Session Start: Sat Mar 06 21:18:34 2004
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20040306.log'
*** Jagan has left #TAW
<Snipe> Session 147: Dominator No More!
<Dias> COWARD!
<Snipe> Time Chart: April 7th, 2223
<Snipe> Location: The AQUARIUS!
* Snipe sits in the XO's chair, holding a datapad in hand. Somewhere behind him Katrina is working on running routine maintanence checks.
* Colephantus is in the simulators fighting an average group of enemies.
<Snipe> <Drake> We should be arriving near the planet you indicated soon. It'll have Alliance guards, though, to protect Dominator. The best chances for you to reach him would be to use a shuttle and send a small force down.
* Snipe lowers the datapad, then nods.
<Snipe> Me and Dias will go.
* Colephantus finishes it up and then exits the sims..,
<Snipe> <Drake> Alright.
<Katrina`> Let me go, too, John.
<Snipe> No. You stay here. I'd rather have you around to keep an eye on the ... computers. Kay?
* Katrina` nods slowly.
<Katrina`> Alright.
* Dias yawns down in the Hanger bay, sprawled out across a desk
* Snipe stands, stretching. He pats Katrina on the head as he walks to the elevator, clicking a button. Stepping on, he waves.
* Colephantus walks to the elevator and then pushes the button to the hangar.
* Snipe rides down, noting that it stops on the Sim Floor. He glances at Cole as the doors open.
<Snipe> Well, if it isn't Mr. Wizard.
<Colephantus> .....
* Colephantus steps into the elevator.
<Colephantus> You know databanks were incorrect.
* Snipe watches the doors close and they both ride down.
*** Katrina` has left #Taw
* Dias suddenly begins snoring, indicating he's fallen asleep in an awkward position atop the desk
* Snipe steps out of the elevator as the doors open. He walks past Dias, kicking him in the side.
<Colephantus> Seems I didn't fix your shields...but i'm positive that it might be one of the reasons that your being followed...
* Colephantus follows behind snipe.
<Dias> *stirs awake, not really surprised he was rudely awakened*
<Dias> *swings his legs over the side of the desk and leans up, hopping off it seconds later*
* Snipe walks over to a shuttle, patting it's side. He gives Dias a thumbs up.
<Colephantus> Where are you going?
<Snipe> To find Dominator.
* Dias stretches and lets out a big yawn
<Dias> I modified it the way you wanted it Snipe, should give us a better chance of slipping past any sensors on the way down.
* Snipe opens the door of the shuttle and takes the Co-Pilot seat. He adjusts some controls.
<Colephantus> I'm coming.
<Snipe> We don't need you - really.
* Dias walks upto the shuttle and steps in
<Colephantus> I could help...
* Colephantus steps in.
<Dias> Just gonna be us three or is that Tsiv and that Voodoo Crack-head coming with also?
<Snipe> Just us. I figured the smaller the crowd the better. Besides, I really only trust you on this ship.
<Colephantus> ...Then it was intended on just you too?
<Colephantus> NRP: Two.
<Snipe> Yes. Yes that's what I said, isn't it?
* Snipe glances at the back.
* Dias walks over and hops into the pilot seat, flipping on switches and booting the computer on
<Colephantus> I'm coming...unless i'm not wanted...
<Dias> ...*turns his head to Snipe* Maybe he should come'll let him know what he's gotten himself into.
<Snipe> I guess so. Alright, Mr. Wizard, strap in.
<Colephantus> ...Quit calling me that...*strapping in*
<Dias> All systems are go Snipe.
* Snipe taps in a set of coordinates.
<Snipe> Alright, just follow this and we should be fine.
* Dias yawns, moving his hand to his mouth
<Dias> Gah....*moves the shuttle up and turns it around to face the Hanger Bay door
<Colephantus> ....You can pilot good...correct?
* Snipe laughs.
<Dias> Nope, first time I've done this.
<Colephantus> Oh ok....Good...
<Dias> ...*hits a table as he moves forward* Oops..
<Colephantus> Sarcasm...something you humans like doing...
<Dias> ...*taps in something the console and pulls forward, the shields momentarily dropping as the shuttle leaves the docking bay
<Dias> *begins inputting the coordinates and sets the shuttle on auto-pilot*
<Colephantus> Are you ever gonna give me the shield codes?
<Colephantus> Or do I have to earn those?
* Dias laughs to himself
<Colephantus> Yes..I know...Bounty Hunter reploid always the butt of all the jokes...
<Dias> ...No just Bounty Hunters.
<Dias> Wonder whatever happened to that Baberlus feller.
<Colephantus> It was the only thing I could do...better than being in the fucking Alliance...
<Dias> No one's hear to question your decisions in life.
* Snipe leans over, whispering
<Snipe> I think he dislikes the Alliance.
<Dias> Really? Wonde why.
<Colephantus> Only make fun of them...
* Snipe leans back in his seat.
<Dias> So what do you think of that Stark guy Snipe?
<Snipe> I really haven't talked with him.
<Snipe> 6* Up ahead, the planet can be seen. It seems to be a lot like Earth was before it was bombed to hell.
<Dias> I keep wondering why he always pick up people who never help us when we need it.
<Snipe> NRP: Why we?
<Dias> NRP: Yeah we
* Colephantus closes his eyes ignoring the two.
<Snipe> Fate hasn't chosen everyone to be pivotal. Perhaps they just don't realize that until it's too late.
<Dias> True but they don't need to be making long-distance calls, sucking up our money and not helping us.
* Colephantus opens his eyes in shock.
<Colephantus> .oO( SNipe...made a semi-intellectual comment...i'm surprised.)
* Snipe adjusts his glasses, thinking.
<Snipe> I should call Elayne.
<Dias> Yeah you should...
<Dias> But it's kind of long distance for a booty call.
<Snipe> I don't mean that.
* Dias laughs
<Snipe> 6* They begin to enter the atmosphere of the planet.
<Colephantus> Is that all you two ever think about?
<Colephantus> Booty Calls?
<Snipe> Hey, MW, try this one on. "Shut the fuck up."
<Dias> I know, I know...*turns back to Cole*
<Dias> I don't feel like explaining...
<Colephantus> NRP: MW?
<Dias> NRP: Mr. Wizard.
<Colephantus> NRP: Lol.
* Colephantus sighs
<Colephantus> Ya know...I don't even see why I bother sometimes...
<Dias> You'll learn eventually.
<Snipe> 6* The location Snipe has set out is a small clearing in the woods.
<Dias> We'll be landing in about...30 seconds so everyone prepare.
* Colephantus is prepared...his weapons are "in" him. :P
* Snipe has his head against the glass window, as if he's asleep.
* Dias sticks his finger in his mouth and then moves it over to Snipe's ear and sticks it into it
* Snipe grabs Dias' hand.
<Snipe> No.
<Dias> ...I'll get you someday.
* Dias takes over manual control and begins landing the shuttle
* Snipe opens the shuttle door and hops out, falling down to the ground. He lands in a crouched position.
* Colephantus follows suit but doesn't attempt to be as stealthy as Snipe.
* Snipe stands and begins to move into the woods, navigating around them.
* Dias lands the shuttle behind the two and powers the shuttle down
* Dias begins locking the shuttle down and pulls out a datapad and types into it, he stands up and walks over to the shuttle door and steps out
* Colephantus moves into the cover of the trees but waits for Dias before advancing.
* Dias turns to the shuttle and taps on his datapad, the shuttle door closing and locking up
<Dias> ...*looks over at Cole* You don't need to wait for me, I can handle myself.
<Colephantus> ...Fine...*turns and then follows Snipes tracks.*
* Dias begins walking after Cole and Snipe, not even looking for tracks
<Snipe> 6* Snipe's tracks don't go very far. It's like he just vanishes.
* Colephantus looks up into the trees.
<Snipe> 6*If he took the tree route, he must be a good jumper.
<Colephantus> Where did he go?
<Dias> *walks upto Cole* You're the Bounty Hunter, you tell me.
<Colephantus> ....Obviously not a good one...I was able to beat you two goobers.
<Dias> NRP: You meant wasn't right?
<Colephantus> NRP: Yeah yeah I was in a hurry. :P
<Dias> ...You walked into a Hornets Nest not knowing who was on, a common mistake, learn from it. Now where do you think he went?
<Colephantus> ...I say theres a door around here somewhere...some type of trap door.
* Colephantus looks around trying to find one.
<Dias> Why would their be one here?
<Colephantus> I dunno...maybe thats why it would be a secret one.
* Dias shakes his head
<Dias> I saw you looking up before...why?
<Colephantus> .....Perhaps he was in the trees...
* Dias nods
<Dias> Then get up there and follow him
<Dias> ...*begins walking off*
<Colephantus> I can't climb trees...
<Colephantus> Your out of your mind...
<Dias> Yeah.
<Colephantus> I would snap the branches instantly.
<Dias> So should Snipe's weight...
<Colephantus> I'm not as graceful as Snipe then...
* Dias rubs his head
<Dias> I can see why you're not a very threatening Bounty Hunter.
* Colephantus gives a fake laugh.
<Dias> Can't even track someone if he takes to the trees.
<Colephantus> Just leave me alone...I'm not very experienced at this.
<Dias> Just follow me then...*walks off in Snipe's direction*
* Colephantus follows.
<Dias> I'm guessing then that you jumped on the chance to prove yourself to everyone by trying to bag the Rebel Alliance ship?
<Colephantus> That and the reward was very very good...I could have lived off it for a hundred years.
<Colephantus> I don't use money much btw.
<Dias> Then you've learned a very valuable lesson, don'
<Snipe> 6* Time passes as they trek through the forest. It seems like they've been going in random directions forever, but Dias seemingly knows where he wants to go.
<Dias> Don't jump in feet first.
<Dias> NRP :Ignore that
<Snipe> NRP: That's right! Jump in HEAD first.
* Dias ducks underneath a branch, his hands behind his back
* Colephantus silently follows.
<Snipe> 6* They reach the end of the woods. On a small hill above is rather large mansion with a huge garden in the back. Several guards can be seen around the building.
* Snipe hops off a branch from above.
<Snipe> The place looks really secure.
* Colephantus watches him land beside them but doesn't ask questions.
* Dias looks over at Snipe as he lands next to him then turns back to Cole
<Dias> You were right about him talking to the trees.
<Colephantus> Figures...I think it was just a fluke.
* Snipe eyes the two, then looks back at the building.
<Snipe> What took you so long Dias?
<Dias> I walked.
<Snipe> Still too slow even for you.
<Dias> So this is Senor Dominators place huh?
* Dias shrugs
<Snipe> Should be. I say we hit the building and kidnap him.
<Dias> You know I love Nature.
* Dias pulls out a binocular unit from his backpack begins scanning the building
<Colephantus> Hit the building as we go up and punch it?
* Dias laughs at Cole's comment
* Snipe looks at Cole.
<Snipe> Punch the building?
<Dias> Well that is what you were implying Snipe.
<Colephantus> I was trying my hand at sarcasm.
<Snipe> I guess you're right.
<Dias> We are friends with Dominator...why not just walk up and request a visit.
<Colephantus> ....My sarcasm was honestly what you were going to do....*smacks his forhead*
<Snipe> Well, I don't know about you, but I haven't really talked to the chap except when he was almost assassinated.
<Dias> There's about 10 guards outside and I saw 5 through windows.
<Dias> But we still have a past. Let's try talking first, if they try causing trouble, then we cause it back.
<Snipe> And I'm sure some of them are on Sera's payroll. Do you want to deal with an Alliance armada if you're wrong?
<Dias> Iy'
<Snipe> NRP: Iy?
<Dias> NRP: Mistake
<Dias>'s upto you ultimately..
<Snipe> I think this can be a group decision.
<Colephantus> I say you should probably talk to them.
* Dias turns to Snipe
<Dias> What do you say?
<Snipe> Sneak.
<Dias> We can give it a try...*turns to Cole* Can you sneak around or are we going to have ot leave you here?
* Colephantus flips off Dias
<Colephantus> Shut up and don't worry abou tme.
<Dias> ...*shakes his head* No wonder your lot prefers to stay on your planet...You don't get along with others nicely.
* Snipe runs out across the open field, keeping low as he moves.
<Colephantus> Well when others do nothing but make fun of you...of course your not going to get along with them.
<Dias> We tease because we love...*crouches low to the ground and runs behind Snipe*
* Snipe reaches the edge of the hill, pressing against it. Some guards are about to move in their line of sight if they don't reach Snipe by 8 seconds.
<Colephantus> ass...*follows being stealthy as well*
* Dias picks up his pace and slides next to Snipe
<Snipe> 6* A guard pauses and points out at Cole. A huge exclamation mark appears
<Colephantus> NRP: Great always pick on me!
<Dias> NRP: Dias: Quick Snipe, shoot the exclamation amrk!
<Snipe> NRP: I counted 8 seconds.
<Colephantus> NRP: I was typing! :( i'm slow.
<Colephantus> NRP: ok ok.
<Dias> NRP: DS is evil that way!
<Dias> Snipe...knock them out.
* Colephantus curses under his breath and then ignites his Katar and tries to do a silent kill to that no one else will be alarmed.
<Dias> NRP: Him.
<Snipe> 6* The guard is stabbed and falls to his death
* Dias smacks his forehead
<Snipe> ....
<Snipe> Well, I don't think negotiation will be in the script now
* Colephantus then gets against the wall.
<Dias> We need to teach him not to kill...
* Colephantus looks to the other two.
<Colephantus> Kill or be killed...Thats what I say.
<Dias> ...Well you're not gonna say that anymore.
<Colephantus> ....
<Dias> We're in a very delicate situation right now and we dont' need dead bodies.
* Snipe climbs up the hill quickly and emerges in the shadows of the building itself.
<Colephantus> Then lets just hide it...
<Dias> Do late, damage is done. *crawls over the hill and squats next to Snipe
* Colephantus shrugs and follows them both.
* Snipe crawls along the wall and opens a window, climbing into a nice living room.
* Dias presses against the wall and waits for Cole
<Dias> Go.
<Colephantus> ...Alright.
* Snipe stands there, then moves up to the nearest door, opening it. Seeing no one in the hallway, he begins to move down it.
* Colephantus silently enters the living room
* Dias looks both ways, then hops in behind the two, closing the window quietly
* Colephantus then follows Snipe down the hall-way.
* Snipe pauses, seeing a door slightly open. He leans against the wall, glancing at it. Inside seems to be some type of study, with someone sitting at a desk.
* Dias turns around and heads after the two
* Colephantus pauses and watches Snipe.
* Snipe leans back toward Dias, giving a thumbs up.
* Dias smiles and motions to knock
* Snipe shakes his head, then motions to knock it, run in, and make a surprise face.
* Colephantus tries to hide a the two wont know he thinks that they are funny.
* Dias shakes his head
* Snipe pouts, then makes a question mark motion.
* Dias walks upto the door and knocks on it
*** Dominator has joined #Taw
<Dominator> Yes? Come in.
* Dias pushes the door open and takes several steps in, time slowing down as he walks in'
* Colephantus follows behind him.
* Dominator sits at his desk, writing in some type of journal. He's exactly as they would remember, as Reploids do not age and Dominator never was one to change his looks. But as his eyes lift up to look at them, there's one thing noticeable - they look YOUNGER. Like all the battles and trials he has seen have been wiped from them and he looks at them with the eyes of an innocent person. And his face begins to twist up into confusion
* Snipe walks in.
<Dominator> Who are you?
<Dias> ...It's me Dias. Slasher's son?
<Dominator> I'm ... sorry. I don't know you. 6He smiles pleasantly. 1"How can I help you?"
* Snipe blinks.
* Dias turns to Snipe
<Dias> ...You were in the Hunters unit with my father Slasher.
* Colephantus looks around the office then peeks down the hallway to make sure no one is coming.
<Dominator> Oh, was I? 6He laughs. "I was told that I did many things in my past life, but I'm afraid I don't remember. You see, I had my memory completely wiped. I was told it was done by the former me so that I could live in peace. I even have a message from my other self telling me that he hopes I could lead the peaceful life he wanted to have. So, that's what I've been doing.
<Dias> ......
<Snipe> No...way.
<Dias> ...That doesn't sound like the Dominator I remember.
<Dominator> Neither do I, I'm afraid.
* Snipe turns, crossing his arms.
<Dias> Who performed the memory wipe?
* Colephantus idly listens to the conversation not knowing Dominator personally.
<Dominator> I'm not really sure. The message didn't say who would be doing it.
* Dias turns to Snipe
<Dias> I bet it was Sera.
<Dias> She'd do anything to maintain her world.
<Snipe> What if this was what Dominator wanted? ... the one person who could tell us would be Death Star.
<Dias> Even if he did, it seems way to convenient for Sera.
* Dominator looks between them.
<Dias> Do you think he can still do what we need done?
<Snipe> No. I doubt it. With his memories, the old Dominator we knew is dead.
<Snipe> NRP: without
<Dominator> ...I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help to you.
* Colephantus twiddles his thumbs waiting for the orders to leave.
<Dias> Should we head out the front door then Snipe?
<Snipe> We better go before they fi--- 6The alarms go off.
<Snipe> ...the body
* Dominator stands up, looking concerned.
* Colephantus lowers his head.
<Dominator> Waitaminute, you weren't sent in here?
<Colephantus> I guess you two were right...
<Dias> We're not quite on good terms with the Alliance...that's why we came to you.
* Colephantus glances back out of the hallway.
<Dominator> I-I'm afraid I have to insist you stay here if you hurt someone.
<Snipe> No time for that.
* Snipe opens a window and leaps out.
* Colephantus follows behind snipe.
* Snipe rolls down the hill roughly, bouncing to his feet at the button. He runs for the forest, pulling out a control Dias slipped him at one point and hitting a button.
<Dominator> H-Hey! Stop!
<Dias> Sorry Mr. Dominator. *hops out of the window behind him*
*** Dominator has left #Taw
* Colephantus catches up with Snipe
* Dias hits the hill and sprints full force after Snipe
<Colephantus> I'
<Snipe> Eh, Dias has done very stupid things before.
* Snipe stops at the edge of the woods, looking at the sky.
<Dias> That I have.
<Dias> I give us 2 minutes.
*** Sherinmir is now known as Sherin-Sleepin
* Dias stands next to Snipe
<Dias> The shuttle be here in...
<Snipe> 6* The guards can be seen appearing around the building, while above the shuttle flies in.
<Dias> ...There she is...a few seconds early.
<Snipe> 6* The shuttle's boarding ramp lowers as the guards open fire.
* Colephantus glances at the guards.
* Snipe leaps up and grabs the ramp, pulling himself up into the shuttle. He runs over to the co-pilot seat, grabbing at the controls.
* Colephantus jumps up onto the ramp and scrambles to his seat.
* Dias hops on and runs over to the pilots seat, taking over control
<Snipe> Well, with Dominator go, we have no allies with the Alliance.
<Snipe> (gone)
<Dias> Minute-thirty...*redirects the shuttle to head up and begins ascending*
<Colephantus> ....Figures...
<Snipe> We don't have time to play around with the Alliance anymore. We're going to have to resume the hunt for Motenk technology.
<Dias> We do the next best thing, we find other allies who have pull in the Alliance and we start there.
* Dias begins to break the atmospher
* Colephantus rubs his chin.
* Snipe leans back in his set.
<Snipe> Lets go.
<Colephantus> Lets just hope we make it back to the aquarias in 1 piece.
<Snipe> Session Ends
Session Close: Sat Mar 06 23:10:11 2004