Session Start: Mon Feb 24 01:28:15 2003
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20030224.log'
<Ire> Mini Session
<Ire> Time chart: May 10th, 2222
<Ire> Location: Building 38
<Alicia> NRP: I need someone in the police force, though.
<Alicia> NRP: It can wait.
* Ire is in the control room, reading a report.
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*** Caladia is now known as Unoria
* Silouette is outside in a rather casual outfit, praticing sword kata.
* Unoria lays silently beside Firebird in his bed.
<Ire> GM: *Dahok sleeps across the room*
* Unoria stretches, yawning and climbs out of bed.. She gets dressed and head downstairs to grab a coffee.
* Firebird blinks sleepily for a moment, then yawns and sits up after Unoria is already gone
* Ire pushes the papers to the side and walks downstairs, standing at the window. He watches Silouette practicing.
<Firebird> Where are you... *notices she's gone* ...head...ed? I need to learn to wake up faster... sheesh... *yawns again*
* Unoria runs down the stairs and makes two coffees then energetically heads back up to Firebird's room.
* Ire opens the front door and steps outside into the rather cool day.
* Firebird rummages through his closet (NRP: Which contains about thirty of the same outfit) and gets dressed
* Unoria opens the door and slides in. "Hi Hunnie!"
* Silouette gracefully flows through the forms, striking at air, falling back, parry, strike, evade, strike, strike...
* Ire stands on the porch, watching.
* Firebird sticks his head through his shirt as Unoria enters
<Firebird> Mornin'.
* Unoria smiles brightly and offers him a coffee.
<Firebird> Hey, thanks. *takes it and takes a sip* Mmm, black.
<Unoria> ^^ *takes a sip of hers, with a single cube of sugar disolving at the bottom* How did you sleep? *kisses him softly*
<Firebird> Better than I've slept in months. *grins and winks*
* Silouette seems to flow into a completely different combat style. Jab, retreat, slash, spin, kick, duck, sword twirl, parry, slash, quick retreat, lunge...
* Unoria giggles. "I'm glad to hear that. I always seem to sleep better when you are by my side."
* Ire casually watches like he would the weather.
* Unoria smiles again and wraps her arms around Fiebird, leaning her head on his chest.

Session Start: Tue Feb 25 21:52:13 2003
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20030225.log'
*** Wesley has joined #taw
*** Sherinmir has left #taw
<Jerry> Session 24: Fignuts
<Jerry> Time Chart: May 11th, 2222
<Jerry> Location: The Basement of the MC Police Force HQ
<Jaedda> NRP: there's computers right? lol
<Jerry> NRP: Lots
<Jaedda> NRP: SCORE!
* Jerry sits in front of his computer, playing an online first person shooter.
* Jaedda takes out a can of pop from her mini frige situated right beside her monitor.
* Wesley plays the same game at another computer across the room
* Saedron sits in fornt of his computer, working on a music track.
* Jerry gets toasted by Wesley
<Jerry> FIGNUTS!
* Dexter` sits infrount of a table filled with little robots, he moves one gloved hand up to his glasses pushing them up
*** Kimera is now known as Silouette
<Wesley> Death on toast, baby!
<Jaedda> NRP: Hika, we aren't using our Alt characters. :P
* Saedron runs his hands through his greasy long hair, kept in a pony taila nd checks his goatee. *The nerd that tries to be cool*
<Silouette> NRP: Oops, my bad
*** Silouette is now known as Kimera
* Wesley pumps his fist - and is fragged while his hand is off of the mouse
<Jerry> GM: *in the corner, a small Holovid is playing, showing the events of a terrorist bombing, presumeably the 5th Column, that took out a tunnel and buried tons of people.
* Jerry pushes his glasses up, glaring at Welsy.
<Jaedda> NRP: Pick a geeky person, and go with it... no bio needed
<Wesley> ...Ah, man...
* Saedron jumps in the game and selects the Deathstar model.
* Jaedda takes a sip of her pop and she laughs, which is more of a snorting at the daily online comic she writes.
<Kimera> NRP: Eh... not much in the mood really anyways...
* Wesley respawns, using a model of TAW-era Blackjack
<Saedron> I'm sure the *cops* can handle it.
* Jerry rolls over to Jedda, his face turning red
<Jerry> goes the comic?
* Dexter` snorts as he finishes another robot and places it on the floor. he then takes the remot and makes it crawl over to Jerry
* Jerry sees the robot
<Jerry> Wow, cool, Dexter!
* Saedron shoots Jerry's character from behind witha phase canon.
* Wesley fires at Jerry's character - and blasts Saedron's instead
* Jaedda looks up to Jerry. "Fantastic! I'm getting over 100 000 hits a day!" She smiles and pushes her glasses up her nose by the taped bridge
* Jerry sees he's died again, groans, and rolls back over to the computer.
<Jerry> Cut it out, guys
* Saedron 's glad he picked upo that helath icon. shoots back.
<Jaedda> Saedron, how many frags? ^^
* Dexter` snickers as he moves the robot over to wesley and over his feet
<Saedron> I'm up to 1000.
<Saedron> Take beyotch.
<Wesley> Try paying attention to the game, it works wonders! *strafes aside and blasts Saedron*
* Jaedda shorts. "Jerry, why do you even bother?"
<Jerry> I'll win someday. You'll see.
* Saedron gives upa kill.
* Wesley kicks upwards at the sudden touch to his foot and smashes the robot against the underside of his desk
<Jaedda> I think I'll be 6 feet under and covered with maggots by then!
* Saedron kills Jerry as soon as he spawns.
<Jerry> Fignuts!
<Wesley> Your -250 score says otherwise, Jer.
* Jerry disconnects from the game, giving up to do up a report.
<Jerry> Another time.
* Jaedda types madly at her computer, deciding to write a program cause she's bored.
<Wesley> Hey Sae, we just lost our target practice...
<Saedron> Can't believe you're actually going to do work Jerry...
* Saedron snipes Wesley.
<Jerry> Yeah. Lt. Carmachael has another assignment.
<Saedron> Maybe you did, but mines still here. you do move though.
* Dexter` stands as he walks over to Jeadda, with about three or for small robotic legs sticking out of all his pockets, pens, screwdrivers you name it. "Whats the comic about today?"
<Wesley> Camping bastard! *mutters* I'm out, too.
* Wesley clicks out and boredly begins surfing the Net
<Jerry> GM: *there's a knock at the door*
* Saedron jumps out.
* Saedron turns up the music real loud.
* Wesley quickly closes his browser and brings up an important looking document
<Jerry> GM: *in walks some officer*
<Jerry> Officer: Ah, yes, Mr. Jerry?
* Jerry raises his hand
<Jerry> That's me, sir.
* Jaedda looks up from her program.
<Jerry> Officer: We're wondering if you know what current case the unit of Building 38 was working on?
<Saedron> actually that's Stu, I'm Jerry.
* Jerry shoots Saedron a look, then turns back
<Jerry> ...uh, no clue, sir. Why? Is there a problem?
<Jerry> Officer: *looks momentarily confused, but then addresses them both* Well, it seems most of the squad is missing. HQ was curious if you knew anything. I'm sure it's just a routine disappearance. We'll look into it next week.
<Jerry> Officer: *leaves*
* Dexter` shuffles away from the others as he takes off one dirty lab coat and dawns a new one, white of corse. He then dawns his contomary purple gloves before moving back to the others
<Wesley> I hear this isn't the first time that unit's screwed up.
<Jerry> Whoa, something happened to Lt. Carmichael's team... *he looks concerned*
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* Wesley yawns and kicks back in his chair, propping his feet next to his keyboard
<Wesley> They'll show back up.
<Saedron> I'm bored. up to some hacking guys?
* Jerry rolls over to Saedron
<Jaedda> ...Hacking? Do you even need to ask?!
<Jerry> Yeah, hack into Building 38 and find out what they were doing.
<Saedron> Well, let's see if we can't find ourselves some security camera footage.
* Saedron is allready trying to get around the firewall.
* Dexter` sits down in his costome made chair and presses a button an all he moves towards Jerry and Saedron
<Wesley> *hasn't moved* Got anything?
* Jaedda yawns, and closes out her program then tries to hack in herself.
* Saedron then powers up his scanning tool and filters it to find anything top-secret including cmera footage.
* Saedron makes sure to pick up a few things along the way.
* Dexter` takes a few things from his pockets and starts building another lil robot as he watches
<Jerry> GM: *surprisingly, there are several computers in the entire building*
<Jerry> NRP: Cameras, even
<Jerry> NRP: Not computers. That's a given
<Jaedda> Never thought they'd have this many camera. *eyes the site*
* Saedron filters his search using 3D makeups of the female members of the Alt-team.*Don't ask, he got 'em from Jerry.*
<Jaedda> (cameras as well)
<Jerry> They shouldn't.
<Jerry> Most buildings have 1 or 2.
<Saedron> some people are paranoid.
* Jaedda shrugs and plays back the first video file
<Wesley> *dully* Now why should they be paranoid...
* Saedron powers up said programa nd lets it do his grunt-work.
<Jerry> GM: *it shows the team's first day in the building*
* Jaedda snorts at the first video. "HA! Their first day!"
* Saedron then filters it to show a record of each day since their disappearance split-screen.
<Jaedda> .... Wonder if there's anything x-rated on here. *smiles evily*
* Wesley , lazy as ever, taps a few keys and uses a program to display Saedron's display on his own monitor
<Jerry> GM: *an error pops up on Saedron's screen. Also, an alert goes up - someone's hacking into his computer*
<Wesley> *shrugs, knowing it's there* Chill, Sae, it's me.
* Saedron sends out 10 retro-viruses.
* Saedron recalls them.
<Jerry> GM: *the videos continue to error.*
* Wesley reaches out to clear the error from his own monitor, then shrugs as it disappears
<Wesley> NRP: The alert, rather.
* Jaedda wiggles her fingers, then clicks a video that seems to be from a couple days ago.
<Jerry> I wonder why today's video has an error.
* Saedron make shis way into the building's security system.
<Jerry> GM: *it's a video of the female shower*
<Jaedda> Ooooooh!!! GIRLS SHOWER ROOM!
<Jerry> GM: *the intrusion alert flashes again on Wesley and Saedron's computer*
* Saedron sends down a retrograde virus to disarm said alert.
* Saedron continues to send several.
<Saedron> Mine my little datafiends.
* Dexter` watches them work as he fiddles with his toys
<Jerry> GM: *all the viruses are stopped. Infact, whoever it is - is making progress. 1 more minute and they'll have Saedron's location down*
* Jaedda waves Dexter over to show him the video
<Jerry> Saedron, I think you should pull out.
<Wesley> ...Interesting. Looks like we're dealing with someone that knows what they're doing.
* Dexter` moves over to Jaedda "Oooooo!" he pushes his glasses up as he fews the monator
* Saedron creates an IP spooof over WiFI connections x100000-fold.
<Saedron> Just a seocnd, Jer..
<Jerry> GM: *Saedron enters the building's security files*
* Wesley looks up, letting Saedron handle the virus problem as he disconnects from Sae's computer
<Wesley> What's up, you two? *glances at Jae and Dex*
* Saedron does a quick reconfig, and steals o some data on his way.
<Wesley> NRP: HA! I've reduced everyone's names to three letters!
* Jerry leans over Saedron's shoulder, spying his progress
<Jerry> GM: *the person is still coming in hot on Saedron's computer*
* Jaedda leans back in her chair.. "Yep, how could you pass this up??"
* Saedron keeeps at eying his timer.
<Dexter`> Wes, come have a look.
<Jerry> GM: *20 seconds*
* Saedron steals the neccesarry camera footage.
* Wesley spins his chair over to Jae's terminal
<Jaedda> Isn't that the hot chick that's dating that stupid college guy?
* Saedron sets it to decon at 19.9 secs.
* Jaedda turns her head slightly to Wes. "Check that out!"
<Wesley> Hrm. Looks like it... you're logging this, right? This is good blackmail material...
<Saedron> That describes about 300 people taht I know.
<Jaedda> Of course!
<Jerry> Good job, Saedron!
* Jerry looks excited.
* Dexter` hands Jaedda his latest toy in aproval
<Wesley> ...Wow. Never seen that position before.
<Jaedda> Ooh. What's this? *looks at the toy*
<Jaedda> NRP: It's a new vibrator!
<Dexter`> Small survanace robot, you can send it where ever you want to get some good videos. I`m sure you`ll put it to good use
* Saedron waits for his time limit to go up and creates a script and switches to a different conn.
* Jaedda smiles with great appreciation in her eyes. "You know I will! Thanks!"
<Jaedda> Wonder if this chick has a diary or something.
<Saedron> So Jaedda, never had the nerve toa sk, but are youa guy or a chick?
<Jerry> GM: *a brief flash on Jaedda's screen*
* Jaedda blinks at the flash. "What was that!
<Saedron> Just a security alert. I'll clear the viruses from your machine in a second.
<Jerry> Play the videos, Saedron.
* Saedron does as asked.
<Jerry> GM: *oddly, there's only footage for 2 cameras - the other cameras' footage isn't present. As if they're from another source*
* Jaedda works on finding the girls diary.
<Saedron> If we need more we can use my new baby*shows control pad to private sattelite.*
<Wesley> Getting a little personal, aren't you? *rubs his hands together* I like the way you operate.
<Jerry> Fignuts. This isn't the footage we need.
<Jaedda> ... Of course, that's the real juicy stuff! *connects to Unoria's computer.* Success. Now, this is the 'easy' part.
* Saedron queries the extra mined data for any recent log-ins or interupts..
* Dexter` snicers as he waits to read all her personal stuff
<Jerry> GM: *inconclusive*
<Saedron> If we can find out who did this, my sat should help us break him
<Jerry> But who would be spying on them?
<Jaedda> Think she'd be dumb enough to call it 'diary' ?
* Saedron hands Dex a disc with the info he wants.
<Wesley> Probably. She probably didn't think anybody's try to hack in.
<Dexter`> thanks. *takes the disc and places it in his pocket*
<Saedron> Another go, Jer?
<Saedron> the sat should be tough to track and should allow us to bypass the firewall.
* Jaedda looks up 'diary' the old fashion way.. find! "Heh... She WAS that stupid! " She Snorts again and opens it
<Jaedda> WHy are the hot ones do damn stupid?
<Saedron> If they were smart they wouldn't be hot.
* Jerry frowns, thinking.
<Alicia> NRP: You think?
<Alicia> NRP: Wait, that sounded like sarcasm. @.@
<Jerry> GM: *suddenly, "Gotcha" flashes on Saedron's screen and his entire system breaks down*
<Jerry> ! Saedron!
* Saedron laughs.
* Saedron then pulls out his laptop that puts the computers here to absolute shame.
* Jaedda flips through the pages in Unoria's diary and reaches her latest one.
<Saedron> Let it wither.
* Saedron cuts it's network cord.
<Jerry> I think we're treading somewhere we aren't wanted.
<Jaedda> Nobody wants Geeks around. haven't you figured that out yet?
<Wesley> *glances up* What gave you that idea?
<Saedron> Then, that's exactly where we should be treading. While their busy with us, they can't do anything to the real cops can they?
* Jerry gives Wesley a dubious look
* Dexter` finishes the remote with a screen built in to view what the robot is seeing "Here ya go" hands it to Jaedda
* Jaedda reads the latest entry. "Hey Wes, you might like this one! Hot and Steamy!"
<Jerry> GM: *the sound of someone outside the door is heard*
* Wesley glances back at Jae's monitor
<Saedron> It's alright, but nothing like her private diary. That's a blog.
<Jerry> GM: *several people walk in, holding guns*
* Jerry spins around in his chairs, his eyes widening.
* Wesley stares for a second, then dives under Jae's desk
* Jaedda reads outloud "Diary: Date: May 10th 2222, Firebird and I had the best sex of our li--" Pauses when the guys bust in.
* Saedron pushes a button, sending a msg to command.
<Jerry> Officer: We request you leave the area now. Matter of security.
<Saedron> Alright, so you want to kill us right?
<Jerry> Officer: *gives Saedron a queer look*
* Dexter` looks at the officer muttering to himself about the outside world
* Saedron feels violated.
<Jerry> Officer: This area needs to be cleared out at once. Now.
* Saedron takes laptop and leaves.
<Jerry> I'll be telling HQ about this!
<Jerry> Officer: Go ahead. Order came from above.
* Jerry follows Saedron up to the first floor of the HQ
<Wesley> F... fair enough. *stands and tries (unsuccessfully) to look brave* As you wish. *follows Jerry, shaking the whole way*
<Saedron> Let's head to a cybercafe. We can continue there.
<Dexter`> But my stuff! *walks over to his desk and opens a bag and moves a bunch of stuff into it before he follows* My robots will miss me...
* Jaedda folds up hre laptop and stands up. "I'm not very impressed...." She lifts up the handle of her mini fridge and walks out. "I feel so.... naked!"
<Jaedda> (her)
* Jerry adjusts his glasses, looking determined
<Jerry> I think we should break into Building 38! Perhaps we could find a clue! *he tries to sound brave, but fails*
<Jaedda> Jerry.. *offers him a pop*
<Saedron> Jer, listen. Without cyberspace, we're nothing.
* Dexter` just corwers with the rest
<Jerry> Thanks, Jaedda. *takes it graciously*
* Saedron grabs a pop.
<Jerry> But we need to use footwork. We won't find the missing squad with just cyberspace.
<Saedron> But on the other hand, who would suspect us?
<Jerry> Exactly!
<Saedron> I like the idea Jer.
<Jaedda> You mean... NATURAL SUNLIGHT?!
<Jerry> GM: *a few people look over at the group of nerds and mutter something*
* Saedron throws sunglasses her way.
* Jaedda cringes at the thought.
<Jerry> It's easy, Jaedda.
<Jerry> I run errands all the time.
<Jaedda> .. I haven't been outside in 9 months.
* Jerry moves to the front door and opens it, light pouring in.
<Jaedda> AAAAHHH!
* Jaedda turns away
<Saedron> Actually, we can catch the subway. No light req'd.
<Dexter`> Nooooo! Not outside... i hate it out there... i lived down there for the last two years
<Jaedda> SO BRIGHT!!!! IT BURNS!!!
* Jerry shields his eyes and looks around, spotting Building 38
<Jerry> There it is!
<Jerry> NRP: *Jaedda catches on fire*
* Saedron takes out extra sweatshirts and uses them to cover the albinos' eyes.
* Jaedda puts on the glasses Sae gave her and attempts to look outside. "Ooh god.. I can't do this!"
* Dexter` opens his bag and puts on a helders helm, it seeming to be so bright. He seems to pail that his lab coat and his skin are one
* Jerry holds Jaedda's hand
<Jerry> Just follow me.
* Jaedda pulls back... "I really can't.... " Starts to do this rather childish pouting thing.
<Jerry> Well, I-I-I won't force you!
* Saedron offers to carry Jaedda.
* Jerry turns back
<Jerry> But I must find them.
* Jerry runs out into the sunlight!
* Jerry immediately begins to pant.
<Saedron> You won't even know there was a sun.
<Dexter`> Jaedda.... I think i have a spair sute if you want it
<Jaedda> .... Fine fine! I'll go, but I want to be in the shade or indoors as much as possible.
* Jerry trips on the way down the stairs and falls
<Jerry> Fignuts!
* Saedron helps Jae along.
* Jaedda walks over to Sae. "Since you offered!"
* Saedron carries her.
* Jerry leads the team in a zigzag from shade to shade over to Building 38.
* Jerry looks around, standing on the porch, panting.
* Dexter` puts on some weird looking sute and follows after the others, weezing the hole way
<Saedron> You do know there's a tunnel we have clearance to Jer?
<Jerry> NRP: Uh, there's no tunnel.
* Saedron walks calmly in the sun, like some Daywalker.
<Saedron> NRP:BS.
<Jerry> NRP: No tunnel!
<Kimera> NRP: I knew Sil should have cleared a no-man's land around the building, to prevent people from being able to sneak in... and to give the geeks hell.
<Jaedda> NRP: but Jae is gona die! lol
<Jaedda> NRP: Gonna, also.
<Jaedda> ... I forgot how bloody depressing it is outside.
* Jerry tries the doorhandle to Building 38, but it doesn't open.
<Jerry> It's locked...
<Jaedda> ... kick it or something. I don't know.
<Jaedda> ..!
* Jerry kicks it and hurts his foot
<Saedron> You wnat depressing, just think some people used to live out here, with no shelter!
<Jerry> OW!
* Jaedda reaches in her pocket and throws out a lock pick
<Jerry> NRP: *eyes Saedron* All people live out theer!
* Saedron derives the keypad code from his dataset.
<Jaedda> I forgot I had that! For all the days way back when they used to lock me outta the computer rooms! o.o;;;
* Saedron presses the most-likely code in.
<Jerry> GM: *the door opens*
*** Kimera is now known as Kim[AWAY]
* Jerry steps inside Building 38
* Saedron goes in, letting Jae down gently.
<Jerry> Fignuts, their AC is broken.
* Dexter` enters as he takes off the hood of his sute "I hate the sun..."
* Jerry looks around the lobby area.
* Jaedda stands on her feet. "awww. sooo much better."
*** Dahok has joined #taw
* Saedron is still wearing his sun glasses.
<Jerry> The control room is on the third floor.
* Jerry moves up the stairs, heaving and panting.
<Saedron> Tell me Jer, break into many buildings?
<Jerry> N-No.
* Saedron follows him.
* Jerry reaches the 2nd floor.
<Dexter`> stairs!? how crude are these people
<Saedron> Well you should. It's lots of fun.
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<Jaedda> ... stairs?
*** Sherinmir has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sherinmir
<Jaedda> .. What are those?
* Jaedda raises an eyebrow.
* Saedron carries her again.
* Jerry walks up to the third floor and trips again.
<Jerry> Fignuts!
<Dexter`> those gassly things *points to the stairs*
* Jerry reaches the 3rd floor. Nothing out of the ordinary here.
* Saedron picks him up.
* Saedron is a strong guy, for a geek.
* Jaedda is damn skinny so doesn;t take much to pick her up! ^^;;
* Jerry walks over to folders and files of various cases the team has been working on.
<Jerry> Uh...the Lt. should have what they're doing somewhere around here.
<Saedron> Files and folders? Very 19th century.
<Jaedda> .... Think he's that dumb?
<Jaedda> he is a lt and all.
<Jerry> NRP: ... Okay, just for a note, files and folders are still big now...
<Saedron> Heh. I'd say he's pretty ignorant. You ever see his *unit*?
<Saedron> NRP:not for geeks.
<Sherinmir> NRP: But still, I don't think they had files or folders in the 1800s. :P
<Jaedda> ...Their hot?
* Jerry sits down, going over a completed case about tentacles.
<Dexter`> Hot chicks are cool.
<Jaedda> Yes, yes they are indeed/
* Jerry grabs a file marked with today's date.
<Jerry> Hey, guys, I got something.
* Jerry pushes his glasses up
* Saedron has a smirk.
<Saedron> Whatcha got?
<Jaedda> wahtcha got?
* Jerry holds up a folder with a note attached to it.
<Jerry> Seems the Lt. was driving out to investigate something about vampires.
<Jerry> I even have the address of the locations he circled.
* Jerry looks proud.
<Dexter`> NRP <Dex> *watches jerry get crushed by the weight of the folder*
<Jaedda> Very good Jer.
<Jerry> We just need to get a vehicle.
<Jerry> ...anyone can drive?
<Dexter`> I can.
* Jerry stands up and passes a weapons rack.
* Jerry eyes the rifles.
* Jerry looks around, grabs one, and unsuccessively stuffs it in his shirt.
* Saedron takes a few guns.
* Saedron tosses some to other people.
* Jaedda eyes the weapons. " I really don't like those things."
<Jerry> If we're going to fight vampires, we might need them!
* Dexter` catches a hand gun and falls over onto the floor "Ooof"
<Saedron> they shoot bullets, not stakes.
<Jerry> Oh.
<Jerry> Still, we might need it.
<Jaedda> I prefer virtual weapons. I refuse to use those things
* Jerry heads back downstairs to the first place, carrying the folder with the addresses
<Jerry> Huff...huff.
<Jerry> (first floor)
<Saedron> how about a knife?
<Saedron> just to keep you safe?
* Dexter` crawls after them, draging the gun behind him
* Saedron carries Jae again.
<Jaedda> Umm. Fine. but I'm not using it!
* Jerry looks outside and sees a van parked. The driver, a young teenager boy, is off to the side, peeing in the bushes.
<Jerry> Psssst *says a bit to loud* we'll steal that van.
* Jaedda blinks. "Who's driving again?"
<Jerry> Dexter.
<Jaedda> Gotcha.
* Saedron grabs ahold of the driver's seat and turns on the ignition.
* Jerry sneaks outside and takes shotgun.
<Dexter`> Hey~ I`m diver....
<Saedron> I got it. I can handle sunlight.
<Jerry> Teenager Boy: Huh? Hey, my VAN! *rushes forward*
* Saedron floors it.
* /sound: no such file 'TAW3-Saedron.mid'
<Jerry> GM: *Saedron drives out right in front of oncoming traffic*
<Saedron> Jae, you don't have to stay on my lap, if you don't want to.
* Dexter` is glade he got in before Saedron floored it.. he looks at the back, looking to see what is there
* Saedron swerves quickly.
* Jerry uses the seatbelt.
<Jerry> Uh...take a right up here! *points*
<Jaedda> .... Would it stop you from driving as well? *winks*
<Saedron> I'm pretty good at *handling* things. *winks*
* Saedron does what Jer says.
* Jerry pushes his glasses up as he grips the dashboard for dear life
* Jaedda bounces comfortably in Sae's lap.
* Dexter` looks in the back to see what is there again
<Jerry> GM: *Uh, nothing...?*
<Jerry> GM: *up ahead, the road going into a type of tunnel is blocked off the morning's explosion*
* Dexter` seems dissapointed to see no sound system or anything
<Jerry> Oh, damn...this route is blocked off. We'll have to take another route.
<Jaedda> ... This is why we don't go outside!!!
* Jerry looks at the directions
* Saedron adjusts taking an off-road detour.
<Jerry> Man, I was just reading the path the Lt. had drawn out.
<Jaedda> .. was it drawn on the computer?
<Jerry> ...*holds up a map with the folder* No, here.
<Saedron> Could you point me in the right direction, Jaedda.
* Jerry looks at the map, trying to figure out another route.
* Jaedda blinks at the path. "Oh, take this route!" She points out the route with her finger.
<Jerry> Yeah, she's right.
<Jerry> NRP: Oh...yes...if you never find the team, THEY DIE! *laughs evilly*
* Dexter` opens his bag and drops all his stuff intot he back of the van with a loud thud. "hehehe"
<Jaedda> Take this right ....
<Jerry> GM: *they arrive at some shopping center - deserted. The sun is hiding behind clouds*
<Saedron> As you command.
<Jerry> This is it.
<Jaedda> w00! Talk geeky to me! *winks*
<Jaedda> (w00t also)
* Jerry steps out of the van, looking around. There seems to be no one around.
* Saedron says something about how she has quite an avatar.
<Jerry> Do you think they were actually here?
<Saedron> Let's find out.
* Jaedda slides off Sae seductively and hops outta the van.
* Dexter` stuffs a bunch of his stuff into his pockets as he stuffs the other stiff he may need in his bag again. he takes the only built robot out with him witch seems to be a robot poodle
* Saedron heads out ahead of everyone else.
<Jaedda> Wooo, thanks Sae! *smiles and blows him a kiss*
<Jerry> GM: *there is nothing whatsoever in the parking lot. And the shopping center seems closed down*
<Dexter`> Come on Rx10 *follows after the others, the robot tagging along beside him*
* Saedron pretends not to notice, and nods his head towards her.
* Jerry walks out, looking around. He pulls out his gun and drops it.
<Jerry> Fignuts.
* Jerry picks it up.
* Saedron tries to break into the shopping center.
<Jerry> GM: *the windows break easily.*
* Saedron throws Jerry a handgun.
* Jerry misses it by a mile.
<Saedron> This might be more you're style.
* Jerry goes to get it.
* Saedron goes up and hands it to him.
<Jerry> Thanks.
* Jerry pushes up his glasses,
<Jerry> GM: *there seems to be no sign that the store has been disturbed all day*
* Dexter` pulls out his hand gun, and seems to hunch worse then he already does "Damn they are heavy"
* Jaedda looks.. "Hrmmm.."
<Jaedda> Wonder if there is a electronics store in here.
* Saedron goes in first, scouting around.
* Jerry follows.
<Jerry> I don't think they came here.
* Saedron opens the door for the rest.
* Dexter` puts the handgun on his robot and hooks it up to that so he doesn`t have to shoot
* Dexter` enters throught the door with his little puppy
<Saedron> Might as well check the store out. *clearly wants to steal things*
* Jerry looks at Saedron dubiously.
* Jaedda catiously walks in and hurries after Sae, and jumps on him.
<Jerry> I'll go watch the van... You guys can search.
* Jerry walks back outside to the van.
<Saedron> Alright Jae.
* Saedron goes to see if there are any vampires in the computer section.
<Jerry> GM: *no vampires. Nothing great computer wise, either*
<Dexter`> Umm..umm.. i think Jerry may need some help watching the van.. soo.. yea.. *follows Jerry*
<Jaedda> Dammit. NO good crap here.
<Saedron> So how goes virtual life Jae?
* Jerry sits in the shotgun seat, frowning,.
<Jaedda> .... I'll steal some of those though. *picks up random objects* Absolutely geek-tastic. Yours?
* Saedron begins to head to aplliances.
* Dexter` gets in the drivers seat "why are we here?"
<Jerry> Lt. Carmichael had this circled as his first spot to look for the vampire, but I don't think he ever came.
<Saedron> Not bad. Wish there was more to steal though. Not much to do...
<Jaedda> Yeah... Lets network them together! ^^
<Dexter`> well whats the next one? Don`t vampires live in creepy big mansions or castels?
<Jaedda> We got 10 mins to spare!
* Jerry looks at the path drawn out by the Lt, starting from the HQ, down the road, to the right, through the tunnel, then to the shopping center, then on down to another area, circled, and finally a third spot
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<Saedron> Yeah. I like networking. It's nice to see how interfaces connect.
<Jerry> I'm not sure. It says the next spot is some neighborhood.
<Jaedda> w00t. Your my kinda man!
<Dexter`> Want to check it out or should we return to our computers?
<Saedron> Hey what can I say, I don't try.
<Jerry> We need to keep looking.
<Jerry> No one else is willing.
<Jaedda> That's what makes it even better! *pounces*
<Saedron> You know they're going to start wondeirng what's taking us so long?
<Jaedda> And?
* Jaedda smirks
<Saedron> You do have a point.
* Dexter` starts up the van as they wait "How long will they take?"
<Jerry> GM: *the sound of police sirens are heard, nearby*
<Saedron> *pounces back.*
<Jerry> I don't kn---*looks up* The police are coming.
<Jerry> Our own people are going to think we're robbing the store.
* Dexter` beeps the horn to get them to come out
* Jaedda snorts and kisses Sae.
* Saedron kisses back, long and hard and carries her out, running.
<Jaedda> GACK!
<Jerry> GM: *the police pull up into the parking lot*
* Dexter` pull out of the parking lot like it was a normal thing to do
* Saedron take shis seat in the van, Jae in his lap.
<Jerry> Quickly, Dexter.
<Jaedda> wooo!
<Jerry> GM: *the police begin to drive up behind Dexter
<Dexter`> Hmm.. you sure?
<Saedron> Gosh. that was one *big* store.
<Jerry> Do you want to answer their questions?
<Jerry> GM: *the police honk the horn, driving behind the van*
<Jaedda> Sure was. I couldn't get over the amount of sutff they had! *motions to the stuff in her pockets*
* Dexter` shakes his head as he puts on the gas "Witch way?"
<Jerry> Straight, then a left .... in 3 blocks.
<Jerry> Police: *speed up*
<Saedron> Might have to stop by again.
<Jaedda> yeah, I don't think we caught everything the first time around. *giggles*
* Jerry looks at the two, pushing his glasses up. He looks stern.
* Dexter` nods as he starts to gear up the van, seeming to have done this before. "Alright hang on!" he makes a sharp turn to the left, seeming to make it last moment trying to throw off the cars behind them
<Jerry> Police: *overshoot, turn, and circle back, following at a pace behind*
<Jerry> Okay, first right.
<Saedron> */me gives Jae a big embrace, reaching around and holding her tight.
* Dexter` nods as he makes a quick right, trying to leave no markings. "next?"
<Jerry> Straight for a while.
* Saedron cools down.
* Jerry seems nervous
* Jaedda smiles and plants a big kiss on Sae's cheek.
* Dexter` nods "ok" checks the reave veiw mirror to see if the cars are still there
* Saedron gives her the cool nod.
<Jerry> GM: *they are, just pulling onto the street now*
<Jaedda> Well hello to you too Mr. Cooooool! *slides her hand through the air*
<Dexter`> Darn! *speeds up, shifting the gears like a drag racer*
<Jerry> GM: *up ahead a car is pulling out in front of Dexter*
<Jerry> Look out!
<Saedron> you know I'm messing with you Jae. You're my # girl.
<Saedron> *#1*
*** Dahok has quit IRC (Quit: )
* Dexter` swirves the van around the car, just nicking the side mirror off the back end of the car "Ack!"
* Saedron pulls outthe rifle.
<Jerry> Police: *slam on breaks behind the car*
<Jaedda> Oh yeah. I know I am, powerbar!
<Saedron> Just say when?
<Jerry> ...we made it...thank God...turn left up here.
<Saedron> NRP:that was to Jer*
<Jaedda> NRP: I really couldn't come up with abetter geeky nickname. :P
* Dexter` nods as he slows down a bit as he makes the left
<Jerry> GM: *they arrive in a neighboor. No one is seen playing in the yards*
<Saedron> Powerbar, I'll show you powerbar.
<Jerry> (neighborhood)
<Jerry> ...this is it.
<Saedron> *tickles her, and then calms down.*
* Jaedda snorts and pushes her glasses up her nose. "Oh yeah baby!"
* Saedron pulls out carrying Jae in arm, and the rifle in the other.
* Saedron thinks he's badass.
<Jaedda> How sexy... me in one hand and a gun in the other. -_-;
* Dexter` slows down to a crawl as they move through the neighborhood
* Jerry looks out the window. People are seen peeking out their windows.
<Saedron> Remember to have your badges ready to flash. We might not be field operatives, but we're still cops.
<Dexter`> Don`t think they would be here.. Vampires can`t come out in the day
<Jaedda> underground layer?
<Jaedda> (lair?)
<Jerry> Well, if they unit isn't here, either, where could they be?
<Dexter`> what about that last spot?
<Jaedda> What last spot?
<Jerry> Why would the Lt. go to the last spot and not the first two?
<Jerry> Though it's worth a shot.
<Dexter`> Beets me, Now how we get there?
* Jerry gives Dexter directions.
* Dexter` nods as he drives to this new placec
* Jaedda nudges Sae and gives him a kiss.
<Jerry> GM: *the next place is a run down warehouse. No sign of anybody being here for weeks. By now it's almost night*
* Saedron jsut loads back in, but at the driver's seat.
<Saedron> NRP:Nevermind.
<Jaedda> NRP: *giggles*
<Saedron> So Jae, whatcha think their upto right now?
* Dexter` pulls up to the warehouse "Now this i think is where they would be..." parks the van
* Jerry looks around.
<Jerry> No sign of them.
* Jerry steps out of the van.
<Jaedda> ... Having a huge orgy?
* Jaedda smiles widely.
* Dexter` gets out with the Rx10 following at his feet
<Jerry> GM: *a board falls off the warehouse, making a loud clatter*
* Jerry jumps.
<Saedron> Jae, not everyone thinks about sex all the time.
<Saedron> Just most.
* Dexter` moves back behind the door for safety
<Jaedda> ... Really? *looks at Sae confused.* Are you one of those people? ^.~
* Saedron moves forward.
<Saedron> Got your knife Jae?
* Jerry moves forward to the warehouse.
* Dexter` gulps as he moves after Jerry
<Jaedda> Sure do.
* Jaedda holds it in her right hand
<Jerry> GM: *night falls*
<Saedron> Good thing we're nocturnal beings.
* Jerry sees the warehouse door is boarded up.
<Jaedda> ooh. Dark!
<Jerry> Well, the unit hasn't been here...either..
<Jerry> Fignuts.
* Saedron takes his hunting knife and attempts to pry open the door.
* Jaedda wraps her arms around Sae tightly.
<Jerry> GM: *the boards keep the door firmly shut*
<Saedron> Maybe you're not looking hard enough.
<Jerry> GM: *briefly, in the moonlight, a figure is seen standing on the roof*
<Jerry> GM: *then it's gone*
* Jaedda kisses along Sae's neck while he attempts to open the door.
* Saedron meant pry the boards.
<Jerry> GM: *The boards are pried out*
* Saedron opens the door.
<Jerry> GM: *the inside of the warehouse is covered in dust. Holes are in the floor and it seems as if it's about to fall down*
<Jaedda> woo. way to go babe
* Jaedda walks in
<Saedron> looks like you got you're vampaires.
* Dexter` shuffles in with his robot
* Saedron kikcs sensitive area.
<Jerry> GM: *Jedda walks in and the floor collapses under her, dropping her*
<Jaedda> AAAAHHHHH!!!!!
* Jaedda falls!
<Jerry> ! Jaedda.
* Saedron lepas to grab her.
<Jerry> GM: *Saedron falls to*
<Saedron> *leaps*
* Jerry looks down the dark hole, wishing he brought a light
<Jerry> Are you two okay?
<Jaedda> NRP: have we stopped falling yet?
<Jerry> NRP: Oh, yeah. IT's just 10 feet.
* Saedron tries to position himself under Jae.
* Dexter` pulls out a flashlight and turns it on, casting light down the hole
<Saedron> NRP:when falling.
<Saedron> We're okay. Abit ruffled, but okay.
* Jaedda smacks down onto the ground a massive "OUPHF" is heard.
* Jerry sees them...having landed a few feet away from a bed of nails that would have impaled them.
* Saedron sees her land on him.
<Jaedda> .. Ooh. That was close.
<Jaedda> NRP: I love quoting LOTR.
<Jaedda> Owie... You okay baby?
* Jerry looks at Dexter
<Jerry> We need to find some rope.
<Saedron> Yeah.. Almost ending my misery...uh life.
* Saedron gets up.
<Jaedda> ... *frowns*
<Saedron> You okay?
<Dexter`> Ummm *looks around for something to be used as rope*
* Jaedda falls off of Sae as he gets up. "Yeah, I'm okay."
* Jerry grabs some rotting rope and lowers it to them.
* Jaedda grabs onto the rope.
<Jerry> Climb up. I'll hold it.
* Jaedda attempts to climb up it, but slowly slides down each time she makes progress
* Jerry begins to slide forward as Jaedda puts her weight on the rope.
* Dexter` sits on jerry's legs to keep him still
<Jaedda> .... *hops down* Screw this!
* Saedron grabs ahold of her and attempts to climb up. "Should be safer this way."
* Jerry turns red as Saedron does this, straining
<Jerry> H-H-urry
* Saedron hurries.
* Jaedda grabs a piece of board and takes her weight off the rope and onto the floor
<Jerry> GM: *The rope begins to fall apart as he makes the half-way point*
<Jerry> Board: *groans*
* Jaedda lifts herself up, half way and attempts to get her lower half up onto the boards.
* Saedron falls flat, making sure Jaedda makes it.
* Jerry lets the rope go as soon as they both are holding the floor, then helps pull them up.
<Saedron> Uh...I can handle myself down here until you can get some help.
<Jerry> NRP: N/M that both, just Jaedda
<Jaedda> .... no way your staying down there with me up here...
<Jerry> Figure: *Stands in the shadows, in visible sight of the 3 above, watching*
<Jerry> ! Fignuts! Va-Vampire!
* Dexter` notices the figure and shines the light towards it
<Jerry> Figure: *squints it's eyes. It's a homeless bum*
<Saedron> Sir, would you mind helping me up? I would appreciate it.
<Jerry> Bum: What are you doin' in my home!
<Jerry> Uh...sorry...we're..just looking for some people
<Dexter`> NRP: <Sea> To steal your Box!
<Jerry> Bum: Ain't no one been here! Get away!
* Saedron looks around while he's stuck.
<Jerry> GM: *a staircase is nearby*
* Saedron uses the staircase.
* Jaedda posts herself right by the hole and waits with Sae.
<Dexter`> what now Jerry.. ?
<Dexter`> The bum said no one has been here..
<Saedron> I don't know about you, but i'm going home. Who's with me?
<Jerry> ...
* Jerry sighs, looking defeated.
<Jaedda> ..I am!
* Jerry heads back to the van and takes shotgun.
* Saedron picks her up and heads for the driver's seat.
* Dexter` looks around for Rx10
* Jerry looks at the map and the path Ire drew.
<Jaedda> w00t! your such a romantic sometimes!
<Saedron> w00t!
* Saedron drives to his house.
<Jaedda> NRP: *Jaedda and Saedron go back to the basement and get their freak on ontop of the scanner!
* Jerry stops Saedron
<Jerry> You can't leave Dexter.
* Dexter` is left behind?
<Jaedda> ... We can't? awww!
* Saedron picks up Dexter.
<Jerry> I don't get it. *looks at the map* This route by Ire has to be it.
<Saedron> Could be a dummy.
<Jerry> He took the tunnel to the first spot, then came to these last two spots.
<Saedron> NRP:I need to get going here.
<Jaedda> NRP: me too actually
<Jerry> NRP: Excelleeeent.
* Jerry studies the map until Saedron arrives at his house.
<Jaedda> NRP: hehee, make for a good ending. :P
<Jerry> NRP: Not really. The Alt team dies!
<Jaedda> NRP: I mean for Jaedda and Saedron. :p
<Saedron> We'll do some planning from here.
<Saedron> Sorry Jae, but the alt team needs us.
<Jerry> No. *sounds defeated* We did our best.
* Jaedda is off in la-la land. "Huh?"
<Saedron> Don't give up Jr, we can do this.
<Jerry> But all we have to go on is this map
* Dexter` looks at the map "Hmm..."
<Saedron> i'll be napping.
* Saedron heads for his bedroom.
<Jaedda> I'll be coming with you. ^.~
* Jaedda hurries after Saedron
* Jerry sits in the van with Dexter, watching the 2 go.
<Dexter`> What about the tunnel? *looks for anything that may look like it may be someplace the Alt team might be*
<Jaedda> NRP: LOL, Night guys!
*** Jaedda is now known as Cally-Sleepies
<Jerry> ...the tunnel? *glances at it* The one that got bombed?
<Dexter`> NRP See ya tomorrow most likely
* Cally-Sleepies is away -( Sleeeeepies. Zzzzzz. )- at 01:02a -( P:On / L:On )-
<Dexter`> Yea. Maybe they did it in some big attack
<Jerry> You could be right. IT's worth a shot, Dex. Drive us there.
* Dexter` nods as he gets in the drivers seat and drives them there
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Session Close: Wed Feb 26 00:00:00 2003

Session Start: Wed Feb 26 00:00:00 2003
Session Ident: #taw
<Jerry> GM: *they arrive at the tunnel. Rescue teams seem to have stopped with only clearing 3/4ths of the tunnel*
* Dexter` parks the van and gets out. he walks towards the uncleaned part of the tunnel and looks about "Hmm... "
* Jerry follows after him. In the rubble, mostly buried, is the sign of a van. Mega City Police Force issued.
* Dexter` uses his weak and pothecit arms to move stones to get to the van
* Jerry helps
<Jerry> Why *ungh* did they stop when they were so close to freeing this van?
<Jerry> GM: *they clear out the back door to the van*
* Dexter` quickly starts to huff and puff "I dunno.."
* Dexter` opens the doors and peers in "Hello?"
<Jerry> GM: *inside, laying unconscious, is Ire, Unoria, Stark, Dahok, Pope, Silouette, and Donte*
<Dexter`> We found them! *seems gleeful as he pushes up his glasses*
<Jerry> Good job! *sounds excited*
<Jerry> *Ire begins to stir*
* Dexter` looks at Ire as he sees movement "I think he is coming around"
<Jerry> Yes.
<Jerry> *Ire looks up at them* <Ire> Ungh...Jerry?
<Jerry> Yes, sir. We've come to help you out of this mess.
<Jerry> Session Ends
Session Close: Wed Feb 26 00:06:26 2003