Session Start: Thu Dec 02 19:43:35 2004
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20041202.log'
<Snipe> Session 235: Hello Again
<Garland> sewed
<Snipe> Time Chart: Same Day. Hours later.
<Snipe> Location: Emerald Flag Ship
<Dias> NRP: Now I sowed him into the ground of baboon dirt and a body grew onto it.
<Snipe> Narrator: With Junior dead and the Sanctuary gaining more power, for a brief moment, everything was in a lull. Wind and Katrina were talking and gone. The others were divided. And now, with just a few hours left, we had to make a stand against God.
* Snipe sits on the bridge, his glasses on his lap. He sits there, looking tired.
* Wind steps onto the bridge, with Katrina just a few steps behind him. He has the Bone Sword sheathed across his back.
* Snipe lokos at Katrina, then Wind.
<Snipe> So... I guess this is it.
* Dias stands working on a gear in the Hanger, his Chad running around the haner
<Dias> NRP: hanger.
* Katrina` looks at the sword, placing her hand against it, closing her eyes, as if she can hear a voice. She lowers her hand.
* Wind taps the intercomm for the entire ship. He pauses, leaning against a chair.
<Wind> I'd like to make a brief message to everyone.
* Slasher steps onto the elevator, a device in his hands, he hits the button and the door closes, it begins rising for the bridge
* Kio sat in the confines of his room..the lights shattered, he sat in the darkness, which covered him like a comfortable blanket. The only light emitting from his form, is the silver glream of his dogtags..which reflect in the broken lights.
* Alicia is now known as Terra`
<Wind> In just a few moments, I'm going to take this ship to battle Theos. This is a fight between man and God. I know for some of you, this is against every morale code that you have. For some of you, you may believe Theos should be allowed to bring about judgment day.
* Terra` sits in her room, listening
* Christopher_Xanatos is now known as Colephantus
<Wind> However, it is my belief that our fates now belong to us. We were given free will and I think it's time we exercise it. I don't think we should stand by and let someone else dictate how life should be - no matter how perfect. I know this to be a deadly sin. It is my belief that we need to fight.
* Snipe leans back, listening.
<Wind> If you wish to leave the ship now, no one will hold it against you. We will understand fully your reasons for doing so. But you need to leave now.
* Wind clicks the comm. off.
* Colephantus slides out from under his fighter, having just heard this announcement. He then heads for the bridge.
* Slasher reaches the bridge the elevator doors open and he steps out
* Katrina` sits down at her science console, a look of sadness in her eyes, but determination on her face.
<Snipe> GM: *some of the crew begins to pile into shuttles*
* Colephantus steps into the bridge, sliding over to his comfy leaning spot beside the elevator.
* Dias turns, watching people crowd onto the shuttles
<Terra`> <Michiru> *watches, uncertainly*
* Ariel stands on the observation deck, hesitant. Not sure if she should leave the ship, or stay.
* Snipe crosses his arms.
<Terra`> <Michiru> *looks over to Ariel*
<Terra`> <Michiru> ... you're not sure what to do, either...?
<Granji> <nicolai> * Makes his cameo by appearing and throwing some nickels on the floor, then laughing maniaclly and running away *
<Snipe> Just so you know, DS, I plan to outlive you.
* Kio gets up, walking out from his room. He didn't care of the people who passed around him as he stepped onto the elevator torward the bridge..stepping off once the doors open
<Wind> Tragic.
* Colephantus looks over at Snipe. "What about your daughter? Shouldn't you tell her to go?"
<Ariel>'s hard to even imagine fighting someone you've always had such faith in.
<Snipe> It's her decision.
* Slasher walks up behind Snipe
<Terra`> <Michiru> I... I don't think I can fight, either way...
<Terra`> <Michiru> But I have to stay anyway.
<Ariel> Why so?
* Snipe sits there, unaware.
* Slasher drops a metal headband ontop of Snipe's head and pushes it down slightly so it fits comfortably
<Terra`> <Michiru> ... I just can't abandon my family...
<Snipe> What the?
<Slasher> My newest invention!
<Snipe> A bandana?
<Snipe> GM: *ships begin to leave the ship now*
<Snipe> NRP: Shuttles, even
* Wind taps the comm.
<Wind> I'm beginning the hyperspace jump now - last call to leave.
* Wind moves over and begins to program in their destination.
<Kio> NRP: Wee brb
<Slasher> Besdies being a fashion statement, it should amplify your Nullifying abilities making it a lot easier for you to do it and still fight.
<Ariel> ...yeah. I suppose you're right. Even if it means going up against god himself... *slowly starts to the bridge*
* Granji is now known as Granji-BBL
<Snipe> GM: *Nicolai ends up smuggled out an airlock and floats away*
<Terra`> <Michiru> *follows Ariel up, almost seeming to be moping*
<Slasher> Very useful if were facing the Enhanced and their less powerful relatives.
* Dias turns to Chad
<Snipe> I'll make note of that.
<Dias> Go find Aya and head to your roads.
* Snipe eyes the headband.
<Dias> Chad: *nods and runs away looking for Aya*
* Colephantus rubs his neck and then pops it. SLowly begins to check his weapons.
* Wind activates the spacial distortion system. They blink away into darkness.
<Granji-BBL> <Nicolai> *dies?*
* Dias turns, wiping his hands off with a rag and begins walking towards the elevator stepping onto it*
* Snipe looks like Solid Snipe.
<Snipe> GM: *they blink back into existence in front of a huge floating sanctuary of pure glowing white light. It is massive and seems to be radiating nothing but pure, holy light from it. There's one entrance, seemingly - massive doors, which are closed.
<Colephantus> So how the hell are we supposed to get in there?
<Slasher> I believe he's expecting us.
* Katrina` runs scans on the building, trying to find some manner of entering it.
* Wind flies the ship in close, bringing it right up to the closed doors. He lands outside them, on a small glowing platform.
<Katrina`> There seems to be atmosphere. It is breatheable for us.
<Colephantus> So this is our stop I guess.
* Dias steps off the elevator and looks over at the massive building floating in space infront of them
* Snipe stands up, putting on his glasses
* Ariel steps onto the bridge silently
* Wind turns to look at Ariel ... silent.
* Terra` heads up to the bridge
* Dias looks over at Snipe
* Colephantus slides into th elevator pressing the down button.
<Dias> ...First a cowboy now a ninja?
<Snipe> I like to be flexible. So, how do we plan on getting in?
* Ariel nods slightly to Wind, turning to look at the screen
<Wind> I'll teleport us in.
* Wind puts a hand on Kat's shoulder, then touches Slasher.
<Terra`> <Michiru> *looks like she wants to say something, but stays quiet*
<Snipe> My favorite. *touches Slasher's shoulder*
<Slasher> I like it when you touch me like that Star.
* Slasher reaches up and grabs onto Snipe's hands, squeezing it
* Wind makes a grunt sound, much like Ire would.
* Colephantus slides a hand onto the back of Snipe.
* Dias steps over and puts his hand on Snipe's head
<Colephantus> NRP: His back you perverts.
<Colephantus> NRP: :P
* Slasher turns his head and looks at Snipe
* Kio leans against the wall, watching them
* Colephantus waits.
<Slasher> Don't forget tickle-me-elmo back there.
<Snipe> Someone touch him, too.
<Snipe> I wouldn't DARE let him miss this.
* Ariel joins the others, Strife following her lead
<Terra`> <Michiru> *takes someone's hand*
* Terra` arrives on the bridge
* Colephantus eyes Kio.
<Colephantus> Come'on.
* Colephantus extends his hand.
<Terra`> 'ey, you're not trying to leave me behind, are you?
* Dias turns eyeing Terra over to see if she's got the jar with her.
* Kio kicks off the wall, 14"Fine.." 2He places a hand against coles shoulder
* Colephantus redirects his hand to Terra.
<Colephantus> Come'on. You too.
* Terra` is carrying it under her arm
<Snipe> ...the jar stays here.
<Terra`> ... what?
<Colephantus> Really.
<Terra`> ... I... yeah.. I guess.
<Terra`> ... sorry Sil.. I wasn't thinking.
<Colephantus> ........
* Terra` puts the jar down nearby, and takes Cole's hand
<Colephantus> I think were all here.
* Wind begins to concentrate.
<Terra`> <Michiru> .oO(I'm more worried about her...)
<Snipe> GM: *they appear outside the ship in front of the massive glowing doors*
* Snipe drops his hand, looking at the doors
<Snipe> That's one holy door.
* Colephantus eyes them.
* Slasher begins looking around then eyes the door, sizing them up
* Katrina` hangs back, glancing at the Bone Sword silently.
<Snipe> GM: *They are massive - 20 feet tall*
<Colephantus> Who wants to try knocking?
* Dias crosses his arms and looks back at the Emerald Flag Ship
<Snipe> Lets send Kio
<Kio> 14"Whats wrong..afraid the holy god might hurt you?"
* Wind draws the Bone Sword. It begins to glow a pure light.
<Katrina`> ...Junior. *she whispers softly, looking at the doors*
<Terra`> ... yeah. We send Kio first
* Ariel looks at the doors in awe
* Wind blurs in front of the doors, slashing at them. The energy begins to smash into the doors, causing a massive feedback.
<Terra`> <Michiru> ... I never actually thought I'd be here...
* Colephantus tenses up.
* Slasher shakes his head and quickly begins walking towards the door
* Wind tenses, then swings the sword away. The doors begin to lose their pure light, then turn dark. They crumble to dust, revealing a courtyard
<Ariel> NRP: <Ariel> Just because your mother is a succubi, doesn't mean you can't go to heaven if you're good.
<Slasher> NRP: Hah. Hah
* Colephantus takes up behind Slasher, igniting his katars.
* Kio walks torward the now opened door himself
* Ariel frowns, slowly moving towards the door.
* Wind sheathes the sword.
<Snipe> Well, that's one way to do it.
<Terra`> <Michiru> *walks forward slowly*
<Ariel> <Strife> Whoa... that certainly beats an interview with St.Peter.
* SaintPeter has joined #taw
* SaintPeter steps out.
<SaintPeter> Yes?
* Snipe whacks Strife's head
<Snipe> Bad Strife.
* Dias begins stepping forward
<Ariel> <Strife> Oww! I didn't think he was actually here!
* Colephantus stops and eyes Saint Peter.
* SaintPeter stands in the courtyard, between the team and the doors to the fortress.
<Snipe> Never say anything! It always happens.
* Slasher slows to a stop coming upon Saint Peter
<Katrina`> St...Peter?
<Ariel> <Strife> Um... Chocolate cake would be good?
<Colephantus> So....if I said, whats next? Me getting super powers? Would that come true?
<Terra`> <Michiru> Well, it'd be nice if mom was back..
<Ariel> <Strife> How about a crazy ruskie serving vodka?
<SaintPeter> You are not permitted on the grounds.
<Slasher> And why is that?
* Dias reaches Slasher and eyes Saint Peter
<Ariel> *steps forward* Did they raise the bar on admitance?
<Colephantus> Because we are eeeevil.
* Colephantus chuckles.
<Slasher> Does not God forgive all sins?
* Kio suddenly regrets his decision of targeting katrina..when he hears the bickering behind him
<SaintPeter> *looks to the sword* And your sins -- do you repent for entrapping the soul of your fellow brother?
<Terra`> Wasn't my choice
<Colephantus> Aim that remark at KIo over there. He is the hellbent one.
<Ariel> <Strife> Hey, Peter-dude. I had nothing to do with that one.
<SaintPeter> Yet here you are - with evil in your hearts.
<Terra`> <Michiru> ... both me and my father never wanted that to happen...
<Slasher> Yes, Kio was the one to choose to do it, and Junior chose to get in the way to save one's life.
<Colephantus> Get in the way? What are you talking about?
<Terra`> "Evil"?
<Kio> 14' to give me the sword?" 2He was ready to stab the saint peter already
* Katrina` eyes St. Peeter.
<Terra`> Wanting freedom is evil?
* SaintPeter looks at Kio oddly.
<Wind> The sword? *eyes the Bone Sword* I don't think so.
<Terra`> Maybe it was all the times I fought to try and save earth...
* Colephantus looks around at not being answered...clenches his hands.
<Kio> 14"Then kill this guy"
<SaintPeter> You have come to murder.
<Slasher> We have come to choose to live.
<Terra`> <Michiru> I... want my family back...
<SaintPeter> And to take a life ... is right, in order to "live"?
<Slasher> We do it all the time. Was there not a battle between Heaven and Hell and did you not take lives to 'surive'?
<Snipe> That's not fair.
<Colephantus> It all falls down on circumstance.
<Terra`> One life for how many?
<SaintPeter> We did not.
<Ariel> <Strife> Well... Look at it this way. I rather take one to save... damn, I don't even know the word for that number.
<Slasher> How can you have a war without death?
<Terra`> And.. you know... this is self-defence
<Ariel> <Strife> But it's big! And if killing one person will save all of them... well, I think it's worth doing.
<SaintPeter> You are agents of chaos. Lucifer must be proud.
<Ariel> ......
* Wind grinds his teeth
<Wind> Stand asdie.
* SaintPeter begins to pray, mumbling softly. He stands there, not moving.
* Colephantus cross his arms. Watching.
* Ariel attempts to just walk past SaintPeter.
<Kio> 14"Death...kill him before he pulls some holy voodoo on us"
<SaintPeter> GM: *A barrier repels Ariel*
<Snipe> Christ.
<Ariel> <Strife> Dude! Don't say that!
<Ariel> <Strife> What if he's around here TOO?
<Wind> He's not Theos. IF you want to strike him down so bad, Kio - attack him.
* Colephantus pulls out his minigun blaster and aims it at Peter. Fires one shot right for his forehead.
<Garland> NRP: <Jesus> *pops his head out, with a "kiss the chef" apron on* Yea?
<Kio> 14"I don't have the sword"
* SaintPeter is shot in the head, holy light splattering out like brains. He falls forward.
* Slasher turns his head as Saint Peter falls
<Snipe> Whoa. Jesus Christ.
* Kio looks 14"Guess i didn't need it"
<Colephantus> Now lets get this overwith. I don't have a soul. So I wont burn in hell.
* Katrina` turns away.
* Dias steps forward and reaches his hand out towards the Barrier
* SaintPeter keeps mumbling softly - a prayer of forgiveness. He then stops moving.
* Ariel closes her eyes, restraining herself.
* SaintPeter has left #taw
<Snipe> GM: *There is no barrier*
<Terra`> <Michiru> This... this is making me rethink my whole life...
<Wind> Lets go.
<Colephantus> Wow. He was a good guy...praying to forgive us...I feel bad for shooting him now....*walks past anyway*
* Wind walks past Peter, towards the next door.
* Kio walks forward also, staring a cole..liking him already
* Snipe looks at the ground, shaking his head.
<Snipe> Man.
* Snipe follows the others.
* Slasher bows slightly towards Saint Peter, muttering something, he then turns and follows behind Snipe
* Dias steps in behind Snipe and Slasher
* Ariel moves forward slowly, her lips moving silently.
* Katrina` kneels beside Peter, saying a small prayer. She stands up, following the others, refusing to acknowledge Cole or Kio.
<Terra`> ... this is just... too bloody wrong...
* Terra` heads in
* Wind opens the next set of doors into an elaborate looking entrance room, with huge stairs leading up to another entrance above -- and one on the same level as them, under the stairs.
* Colephantus stops beside Wind.
<Colephantus> Where to?
* Granji-BBL is now known as Granji
* Wind looks around.
<Wind> It's hard to tell.
<Ariel> <Strife> This makes my head hurt... I'm glad this isn't my creator we're visiting.
<Colephantus> Wouldn't the obvious choice be up?
* Slasher looks around the room, taking it in
<Terra`> <Michiru> Strife... I...
<Wind> Then go up.
<Terra`> <Michiru> I couldn't even think of hurting my parents...
* Katrina` stands in the back, her hands folded together.
* Pathos has joined #taw
* Pathos appears on the stairs
<Pathos> Defilers.
* Colephantus advances up. Not wanting to hear the whines of people that don't have to be here.
* Colephantus stops, looking at Pathos.
<Ariel> <Strife> I hope you don't need to... I really do.
* Pathos blasts Cole down the stairs.
* Dias looks out at Pathos
<Terra`> <Michiru> ... I don't think I could...
* Wind eyes Pathos.
* Colephantus slides into the wall. Curse and stands. Raising his mini-gun and firing at the being.
<Terra`> <Michiru> I'm only here because I want to be with them..
* Pathos moves to the side to avoid it. He blasts Cole again.
<Pathos> You dare move against thy Lord?
<Snipe> Dammit, Cole
<Dias> What's the game plan Snipe?
* Snipe leaps up onto the stairs.
* Kio pulls out his own rifle, unleash round after round at pathos
<Slasher> We do not believe his actions are just.
* Colephantus grits his teeth. and falls against the wall. Then gets back up once more.
<Pathos> You will all regret thy actions this day.
* Pathos vanishes.
* Pathos has left #taw
* Snipe pauses.
<Terra`> Why do you want to destroy... oh, for fucks sake...
<Colephantus> Fucking bastard. Eyes his chest.
<Colephantus> **
<Ariel> <Strife> Wow... I thought he was going to kill us all.
<Terra`> At least he's gone, and not just ignoring me.
<Slasher> Cole, do not jump the gun.
<Snipe> GM: *suddenly Terra vanishes*
<Colephantus> He shot me first.
<Ariel> <Strife> H-hey! Bring her back!
<Slasher> You did kill Saint Peter.
<Terra`> <Michiru> ... what just happened?
<Wind> I... *vanisheS*
* Colephantus arches a brow.
* Slasher turns as Wind vanishes
<Snipe> GM: *Kio vanishes*
* Ariel steps back beside Katrina.
<Colephantus> No one else was doing anything. I stepped up. So give me a break.
<Dias> ...
* Katrina` looks around
<Katrina`> What is happening?
<Colephantus> And why the fuck is everyone vanishing?
<Slasher> Divide and conquer.
* Colephantus is having a bad day.
<Ariel> <Strife> *trys to dart up the stairs*
<Terra`> <Michiru> ... I just want my family back...
* Dias begins stepping back
* Colephantus slams a fist into the wall.
<Snipe> GM: *nothing stops Strife*
<Snipe> GM: *Dias vanishes*
<Snipe> DIAS!
<Snipe> Dammit.
<Colephantus> .....
<Terra`> <Michiru> ... *heads up after Strife*
* Katrina` grabs onto Ariel, as if she might vanish.
<Ariel> <Strife> *scopes out the second floor then, just wondering what's up there. Hoping it's not just a movie set or something*
* Ariel puts an arm around Katrina protectively.
<Colephantus> Snipe. I'm sorry you don't agree with this. But it has to be done. I'm going to try my best to get this mission accomplished.
<Snipe> GM: *Strife would find a hallway up there*
<Snipe> Fuck off
* Colephantus then begins to advance up the steps seeing that Strife is fine.
<Colephantus> You first.
* Snipe moves through the lower door.
<Slasher> ...*follows behind Snipe*
<Ariel> <Strife> Oooh... linear path. *heads down the hall*
* Colephantus step up to the hallway. Watching Strife.
<Katrina`> Which...way? *she looks at Ariel*
<Ariel> Normally I'd suggest splitting up... but in this case, maybe we'll just check out the ground floor.
* Colephantus slowly begins to walk down the hallway, trying to listen for any type of traps or movement.
* Katrina` nods, following Slasher and Snipe
<Snipe> GM: *Cole and Strife come to a stairway, leading upward*
* Ariel sticks close to Kat, following S&S
* Colephantus begins to advance upward. Beeing on guard.
<Snipe> GM: *the ground level people find an outdoor area with a tower, and a beautiful pond of light*
<Colephantus> NRP: Being.
<Ariel> <Strife> *races upstairs*
<Colephantus> Carefil Strife.
<Colephantus> NRP: Careful* Gah.
* Slasher eyes the pond if light, then looks over at the tower
* Snipe stops at the pond,
<Ariel> Hmmm... finely cut grass.
<Snipe> GM: *Strife comes to an another area, which is a large open room*
* Slasher slows to a stop, then kneels to the pond and reaches his hand into it
<Snipe> GM: *Slasher's life is restored and his strength increases*
* Colephantus slowly steps up behind Strife, raising both of his weapons. Waiting for an attack in this room.
<Ariel> <Strife> Whew... I was getting tired of stairs. *looks around* Anyone home?
<Snipe> GM: *his voice echoes. The exit is far away on the other side*
* Slasher shakes his head and stands up
<Slasher> Amazing...
<Slasher> Ariel...Do you have an bottles on you?
<Snipe> What is?
* Colephantus waits. Then slowly steps in.
<Slasher> Touch the water...
* Snipe kneels down, touching
<Snipe> ....Amazing!
<Ariel> <Strife> *starts across the room slowly, looking around* This place is like a fricken.. um... damn, I forget the word.
* Logos has joined #taw
<Terra`> <Michiru> *follows Strife* Maze?
* Logos appears before Strife
<Logos> You cannot logically defeat God. You should repent for your sins.
* Garland is now known as Junior
* Colephantus stops raising both weapons.
<Ariel> <Strife> No no no... One of those things that's bigger on the inside than o-OOF! *walks into Logos*
<Colephantus> Listen. We just want to live.
<Junior> I... love... how you put it, Logos.
<Colephantus> Junior? *turns to him*
<Ariel> Bottle? No... But, I could try to whip something up.
<Ariel> <Strife> *looks over* Hey... didn't you die?
* Logos loosk at Junior
<Logos> You.
<Slasher> *nods to her, letting her do her thing*
* Junior stands, hunched forward, gray blood dripping from his mouth and eyes.
<Colephantus> Are you alright?
<Colephantus> You look. Like death.
<Colephantus> ....Oh. Right.
* Katrina` eyes the water.
<Junior> ...
* Ariel closes her eyes, carefully forming a flask of icy looking crystal.
<Colephantus> Sorry about that...*turns back to Logos* Just let us by ok?
<Junior> You seem as though you expect me to say something else, Logos. *shifts a bit, eyes flared*
* Logos forms a spear
<Terra`> <Michiru> ... Junior...
<Logos> You shall be sent back to where you belong, you damned soul.
<Ariel> <Strife> ... okay, Mr. Jr has gotten creepy... *trys to walk around and continue*
<Terra`> <Michiru> WHAT?! He didn't DO anything!
<Junior> Damned? Please, I don't need your seal of approval.
* Colephantus spins his mini-gun barrel and brings it to a stop aimed at logos. Waiting for his chance.
* Colephantus slowly begins to charge energy into each barrel.
* Logos aims the spear at Junior
<Logos> Your time ended decades ago.
<Colephantus> Decades?
* Snipe looks upward
<Snipe> I sense a power...
<Colephantus> Am I missing something?
* Ariel hands the flask to Slasher. "It doubt it'll last an eternity, but it shouldn't need to."
<Junior> You fucking aeon.
* Slasher nods and begins to fill up the flask
<Snipe> GM: *Kio appears in the room with JUnior*
* Katrina` looks around
* Junior glances at Cole, then Kio.
* Colephantus eyes Kio. "Where did you go?"
<Katrina`> ... I ... someone's back...
<Terra`> <Michiru> *gets ready to try to knock the spear off course with telekinesis*
<Kio> 14" doesn't concern you.." 2His voice was actually shaken for once
* Snipe runs back the way the others went.
<Ariel> *pauses* Back..? *looks at Snipe running off, then to Kat*
* Wind appears in the room near Junior.
<Wind> I see you're back.
* Katrina` hurries after Snipe.
<Slasher> ...*finishes filling up the flask*
* Junior 's eyes lock on Kio for a moment, a cold glare before turning back to Logos.
<Logos> ...
* Colephantus is wondering what the hell is going on.
<Slasher> Follow him. *turns and runs after Snipe*
<Junior> You're mistaking me for someone else. I never left.
* Logos launches a blast at Junior.
<Wind> Your sense of "leaving" is vastly different than my own.
* Junior lunges into the blast, rushing towards Logos
<Terra`> <Michiru> *gets ready to try to knock the blast off course with telekinesis*
* Logos watches Junior knock it aside, his eyes widening.
* Snipe runs into the room, panting.
<Terra`> NRP: Oops, messed up action. Ah well, doesn't matter
<Snipe> Junior?!
<Terra`> <Michiru> Dad!
* Katrina` comes up behind Snipe, eyeing Junior.
<Ariel> <Strife> ...this is grade A halloween movie marathon material.
* Junior hammerblows Logos across the face, spining aside.
* Logos flies back into the wal.
* Slasher slides to a stop
<Slasher> ...Junior?!
* Colephantus rubs the back of his head with his free hand. Having charged up to max. But wondering what to do.
* Ariel skids to a stop behind Kat
<Ariel> ...I think I missed one of those memos everyone talks about.
* Kio somehow expected this..the dead never tend to stay dead very long..
* Logos flies off the all, firing holy beams at Junior.
<Snipe> GM: *Dias appears*
<Katrina`> That's not Junior.
* Dias looks around, confused
* Junior waves a dismissive hand to Slasher, firing his own blast at Logos
<Slasher> ...Then who?
* Colephantus sees tha Logos is back some and releases the entire charged blast at Logos.
<Slasher> *eyes Junior, studing him*
* Logos blurs to the side, hit by Cole.
* Ariel looks to Kat, wondering if her suspicions were correct.
<Wind> Well, the old gang's here.
* Wind draws his sabre.
* Junior stands calmly.
* Junior is now known as Garland
<Slasher> Garland...
* Garland looks at Slasher.
<Logos> You've rebelled against God, Garland. Your soul is damned.
<Slasher> You never could rest.
* Colephantus eyes logos. Charging up once more. Waiting patiently.
<Snipe> Garland!?
* Logos fires a holy beam at Cole.
<Logos> Defiler.
<Dias> ...*eyes narrow as he locks his gaze on Logos*
* Garland teleports infront of Cole, taking the blast.
* Colephantus blinks.
<Colephantus> Thanks?
<Ariel> Well, I once suspected I'd see him in heaven one day, but certainly not like this.
* Logos powers up.
* Dias dashes across the room towards Logos
<Logos> Your sins will be accounted for by ME.
* Colephantus strafes over to the right. Still charging.
* Kio raises his rifle, firing off a few rounds torward logos head
<Snipe> NRP: Logos will be played by Dias right quick. My tummy unhappy.
* Logos is now known as GM
* Logos has joined #taw
<Colephantus> NRP: I'm going to go tinkle real quick. So i'm just charging. Brb.
<Garland> Damnation is not yours to give.
<Logos> It has been now.
* Logos fires of two Holy Beams, one at Garland and the other at Dias
<Terra`> <Michiru> ...
* Dias leaps to the side, rolling as the blast passes by him
* Ariel stay back from the front lines... either not prepared or not capible of fighting this fight.
<Terra`> <Michiru> *sticks with Ariel*
<Ariel> <Strife> *slips up in puddle form and trys to trip Logos*
* Garland glances to Ariel, taking the blast.
<Garland> Get off your ass.
* Logos reforms his spear and dashes towards Garland
* Slasher begins forming a Chi Bomb
* Colephantus stops off the the right side of Logos. Aiming as he rushes at Garland.
* Logos has quit IRC (Quit: )
* GM is now known as Logos
* Logos tries to spear Garland.
* Garland gets into a stance to coutner the spear, currently weapon-less as he gets knocked back.
* Snipe leaps up at Logos, sailing over him. He elbow rams him in the back
* Wind slashes Logos, releasing holy energy. He's knocked back from it
* Colephantus continues to wait for the most opertune time.
<Logos> My purity will destroy you.
* Dias pushes himself up and sprints towards Logos once again
* Wind gets to his feet.
* Katrina` does nothing, watching "Junior" fight.
* Garland teleports behind logos, slamming his fist against his back.
<Wind> Becareful of open wounds.
<Logos> ARGH. *falls forward*
<Snipe> Gotcha
* Snipe rams his fist into Logos' stomach as he falls.
* Dias leaps up and spins around kicking Logos across the back as he comes down
* Logos is slammed downward.
* Wind turns and clotheslines Logos.
* Dias presses with his foot then flips back as Wind comes in
* Garland begins charging a blast in his hands, eying Logos
* Logos is flipped hard toward the floor.
<Slasher> Here it comes...*hurls the Chi Ball into the air towards Logos*
* Colephantus releases his charged blast for Logos on the floor.
<Slasher> NRP: Chi-Bomb
* Logos looks up at the two attacks.
* Garland roars, thrusting his hands at Logos as he releases the charged blast
* Dias backflips away from the incoming explosion
* Logos is hit by both attacks, then slammed by Gar's attack. He vanishes in holy light, crying out in pain.
* Logos has left #taw
* Ariel winces at Logos disappears.
* Snipe pants.
* Colephantus extends his arm. Steam dispenses out of the mini-gun.
* Wind looks toward Junior.
* Slasher turns to Garland
<Slasher> Taking over bodies now eh?
* Garland looks to Slasher
* Dias lets out a deep breath
<Garland> Bluntly.
* Kio puts away his rifle, looking both up and down on the steps.
<Slasher> Well we appreciate the help.
<Snipe> But...HOW?
<Snipe> How did you come back?
<Ariel> <Strife> It's damn creepy.
* Garland turns to Snipe.
<Garland> Death isn't all it's cracked up to be. Stark helped a bit, too.
* Wind stands there, wearing Garland's cross pendant. Somehow, he's not surprised.
<Katrina`> I thought I felt you.
* Katrina` says softly, looking down.
* Garland looks to Katrina.
<Colephantus> Stark did?
* Colephantus walks over to them. Talking to Garland directly.
* Garland glances to Cole. "Stark's been my agent from the start."
<Snipe> Why am I not surprised.
* Colephantus seems impressed at Stark. "I never knew."
<Slasher> Like I said, you never did like to rest or sit by idly.
<Ariel> Not a first for you to have your hands into everything.
* Garland looks to Ariel.
<Terra`> <Michiru> .oO(Didn't mom say something about him?)
* Colephantus looks at the blood still on Garland. "You look like shit...since no one else is going to say it."
* _Trunks_ has joined #taw
* Snipe pokes Garland's flesh
<Garland> It's not for control, but I was preparing.
* Garland squishes like a dead man.
<Snipe> GM: *Terra reappears*
<Ariel> <Strife> Didn't you say that once already Cole?
* Colephantus looks at Strife. "Oh yeah I forgot..."
<Slasher> And how long do you plan on holding onto that body?
* Wind silently looks to the exit.
<Terra`> Okay, I'm back!
* Colephantus shurgs and then turns for the exit. Slowly walking toward it.
<Colephantus> NRP: Shrugs*
* Garland looks to Katrina.
<Ariel> <Strife> Hey! You okay?
* Katrina` looks away.
<Garland> ...
<Snipe> GM: *Cole vanishes*
<Terra`> Better. I... spoke to Ire.
<Ariel> <Strife> You... what?
<Snipe> Ire's here?
* _Trunks_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Dias> ...So is...was...Eve.
<Terra`> I spoke to Ire. Here, as in heaven? Yeah
* Katrina` looks back at "Junior"
<Terra`> ... Sil isn't, but it sounds like Sil isn't even dead
<Terra`> She just needs a new body.
<Terra`> <Michiru> ... you're creepy
<Ariel> <Strife> ...I have to second that one.
<Snipe> Garland
* Snipe looks to him.
* Garland turns to Snipe.
<Snipe> Just like old times?
* Snipe grins.
<Garland> The old times never stopped as far as I'm concerned. Hurry up and die you old ass.
* Kio shrugs, walking torward the exit.
* Ariel laughs.
* Garland smirks, even if he is looking rather undead.
<Slasher> He's still got about a 100 years in him thanks to me.
<Snipe> GM: *Kio is teleported upward to another level*
<Garland> It only means I get all the fun when you die.
<Terra`> NRP: Kio has reached a whole new level! :o
* Garland waves a dismissive bird at Slasher
<Wind> We should go
<Kio> NRP: *gathers coins to advance again*
<Garland> Right.
* Wind follows after Kio, teleporting also
<Slasher> Atleast I'll get to watch you die again Garland.
* Kio walks forward down the hallway, cocking a pistol
* Slasher begins stepping towards the exit
* Snipe exits.
<Ariel> <Strife> Hey! I was leading this expedition! *runs to the exit*
<Garland> Death means very little.
* Garland moves ahead.
<Snipe> GM: *a holy beam shoots out to cut Kio in half*
* Dias walks over and steps into the exit
<Terra`> Yeah, lets go. I'm not letting this universe end before I bring Sil back
* Kio urks and presses his back against a wall, letting it pass by him
* Wind eyes the beams.
<Ariel>'re a little obsessed there. *looks to Kat, then heads to the exit*
<Terra`> NRP: Last session of the game: <Terra> *gets ready to pour Sil into her new body* <DS> *SESSION ENDS*
<Katrina`> ...
<Terra`> ... you've never lost a friend?
* Katrina` follows them.
* Kio eyes the beams also, looking torward a source
<Terra`> The thing is, she's not even dead. She's.. just.. out of body, kind of.
<Snipe> <Voice> I never expected you to ally with them, Garland Hianule
* Dias walks down the new hallway
* Pathos has joined #taw
* Pathos appears.
* Terra` follows Strife, finally
* Slasher follows down the new hallway
<Slasher> Golly gee, Garlands got even more friends.
<Snipe> Popular guy in the afterlife.
<Garland> ... I keep busy.
<Slasher> Must get around a lot.
<Ariel> <Strife> Networking I tell you. It's all networking.
<Pathos> I will take the advantage away from you.
* Pathos raises his hands, forming glowing energy.
<Pathos> Cast to the far seas I send you, away from your friends. May you be divided for eternity. And burn alone.
* Dias eyes Pathos down the hallway
<Garland> This won't be a repeat of last time, Pathos!
* _Trunks_ has joined #taw
* Pathos smiles wickedly. Garland, Death Star, Ariel, Dias, and Snipe all vanish
<Terra`> <Michiru> DAD!
<Ariel> <Strife> ...that wasn't good.
<Slasher> ...*watches them all vanish*
<Katrina`> Mom! Dad!
<Terra`> ... wonder who they're visiting?
* Kio growls and kicks off the wall, firing off potshots at pathos
* Slasher looks down the hallway, looking to see if Pathos is still there
* Pathos smiles, vanishing.
* Pathos has left #taw
<Slasher> ...We keep moving.
<Terra`> Yeah
* Wind has left #Taw
* Kio doesnt need to be told twice..and continues venturing cautiously down the hallway
* Snipe is now known as DeathStar
* Garland has left #taw
* Gar-gone has joined #taw
* Terra` keeps a nice, safe, distance from Kio
<Slasher> Keep your guards up.
<DeathStar> GM: *the long hallway looks dangerous*
<Ariel> <Strife> *starts cautiously down the hallway*
* Slasher begins eyeing the hallway, looking for any irregularites in the floor, wall and cieling
<DeathStar> GM: *a holy beam shoots at Slasher*
<Terra`> Holy beam, Batman!
* Katrina` grabs Slasher and yanks him away.
<Ariel> <Strife> *puddles as it flys overhead*
* Slasher is yanked backwards by Kat
<Terra`> <Michiru> *looks at Terra as if she's insane*
* Kio moves to the side, aiming his pistol at the source
* Slasher looks to Kat
* Katrina` pants, looking at Slasher
<Slasher> My savior.
<Katrina`> I'm not losing you, too.
<Terra`> <Michiru> ... someone LIKES Slasher?
<Terra`> <Michiru> Someone besides me, that is. *smiles sweetly*
<Terra`> ... riight..
<Ariel> <Strife> Well... he was our uncle at one point... ah, damn. That's confusing. *reforms*
<Katrina`> We need to stay focused.
<Katrina`> Lets go.
* Katrina` moves along the wall, in a crouched position.
<Terra`> <Michiru> Wait... you mean...
* Slasher crotches and slides along the opposite wall of Kat
<Terra`> <Michiru> I'm related, however distantly, to him?
* Kio shakes his head, moving forward once again
<Terra`> Yeah.. the unit is just one big happy family...
<Ariel> <Strife> *ponders* Sorta kinda your adoptive greatuncle in law?
* Katrina` looks determined, trying to keep them focused.
<Terra`> <Michiru> *nods quietly*
<DeathStar> GM: *Beams shoot at Kio, since he isn't crouching and moving along the wall*
* Terra` follows Kat, keeping low and to the wall
<Ariel> <Strife> *trips Kio as the beam flys towards him*
<Slasher> That's nothing that'll get you gifts. *continues sliding along the wall, his technique getting more effective as he moves along it*
<Terra`> <Michiru> I'm going straight to hell for this, but...
* Kio growls as the first one comes out, it cutting his shirt as he presses against the wall, only to be tripped
<Terra`> <Michiru> *turns catgon and walks*
* Slasher sniffs the air
<Terra`> ...
<Slasher> ...I smell something evil.
* Katrina` reaches the end of the hallway, standing up.
* Slasher reaches the end right after Katrina and stands up
<Terra`> <Michiru> ... save it, will you? It's easier than trying to walk while crouching
* Slasher he looks back to see Michiru turned into a Catgon
<Slasher> Gah...They'll let anythign into heaven these days.
<DeathStar> GM: *A psionic blast hits Slasher*
* Kio gets up, reaching the end after them.
* Terra` reaches the end of the hallway, and stands up, keeping to the wall
* Slasher slides forward from the blast
<Katrina`> What?
* Katrina` looks around
* Ripple has joined #taw
<Terra`> <Michiru> *changes back, once she reaches the end*
<Ripple> You're getting slow, old man. Slash would be disappointed.
<Slasher> Psionics...
* Ripple floats there.
<Ariel> <Strife> *takes human form, and looks around for the source* ...oh crap.
* Slasher turns around to see Ripple
<Terra`> You shapeshifters are lucky.
<Slasher> And he'd be disapointed that you've been turned so easily.
<Terra`> Who's that?
<Ariel> <Strife> Well... if you put any credit in that screwed up family tree, Michiru's cousin. Sorta almost.
<Ripple> You cannot hear the song, Slasher. The song of angels. Of a new age. Of peace. He'd want that.
<Terra`> <Michiru> ... really? *blinks*
<Ariel> <Strife> *takes a defensive stance* Yeah.
<Slasher> Andrew Stryfe. A.k.a Ripple.
<Katrina`> Ripple...?
<Slasher> An Enhanced.
<Terra`> Oh, like that Diamondback guy?
<Slasher> Or one of the Chosen of Theos.
<Ariel> <Strife> Cool guy when he's not trying to, y'know, kick your ass.
* Kio takes the conversation time in an effort to lunge at ripple, throwing off a howling green energy blast torward him
<Slasher> Very much, except not as powerful as Diamonback.
<Terra`> Well, that's nice to know
* Ripple is hit, sliding back. He grins
<Ripple> Now that's the spirit!
<Slasher> Slash would rather die in battle than follow the beating of a drum.
<Ripple> You don't remember him very well then
* Ripple forms a giant purple fist and pounds Slasher into the ground.
* Katrina` leaps up, trying to tackle Ripple. He slaps her away.
* Slasher throws his handds up, forming a barrier of Chi
<Ariel> <Strife> HEY! *throws a ball of metal at Ripple*
<Ripple> You should just quit fighting.
* Ripple knocks the metal away.
<Terra`> And let the universe be destroyed?
<Ripple> Destroyed? Reborn!
<Terra`> Destroyed. Whether it's reborn or not.
* Slasher pushes himself up
* Kio snaps forward, bring down his massive blade torward ripple, trying to cleave him in half
* Ripple forms a psionic sword, blocking Kio. He grins wildly
<Ripple> Yes...YES!
* Ripple knocks Kio back.
<Terra`> ... and people call me freaky
* Katrina` gets up, holding her cheek.
* Slasher dashes forward towards Ripple
<Ariel> <Strife> Don't mind him, he's not himself. *darts at Ripple, his arm forming into a blade*
<Terra`> <Michiru> Kat? Are you okay?
* Kio goes skidding backwards, but in mid skid he snaps his feet against the ground, stopping his momentum. His sword becomes consumed in green energy flames before being struck forward, unleashing a wave of energy
<Katrina`> I'm fine.
* Terra` pulls out her gun, and fires a shot at Ripple
* Ripple is hit by the energy, then shot.
* Ripple blasts Terra back with his own energy.
* Terra` winces, flying backward
<Ariel> <Strife> *lunges at Ripple*
* Slasher leaps forward, he locks both his hands together and swings them forward towards Ripple's face
* Granji is now known as Granji|-
* Ripple grabs Slasher
<Ripple> Nice try.
* Granji|- is now known as Granji
* Granji is now known as Granji`|-Bed
<Ariel> <Strife> *slashes Ripple as he grabs Slasher*
<Ripple> ARGH
<Ripple> ...
* Ripple explodes with psionic energy, knocking everyone near him away.
<Slasher> IT was a good distraction...*is set flying back from the explosion?*
* Ripple blurs and punches Slasher into the ground
<Ariel> <Strife> *is splattered over the wall*
* Ripple forms a giant psionic anvil and begins to smash it down at Slasher.
* Katrina` leaps on Ripple's back, grabbing onto him wildly
<DeathStar> GM: *cole appears, running into the wall*
* Slasher shoves his hands and rolls to the side, letting the anvil crash where he was
* Ripple throws Kat off, whirling around to face her.
<Colephantus> Oh fuck. Stupid specter shit.
* Colephantus turns to see what is going on.
* Colephantus ignites his Katars and dives for Kat's attackers back.
* Ripple raises his hand at Cole, stopping him in mid air.
* Ripple shakes his finger
<Ripple> Tisk tisk.
<Colephantus> .......Psions suck.
* Kio skids back, grimacing as he sees ripple distracted he dashes forward, trying to stab him with his blade
* Colephantus pulls up his mini-gun and opens fire.
<Slasher> *begins forming two chi-balls in his hands*
* Ripple is stabbed
<Ripple> Urk...
<Ripple> Careless..
* Ripple drops Cole, then is shot.
* Colephantus runs in swinging his katar upward.
<Terra`> Yeah.. blame me while you're at it, why don't you... *heads to Strife's... side?*
<Colephantus> NRP: Right katar.
<Ariel> <Strife> *starts to reform slowly*
* Katrina` stands up.
* Slasher hurls the two balls at Ripple
* Ripple is slashed harshly, blood splattering, then hit twice by the balls
* Ripple slides back.
<Spirit> *blasts Cole with psionic energy as he attacks*
<Slasher> Give up now Ripple.
* Spirit has joined #taw
* Colephantus flies back and flips back up to his feet.
<Katrina`> Spirit, too?
<Colephantus> I hate you bastard Psionics.
<Slasher> Where's there's one.
* Ripple tries to get up, bleeding bad.
* Colephantus pulls up his miniguns and fires both at Ripple.
<Spirit> You people! Why can't you accept it? *grabs Cole with Telekenesis and points his gun at the ground*
<Terra`> Accept what?
<Ripple> Theos..forgives you...
* Colephantus eyes Spirit. Stops firing his gun.
* Ripple stands up, holding his stomach.
<Slasher> Because we weren't engineered to do what he wants.
* Kio grows and steps forward, trying to plunge his blade into ripples chest
<Spirit> You can finally have the peace you've fought for... why not just accept it? *throws Cole at Kio*
* Ripple is stabbed in the chest. He forms his own psionic blade, plunging it into Kio's chest.
<Ripple> Got..cha...
<Colephantus> KIo look out! *flies through the air.*
* Ripple splurts blood, then falls.
* Katrina` looks torn.
<Slasher> ANDREW!!
* Colephantus looks for something to catch.
<Katrina`> Ripple...?
<Ariel> <Strife> *shakes his head* Urg... This isn't fun.
* Slasher drops to one kene
<Slasher> NRP: knee
* Kio is stabbed into the chest by the blade, before falling backwards himself..letting cole pass over his falling body
* Colephantus hits the ground and slides, hitting the wall.
<Terra`> You're okay, though, right?
<Ariel> <Strife> Yeah. Head's ringing though.
* Colephantus urgs and stands up. Kneeling down beside Kio.
<Slasher> Andrea, take him to that pond.
<Colephantus> You ok?
<DeathStar> GM: *Kio's wound is fatal*
<Kio> 14"N-not really.." 2He manages to gasp out, blood coming down the hole in his chest.
<DeathStar> GM: *it's just a matter of time*
* Spirit is hesitant... then grabs Ripple and teleports him out.
<Colephantus> What pond are you talking about SLasher?
<Slasher> ...*walks over to Kio*
<Terra`> Seems strange... I thought I was psionic, and yet... wait, pond?
<Slasher> You're still not getting out of this one...*kneels down and pulls out a flask and grabs Kio's mouth opening. He pours some of the liquid into his mouth*
* Colephantus watches Slasher oddly.
<DeathStar> GM: *Kio's wound heals and his strength increases*
<Colephantus> What the hell is that liquid?
<Slasher> *stands upright, putting awa the flask* I would assume holy water.
<Slasher> Let's go now...*starts walking down the hallway again*
<Slasher> NRP: Geeze, Kio's just becoming super strong!
* Colephantus stands and begins to walk down the hallway.
* Kio clutches his chest..still feeling the pain..mentally. A sigh is given before he stands, following cole
<DeathStar> GM: *they reach a stairway*
* Colephantus glances at Kat as he passes by. His face darkens and it seems a saddness has overcome him. But he continues on.
<Slasher> He might be back...And he will be stronger if he returns.
* Slasher waits for everyone to reach them
<Colephantus> He was a friend of yours?
* Katrina` doesn't look at Cole. She hurries on ahead up the stairs.
<Slasher> You could call him my nephew.
<Colephantus> Oh...sorry.
<Ariel> <Strife> *heads after Kat*
<Slasher> Don't be.
<Terra`> <Michiru> I wonder if Slasher'll ever get over his hatred... *follows*
<Colephantus> Slasher...did you know that Reploids have souls?
* Terra` rushes after Strife
* Colephantus begins to walk up the stairs.
<Slasher> I pondered the possibility...*starts walking up the stairs*
* Ripple is now known as Ethos
* Ethos appears on the stairs
* Slasher looks up at Ethos
<Colephantus> Seems that since we are sentient. We too have souls. Sucks because I just killed an innocent. Person...*Stops seeing Ethos.*
* Kio looks up at ethos 14""
* Spirit has left #taw
* Slasher holds his hand out
<Slasher> NRP: to the side
<Terra`> You know... I'm having some doubts about all this, now...
<Ethos> Leave now.
<Ethos> Repent for your sins.
<Colephantus> Just let us pass. Thats all we ask.
<Ethos> I cannot.
<Colephantus> Then we'll talk about the sin thing later.
<Terra`> ... can't or won't?
<Terra`> I'm a pretty strong believer in free will, y'know
<Ethos> You leave me no choice but to defeat you.
<Slasher> Why?
* Ethos stands there, not doing anything.
<Ariel> <Strife> Dude... I know that killing is a sin, but nothing says we can't hurt you if you try to stop us.
* Ethos says nothing.
* Colephantus lowers his left arm, charging energy into his plasma cannon. "Let us pass."
<Ariel> <Strife> Because I know you have no qualms with killing us... huh? That's ironic now that I think about it.
<Ethos> I will not.
<Slasher> And why's that? You're too afraid to do what you want?
<Colephantus> Funny. You speak of our sin. But you all sin more that us.
<Ethos> I am doing what I want.
<Colephantus> NRP: THan*
<Ethos> I want to serve my Lord.
<Slasher> Then let us go somewhere more fitting for a fight.
<Ariel> <Strife> I've never gotten the whole 'killing is bad, but killing LOTS of people in the name of your god is good'
* Katrina` is quiet.
<Ethos> No.
<Colephantus> Your lord is fallable. Do you understand that?
* Ethos stands there, just waiting.
<Terra`> I... don't know whether what we're doing is right...
<Slasher> Make the first move Ethos.
* Colephantus stands there. Waiting.
<Terra`> But... it seems wrong to force others into your little pattern
<Ethos> I have. I stand here and wait.
* Slasher starts to walk forward
<Ariel> <Strife> *trys to go past Ethos*
<Colephantus> You know that we cannont leave.
<Ethos> GM: *a barrier kncks them back*
<Colephantus> NRP: *cannot*
* Kio rushes forward at ethos first obviously, attempting to cleave ethos across the stomach
* Slasher stops at the barrier
<Ariel> NRP: Anyone with moral qualms, worry not! Kio is happy to cut them down ^^;
* Ethos is cleaved harshly, pure light rushing from him. He raises his hand and blasts Kio, disabling his nervous system, but leaving him alive.
* Colephantus watches Kio streak past him. He steps to the side.
* Ethos holds his stomach.
* Colephantus eyes Ethos. "I hate to do this.." raises his plasma cannon and releases the charged blast for his stomach.
* Kio falls down the stairs, unable to move
<Colephantus> NRP: Ethos'
* Ethos blocks the blast, then hits Cole, disabling him.
* Colephantus slumps down. sliding down a few stairs them coming to a halt.
* Katrina` looks at them, then at Ethos.
<Colephantus> NRP: <Katrina`> *gives Ethos a high five*
* Slasher turns looking at Ethos
* Ethos stands his ground/
<Ariel> <Strife> Geez... I was created as a weapon, and this whole attacking everything that moves is getting old for even me.
<Katrina`> ...they know if they can delay us, then this Sanctuary will bring about the next age....
<DeathStar> GM: *Kio can move again, his body healnig faster now*
* Kio struggles to move, trying to overcome the effects on his nervous system.
* Slasher sizes up Ethos, hid body sliding into a fighting stance
<Ethos> ...
* Ethos waits patiently, looking at peace.
<Terra`> NRP: <Peace> Yo
<Ariel> <Strife> Um... Please let us through?
<Ethos> I cannot.
<Slasher> Why do you believe in Theos?
<Ethos> My reasons cannot be your own.
<Ethos> I simply believe. Because I know.
<Ariel> <Strife> Opensesme?
<DeathStar> GM: *now Cole can move*
<Slasher> Than you should understand why we don't belive in him.
* Kio tumbles forward, not expecting himself to heal so fast. Though he reaches for a pistol and aims at ethos. 14"Just die then!!" 2With that he fires off a pair of shots torward his forehead
* Ethos avoids the shots.
* Colephantus slides up the wall. Looking up at Ethos.
<Ethos> I will not let you kill my God.
* Colephantus looks down at his arms and then at the people around Ethos. They obviously want to get in the way of any type of shot.
<Terra`> Some guy turns up, and says he's going to destroy the universe. The universe I risked my life for...
<Terra`> Am I supposed to just LET him?
<Slasher> And I will not let you destroy my world...*dashes forward kicking out towards Ethos side
* Ethos blocks Slasher, punching him in the face. He doesn't seem aggressive, just doing enough damage to try to keep them down.
* Slasher drops to the ground and plants his hands, flipping upwards
* Kio clenchs his fist, forming a massive energy ball, which is unleashed upon ethos as he is distracted with slasher
<Ariel> <Strife> *trys to judo chop Ethos*
* Ethos is hit by all the attacks. He kneels in pain.
* Slasher lansd on his feet and dashes forward once again, this time striking at Ethos neck
* Ethos is hit, wincing.
* Ethos stands up again.
* Slasher pulls his hand back and slides back from Ethos
* Ethos holds his ground.
<Katrina`> ....
<Ariel> <Strife> *wraps his hands over Ethos' face, cutting off his oxygen*
<Slasher> Then death is the only way...
* Katrina` doesn't seem to like this at all.
* Kio walks up the steps, before lunging once against at the injured ethos, blade coming forward trying to cleave him in hal
<Kio> *f*
* Ethos has Strife in front of Kio's attack.
* Colephantus watches.
* Ethos stands there, not seeming to need oxygen.
* Slasher dashes forward one again forming a blade of Chi from his hand and slashes at Ethos's chest
<Kio> 14"Get out of my way slimy..i'm not stopping..!" 2He proceeds lunging forward, blade coming from above
<DeathStar> GM: *everyone keeps aiming at poor Strife, who is in front of Ethos*
<Katrina`> Strife!
<Ariel> <Strife> *puddles* ._.
* Kio no longer has strife in front of him he cleaves from above :D
* Colephantus stands there watching. Not wanting to hit anyone.
* Ethos raises his hand, stopping the blade inches himself.
* Ethos strains to keep Kio back.
* Slasher comes full swing at Ethos' chest
* Ethos is slashed, holy energy exploding outward. He screams in pain, then vanishes.
* Ethos has left #taw
<Terra`> ...
* Slasher twists his body so that Kio can land beside him
<Katrina`> ...
* Katrina` runs away up the stairs - trying to keep herself away from the others.
* Colephantus begins to advance walking past the others.
* Kio sheaths the adam blade as he lands. 14"I am tired of this distractions.." 2Begins to run up the steps
<Ariel> <Strife> *oozes up the stairs*
<Terra`> ... idiots. *follows*
* Slasher mutters something under his breath once again, then begins to head up the stairs
<DeathStar> Session Ends
Session Close: Thu Dec 02 22:07:58 2004