Session Start: Tue Nov 30 19:51:05 2004
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20041130.log'
<Snipe> Session 234: War and Peace
<Snipe> Time Chart: December 14th, 2223
<Snipe> Location: Emerald Flag Ship
<Snipe> Sub-Location: Orbitting Earth
<Snipe> Narrator: Days began to pass and no alternatives were appearing. Junior, Slasher, and Wind were spending all their resources on trying to beat God himself - but nothing was working. And time was running out. We learned that when Theos' sanctuary appeared.
<Snipe> Narrator: Reports began to come in from various ships who had seen a giant fortress in space, near Centerpoint, that was glowing with what they called "holy light". The radiance of good and purity. It wasn't hard to figure out it was Theos' lair.
* Snipe stands on the bridge, looking at the reports. He pushes up his glasses, glancing down at his feet.
* Katrina` sits at her science station, having gone through the latest reports and triangulated the exact location of the supposed Sanctuary of Theos, though none of them had seen it with their own eyes yet.
* Slasher steps off the elevator and onto the bridge
* Dias sits down in the Observation Deck, looking out at the Earth
* Wind stands on the observation deck, looking at the planet Earth in silent contemplation.
* Snipe glances at Slasher quietly, saying nothing. He thumbs at his chin, glancing at Katrina, asking her some random question about the location.
<Slasher> Snipe...Something's been gnawing at the back of my head lately.
* Garland is now known as Junior
* Snipe pauses, looking back at Slasher
<Snipe> what?
<Slasher> Well...I think it might be a solution to our current problem.
<Snipe> What's that?
<Slasher> You remember the entity that had taken over Death Star's body and then Dias' right.
* Wind frowns, wondering when he'll see Ariel again - who's gone into seclusion since the talk of fighting God began
<Snipe> Yeah.
<Slasher> Barring that it's still inside Dias...I think that we have two options.
<Snipe> And they are?
* Katrina` looks at Slasher, waiting
<Slasher> Think about it John...
<Snipe> I'm not seeing the connection, Slasher.
<Slasher> If it's still inside Dias' then we one...Have a soul to possibly put into the sword or two possibly have a person that knew heaven...
* Junior works in the war room, eying what little information he has on his datapad.
<Snipe> I'm not gathering, Slasher. If you use the sword on Dias, it will kill him.
<Slasher> There's a slight possibility that if this entity is in control it may choose it instead.
<Snipe> From what I gathered, it involved plunging the sword into the person's heart.
* Slasher moves his hand to his chin, scratching it
<Snipe> Besides. *crosses his arms* Dias needs that soul.
<Slasher> Why?
* Kio is walking around the ship..considering multiple things into the back of his mind.
<Snipe> Dias died, Slasher. That thing is animating him just like it animated Death Star after he died.
* Katrina` looks down at her console.
<Slasher> Possibly. *his head nods none the less understanding* The roads getting narrower and since we can't send Dias to fight him to see if he can harm him..
<Snipe> There's no way we could send Dias to fight Theos one on one, even if he has a Motenk soul in him. Besides, the Motenk would just repossess the body.
<Slasher> I know.
<Slasher> And since we have no data on it, I can't make anything to supress it.
<Snipe> Did you know, according to Kat's findings, that alien races all over the galaxy are accepting Theos has their lord and savior?
<Snipe> Hell. The people on Earth are doing it, too. Not all. Some of the atheist are flipping the spiritual bird.
* Kio yawns and stops, glancing around again
<Katrina`> Should we really stop him? *she says softly* I mean, he's God..
<Slasher> It was bound to happen.
<Slasher> He claims he's god Katrina.
<Snipe> He might as well be God, Slasher. IF he's going to bring about the second age and throw souls into firey pits, then he's basically God.
* Junior stands in the doorway. "If he is God, isn't it his right to do this though? It's not really hurting anyone that doesn't deserve to be hurt when you think about it."
<Slasher> I have problems believing in religions...*turns around*
* Snipe glances at Junior, tapping his fingers on his arm.
<Snipe> Junior has a point. As does Kat. I mean, look at how long Theos is taking. We could all repent right now.
* Junior nods to Snipe.
* Slasher eyes Snipe
<Junior> That's my reasoning, too.
<Slasher> Your opinion on the matter has changed quite.
<Snipe> ... If I can see my wives again....then why the hell not?
<Snipe> Besides, your way to kill God involves killing an innocent person
* Katrina` folds her hands together, looking at Slasher.
<Junior> I'm not prepared to go evil just to keep living in a chaotic universe... Not exactly a fan of perfect order, but it's better than being evil.
* Wind looks at Dias
<Wind> Tell me. What do you think about the situation?
* Dias turns to Wind
<Slasher> Who says that anything we've done has been for the good? We stopped Death Star and all he wanted to do was make everything in the world right, but now suddenly when a man appears claiming he's God. You drop to your knees and pray to this wolf in lambs skin.
<Snipe> ....
* Junior crosses his arms and looks at Slasher.
<Katrina`> Doesn't the Bible say we have to go on faith?
<Junior> Show me his claws.
<Slasher> A tiger can retract it's claws until it's needed.
* Junior shrugs.
<Junior> I don't see the real God coming out and doing anything right now.
<Snipe> .... Then it seems obvious we cannot agree on this matter. We're divided.
<Slasher> Maybe because he wants us to decide our own fates.
<Snipe> Slasher, I'd love to stop Theos, but I'm not dropping down to a low level of killing someone to do it.
* Junior looks to Katrina. "The bible says a lot of things, but we're not all Christian."
* Katrina` nods her head, looking back at her console.
<Slasher> Then find a matry.
<Slasher> NRP: Or however you spell it.
<Snipe> Goddamn it. You're just as bad as Death Star letting people throw their lives away so he can have Ariel back.
<Snipe> Martyr. Phew.
<Snipe> (Feh)
* Junior looks at Slasher.
<Slasher> I've never made a stance that I was going to use the sword.
<Snipe> Well, lets face it, Slasher. Time's up. Any hour now it could be the last.
<Dias> To know that I could be reuinted with Eve...To have a whole family again...It's weight is heave on my shoulders.
<Wind> I'd imagine. You could spend eternity with her. But if you fight Theos, you could risk the destruction of any sort of structured afterlife.
* Dias nods
<Dias> I keep asking myself what she would want.
<Wind> Was she a believer?
* Granji-Movies has quit IRC (Quit: nighty fuggin night mo'erfu'ers)
<Dias> Honestly...I have no clue, I never questioned her beliefs because she never questioned mine.
<Dias> There's no doubt she had some faith otherwise she would've ended her life.
<Slasher> I'd prefer a perfect balance between the two.
<Junior> I don't see any good way to go about this.
* Wind nods, tilting his head back to Earth
<Wind> I have faith in that we can make our own path and destiny.
<Junior> The only options we have are submit or align with the devil, essentially.
<Snipe> Not exactly appealing choices.
<Slasher> If there's a God above him...I think he would forgive us of our sins.
* Junior glances to Snipe.
<Junior> There is one question I have though.
* Snipe looks at Junior
<Snipe> What?
<Junior> I've heard from a few people about this whole Reality thing... I remember when you all disappeared for seven years.
<Snipe> I'm not really a liberty to say. I was dead.
* Snipe looks at Slasher
<Snipe> He can tell you more.
<Slasher> All other realities were said to have been destroyed besides ours and one others.
* Junior looks to Slasher.
<Dias> Of all the books I've looked at...There's always supposed to be some sort of savior.
<Junior> What were the realities though? Other dimensions?
<Wind> Perhaps he decided it was up to us to be our own saviors.
<Slasher> They were other realities...Basically...a mirror image with a different outcome.
<Junior> I remember someone mentioning... there was someone in control of them all?
<Snipe> Oh yes. A being called Chronos.
<Snipe> He hoped to become God.
* Junior points a finger to Snipe. "Yes, what was he though?"
<Slasher> There was once yes. Chronos....Who told you about this?
<Junior> Father told Jonas and Lucas of him, and they told me.
<Snipe> He was a guardian, from what I gathered, who was suppose to make sure people didn't move between realities.
<Slasher> He was the Keeper of the Realities if I recall.
<Junior> Of course, those two are somewhat blithering at times, so I only heard bits and pieces.
<Junior> Does that mean that God's reach only goes through this reality, or what?
<Snipe> It doesn't matter now. We are the last reality.
* Junior crosses his arms, thinking.
* Katrina` listens, being too young to remember.
<Snipe> Aya: *tags Chad and runs down the halls of the ship*
<Junior> I didn't expect to get anything out of it, either... I was hoping there was more to it.
<Snipe> I think it's something we all try to forget happened.
<Slasher> Chad: HEY! *starst running after her*
<Snipe> Besides, from what I heard, DS was the only one crazy enough to attempt to control realities and look how he ended up.
<Snipe> Aya: *leaps into an elevator and hits the up button*
* Junior shakes his head, "I need to think..."
<Slasher> Chad: *leaps forward than slams into the elevator door* ....*grits his teeth*
* Junior heads for the door.
<Slasher> ...I wonder.
* Junior heads down to the core.
* Kio leans his back against the wall..allowing his gaze to fall upon the cieling 14"Bah..the one time you need them..they arnt here.."
<Slasher> I wonder if the Emerald Sword would prove useful.
<Snipe> Mmm. Only if you want to cut tail and run, I think
<Snipe> Aya: *arrives on a top floor, running and hiding in the cafeteria*
* Wind walks out of the observation deck.
* Katrina` excuses herself, moving out of the room and walking quietly along the halls, trying to think about a solution to this
* Dias leans his head against the back of the wall, his eyes closed
<Dias> Chad: *hits the elevator button*
<Snipe> I should warn you, Slasher.
<Snipe> Katrina discovered something.
* Slasher looks over to him
<Dias> Chad: *steps onto the elevator* Computer where's my sister!
<Snipe> The ships that scanned the seems that the power levels inside are increasing to a critical state. My guess? Boom, usher judgment day when it's done.
<Snipe> Computer: Aya is in the Cafeteria.
<Slasher> The Big Bang...
<Snipe> The disturbing thing is this. Computer, do that sim thing Kat did. *it shows the Sanctuary reaching the critical levels in less than 12 hours*
* Slasher watches it oddly
<Snipe> Time's up.
<Snipe> Aya: *hides under a table, giggling*
<Dias> Chad: *Hits the button for the cafeteria floor*
* Katrina` moves to where her room is, opening her door and stepping inside.
<Slasher> Very peculiar. To be the God that created the universe...why would he need to gather power for it.
* Kio kicks off ther wall, walking down the hallway. His eyes strayed across crew if examining each ones potential
<Snipe> Perhaps he knew we'd scan this and know our own countdown.
<Snipe> To accept him.
<Snipe> Or reject him.
<Snipe> GM: *the crew members are all look shifty eyed*
* Wind moves throughout the hallways, silent.
* Katrina` lays on the bed, closing her eyes.
<Slasher> I think it's something else.
<Snipe> Figured.
<Slasher> I'm a man driven by science...I view mythos and paranormal as a secondary effect.
<Snipe> Well, if we only have 12 hours left, I think I'm going to go visit my room and some handlotion.
<Slasher> John...God looks down upon that.
<Slasher> Plus you'll go blind....again.
<Junior> NRP: The bible says NOTHING about that!
<Snipe> I'll ask for forgiveness 1 minute before it's over.
* Snipe exits the bridge.
* Junior looks at the sword, his back against the wall.
<Dias> Chad: *hops out of the elevator and runs down the hallway and slides into the cafeteria, he begins to look around for her*
<Snipe> Aya: *Tries to remain very silent*
<Dias> Chad: *drops to the ground and looks under all the tables*
<Snipe> Aya: Eeek! *runs out*
<Dias> Chad: Found you! *startrs running after her*
* Snipe moves to his own room, stepping inside. He searches for his hand lotion.
<Snipe> Aya: *runs down the hallways, avoiding crewmembers*
* Kio pulls out the broken sword, examining it, as he walks around a corner.
<Dias> Chad: *trips and hits the floor* AHHHH!!!
* Wind silently treads down the hallways, entering the bridge.
<Slasher> MiniGM: *his bottle's in his nightstand drawer*
<Snipe> Like I'm that dumb.
* Snipe ignores it.
<Dias> Chad: Aya!
<Snipe> Aya: *runs past Kio*
<Dias> Chad: *scowls to himself then pushes himself up and starts chasing after Aya again*
* Wind moves to look at the Sanctuary information.
* Slasher watches Death Star with interest
* Snipe sits down in front of a recorder, sighing, leaning forward.
* Snipe reaches out towards it, then pauses.
* Wind looks at Slasher.
* Kio watches aya pass and shakes his head.. 14"Why is their kids on this ship.."
* Slasher nods to him
<Dias> Chad: *weaves around someone and slams into Kio*
<Wind> .... we're out of time, old friend.
<Slasher> Sadly.
<Slasher> ...What do you think the outcome would be if we tipped Theos on Atheo's plans.
<Wind> I doubt Theos would act. Atheos obviously needs us to defeat Theos.
<Dias> Chad: *bounces off Kio and onto his ass* HEY!
<Slasher> He made it very clear that he didn't want to be the one to do it...So there has to be some underlieing effect.
<Kio> 2He widened his eyes as he sudden gets slammed into, the broken sword in front of him spinning as he gets ready to strike the kid down. 14"..don't you have a mother or something to go to?"
<Wind> A world without God? A devil would love such a place to rule.
<Slasher> Then why doesn't he do it himself.
<Slasher> Theos would have to know that Atheos has appeared and he would be wary off any attempts to kill him.
<Wind> Probably. Just like he knows what I must do now.
<Slasher> You don't even know if you can.
<Wind> When has that ever stopped me before?
<Dias> Chad: *looks at Kio* And don't you have a husband to go please?
* Dias pushes himself up
<Dias> Chad: *pushes himself up*
* Wind offer his trademark lopsided grin
<Wind> Consider it the challenge of an eternity.
<Slasher> You should really trademark that...You'd be rich by now.
<Wind> I'm going to go find the sword now.
<Slasher> ...Star...
<Wind> Yes?
* Wind looks at Slasher, having started moving to the door. He stops.
<Slasher> What of Kat and Ariel?
<Kio> 14"..i should kill you.." 2He actually considers it..that blade spinning more before finally retracting. Kio turns to walk away, having better things to do then pass jokes with a 10 year old.
<Dias> Chad: You couldn't kill a 2 year old in a cradle!
<Dias> Chad: *spins and and moons Kio*
<Wind> Somethings aren't meant to be, perhaps. But I feel it's our world now, not his. I feel this is our world to live, die, and create. And I won't let them be swept up into some governed paradise. I should know the sins of that.
<Wind> God or not, I'm going to stop Theos. And if they ... disapprove, then I'll accept that.
* Slasher closes his eyes, in deep thought, he then opens them
* Wind turns and moves toward the exit.
<Slasher> I believe Kio is still humping the sword looking for someone to start something.
<Wind> Then I'll just have to take it and do it myself.
<Dias> Chad: *pulls his pants up* Computer...Where's Aya?!
<Snipe> Computer: She's hiding in the elevator.
* Kio stops in front of katrinas room, smirking.
<Dias> Chad: Hahaha! *starts sprinting towards the elevator at the end of the corridor*
* Wind moves toward the elevator, opening it. He steps in, glancing at Aya.
<Snipe> Aya: Shhhh.
<Dias> Chad: *slides to the elevator doors* Computer is she in this one?
<Snipe> Computer: Affirmative.
* Wind heads up to the floor he senses Kio at.
<Dias> Chad: *hops up hitting the button to open it*
* Junior keeps his gaze on the sword, spaced out.
* Wind stares at Chad as the doors open a floor too early.
* Kio moves torward her door, gentle knocking upon
<Kio> *it*
<Katrina`> *a muffled voice answers, then the doors opens* Kio?
<Dias> Chad: *hops in tagging Aya then runs out*
* Wind shakes his head, the elevator doors closing. They ride up another floor.
<Snipe> Aya: Aw.
<Dias> Chad: *runs down the hallway and takes a right heading towards the living quarters*
<Dias> Chad: *runs into the stairwell and slides to a stop, catching his breath*
* Kio looks over at katrina nodding, both hands behind his back 14"So..what do you think of this situation?" 2He looked upon her, thinking slightly, his fingers itching
<Dias> ...*rubs his face with both his hands*
<Katrina`> The situation? *she slumps against the doorframe, looking exhausted at the prospect* I... I just don't know if we should fight....Mom always ... taught me...*shakes her head* How can we be sure this is right?
* Junior looks at the sword, raising his brow a little as he lifts his head up.
* Wind steps out of the elevator, moving down the hallway. He frowns, sensing Kio at a strange location.
<Snipe> Narrator: And for a moment, tragedy and hope hung in the balance. Someone had to give, or someone had to take. So a decision was made.
* Wind begins to run down the hallway.
<Slasher> NRP: Wind: God this hallways a lot logner than I remember.
<Snipe> NRP: *he runs in slow motion, looking all cool*
* Wind runs around the corner, eyeing Kio
<Wind> KIO!
<Kio> 14"..I see..i choose to fight..which i why i must do this..forgive me.." a stir of emotion, lashes directly out torward katrina, that gleaming metal blade within his hand as he attempted to stab her with it. He was left without choices..and if this is what he must be it
<Slasher> NRP: Too bad it's not metal but BONES!
<Kio> NRP: Bones then!
<Slasher> NRP: Nope too late.
* Junior teleports infront of Kio abruptly, his hand raising to his face as the bone sword hits him.
* Katrina` opens her eyes wide in surprise.
* Junior fires a blast into Kio's face.
<Kio> 2Kio is eruptly knocked back, his sunglasses shattering on his face, as he stumbles back into the hallway
<Wind> Junior!
<Snipe> GM: *the bone sword resides in Junior's chest*
<Snipe> GM: *Alarms begin to go off as the wall cracks and falls to pieces*
* Slasher looks up
<Slasher> Computer, whats the situation.
<Katrina`> Oh my God...
* Dias stirs awake
<Dias> Computer what's going on?
* Katrina` begins to react, grabbing at Junior in case he begins to fall
<Katrina`> Junior!
* Junior bears his teeth at Kio, stubling against the door sill.
<Snipe> GM: *the bone sword suddenly lights up, as if hungerily sensing a good soul*
<Dias> NRP: If Dahok can't hold him up, I highly doubt that she can.
* Katrina` slides, not caring that Junior weighs so much
<Katrina`> Junior! Oh God...*grabs the sword, trying to pull it out*
<Dias> NRP: Ahhh true love.
* Junior clenches his face, saying nothing as he tries to pull the sword out, too.
* Wind runs over, grabbing the sword. He strains to yank it out.
* Slasher looks over at the console as video feed appears of the situation
<Slasher> Son of a...Computer get a med-bay down to Katrina Star's room now.
* Slasher phases out of reality, seconds later appearing next to the others
<Snipe> *another hand grabs the sword* Not today.
* Snipe yanks the bone sword out of Junior.
* Kio stirs in the hallway..beginning to get to his feet. He knew once..this was over, his fate was death..but was ready for it. His hand moves in front of him, wiping blood from his mouth
* Snipe stands there with the half broken bone sword.
<Slasher> Medical Units are on their way. *turns his head down the hallway towards Kio*
* Junior falls over.
<Snipe> GM: *the sword keeps trying to drain his soul, despite being removed*
* Katrina` looks down at Junior, worried, then up at Snipe.
* Christopher_Xanatos has joined #taw
<Slasher> The swords been broken once...I don't think we can break it again...
* Snipe looks at Slasher, then flips him a disk of information.
<Snipe> Give that to my wives.
<Slasher> ...John....
* Slasher leaps forwards punching Snipe across the face
* Snipe is knocked back.
<Snipe> GM: *the bone sword is knocked up*
* Christopher_Xanatos is now known as Colephantus
<Snipe> GM: *Kio would find that he doesn't have use of his right arm anymore, the nerves literally burnt*
<Snipe> GM: *the sword is still draining Junior*
<Colephantus> NRP: Where is everyone at?
* Snipe hits the ground, wincing
* Kio looks down at his immobile arm..and actually begins to laugh...regardless of his soon to be fate
<Snipe> Goddamn it, Slasher, we can't let him die!
* Wind eyes the sword.
<Slasher> I know...*punches the wall*
* Snipe dives for the sword.
* Katrina` shakes Junior
<Katrina`> Wake up. Don't go to sleep.
* Slasher spins around as Snipe dives for the sword, too far away to grab him
* Snipe snatches it, lifting it up.
* Kio uses his only other arm, in an attempt to grab the sword from the air when he sees snipe dive for it.
* Snipe turns as Kio nabs it.
<Snipe> You son of a bitch.
* Wind impassively watches this.
<Kio> 14"I am simply perserving humanity..none of you had the balls to make the i made it for you.."
<Snipe> Make this decision. JUNIOR WILL NOT DIE!
* Slasher stands still watching
* Snipe punches at Kio's nose.
* Kio growls and ducks the punch, immediatly attempting to spear kick snipe in an attempt to send him down the hallway
* Snipe ducks Kio, moving faster than ever before. He tackles him to the ground
<Snipe> Give me that damn sword. I'm going to switch souls!
* Dias appears down the end of the hallway and begins to run down it
* Katrina` looks at them fighting, then at Junior, who's looking leady
* Kio slams into the ground, unable to do much without the usage of one arm. 14"Leave the decision as is!!"
<Snipe> FUCK. YOU! *hammerblows him in the face8
<Katrina`> We're losing him!
<Slasher> ...*phases out of reality, appearing next to the Emerald sword*
<Slasher> Computer, disengage Emerald Sword.
* Kio gets knocked into the face, blood spluttering from his nose as it snaps. He growls..withstanding the pain, and attempts to push snipe off him with his feet
* Snipe grabs the sword, then lets himself get thrown off. He stands up.
<Snipe> By God, if you had the soul worthy of this sword, I'd stab you.
<Dias> JOHN NO!
<Snipe> I'm NOT letting a man die for some sick cause to fight with God.
<Snipe> .... I'd rather die than see this mockery.
* Slasher watches as the Emerald Sword disengages and slides out, he grabs onto it then phases away
* Slasher appears in the hallway of the others
<Slasher> I don't know how you work but...*holds the sword out and closes his eyes*
* Wind eyes Slasher
* Kio once again struggles to his feet.
<Slasher> ...*opens his eyes* Damnt..
* Snipe looks at Junior, who's almost gone now.
* Wind stands up to full height.
<Snipe> We can't let him die, SLasher.
<Slasher> I don't know what to do! For once in my life I don't have any plans John!
* Snipe nods.
<Snipe> Then we sacrifice.
<Snipe> But not him.
<Wind> John.... you will be missed too much to do this.
<Snipe> That's the point, isn't it?! Any of us would be missed if we did this.
<Snipe> There is no easy choice.
<Slasher> NRP: Cole wouldn't.
<Kio> NRP: Except me..course me soul isn't good enough
<Slasher> NRP: err...Bob.
<Katrina`>'re my brother. I don't want to see you die. .... But... *looks at Junior* This isn't fair!
* Dias reaches the others and slides to a halt
* Snipe looks at Kat, then rubs his nose.
<Snipe> Yeah. I know.
<Colephantus> NRP: That hurts my heart Slasher.
<Dias> NRP: Oh you don't have one.
<Kio> 14"Life isn't fair..never is, never will be..some sacrifices need to be made in order for the greater good..but you panzy ass had to believe their is another way..their isn't"
<Colephantus> NRP: Shhh Don't you interrupt. :P
<Wind> That's why you and I cannot be heroic.
* Dias spins and punches Kio in the jaw
<Dias> NRP: I felt left out.
<Snipe> NRP: LOL
* Snipe looks at Junior, seeing they don't have time for anymore talking
* Kio is once again hit..stumbling backwards on his feet
* Colephantus appears in the hallway. "WHat the hell is going on here?"
<Snipe> goes nothing
* Snipe closes his eyes, preparing.
<Dias> It's because of people like you who don't have any faith in anything...
<Katrina`> John....
* Colephantus runs down the hall to the others, "WHat the bloody hell is going on!?"
* Dias slowly turns towards Snipe
* Colephantus stops seeing Junior and then sees Snipe. "Snipe...what are you doing?"
<Kio> 14"Your plans consisted of letting that god rule us like dogs..i will not sit idly you assholes discuss pip dreams..when the inevitable is soon to come.."
* Dias turns around and punches Kio in the face again
* Snipe lets out his breath.
<Dias> Shut up!
<Snipe> This isn't so easy as I thought it would be...
* Colephantus eyes Kio.
<Colephantus> NRP: Does Cole even have a soul?
<Dias> NRP: If he's a cyborg yes.
<Colephantus> NRP: Since he is bobot. :P yes bobot.
<Snipe> NRP: He's a reploid.
<Colephantus> NRP: Reploid.
* Kio this time comes prepared, his hand coming forward and stopping dias fist with his only other hand, but the impact once again causes him to tumble backwards. That cold face never dissappearing
<Katrina`> He's slipping away...*she whispers silently, unable to process any emotional thoughts now*
<Dias> And who made you judge, jury and executioner?!
* Snipe looks at Junior, trying to strengthen his resolve.
<Kio> 14"Time"
<Snipe> Guess I'm not the bad ass I thought I was.
* Wind looks back at Snipe, realizing this is his decision.
* Slasher watches Snipe carefully
<Snipe> Hotaru, Em, Michuri...I them,.
* Dias turns back to Snipe, his breath increasing
<Snipe> GM: *Junior's body begins to lose important functions - his organs failing*
* Colephantus looks from each person, not knowing what to do.
<Slasher> NRP: *his erectile abilities*
* Katrina` hangs her head, realizing that in a few more seconds, the decision won't matter.
* Snipe looks at Slasher
<Snipe> Am I selfish? I had my one shot a long time ago and blew it.
<Snipe> And here I am - again.
<Slasher> Far from it.
* Wind kneels by Kat, putting a hand on her shoulder.
<Colephantus> So are we just going to let Junior die?
<Snipe> ...
<Kio> 14"He only has a few seconds left snipe..its you or him.."
* Dias spins again punching Kio once again, this time in the gut
<Dias> You've lost your right to talk!
<Snipe> GM: *the last breath leaves Junior's body*
<Colephantus> NRP: We should have stabbed an ensign.
* Snipe drops the fully charged sword to the ground
<Snipe> My God...we let him die...*I* let him die...
* Slasher lowers his head, whispering something
* Colephantus feels useless, not being able to do anything.
* Katrina` moves Junior's head from her lap, standing up silently.
* Snipe looks like he's going to be sick.
* Dias kneels down and places his hands to his face
* Katrina` moves to Kio, then punches him in the face. She just roars in anger, tackling him to the ground, crying as she hits him again and again
<Katrina`> Damn you...damn you...damn you...
<Snipe> There will be no God to forgive us now....
* Wind kneels down, collecting the sword, then picks up Junior's body, despite the weight. He looks at Kat freaking out, surprised.
* Kio lays on the ground, blood coming from his mouth. He just watched the happenings before him, thats when he gets tackled..and pummeled some more. His face hardens, but not sure how much good it would do him
* Colephantus is shocked by Kat's display of agression.
* Katrina` just pounds on his chest, crying now. She keeps hitting him, each blow weaker than before.
* Slasher walks by Jr, setting the Emerald Sword down next to him as he moves over to Katrina. He slides his hand down to her shoulder
* Wind teleports with Junior, putting him in the core room, then teleports back, moving to Kat, looking at Slasher, then her.
* Snipe stumbles away from everyone.
* Colephantus just stands there, not wanting to displease anyone.
* Katrina` bows her head, stopping her hitting on Kio's face.
* Slasher looks over to Wind and nods to him, he steps backwards, taking his hand away
<Wind> Come here, baby. *he picks up Kat like a little kid, letting her cry against his shoulder. He walks away with her, patting her on the back*
<Colephantus> Just what the hell did you do? *to Kio*
* Junior is now known as Gar-gone
* Kio is sprawed out on the no means in good shape. Though he reaches to his waist..pulling his gun from its holster, and slowly cocks it 14"I..made..a..decision" 2His voice is shaky to see the least..coming from a badely bruised pair of lips
* Dias stands upright fully and begins to turn when he hears the gun cocking
* Dias blurs next to Kio's hand and twists it, back and under with enough strength to make him lose his grip
* Colephantus watches Dias take the gun from Kio.
* Kio would be placing the gun to his own head, when he gets his hand violently twisted, dropping it
* Snipe is now known as DeathStar
<Dias> You're not getting off that easy.
* ChanServ sets mode: +o DeathStar
* Wind has left #taw
* Katrina` has left #taw
<Colephantus> NRP: Is the session over?
* Dias picks Kio up forcibly by his arm
* Colephantus just stands there.
<DeathStar> Snipe: *comes back with a medical kit, throwing it Kio's face* No. He's not getting off that easy. He fights with God now.
<Dias> Clean yourself up...*lets his grip go*
* Kio stumbles against the wall, smirking
<DeathStar> Snipe: *punches Kio in the stomach* And I swear, if he doesn't kill you, I'll be waiting.
* _Trunks_ has joined #taw
<DeathStar> Snipe: *walks off*
<DeathStar> Session Ends
Session Close: Tue Nov 30 21:53:05 2004