Session Start: Sat Apr 12 20:55:22 2003
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20030412.log'
<Ire> Session 42: Possession
<Ire> Time Chart: June 23rd, 2222
<Ire> Location: Building 38, Control Room
*** Icebrand has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
*** Sherinmir is now known as Icebrand
* Ire reads reports of another battle between British/Mega City forces out in the wastelands. Casualities high on both sides.
<Icebrand> NRP: ...
* Dahok sits infront of the Holo-Vid
* Icebrand walks around, the events of the prevoius Tuesday still weighing heavily on his mind
* Ire blinks as his comm., on an emergency frequency, begins to beep. He picks it up, his eyes widening in surprise as he listens.
<Icebrand> NRP: Crap, Chris no spel gud. PREVIOUS
<Ire> ...shit.
* Ire flips it off, then hits the intercomm.
<Ire> All available personnel, report to the control room. Immediately.
* Icebrand walks into the control room just as Ire hangs up
<Dahok> ...*push's himself up and walks towards the control room*
<Icebrand> Fast service, eh, boss-man? *snickers*
* Ire glances at IB. Something flashes in his eyes...something's happened, concerning IB.
<Icebrand> <...I saw that. What's going on?>
* Ire stands up, grabbing his handguns. He opts to not answer just yet, grabbing his comm. and ordering a van to be brought in.
<Icebrand> <...I guess I'm glad I wore my gunbelt today, then.>
* Dahok walks into the control room
<Ire> I think we're the only three on duty today. We'll have to deal with it ourselves. *waits until Dahok arrives* There's been a situation. HQ is not entirely positive what is going on, but we know this.
<Ire> A lot of people in Wildcat's spontaneously combusted and died. ... *pauses* Unoria works there.
<Icebrand> <Hey, isn't that the girl that... thing tried to trick me with, roomie?>
* Ire motions for the two to follow him.
* Dahok nods
<Ire> We need to get down there and find out how many people died.
* Icebrand walks after Ire
<Dahok> ....Let's go then...
<Icebrand> <Spontaneous combustion, eh? That's... different.>
<Ire> That's all we have right now.
* Ire moves through the lobby, just as the van pulls up. The teenage kid steps out, dressed in a tuxedo.*
* Icebrand stares
<Ire> ..
* Ire pops asprin.
* Ire gets into the driver's seat, bumping up the AC. It's another scorcher today.
* Dahok follows behind them
* Icebrand steps into the passenger's seat and kicks back
* Ire hits the gas, jerking the wheel and driving off the HQ lot roughly. He speeds towards Wildcat's.
* Dahok luckily had gotten in there in time
* Ire pulls up at Wildcat's. Scorched skeletons can be seen laying everywhere. Ire turns off the van and steps out.
<Icebrand> <Dear God...>
<Dahok> ...Holy shit..
<Ire> GM: *dozens of skeletons are laying every which why, like the people tried to flee as they caught on fire..their organs burning from the inside out*
<Dahok> Pyrotechnics...
<Icebrand> <Who would do this...?> *steps out*
<Dahok> NRP: I mean Pyrokinesis
* Ire looks around, spotting an apron, charred, near a skeleton. He bends down. The name stitched into it...Unoria
<Ire> ...
* Ire picks it up quietly, looking at it.
* Icebrand looks around, trying to count the dead
* Ire pauses, looking over at the handful of survivors. There's only five of them. ... and one of!
<Icebrand> <This is ridiculous...> *sighs*
*** Caladia is now known as Unoria
* Unoria starts there, a complete reck.. She looks up, spotting Ire.
* Ire walks over. He looks...slightly relieved. He stops, still holding the apron.
<Ire> Are you okay?
<Dahok> ...*looks on in dismay* This is bad..
<Icebrand> <Looks like there are about fifteen dead, boss-man. All burned to death.>
* Unoria nods. "I'm okay... Scarred for life, but okay.."
* Ire nods slowly.
<Ire> What happened?
* Icebrand continues his inspection, searching for traces of psionic activity
<Ire> GM: *there is none*
* Dahok looks around, using his senses to try to find where it all originated from
<Unoria> I was serving this guy, and all of a sudden, he starts twitching and speaking this jibberish. Then everybody started smoking and lighting on fire... He must have ran out the back door.
<Unoria> .. We have a video camera *points above and to the corner* It might have caught something.
<Icebrand> <Nuts... either it wasn't done with psionics, or he managed to clear his tracks.>
<Ire> ...*nods* Thank you. I'll go get a copy of it.
* Ire steps into the back.
<Unoria> It's nice to see you again Ire.
* Ire pauses, looking back.
<Ire> You, too.
* Ire continues in.
* Dahok follows behind them
* Icebrand shakes his head and follows Ire, barely glancing at Unoria
* Unoria looks around the reck, spotting 'Firebird'. "... Firebird?"
* Ire pauses at the TV and the recorder. Stopping the recorder, he begins to rewind the tape.
* Ire glances at Dahok.
* Dahok glances back at him
<Icebrand> *stops* <...Yeah?>
* Ire hits play. Scenes from the bar begin to play. Unoria is walking around, serving people.
<Unoria> ... How are you?
* Unoria begins to walk over to IB.
<Ire> GM: *suddenly, one guy leaps up nearby, garbling. It almost real words, only ... different. Then, everyone flashes and burns. The guy runs out the back*
<Icebrand> <Er... fine, I guess? Ma'am, I need to help those two right now.>
<Unoria> ....Ma'am?
<Ire> Did you catch what he said, Dahok?
<Unoria> ..Steven, it's me... Unoria... 'Unie' ??
* Dahok close's his eyes
<Dahok> He's talking backwards...
<Ire> Talking backwards?
* Dahok nods
<Icebrand> <...I thought I recognized you. Some psionic freak of nature copied your form when I was facing him...>
* Dahok tries to piece the words together
* Ire begins to play with the keyboard, trying to get the tape to go backwards.
<Unoria> ...Recognized me? I'd hope you would recognize me after our past, Steven.
* Dahok stands there mouthing what the man said, but in normal
<Icebrand> <...Huh?>
<Dahok> No not that...
<Ire> "Thou..."... I think the first word is thou.
<Ire> "Thou will..." *struggles with the primitive controls*
<Dahok> Burn?
<Unoria> We never did get a chance to talk after you ran off that day.
<Dahok> ..Burneth..
<Ire> Burneth? What kind of talk is that?
* Ire frowns, struggling with the controls still, trying to play it backwards. The tape strains.
<Dahok> "Thou will burneth..." If I remember history it's old english..
<Icebrand> <...What day? I'm sorry, I don't remember...>
* Dahok puts his hand to his head
<Ire> for what...
<Ire> I caught a for what.
<Dahok> "thou dideth....."
<Ire> to the..? The?
<Unoria> It was just after you had your leg regenerated... You had all came here to have drinks, and it was the first time we saw each other after I left... Steven, why don't you remember.. ? *her lip begins to tremble*
<Ire> The what?
<Dahok> Thee..
<Dahok> "Thou will burneth for what thou dideth to thee..." That's what he said...
* Ire leans back, hitting pause.
<Ire> I don't understand.
<Dahok> Can you get a good photo of him?
* Ire leans forward, bringing up the image of the man. He hits scan, save, then prints it up.
<Ire> GM: *the man comes out. Early twenties. Scar on the right side of his face. Blonde hair. Blue eyes*
<Dahok> Search it with the MegaCity database..
<Icebrand> <...The medical report said I got blasted pretty hard during some 5th Column sewer explosion...>
<Ire> Lets get to the van to do the search. *grabs the photo*
* Dahok follows behind him
* Ire steps back into the main area, eyeing IB and Unoria.
* Unoria looks into IB's eyes. "Oh my god Steven, are you okay?" Puts her arms out to hug IB.
* Ire hands Dahok.
<Ire> (hands the photo to Dahok)
<Icebrand> <Yeah, I'm fine. I'd be a lot better if I could remember anything past my college days and before that day...
<Icebrand> >
<Ire> Run the search for me.
* Dahok nods and runs out to the van and enters it
<Ire> GM: *the man's name, Richard Haley, comes up. His home north Mega City, comes out, too. Phone number, also*
* Icebrand looks to the side and makes no move to hug Unoria, as if ashamed that he can't remember anything
* Ire walks over to the two, his hands clamped together behind his back.
* Unoria lowers her arms... " .... You don't remember me do you...."
<Ire> Unoria, may I speak to you for a moment?
* Ire nods his head to the side.
* Icebrand shakes his head, and looks up at Ire
<Icebrand> <Find anything out, boss-man?>
* Unoria looks at Ire.
* Dahok brings up his known history and relatives
<Ire> Yes. Head out to the van, would you, and help Dahok.
<Unoria> ....Sure...
<Icebrand> <Sure thing.> *jogs to the van*
* Ire walks over to the bar, pouring himself some whiskey.
* Unoria walks over to the bar and takes a seat.
* Ire sips his whiskey
<Icebrand> <Ire told me to give you a hand, roomie. What's up?>
<Ire> GM: *a list of names, 3 of them, come. 2 brothers, 1 parent*
<Unoria> What is it, Ire? *holds back her emotions for the moment. The first time she's been able to do this.*
<Ire> During our last 5th Column incident, Frost was caught in a massive explosion that burned away 95% of the flesh from his body. His mind was shattered. The doctors worked for a long time to bring him back up to speed, but ... he's not quite what he was, I'm afraid. His memory is in fragments.
* Ire finishes the whiskey off.
<Unoria> I can see that... I'm glad at least his body is back to speed..... *keeps her eyes glued to the bar*
* Dahok checks for any known criminal record
<Ire> I'm sorry, Paladith, but he's not who he was. He might never be again. *turns away from her, eyeing the van*
<Dahok> Strange..
*** Garland is now known as Stark
<Icebrand> <What's up?>
<Unoria> It's probably better off then.... Seems nothing ever escapes me. Everything has fallen apart. Even my job is in shatters.. *waves her hands around*
<Dahok> No known criminal record...nothing.
* Stark steps into Wildcats.
<Icebrand> <So he was just a psycho.>
<Dahok> Possibly...
<Ire> I'm sorry, Paladith. I wish you ... better luck. Goodbye. *turns and walks towards Stark*
<Dahok> Only thing I can think off...
<Icebrand> <He's going to be a dead psycho, soon...>
<Unoria> Oh, and as far as that man goes.... He seemed really nice, almost as if something entered him, or took him over...
<Dahok> But that doesn't explain how he did it tho.
<Icebrand> <Or at least a behind-bars psycho.>
* Ire pauses, looking over his shoulder.
<Unoria> NRP: seemed really nice, until...
<Ire> ...
<Ire> Really?
* Dahok begins searching for any records of strange fire deaths
<Unoria> Yes... You sound, surprised?
<Ire> GM: *there are no known records of a strange fire death*
<Ire> ...not anymore.
* Stark crosses his arms and looks at the corpses.
<Dahok> Hmmm...
* Ire stops beside Stark, whispering into his ear everything that occurred.
* Stark nods.
<Dahok> We've got nothing to work with besides his address and some relatives..
<Icebrand> <Figures...>
<Icebrand> <It's never easy.>
* Unoria hops down from her bar stool and walks out past Ire and Stark.
* Ire steps back outside and walks into the van, looking back at Dahok on the inboard computer.
<Ire> Did you get anything?
*** Unoria is now known as Caladia
* Dahok prints of everything he found
* Ire grabs the paper, reading it.
<Dahok> The guy's name is Richard Haley, lives in Northern Megacity, no criminal records, no nothing. Your typical blue-collar worker.
<Ire> Paladith said he was a nice guy before the incident.
<Icebrand> <Really.>
<Dahok> I'd say he just snapped...but that wouldn't explain the backwards old english
<Icebrand> <...After the incident four days ago, I'm willing to suggest that maybe something possessed him.>
<Dahok> ...Make's sense.
<Stark> Why old english?
<Icebrand> *shrugs* <A really old ghost?>
<Ire> I agree. "Thou will burneth for what thou dideth to thee."
<Dahok> Maybe the spirit that possessed him is from that long ago...
* Ire cranks up the van.
* Icebrand jogs to the other side of the van and gets in
* Ire pulls away from Wildcat's, driving towards the home of this fellow.
* Ire pulls up in the driveway some time later.
<Ire> GM: *the front door is wide open*
* Icebrand snores, having dozed off on the way over
* Ire turns off the van, stepping out.
* Icebrand wakes up as the van shuts off, yawns, and steps off
* Dahok pops out behind Ire
* Ire pulls out his handguns, motioning for everyone to be cautious as he approaches the door. Leaning against the wall, he leans his head in.
* Dahok kneels waiting
* Icebrand yawns, staying tense but unarmed
* Ire reaches out with one handgun and pushes the door further open. A burnt corpse is seen laying there, his hand on the floor, spelling something out in blood.
<Ire> Ten to one says this is Richard Haley.
<Icebrand> <...Yep.>
* Ire bends down, looking at the blood. "In my hea..."
<Dahok> ...head?
<Ire> Probably.
<Icebrand> <Or heart. It could be heart. But I'm probably wrong.>
<Dahok> If we're talking about a possession...
<Dahok> Probably head...Maybe it's another psionic.
<Icebrand> <...Just what I wanted to deal with.>
* Ire holsters the handguns, looking around.
* Ire steps in, walking over the corpse. He looks into the backyard, peering into the neighbor's yard.
* Dahok looks around the place, for any other clues
<Ire> ...there's more burnt corpses outside.
<Dahok> Hmmm...
<Ire> Search the house. I'll go check out the neighbor's place.
* Ire walks out through the backdoor
* Dahok nods and walks around the house, looking around
<Ire> GM: *Dahok sees an office*
* Icebrand heads upstairs and starts looking around
* Dahok walks into the office and upto the desk
<Ire> GM: *various work reports are laying around. It seems this guy went out into the wastelands and dug for ruins*
<Dahok> ...This looks good...
<Ire> GM: *IB finds various objects belonging to the man. Clothes. Bed. Pictures*
* Dahok sits down and looks for his computer
<Ire> GM: *it's in the corner*
<Icebrand> ...Right.
* Icebrand looks for anything useful
<Ire> GM: *IB finds a journal*
* Dahok wheels over to it and boots it up
<Icebrand> <Bingo.>
* Icebrand grabs it and flips through it
<Ire> GM: *the last few entries talk about his excitement of some ruins in the wastelands. It seems the destruction brought upon the Earth by Xevil in 2199 unearthed some graves and whatnot.*
<Ire> GM: *the later entries discuss weird thoughts entering his head, flashing to an old town...very old. visions of flame*
<Ire> GM: *The computer boots up*
<Icebrand> ...I think I have our answer... *closes the journal and takes it downstairs*
* Dahok spins over to the folders and goes through them as he waits for the comp to boot up
<Ire> GM: *the computer brings up a file that was opened without saving. It seems to be information on his last dig*
<Ire> (closed)
<Dahok> Hmm....*turns to the computer* Wierd...*starts reading the file*
<Ire> GM: *it seems be a location in the northeast region of North America's old "United States".*
* Dahok begins searching through the computer for anything else
<Ire> GM: *the computer seems majorly corrupted in most areas. It flickers and boots off*
* Icebrand looks into the office
<Icebrand> <Find anything?>
* Dahok nods
* Ire is suddenly standing behind IB.
<Ire> What did you find?
<Dahok> ....Wierd...
<Dahok> Salem..
<Icebrand> ...AAAH!
* Stark is suddenly behind Ire.
* Icebrand jumps forward and has his gun out and pointed at Ire before he hits the floor
<Ire> ..
<Stark> I find it odd one of them was missing.
<Dahok> Apparently he visited a place in North America's old United States...
<Ire> Agreed.
<Ire> I see....
* Icebrand holsters the gun
<Dahok> ...Also this computer....flashed a word before it crashed..
<Ire> The word was ... Salem?
<Dahok> ...*looks at him* How'd you know that?
<Ire> I heard you mutter it.
<Dahok> ....
<Dahok> flashed Salem
<Ire> Odd. I don't recognize that word.
<Dahok> I have no idea it's significant meaning tho.
<Ire> We found three corpses next door. A father and his two kids. The mother's body was not there. Nor any traces of her was found.
* Icebrand raises the journal
<Dahok> I've got the location where he last went to...
<Icebrand> <Says here that guy did some excavation work in the northeast of what used to be the US. Which is where Salem was, if I'm not mistaken.>
<Ire> You know what Salem is?
<Icebrand> <I think I remember it being mentioned in history once or twice.>
<Dahok> ...Makes sense..
<Ire> Alright, so a place in Salem. And this guy was there digging around it.
<Ire> Still, how does that connect to the murders?
<Dahok> Maybe he disturbed a spirit...
<Ire> And this spirit would murder people --- why?
<Icebrand> <I'm not sure I want to believe it, but I think Dahok is right. Some vengeful spirit out for revenge.>
<Stark> I don't buy it.
<Stark> Something seems... off.
<Dahok> Stark, there are a lot of things in this world that are unexplainable...
* Stark quirks his brow at Dahok
<Ire> Well, at this point, someone's continuing this guy's works. *gestures at the dead body*
<Stark> You so easily forget my profession, Dahok. That's just ignorant for you to say that.
<Dahok> You believe in voodoo don't you?
* Ire feels his comm. beeping. Answering it, he steps out of the room.
<Stark> .... I'm a witchdoctor.
<Dahok> The tree's speak, the planet speaks, so why isn't it possible for a spirit to take control of one's body?
* Icebrand tries to find a way out of the middle of the argument, and slips out behind Ire when he finds no other way
* Ire lowers the comm., glancing at IB.
<Ire> More combustions in Mega City. Heading back towards Wildcat's.
<Icebrand> <Don't mind me.> *wanders off*
<Icebrand> NRP: Check that.
<Icebrand> <Sheesh. Whatever thing this is, he has a thing against my favorite bar.> *smirks*
<Ire> Reports say it's a woman now. I'm betting it's the missing mother next door.
<Dahok> *steps out of the office and walks outside*
* Ire moves into the van and sits down.
<Icebrand> <As would I.> *follows Ire and gets in the van*
* Ire drives back towards Wildcat's at full speed.
* Dahok steps into the van behind Frost
<Ire> NRP: Er, after dahok gets in
<Dahok> NRP: Your an impatient driver aren't you
<Icebrand> NRP: Hey, it's usually me...
* Ire silently drives. Obviously, he's considering all the options and evidence they've gathered so fard.
<Ire> (far)
<Ire> So, you two think it's a vengeful spirit this guy unearthed?
<Icebrand> <I don't know what I think.>
<Dahok> I don't see why not...
<Dahok> What the first guy said backwards would seem to prove so..But we don't know why this spirits angry.
<Ire> GM: *suddenly, up ahead, they see burnt corpses on the sides of the street. And they're near the Wildcat bar*
<Ire> GM: *one lone woman is walking down the middle of the street*
<Dahok> ...Follow that woman!
* Ire pulls out a picture of a family of 4. The woman in the picture is the same as the one walking down the street. Ire hits the gas, just as the woman's head begins to turn
<Icebrand> <...Psionic shielding would be good right about now...>
<Ire> Woman: *raises a hand. The inside of the car might feel a little hot.....oh, wait, it's the THREE in the car getting hot*
<Dahok> Your the psyhco....err psionic..
<Dahok> ...It's getting warm..
<Ire> ..we're about to combust.
<Dahok> ....Ahh shit.
* Ire guns the gas.
<Icebrand> Don't look at me...
* Icebrand changes to Frozen Warrior in an attempt to cool off
<Ire> GM: *the van slams into the woman. Her guts explode, covering the windshield in blood and gore and bone. The hot feeling immediately leaves*
* Ire slams on breaks moments later.
<Dahok> ......That's not good..
<Icebrand> <...Tasty.>
<Dahok> But atleast I feel cooler.
* Ire steps out of the van, looking around.
* Dahok pops out behind Ire and looks around
<Ire> GM: *several frightened people are huddled nearby*
* Icebrand steps out last - and immediately leans against the van and vomits
<Dahok> ...Wuss...
<Icebrand> Bite me.
<Ire> GM: *suddenly, one woman stands up straight and begins to walk away towards Wildcat's*
<Icebrand> *looks up* <...There!> *points at her - then vomits again*
* Dahok turns to the woman walkign away
* Ire pulls out his handguns, running forward.
<Dahok> ...How do we handle this without hurting her.
* Dahok follows behind Ire
* Ire 's arm suddenly catches on fire and he recoils violently, waving his arm.
* Ire puts his arm out.
* Icebrand wipes his mouth and joins the other two - a safe distance behind Ire
<Ire> Shit.
<Icebrand> Forget that. How do we get close enough to handle this?
<Dahok> That too...Icebrand, try getting near her in your ice form.
* Ire spots Wildcat's.
<Ire> ...she's heading for the bar, still.
* Icebrand , already in Frozen Warrior, slowly walks ahead of Ire
* Ire follows behind IB.
<Dahok> There's something in the bar she wants..
<Dahok> Or someone..
<Ire> You're right. The attacks began there.
* Icebrand tries to get a little closer
<Ire> Woman: *stops outside the bar...facing off against...Unoria, who is helping clean the bar up*
<Dahok> ....You don't think?
*** Caladia is now known as Unoria
<Ire> ...but she's from England, isn't she?
<Icebrand> Maybe a descendant or something?
<Dahok> ....Maybe....
<Ire> Woman: *walks towards Unoria. She begins to speak* Thou will burneth for what thou dideth to thee! *and it's said normally*
<Dahok> Ire, can you stun her?
* Unoria cleans behind the bar.. .She hears a voice and pops up. "Pardon?"
* Ire aims at the woman's leg and fires, blowing out a chunk of her knee.
<Ire> Woman: *topples forward.*
<Icebrand> <...That answers it.> *levels his guns at her and opens fire*
<Unoria> ACK!
<Icebrand> NRP: Her being the woman, not Unoria. :P
<Ire> Woman: *is shot to death, her heart exploding*
* Unoria hies behind the bar
* Dahok runs towards the bar
<Unoria> NRP: also hides. -_-
<Icebrand> ...Simple enough... *runs towards the bar*
* Ire runs towards the bar, too.
<Ire> Great, who's it going to possess now.
* Unoria pauses.. then stands up again.
* Ire leans against the outside of Wildcat's, looking at Dahok
* Dahok runs inside
<Dahok> Unoria, your in trouble.
<Ire> I think I understand now. Richard Haley comes here, under the spirit's commands, to kill Unoria. He resists, but burns everyone else instead. Horrified, he runs away. The spirit, disgusted, kills him. *runs in after him*
<Unoria> .. I'm in what now?
<Unoria> Oh, I'm sure your over reacting. I'm fine..
<Icebrand> <...Wait a minute... Dahok, get out of there!>
* Ire looks around. The staff is hudded in the corner.
<Dahok> You outside now...
<Dahok> Trust me
<Icebrand> *to Ire and Dahok* <How do we know that thing's not going to possess one of US next? We'd be the best choices...>
<Unoria> Umm... Okay?
* Unoria walks out of the bar.
* Ire steps out, just as Wildcat's catches on fire. A single man emerges
<Ire> Man: Thou will burneth!
* Dahok runs out of the bar quickly
<Ire> Man: *throws out his arm, catching Dahok and Ire on fire.*
* Ire drops and rolls, putting the flames out.
* Icebrand backs away, opening fire on the man
<Ire> Man: *walks towards Unoria, holding out his hand toward her face. He is suddenly shot dead*
* Dahok drops and rolls around, trying to put the falmes out
* Unoria takes a few steps back, watching the man.
* Icebrand holds his guns at the ready, waiting for the next move
* Ire stands up, panting, eyeing the burning bar.
<Ire> Remind me Steven. What happened in Salem, exactly, that would piss off a spirit.
* Unoria is freaking out.. "What's going on?!?!"
<Icebrand> <Ok, you bastard spirit, now it's personal! NOBODY burns down my favorite bar!>
<Dahok> We need to find a way to get the spirit to manifest it's self
* Ire eyes the area, seeing that no one is around now.
<Icebrand> <The Salem Witch Trials. Many women were killed because they were supposed witches.>
<Unoria> ....
* Ire backs up next to Unoria.
* Dahok head twitches to the side and looks over at Unoria
<Ire> It seems someone wants you dead. Perhaps your ancestors killed this woman for being a witch.
<Unoria> You mind explaining to me why my bar has been set on fire.. TWICE?!
<Icebrand> <My guess is that Unie here is a descendant of one of the "judges" or something, and the ghost is a wrongfully killed "witch...">
<Ire> What Steven said.
<Unoria> ... Your joking right?>
<Ire> No.
*** X1-Gone is now known as X1
* Ire holds his guns ready.
<Dahok> eeht ot htedid uoht tahw rof htenrub lliw ouhT
<Unoria> Oh my god.. *shakes her head*
* Dahok begins walking towards Unoria
<Ire> ...
* Unoria looks up at Dahok.
* Ire aims his guns at Dahok.
<Icebrand> <...I knew it!>
<Unoria> What the hell!
* Icebrand aims at Dahok
<Ire> Fyro! Back off!
* Dahok raise's his hand over at Ire and Icebrand, igniting both their firing hands
* Unoria begins to stumble backwards.
* Ire drops his guns in pain.
<Icebrand> <Get the hell out of roomie's body...OW!> *drops his guns and falls back, waving his hands around*
<Ire> Grah!
* Ire shakes his hands.
<Ire> Run, Unoria!
* Icebrand picks up his guns and quickly leaps back, holstering them
* Dahok begins walking towards Unoria
* Unoria continues to stumble backwards, she pulls her katana from her belt.
<Icebrand> .oO{Mental note. Learn to channel fucking energy!}
* Ire touches the gun, but finds them sizzling hot.
<Ire> Grah1
* Ire runs towards Dahok and attempts to tackle him.
* Unoria slashes at Dahok
* Dahok grabs Ire by the throat, but is cut
<Icebrand> <Dahok! Dammit, dude, fight it off!>
<Ire> Tch!
<Ire> Kno--Knock--hi--m out.
* Ire chokes.
* Unoria kicks in the air, straight for Dahok's chin.
* Icebrand jumps at Dahok, swinging his foot for Dahok's head
* Dahok swings backwards throwing Ire into Icebrand, but is caught by Unoria's kick
* Dahok drops to the ground
* Ire slams into IB.
* Icebrand crashes into Ire.
* Icebrand slumps to the ground
* Unoria looks down at Dahok, then to IB and Ire.. "You gotta learn to trust me sometimes guys.."
<Icebrand> <...Maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all...>
* Ire stands up, holding his shoulder.
* Dahok lies their unconcious
<Ire> Alright, leave Dahok unconscious. He can't be taken over as long as he's KOed.
<Unoria> You two okay?
<Ire> *grunts* Fine.
<Unoria> Why do I never believe that Ire?
<Icebrand> <Been better...>
* Ire grabs at his head.
<Ire> Gahh....n-no.
<Unoria> .. What?? What's wrong?
* Unoria runs over to Ire.
* Icebrand fights away from Ire and falls back
<Ire> No! *harshly* St--Stay!
<Unoria> I can't let it hurt you Ire!
<Icebrand> We've gotta get you out of here, Unie. That thing's not going to rest until you're fried.
<Dahok> NRP: I know how to solve this! *shoots Unie in the head*
<Ire> R-Run..
* Dahok push's himself up slowly
<Dahok> head..
* Dahok grabs his head
* Unoria looks between Ire and IB...
* Icebrand growls, clenching a fist
* Ire suddenly reaches out to snag Unoria.
<Icebrand> If only... If only I'd studied more, this wouldn't be a problem!
* Icebrand dives at Ire
* Ire is tackled.
* Unoria jumps backwards from Ire.
* Ire punches IB in the stomach, igniting his arm on fire.
* Dahok push's himself up, regaining his composure and senses
* Icebrand 's energy flares up as he strikes out with the flaming arm
* Dahok stands up fully and shakes his head
* Ire is hit in the head and KOed.
<Icebrand> {Show yourself, you fucking coward!}
<Unoria> My god....
* Unoria kneels down beside Ire.
* Icebrand waves his arm to put the flame out, but almost as if he's not paying attention to it
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* Dahok begins walking towards Frost and Unoria
* Unoria looks down on Ire, running her hand through his hair.
* Icebrand turns to Dahok, a snarl on his face
<Icebrand> <If you're that spirit, back off...>
* Dahok grabs Icebrand's arm, his touch starting to burn
<Icebrand> <I thought so!> *uses the momentum to spinkick Dahok in the head*
<Icebrand> This isn't getting anywhere...
* Dahok ducks the kick and uppercuts Frost in the balls, setting his crotch on fire
<Unoria> NRP: LOL!!!!
<Ire> NRP: LOL
* Unoria stands up from Ire and looks at Dahok.
* Icebrand closes his legs on Dahok's neck, both to put out the flame and bring him crashing to the ground
<Icebrand> FUCKING OW!
* Dahok grabs onto Frost's legs, setting his pants on fire and begins twirling around
* Unoria runs towards Dahok, she slides on the ground kicking his knee as she slides by.
* Dahok drops onto his knee, sending IB crashing into Unoria
* Icebrand jumps back, swatting at his pants, fortunately able to put out the flames
* Dahok turns his head to Unoria
<Dahok> BURN!!
* Dahok reaches out to grab her face
* Icebrand mutters at the tatters of his jeans
* Unoria rolls away and jumps to her feet.
* Unoria grabs her Katana and slashes at Dahok's hand.
* Dahok pulls his hand back, sending a wave of heat towards Unoria
<Unoria> NRP: How hot we talkin?
<Dahok> NRP: War mand working it's way up
<Unoria> NRP: War mand?
<Dahok> NRP: Warm and
<Unoria> NRP: oh. :P
<Dahok> Burneth....BURNETH!
* Unoria is hit by the heat, but doesn't let it stop her.. She runs forward and stabs at Dahoks stomach
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* Dahok side steps the stab and punch's Unoria in the chest, setting her shirt on fire
* Unoria falls to the ground, and rolls around.
* Icebrand suddenly cracks Dahok in the back of the head with his gun, having snuck behind him
* Dahok falls face forward onto the street, knocked out from the blow to the head
<Ire> GM: *quiet. Only IB and Unoria are awake*
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* Unoria stands up, her shirt charred and breaking up.
* Icebrand grumbles
<Icebrand> <This hasn't been my week...>
* Unoria notices her shirt, actually the lack of... She tried to pull what is left closed.
<Icebrand> <Don't bother. Nothing I haven't seen before...>
<Unoria> ... How would you know.
<Unoria> You don't remember.
* Icebrand looks to the side again. <Maybe not... hell, I don't know any more...>
<Unoria> ... Then why'd you say that?
<Icebrand> <...Because I believe you... I don't know, something was driving me to protect you, no matter what the cost...>
<Unoria> Probably because I'm female.. males tend to feel the need to protect females..
<Dahok> NRP: Now remember kids, if you are struck with amnesia, a shot to the groin will restore your memory.
<Icebrand> <I... no, it seemed deeper than that...>
<Ire> NRP: LOL
<Unoria> How so Firebi--...Steven.
<Icebrand> <Unie, I... it feels like my memory's trying to come back, somehow...>
<Dahok> NRP: Ta-Ta-Today Jr..
* Icebrand 's eyes widen suddenly. He pulls back, closes his eyes, and grabs the sides of his head, straining heavily.
<Icebrand> ...N...NO!
<Unoria> I guess it just shocked me when Ire told me what happened to you.. I don't kno-- ....What??
<Icebrand> Get... OUT OF MY HEAD! *falls to his knees*
<Unoria> He's got you too?!
<Dahok> NRP: Who says it's a he?
<Unoria> NRP: Dunno.. She doesn't know anything.
<Unoria> YOu hurt nobody but me, Do you understand? Burn me to fucking pieces but don't hurt Them.
<Ire> NRP: *plays Sailor Moon's Power of Love for this fight*
<Dahok> NRP: Play Diana Ross - I will Survive
* Icebrand opens his eyes - they've become a bright red.
<Icebrand> Thou... willst... burneth...
* Unoria looks at IB's eyes. "Why don't you leave me alone?? Huh? What did I do to you??"
* Icebrand stands up, straining, and draws his hands back
<Icebrand> For... what... thou... hast... done! GAAAH!
<Unoria> What did I do?!?
* Icebrand throws his hands forward, but the blast misses Unoria by a mile. Icebrand crashes to the floor, his eyes their normal color again. Meanwhile...
<Unoria> .... STEVEN!
<Ire> GM: *the spirit manifests itself into physical form nearby. It's a woman, dressed in old, old day clothes*
<Icebrand> <Ungh... I'm...fine.>
* Ire stirs, pushing himself up.
* Unoria runs over to IB.."Are you sure??"
* Icebrand pushes himself up, and smirks a bit
<Ire> Spirit: Thou darest to reject me?
* Dahok push's himself up
<Icebrand> Yeah, I'm fine. Hey lady, you owe me a pair of jeans!
<Dahok> Ahh man...My head hurts..
* Unoria turns around to the lady. "YOU!"
<Ire> Spirit: Thy folly will be thou's end.
* Ire stands up, dusting his hands.
<Icebrand> <Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.>
<Icebrand> NRP: AAAH! Spirit's back again!
<Ire> NRP: LOL
<Unoria> What do you want with me?!
<Ire> Spirit: For thou to burneth! *reaches out to grab her face*
* Icebrand points his guns at the spirit
<Icebrand> Not another step, old lady.
* Unoria pulls her other Katana and slashes with both at the lady.
* Dahok looks around, regaining his senses again
* Ire grabs Dahok, nodding to the side. He runs off, holding his arm.
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<Ire> Spirit: *keeps advancing*
* Dahok follows behind Ire
* Icebrand pops off a couple of shots
* Ire grabs a bucket. He motions for Dahok to get a hose.
* Unoria steps forward towards the spirit.
<Dahok> ....*shakes his head and goes to the nearest firehydrant
<Ire> Spirit: *staggers back, only momentarily stunned*
<Dahok> Your thinking too complicated buddy...
* Ire stands up, raising an eyebrow.
<Dahok> Shoot the cap off
<Dahok> Now!
<Unoria> If this is my fate, then so be it... *continues walking forwards*
<Spirit> NRP: AHHH! I'm stunned!
* Icebrand hesitates, watching Unoria. <Hey, hang on a second, Unie!>
* Ire fires at the cap.
* Dahok watches the cap shoot off and the water spray directly towards the spirit
<Ire> Spirit: *is hit by the stream of water. It screetches in pain, then dissolves into dust, which too vanishes*
<Dahok> NRP: *sadly it drops 10 feet infront of it*
<Ire> NRP: LOL
* Icebrand spins the guns and holsters them
<Icebrand> <Good shot, guys!>
* Unoria steps back from the path of water... getting slightly wet.
* Ire holsters his guns, panting. He glances at Unoria's revealing torn shirt.
<Icebrand> <You ok over there, Unie?>
* Dahok walks towards the group
* Ire rejoins the group.
* Unoria drops her katanas on the ground and kneels on the ground.
<Ire> It's over, Paladith.
* Icebrand jogs over and kneels, putting an arm around Unoria's shoulders
<Icebrand> <We need to get you to a hospital or something.>
* Unoria covers her face with her hands, sobbing.
* Ire motions Dahok back to the bloodied van.
* Ire walks away.
<Dahok> ...*walks towards the van*
* Ire steps into the van. He activates the windshield wipers, smearing the blood back and forth as water sprays up.
<Unoria> I just.... wanted it to make me.. go away.
<Icebrand> <...>
<Ire> Good job, Fyro.
<Dahok> Drive through the Hydrant..
* Ire does so.
<Dahok> It was your idea, I just simplified it.
<Unoria> ...You were all I had left to hope for.... and now you aren't even you.
* Ire glances out the window at Unoria and IB. He drives on.
<Icebrand> <...> *stands up and looks away* <Come on. We need to get you to Mega City Regional.> *watches the van drive off* <...Bastard...>
* Unoria wipes her tears away, her makeup smears all over her face. "I don't need a hospital...."
<Ire> GM: *there's a heavy silence in the van, especially coming from Ire*
* Ire parks it at the HQ, turning it off.
<Icebrand> <Well, I'm taking you somewhere, dammit. Just seeing this place is starting to piss me off.>
* Ire opens the driver door and steps out of the van, slamming it shut. He walks on toward Building 38, passing the teenager in the tuxedo.
* Unoria slowly stands up, her face is blank.
* Dahok follows behind Ire
<Dahok> I need a shower..
* Ire grunts.
<Unoria> NRP: I feel a 3some coming on!
<Icebrand> <Maybe I'm not Firebird any more, but does that make me any less Steven Frost?>
* Dahok walks over to the couch and falls over and onto it, passing out
* Ire pauses, looking at Dahok for a moment. He turns and heads up the stairs to his place. The control room.
* Unoria turns to IB... "I'm not sure which part I fell in love with, Firebird or Steven... And why would you, Icebrand care about taking me somewhere?"
* Icebrand looks out of the bar's front window
<Unoria> ...There goes my job..
<Icebrand> <Because...> *sighs* <This sounds strange, but... I think I've fallen in love with you again... maybe it's the old memory resurfacing, but... I hate seeing you like this. If nothing else...> *tosses Unoria his jacket* <...if nothing else, we need to get you some clothes.> *smiles*
<Unoria> *is shocked at his statement*..Last time I checked you wanted me OUT of my clothes.. *smirks, and accepts his jacket* Thanks.
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<Unoria> NRP: Excess Flood? O.o
<Icebrand> NRP: Just what it sounds like.
<Unoria> NRP: Just have never seen that before.
<Icebrand> NRP: I have. mIRC scripter's nightmare.
<Icebrand> <Funny how things can change, huh...> *holds his hand out* <Come on, let's go.>
* Unoria first picks up her katanas and attaches them to her belt. She takes IB's hand. "Alright."
* Unoria leans her head on IB's shoulder as she walks.
<Garland> NRP: It was all that water.
<Ire> Session Ends
Session Close: Sat Apr 12 23:25:35 2003