Session Start: Fri Mar 05 22:07:22 2004
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20040305.log'
<Snipe> Session 146: The Alliance - Good or Evil?
<Snipe> Time Chart: March 30th, 2223
<Snipe> Location: The Aquarius
* Dias is down in the hanger, feverishly waxing his mech
<Snipe> 6* Captain Drake sits in the Captain's chair, holding up a log. At her computer station is Katrina, her hair done up in a ponytail. Off to the side, in the second-in-command's chair is Snipe.
<Snipe> Another deserted planet. This is really starting to get annoying. Did someone tell the bad guys we were coming?
* Ariel sits in the cafeteria, reading over some datapads, trying to keep herself occupied so she doesn't go crazy
* Dias stretches out as he finishes waxing his prized gear
<Snipe> Drake: I'm beginning to think, McCormick, that this "search" is nothing but a wild chase.
<Snipe> Look, trust me, we'll find something. I've been hitting all the planet my sources have told me had suspicious activity.
<Snipe> <Drake> Suspicious is hardly the word I would use to describe the last seven planets we've been to.
<Dias> Ahhh...Such beauty...*turns and begins walking towards the elevator*
* Dias steps onto the elevator and taps into goto the bridge
*** Stark is now known as Garland
* Snipe stands up.
<Snipe> I'll go get some food.
*** Christopher_Xanatos is now known as Colephantus
* Katrina` leaps up nervously.
<Katrina`> Mind if I come?
<Snipe> Uh...sure. ....
*** Colephantus is now known as Colefantus
* Snipe goes to open the elevator when the doors open from Dias.
*** Colefantus is now known as Colephantus
* Dias looks at Snipe and smiles
<Snipe> I should have known I couldn't avoid you forever.
<Ariel> NRP: *can't tell who's where*
<Snipe> NRP: All of us ... on the bridge.
<Dias> NRP: I'm in an elevator.
<Dias> The things you say Snipe.
* Snipe steps into the elevator, followed quickly by Katrina. He reaches over and taps the floor for the cafeteria before Dias can get out
<Dias> ...*looks over at Snipe* I was gonna get off there.
<Snipe> Were you? I'm sorry.
<Dias> Yeah I bet.
<Katrina`> So, John... I was wondering..
<Dias> The Captains starting to lose what little faith he has in our mission isn't he?
<Snipe> Sadly, he is.
<Dias> He's a moron. I'm living proof that they still exist.
<Snipe> As am I.
* Snipe steps out on the cafeteria floor, with Katrina following behind.
<Garland> NRP: He's a mormon? That explains the harem...
<Dias> NRP: no rp, you no nrp.
<Dias> Sadly...
<Snipe> I didn't ask to be brought back.
<Dias> But if I didn't, then who would I compete with and torture?
* Katrina` tries to speak, but the two keep jabbing at each other that she can't get in a word.
* Snipe walks into the cafeteria, waving to Ariel.
* Dias motions his eyes towards Kat
* Dias follows after Snipe
* Snipe leans over.
<Snipe> Ariel is looking hot.
* Katrina` coughs, loudly.
* Dias chuckles to himself
* Snipe stops, looking at Katrina like one would with a little kid.
<Snipe> Yes?
<Dias> I've always favored Cheryl.
<Katrina`> I was wondering, John ... if you knew how to dance.
<Snipe> ...huh?
<Dias> *looks at Kat then laughs, slapping his thighs*
* Katrina` turns red, shifting back and forth
<Katrina`> I was hoping that I could get you to teach me how to dance.
<Dias> I remember on that planet that had the black hole open up on...
<Snipe> Yeah, I can teach you ... man, I haven't danced since I was dating Elayne.
* Ariel looks up, just noticing people are here.
* Snipe grabs a tray of food and sits down at Ariel's table.
<Dias> ...*motions to Kat to not do it*
<Ariel> Oh, hey. When did you guys get here? *looks around, wondering how much time has passed since she started reading*
* Katrina` ignores Dias, grabbing a tray and sitting next to Snipe.
<Terra`> NRP: I'm guessing I can't RP?
<Katrina`> Why don't you see Elayne anymore?
<Snipe> NRP: You never sent in a character.
<Colephantus> NRP: Another team...
<Dias> Oooh Oooh! Can I answer that one Snipe?!
* Snipe sips his drink.
<Terra`> NRP: *nods*
* Dias grabs a huge plate of food and plops it down next to Snipe
<Snipe> Fine.
<Dias> Because she's a whore?
* Snipe coughs on his drink.
* Ariel idly listens to their conversation, wincing slightly at Dias' comment, but says nothing about it, and looks back down at her datapad
* Katrina` looks at Dias with her eyes wide open in horror that he would call Elayne that.
<Dias> What?! She wanted me first...then Grave, and finally ended up banging you.
* Snipe sits there, holding a freedom fry.
<Snipe> Look ... me and Elayne, we just got together for wild sex. It was nothing more than that. I mean, she's doing her thing on Lunaris and I'm doing my thing.
<Katrina`> Do you visit her or your son any?
<Dias> You ever get rid of that rash of Lunarinitis she gave you?
* Snipe whacks Dias for the comment.
<Dias> *coughs as he was smacked when he took a drink*
<Snipe> I...I'll get around to seeing them one day. It's just ... I'm busy. And stuff.
<Dias> It's sure nice to have two kids I'm proud of.
<Ariel> *looks up* It's one thing to insult my niece Dias. It's quite another to insult the whole species.
<Dias> ...*looks up at Ariel* Sorry, I forgot she was your niece.
* Katrina` sits there, a confused look on her face, as she tries to work her way past what Snipe said.
<Dias> So what ya reading Ariel?
* Snipe eats in silence, obviously thinking about Elayne and his son.
<Ariel> *turns off the datapad* Just... reports. Nothing real interesting.
<Dias> ...*plants his hand to his chin* You've been trying to keep yourself busy ever since we left Earth.
<Ariel> *shrugs a little* I can't stand idle time. And I can't always be training.
<Ariel> *adds absently* I feel like I've reached my peek anyways.
<Dias> This is true...I'm getting sick of you kicking my ass too.
* Snipe smiles widely.
<Snipe> You can kick my ass anywhere, anytime.
* Ariel just rolls her eyes
<Dias> Just ignore him Ariel, he just wants to have sex with you to steal your powers, like he did with Elayne.
<Snipe> Yeah, well, your own wife has the hots for someone else.
<Dias> You talking about Benjito? He's my alter ego in bed.
* Katrina` eats her salad.
<Snipe> Idiot. Your wife has been calling Sardis almost every day since we got into space. You know how much taht costs?
<Ariel> I'd make a comment about this being something like I'd expect of a family reunion, but it almost is.
* Dias shrugs
<Snipe> She wants him. Mark my words.
* Katrina` looks over, suddenly listening in intently.
<Dias> Last time I marked your words I ended up in a hospital getting over three hundred pins pulled out of my ass.
* Snipe shrugs.
<Snipe> Yeah, well, you just let that Tsivrixsh steal your woman.
<Dias> If he tries, I'll break his neck, simple as that.
<Dias> But otherwise...*finishes his pudding* My wife's just trying to be nice.
<Snipe> Pssch. She's called him twice as much as she's called you.
* Ariel puts her datapad down, listening to the gossip
<Dias> ...Really?!
<Snipe> I can show you the records if you like.
* Dias hand snaps out and grabs Snipe by the collar
<Snipe> Ack!
<Dias> Are you calling my wife a harlot?
<Snipe> Well, you DO remember how you two met, right?
<Dias> ...True. *lets his grip go and goes back to eating*
* Ariel giggles, remembering that...
<Dias> You're just made because you got sloppy seconds.
<Snipe> The thing that puzzled me was that Garland never was affected by her.
<Snipe> I think he was gay.
<Dias> Because he's gay.
<Dias> Why else would he marry Sera.
<Katrina`> Mr. Garland was not gay!~
<Snipe> Then dump her less than a year later.
<Dias> Besides the furry cat thing and being a psyco, she was a nympho. Every mans dream.
<Snipe> Did you hear the horror stories about how the kids were born?
* Ariel raps her fingers on the table.
* Snipe pauses, looking at Ariel slowly.
<Dias> I've heard rumors...I hear Chip recorded it all and uses the tapes for torture back on Earth.
* Snipe adjusts his glasses with his finger, going back to his food.
<Snipe> NRP: Not sunglasses.
<Dias> And you know what's funny about what you say about Sardis and my the fact that I thought Sardis like Kat.
* Katrina` pauses, looking down at her food to hide her face.
* Dias opens up pudding and begins eating it
<Snipe> Yeah, I heard that one, too.
<Ariel> Oh~?
<Snipe> Tell us Katrina, have you two kissed?
* Katrina` says nothing, tapping her fork in the mashpotatoes.
<Dias> *turns to Kat* Yeah? Have you two done the horizontal limbo?
<Snipe> Mmmm. Have you two gotten intimate?
<Katrina`> Of course not! 6She says sharply.
<Dias> Snipe's asking if you two have had sex.
<Katrina`> I know what he was implying.
<Ariel> *shakes her head* You two certainly have no decency... But then again, I'm not really surprised.
<Dias> So Kat, aren't you worried my wife might be stealing your man?
<Katrina`> ...No.
* Dias turns to Ariel
<Dias> We're only saying what you wouldn't.
* Snipe gestures at himself
<Snipe> Us?
<Dias> You know if you want you can make out with Snipe to get even with him.
* Snipe gives a grin that DS use to do all the time when he was doing something nauty.
<Snipe> Hey, would I do that?
<Dias> Yes.
<Ariel> *flatly* Yes.
* Snipe shakes his head.
<Snipe> I tell you.
* Snipe pulls out a flower from his coat, holding it out to Ariel.
<Snipe> A gift of beauty to something even more so.
<Dias> ...*coughs, laughing*
* Katrina` eyes Snipe.
<Dias> You know if you're that horny Snipe, you could either go masterbate or you could call up Lara Croft.
<Ariel> *blinks* You really studied your cheesy pickup lines, haven't you?
<Snipe> It's something of an art.
* Katrina` shifts at the word masturbate. Obviously she doesn't like hearing such vulgar terms.
<Dias> He recites them in his sleep some times.
* Dias turns to Kat
* Snipe leans over quickly and puts the flower over Ariel's ear before she can interjectr.
<Dias> Masturbate is to please oneself, sometimes to orgasm.
<Katrina`> I know.
<Dias> Oh you do now?!
* Snipe elbows Dias
<Snipe> Leave the poor girl alone. She's too young to hear that kind of stuff.
<Ariel> Hey, that's enough now.
<Dias> Sorry, sorry.
<Dias> This is like old times back during the Galactic Conflict.
* Ariel doesn't object to the flower, seeming to find that whole thing kinda ammusing.
* Snipe frowns.
<Snipe> Not exactly the best of times.
<Dias> That's because you were dead for most of it.
* Dias pats Kat on the head
* Katrina` looks at Dias questioningly.
* Dias beings eating some jell-o
* Snipe holds up his orange juice drink
<Snipe> To everyone who is not here.
* Dias holds up his jell-o
* Katrina` holds up her glass of water.
<Dias> To those who died for us to be here.
* Ariel holds up her glass of water as well
* Dias turns to Kat
<Snipe> 6* The Aquarius suddenly shakes as it is hit by something. Moments later, the intercomm. clicks on. <Drake> Everyone, you might want to report to the bridge. 6He then disconnects.
<Dias> It's your turn to make a toast...
<Dias> got lucky.
* Dias stands up, grabbing his jell-o
* Katrina` stands, looking up, then at the others. She begins to hurry to the elevator.
* Snipe hangs back, waving at Ariel to get her attention.
<Ariel> This can't be good. *takes a sip of water, then puts it down, and teleports up to the bridge*
* Dias makes his way to the elevator
<Snipe> NRP: Ouch!
<Snipe> NRP: Burnt.
* Snipe drops his shoulders and sighs. He hurries after the others.
* Dias looks at Snipe
<Dias> You so got burnt!
<Snipe> Shut up.
* Katrina` steps into the elevator.
<Snipe> 6* The three arrive on the bridge. Drake turns around in his chair to look at them.
* Dias waves at Drake
* Katrina` hurries over to her station, putting on some headphones.
<Snipe> <Drake> We have company. Five Alliance battle cruisers. Up-to-date models, too.
<Ariel> They're... firing on us?
<Snipe> ...what?! We're war of the normal Alliance haunts. They should not have found us at all.
<Dias> With our modifications done by Slasher's men, what are our chances of winning?
<Snipe> <Drake> A warning shot for us to surrender control of the Aquarius to them.
<Snipe> NRP: we're way off the
<Snipe> <Drake> Probably not good, as they'll be shooting to destroy - while we'd be shooting to disable.
* Snipe stands there, looking puzzled.
<Dias> Only reason they'd be gunning for us is if Sera wanted us.
<Dias> I suggest we open up a comm to buy us some time and to find out what they want.
<Snipe> No. We'll just jump to hyperspace.
<Snipe> Plot a course, you weird looking ensign you.
<Snipe> <Drake> I'm still the Captain around here, McCormick. *pauses* Do it.
* Snipe looks at Dias.
<Snipe> I don't like this.
<Snipe> 6* The Aquarius shudders, then leaps into hyperspace to a nearby system. It comes out just moments later.
* Dias looks at Snipe
<Dias> Either do I.
<Katrina`> Captain, there's another ship coming out of hyperspace.
<Snipe> <Drake> ? What type of ship? On screen.
* Colephantus punches a few buttons bringing his ship to attack speed.
<Dias> What the hell kind of ship is that?
<Katrina`> They're coming on attack speed. It seems to be some ... custom made ship. My guesses? Bounty Hunter.
<Dias> Can you get a full scan of it?
<Snipe> <Drake> Bounty Hunter? Mr. Dias, take the weapon console. We'll be showing this Bounty Hunter what an Alliance cruiser can do.
*** Sherinmir has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Dias> ...Do I ahve to?
<Snipe> ....Dias.
* Colephantus taps a few more buttons and smirks.
*** Sherinmir8 has joined #taw
* Snipe takes the XO chair, leaning back in it.
<Dias> Fine...*steps forward, then hops over the weapons console chair and into it
<Snipe> 6* The Aquarius and the Hunter Ship fly at each other. Oddly, Ariel would recognize that this ship is made from old parts from the real Hunters fighters back in the Year Long War fight for Earth. Perhaps stolen?
*** Sherinmir8 is now known as Sherinmir
<Dias> Trying to lock on now.
* Colephantus takes basic evasion to keep from being locked onto.
<Ariel> That can't be right...
<Snipe> What?
* Snipe looks at Ariel.
* Dias takes over manual control of the targetting systems and begins to manually try locking on
<Ariel> Try to hail the ship.
<Snipe> Ensign 5: Hailing enemy vessel.
* Colephantus smiles "Hailing me might be the biggest mistake you'll ever make..."
<Dias> I'm beginning to pick up a pattern..
* Colephantus then clicks on the comm.
<Dias> Charging lasers....
* Colephantus speradically jerks to the left.
<Ariel> That ship is Earth. Or atleast the parts are.
<Snipe> <Drake> Enemy vessel, I demand you stand down.
* Dias quickly follow suit with the target system, trailing behind him
<Ariel> NRP: Is from
<Colephantus> Comm: This is bounty hunter Colephantus...I have a bounty for your ship...I suggest you stand down.
* Colephantus then jerks the ship up/left.
<Snipe> Speaks English, whoever it is.
<Snipe> That's no translator.
* Dias quickly splits up the targeting system into two seperate systems, one controlled with his left hand the other with his right hand
<Dias> Permission to fire Captain Drake.
<Snipe> <Drake> Fire at will.
* Colephantus then begins to make a circle around the ship going for the obvious weak side of the ship.
<Dias> I'll aim to disarm if possible.
<Katrina`> He's trying to get behind us.
* Dias brings the targets around Colenphantus's ship and begins firing at his sides
<Snipe> 6* The Aquarius begins to turn around to help Dias.
* Colephantus then drops the ship to the underbelly of the ship.
<Colephantus> .oO(Where is the blasted docking bay.)
<Dias> Snipe, take command of two of the targeting systems for me. it'll give us an advantage.
<Ariel> Try to aim at the top of the engine, 23 degrees forward.
* Dias nods and adjust his aim to 23 degrees forward
* Snipe gets up and moves over to another terminal. He grabs the controls.
* Dias begins firing
* Colephantus takes evasive action.
* Snipe predicts where Cole might go and fires there.
* Dias moves his aim to pick up the hole Snipe can't aim at and fires there, effecitively making a square around Cole
* Colephantus rises and then moves toward the left side of the ship.
<Katrina`> He's moving to the left side now. I can't tell why...
<Dias> He hasn't fired yet...I think he's searching for something...
* Snipe turns in his chair, moving the guns along above Cole.
* Colephantus spots it and makes his way for it.
<Dias> ...The hanger.
<Katrina`> ...he's heading for the hanger.
<Snipe> But our shields are up. Is he insane?
<Dias> Possibly...
* Colephantus smiles and flicks a few buttons.
<Dias> Drake, you did change the access codes right?
<Ariel> Insane, or very good... I don't want to gamble on that
* Colephantus fires an EMP Missle at the hangar bay.
<Snipe> <Drake> All codes were changed.
<Snipe> The bastard---
<Dias> Snipe, we know where he's heading.
* Snipe nods, feelign the EMP hit the shields.
* Colephantus slides through the small opening that the missle makes.
* Snipe stands up and puts an arm around Ariel.
* Dias begins retargetting aroudn the hanger and begins firing downwards ahead of it
<Snipe> Teleport me down to the hanger?
<Dias> ...Same here.
<Dias> *stands up, brings it back to auto target
* Colephantus makes his way into the hanger and shut off the ship.
<Dias> Drake, bring the Hangers Defenses online.
<Snipe> 6* Mechanics run at the ship with blasters.
* Ariel nods and teleports to the three of them to the hangar.
<Snipe> <Drake> Already done.
* Colephantus rushes to the door of the ship and steps out mini-gun ready.
<Snipe> 6* Guns fire at the ship, aiming to blow it up with Cole in it.
* Colephantus begins blasting engineers lefdt and right while taking evasive action.
* Snipe stands there, arms crossed, wagging his finger.
<Snipe> Nuh uh uh...we don't like guests.
* Dias stands beside Snipe, his arms also crossed
* Colephantus fires for the defense guns.
* Snipe pulls out a Gospel sword, swinging it around.
* Colephantus never acknowledges the three.
<Dias> ...Surround him?
<Colephantus> .oO( This is gonna be fun.)
* Snipe dashes moving in front of Cole. He slashes upward to cut Cole's gun in half.
* Dias dashes around Cole, circling him
* Colephantus pulls his arm back and ignites both of his katars taking defensive proceedures.
<Snipe> You know ... this is really going to hurt. You, that is.
* Dias pivots as he takes a step and redirects himself towards Cole and begins dashing towards him
* Ariel watches for now, leaning against a crate.
* Colephantus spins swinging his katars in both directions then does a backflip from the two.
* Snipe dashes forward, then leaps up to kick Cole into the ground.
* Colephantus aims at Dias and fires a burst of rounds at him.
<Snipe> 6* Outside, the same five Alliance cruisers come out of hyperspace, moving to surround the Aquarius.
* Colephantus barely manages to dodge the kick but the wind from it knocks him back a bit.
* Dias suddenly disappears and reappears to the side of where he was, the bullets missing completely
* Snipe swings the sword at Cole to cut him in half.
<Colephantus> .oO( They're strong....I might not make it.)
* Dias blurs again, this time appearing infront of Cole, he drops to the ground, slidetackling his legs
* Colephantus raises a katar to block it.
* Snipe presses against Cole, trying to keep him off balance so Dias can tackle.
* Ariel is just standing off to the side, watching.
* Colephantus then gets hit by dias, falling to the ground.
<Snipe> We-eeeell, that was fun
<Dias> NRP: Ariel: In this light...John looks good.
* Snipe holds the Gospel over his shoulder, brushing back his red hair.
* Dias plants his hand and flips upwards handstanding for a second then landing on his feet
* Colephantus does a spin on his back and thin flips up onto his feet.
<Colephantus> Why not finish me?
<Snipe> The floor was just moped.
<Ariel> What would be the fun in that?
<Colephantus> But I would have killed you if I needed.
* Snipe sheathes Gospel.
<Snipe> Well, I wasn't worried about that.
<Dias> ...*taps his comm* Drake, why have we stopped?
<Snipe> <Drake> Just awaiting further orders from you two.
* Dias turns to Snipe
<Snipe> Tell him to do few jumps around until we lose them. He should have known to do that right away - it's not like they have us surrounded.
<Dias> Yeah...
<Colephantus> ......Lets finish this.
<Dias> Comm: You know what to do, a couple jumps until we lose them.
* Snipe rolls his eyes, then raises his fist up to impact against Cole's nose, still facing Dias.
<Snipe> <Drake> Aye.
* Colephantus jumps back out of the way.
<Snipe> I don't like how they found us here.
<Dias> Comm: In two jumps, drop an EMP bomb set for...30 seconds.
<Colephantus> How they found you? You mean you dpn't know?
<Colephantus> NRP: Don't.
<Snipe> 6* The Aquarius leaps into hyperspace.
<Dias> Comm: Bah, set it for proximity.
<Snipe> <Drake> It's being set up now.
* Dias turns back to Cole
* Snipe eyes Cole.
<Colephantus> ....Like it matters finish me or I you.
<Dias> You've obviously been hurried by the Alliance. So spill your guts on everythign you know.
<Snipe> Or just spill your guts.
<Dias> Could always do that.
* Colephantus smirks.
<Colephantus> You can kill me...You'll still have those 5 cruisers on you or even more for as long as you live.
<Colephantus> I could help you...For a price.
<Ariel> Look, if you guys make a mess, you have to clean it up.
* Snipe pauses, then begins to laugh.
* Snipe points at Cole, then at Dias
<Snipe> He wants to help us.
<Dias> *turns to Snipe and busts out laughing*
<Snipe> For a PRICE.
<Snipe> 6* The Aquarius comes out of hyperspace, then pauses, leaping again.
<Dias> We bested you without even trying.
* Snipe pauses, studying Cole
<Snipe> A reploid. Hmm. I always told you reploids had a few bolts loose.
<Colephantus> You coudn't best and entire fllet could you?
<Colephantus> NRP:Fleet.
<Dias> You'll find out in one more jump won't you?
<Colephantus> You think that'll stop them?
* Colephantus laughs
<Snipe> 6* The Aquarius leaps out of hyperspace. It pauses, dropping an EMP bomb. It then leaps back into hyperspace.
<Snipe> Next this guy will claim he can get us in to have a "personal" meeting with Sera.
<Colephantus> Every available craft is in search for you...whatever you did....really tickled their angry button.
<Ariel> *smiles* I'd be ammused if he offered that.
<Snipe> Look, we've faced things much worse than the Alliance fleet. But, thanks for letting us know how much we got Sera's thong in a tangle.
<Dias> You know, it'd figure she'd be dumb enough to put her entire attention to us, instead of maintaing peace and promoting the true ideals of the Alliance.
<Colephantus> And ever craft can find're not exactly keeping low that for sure...specially with that...*trails Off*.
<Dias> She wears thongs?
<Snipe> So I heard.
<Ariel> I wouldn't be surprised.
<Dias> I figured she'd go commando
* Snipe frowns.
* Colephantus stares in disbelief.
<Snipe> This does prove to be annoying. We can't keep avoiding the Fleet forever. So I have another brilliant idea.
<Colephantus> NRP:BRB
<Dias> We declare war?
<Snipe> ....
<Snipe> What part of that is brilliant?
<Ariel> Hmmm... he's a mercenary. How much do you think his life is worth to him?
<Dias> We start a small rebellion to counterfight the taint that Sera has and oust her out of her position and put someone else in her place?
<Snipe> From what I hear, Seraphna's pretty popular. Especially having gotten the recommendation from Dominator.
<Snipe> And we stole THEIR ship. Don't forget that.
<Dias> ...I still wanna know how why he'd give her that. *turns to Ariel* Worth his ship?
* Snipe pauses, noticing no one wants to hear his brilliant idea. He pouts.
* Colephantus shakes his head.
<Dias> ...*sighs* What's your brilliant idea Snipe...*says it lamely as possible*
<Colephantus> *Under his breath* Idiots...
<Snipe> Well, we find the one person more popular to the Alliance than even SERA!
<Colephantus> Listen I can help...but...jeez ya know what screw the bounty...just shut up and I will help you.
* Snipe pauses, looking at Cole.
<Dias> Slasher?
<Ariel> *lose over at Cole* They can get annoying, eh?
<Snipe> Man, you must really wanted to join us. Fine, fine.
* Snipe shakes Cole's hand.
<Snipe> Welcome aboard.
<Colephantus> ....
<Colephantus> *shakes oddly*
<Colephantus> Just follow me...
* Snipe turns back to Dias
<Snipe> And no, I don't mean Slasher.
<Dias> Their mailman?
* Colephantus begins to walk toward the elevator.
<Snipe> ...Dominator.
<Snipe> We just find go find Dominator.
<Dias> ...I said him already.
<Snipe> ...Y-You did nto!
<Dias> Yes I did.
<Snipe> Nto!
<Dias> Alright I didn't, but I was going to.
<Snipe> Pssch. Slasher is your answer to everything.
<Colephantus> Hey! seem sane...follow me.
<Snipe> "Who saved the world?" "Slasher!"
<Dias> And having sex with the next girl that walks by is your answer to everythign!
* Snipe pauses, looking to Ariel to see if she'll walk by.
<Ariel> Lady? Well, atleast that's more polite than some... *follows after Cole, not seeming concerned that he was trying to kill them a few moments ago*
* Dias smacks Snipe
<Snipe> Ow!
* Snipe walks after Ariel.
<Dias> You do know Death Star will try to see if he can get his lightsabre up your ass sideways right?
<Dias> *walks next to Snipe*
<Snipe> Death Star is busy finding himself.
<Dias> And you don't think she'll tell him about your constant attempts to court her just to see you suffer?
* Snipe lowers his voice.
* Colephantus waits in the elevator.
<Snipe> I don't know if DS is ever going to come back. He's just ... gone.
* Snipe taps theh ead.
* Snipe steps into the elevator.
<Dias> Then you have a lot in common with him. *steps on*
<Snipe> <Drake on Comm> We managed to take out the five ships. No chance of pursuit. Where's your next location going to be?
<Ariel> *on the elevator* So where are you leading us, person who just tried to kill two of my friends.
<Snipe> I'll tell you when we arrieve on the bridge.
* Dias turns to Cole
<Dias> Told you it'd work...
* Colephantus pushes a button to send them to the main bottom floor.
<Snipe> ...what the hell...?
* Snipe looks at Cole.
<Dias> ...*glances at Snipe then at Cole*
<Dias> What the hell do you think your doing?
<Colephantus> Since i'm now a "member" i'll just tell ya...most know about from now on...any planet you go'll have to be careful.
* Snipe stares at him like he's stupid.
* Colephantus watches the door open to a service hall way and begins to walk down it.
<Dias> ...*stares at him like he is stupid*
* Snipe looks to Ariel.
<Colephantus> If you want to find out...follow.
* Snipe follows Cole, his hands behind his head.
<Dias> ......How the hell does he know the layout of our ship so well?
* Ariel follows along, not concerned at all.
<Dias> ...Hey Cole, you didn't want your ship in oen piece did you?
<Ariel> It's not the the layout of this ship is unique after all.
<Dias> That
<Dias> s trie///
<Colephantus> It still is...for the moment.
<Dias> NRP: Na...
<Dias> NRP: BAH!
* Colephantus turns to an electrical box and turns to it...opens it up and begins fiddle with the wires.
* Snipe stares.
<Colephantus> Who did repairs on this ship?
* Ariel glances to Snipe
<Snipe> Me and Dias.
<Colephantus> I see....
<Dias> Yeah why?
<Colephantus> You don't know that much about wires do you?
<Snipe> Dias and Slasher are the top mechanics in the galaxy,.
* Colephantus smirks...
<Dias> Actually I do...I have about 10 mechs to my own name.
<Ariel> Well... Cheryl might be able to challenge them if she tries.
<Colephantus> Then I take it You *to snipe* did the wire setup?
<Snipe> No.
<Dias> She'd when because Slasher'd get distracted.
<Colephantus> ...Odd...this is sloppy...I take did this in a hurry then?
<Snipe> Not really..
<Dias> ...No not really.
<Dias> Why what's the problem with the wiring?
<Colephantus> Well when you wired this you got these two crossed *points to a black and orange wire*
* Snipe nods slowly.
<Snipe> And?
<Colephantus> What this does is it affects the shields.
<Dias> ...That's the way they were originally.
* Snipe just stands there, then looks at Ariel
<Snipe> Right. I'll be on the bridge.
* Snipe walks off.
<Colephantus> The way you currently have it set takes more energy to keep the shields normal.
<Colephantus> This energy is dipensed after use...which leaves a trail of photons.
<Colephantus> Any up to date scanner can pick up this trail.....
<Dias> So...the way the Alliance wired this one originally..
<Dias> Sounds like a built-in tracer program.
<Colephantus> its standard proceedure to keep track of each of their ships...each ship has a different wire makes different degreee of trails.
<Colephantus> The higher the photon..such as yours..causes a red trail on any average scanner...whereas the newer ships make trails of blue...of various colors to keep track of course.
<Dias> Good job...*pats him on the back and gives him a thumbs up and turns*
* Colephantus fixes the wire the way they are supposed to go.
<Colephantus> I used to be in the alliance...
* Dias manages to catch up with Snpe
<Dias> NRP: Snipe
*** Zerin has joined #taw
* Snipe stands on the bridge, talking with Drake.
* Dias pops out of the elevator and walks upto Snipe
<Snipe> If I'm right, he'll be on that planet. We need to jump there as quickly as possible, but I want to take an out-of-the way trail. It'll take longer, but I think it'll be better than using the main traffic lanes.
<Dias> Well...we can't have any more fun with Alliance Ships.
<Snipe> How is Mr. Wizard doing down there?
<Dias> Well no power outages have been issued so he's still alive.
<Snipe> <Drake> I'll get on the jump coordinates right away.
* Katrina` stands there, shaking her head.
* Colephantus fiddles some more...
<Dias> ...*glances at the new route they're gonna take*
<Katrina`> I really have to wonder about the wisdom of getting a bounty hunter on here.
* Snipe shakes his head
<Snipe> What bothers me is the fact the Alliance found us out here. I'd give it 1 to 1,000,000 odds.
<Dias> We tried to get him to leave but he refused...Something about wanting to date a young redhead.
<Katrina`> E-Excuse me?
<Dias> Someone on board possibly leaving a trail or communicating?
<Snipe> I'm thinking that. Someone on here is a traitor. But with a crew of 150, who knows who that could be.
<Dias> ...*motions to Drake*
<Snipe> <Ensign 5> Captain! That guy just fiddled with the oxygen wires and gave us even more oxygen! Wow!
<Snipe> NRP: There.
<Colephantus> NRP: LOl
<Colephantus> NRP: *cries* this is the happiest day of my life!
<Dias> the crews gonna get high off oxygen.
<Snipe> NRP: Just for you
* Snipe nods toward Drake.
<Snipe> Could be.
* Colephantus steps off the elevator.
<Ariel> <Strife> I hope it's not poisoness levels.
<Snipe> Well, if it isn't Mr. Wizard.
<Dias> ...We'll need to bring up a roster and start doing some background checks.
<Colephantus> This ship is different from the different ways.
<Snipe> Well, we had to rebuild it with other parts.
* Katrina` steps forward
<Dias> ...*turns to Cole*
* Colephantus nods.
<Katrina`> If you trust me, I could run the background checks.
* Colephantus looks to her.
<Snipe> <Drake> ... A fine idea, Katrina. Everyone knows your loyality.
<Dias> *turns to Kat* We trust no one! *thrusts his finger into the air*
<Dias> Except you.
<Katrina`> Thanks!
<Ariel> <Strife> You better not make me look bad Kat!
<Colephantus> Theres nothing to know about me that isn't obvious...
<Katrina`> Well, your record doesn't exactly show you in high favor, Strife.
<Colephantus> I was in the i'm a bounty hunter...end of that sip sad stroy.
* Snipe nods, giving him a thumbs up
<Snipe> Right. You're not the traitor.
<Dias> Did you know that Snipe here founded the Alliance?
<Ariel> <Strife> Well, um... yeah... well... as long as you don't label me a traitor, I can live with it.
<Dias> TRAITOR! *points his finger at Strife*
<Colephantus> I know that Snipe here was actually among the council members that sentenced me to prison...or at least was supposedly one of them.
<Ariel> <Strife> You lie!
<Snipe> Council members? What?
<Colephantus> I ment Jury...
<Snipe> Jury? Huh?
<Dias> Must be a different Snipe. This Snipe failed at it.
<Dias> Just like everything else in his life.
* Colephantus shakes his head.
* Snipe looks at Dias
<Colephantus> Nevermind...its not important.
<Snipe> I. Hate. You.
<Ariel> <Strife> Don't mind him, he lies alot.
<Dias> Me or the bounty hunter?
<Snipe> Both.
<Dias> I tell my truth!
<Snipe> Note the keyword "my".
* Katrina` stares at the two.
<Colephantus> ...No wonder I got bogus charges...idiots like this in the alliance...*trails off*
<Snipe> The Alliance is a bunch of idiots, I agree.
<Snipe> Bickering politics all hoping to govern the galaxy.
<Dias> *turns to Snipe* I think he called us idiots...He really doesn't know who we are.
<Snipe> Well, he is right about you. You are an idiot.
<Colephantus> You do understand that you did create this group of idiots...
<Snipe> Look, I just came up with the idea. Death Star and Dominator ran with it.
<Colephantus> ...You mean took all the glory?
<Snipe> They made it work.
<Dias> ...Ooooh...I think he called you inferior.
<Snipe> And DS didn't make it long enough to take any glory.
* Colephantus smirks.
* Snipe ignores Dias.
<Colephantus> I'm just testing you...see your extent of patience.
<Snipe> Is that what you're doing? I thought you were auditioning for a dumbass contest.
* Colephantus laughs
<Colephantus> You got me on that one.
<Dias> ...If their was a dumbass contest, why weren't you entered Snipe?
* Snipe mimics Dias in a high pitched voice.
* Colephantus shakes his head..
<Dias> You want the voice to be permanent?
<Colephantus> How old are you two again?
<Dias> Ummmm...Carry the 1...divide by 4...round up...
* Colephantus looks to Kat..."Yes I have can do your background check.."
<Katrina`> .... Right. ... okay.
* Ariel returns to the bridge, reading over a datapad.
<Colephantus> You'll notice that I have cause to rebel against the Alliance...
Session Close: Sat Mar 06 00:00:00 2004

Session Start: Sat Mar 06 00:00:00 2004
Session Ident: #taw
<Dias> 35.
<Dias> and cumquat here is...37
<Dias> ish...
* Snipe cuts Ariel off at the elevator.
<Snipe> Hey.
<Ariel> Hmm? Oh, hey Snipe.
<Snipe> How have you been holding up lately?
<Ariel> Honestly, bored out of my mind.
<Colephantus> .....
<Snipe> That's it? Nothing else bothering you?
<Dias> Oh and if you touch my Gear, I'll use you for target practice.
<Colephantus> I'm not a gear user...don't worry..
<Ariel> *pauses, regarding snipe* What are you getting at?
* Snipe leans against the wall
<Snipe> Death Star.
<Dias> Well I've seen how you've questioned me and Snipe's wiring abilities...
<Dias> Drake, if you need me, I'll be in the training room.
<Snipe> 6* Ensign 5 sucks in the extra oxygen.
<Snipe> <Drake> Understood.
* Dias turns and walks off, winking at Snipe as he walks by
*** Dias is now known as Dias-Sleep
<Colephantus> ....
* Colephantus rubs his chin.
<Ariel> *hesitates* He needs time to himself right now...
* Colephantus feeling out of place walks over to the nearest corner and leans into it.
<Snipe> What about you? What do you need?
* Katrina` looks at Cole, slightly suspicious.
<Colephantus> .oO(They know not of the struggles ahead...I just hope I can be of some help.)
* Colephantus notices Kat and frowns...
<Ariel> *smiles* Well, for you two to cut back on hassling my daughter would be a good start.
<Colephantus> .oO(I still have to earn their trust...)
* Katrina` blinks and looks at her computer screen, trying not to look like she was watching him.
* Snipe looks over at Katrina, nodding.
<Snipe> Yeah, I'll do that. I can't believe she's not a kid anymore. I still remember her kicking people in the kneecaps.
* Ariel laughs, remembering that
<Colephantus> ...Daughter...I have much to learn....
<Ariel> It seems like only yesterday... *glances over at Kat*
* Snipe adjusts his glasses.
<Snipe> Yeah, it does.
* Katrina` props her head up with her hand, running searches on all the crew.
* Snipe pats Ariel on the arm, giving her a charm smile
<Snipe> If you want to talk, just yell.
* Snipe walks over to Katrina, grabbing her chair and twirling it around
<Ariel> NRP: BTW Cole, just for reference. Ariel looks like she's in her mid 20s.
<Snipe> You said you want dance-lessons, well, lets go.
<Katrina`> Now?
<Snipe> Yes, now.
<Colephantus> NRP: Yeah I assumed...thats why I did the whole much to learn line.
* Ariel nods to Snipe, and steps off the elevator.
* Snipe walks off toward the elevator, with Katrina following her.
<Colephantus> Drake?
<Snipe> <Drake> Yes?
<Snipe> 6* The Captain turns to look at him.
*** Katrina` has left #taw
<Colephantus> What are you doing?
<Snipe> <Drake> I don't see how that would be any concern of yours.
<Colephantus> You know you don't want to be here...I can tell by you lack of charisma...
<Colephantus> Thats from the 10 minutes i've been here.
<Colephantus> You are the Captain yet you took orders from those two idiots...I don't understand.
<Snipe> <Drake> Are you questioning my intregerity?! 6He rises, his face turning red. "My Uncle fought and died for the Alliance. I'm not a coward either. If you make a comment like that again, Bounty Hunter, I will throw you off this ship. We don't need your scum here."
<Colephantus> Then why allow me to be here?
<Snipe> <Drake> Those two "idiots" deem you part of their team, so I'm not going to get in the way of that.
* Colephantus shrugs.
<Colephantus> Have your ever heard of a Docter Demitri Alstaf?
<Snipe> <Drake> .... what? No. I haven't.
<Colephantus> Really I'm shocked....he was a very smart scientist...created or help create most of the things the alliance uses today..
<Snipe> <Drake> Pssch. Yeah.
<Snipe> <Drake> Why don't you excuse yourself from the bridge/
<Colephantus> I enjoy conversation...You seem to be one of the only intelligent people on this ship...
<Colephantus> Everyone else seems to worry about filling "voids".
<Snipe> <Drake> Your false words hold no sway over me. I do not associate myself with Bounty Hunters. Good day.
* Colephantus smirks.
* Colephantus walks over to the elevator and turns.
<Colephantus> I fought for the Alliance...your kind deemed me a traitor for following now your my favorite kind to Manipulate and tease...
<Snipe> <Drake> Another racist reploid. Just what the galaxy needs.
* Colephantus smiles
<Colephantus> No No...i'm not racist for Humans...I'm racist to Alliance members...thats a variety of races...
<Snipe> <Drake> I believe you were leaving?
<Colephantus> I dunno...its cozy here...*laughs and then presses a button*
<Ariel> <Strife> Should I have a room down in the lockers ready, just in case Captain?
<Colephantus> See you around Captain..
<Snipe> <Drake> Please, Ensign.
* Colephantus steps onto the hangar the look at his ship.
<Snipe> 6* Drake sits in his chair, staring at the hyperspace streams.
<Snipe> Session Ends
Session Close: Sat Mar 06 00:19:54 2004