** Hikaryuu is now known as Silouette
*** Kimera has left #taw
<Ire> Session 132: Crystal Exodus Part VIII - In Brightest Light...
<Ire> Time Chart: Shortly after last
<Ire> Location: Mega City.
* Snipe drives the van down the streets. They are strangely empty now.
* Dahok looks around
<Dahok> Kind of crowded...
* Eve` sits back, her eyes closed as she sits perfectly still.
* Slasher looks over to Eve
<Slasher> Chad and Aya have really grown since I last saw them.
* Eve` opens her eyes, smiling a warm smile.
<Eve`> Yes, they have. They're glad to have you back, I'm sure
* Ire sits next to Silouette, silent as ever.
<Slasher> It must've been a hard void to fill while I was gone.
* Snipe snorts.
* Junior sits quietly, thumbing his sabre.
<Slasher> Did they ever come up with a cure for your crabs while I was gone Snipe?
<Silouette> ......
<Snipe> You all think you're cute with that, but you know what? Fuck you all.
* Snipe sounds bitter.
* Junior glances at Snipe.
<Slasher> Oh we know you love the attention.
* Snipe says nothing, just driving down the empty street.
<Slasher> NRP: Junior: You do know they have shampoo for that, right?
<Dias> So Snipe, how much of a resistance can we expect?
<Snipe> I don't know. Do I look like I know. *shoves up his glasses* I don't see anything.
<Slasher> Hopefully you can atleast see the road, or we won't make it.
<Snipe> I liked you better frozen, jackass.
<Junior> None of you asked Chip, who's the one with access to the building's systems?
<Snipe> He just said they were gathering EVERYYthing they had.
<Junior> How much is that?
<Silouette> ...wouldn't be that much after the war.
<Slasher> It's EVERYthing Jr.
* Snipe turns onto the street where McCabe's building is located. Up ahead the entire police task force is in the middle of the street, barricading it. Various vans are set up and cops with guns in their hands aim at them
<Snipe> ...I would say...that...
<Junior> Okay, but remember they're at war with Canada.
* Junior looks ahead.
<Junior> Well, that could be a problem.
<Silouette> ......everything is relative.
* Ire grunts, pulling out his handgun.
<Dahok> Let's hope they dont' shoot first, ask later.
<Slasher> This where I come in Snipe?
<Snipe> Soundspeaker: Stop the van for inspection immediately!
<Snipe> Yes, this is where you come in. Get out there and wave to your adoring vans.
<Slasher> You need to stop first.
* Snipe brings the van to a halt.
* Slasher makes his way to the side door and grabs the handle, getting ready to open it
<Silouette> .oO( Don't do the queen wave... please, don't let him do the queen wave... )
<Snipe> GM: *several cops are now making their way to the van*
* Slasher pauses waiting for something
<Snipe> GM: *they are now 15 feet from the van, rifles in hand*
<Snipe> ... Um, Slasher?
<Slasher> Shhh...
* Eve` waits.
<Ire> ...
<Junior> If he jumps out now, they'll shoot at us.
<Snipe> GM: *ten feet. They are beginning to spread around the van*
* Slasher smirks at Jr's assumption
* Snipe rests his head against the steering wheel
<Ire> GM: *five feet. All around the van now*
<Ire> Voice: Come out slowly, with your hands up!
* Slasher turns the door latch and slides the door open, he then steps out standing upright fully, his hands above his head
* Junior glances to Ire.
<Ire> GM: *the cops blink in surprise, their guns dropping slightly. They look at each other, then at Slasher*
* Ire just watches.
<Slasher> That's right, I'm alive.
<Snipe> Cop: What kind of sick joke is this? Who are you?
<Slasher> I'm President Slasher, and I'm here to reclaim my position.
<Ire> GM: *the other cops situated around the van shift comfortably now. They look at the squad leader, who seems to be utterly baffled* Cop: I-I'll have to radio President McCabe about this...
<Slasher> If you check my back pocket, you'll find data that proves this.
* Slasher slowly turns around
<Snipe> GM: *the cops seem jumpy, but the Squad leader nods one of the others forward. He walks slowly forward, glancing at the back pocket and pulling out the said data*
<Slasher> Plus my Son and daughter are inside, and they too can verify my identity.
<Slasher> NRP: Daughter-in-law
* Ire shifts closer to Junior
<Slasher> NRP: Wouldnt it be?
<Ire> Some of the cops are dirty. I don't know if this will play out well.
<Snipe> Cop: *glances at the data*
<Slasher> MiniGM: *it shows a scan that was done by Chip earlier with a time and date on it*
<Snipe> Cop: You may put your hands down, sir. I still have to contact Mr. McCabe about this. *he grabs a radio link, putting it to his ear*
* Slasher drops his hands
* Junior nods to Ire.
<Slasher> No need for that, we already have a meeting prepared.
<Eve`> Cop: *begins to speak on the radio link. He walks out of hearing distance. The other cops around the van retain their position*
* Slasher begins to look around, looking for any signs of movement on the cops standing around
<Dahok> I don't like this right now..
<Ire> GM: *the cops around the van seem to be laid back. The other cops, at the blockade, still have their weapons ready*
<Junior> It nothing else, he knows we're coming now.
<Ire> Indeed.
<Eve`> Then that means he'll have a cold reception planned.
<Snipe> Cop: *walks back over, smiling* You may exit your van, sir, and follow my team to the blockade. McCabe says he will meet with you and your friends.
* Slasher nods and sticks his head back in the van
<Slasher> Everyone out.
* Ire opens the door and steps out. He looks over at the cops, getting some recognition glances as they know his squad all too well.
* Snipe gets out, adjusting his brown coat.
* Eve` steps out, adjusting her flight suit collar.
* Junior follows out.
* Silouette steps out of the van and glances over the assembled officers, before following
* Dias hops out, he readjusts his hood on his grey sweatshirt
<Ire> GM: *the police squad begins to escort them toward the blockade, where the other officers look uneasy*
* Dahok hops out and follows the others
* Slasher leads the group
* Dias slides over to Snipe
<Dias> Keep an eye out for an snipers.
<Ire> GM: *they begin to approach the police blockade, which is now shifting to the sides to clear a path.*
<Snipe> Just watch our friendly crowd.
* Slasher nods at several officers that he had met while still in office
* Ire keeps his handgun accessible in his trench coat pocket, his right hand resting on it.
* Eve` walks along, winking suggestively at the males.
* Dias slides back over to Eve and follows
<Ire> GM: *the group is now in between the large group of cops. Some look at them with surprise, others with a smile, and some with frowns*
* Junior glances around.
* Slasher stops
<Slasher> I see that some of you are happy to see me, while others, slightly less. I know it's been awhile and things have changed.
* Ire pauses
* Snipe rolls his eyes, knowing a speech is coming on.
<Snipe> I swear, he got them from DS.
<Ire> GM: *the cops turn their attention to Slasher*
* Eve` pauses next to Dias as Slasher talks, waving to various cute cops.
* Dias looks at Eve
<Dias> Any hot ones out there?
* Eve` shrugs, still waving
<Eve`> Just trying to keep their minds elsewhere.
<Slasher> Some of you have grown accustom to the new change, and I can't blame you for doing so. All I ask from you is not to choose sides.
<Eve`> Hmmm. *keeps trying to get one cop's attention, but fails despite her abilities. He seems to be intently watching Slasher as the man speaks*
* Ire sticks next to Dahok and Junior.
<Slasher> You've all done a good job protecting this city, but my goal before was to protect the Earth and that's what I still want.
<Ire> ...*to Junior and Dahok* He takes a chance making this speech out in the open.
<Dahok> He put's a lot of trust in people.
<Silouette> ......
<Dahok> A little bit too much trust.
* Ire turns to Sil
<Slasher> Now if you'll excuse us, McCabe is waiting for us.
* Junior glances at Ire.
<Ire> Make sure to provide him some extra cover.
<Dias> I think you're losing your knack Eve.
<Silouette> ...difficult, in this crowd.
<Eve`> GM: *suddenly, the man Eve was trying to get steps forward rapidly, aiming a rifle at Slasher from a few feet away. His finger tightens around the trigger, but suddenly a blur occurs and the gun is knocked upwards, the shot flying into the sky.*
* Ire turns rapidly.
<Snipe> ?!
* Dias spins around on his heels, blurring to the gunman and jabbing him in the chin
* Eve` stands there, holding the man's arm up in the air. He tries to twist away, but she merely jerks him down to the ground. Already the cops, slow to respond at first, begin to grab the man and arrest him
* Silouette spins, hand on her sword before she realizes what she's doing.
* Snipe watches Eve and Dias work.
* Junior spins, his eyes narrows to see Eve and Dias.
<Ire> ....
* Slasher opens his eyes and lets out a sigh
* Junior gives a quick glance to Ire.
* Eve` steps back, calm as ever.
* Dias hops back
* Slasher nods to Eve and Dias
* Slasher turns back to the cops
* Ire just shakes his head once.
<Slasher> Thank you officers.
<Snipe> Maybe we should move inside now. That was close.
* Slasher nods to the ones that arrested the man
<Snipe> GM: *the cops nod back, escorting the gunner to a police car*
<Junior> You were right about the cops, Ire.
* Slasher begins walkign forward again
<Ire> I know. *sounds bitter*
* Snipe moves forward, taking position on Slasher's right.
* Eve` follows again
<Junior> I feel the same way.
* Dias follows alongside Eve
* Dias hops over and kisses her on the cheek
* Ire moves with the Alters.
* Dahok follows behind the Alters
* Eve` quirks her eyebows at Dias
<Eve`> Yes? *smiles*
* Silouette keeps walking in front of Slasher, just to make sure no snipers get any bright ideas.
<Ire> GM: *they step into the lobby of the building. Here, it is empty and the cops do not follow them inside.*
<Dias> Just letting you know that you're good.
<Slasher> That went better off than I thought.
<Snipe> Well, I guess now we need a plan.
* Slasher turns his head to the Alters
<Junior> You pick now to make a plan?
<Slasher> Ire, you're supposed to be an expert planner. What do you suggest?
* Ire raises his eyebrow
<Ire> You're asking me, Mr. President?
<Slasher> Just call me Slasher please.
<Silouette> ...where's your script writer when you need him.
<Slasher> Or...atleast GrandaddyPumpsta.
<Ire> ... The quickest and most dangerous path would be to take the elevator. Obviously if we're going to reach him, it would be the ... logical route.
<Silouette> ...dead apparently.
<Snipe> I like quick.
<Eve`> You also like dead, Snipe.
<Snipe> Point.
<Dias> NRP: Dias: Sil, you better watch out!
<Slasher> Hmmm...If that's what you suggest then we'll take the elevator.
<Ire> The stairs are the other option. I do not prefer them as they are slow and can be full of traps themselves.
* Slasher taps something in his ear
<Slasher> Chip, can you gain control of the elevator?
<Ire> Chip: I could.
<Slasher> Chip, we'll need you to make sure McCabe doesn't try to make it drop like a rock.
<Ire> Chip: Alright, I have control of the safety locks.
* Slasher begins wakling towards the Elevator, his hands held behind his back
* Ire follows. As they approach, the elevator doors open.
* Dias follows alongside Eve
* Dahok follows behind his group
* Eve` steps into the elevator
<Snipe> I hate elevators.
* Snipe hops on.
<Silouette> ...I wonder why.. *steps in*
<Dias> Hey you wanted quick Snipe.
* Junior /me steps on as well.
* Dahok looks around
<Dahok> Where's Stark?
<Ire> GM: *The doors shut. Snipe punches the top floor button and the elevator begins to lift*
<Ire> Doing what he does best.
<Dahok> Avoiding combat situations?
* Dahok looks down at his wrist, the green tatoo still there
<Ire> GM: *suddenly, something odd occurs. Teleport beams begins to appear in the elevator, nabbing everyone*
<Ire> NRP: Sil and Slasher, #session132-1
<Ire> NRP: Junior and Eve, #session132-2
<Ire> NRP: Ire and Dias, #session132-3
<Ire> NRP: Snipe and Dahok, #session132-4
* Ire walks to the main hallway, glancing down it.
* Snipe steps up behind Ire
<Snipe> Well, we're here.
* Eve` pauses, looking down it.
* Dahok nods
<Dias> That was fun.
<Junior> No sense in standing on the brink.
<Snipe> I told you to go get Slasher and Dias.
<Snipe> (Slasher and Sil)
<Dias> It was tough enough trying to get bimbo over there.
<Snipe> ...Do it. You blocked off the only path here.
<Dias> I don't know where they are!
<Snipe> ...
* Snipe makes strangling motions.
<Dias> Snipe are you choking on your tongue again?
* Ire rubs his forehead.
<Junior> ...
<Eve`> ....*sigh* No better than children
<Junior> Ire, let's hurry on. McCabe's not going to sit around waiting.
<Ire> I agree.
* Ire turns and begins to walk down the hallway.
* Junior walks with Ire.
<Ire> GM: *a hand pops up through the floor*
<Ire> GM: *then vanishes*
<Snipe> ....What the hell?
* Eve` blinks
<Ire> ...
* Slasher sticks his hand in there again, waving it around
<Snipe> ...
* Snipe grabs the hand and yanks Slasher out of the floor.
<Ire> GM: *Sil pops out of the floor next*
* Slasher comes flying out of the ground and slams into Snipe, knockign him onto the ground
* Snipe barely stumbles, holding his balance.
<Slasher> My hero!
<Snipe> ....Slasher?
<Ire> Silouette?
* Slasher goes to wrap his hands around Snipe's neck
<Silouette> ..........
<Silouette> .....don't ask, I have no clue.
* Snipe shakes Slasher off into the ground
* Slasher falls onto his ass, then pushes himself up
<Ire> ...Lets move. *says dryly*
<Slasher> *looks around* Looks like we all made it
* Slasher begisn walking down the hallway
* Ire walks down the hallway until they reach a door.
* Junior walks with them.
<Snipe> Well, this is it.
* Dias walks alongside Eve
<Dias> I'm assuming you were seperated with Jr.?
<Eve`> Yes.
* Dahok follows after them
<Dias> How was that?
<Eve`> ...It was alright.
* Ire grabs the door handle and throws it open. Inside is McCabe's office, with his desk in front of the windows overlooking the city. McCabe sits in his chair, slumped downward*
* Slasher takes several steps in then stops, eyeing McCabe slumped over
<Ire> McCabe: *sits up, looking at them. He looks tired*
* Junior steps in and furrows his brow, looking to the man.
* Ire moves in, with Snipe and Eve taking positions too
<Slasher> McCabe. *nods at him*
<Ire> McCabe: President.
* Dias steps in with Eve
* Dahok steps in
* Ire looks at McCabe with hard eyes.
<Slasher> Looks like leadership has taken it's tole on you.
<Ire> McCabe: Times have changed, Slasher, since you were sitting here over the city.
<Slasher> I'm noticed, I thought I taught you better than this.
<Ire> McCabe: Spare me the lecture. I know why you're all here.
<Slasher> To find out why I am here.
<Ire> McCabe: *chuckles, leaning back and looking out the window now* Is that why you trooped up here? To ask THAT?
<Slasher> I've got other questions, that's just one of them
<Ire> McCabe: You're here because I didn't have it in me to kill you.
* Junior glances at Ire.
* Ire steps forward, barely keeping the growl out of his voice
<Ire> Yet you had Tikal killed to keep him secret?
<Ire> McCabe: *shifts to look at Ire* An over zealous police officer did that. But I can't deny I should have had better control on him. I believe your team sent him to his death, though, already.
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*** Silouette has quit IRC (
<Slasher> Looks like I did teach you something.
*** Sherin-Classin has joined #taw
*** Silouette has joined #taw
* Ire balls his hands into fist, but keeps his posture intact.
*** Sherin-Classin is now known as Sherinmir
<Ire> McCabe: I find your timing most ironic, Slasher. Come back to reclaim it all in time for it to all turn to dust.
<Snipe> What are you babbling about?
* Slasher looks on with interest
<Ire> Are you planning something against the city, McCabe?
<Snipe> McCabe: Me? No.
<Slasher> There's something else.
<Ire> McCabe: As we speak, the weapon corporation known as Janus has taken over 5 of the other 7 areas and is now heading here. Infact, they are backed by the Alliance.
<Ire> ...
<Snipe> The ... Alliance..
<Slasher> Obviously they do not know everything.
<Slasher> What do they want with Earth?
<Ire> McCabe: Who? Janus? They originated from Earth, spread out. Made Earth strong again. They built our weapons and now that's our downfall. They take over each area by turning off the weapons they themselves gave us.
<Junior> Wait... the Alliance?
* Junior glances at the others, as if torn.
<Ire> ....
<Slasher> Does Janus know if I'm alive?
* Silouette scowls a little, but barely.
<Snipe> McCabe: Dead or alive, it doesn't matter Slasher. They will take over this zone.
<Snipe> McCabe: The war has exhausted our supplies and they will shut off our weapons.
<Slasher> I still might have some pull with the Alliance.
<Snipe> McCabe: With the Alliance? Doubtful. Seraphna Vanguards runs the Alliance now.
<Slasher> Hmmm...
* Ire grinds his teeth
<Snipe> McCabe: They will be here in the next half-hour. Their battleships are far superior to anything we have here.
* Slasher crosses his arms
* Dias looks over at Eve
<Junior> And what of you, McCabe?
<Junior> You have two forces coming to usurp your power.
<Snipe> McCabe: Slasher has claimed Mega City. *stands* The people know he's back.
<Ire> He's claimed it just to lose it again in thirty minutes, correct?
<Snipe> McCabe: Essentially. There's only one weap...forget it.
* Slasher looks over at McCabe
<Slasher> If there is even a slight chance, I want to know it.
<Snipe> I think he wants to be prompted.
<Ire> McCabe: ... I built a weapon based off your designs and modified it. It's a giant cannon that could destory the incoming battle fleet.
<Silouette> ......dramaqueen.
<Junior> Mass destruction...
<Ire> McCabe: Yes. But what's more is the power source that runs it is highly dangerous. If it backfired, we'd all be dead.
<Junior> I think we should try diplomacy first.
<Slasher> Won't work Jr. They have all the leverage right now.
<Ire> McCabe: It won't work. No area has successfully talked the Janus Corporation down. They won't stop.
<Slasher> McCabe, can I see a schematic of it?
<Ire> And from our past experience with Janus, no doubt they know WE'RE here. A prize to the catch.
<Ire> McCabe: ... I'd rather not use it Slasher. It's like playing with something I don't think anyone of you want to open. Pandora's box.
<Slasher> We may not have to use it, if we can con them into believing we will, it may buy us some more time.
<Silouette> ....attacking the alliance could very well make things worse.
<Ire> McCabe: If you tell them about the weapon, it would just give them the advantage.
<Junior> I'd rather not attack an army backed by the Alliance.
<Ire> How many ships did the Alliance send?
<Slasher> There are risks in everything McCabe, some are worth taking.
<Snipe> McCabe: One as far as we can tell. That ship is in space and is not with the attacking fleet. I can't figure it out.
* Junior glances at Slasher.
<Snipe> McCabe: *turns to Slasher* You're being stupid. They could blow the cannon out of orbit.
* Junior glances to Ire.
* Ire crosses his arms.
* Junior glances from side to side, thinking.
<Slasher> Only if you tell them where it is.
<Snipe> ...I'd rather not make the Alliance the enemy.
<Slasher> I want to talk to the Alliance.
<Silouette> ....wise idea.
<Snipe> McCabe: *shakes his head from side to side, then throws the blueprints to Slasher* Whatever.
<Junior> I can't afford to have them as an enemy. Regardless of what Slasher says, I think we should attempt diplimacy first.
<Junior> *diplomacy.
<Snipe> McCabe: In twenty-five minutes this will be all over anyway. And we'll all be dead.
<Slasher> Jr, you may go ahead and leave this building and go talk to Janus yourselves but I can assure you, you won't be coming back.
<Ire> Diplomacy at this point isn't going to work. We're on a time crunch. Bluff if you want, but make it quick.
* Junior crosses his arms.
* Slasher begins looking at the schematics
* Junior sighs and gives a concession gesture, he steps back.
<Ire> GM: *it seems to be a giant cannon based weapon, but it's energy source isn't listed. Though the energy chamber has been greatly modified*
* Ire turns to Junior
<Ire> You need the Alliance in the upcoming months. You need to walk away from this now.
<Junior> I already put in the call.
<Ire> If you're spotted here with us, your chance is shot.
<Slasher> What kind of energy source does this run off of?
<Junior> I realize that, Ire.
<Snipe> McCabe: It's not even an option at this point, so I'm not telling.
<Slasher> I'll assume you have some then already.
<Snipe> McCabe: ... Yes. A highly dangerous concentration of it.
<Junior> You have to realize, Ire, my shuttle may well be blown out of the air if it arrives during Janus's siege.
<Slasher> Ire come here.
<Junior> I'm stuck here for the time being.
<Snipe> Our options are this. 1) We fight Janus and the alliance. 2) We try diplomacy. Or 3) We wait.
* Ire walks over.
<Eve`> Waiting will get us defeated.
<Snipe> I agree.
<Silouette> one says we can't fight back if diplomacy fails.
<Snipe> They'll stall the diplomacy until they arrive.
* Junior nods to Sil.
<Snipe> This is, essentially, a war.
<Slasher> Gives them a chance to take hostages guys.
<Snipe> McCabe: And one I say we have to fight.
<Slasher> The only way I see us getting out of this alive is to fight Ire.
<Ire> I agree. Fighting is the only option I see.
<Slasher> Do you agree on this?
<Slasher> Then our best choice is McCabes cannon.
<Ire> I agree. But what is his energy source?
* Slasher looks up at McCabe
<Snipe> McCabe: ... I suppose I should tell you ... It's Motenk. I found out about it through some notes.
<Slasher> How did you manage to get your hands on so much?
<Snipe> Christ.
* Slasher runs his hansd through his hair
<Slasher> I was afraid of that...
<Snipe> McCabe: And like I said, I have a high concentration of Motenk energy.
* Junior looks to McCabe.
* Dias seems to tense up slightly
<Snipe> Enough to power a cannon? Where the hell did you find it?
<Snipe> McCabe: Right here in Mega City. *taps a button and viewscreen appears of the source*
<Snipe> ...You have GOT to be kidding me.
<Ire> Session Ends
Session Close: Wed Dec 03 23:13:32 2003