Session Start: Sat Nov 20 20:27:02 2004
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20041120.log'
<Snipe> Session 229: Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword
<Snipe> Time Chart: December 5th, 2223
<Snipe> Location: Aquarius, Orbitting Earth
* Katrina` has joined #taw
* Snipe is in the trainin room, a cloth wrapped around his eyes and tied behind his head. He holds his rifle in his right hand, standing not very far away from a target.
<Snipe> GM: *the Aquarius is currently receiving a shipment of a new missile, developed and delivered from Slasher
* Gatsu has left #TAW
* Colephantus is off to himself. Still hasn't talked to any of the others since the whole Hyperspace ordeal.
* Dias stands in the hanger bay directing the crew around to prepare for the shipment
* Katrina` finishes her work on the purple gem, setting it to the side. She leans back in her seat, sighing softly to herself.
* Snipe raises the rifle and fires at the target, missing by a good five feet, and blasting the wall.
<Alicia> NRP: Wish I was awake enough to RP. x.x
* Snipe fires again and again, each shot missing his target.
* Colephantus slowly begins to walk around the ship. Trying to take the more less taken routes.
* Snipe trembles in anger, then breaks the rifle in his right hand, letting the pieces fall to the floor. He falls to his knees, pounding the floor once with his fist.
* Dias watches the shuttle drop the crate off
<Dias> NRP: Snipe: *misses the floor and hits his foot instead*
<Snipe> Useless...
* Dias watches the crew unload the missile and take it to it's new place
* Colephantus stops by a door and glances at the writing on it.
* Katrina` hears the comm system beeping, as the HoloNet has news. She moves over to investigate it.
<Colephantus> Weapons Research....
* Dias scratches his chin and walks after them
* Colephantus opens the door and steps in.
* Snipe leans back against the wall, just sitting there quietly.
* Colephantus looks around at all the various scientists.
<Dias> NRP: *notes there aren't that many, if any at all*
* Katrina` clicks her comm., contacting Dias
<Alicia> NRP: Been up about 18 hours, very tired, I should probably sleep..
<Katrina`> Dias, there's something situation.
* Colephantus notices the 2 scientists...both look very tired..
* Dias taps it as she walks behind the crew carrying the missiles
<Dias> Comm: I'll be right up Kat...*he clicks his comm off and changes his direction, running down the hallway towards the elevator*
* Dias stops infront of the elevator and taps the button for it
* Dias steps on it and takes it to the bridge
<Colephantus> Umm...Hello?
* Dias steps off the elevator and looks over to Kat
<Dias> So what's the commotion?
* Katrina` motions to the HoloNet, where reports of a vicious battle has broken out between Motenk and Tsivrixsh forces around a particularly unimportant Tsivrixsh colony.
* Dias looks at the Holonet report on the Viewscreen
<Dias> What's so different about this one?
* Colephantus begins to idly converse with the scientist.
<Katrina`> There's reports of a slightly different Motenk ship in the battle - possibly the flag ship. The Tsivrixsh believe the Motenk leader is in the battle - and they're refuse to retreat. They're literally fighting to the death out there.
<Dias> ...WhaT?
<Katrina`> Well, here. *she says carefully, bringing up the data*
* Dias scans over the data
<Ariel> <Strife> What'd happen if they both wiped each other out?
* Colephantus is then convinced to let them do an expiriment on his weapons systems.
<Dias> Only one will win I believe.
<Katrina`> GM: *reports of fighting on the planet are coming in - ground combat is occurring*
<Dias> What's the status of our ship Kat?
<Katrina`> Um, well .. *she says hestitantly* We're not really up to a battle right now.
<Dias> Wait...There waging report on the planet?
<Dias> *rubs his forehead* I mean war...not report.
<Colephantus> NRP: Its all muh fault. *weeps*
<Katrina`> GM: *reports begin to come in a flutter - it's believed the Motenk Leader - Warmaster - is on the planet himself, leading the combat*
<Dias> ...*leans over a railing, drumming his fingers on the railing* Kat, what kind of planet are they on?
<Katrina`> It's just your average Tsivrixsh colony world - nothing in abudence - breatheable atmosphere. There's nothing I can think of that they could want.
<Dias> Maybe some artifact?
<Katrina`> I couldn't say, really.
<Dias> Can you pull up all available data on the planet?
* Katrina` complies, bringing up the data.
<Dias> History, stuff like that.
<Ariel> <Strife> Y'know... normally, I'm against the whole planet busting thing. But I could stand to see a continent taken out if it'd end the threat.
* Dias watches the data scroll across the viewscreen
* Colephantus steps out of the Research lab a bit later, felling good as new...but his concious is still heavy.
<Dias> I'm surprised the Tsiv haven't destroyed the planet yet.
* Colephantus slowly trudges over to the elevator.
<Snipe> GM: *the data talks about a lot of deaths on the planet eons again, due to various problems they had colonizing - diseases, accidents, etc. It seems to be full of it*
* Colephantus rides up to the bridge stepping out.
* Katrina` turns to look at Cole briefly, then back at the data.
<Ariel> <Strife> Wow... what a bad luck world.
* Colephantus leans against the wall saying nothing.
* Dias scrolls through it, looking for any ruins or anything they colonists may have found on the planet
<Snipe> GM: *no such things*
* Dias scratches his head
<Dias> This makes no sense in any strategic way what so ever...Why send your best men and your leader into a ground based fight on a planet that seems to have no tactical purpose what so ever.
<Katrina`> It's just like every other planet they've attacked and taken over - nothing of importance.
<Katrina`> Most of these planets had histories of problems. Like Wizzell - they lost their atmosphere, losing millions, and had to live in domes.
<Katrina`> I cannot figure out why they would want them.
<Dias> .....Could it be possible they're taking over planets that were effected in the same way theirs...ours was.
<Katrina`> If we could capture their leader, we might could force the Motenks to surrender, Dias.
<Ariel> <Strife> Maybe they're looking for a badluck generator, in hopes of crippling their enemy with... "Bad mojo".
<Dias> With how strong one of them is, I don't know if we even stand a virgin in a catholic school's chance.
<Katrina`> Oh. *she lowers her head, then nods* So, what do we do?
<Dias> It's a good plan Kat, but...with Snipe not upto full par, Slasher and Jr. doing who knows what on the Tsiv Homeworld...
<Dias> And not to mention the Aquarius isn't even prepped. We've got Slasher's new missile he designed but we only got one.'
<Katrina`> So we do nothing, then?
<Dias> Can you get me a layout of the Motenks ships?
<Katrina`> We don't really have any visuals at this time, I'm afraid.
<Dias> I think we could deal a crippling blow to their Flag Ship with this Missile but we'd have to get in the fray to use it.
<Dias> And that's parring that all the algorithms hold up.
<Katrina`> But the Flag Ship could have different specs - it might not be hurt by our weapons.
* Alicia has quit IRC (Quit: Goodnight!)
<Dias> This is true...
* Katrina` moves back to her science station, sitting down at it.
* Colephantus only listens, not wanting to speak.
* Dias turns back to Cole
<Dias> What do you think?
* Colephantus eyes him.
<Ariel> <Strife> That's assuming we managed to land a hit... One shot. I don't like that.
<Colephantus> Its up to you or Snipe. I'll do as you say.
<Dias> I'm not about to bring everyone in to a combat situation if it looks grim.
<Colephantus> If could be done. Then we should most likely do it.
* Dias drums his fingers on the railing still
* Colephantus glances around the bridge.
<Dias> ...*grabs his comm*
<Colephantus> I'll go and retrieve Warmaster.
* Dias looks at Cole
<Dias> Shut up.
<Ariel> <Strife> What? RETRIEVE? Are you insane man?
* Colephantus looks at Strife. "I have to do something to make up for my mistake."
* Dias shakes his head
<Dias> Being dead won't make up for a mistake.
<Colephantus> Then what do we do?
<Dias> *flicks his comm* Snipe, we've gotta decision we need to discuss.
* Snipe fumbles for his comm, then turns it on.
<Snipe> YeaH?
<Dias> Comm: You wanna be up here or do you want me to just patch your comm into the audio system?
<Snipe> Comm: Just... tell me what it is. *he says flatly*
<Dias> Comm: We've gotta what is either an opportune time to end this war, or die trying. Apparently the big boys are dead locked in a vicious battle above a Tsiv Colony Planet. Neither side wants to retreat, Motenks have what may be a flag ship, and their are claims of the Motenk Leader, a WarMaster, leading the ground troops.
* Katrina` sits there quietly.
<Snipe> Comm: Nifty. *he says in the same flat voice*
<Dias> Comm: We're at a stalemate on what to do here so I'm getting opinions.
<Snipe> Comm: .........
<Snipe> Comm: Do whatever you guys want.
<Dias> Comm: Well Cole wants to go and retrieve this WarMaster himself.
<Snipe> Comm: Alright.
<Dias> Comm: But he's only wanting to try and prove himself to us.
<Snipe> Comm: If he wants to go, let him.
<Dias> *turns his head back to Cole again* He's right, we can't keep you here.
* Colephantus thinks for a moment.
* Katrina` looks at Cole to see what he'll do.
* Christopher_Xanatos has joined #taw
* Colephantus has quit IRC (Write Error: Connection reset by peer)
* Christopher_Xanatos is now known as Colephantus
<Dias> Just know this, you can barely keep up with me and Snipe. And I personally can barely keep up with one of their normal soldiers.
<Ariel> <Strife> Duuuude... I hate this.
<Colephantus> What can I do to be of help?
<Dias> Kat, what's the Holonews reporting
<Katrina`> The Tsivrixshs are losing.
<Dias> Kat, Cole...what do you guys want to do?
<Katrina`> ... I think we should fight. *she says quietly, looking at her screen*
<Colephantus> You heard the lady.
<Dias> Then make haste.
<Snipe> NRP: But after 30 mins of debating, I'm bored now. *walks off to eat*
<Colephantus> Lead the way.
* Katrina` sits there.
* Dias taps the comm for the entire Aquarius
<Dias> All hands prepare for combat situation.
* Dias turns to Cole
<Dias> Cole, take the weapons systems.
* Dias slides over and takes the captains seat, routing navigations into it
* Colephantus sits down at the weapons seat, bringing all systems online.
<Snipe> <Ensign 3> *plays dramatic music*
<Dias> Don't fire while we're in hyperspace...
<Dias> Kat, I want you scanning for that Motenk Flag ship the second we drop out.
<Katrina`> Okay.
* Dias begins typing in the cooridantes
* Dias begins to reorientate the Aquarius then pulls the Hyperspace lever
<Snipe> GM: *ZOOM*
<Colephantus> NRP: Wow. Snipe is definently bored.
<Snipe> GM: *Quite some time later...*
* Dias eyes the countdown clock
<Colephantus> NRP:Errrpp. brb I have to go next door.
<Snipe> GM: *they are minutes from the drop off point*
* Dias takes in a deep breath, then releases it
<Snipe> GM: *they come out of hyperspace in the middle of nowhere*
<Snipe> GM: *they leap back into hyperspace*
<Dias> ...Sorry, I must've bumped the lever.
* Katrina` looks nervous, her face a little paler than normal.
<Snipe> GM: *1 minute*
* Dias rubs his forehead, sweat buildign up
<Snipe> GM: *30 seconds*
<Ariel> <Strife> ...why do I worry? Why, oh why...
<Snipe> <Ensign 3> AAAH, WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIEEE!
<Snipe> GM: *now*
* Dias pulls the lever
<Snipe> GM: *they come out of hyperspace in the middle of a huge space battle - hundreds of Motenk Cone Ships are beating up the remnants of the Tsivrixsh Fleet, which is dwindling in the 50's. And rapidly being destroyed. The entire blackness of space lights up with purple and red blasts as they fly back and forth, each side avoiding the other. In the background the planet can be seen*
<Ariel> <Strife> *throws a paper ball at Ensign 3*
<Dias> Kat, scan for the Flag Ship.
<Katrina`> S-scanning. *she bends over, scanning for it, but then sees it isn't necessary. In the middle of the fleet is a massive Cone Ship, three times the size of any other*
* Dias begins to try and pilot the Aquarius through the carnage
* Dias looks up
<Dias> Jesus christ...
<Colephantus> NRP: Back.
<Snipe> GM: *Gears and Cone Fighters swarm around the sky, blowing each other up*
<Dias> ...Kat, program the disance away from it into the new HSM-01 computer protocol.
<Colephantus> Orders?
* Dias begins to reorientate the Aquarius to face the Flag Ship
<Dias> Cole, lock onto the Flag Ship.
<Snipe> GM: *the Aquarius shudders as thousands of Cone Fighters begin to pound on it*
<Dias> And make it quick.
<Katrina`> Our shields are taking massive damage, Dias!
* Colephantus begins to type.
<Colephantus> alright...locked.
<Dias> Kat...
<Snipe> GM: *the planet begins to glow with a purple aura*
* Colephantus glances at the viewscreen.
* Dias begisn to the drift the Aquarius sideways, keeping the same distance
<Ariel> <Strife> ...what is THAT?
<Colephantus> We've got some activity on the planet.
<Katrina`> High levels of Motenk energy.
<Colephantus> Maybe they are...assimilating the planet?
<Dias> Damnt...Cole, fire on the cone fighters.
<Snipe> GM: *Cone Ships begin to veer off to attack the Aquarius*
* Colephantus locks onto the closet group, firing at them.
<Snipe> GM: *but Tsivrixsh warships intercept them, protecting the Aquarius8
* Dias begins typing on his computer, locking onto the Flag Ship
<Snipe> GM: *the cone fighters are blown away by the Aquarius' blasts, but like gnats, they keep swarming it*
* Colephantus glances down at his reticle. "All systems are go."
<Colephantus> MIssle is ready to be fired.
<Dias> I'm firing the HSM....*presses his thumb against the key pad, unlocking it*
<Katrina`> Our shields are in the yellow.
<Colephantus> Lets hope this works.
<Ariel> <Strife> Guys... I don't like the look of this planet.
<Snipe> GM: *the Flag Ship fires, blowing up 10 Tsivrixsh ships*
* Dias taps again, this time firing the HSM
* Dias quickly begins to pull up and begins dodging what he can
<Snipe> GM: *the Tsivrixsh Warships protecting them are destroyed next*
<Snipe> GM: *the HSM suddenly appears meters away from the Flag Ship, as if yanked right out of hyperspace, then explodes uselessly*
* Colephantus begins to fire at any motenk ship in site.
<Colephantus> NRP; *sight*
<Dias> ...Son of a bitch...
<Colephantus> We need to retreat.
<Snipe> GM: *the planet keeps glowing*
* Katrina` grabs her head in pain.
<Katrina`> AEI!
<Colephantus> Katrina!?
* Colephantus jumps up and rushes over to her side.
<Katrina`> Oh...God...*she winces in pain*
* Dias snarls then routes weapons systems to his control, he begins locking on to ships and firing the white laser as he begins to retreat
<Snipe> <Ensign 3> A Gear has launched from the Aquarius.
<Colephantus> Kat are you ok?
<Ariel> <Strife> Kat! What's wrong?
* Colephantus hears the Ensign.
<Katrina`> Voices...thousands...of my head...
<Dias> Who's gear?
<Colephantus> Snipe....
<Snipe> <Ensign 3> It's a normal gear.
* Katrina` falls to her knees, holding her head.
* Colephantus looks worried for Kat.
<Colephantus> Try to block them out.
<Snipe> GM: *the last 10 Tsivrixsh Warships are holding the line right now*
* Dias turns around, firing another White Laser blast at the nearest Cone Ship
<Snipe> GM: *it explodes*
<Colephantus> Alright. This is getting out of hand.
<Colephantus> Dias we have to retreat.
<Ariel> <Strife> *looks at Kat, then the main screen* But... We still have a gear out there.
<Dias> Trying comming the gear.
* Dias charges up the White laser battery and fires it again at another Cone Ship
<Snipe> GM: *the Gear is flying right for the planet*
<Snipe> GM: *the Cone Ship is damaged, but not out of the fight*
<Colephantus> Strife, stay here with Kat.
* Colephantus slides over to the communications panel and begins Hailing the gear.
<Colephantus> Comm: Identify yourself.
* Dias firse off a salvo of missiles at the open wound on the wounded Cone Ship
<Snipe> Comm: Need to focus, Aquarius.
<Snipe> GM: *the Cone Ship explodes*
<Colephantus> Comm: SNipe what the hell are you doing!?
<Snipe> Comm: I'm flying, what does it look like?
* Dias veers the Aquarius downwards and fires of a wide blast of the White Laser at a group of Cone fighters
<Dias> Comm: Snipe, come back alive.
<Snipe> GM: *the fighters explode*
<Ariel> <Strife> *moves to Kat's side, trying to make sure she's okay*
* Katrina` seems to be entirely out of it now.
<Snipe> Comm: Will do.
<Colephantus> ...Your not going to tell him to come back now?
<Dias> I can't change his mind.
<Colephantus> ....
* Colephantus slides into the Pilot's seat.
<Snipe> NRP: This November, you will believe a blind man can fly.
* Dias taps a button, several EMP missiles launch outwards towards a group of incoming Cone Fighters
<Colephantus> Your better at weapons. Let me handle the flying.
<Dias> I'm handling both right now.
<Dias> Take over for Kat.
<Colephantus> Alright.
<Snipe> GM: *the fighters explode, since they are smaller*
<Dias> You're my eyes Cole.
<Snipe> GM: *the last of the Tsivrixsh Warships go for ramming speed on the Motenks*
* Colephantus steps over Kat and sits down into Kats seat watching the radar.
* Dias locks onto the ships infront of the Tsiv's and begins to fire the White Laser at it
<Snipe> GM: *the hundreds of Motenk Ships are turning their focus on the Aquarius now*
<Colephantus> A squadron, inbound. 8 o'clock. 74 meters.
<Snipe> GM: *the Tsivrixsh Warships ram the Motenks, taking out a few. Now the Aquarius is all that's left*
* Dias hits a button, an EMP missile launching towards the squardron
<Colephantus> ....Ok now change that to over a hundred units.
<Dias> We're leaving now...
<Colephantus> Closing in on us.
<Snipe> GM: *the gear reaches the planet and vanishes off radar*
<Colephantus> The tsiv have lost.
* Dias pulls the hyperspace lever
<Colephantus> And Snipe...has just vanished.
<Dias> NRP: After entering some random coordinates of course.
<Snipe> GM: *they enter hyperspace*
<Dias> NRP Safe ones of course.
* Dias counts
* Dias pulls the lever, hoping they're far enough away
* Dias types in a new set of coordinates
<Snipe> GM: *they come out far, far away in the system, where the planets are just stars*
* Dias pulls the lever, entering hyperspace again
<Colephantus> I can't believe they didn't follow us...
<Dias> I think whatevers on the planet is far more important than us.
<Colephantus> Apparently.
* Colephantus glances down at Strife and Kat.
<Colephantus> How is she holding up?
* Katrina` lays there, her eyes open, but unseeing anything.
* Colephantus kneels down beside Kat.
<Dias> Cole, your in charge...I need to...think. *he stands up and walks out of the bridge*
* Colephantus waves his hand in front of her eyes.
<Katrina`> ...
* Colephantus glances up at Dias.
* Dias is now known as Dias-Gone
<Snipe> GM: *the Ensigns glance at Cole for orders*
<Colephantus> Alright.
* Colephantus stands.
<Colephantus> Normal protocals. Keep check of any enemy presence and monitor the holovid at all times.
<Snipe> <Ensign 3> Understood.
* Colephantus sits down in the Commanders Seat.
<Colephantus> Strife, get Kat to her room so she can rest.
<Ariel> <Strife> *nods slowly* I'm going to take her to med... Bed's aren't as comfortable, but I need to know she's okay.
<Colephantus> Understood.
<Snipe> Session Ends
Session Close: Sat Nov 20 22:05:32 2004