Session Start: Tue Aug 31 19:46:53 2004
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20040831.log'
<Ire> Session 185: Operation Broken Spear
<Ire> Time Chart: July 30th, 2223
<Ire> Location: President Slasher's Office.
* _Trunks_ has joined #taw
<Ire> GM: *everyone has been called into the office for some important meeting. So far, no one has been given details*
<Phirax> NRP: Hey Trunks you just in time to session. Just started.
* Eve has joined #taw
* Phirax stands there, his arms crossed.
* Eve sits on Slasher's desk, chewing some gum
* `Raven` is leaning against the wall, his hands in his pockets.
* Project-Crescent waits for information, expressionless infront of the desk.
* Ire discusses something with Slasher in the corner, keeping his voice low.
* Junior leans against the wall also, his face a little pale.
* Slasher is in a business suit, probably the most professional these people have seen him up close, he's talking back to Ire, his voice hard to understand
<Phirax> How you holding up Jr.?
* Junior glances to Phirax. "As expected."
* Eve gives Junior a wave should he look her way.
* Ire turns from talking with Slasher, clearing his throat for the room.
<Ire> We're ready to begin.
<Dahok> ...*looks at Jr.* Shouldn't you be dead?
* Ire sits down, giving the floor to Slasher.
* Silouette stands near the door, waiting for things to get down to business
* Junior looks to Dahok, saying nothing.
* Project-Crescent continues his emotionless expression.
* Slasher steps over to a side wall and waits
* Alicia sits and waits
* Alicia is now known as Terra`
* Terra` does, even
<Project-Crescent> ooc: Lots of people.
<Ire> NRP: ... ooc?
<Dahok> NRP: IT"S NRP!!!!
* Dahok crosses his arms and waits
<Project-Crescent> NRP: Damnit.
<Project-Crescent> NRP: Too many different RPs. I swear.
<Ire> NRP: <Slasher> Fuck ya'll bitches. My speech is now done.
* Slasher begins growing impatient at Ire's slowness
* Ire eyes Slasher, since he's been given the floor.
<Project-Crescent> ........
* Slasher catches Ire's glance and looks at him
<Ire> NRP: *hours pass as Slasher stands there*
<Project-Crescent> NRP: So you both gave each other the floor?
<Project-Crescent> NRP: Lol.
<Slasher> With the battle over, now's the time for us to make our counterstrike and hit them where it'll hurt them the most.
<Project-Crescent> NRP: The nuts?
* Phirax coughs.
<Slasher> Myself and Ire have decided that we will send a team into the British Isles to meet up with the Resistance Group and make our strike.
* Project-Crescent nods slowly.
<Ire> NRP: *naked ninja female warriors bust in during the speech*
<Phirax> Ahhh its about time. I've been itching to get back in my homeland.
<Silouette> NRP: <Sil> .oO( This is so degrading... )
<Project-Crescent> Your homeland?
* Project-Crescent looks at Phirax.
* Ire shifts his glance to Terra as Slasher speaks, guaging her reaction
<Phirax> Terra, Pope and myself are from the British Isles, Crescent.
* Terra` seems to think it's about time
<Ire> McCabe: *stands behind Slasher, looking all Vice-President like*
<Project-Crescent> I see.
<Slasher> You won't be leaving without a gift tho...*turns around to see McCabe there* GAH!!!
<Silouette> ......
<Ire> McCabe: *holds out the ring*
* Ire grimaces at Slasher.
<Terra`> NRP: Behold, the one ring... TO RULE THEM ALL
<Slasher> ...How'd you get access to the ring?!
<Ire> McCabe: I wouldn't call leaving it on your coffee table as much security.
<Slasher> I...errr...Was testing you...*grabs it and turns around*
<Junior> ...
<Terra`> ...
<Ire> ...
<Project-Crescent> ......
<Eve> ...
<Ire> McCabe: .oO (Idiot)
<Terra`> NRP: <Sil> That's my line.
* Phirax chuckles slightly.
* Slasher walks over to Ire and hands him the ring
<Slasher> Don't lose it...
* Ire takes the ring in hand, then stands up, moving to address his people
* `Raven` arches an eyebrow, .oO(How can this idiot run such a large city?)
<Junior> NRP: <Ire> Oh Lord, My Ring! *reaches down the drain in the shower*
<Ire> This ring negates the power of the Spear of Destiny, which is what Senreich's main weapon will be ... it already managed to capture an entire city. However, only one of us can wear the ring. So, naturally, we need to decide who will wear it.
* Slasher looks back at McCabe and winks at him
<Phirax> You of course.
* Project-Crescent glances at Ire maliciously. He snickers, knowing he wouldn't be chosen. Oh well.
<Ire> I'm not the best course of action in this case.
<Phirax> Then....Junior?
* Junior glances to Phirax
<Dahok> Jr.'s weak right now.
<Project-Crescent> Is he phyiscally able?
<Project-Crescent> Yeah, I was thinking that too.
<Phirax> What about Mr. Fyro here?
* Silouette looks over Junior appraisingly, judging how well she thinks he'd do against Senreich
<Dahok> I don't have the greatest luck...
* Junior shifts to his feet.
<Ire> We'd need someone who can sneakily get their hands on the Spear of Destiny and destroy it.
<Dahok> You'd have to weld it to my finger.
* Ire shifts his glance to SIl.
* Phirax smirks at Sil.
<Junior> Whoever you all decide on, my lot would be on the one who'll avoid dramatics at all costs.
* Junior looks to Silouette.
* Dahok turns his gaze upon Sil.
<Phirax> I think we have found our well lady for the job?
<Terra`> ... and what do the rest of us do...?
<Silouette> ...well, if that's your decision.
* `Raven` feels left out of the group being the only real "new" member. Since Crescent is a mad psycho bot person and doesn't count.
* Ire hands the ring to Silouette.
<Ire> The rest of us will take down Senreich's army and distract Senreich himself when the time comes. Even someone of Sil's skill will need our help in keeping him busy.
<Slasher> The rest of you will be wearing these nifty shirts I had made. *holds upa shirt with a giant bullseye on the chest*
<Project-Crescent> That's not funny.
* Silouette takes it gingerly. She's never seen the ring before, despite it's importance.
<Slasher> I know it's not, that why I'm not laughing at it.
<Eve> I think Slasher's done now. *she smiles warmly at everyone* Our ride is up on the roof.
* Dahok rubs his forehead
* Phirax chuckles at Slasher, "I think they better be the ones wearing those. Cause after I get finished with em..."
* Junior shifts, "Let's go, then."
<Project-Crescent> Ehm.. There's something I need.
* Project-Crescent coughs.
<Slasher> After you get done with them, they'll still be shooting back.
<Ire> This mission will not need your Gear, Crescent.
* `Raven` turns and makes way up toward the roof.
<Project-Crescent> Your telling me that enganging an army won't require a heavy weapon?
<Project-Crescent> Are you insane?
<Ire> Your Gear will never make it into the city.
<Slasher> No, he's smart.
<Terra`> You want to be a target?
<Ire> Only one pilot has managed to get in the city to my knowledge.
* Phirax laughs lightly and throws his hand up to slasher as he makes out, "It will draw attention stupid Crescent." the heads for the roof.
<Silouette> ....that pilot?
* Project-Crescent feels underestimated. "Whatever." He starts walking for the roof.
* Slasher looks at Phirax like he spent most of his time in a box
* Eve flips off the desk and stretches, then heads for the roof.
* Dahok heads upto the roof after Eve
<Slasher> Becareful Eve.
<Ire> GM: *on the roof is a small shuttle, lightly armed*
<Phirax> NRP: Don't talk about my precious box!
<Eve> I'll watch over the children for you.
* Junior heads up behind them.
<Project-Crescent> NRP: Watch out for that 90,000 year old kid.
* Ire walks up, glancing at Silouette as he does so.
<Ire> I have great faith in you
* Slasher laughs
* `Raven` slides into the shuttle.
* Silouette nods slowly, actually seeming a tiny bit nervous.
<Slasher> Let's get back to getting this city safe again McCabe.
* Project-Crescent follows Raven into the shuttle.
<Ire> Wind: *glances over the pilot's chair, eyeing his passengers through his helmet*
<Project-Crescent> Hey, Wind.
<Ire> McCabe: Yes.
* Project-Crescent gives a half wave.
<Terra`> Hey, Setsuna? If I don't make it back, it's been great working with you.
<Ire> Wind: Crescent. *does a little wave*
* Dahok steps unto the shuttle
* Eve sits down in her seat, putting her legs up on the chair in front of her.
* Terra` follows Dahok on board
<Project-Crescent> Next time, get a bigger shuttle with a hanger.
<Silouette> too. *steps into the shuttle, nodding to the pilot*
<Ire> Wind: You'd be surprised at how much trouble we'll have getting this tiny thing past enemy fire.
* Junior steps onto the shuttle, nodding to Wind.
* Ire walks onto the shuttle and takes a seat in the back.
<Silouette> ....he wants to be a target. That's just how he is...
* Phirax hops into the shuttle, feeling happier than usual, his trusty rifle at his side.
* Project-Crescent sits in the seat closest to Wind. "Yeah. I just hope we don't get killed before we get there."
<Ire> GM: *Crescent has gained control of the Co-Pilot seat*
<Project-Crescent> NRP: lol
<Ire> Wind: *reaches out, closes the ramp, then grabs the controls, lifting them up in the air. He turns the shuttle around, then hits the boosters, sending them soaring away from the building.
<Phirax> Crescent...Wind is the one of the best Pilots I have ever seen. I have full faith in him.
* Slasher has quit IRC (Quit: )
<Silouette> NRP: <Sil> Let me off this thing! *claws at the door*
<Ire> NRP: <Ire> *takes the ring back and gives it to Crescent*
<Dahok> Wind watch out for that guy...he's...just wrong.
* Ire closes his eyes, preparing for the trip.
* Silouette sits back, meditating.
* `Raven` is breathing a little loudly, he realizes this and quickly adjusts his breaths. He is quite nervous.
* Dahok plops down next to Sil
* Junior coughs into his hand once.
<Dahok> How ya doin?
* Phirax sighs and leans back, staring at the ceiling of the shuttle.
<Project-Crescent> I've never been in the area we're heading to, mind filling me in on the area information?
<Silouette> ....alright..
<Phirax> Its rainy. *he says with a sigh of slight admiration of his home. He is in a damn good mood if you haven't noticed. Acting a little dumb*
<Ire> Wind: Alright.
<Dahok> Good, we can't afford to lose ya.
<Ire> Wind: The British Isles is comprised of no islands, not anymore. It's basically just one big city, supported by giant support pillars - 16 total, that keep the city over the ocean. The city, for some reason, was styled in an old classic style, so everything has a retro look in it.
<Silouette> pressure, ne...?
<Dahok> No pressure. *pats her on her shoulder*
<Project-Crescent> You'd think we could just blow it away.
<Terra`> ...
<Silouette> ......
<Ire> Wind: Easily, but the citizens were captured by Senreich. Your job is to save them
<Terra`> You're talking about my bloody HOME!
<Silouette> *doesn't bother opening her eyes* ....wait until after Senreich is done before shooting him Terra...
<Project-Crescent> We're about to do battle with your bloody home.
<Project-Crescent> And soon, it will be a bloody home.
<Dahok> No...we're about to do battle on her bloody home.
<Project-Crescent> NRP: BAM!
<Phirax> Ignorant Crescent...
<Project-Crescent> Glad you finally noticed.
<Eve> Remember, the people there hate Senreich has much as us
<Dahok> We're not fighting British. We're fighting Fifth Column agents.
<Silouette> missed the fight with the British. That was last year...
<Project-Crescent> I've missed many things.
<Terra`> .oO(Like your brains?)
* Ire is silent. It would seem he's sleeping
* Junior is just staring out the window, his eyes glazed slightly
<Ire> GM: *The shuttle flies over the ocean, heading in the direction of the city of London*
* Dahok crosses his arms, starting to get agitated
<Ire> GM: *and so time passes...*
<Project-Crescent> Who exactly will be my primary targets? I don't want to kill those who cannot fight back.
<Dahok> NRP: *and so time freezes*
<`Raven`> Its not good to be bickering before a mission as important as this....We need to be focused.
<Ire> You remember the people that attacked Mega City? The Chiere hybreds?
<Dahok> This is the 40th and last friggin time. THE 5th COLUMN!!!
* Ire opens his eyes
<Dahok> For a Tin-Man you're slow.
* Phirax sighs and checks his rifle.
<Ire> Wind: Heads up. We're in their air-space now.
* Project-Crescent is starting to hate this team. "Good."
<Ire> GM: *all clear so far...*
* Eve ruffles her blonde hair
<Eve> I don't like this.
<Dahok> Think they're waiting for us?
<Junior> Likely.
<Project-Crescent> Could be.
<Ire> ....
<Dahok> Ire, you get a hold of the Resistance?
<Ire> They'll be waiting for us at the usual location
* Dahok nods
<Phirax> Is it possibly that Janus is one step ahead of us?
<Project-Crescent> Usual location?
<Phirax> Just follow along Crescent.
<Ire> GM: *up ahead, the massive city over water can be seen. A giant tower has been built, it seems, where the Cheire/Human hybrid plant use to be
<Project-Crescent> Phriax, we've already noticed one spy.
<Project-Crescent> Just think how many others there could be.
* Dahok points out at the tower
* Ire seems surprised Crescent knows this
* Project-Crescent looks. "Hmm.."
<Phirax> Shut up and follow along.
<Dahok> What do you think that is Ire?
* Ire eyes the Tower.
<Ire> I'm not sure...
<Terra`> Could be important.. could just be a red herring
<`Raven`> That technology looks familier....
<Ire> Wind: Could be bad.
<Ire> GM: *Wind and Crescent would notice high power levels from the shuttle's scanners...coming from the tower*
<Project-Crescent> ..Whatever it is, staring at it really isn't accomplishing anything.
<Silouette> ....what is it...?
<Project-Crescent> Rising powerlevels from the tower.
<Terra`> Your guess is as good as mine
* Junior looks to the tower, thinking to himself.
<Ire> GM: *suddenly, a beam of light, much like the spear of destiny's attack back in Session 100, fires out...only this beam is 100x bigger. IT flies right for the shuttle*
<Dahok> Oh shit....
<Project-Crescent> NRP: *Everyone dies.* -Session ends-
<Project-Crescent> Whoa.
<Eve> ...!
<Phirax> Hold on to something!
<Terra`> ... that's what it bloody well is... an amplifier!
* Phirax grabs a hold of his seat.
* Ire grips his seat as Wind jerks the shuttle down, barely avoiding the attack. The shuttle plummets for the sea, only to be leveled off a few feet above the waves
* Terra` holds onto her seat
<Ire> guess is Senreich is there...*Grinds his teeth*
* Project-Crescent grips the bottom of his seat, holding on tightly. "What was that?! Wind?"
<Terra`> Makes sense
<Silouette> ....I'm really starting to dislike that man...
* Junior grits his teeth. "The hell?!"
<Dahok> ...Are they using that Tower to amplify the spears power?
<Ire> Wind: It's trouble. The thing is charging up again ... plus I'm getting incoming attack shuttles our way..
* `Raven` sighs, releasing the air he was holding in. "This is gonna be tough."
<Ire> Wind: IT would appear to be a yes, Dahok.
<Terra`> Looks it... and I want to be the one to blow Seinreich's brains out of his skull...
<Project-Crescent> Damnit. *He mutters something about his gear.*
<Project-Crescent> We have to do SOMETHING.
<Ire> Wind: I have an idea.
<Ire> GM: *the tower begins to glow again. Wind jerks the shuttle and flies straight at 10 enemy vessels*
<Project-Crescent> Any weaponry on this ship?
<Eve> Oh, you're so not going to do...
<Silouette> better live up to your reputation...
* Ire grinds his teeth again
* Dahok looks over at Ire, a look of worry and exhiliration
<Ire> GM: *their shuttle flies straight at the enemy vessels, who fire at them rapidly. Wind dodges them, then flies right through the middle as the tower fires again. Behind them, the enemy vessels are vaporized in one shot*
* Junior grips the armrest of the seat in anticipation
<Eve> I hate your flying.
* Phirax chuckles, sweat running down his face. "Keep up this pace Wind."
<Project-Crescent> Damn, Wind. You never cease to amaze me.
* `Raven` seems to be praying in the bakc of the shuttle.
* Terra` looks at Eve. "You'd prefer to be dead?"
<Ire> Wind: One more trick. *he flies under the city, flying in between the support pillars* Now he can't hit us.
* Silouette watches out the window, seeming completely neutral about this whole thing.
<Silouette> ....I wouldn't put it past this man....
<Phirax> Unless of course he wants to destroy the city?
<Eve> He wouldn't fire a hole through the city, would he?
<Dahok> He won't destroy the city.
<Ire> GM: *an odd reading comes from the scanners on some of the support pillars. The shuttle is unable to identify it*
<Terra`> He'd have done it already, if he wanted to
<Project-Crescent> What kind of reading is this?
<Ire> Wind: ... some kind of energy reading. We don't have time to investigate more, though. Not if I'm going to get you guys into the city.
<Dahok> ...Bombs?
<Ire> GM: *The shuttle twists, then flies out from under the city, twisting, then flies right into the city again. Wind begins to navigate the narrow British alleys.
<Ire> Wind: ... I'd say yes.
* Ire clenches his fist.
<Project-Crescent> Bombs on the support pillars? That doesn't sound good.
<Dahok> ...How'd I know that...*scratches his head confused*
<Silouette> ...contingency plan.....
<Ire> If we beat him...
<Terra`> ... the bloody bastard...
<Phirax> They will blow up the city...if they can't have it...know one will.
<Phirax> NRP: No...not know.
<Junior> Everything has it's cost, it seems.
<Ire> GM: *The shuttle jerks vertically as it flies through one narrow alley. He then brings the shuttle to a half, vertical*
<Project-Crescent> Have to make sacrifices, I guess.
<Ire> Wind: Alright, sorry for the position, but this is the only way we can avoid being seen for a few minutes.
<Terra`> No problem, just as long as we can get out
* Ire unbuckles, sliding against the wall. He opens the ramp, then hops out onto the alley pavement.
* Eve gracefully moves to the exit and leaps out.
* Terra` unbuckles, then follows Ire
* Project-Crescent hops out, angrily. He's in a terrible mood.
<Project-Crescent> See you later, Wind.
* Silouette unbuckles and slides out of the shuttle.
<Eve> Wind: Do good, Crescent.
* Silouette nods to Wind in thanks as she does so
* Junior follows Ire out of the shuttle, gripping his pistol.
<Ire> Alright. The resistance is nearby. Once there, we'll figure out what to do about those bombs.
* Dahok hops out of the shuttle
* Ire begins to lead them out of the alley, then into the streets.
* Phirax hops out rifle ready and Raven close behind him.
* Silouette moves after Ire, running her fingers over the hilt of her blade.
* Project-Crescent follows the group, he forms two medium sized spikes on the top of his hands, ready to fire. ".."
<Ire> GM: *Wind lifts off and flies off. Moments later, enemy vessels give chase*
* Terra` keeps near Ire
* Ire glances at Terra
<Ire> How do you feel?
* Eve walks along, glancing from side to side.
<Terra`> A little scared, a little exhilarated...
* Dahok follows alongside Ire and Sol.
* Ire steps into another alley, then walks down it. So far there seems to be no troops in the city.
<Silouette> ...this is too quiet...
<`Raven`> Doesn't it seem to quiet? Like in the sky?
* Dahok tries to tune into Nature's Voice
<Project-Crescent> You know that it wont stay like this for long.
<Project-Crescent> We could be walking right into a trap.
* Ire walks forward, picking a seemingly random building - it looks half-destroyed. He opens the door and walks in. Inside are several men, all holding weapons
* Junior glances to Project-Crescent
* Dahok steps in after Ire
<Junior> Should have thought of that before you came.
* Project-Crescent follows, a smug look on his face.
* Terra` follows Ire in
* Eve steps in, then hops on a table
* Silouette glances at the men
<Ire> <Man> About bloody time you showed up.
<Project-Crescent> Told you.
<Ire> What's the situation?
* Phirax steps in and smiles at the others, some faces are familier.
<Ire> <Man> Senreich's gone mad. He started using all the resources and building material to construct that goddamn tower.
<Project-Crescent> NRP: Aw. I was about to kill all of them. Lol.
<Dahok> Do you guys have anything on the layout of the building?
<Ire> <Man 2> Yeah. They say he can pin-point any location in the city and shoot it.
<Ire> <Man 1> No. No one can get close to the damn thing without being fried.
<Dahok> Any sewers to it?
<Project-Crescent> NRP: Just say I've been following along. I really need to get some dinner.
<Silouette> ....he can only shoot something, if he knows it's there...
<Ire> <Man 2> Yes. But the sewers are guarded by legions of those damn warriors.
<Dahok> How 'bout under?
<Junior> So, the time has finally come when we can't get there via the sewers.
<Ire> <Man 1> No. No way under it.
<Phirax> I'd say its only adequate that it happened during one of our most important missions.
* Dahok looks over at Ire
<Ire> <Man 3> Screw the tower. What about the support pillars? Rumor has it that Senreich is going to blow them up.
<Dahok> Any idea?
* `Raven` is standing at the door, making sure no one is coming.
* Ire frowns, musing over this.
<Phirax> That rumor is not farce either.
<Silouette> .....why would he blow them up, after building the tower...?
<Silouette> there anything unusual about it...?
<Ire> There's only one reason to blow the pilars.
<Phirax> To keep Mega City or Janus from controlling London...right?
<Dahok> What's that?
<Ire> Correct. It's an old war tactic, called burning the land so your enemy can't use it afterwards.
<Ire> If Senreich thinks he's about to lose, he'll detonate the bombs.
<Terra`> So we need to take him by surprise
<Ire> Agreed. We need to split up into two teams.
<`Raven`> Yes I have read about it before. Very Cowardly...but I would expect nothing different from him.
* `Raven` shuffles his feet some, "Put me where i'm needed..."
<Ire> I will lead one team into taking the Tower down. Fyro, Silouette, Terra, Junior, and Raven will be with me.
<Dahok> And there's no way to stop those bombs from detonation is there.
* Silouette nods.
<Ire> Phirax, you will take Eve and Crescent and stop those bombs.
<Project-Crescent> .oO(Lame.)
<Project-Crescent> Whatever.
* Junior nods.
* Ire gestures at a few of the resistence men.
<Phirax> Yes sir.
<Ire> You will lead them down to underneath the pillar. Now. We don't have time to waste.
<Ire> GM: *a few of the resistance fighters nod, then begin to grab their weapons. They step outside*
<Silouette> do you plan to approach the tower, boss...?
<Eve> Bomb duty. Sounds grand. *she follows them outside*
* Phirax steps out after the soldiers, following them.
* Project-Crescent shrugs and follows Phirax.
<Ire> We have two options. We can head for the entrance directly, risking the tower's attacks, or we can try to take the sewers, fighting all the enemies there.
* Dahok steps outside and looks around
<Ire> NRP: #session185 for Crescent, Eve, and Phirax
<Junior> NRP BRB a sec
* _Trunks_ has quit IRC (Quit: La Dee DAHHHHH)
* Ire shakes his head, trying to decide.
<Ire> The best option would be the entrance, if we could have something keep the tower's defenses busy.
<`Raven`> I could try.
<Terra`> Yeah, but we're sitting ducks otherwise, aren't we?
<`Raven`> But I need to know what I'm up against.
<Dahok> How long does it take for them to charge up a blast?
<Ire> Less than a minute, it seemed.
<Dahok> So about 45 seconds to make a move inbetween charges...
<Silouette> ....we should spread out on approach in any case...
<`Raven`> Sir....I can fly...would it be possible for me to draw fire and then teleport to meet up with you all once inside?
<Ire> I doubt you'd be able to teleport inside the Tower.
<Silouette> ....can you teleport anyone else with you...?
<Ire> It doesn't matter. If we try the sewers, we'll exhaust ourselves. We have to take the direct approach.
<Dahok> I dont' know if I can summon any vines around here...
<Silouette> ....if you can teleport the others within the minimum firing arc....
<Dahok> NRP: BRB.
<Ire> Lets move out for now. We'll decide what to do once we've seen the Tower up close.
* Ire exits the building and back onto the streets.
* Silouette nods and follows after Ire
* Terra` heads after Ire
* Eve has left #taw
* `Raven` follows after them, "I'm not advanced enough to teleport many really drains me."
<Ire> GM: *the tower can be seen even from their position, as it "towers" literally over the city. It seems to be around 20-30 stories tall
<`Raven`> How many of us are there?
<Dahok> I wonder how good they're sensors are at picking up life...
<Silouette> NRP: Whoa... London shrunk!
<Ire> NRP: It really did
<Terra`> NRP: BRB
<Silouette> NRP: Watch the tower turn out to actually just be the post office building
<Dahok> NRP: It's actually the Uncle Ben!
<Ire> NRP: Curses. He's onto me
<Ire> Lets move out.
* Ire begins to walk along the streets. So far there's still no enemy soldiers.
* `Raven` follows close behind.
* Silouette is silent, but isn't happy about this.
<Dahok> There's gotta be a reason why there's no soldiers out here.
<Terra`> Either it's a trap, or they're all elsewhere
<`Raven`> Well...they did lose a lot of soldiers in the attack...
<Terra`> ... or maybe they don't have enough...?
<Ire> GM: *as they work their way through the city, there is no one to stop them. Pretty soon, they've reached the Tower - which is 100 meters away. There is no cover or places to hide between them and it now*
<Dahok> ...They did a good job clearing the surrounding area.
<Dahok> He's gotta just be confident that it no one will make an atempt.
<Ire> ...Yes.
<Junior> NRP: back.
<Dahok> We can use that to our advantage.
<`Raven`> So...we should spread out right?
<Ire> GM: *in the background, Wind is still flying around*
<Dahok> Think maybe Wind might try to distract the tower's blast?
<Ire> We could use him.
<Silouette> *picks up her comm* <Comm> ....wind, you busy...?
<Ire> <Wind on Comm> Not really. Just keeping these fighters distracted.
<Silouette> <Comm> ...enough of a challenge for your skills...?
<Silouette> <Comm> ...because you could work on having the tower shoot them down if you felt like something more interesting...
* Dahok looks at the tower, trying to find the way inside
<Ire> <Wind on Comm> Hoohaw, now that's a plan.
<Ire> GM: *there's one entrance and one entrance alone - a closed door that's about 10 feet tall*
* Junior stands next to Ire.
* Ire glances at Junior
<Ire> GM: *the shuttle begins to fly inward again. The tower starts glowing*
* `Raven` slides into a runner stance.
<`Raven`> Ready.
* Terra` gets ready to move
* Junior looks up at the tower, noting the glance. He sighs under his breath, thinking.
<Silouette> ....keep your distance from each other until you get out of range.... just in case...
<Ire> GM: *the air begins to heat up, then the tower fires right at the shuttle and the fighters.*
* Dahok becgins sliding to the side
<`Raven`> Now?
* Dahok plants his feet and begins running towards the tower
<Ire> Now.
* Ire runs for the tower.
* `Raven` jets off for the tower.
* Terra` dashes with amazing speed towards the tower
* Silouette heads for the enterance, though not seeming overly concerned. She'd be ammazed if the sensors picked her up
<Ire> GM: *suddenly, two pairs of plasma cannons emerge from the tower wall, aiming at them*
<Terra`> NRP: <Tower> *shoots Sil* <Sil> ... damn.
* Dahok looks up at the two cannons emerging
<Ire> GM: *then the door begins to open up and a Gear flies out. The door shuts behind it*
<Dahok> Shit....*starts running to the side away from the group
* Ire slides to a halt, eyeing the Gear.
* Junior sprints, stumbling a little but keeps with Ire
* `Raven` turns to the left, running away from the group, he is charging ki into his hands.
<Silouette> ...... *not impressed*
* Terra` darts to the right
<Ire> GM: *the plasma cannons begin to charge up while the Gear aims it's own cannon right at the group*
* Silouette breaks left
* Dahok begins running towards the Gear
* `Raven` throws both of the charged ki blast at the left cannon on the tower.
* kaos` has joined #taw
<Ire> GM: *the cannon fires at his ki blast. The cancel each other out. The right cannon fires at them*
<Ire> Gear: *fires a massive rail cannon at Dahok*
* Dahok rolls to the side in an attempt to dodge it
* Ire twists and aims at the right cannon, firing some shots from his rifle.
<Ire> GM: *the blast hits the ground, causing a big hole*
* Dahok suddenly gets an idea
* Silouette throws a trio of blades at the left cannon, attempting to sever the aiming servos
* Terra` takes potshots at the gear with her pistol while running
* Dahok runs around the hole and towards the door, positioning himself infront of the door
* `Raven` slides to a halt and then pulls out his pistols, aiming at the left cannon and firing.
* Dahok waves at the gear
<Ire> GM: *the left cannon begins to charge, and takes the damge from Sil. It's still operational --- until Raven hits it. The cannon sparks*
* X1-Sleep is now known as X1
<Ire> Gear: *flies right at Dahok, goign to ram him*
* `Raven` rushes for the tower.
<Ire> GM: *the right cannon begins to charge up*
* Dahok throws himself to the side, hoping the gear will crash into teh door
<Ire> Gear: *slams into the door, busting it down. It flips around, blocking the newly made entrance, and fires another rail blast at Dahok8
* Dahok runs frantically to the side
<Ire> GM: *the right cannon fires at Terra
<Ire> GM: *the blast fliers past Dahok --- at Junior*
<Dahok> USE THERE CANNON ON THE GEAR!!! *Runs frantically*
* Silouette runs up the wall, flipping off, and trys to land and bring her sword down into the neck of the gear.
* Junior lookst up at the blast, trying to dive out of the way--GM call on this one?
<Ire> GM: *the blast barely passes Junior, then slams into a building*
* Terra` jumps to the side to avoid the cannon fire
<Ire> GM: *Sil stabs the Gear's neck, causing it to spark. It reaches up toward her, trying to grab her*
* `Raven` stops right under the right cannon his aims up.
* Ire fires at the right cannon again
* Junior staggers to his feet, firing his pistol at the gear.
* Dahok slides to a halt and spins around
* Silouette withdraws her blade, retreating to the other side of the gear's head
<Ire> Gear: *suddenly flies up into the sky*
<Ire> ...Sil!
* `Raven` furrows his brow and he watches sil, waiting to teleport and catch her.
* Junior grunts, moving over to Ire. "I'm sorry... right now it just looks like all I can be is a repellant."
* Silouette leaps to the side of the building, using her grapples to secure herself
* Ire grunts.
<Ire> Gear: *turns and fires at the building, blowing it up*
<Dahok> NRP: Did the gear just blow up the tower?
<Ire> NRP: She said building, not tower!
<Silouette> NRP: ...the nearest building other than the tower is like 100m away, isn't it?
* `Raven` looks worried. Waiting for that right moment.
<Ire> NRP: As fast as a Gear flies, you could make it there
<Dahok> NRP: Whatever!
* Ire blows up the right cannon.
* Silouette drops as the gear charges, not about to let herself get squished quite yet. She makes a break for the tower, kinda ticked to have to do this run again.
<Ire> Gear: *zooms in behind Sil, trying to ram her*
<Dahok> Ire can you snipe it?
* Ire waves everyone into the Tower, since the door has been broken open.
* `Raven` looks concerned. "I know she could do this...but can I help her?"
<Ire> Don't worry about Sil. She can handle this.
* Silouette rolls to the side, trying to cut the thruster's fuel line as she does.
* Junior hobbles in.
* Ire moves inside the tower next.
<Ire> Gear: *spins out of control and crashes*
* Terra` heads in straight after Ire
* Dahok waits for Sil.
* `Raven` stays standing outside the door, waiting for Sil to be safe.
* Silouette sheaths her blade and hurries over to the tower.
<Ire> GM: *the tower's first floor is rather empty, with two torches on the wall, and one door ahead of them*
<Ire> GM: *also, a table with a vial on it can be seen*
* `Raven` waits for Sil to step in and then walks in, looking about, guns on the ready.
* Dahok pats Sil on the back as she passes by and covers her rear as he goes in
* Junior holds his head, his headache getting worse.
* Silouette nods to Dahok, a little more tense than usual, and scans over the room
* Junior looks around the area after regaining his composure, glancing to Ire. "Torches."
* Terra` moves to take a torch
<Ire> <Senreich's voice> Herr Carmichael, you and your Alt Team have once again proven to be an annoyance for me. However, I'm afraid there will be no mercy for you this time.
<Ire> GM: *Terra has gained...a TORCH*
* `Raven` twirls his guns around his index fingers, smiling.
<Silouette> ....he's a regular meglomaniac, isn't he...?
<Terra`> Hopefully, soon he'll be a dead one
<`Raven`> NRP: Shall I start singing that song now?
* Dahok looks around
<Dahok> What's this wall made out of?
* Ire walks over to the next door and looks for a way to open it -- there's no visible means*
* `Raven` observed the vial on the table.
<`Raven`> Whats this?
* Dahok looks over at Raven
<Dahok> What's what?
* `Raven` holds up the vial.
<`Raven`> This.
* Silouette tries pulling a torch bracket. Hey, it works in the movies.
<Ire> GM: *nothing happens*
* Junior looks around.
* Silouette shrugs, and leaves it alone
<`Raven`> Maybe if we put this on the door?
* `Raven` extends the Vial to Ire.
* Ire eyes the vial, then reads it's label.
<Ire> ..."V.C"
* Junior glances to Ire.
<Dahok> Venerial Clamdia?
<Ire> GM: *one of the stones shifts slightly*
* Ire studies the vial
<`Raven`> Odd little puzzle.
<Junior> What is it?
<Ire> GM: *the stone falls out completely and suddenly a mutated hybrid leaps out, it's razor sharp claws trying to tear into Terra's head*
<Ire> I'm not sure.
* Terra` leaps back
<`Raven`> Terra! *he jumps for the Hybrid.
<Terra`> NRP: Dammit, just as I was about to check the door, too. o.o
<Ire> Hybrid Mutant: *hisses, drool dripping from it's lips. It turns to Raven and swings it's claws at him*
* `Raven` rolls under to claw, jumping up and swinging a gun at its head.
* Junior flicks on his sabre, spinning it once. He pants as he begins to sweat.
* Terra` shoots at it with her pistol
<Ire> Hybrid Mutant: *knocks Raven's arim off...then is shot. It slides back*
<`Raven`> NRP: Wait in its gone? My arm?
<`Raven`> NRP: Or the attack is knocked off?
<Ire> NRP: Aim off.
<`Raven`> NRP: ohhhh that explains it. :P
<Ire> Hybrid Mutant: *Rushes at Ire, reaching for the vial
* Dahok rams into the Mutant from the side
* Silouette moves in quickly to stab the mutant.
<Ire> GM: *The mutant is rammed into Sil's sword. It twitches, then is still*
<Ire> ... *stands there, eyeing the creature*
* Junior pants, looking to Sil. "Are you alright?"
* Dahok reaches upto snap the creatures neck
<`Raven`> That was a little off....
<Silouette> ....just fine. It wasn't after me...
<Ire> GM: *the creature seems to be suffering from signs of the same virus that infects all Chiere*
<Ire> No. It was after this.
<`Raven`> That an antidote maybe?
* Dahok stops from snapping it's neck
<Dahok> Ire, Slasher'll probably want a sample of it's DNA.
<Silouette> ...Chiere vaccine...?
<Ire> It could be. It might have been released in here to kill us, the vial being it's reward.
* Junior eyes the vial.
<Dahok> Or it could be a trick to take care of someone.
<Ire> Possibly.
* Ire holds it out to Junior
<Terra`> .. we can't really be sure
<Ire> His chance to take.
<`Raven`> Why not send it back to slasher with the dna sample for tests?
<Junior> *whispers* Does Senreich even know I'm infected? The death rate thus far has been almost immediately...
<Dahok> Senreich seems to know a lot more than we think so...
<Ire> GM: *behind the hole in the wall is a lever*
<Junior> Well, he's yet to ever say anything about the fact that I'm a Chiere. Does he even know?
* `Raven` walks over to the lever and places his hand on it.
* Junior takes the vial into his hand.
<Junior> Answer that question and we answer what this vial is...
<Dahok> It's not hard to figure you are one.
<`Raven`> Should I pull this lever? Who knows what could be waiting on the other side of the door.
<Ire> We have no choice but to continue.
<Silouette> we have a choice?
<Dahok> You're strength in the Tournament...
* et` has joined #taw
* et` has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Dahok> You're choice of attacks...
* et` has joined #taw
<Dahok> NRP: Your...and Your.
* Junior glances to Dahok "Oh no? I don't go around doing the fireworks of my father, and I..." he runs out of breath, his hand shaking.
* `Raven` pulls the lever down.
* kaos` has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by et`)))
<Dahok> It takes only one move to show who you are...that's all he needs.
<Ire> GM: *the door opens and on the other side is a giant platform elevator, that no doubt leads to the top*
* et` is now known as kaos`
* Ire steps onto the platform elevator, moving over to another set of controls.
<Dahok> If you think that's a vaccine take it then...*turns and walks onto the elevator*
* `Raven` slides over to the platform as well.
* Junior steps on the elevator, too, stumbling half-way.
<Junior> Vaccines prevent infections...
<Ire> Becareful, Junior. Your condition is worsening.
* Silouette steps onto the elevator.
<Junior> Well, if it's the virus, not much will change...
<Dahok> Only if that's what they are Jr.
<Dahok> What if it's worse than the virus.
<Junior> I'm still dead.
* Junior looks to Dahok.
<`Raven`> So What have you got to lose?
* Junior nods once and clenches his eyes, taking a gulp.
<Ire> GM: *suddenly, a burning sensation passes through Junior and he passes out*
* Ire activates the elevator, spinning around as Junior collapses.
<`Raven`> Hmmm...
<Silouette> ......
* Junior falls to the ground with a thud.
* Ire moves over to Junior, kneeling down and feeling for a pulse as the platform starts up.
<Dahok> ...*looks over at Jr and then kneels down next to him* What his condition?
<Ire> ...I can't find a pulse.
<Ire> .....
* Ire bows his head slightly.
* `Raven` lowers his head...
<Ire> GM: *suddenly, something lands on the platform with a thud. It stands up...a Super Chiere*
* Silouette kneels by Junior, puts two hands on his chest, counts to three, then... bzzap.
* Dahok looks up slowly at the thud
* `Raven` looks up in shock. Jumps back and raises his pistols.
* Junior um, is scorched and cut by the electricity.
<`Raven`> Guys...we have Bigger issues here...much bigger issues.
* Ire turns around, eyeing the Super Chiere.
<Silouette> NRP: Not THAT strong =P
<Junior> NRP: Electricity wreaks havok. It doesn't help. Ever.
<Dahok> ...*points behind the Super Chiere* HOLY SHIT IT'S SENREICH!
<Dahok> NRP: Excites me!
<Silouette> NRP: Well, for humans, it can reset the heart. Sil doesn't know Chiere biology
<Ire> Super Chiere: *blurs and suddenly Ire is smashing into the wall*
<Ire> UNG!
* Ire slides down.
<Dahok> Damn didn't work...*leaps onto the Super Chieres back and puts him into a choke hold*
* `Raven` loads two Electric Rounds and fires them at the SC's back.
<Ire> SC: *flips and dodges the rounds*
<`Raven`> NRP: SHit....
* Silouette stands up, slowly turning to face the SC. " have annoying timing..."
<Ire> GM: *also, lets Dahok...get hit by the rounds!*
* Terra` fires at the Super Chiere, cursing her lack of electric rounds
<Dahok> GAHHH!!! *drops to the ground
<Ire> SC: *jerks to the side, then grabs Terra in a chokehold*
<Ire> SC: *begins to tighten his fist*
* Ire stands up
<Ire> Terra!
* Silouette moves in quickly to punch the SC, her fists still charged.
* Dahok tries to push himself up, his body twitching from the electric rounds
* Terra` chokes
<Ire> SC: *gets punched, wincing. His grip doesn't weaken on Terra*
* `Raven` holsters his weapons and begins to charge up his Ki Energy.
* Silouette punches again, firing a pair of electric charged blades into the SC's side as she does
* Ire switches to electric rounds.
* `Raven` runs forward, jumping into the air, he attempts to land of SC's chest where he would geab the SC's head and release to Ki Attacks.
<Ire> SC: *blurs, taking Terra with him. Sil's attacks hit nothing. SC appears at the edge of the platform, then slams Terra gainst the moving wall*
* Dahok rolls onto his back, clenching his hands and arching his back, trying to regain feeling
* Dahok coughs and rolls back onto his chest and slowly begins pushing himself upto his feet
* `Raven` dissapears right after the SC appearing behind it to grab it by the head where he would release the Ki into his head again.
* Ire aims at SC.
<`Raven`> Nrp; Try to I mean.
<Ire> SC: *flips around and lets Raven shoot Terra*
<Ire> ....dammit...*tries to get around Terra*
<Dahok> NRP: BAD Raven!
* Dahok looks at Ire...
* Terra` kicks at the SC
<`Raven`> NRP: I wasn't shooting. I was grabbing. To release them at POint blank...
<Ire> NRP: He flipped so you grabbed Terra. ;)
* Silouette draws both her blades, then shifts her grip on her left blade, and throws it at the SC as she charges foward with the other
<Ire> SC: *twists, placing Terra in the path of the blade*
* Junior appears between the SC and Terra`, grabbing it's wrist to pry Terra free.
* Silouette snaps the blade back into her hand with her grapple, and ducks under Terra to slash the SC with both.
<Ire> SC: *turns to face Junior*
<Ire> SC: *is then slashed*
* Ire fires at SC now
* `Raven` jumps back. Sadened that he has only hit his own teammates this fight.
* Junior rears his fist back and throws it at the SC's face
* Dahok lunges after Ire's shot and rams his knee into the SC's knee cap
<Ire> <SC> *staggers back, then collapses to one knee*
* Silouette hammer punches SC over the back of the head.
* `Raven` fires electrical shots at the SC.
* Junior pants, eying the SC as sweat drips from his face and onto the ground
<Ire> <Super Chiere> ARGH! *collapses entirely*
* Dahok rolls backwards, getting away from the SC grip
<Ire> GM: *the elevator comes to a stop on Floor 27. It seems this platform doesn't go any higher*
<`Raven`> I'm Sorry...Terra....Dahok. I didn't mean to hit you with my attacks...
<Dahok> It's...ok, just electricity.
* Terra` breathes deeply
<Ire> ...everyone okay? *glances at Junior, then Terra*
* Silouette eyes the SC, and before getting off the elevator, she stabs her blade into it's heart, and unleshes a strong electical charge through the blade.
<Terra`> Yeah.. am now...
* Silouette then pulls out and wipes her blade, following the others.
* Ire steps off the elevator. They are now in a circular room, a staircase going upward. They can hear the sound of a loud hum above, probably the amplifer above.
<Terra`> I wish I had some electrical shots, you know.
* Dahok steps off the elevator, rubbing the back of his neck
* Junior lets out his breath and looks to Ire.
<Junior> I feel nauseaous.
* `Raven` oulls out a few and hands them to Terra.
* Dahok looks at Sil and nods at her, knowing it's almost time.
* Silouette nods back, rubbing her left forearm.
<Terra`> Thanks.. I won't feel quite so useless now... hey, wait a second... do I still have virus shots?
* Ire looks up at the staircase, then everyone else
<Ire> This is it.
<Junior> ...We go up.
* `Raven` shrugs not knowing. And stops a ways from ire. He checks his Pistols.
* Ire walks up the stairs.
<Dahok> I got you're back if you need it.
* Dahok starts walking up the stairs
* Silouette heads up with the others, but holding to the back
* Terra` heads up, a little ahead of Sil
<Ire> GM: *on the top floor is a circular room and in the center is a device holding the Spear of Destiny inside. The device seems to be hooked to a giant cannon. The device looks extremely strong, probably defended and shielded against attacks*
* `Raven` is in front of Sil walking.
* Terra` checks her ammo
<Ire> <Senreich's Voice> Carmichael
<Ire> ...Senreich.
* Dahok eyes around the room
<Ire> GM: *Senreich steps out, leaning on his cane. His rasping breaths are the same as ever - he's a walking corpse*
<Dahok> Looks like you're nearing you're candle's end.
<Ire> <Senreich> My life is eternal, young man.
<`Raven`> What are you talking about candle? He is just the wick now.
<Junior> What do you mean immortal?
<Silouette> ....nothing is eternal...
<Terra`> He means insane
<Ire> <Senreich> Indeed I don't. The Spear of Destiny isn't the holy relic I've recovered.
* `Raven` slides over to the left. Away from the group. He raises both of his Pistols waiting to fire.
* Junior quirks his brow, edging a little.
<Ire> ...
<Silouette> ....what... you found the grail too...?
<Ire> <Senreich> Indeed I have.
<Dahok> Grail?
<Ire> ...?!
* Ire eyes Senreich
<`Raven`> The Holy Grail. Don't you read?
<Dahok> Not everyone is Christain you know...
<Silouette> NRP: <Monty Python> We've come for the holy sake cup!
<Terra`> ... I didn't think a rat like you could even see it. Wait, I just insulted rodents.
<Ire> <Senreich> *raises his hand from his cane. The Spear begins to glow. Suddenly, everyone but Sil is forced to the ground*
<Ire> UNGH!
<`Raven`> I never said I was...oh nevermind..
* Ire struggles against the unseen force.
<Junior> Gh!
<Junior> And... I just got better...
* Silouette looks around at the others, and frowns slightly.
<Terra`> ... fuck... you...
<`Raven`> Grr!!! *falls to the ground.*
* Dahok drops to his knees and struggles to fight it back
<`Raven`> NRP: Would My barrier help me?
* Terra` struggles with all her might, actually glowing
<Ire> <Senreich> ... *eyes Sil* The ring, no doubt? *his cane's end protudes a sharp blade.*
<Dahok> NRP: Not against the spear.
<Ire> NRP: The Spear is all mighty.
<`Raven`> NRP: I assumed as much.
<Silouette> ...funny... I thought you had to hold the spear to control it like that....
<Terra`> ... dammit... I wanted to be the one to end your life, asshole
<Ire> <Senreich> Modern technology.
<Ire> GM: *the spear glows brighter. Everyone's life force begins to drain
* `Raven` grips his fists. "Gaahhh....this is getting ridiculous."
<Terra`> ... I've been spending too long around the...
* Dahok face contorts in pain
<Dahok> it...
<Silouette> *shrugs* ...overrated. *eyes dart over to the machine, glancing over incase there's someplace that looks like a target*
* Ire tries not to black out.
<Ire> GM: *the Spear seems to be behind a thick glass tube*
<Ire> (or in)
* Terra` is still fighting, for what good it's worth
<Ire> <Senreich> *slashes out at Sil with his cane*
<`Raven`> NRP:!! You didb't Nrp! Shame one you gm person!
* Silouette quickly draws her blade and trys to parry, using her inertia to her advantage as she draws the second to slash at Senreich
* Junior struggles against the force.
<Ire> <Senreich> *moves back nimbly for a corpse, avoiding the attack*
* `Raven` is now flat on the ground, barely keeping himself away.
<Ire> GM: *Junior..and Terra...are actually ...standing?*
<Silouette> ....not bad... *starts to circle left, then lunges*
* Dahok clenches his fists, trying to fight back
* Junior raises his gun as best he can, trying to take aim.
* Terra` tries to aim her gun at Senreich
* `Raven` pushes against the ground. Trying to stand as well.
<Ire> <Senreich> *parries, stepping back*
<Ire> GM: *Junior and Terra have a shakey aim*
* Junior fires off a shot as best he can aim.
* Terra` fires too, as soon as she's sure she won't hit Sil
<Terra`> Die... bas..tard
<Dahok> NRP: Sadly he didn't aim at anyone and hits the ground
* Silouette backs off towards the tube as the other two fire.
<Ire> GM: *Senreich is hit by the shots, blue fluid pouring out of him. He falls to his knees --- Junior and Terra are shoved back down. Raven and Dahok now are standing barely*
<Ire> <Senreich> *leans against his cane, then stabs at Sil with it*
* Dahok starts to trudge towards Senreich
* `Raven` raises his two guns.
* Terra` takes deep breaths, getting ready to try again
<Ire> GM: *Dahok makes it 6 steps, then is shoved down*
* Silouette stumbles as the blade catches her leg. She lets herself fall, pulling into a backwards roll.
* Dahok slams down to the ground,
* `Raven` switches the bullets to Ice. If thats possible. Then shoots them at Senreich.
<Ire> <Senreich> *is hit in the arm.*
* Dahok is closer to the machine now tho
<Ire> GM: *Raven falls back down.*
<Ire> GM: *Terra begins to stand again*
* Terra` tries again to climb to her feet
* Junior pushes himself up as best he can
* Terra` does her best to move towards the machine
* `Raven` grits his teeth and also attempts to try again.
* Silouette sees the others firing at the corpse that doesn't know when to just die, and tests her sword against the tube.
<Ire> GM: *the tube doesn't even crack.*
<Terra`> NRP: Do I have my explosives?
* Dahok continues to try to push himself up again
<Silouette> ....where are the super missiles when you need them... *looks for anything else she might be able to cut through to get at it... or even disable it*
<Terra`> You.. want.. explosives..?
<Ire> GM: *Suddenly, everything begins shaking*
* Silouette nods to Terra.
<Ire> GM: *part of the city begins to collapse*
* Terra` tries to hand some to Sil
<`Raven`> Oh no....did they fail!?
<Ire> <Senreich> *looks out the window at the collapsiing inner city*
<Ire> Those...idiots...
* Silouette tries to scratch a circle around the tube, not nessisarily very big, and then plants the explosives around it.
<Ire> <Senreich> *turns back and moves in on Sil*
<Ire> GM: *The power of Spear weakens, allowing everyone to stand*
<Dahok> Senreich you'er a coward...
* Silouette turns to face Senreich as she finishes, one blade held at the defensive, the other hand held at her side.
* Dahok stands upright and starts to move towards Senreich
* Terra` takes a deep breath, aiming at Senreich
* Ire rises again.
<Dahok> NRP: Still some pressure tho right?
<Ire> NRP: Still some.
<Terra`> Time to die. *fires*
* `Raven` staggers to his feet, he raises his rifles and releases a fire shot at the Corpse.
<Ire> <Senreich> *a shield blocks the attacks*
<Ire> <Senreich> The power of the spear protects me.
* Silouette adjusts her footing, and gestures to Senreich to come get some.
<Dahok> Not for long...
<Ire> GM: *suddenly, the collapsing city causes the Tower to begin to tilt. The device begins to glow, activating on it's own*
<Ire> ....the Tower is preparing to fire again...
<Ire> GM: *the Tower tilts so that if it fires, it'll tear right through the city*
<Dahok> ...*Growls madly and his body begins to bulge out*
<Ire> <Senreich> *moves toward Sil, slashing out at her*
* Dahok lunges at the glass casing and punches with all his power into it
<Ire> GM: *the glass cracks*
* Terra` fires at Senreich as he lunges
* Silouette jumps back, and detinates the explosives where she was standing
* Dahok turns his back to the explosion
<Ire> GM: *The explosions blows up the device's tube, leaving the Spear exposed*
<Ire> GM: *this causes massive energy bolts to leap out and fly around the room - now no one can get near the spear*
<Dahok> Sil grab the spear!
* Dahok lunges at Senreich throwing a cross cut at his head
<Ire> <Senreich> *slides toward the window*
<Ire> GM: *a bolt of energy slams out of the spear and hits the tower wall, causing a hole to form*
* Dahok runs towards Senreich and grabs onto his leg, he picks him up and triorwls him around
<Ire> ...this device is about to blow up
<`Raven`> Hes gonna try to escape! Don't let him get near that window.
* Silouette trys a to dash for the spear, holding her sword out so any electricity would be dampened by her bracer.
* Terra` moves to block the window, shooting at Senreich all the time
<Ire> GM: *blast after blast slams into Sil. The ring on her finger begins to crack*
* Dahok slams him into the machine
* Junior fires at Senreich also
<Ire> GM: *the machine explodes, suddenly, taking out the entire floor*
<Ire> NRP: I love how often Dias manages to kill you
* Silouette leaps, sensing she doesn't have much time, and brings her sword down onto the spear.
<Dahok> NRP: I know!
<`Raven`> NRP: So what were dead?
<Ire> NRP: 'cept Sil.
<Junior> NRP: Fucker.
<Dahok> NRP: Whatever, there's a 26th floor~
<Silouette> NRP: ...that would be irony for you.
<Ire> GM: *the device explodes with massive energy, blowing everything up in a brilliant white light. Sil's sword comes down on the spear, breaking it in two.*
* `Raven` is either dead or on the 26th floor.
<Dahok> NRP: can't have a 27th without a 26th.
<Ire> GM: *moments later, the light clears and everyone is on the 26th floor - mins Senreich*
* Dahok looks around for Senreich, his veins popping out and sweat beading off his body
<Terra`> ... what happened...?
<Ire> GM: *the broken spear of destiny lieso n the ground*
* Ire forces himself up, eyeing the destroyed upper tower.
* `Raven` is on the floor. "Ow..."
* Terra` looks for Senreich or his corpse
* Dahok looks over at the spear
* Junior stands on the floor, looking about.
<Dahok> Sil, hand me the Spear.
* `Raven` gets to his feet. and Glances out at the nearest window.
<Ire> GM: *Senreich steps out from behind some ruin. His wounds are all gone*
* Silouette picks up the two pieces of the spear, looking it over. She shrugs, and hands half to Dahok
* Terra` takes aim at Senreich again
* Dahok spins around and hurls the spear half at Senreichs chest
<Ire> <Senreich> *is stabbed in the chest by the spear*
* Terra` takes a shot at Senreich's head
* Dahok trots forward and punches at Senreichs gut after the shot is fired
<Ire> <Senreich> *rips it out, his own fluids on it. He then slams the spear into Terra's shot, blocking it*
<Ire> <Senreich> *twists and blasts Dahok back with the spear*
* `Raven` releases a ki blast right for Sen's head.
<Ire> <Senreich> *negates the ki blast with the spear*
<Dahok> NRP: It's broken tho...
<Ire> NRP: True
<Silouette> ......
* Terra` keeps firing at Senreich, edging towards Sil
* Junior turns to Senreich
<`Raven`> You....Fucker! *Pulls out his pistols and begins to fire at him relentlessly.*
* Dahok hit twists to the side
<Ire> <Senreich> *pulls out a simple looking grail, drinking from it. His wounds are healed*
* Dahok hops forward and tries to punch the Grail out of his hand
* Silouette throws a blade at Senreich's hand
<Ire> <Senreich> *is then shot repeatedly. He aims the spear at Raven, firing a blast. His attacks are much weaker now*
* Ire slides up to Junior
<Ire> You ready/
<Ire> <Senreich> *loses the grail. It slides to the window, dangling on the edge*
* Junior glances to Ire and nods, flicking on his sabre.
* `Raven` disappears as the blast comes for him. he appears beside the grail, grabbing for it.
* Ire aims his handguns at Senreich and opens fire. Senreich naturally attempts to block, but the spear's energy is focusedo n that now.
<Dahok> Now what'll you do without your precious grail? *begins breathing heavy
<Ire> GM: *the grail falls out just before Raven can grab it, falling toward the ocean8
* Dahok hops backwards, letting Jr. take over
<Terra`> ... well, someone got the idea too
* Junior dashes in low, spincutting at his lower torso, yelling as he lands on the ground some ways behind Senreich, sliding to a halt.
<Ire> <Senreich> *Stands there, then falls into two pieces, blue fluid spraying out*
<Silouette> .....damn...
* Junior spins his sabre once, flicking it off.
<Terra`> ... is it over...?
* `Raven` dives for the grail.
* Dahok body tenses and his muscles spasm, he then returns back to his normal size, his body soaked in sweat
<Ire> GM: *Raven and the grail fall through the air*
<Terra`> ... I wanted to be the one to finish him, but I'm satisfied
* `Raven` wonders how close he would be to it now.
* Junior looks over his shoulder to the others.
<Ire> <Senreich> ... *holds the spear, it's energy cackling*
<Ire> GM: *Raven grabs it---then slams straight into the ocean*
<Junior> You still can.
* Silouette realizes she's holding the other half of the spear, and curiously sees if she can zap Senreich with it.
<Dahok> NRP: Sil: *cuts off Senreichs head* ...Sorry?
* `Raven` hits the ocean, but clutches onto the grail with everything in him. He attempts to swim to the surface.
* Project-Crescent was flying towards the tower. He sees Raven. "Yo!"
<Ire> GM: *the power seems to be in the spear part of the SoD*
<Ire> <Senreich> *crawls along the ground, leaving a blue trail. The spear cackles...preparing some new attack8
* Terra` fires at Senreich, before throwing a small explosive at the creep
* Ire aims at Senreich once Terra's explosive lands on him
<Ire> .... *pulls the trigger. Senreich is blown up*
<Ire> GM: *the Spear of Destiny slides away to a stop*
* Project-Crescent floats towards Raven and offers his hand out.
* `Raven` accepts the help.
* Dahok walsk over to the Spear of Destiny and picks it up
* Project-Crescent puts Raven down on the surface. "What happened?"
* kaos` is now known as ct`
* Ire lowers his handguns
<Terra`> .. I think we won
<`Raven`> ...Well We won.
<`Raven`> I guess.
<Ire> GM: *outside, the Resistance finishes cleaning up the remaining soldiers*
<Dahok> We did it...*looks down at the Spear of Destiny half that he has*
<Dahok> We should get this stuff back to Slasher for safe keeping
* Ire 's shoulders sag in some relief as he realizes it's over. His greatest nemesis is dead.
<Junior> I'm not certain I'd trust Slasher with it.
* `Raven` lays there with the Grail in his hand. He sighs.
* Silouette holds out her hand to Dahok, " should let me hold on to that... in case you feel like giving it away again..."
<Junior> Something of that sort should be destroyed.
* ct` is now known as kaos`
<Dahok> ...I thought it would hurt him...*hands it to her*
* Junior walks over to Ire.
* Ire glances at Junior.
<Silouette> *shakes her head* was... a joke..
* Silouette still holds onto the spear though.
<Junior> For what it's worth, Senreich alienated and defiled a lot of us.
<Dahok> Jr. it could be used to defend these zones from the Janus Corp.
<Project-Crescent> Where are the others?
* `Raven` points up at the top of the tower.
<Project-Crescent> You can teleport us there, right?
<Ire> It's over.
<Junior> The power to win any battle... I'm sorry, Dahok. I don't care who you are, but nothing should ever be that simple.
<`Raven`> ...I'm to drained. They'll be down in a minute.
<Dahok> It's about saving lives...
<`Raven`> Without this grail Senreich is surely dead by now.
<Silouette> ....well... not /every/...
<Ire> GM: *Senreich's destroyed corpse lays in pieces on the ground*
* Junior glances to the pices.
<Junior> Call a clean-up crew. I don't want to risk anything. If Slasher should get his mitts on any of this, it should be Senreich's remains for containment.
<Project-Crescent> I fought Charon again..
<Dahok> You dont' seem to trust Slasher at all Jr.
<Junior> I'm glad you picked up on that.
<Silouette> ....I say cremate the remains....
* Dahok nods
<Silouette> ....anyone have any spare napalm...?
* Dahok ignites his hands on fire and begins to burn Senreich's remains
* Ire holsters his weapons finally, turning his back as Senreich burns
<Ire> Lets go.
* Dahok stands up and puts his hands out and looks around
* Junior nods to Ire, moving next to him.
<Dahok> How do we get out with the tower like this?
* Ire walks away as Senreich burns
<Ire> Session Ends
Session Close: Tue Aug 31 22:42:19 2004