Session Start: Wed Jan 12 20:10:08 2005
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20050112.log'
<Wind> Session 248: A Murder
<Wind> Time Chart: March 15th, 2224
<Wind> Location: McCabe's Manor
<Wind> Narrator: Following Colephantus' outburst against the Mega City police and the readily admitting of his doing it - despite McCabe's attempts to stop him from doing so - the entire city of Mega City had gone nuts for Colephantus' head.
<Wind> Narrator: As pressure was buildnig, Wind and Ariel returned from their honeymoon...
* Alicia is now known as Terra`
* Wind slings a dufflebag to the ground, glancing at the manor, then at Slasher.
<Wind> I'm surprised you still hang out around here, Slasher.
* Chad looks at Win
<Chad> NRP: Doh.
* Slasher looks at Wind, a grim look on his face
<Slasher> I have my reasons.
<Wind> I heard the recent firestorm. This city is ready to crack any day now over the entire Colephantus matter.
<Slasher> They want blood, and I'm tempted give it to them.
<Wind> Who's blood exactly? I hear McCabe's refusal to act on the situation isn't making him popualr.
<Slasher> A very strange stance for him since he tends to lean towards whatever it takes to make the people happy.
<Wind> Why do you think he's doing it? I'd figure he'd hand over Colephantus to the starving masses gladly and be done with it.
<Slasher> Maybe he finally had a reveleation...Or maybe he's just waiting for the right time to play his trump card.
<Wind> Charming fellow you have as your apprentice. *he glances at the manor* I finally bought me and Ariel a place of our own. I'm just here to get the last of our stuff so we can start moving in. Ariel's already been having fun buying furniture.
<Slasher> *a smile appears on his face* So how was the honeymoon? I hope you found the bottles of Chat'Rem to your liking?
<Wind> You think of everything, Slasher. *he grabs the bag, walking toward the manor*
* X1 clings to Wind's leg
<X1> Don't leeeeaaveee me!
* Slasher chuckles. 1"Well did you guys do it?"
* Wind eyes X1 on his leg, shaking it a few times. He glances at Slasher.
<Wind> A gentleman doesn't speak of such things. ... and what is he still doing here?
* Granji is now known as Granji-Notplaymc
<Slasher> I tried getting him a job, but he spent more time whining about the lack of coffee.
* Wind slides slowly into the manor, where some of his stuff is already piled up. He begins to shift the things to the bag.
<X1> If you leave, who's going to braid my hair, huh?
* Slasher follows behind Wind
* Chris|SLeeps is now known as Colephantus
<Wind> never braid your hair.
<X1> ...How do YOU know?
* Wind shakes his head, piling more stuff into the bag.
<X1> ...Fine, leave! See if *I* care!
* Slasher crosses his arms
* X1 pouts
<Wind> Done.
* Wind throws the bag over his shoulder, glancing at Slasher.
<X1> ...That reverse psychology crap dosen't work!
<Wind> Well, I can say I'm glad I'm done with this place. It'll be nice to settle in with Ariel - I even got a nice view of the mountains for her.
<X1> Curse my educated offspring!
* Wind tries to tune out X1, but that's like tuning out a drill.
<Slasher> Star...A storms a brewing, keep your guard up.
<X1> That's the coffee.
<Wind> I'm staying out of this one, Slasher.
<Wind> No good is coming of this.
<Slasher> I don't believe this is the kind of conflict that anyone can stay out of.
<Slasher> I fear for the innocents the most.
<Wind> Well, I know I'm not picking sides in this.
<Slasher> A very dangerous place to pick.
<Wind> I have other obiligations now. *he throws the bag over his shoulder, glancing back at Slasher* But you know me. I'll do what I can. But I'd like to live in peace with Ariel. And I can't have that if I choose to fight every battle that comes my way.
<Slasher> I wish it was that easy.
<Wind> We'll see. *he waves* See you around, champs. *he gives X1 a wave, too, then walks away*
* X1 tears up
* Slasher bows his head, he then turns his attention to X1
* X1 's lower lip quivers
<Slasher> ...He's only a stone's throw away.
* Slasher shakes his head, rubbing his forehead
<X1> ...Really?
* X1 picks up a stone and throws it out the door
<Wind> OW!
<X1> ...
<Slasher> See, told you.
* X1 turns aorund and runs
* Slasher stands on the porch, a slight breeze blows across it,
<Wind> Location: Building 38
* Wind is now known as DeathStar
<DeathStar> GM: *outside the building, reporters are gathered, yelling at the building for Colephantus to come out, who's under "House arrest" - loosely, jsut taht Terra is keeping an eye on him*
<Terra`> ... when will they shut up?
<DeathStar> <McCabe> *stands at the door, his arms clasped behind his back* When they have his head.
* Colephantus is sitting in his chair, guitar in hand, strumming along, ignoring the comments.
* Chad drums his fingers, as he leans against a table
* DeathStar leans against the wall, looking out the window
<DeathStar> NRP: Er
* DeathStar is now known as Blue
* Blue leans against th wall, looking out the window
<Blue> I say he should beat more heads in.
<Terra`> ... no.
* Chad looks over at Blue
<Terra`> You don't get the situation at all, do you?
* Colephantus glances up at Blue, then glances at McCabe. He stops playing, "McCabe. You confuse me."
<Blue> Maybe you don't get the "situation". You humans aren't going to stop until we reploids leave.
<Blue> <McCabe> *looks at Cole, sighing* And you baffle me to the highest degrees with your stupidity.
<Terra`> And that's worth dying for?
<Blue> Yes.
<Blue> I'm not leaving this planet just because they say so.
<Colephantus> If being stupid is acting on your emotion. Then yes I am a complete moron, I'll admit it. But I don't understand why you haven't given me over to them yet. You usually don't like to anger "your people"."
* Chad stiffens, up his gaze falling on Cole
<Blue> <McCabe> If I hand you over to them, that's just more harmful evidence against reploids.
<Colephantus> I wish there was a place on earth that would be vacant and available for us reploids to go too.
<Terra`> McCabe's trying to stop, or at least delay, a war. I don't have much confidence in the first, but maybe the second will work.
<Blue> <McCabe> Neither is an option now. I've used the last of my political tricks to keep him from hanging.
<Terra`> Maybe I'm jaded, but I'm tempted to just leave the ratrace behind.
<Terra`> I think I understand, but... this is your first time, isn't it?
* Slasher walks into the room, his arms crossed, he makes no notion of hiding his feelings, which by the look of his face isn't a pleased one
* Blue turns to look at the others, leaning against the wall.
<Colephantus> I need to talk to Deathstar....
<Blue> <McCabe> *doesn't seem surprised that Slasher is here*
<Terra`> You risk your life, and lose the lives of those you care about, fighting for something, and then it just gets ruined anyway..
<Blue> <McCabe> And what would the married man have to do with this?
<Colephantus> Not that Death Star.
<Slasher> He plans on talking to the other Death Star.
<Blue> <McCabe> *shakes his head, rubbing the bridge of his nose* Christ.
<Terra`> The Death Star who isn't Wind.
<Blue> <McCabe> He's liable to lead you all off on some crusade.
* Colephantus glances at Slasher, at this moment he isn't concerned with how Slasher "feels"
<Slasher> Are you planning on finding allies?
<Colephantus> If this war does happen. The reploids will be killed off in a matter of days.
<Slasher> You underestimate your race.
* Colephantus glances at SLasher.
* Blue looks at Slasher, appreciating the praise.
<Colephantus> If we aren't banded together. We will lose.
<Colephantus> Death Star is just the person to unify the reploids.
<Blue> <McCabe> You want a war, don't you? He'll lead you right to a war.
<Terra`> I just hope it's not going to be one of those pyrrhic victories.
* Katrina` has joined #Taw
<Colephantus> McCabe. We have a war already upon us! Nothing is going to change. It is my fault. ANd since it is my fault, "I"m not gonna let me brothers die, not because of me.
* Katrina` steps into the room quietly, closing the door behnid him.
<Slasher> Doing so will only cause concern amongst humans. They'll see that you're grouping and instantly consider you a threat.
<Blue> <McCabe> You'll kill more damn humans that way.
<Terra`> Cole, you don't have a war yet...
<Ariel> NRP: Ahhh! Katrina became a guy!
<Blue> NRP: Yep.
<Blue> NRP: Poor Kat.
<Slasher> And so because this is your fault, instead of being punished like a person should be you want to quickly group together and fight.
<Colephantus> So let me ask you something, Is is acceptable for reploids to be slain because we are machines? But humans are allowed to live because they have blood?
<Colephantus> I already made the proposal to hand me over slasher.
<Terra`> No, it's not, but that's not going to stop a war.
<Colephantus> McCabe decided not too. I was ready accept my moronic decision.
<Slasher> No I don't think so. I've had several goals in my life Cole. 2 of which I've already accomplished.
<Blue> <McCabe> *stands there, listening to the growing cries of the protestors outside*
<Slasher> I'm not about to see the last one end because of stupidity.
* Katrina` moves over to Cole's side, whispering in his ear
* Colephantus glances at Kat.
* Blue eyes Kat and Cole.
<Slasher> But are you saying that reploid blood is far more valuable than human blood?
<Blue> If you humans start a war, we'll end it. *she says nastily to Slasher*
* Slasher looks at Blue
<Terra`> ... someone'll end it, anyway...
<Colephantus> I'll be back in a minute. Your welcome to discuss about me all you want. And no Slasher I don't. But I am a reploid and I wont let them destroy my race.
<Slasher> But who's to say that we'll be the one to start it? All it'll take right now is the wrong muscle twitch.
* Colephantus stands and motions for Kat to go first.
<Blue> You humans have been itching for a fight this entire time. Beating innocent reploids. Covering it up. Doing nothing about it.
* Katrina` glances at everyone, then meekly and hurriedly moves up the stairs.
* Colephantus glances at Blue, looking at her with the "she wants to talk face" and then heads up after Kat.
<Colephantus> NRP: Don't ask how that face looks Lol.
<Slasher> Human's have done some of the most disgusting things ever, but so have Reploids, so has every single race out there.
<Terra`> Listen, the last war for freedom resulted in my homeland getting completely fucked over. Are you going to be happy if the world becomes completely uninhabitable because of this war?
<Blue> Ask that to your fellow man!
<Terra`> Yeah, well no-one other than you in here has been clamouring for blood, and I don't want to step out there
* Blue throws up her hands.
<Terra`> If I thought you were representative of the reploids, I'd just up and leave the planet and wait for both sides to kill each other off.
<Blue> You call this justice? Look at your leader there - hiding the fact that those officers beat those females. And when Cole justifiedly tries to stop them, he gets blamed.
<Terra`> No, I don't call it justice.
<Terra`> And when did Cole get a promotion?
<Slasher> Corruption like that happens way to often, and sadly events like that are the hardest things to deal with.
<Colephantus> NRP: I thought being in the Alt-Team gave you a higher rank over a regular cop?
<Blue> He deserves it! He's the only around here with the frame of mind to do their job!
<Blue> <McCabe> I can see this is pointless. I'll go calm the wolves. *he turns, heading for the door*
<Terra`> Because I'm too busy trying to stop YOU from doing something stupid.
<Blue> Oh, is that right? *puts her hands on her hip*
<Terra`> Yes.
* Slasher pounds his fist onto a table
<Terra`> ...
* Blue glances at Slasher.
<Slasher> Terra you talk about wanting peace but yet you can't even stop yourself from getting into an arguement.
* Terra` just mumbles something weakly
<Slasher> And Blue, if you wanna truely help your race, then learn to still your tongue.
* Blue crosses her arms, looking pissed. She glances to the side.
<Terra`> I wonder if this is how Ire felt...
<Blue> NRP: <Ire> I was pretty much stoned all the time.
<Terra`> Blue, what exactly do you hate about me?
<Slasher> I can't stop you guys from believing in whatever the hell you want, but if it effects me, I will get involved.
<Blue> .... *she says nothing, looking out the window at all the humans yelling*
<Terra`> ... yeah, I thought so.
* Chad munches on some chips
<Blue> GM: *the crowd outside begins to get agitated all of a sudden. McCabe is now grabbing an officer and obviously shouting something at him*
* Slasher perks up
<Blue> GM: *McCabe begins to wave his hands at the crowd and officers begin to get rid of them.*
<Terra`> ... McCabe's more effective than I thought
<Blue> <McCabe> *heads back in and opens the door in a huff* We have a dead body.
<Slasher> ....Human or Reploid?
<Terra`> ... who's?
<Blue> <McCabe> Reploid. They were torn apart by what seems to be many people. And in red paint..."Go away" was scrawled on the wall.
<Terra`> ... whichever it is, it's going to be bad.
* Slasher lowers his head
<Slasher> It's going to be downhill from here.
* Colephantus comes almost running down the stairs, "Whats going on? The crowd left."
<Blue> <McCabe> The crime scene has been trampled. I doubt there'll be much evidence to find.
* Katrina` runs down after Cole.
<Slasher> And even if you find the killers, because the entire crowd was anti-reploid, no one will be a credible witness.
<Blue> <McCabe> Exactly.
<Terra`> Fucking bastards...
<Blue> I knew it....
<Colephantus> Killers? What the hell is going on?!
<Blue> A reploid was murdered, Cole. Murdered and torn apart.
<Colephantus> ..GOD DAMNIT! *punches a hole in the wall*
* Slasher glares at Cole
* Katrina` puts a hand on Cole's shoulder
<Katrina`> ...
<Colephantus> This is all my fault...
<Slasher> And so now what? Only blood will calm your lust?
<Terra`> No, it's not...
<Slasher> It's only partially your fault Cole.
<Colephantus> Slasher, shut the fuck up. I don't want a war, I never wanted a war. I just wanted Reploids to be treated equally. But I guess you have you slit your own thrown for that to fucking happen.
<Blue> <McCabe> *Stands there, impartially listening*
<Slasher> You listen here you fool. Who do you think gave permission for reploids to come back here? Who do you think is truely the one the inevitably started it all?
<Colephantus> ....
<X1> NRP: <Wiendigo> *raises his hand*
* Blue leans against the wall, trying not to get sick
<Katrina`> ...what can we do to stop this...?
<Slasher> ME! *his finger thrusts out at himself* I'm the one that gave them permission. But do you think I'm sitting her taking all the blame? No. I'm trying as hard as I can to stop this before a huge war starts, and worse, innocents on both sides get killed.
<Terra`> Is there anything we can do?
<Colephantus> If there is somethign we can do, you can bet i'll try. But you have to understand that i'm not the smartest perosn, all i've known in my life is fighting. If you think we can solve this, then lets do it.
<Slasher> This wont' be easy...I dont' even believe it'll be possible to stop the fuse from burning.
<Terra`> So all we can do is try to keep the explosion as small as possible?
<Slasher> Or burn it out as quickly as possible...But that's too dangerous. Blood will be shed on both sides,
<Terra`> I think that's a given by now.
<Blue> <McCabe> *quietly excuses himself, leaving*
<Colephantus> ANy ideas?
<Slasher> Technically it's the Reploids moves.
<Slasher> I don't know if it'll do any good...But I believe talking to the Reploids would be the best bet.
<Katrina`> Lets do that, then.
* Slasher looks at Katrina
<Slasher> You do know it'll be dangerous for a human right?
<Katrina`> Of course. ... do we even know where the leaders are? McCabe has all the information, doesn't he?
<Colephantus> I technically can't leave.
<Terra`> Unless I come too.
<Terra`> Or is he not allowed to leave the building, even supervised?
<Blue> GM: *suddenly, there's a faint rumbling of a loud explosion - possibly from the outskirts of the city*
<Slasher> He should. Hopefully with humans walking alongside Reploids though, they will...
* Blue looks up.
<Colephantus> ......*lowers his head*
<Katrina`> ...oh no...
<Slasher> Cole, now is not the time.
<Terra`> Why do I get the feeling that war's closer than I thought?
* Slasher pulls out his datapad and begins typing on it
* Colephantus glances up, "So I'm not allowed to lower my head for those that died just now?"
<Blue> GM: *the radios begin to flare up with panicked voices. Something's happened. At the manor of McCabe*
<Slasher> If that's what you were lowereing your head for then go ahead.
* Blue glances at the radio.
<Colephantus> ....McCabes....Oh no...
<Blue> Well, looks like someone bombed a good target.
* Terra` lowers her head too, seeming to understand
<Slasher> Shit....*suddenly phases out of existance*
* Katrina` runs out the door.
<Blue> GM: *McCabe's manor is nothing but in ruins, pieces of debris scattered everywhere. People run from the building, bleeding and screaming*
<Colephantus> Blue. Come on, I need to talk to someone.
* Slasher appears infront of the Manor
* Blue nods to Cole.
* Chad runs out after Katrina
* Colephantus turns and slides up the steps to go upstairs.
<Blue> GM: *a cloud of dust rises in the air from the manor*
* Blue follows
* Slasher quickly runs over to someone and helps them back
<Slasher> What happened?
* X1 's helmet rolls over the debris, charred and scorched
<Blue> <Chef> ... a bomb...I think it was a bomb...Jesus..Christ...a bomb...
<Slasher> Just lie down, the medics are on their way...*sets him down*
* Slasher looks over at the helment
<Slasher> X1!! *his hands cup around his mouth*
* Katrina` arrives on the scene
* Slasher quickly begins looking around for X1 as he grabs another person
* Chad slides behind Kat
<Chad> Dear god...
* X1 is nowhere to be found...
<Blue> <Chef 2> *looks at Slasher*
<Chad> *looks behind him, spotting Kat and Chad
<Chad> You guys start helping people!.
<Terra`> NRP: Wow, Chad's amazing. Seeing himself
* Chad looks down at the second chef
<Chad> NRP: BAH!
<Blue> NRP: LOL
* Katrina` runs off to help people.
* Slasher looks at the Chef
<Slasher> How bad are you?
<Blue> <Chef 2>*faints*
<Chad> *suddenly begins to go pale* Aya....
<Chad> AYA!!!
<Blue> <Servant 3> My God..Master McCabe...I think he's dead...
* Chad quickly sprints towards the building*
<Slasher> ...*head suddenly perks up* No...
<Blue> GM: *some debris shifts, someone trying to escape*
* Chad quickly runs towards the shifting debris and grabs onto a piece, pulling it off
* Slasher sets the chef down and quickly sprints over to the shifting debris, giving Chad help
<Blue> <McCabe> *looks up at Chad, blood pouring down his face. His arm is penned, also - obviously broken*
<Slasher> McCabe...
<Slasher> *looks down at him, obviously assessing his condition*
<Blue> <McCabe> I'm..fine...*winces* I'll live.
<Chad> Where's Aya?
<Blue> <McCabe> When the first rumbling occurred...I sent the security room...only in the building...still be standing...find it..
* Chad a look of relief comes over his face as he sprints around the building, looking for a room that's still in tact
* Slasher 's hands reach down to the the piece of wall pinning down McCabe's arm
<Blue> GM: *Chad finds one, partially buried*
<Blue> <McCabe> I..ungh..don't think reploids did this..
<Slasher> Brace yourself...*begins to pry up on it slowly*
<Slasher> Who then?
<Blue> <McCabe> *winces in pain*
* Slasher lifts the piece up and braces it onto his shoulder, he then plants his foot and rams it over
* Chad leaps onto the debris, runnign across some burning rubble as he makes his way to the room
* Slasher reaches down and grabs onto McCabe, pulling him up and sliding his arm over his shoulder
<Blue> <McCabe> .... this be planned...ahead of time...
* Slasher looks around
<Slasher> Yes...But the problem is who then?
* Slasher begins to carry McCabe away from the rubble
<Blue> <McCabe> Security...surveilance...still room...find out ...w ho.
<Chad> AYA!!! *slides upto a piece of rubble and begins pushing on it*
<Blue> GM: *the rubble falls aside, revealing a door - closed*
* Slasher pulls off his shirt and ties it around McCabes arm to stop the bleeding
<Slasher> Don't die.
<Blue> <McCabe> Can't...make the situation..worse...
* Slasher he sets McCabe onto the ground
<Slasher> Always looking at the bright side of things. *he turns and quickly sprints across the grass and onto the debris, going towards where the security room was
<Chad> *breathes heavily and looks at hte door, checking to see if he can open it*
<Blue> GM: *it will have to be forced open*
* Chad tenses up and plants his foot against some rubble, he then slams into the door with his shoulder
<Blue> GM: *the door pops open. Aya is inside, crying*
<Chad> *stumbles in as it pops open* AYA!!! *he quickly slides to her, wrapping his arms around her into a hug* It's ok...
<Blue> <Aya> *hugs Chad*
* Slasher slides to a stop above the remains of the security room, his eyes scanning from side to side for something
<Blue> GM: *a computer console can be seen*
<Chad> You're ok right?
<Blue> <Aya> Y-Yeah.
* Slasher steps over to the computer console, his hand quickly pulling out his datapad, he reaches down to the console and wipes debris off it
<Blue> GM: *the console is still operational*
<Chad> Let's get you out of here sis...*he stands up, pulling her up*
* Katrina` hurries over
<Katrina`> I got as many people I could out, but there's at least a dozen still missing.
<Slasher> Good job Katrina. *hooks up his datapad to the console, then begins scanning through the security film
<Blue> GM: *Slasher spots, under an hour ago, someone wearing disguising clothes, moving something large into the manor*
<Blue> GM: *the option to run a scan on the person is available*
* Slasher begins taping it
* Slasher runs the scan
<Blue> GM: *the scan comes up - partially organic, partially robotic. Likely conclusion? Cyborg.*
<Slasher> ...Cyborg...
<Katrina`> What's wrong, Slasher?
<Slasher> Security camers caught the bomber on film but...How he got in with such a large object baffles me...And the scans showed he was cyborg of all things.
<Katrina`> .... what do you think it means?
<X1> NRP: The Six Million Dollar Man! That bastard!
<Blue> GM: *Terra, still at the building 38, would see someone approaching it*
* Terra` watches
<Slasher> I believe this bombing was set up before these events.
<Katrina`> ...
* Kio stops at the building, with a bottle in his hand. 14"Man..i hate this place.." 2He takes a step inside
<Slasher> Someone wanted a war apparently.
<Terra`> ... Kio?
* Terra` keeps her pistol ready, but doesn't aim or anything
* Kio stops in the main lobby, glancing around. He really didn't know where to go from here, so he takes another sip of his alchohol. 14"Which one of you assholes called me?"
<Katrina`> But who?
<Terra`> Not me.
<Terra`> I'm just surprised you're back.
* Chad helps Aya away from the ruins
<Slasher> I don't know yet...*begins scanning for any other shots of the mystery man, hoping to find a better shot of it
<Blue> GM: *there seems to be none*
<Kio> 14"Tsh.." 2He begins to walk around, without permission, trying to find the person who called him.
<Blue> GM: *whoever it was ... knew the layout to some degree*
<Blue> GM: *Kio heads upstairs*
<Slasher> ...This person knew this place all too well.
<Terra`> ... *follows Kio up*
<Blue> GM: *Terra and Kio join #session248-upstairs *
* Slasher finishes downloading all the files from the console and stands up
* Slasher turns, spotting Aya and Chad, he quickly jogs over to them
* Katrina` follows Slasher.
* Slasher slides up next to Aya, his hand going to her head
<Slasher> Good god your ok....
<Slasher> You two stay here...
* Chad looks to Slasher, nodding
* Slasher stands up then heads back over to McCabe
<Blue> <McCabe> *opens his eyes as Slasher approaches*
<Blue> GM: *paramedics and firefighters help fight the good fight in the background*
<Slasher> Good your still alive...
<Blue> <McCabe> ... who did it?
<Slasher> The Security systems scanners showed that the person was part human, part machine.
<Blue> <McCabe> Cyborg. Sure it wasn't you?
<Slasher> If I wanted you dead, it would've happened 3 weeks ago.
<Blue> <McCabe> Hrm.
<Slasher> I have to believe that we got lucky with capturing him on film...How long ago did you add that camera?
* X1 's hand clutches Kat's leg
* Katrina` glances down.
<X1> *muffled* you're standing on me
<Blue> <McCabe> A month or two ago. After all the big events in December.
<Katrina`> Oop! I'm sorry, X1! *hops off*
* X1 groans, emerging from under a pile of debris - charred and schorced, like his poor, unfortunate, but sexy helmet
<Slasher> This bomber new the layout too well McCabe.
<Blue> <McCabe> ... so he avoided all the cameras?
<Slasher> Except the new on you installed in december.
<Blue> <McCabe> ... someone who was there before your war with Atheos, but not after.
* X1 looks around, surveying the devestation. "...At least it wasn't my fault this time," he says, dryly with a hint of defeat
<Slasher> And is a cyborg...That narrows it down...You do have a list of all the people who've visted right?
<Blue> <McCabe> Yeah...but it got trashed in the explosion.
* Slasher rubs his forehead
<Slasher> Just our luck...*he plops down onto his ass*
<X1> NRP: <GM> And so they went on sitting there, in the ruins of that building until the end of time incarnite.
* Slasher looks over at X1
* X1 looks at Slasher, still smouldering somewhat
<Slasher> You look good like that.
<Slasher> McCabe...You're going to need to let the public know that you don't believe this was an attack by Reploids.
<Blue> <McCabe> Of course.
<X1> Funny later, butt-whuppin' now.
<Blue> Session Ends
Session Close: Wed Jan 12 22:10:08 2005