Session Start: Wed Feb 02 20:33:28 2005
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20050202.log'
<DeathStar> Session 259: ... Comes Back Around (2 of 2)
<DeathStar> Time Chart: April 5th, 2224. Two Days Later.
<DeathStar> Location: Mega City
<DeathStar> Narrator: After the defeat of the human's army, Death Star's group of reploids launched several more attacks on human bases, managing to cripple or destroy a great many of them. It was becoming apparant that the human war machine was defeated. But the humans had refused to surrender and it became a question of, "When will DS target civilians like reploid civilians were targetted?"
* DeathStar is now known as Wind
<Wind> GM: *inside Mega City, Colephantus and the Mavericks are situated in an old warehouse*
* Alicia is now known as Michiru
* Dias was kicked by Wind (Wind)
* Colephantus shifts around, glancing out of a window. "Its a bit quiet outside."
<Wind> <Ratshoot> *leaps on his shoulder* TOO quiet.
* Slasher has joined #taw
* Colephantus glances over at Ratshoot. And chuckles a bit, then looks around and the rest of the group. "So have any of you made any plans?"
<Wind> GM: *The Mavericks look up from playing cards, then shrug casually*
<Colephantus> .........
* Colephantus glances back outside. "Where did Slasher and Wien go off to?"
* Slasher stands on the roof of the warehouse, surverying the area
<Wind> <Ratshoot> Wiendigo and Grave are out reconning. I think Slasher is on the roof.
<Colephantus> NRP: Damnit. Gotta take the dog to crap. Give me about 5-7 minutes.
<Wind> NRP: *kills you in those 5-7 mins*
* Slasher pulls out a pair of binoculars and begins looking around
<Wind> GM: *it's a nice pretty day as far as Slasher can see*
* Colephantus slides up onto the roof, he stands beside Slasher. "Hows things? Any trouble?"
* Slasher lowers the binoculars. 1"Fine and no.
* Colephantus crosses his arm and stands there for a moment. "You mind if I go out scouting? I'll call for backup if anything happens...well I would call if I had something to call with..."
<Slasher> We already have two out scouting.
<Wind> NRP: *the second Coll leaves, 10,000 soldiers jump him*
* Slasher reaches down to his datapad and pulls it out, typing on it
* Colephantus nods. "Well....ok." sits down on the edge, looking up at the sky.
<Wind> GM: *time passes...lots of time*
* Colephantus is now downstairs, keeping a close eye on the outside. Ignoring the Mavs playing cards.
<Wind> GM: *now being evening, it's still calm and quiet outside*
<Colephantus> God this is killing me....
<Wind> <Ratshoot> What is? Gas?
* Slasher still stands on the rooftop, not having moved much
<Ariel> <Cheryl> *steps onto the roof* It's too fricken peaceful right now...
<Colephantus> No. Not being able to do anything....I can only wonder what is going on out there...
<Wind> <Ratshoot> *looks out the window* It looks like ... people are walking around doing their daily thing.
<Slasher> No side seems to be doing anything right now...So I can only assume the Reploids are gearing up for something.
<Slasher> NRP: BRB.
<Colephantus> I'm....going to go visit Wind. Him being alone with the other DS out there makes me feel uncomfortable. ANd hey Kat might even be there....
<Wind> <Ratshoot> Lets go.
<Colephantus> You want to go too?
<Wind> <Ratshoot> I'm on your shoulder, bud.
<Slasher> NRP: Back.
* Colephantus grabs his bomber jacker and his sunglasses and heads out of the door, striding toward the hospital block.
* Slasher looks down, watching Cole leave
<Ariel> <Cheryl> Where do you figure he's off to?
<Wind> GM: *people barely glance at Cole as he strides across the city*
<Slasher> I'd say the direction he's see Star at the hospital.
* Colephantus continues walking, keeping his head lowered just in case. He glaces up occassionally to make sure he is on the right course. He takes the next right and begins heading for the hospital.
<Wind> GM: *the sun is dipping below the horizon by the time Cole arrives at the hospital*
* Colephantus slides inside. Moving for the stairs.
* Colephantus begins to walk up them, exiting them once he reaches the floor Wind is on, he slide out and heads for his room, stepping inside.
* Wind is laying on his hospital bed, his eyes closed. He opens his eyes and tilts his head to look at Colephantus.
<Colephantus> Holy crap. Your awake?
* Colephantus moves over to Wind's side, he eyes his vital signs.
<Wind> I wouldn't dream about you if I could help it. *he says flatly*
<Wind> GM: *Wind's vitals, while weak, are stable*
* Colephantus chuckles. "I don't blame you...This is great will definently boost Slashers shitty mood."
<Wind> I've heard he's a wanted man.
<Colephantus> ....Yeah. It's my fault that he is...
* Wind just studies Cole, not really saying much. Of course, the last time they met, Cole was practically on DS' team.
<Colephantus> Yeah. Don't worry. I'm not with him anymore. *can tell what he is thinking from the look in his eyes* Things have gotten really crazy since you've been gone. If you would just like to rest. I can tell you whats up.
<Slasher> NRP: <DS> Pull this fricken cathider out...NOW!
<Wind> I know pretty much what's been happening from the holovid and from Ariel.
* Michiru wanders in.
<Colephantus> Ahhh. I see. I guess not seeing her here made me forget about her.
* Wind settles into a silent spell, not really looking at either of his "visitors".
* Colephantus moves over to the window glancing outside.
<Colephantus> "Do you know if Ariel has been in touch with Katrina?"
<Wind> Katrina's a smart girl. She knows not to contact us right now. *looks straight ahead at a wall*
* Michiru nods quietly, unsure what to say
* Colephantus nods. "Well i'm glad your finally awake...I'll go and let Slasher know. See you around..."
* Colephantus goes and moves for the door.
* Wind doesn't move to stop him.
<Michiru> Cole... you took a big risk coming here... but somehow, I'm glad you came...
<Colephantus> With how things are going. It wasn't much more than a walk down the block. You all be safe. *he slides back outside and moves down the steps to the outside*
<Michiru> You too..
* Wind leans his head back against the pillow, closing his eyes.
<Michiru> Wind?
<Wind> What?
<Michiru> You think someone's going to happen soon...?
<Michiru> NRP: SomeTHING
<Wind> ... *opens his eyes and just looks at Michiru incredulously*
* Colephantus continues down the street, heading for the warehouse.
<Wind> GM: *it's dark now as Cole heads back. The air is thick with tension*
<Michiru> It just feels like the calm before another storm...
* Wind closes his eyes again, not saying anything again
* Colephantus slides into the warehouse. He looks around to see if Slasher had come down yet.
* Michiru nods, seeming to understand
<Wind> GM: *a bright object can be seen in the sky, heading toward the warehouse*
* Slasher looks up at the bright object, his hand quickly pulling his bincolulars up
* Colephantus is redirected to the bright object in the sky he quickly rushes to the top of the roof.
<Wind> GM: *it's moving so damn fast. ... it's ... it's a rocket! And it's about to hit the building in 5... 4... 3...*
<Colephantus> What the hell is that thing?
<Slasher> MOVE!
<Wind> *2....*
<Wind> *1...*
* Slasher grabs Cheryl and phases down
* Colephantus takes off into a sprint diving.
<Wind> GM: *the rocket smashes into the roof and hits the building, blowing it up in a huge fire ball that reaches up to the sky*
<Slasher> EVERYONE SCRAMBLE! *phases again*
<Wind> <Ratshoot> *flies off Cole as he dives off, spinning through the air as brick and debris comes raining down*
* Colephantus lands in the street, he holds his chest in pain, but rolls up, eyeing the building, wondering how bad the situation in.
<Colephantus> NRP: is*
<Colephantus> NPR: By landing I mean on muh gut.
* Slasher appears on the street, Cheryl in tow
<Wind> GM: *a cloud of pounded debris floats into the air like a big cloud*
<Slasher> ...Move now.....
* Slasher grabs Cheryls hand and starts running down the street
* Colephantus helps himself up, glancing around for Ratshoot.
<Ariel> <Cheryl> ...I have to admit, they have nice pyrotechnics, but I rather not see them at this close a distance.
<Wind> <Ratshoot> *lays under a brick, his rat mouth open and tail all jagged looking. He looks dead*
<Wind> GM: *pieces of Mavericks are scattered all over the place*
* Slasher slides to a stop as the debris finishes landing
<Wind> GM: *military tanks begin to roll down the street toward them*
* Colephantus lifts up the brick and picks him up. "you....ok?" he checks to see if he is alright.
<Wind> <Ratshoot> *lays there limply, then opens his eyes* No, I'm NOT OKAY!!!
<Colephantus> Well calm down, I'll get us outta this somehow, *he eyes the tanks*
<Wind> GM: *three tanks come to a stop and aim at the group, opening fire*
<Colephantus> Shit! *he breaks into a run away from the blast zone.
<Slasher> ...Here come the rest of the fireworks...*phases with Cheryl to the side of the street*
<Wind> GM: *the tanks roll after Cole*
<Slasher> ...*narrowsh is eyes, then disappears, reappearing ontop of the farthest back tank*
* Colephantus continues to move back he pulls over to an alley on the right, laying Ratshoot down on a piece of trash. "Stay put."
<Wind> <Ratshoot> H-hey, I'm not some tras--hmm, this smells good. *nibbles on the trash*
<Ariel> <Cheryl> *moves to the roof of another building*
<Wind> GM: *the tanks aim at Cole when he stops and fires*
* Slasher stumbles slightly then climbs over to the entrance door
* Colephantus dives to the left, away from the intended destination of the bullets.
<Slasher> NRP: Shame tanks don't usually fire bullets.
<Wind> NRP: A tank when it fires it's cannon isn't fir---oh forget it.
<Colephantus> NRP: Shells.
<Wind> GM: *the spot COle was at goes BOOM. Poor Ratshoot...*
<Colephantus> NRP: Or whatever the hell it is called.
<Colephantus> DAMNIT.
* Colephantus ignites his katars and begins to run forward, waiting for the sound of fire when he would jump to the right and continue on.
<Wind> GM: *the tanks fire again at Cole*
* Slasher reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a smoke grenade, he grabs the opening handle and checks to see if he can pop it open
<Wind> GM: *it's locked*
* Colephantus jumps to the right, against diving up for the barrel atteming to slice it into two.
* Wind listens to the sounds of explosions from his hospital room
* Michiru remains silent, just hoping Cole wasn't hurt.
<Wind> NRP: *Cole's head splatters against the hospital window.*
<Wind> GM: *the barrel takes damage*
* Slasher climbs over to the top of the cannon barrel and begins charging chi
* Colephantus hops onto it now, and runs jumping for the middle one, slashing out at it's barrel as well.
* Slasher slams his fists into the barrel, releasing chi against it
<Wind> GM: *the barrel explodes and blowsu p the tank under Slasher*
<Wind> GM: *Cole damages the other barrel. The two remaining tanks try to retreat*
* Colephantus hops onto the middle tank and tries to cut into the hatch of it.
* Slasher is launched into the air from the resulting explosion
<Ariel> <Cheryl> *lobs a fireball at the engine of one of the retreating tanks*
<Wind> GM: *the retreating tank under Cole flees onward as Cole cuts open the hatch. The guy inside fires his gun at Cole*
<Wind> GM: *Cheryl flips the tank that Cole's on, sending it falling upside down*
* Colephantus hops off while in mid-air, he has to dive out of the way, almost getting squashed.
* Slasher reorientates his body as he begins to fall and lands, his body collapsing to absorb the landing
<Wind> GM: *the last tank turns the corner and is out of sight*
* Colephantus watches the last tank flee and then it turns out of sight. "........" He lowers his head.
* Slasher pushes himself up and looks around
<Wind> <Ratshoot> *Walks out, smoke rising from his body and his tail looking charred* Man...that was some flameable trash
<Michiru> I... should go...
* Colephantus lifts his head up. "Holy crap your alive!" Walks over to ratshoot and picks him up and places him on his shoulder.
<Wind> <Ratshoot> *coughs up some trash* Yeah.
<Michiru> Take care, Wind. *starts for the door*
<Ariel> *hops down* Well, they don't make them like they used to.
<Ariel> NRP: Ack!
<Ariel> <CHERYL> *hops down* Well, they don't make them like they used to.
* Ariel is now known as Cheryl
<Slasher> NRP: I knew there was somethign strange about Cheryl today...
<Wind> NRP: She seems so ... BIG
* Colephantus glances around at Slasher and Cheryl. "Why would the Humans attack us whenever DS is more of a threat?"
<Slasher> Because we were grouped and it was convenient.
* Michiru starts off for where the explosion was, staying out of sight for now
<Cheryl> Well, that, and he hits back harder
<Wind> <Ratshoot> *looks at the dead Mavericks sadly*
* Colephantus sighs. "Things are going from worst to hell...very quickly."
<Slasher> Well Wien and Grave won't be happy.
<Wind> <Ratshoot> I didn't do it.
* Slasher reaches upto his ear
* Michiru heads towards the voices, doing her best to keep out of sight until she knows it's safe
* Colephantus leans against a building that he almost dived into moments ago and stares up at the sky.
<Colephantus> .oO(Could it have been my fault that we were attacked again? I need to get this little chip out of me now."
<Colephantus> NRP: )
* Colephantus glances around.
<Colephantus> So what do we do now?
<Wind> NRP: <Snipe> *steps out, smiling with white teeth* WE PARTY!
<Slasher> I don't know yet....
* Colephantus rubs his face and then glances down at Ratshoot. "You holding up alright?"
* Michiru steps out suddenly. "You okay, Cole?"
<Wind> <Ratshoot> *coughs up more trash in response
* Slasher looks around, when he hears a new boice
<Slasher> NRP: voice
* Colephantus glances at Michiru quickly. "Yes i'm fine."
<Colephantus> You might not want to sneak up on people in times of war...
* Slasher turns his attention to Michiru
<Michiru> ... I guess.
<Slasher> ...What in the...*begins walking towards her*
<Michiru> Slasher? What's wrong?
<Slasher> What the hell are you doing here?
<Michiru> I... came to see if anyone was hurt...
<Slasher> *shakes his head* You need to go home now. It's to dangerous out here.
<Michiru> Somehow... it feels as if home isn't going to be safe much longer...
<Wind> <Ratshoot> *Watches the argument*
<Slasher> I'm not here to babysit alright. And I'm not going to be responsible when you wind up getting hurt so you need to go home now.
* Colephantus doesn't say much either. Its not his place too.
<Michiru> Let me guess... you wouldn't even accept my help if I offered...
* Slasher looks deadpanned
* Cheryl laughs.
<Slasher> Oh...You....Nevermind. This is way over your head Michiru, you're only going to get hurt. Hell, this is starting to get over my head even.
<Slasher> At home, atleast John can protect you if by some chance a battle breaks out near there.
<Michiru> And Hell wasn't?
<Slasher> Yes, but atleast John was there to keep his eye on you.
<Cheryl> She does have a point there Slasher...
* Slasher turns to look back at Cheryl
<Wind> <Ratshoot> *hacks up a hairball on Cole's shoulder*
* Colephantus glances down and flicks it off. "Thats pretty gross."
<Wind> <Ratshoot> Bleh.
<Cheryl> *smirks* She's a free spirited as her father. You try making her do something against her will.
<Michiru> I can't say I'm not scared, but I can't just sit back and *HOPE* everything will be fine.
<Wind> NRP: IF she were really her father's daughter, she'd be having sex.
<Cheryl> NRP: She's been trying if I recall correctly =P
<Slasher> But we only had to deal with one evil badguy. Here we have thousands of misguided enemies who are only looking for someone to shoot.
<Colephantus> NRP: Cole took her out and bought her some food.
<Michiru> As opposed to one evil badguy who just wanted to kill all of us.
<Colephantus> At least with one enemy, We could distract him from those that couldn't handle him.
* Slasher looks at Cole, nodding
<Colephantus> But with this war. We wont always be around to protect those that need it.
<Michiru> Is that it? You think I can't handle it?
<Colephantus> I never said that. But you have so much life to live still.
<Colephantus> Why would you want to risk losing it?
<Michiru> The risk's already there.
<Wind> *meanwhile* <Snipe> *takes Andrea's arms and punches the air with them* And that's a supreme knock out left hook. And this is a nut crunch. *moves her legs upward as if hitting someone in the groin*
* Colephantus sighs. "I can't make your decisions."
* Slasher shakes his head.
<Michiru> I can do covert, if it helps...
<Slasher> This isn't what we need right now...
* Slasher reaches upto his ear
<Colephantus> Surely Grave and Wien had to of heard those explosions...I'm starting to worry.
<Slasher> There doing what they can, we don't need to wrry about them.
<Colephantus> Alright....*glances up and down the street*
<Slasher> If anything else is going to happen, it'll happen in the dark.
<Wind> GM: *the stars twinkle above*
<Colephantus> Looks like our time is running thing.
<Michiru> Slasher.. if it helps any, I understand what you're trying to say.
<Slasher> But you obviously don't understand it enough to actually listen to what I was saying.
<Michiru> If getting involved is so bad, why are you here?
<Slasher> So people like you don't have to fight.
<Michiru> People like me?
<Colephantus> He is here because of me. Because of my error.
<Slasher> You only pushed my schedule up faster Cole.
<Slasher> I'd be here regardless.
<Michiru> Is this another case of you putting me down just because I'm young?
* Colephantus sighs.
<Colephantus> Michiru. You can aspire to so much more if you just stay out of this.
* Slasher closes his eyes, listening to the surruonding area
<Colephantus> We aren't saying you couldn't handle it. We're just saying that you would be safer away from this and with your father.
<Michiru> ... I suppose you're going to tell me I can stop the war or something?
<Wind> GM: *it's quiet. It's like nothing is happening here. Tonight, they can be a peace*
<Colephantus> No. I'm not. I don't know if anyone of us can.
<Wind> <Ratshoot> *slaps Cole's face with his swishign tail*
<Michiru> So.. this "so much more"? It's what? Sitting back and letting people die, and just hoping I'm not one?
<Slasher> I've had enough chit-chat...We need to continue moving incase they decide to send more after us.
* Colephantus glances at Ratshoot. Then turns back to Michiru. "You are still a child. You haven't even begun to live the best parts of your life. And if you try to fight in this war. You "might" die and you'll never get to experience that. So understand. We are trying to protect you.
* Colephantus shifts off of the wall and glances down both directions of the street.
<Michiru> ...
<Michiru> Even if I were to leave now.. the moment civilians start becoming targets, I'm no safer not fighting than fighting.
<Colephantus> Then at least you'll be safer till then.
* Slasher starts walking down one of the roads
* Colephantus begins to walk behind Slasher.
<Wind> <Ratshoot> *rides*
* Cheryl heads after Slasher
* Michiru follows, at least for now. "But if I left now, there's no way I'd be able to find you later, is there?"
<Colephantus> Perhaps. Or maybe we'll find you. *he chuckles since he was making fun of Death Star. But he doubts anyone else will catch it*
<Wind> Session Ends
Session Close: Wed Feb 02 22:33:24 2005