Session Start: Sun May 04 22:03:52 2003
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20030504.log'
<Raistlin`> 4353543453445
<Katrina`> Session 52: Thedda - Memories of the Past
<Thedda> 100130823!
<Katrina`> Time Chart: July 2nd, 2222
<Katrina`> Location: The Aquarius, Near Reploid Homeworld.
<Katrina`> Cipher: *chews on the Captain's chair*
* Katrina` is at the bar.
* Thedda is positioned in her chair as she watched the path that will take her back to her homeland.
*** Garland is now known as Sardis
* Raistlin` looks towards Cipher as he looks at the screen at his and Thedda's homeworld
<Katrina`> Ensign 2: *pilots through space*
* Thedda sits quietly, as she has been since the events of earlier that day.
* Cardinal is again sleeping, this time recovering from wounds incurred in the previous battle. Thedda is in charge on the bridge.
* Katrina` nurses her vodka drink.
<Katrina`> Ensign 2: We'll be arriving at the homeworld in 2 minutes.
<Raistlin`> back home.. yay...
<Katrina`> Ensign 1: I don't know if I like this. The Reploid Homeworld isn't part of the Alliance. They might not appreciate us here.
<Shiva`> ...*stands on the bridge* I thought this was off-limits to all non-reploids.
* Thedda doesn't flinch and only says. "Okay."
<Katrina`> Skippy: It is.
<Shiva`> We're asking for a fight...
<Thedda> I wouldn't worry about it.
* Katrina` stands up, straightens out her uniform, throws back the vodka, and heads for the bridge.
<Katrina`> Skippy: *leaves a message on Cardy's notifier of their arrival in Reploid space*
* Katrina` steps out of the elevator and takes her seat at the science station.
<Katrina`> Ensign 1: I'm picking up three war cruisers heading this way.
* Raistlin` keeps his eyes transfixed on his homeworld
<Shiva`> Here comes the welcome wagon.
* Cardinal grumbles as it starts beeping and rolls over, ignoring it. This doesn't last long, and she begrudgingly gets out of bed and starts getting dressed.
<Katrina`> Ensign 3: We're being hailed with a pre-recorded message.
* Thedda doesn't let her sight leave the path towards her homeworld.
<Thedda> Accept it.
<Katrina`> GM: *A shadowy figure appears* Intruder, you are not welcome in this space. You have 30 seconds to leave or you will be fired upon.
<Katrina`> GM: *The message ends*
<Katrina`> Ensign 2: Orders, Commander?
*** Cipher has joined #taw
* Cipher keeps eating the chair.
<Thedda> Continue in... Put up the sheilds and defend.
* Shiva` eyes Thedda carefully
<Katrina`> Ensign 2: You heard her, Raist, raise the shields on yellow alert.
* Raistlin` nods and does so
* Shiva` looks at Thedda
<Thedda> What Shiva...?
<Katrina`> ...they're arming their weapons.
<Shiva`> Your selfishness is gonna get an entire crew killed.
<Katrina`> Ensign 3: Uh, should we...I don't know, HAIL them?
<Thedda> Shut up and do your damn job. Kat, prepare the weapons.
<Thedda> or whoever is doing it.
<Katrina`> That would be Raist.
<Shiva`> All this for a freakin body..
<Raistlin`> ... *grrumbles as he prepares the weapons*
<Thedda> Remind me the next time I have the chance Shiva, to decapitate you and see how you like not having a body.
<Thedda> I hate to do this to fellow Reploids.
* Cardinal yawns as she steps out of the elevator, bandaged, tired, and generally looking like crap
<Thedda> Hello Captain.
<Cardinal> Did I miss anything? *yawns again*
<Shiva`> You can go ahead and try Thedda, you'll only find yourself traveling the same path agani.
<Katrina`> GM: *they open fire on the Aquarius*
*** Raistlin` has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* Cardinal blinks
<Cardinal> Looks like I did miss something... we must be there.
<Shiva`> Yeah, your thick-headed floating head here is putting an entire ship in danger for a body.
<Thedda> We sure are.
<Cardinal> What has to be done has to be done... *yawns yet again*
<Katrina`> ...
*** Raistlin` has joined #TAW
* Katrina` says nothing, looking to the side
<Katrina`> Aquarius: *keeps getting pounded on*
* Thedda glares at Shiva.
<Thedda> NRP: What race is Shiva?
<Shiva`> There's always different paths to the same destination.
<Thedda> I would suggest shooting back.
<Shiva`> NRP: Half-Human, Half-Phylon.
<Raistlin`> NRP: someone ping me..
* Cipher looks away from the chair, clicking his claws together.
<Cipher> That would be unwise.
<Shiva`> Yeah, blowing up their ships is gonna get you a body.
<Thedda> NRP: Phylon?
<Cardinal> *yawns* Have you tried hailing them?
<Katrina`> Ensign 3: No, sitr.
<Thedda> Who knows, it might cause a death. What a shame.
<Shiva`> NRP: Yeah a name for a race.
* Thedda eyes Shiva for a moment.
<Katrina`> GM: *the Aquarius shakes again*
<Katrina`> Skippy: Shield at 60%.
<Cardinal> Give it a shot, then.
<Katrina`> Ensign 3: Hailing them.
* Raistlin` sighs as he watches over the sheilds
<Shiva`> We could've just sent you on a shuttle towards the planet...
<Katrina`> GM: *a reploid appears on the screens. The attacks do not end*
<Katrina`> Reploid: You are advised to turn back, Alliance vessel.
* Cardinal motions to the screen with her head to Thedda
<Thedda> Hello fellow Reploid.
<Katrina`> GM: *the Aquarius shakes again from a hit*
*** Sardis has quit IRC (Quit: I am a hunter of peace. I chase the elusive mayfly known as love.)
<Cardinal> Raist, prepare to retreat on my word.
<Katrina`> Reploid: ...
* Thedda floats above her chair. "I am coming only to retrieve myself another body..."
* Raistlin` nods
<Katrina`> Reploid: And why should we oblige you?
<Katrina`> GM: *the ship shakes again*
<Katrina`> Skippy: 50% on shields.
<Thedda> Because I am one of you. You shouldn't disown your own.
<Thedda> *points to Raist* He is also one.
<Katrina`> Reploid: Times are changing.
<Thedda> Times might be changing, but our roots are the same.
* Raistlin` rerues nav controls to his station
<Katrina`> Reploid: Cannot these..."people" build you a body? Are they too ignorant of reploid specifications?
<Thedda> I will make sure my crew does nothing. I am only here for a short time. Yes, they are.
<Shiva`> ....
* Shiva` glares at Thedda
<Cardinal> .oO{Good thing Corvus isn't here.}
<Thedda> If they could have built me a body, I wouldn't have to come here.
<Katrina`> Reploid: We have not had another living creature besides a machine on our homeworld for decades. We do not see why we should begin NOW.
<Shiva`> No, she just happened to forget to ask.
<Shiva`> Mr. Reploid...How bout we strike a deal?
<Thedda> I guess my question to you would be, if you say times are changing, why not begin now?
<Cardinal> As you wish.
<Katrina`> Reploid:
* Thedda glares at Shiva.
* Shiva` nods
<Katrina`> Reploid: And what can YOUR kind offer in the way
* Cardinal crosses her arms
<Katrina`> NRP: Shiva: Thedda will give sexual favors!
<Cardinal> .oO{This ought to be interesting. I don't think I'll call her on this one...}
<Shiva`> It depends on what your looking for.
<Thedda> NRP: Thedda> Yep! I will!
<Katrina`> Reploid: Hah. You say you want a deal, yet you do not have anything to bargain with. You are a waste of my time.
<Shiva`> I have access to knowledge.
* Thedda snorts.
<Katrina`> Reploid: And what knowledge would you have that we would want?
<Cardinal> ...Listen.
* Thedda rolls her eyes at Shiva.
<Shiva`> Perhaps schematics for Gears or Mechs. Energy Cores....
* Katrina` stays out of this.
* Cipher hops up on the console
<Cipher> Let us in.
<Katrina`> Reploid: .... Cipher?!
<Cardinal> .oO{...Never mind. Let's see how deep she can dig herself.}
* Cipher angles his head.
<Shiva`> Plus we have Cipher.
<Katrina`> Reploid: ... We will let you in. Follow us.
* Thedda smiles at Cipher.
* Raistlin` blinks as he looks towards Cipher
<Katrina`> GM: *the transmission ends and the three warships turn, flying back to the planet*
* Shiva` looks at Cipher
<Shiva`> You have some major pull little one.
<Cardinal> Thanks for the save, Cipher. Raist, shields?
<Thedda> *PAUSE*
<Thedda> .oO(Alright, I don't see how Shiva can just get all up in my face about this shit.. She should learn that she is nothing special on this ship. She has what she needs. Calling me selfish. Stupid bitch. At least she has a body... )
<Thedda> .oO( I mean.... I've had my given and taken away from me twice today... I need something permanent... I need to have something.. I am nothing without a body. I won't fit in.... I... I never fit in... Why won't she understand that?)
<Thedda> NRP: had my body given....
<Thedda> *UNPAUSE*
<Raistlin`> Still at 50% and riseing.
* Katrina` quietly does her job.
* Shiva` scratches Ciphers under side
* Cipher blinks.
<Cardinal> Good. Hopefully we won't have to do any hardcore fighting today... *yawns. Again*
* Thedda floats back and forth, flaming mad.
<Thedda> I wouldn't be so sure Captain.. *has a snarl in her voice, obviously the anger coming from the anticks of Shiva*
<Katrina`> GM: *they pull up outside Roboticron, the Robot/Reploid Homeworld. Rumors say this place was around even in the days of Mega Man and that Duo himself was from here. Of course, nothing besides machines have ever been on it to know. The entire planet is like one big machine*
<Shiva`> You shouldn't lose your head over this Thedda...
<Thedda> NRP: however you spell it.
<Thedda> Go fuck yourself you stupid bitch.
<Katrina`> Ensign 2: *cracks up*
* Shiva` smiles to herself while scratching Ciphers underside
<Cardinal> Chill out, Thedda. And Shiva, shut up while you're ahead.
<Katrina`> Ensign 2: A-head...LOL
* Shiva` chuckles too herself
* Thedda shoots daggers at Cardinal with her glare.
<Cardinal> How about we get through one day without dissent in the ranks while Shiva's around?
* Thedda 's lip begins to tremble as she tries so desperately hard to not cry.
<Katrina`> ...
<Vile> NRP: "Only one way to do it, cap." "Make it so, ensign." *He taps a switch and Low Rider begins to play. Everyone bobs to the beat.*
* Raistlin` glances down to wards ensign 2 as his grip tightens.. he looks to Thedda as he shakes his head, knowing she must be feeling like crap
* Thedda excuses herself as she enters the elevator. not even sure where's she's going.
<Katrina`> GM: *orders are sent in that only a shuttle with 6 people can come down to the planet*
<Shiva`> Well we should atleast feel special. Being the first non-reploids to be on this planet.
<Katrina`> Ensign 1: If you ask me, they'll whip us.
* Shiva` stands up
* Raistlin` moves from his poste towards twards the elevator with Thedda
* Cardinal pops her neck, having never sat down
<Shiva`> So, should we go?
* Thedda zooms down before anybody can get in the elevator.
<Cardinal> Well, everyone that's going, let's go. *turns and slams into the elevator door*
<Katrina`> Ensign 3: Wait.
* Shiva` holds back a laugh
* Cardinal stumbles back, holding her nose
<Katrina`> Ensign 3: Only certain parts of the planet have air. They advise some oxygen masks.
* Thedda reaches the hanger and floats out... she can't help but let a few tears roll down her face.
* Cardinal lets out a long string of Dharina curses, interrupted only by number 3's advice
<Shiva`> NRP: Tears of Oil that is.
* Raistlin` gets into the elevator as it appears again.
<Cardinal> Thanks for the heads up. I think they have some in storage at the teleporter area
<Cardinal> .
* Katrina` stands up
<Katrina`> I'll get the oxygen
* Thedda moves towards the shuttle that will be taking her to her homeworld.
* Shiva` starts busting out laughing
* Katrina` steps into the elevator, going down.
<Shiva`> Heads up...
<Katrina`> Pilot: Hey, Thedda.
<Thedda> ...Hi.
<Shiva`> Oh sorry...I havent' had this good of a laugh in awhile...excuse me.
<Vile> NRP: No pun intended, eh Shiva?
* Raistlin` looks towards Katrina as she is on the elevator with him
* Thedda her lower lip still trembling. "You mind wiping my face down for me please...?"
* Katrina` steps off in the storage area.
<Cardinal> Whatever. *waits for the elevator to come back up*
<Shiva`> NRP: HeheE!
<Katrina`> Pilot: *brings out a hankey and wipes her face*
* Cipher lands on Cardinal's head.
* Cardinal steps in, Cipher on her head
<Cipher> *in ball form*
* Raistlin` gets off in the hanger, and walks up into the shuttle, sitting off to one side
* Shiva` steps in behind Cardinal
* Thedda smiles slightly. "Thanks... At least the next time you'll see me, I'll have a body, hopefully."
<Cardinal> It's a good thing we got a head start with the Reploids on the planet. Maybe they won't try to put our heads on pikes, anyway.
<Katrina`> Pilot: Good for you!
* Cardinal heads for the hangar
* Thedda flies into the shuttle and lowers herself on a seat.
<Vile> NRP: No pun intended, eh Cardinal? ^_^
* Shiva` puts her hand to her mouth in an attempt to hold back her laughter
<Raistlin`> Hello Ma`am. *looks to Thedda in the seat ahead of him*
<Katrina`> Skippy: If you ask me, you'd lose your heads if they weren't attached. HA ha ha ha...*pause* Ha...
* Thedda nods, breathing in heavily.
<Cardinal> ...What? Eh, it's over my head.
<Shiva`> Nice try Skippy.
<Katrina`> Pilot: *to Thedda* Would you like a head-rest, ma'am?
<Thedda> ..Maybe this was a mistake....
* Thedda eyes the Pilot. "no....."
* Cardinal steps off of the elevator when it reaches the hangar
* Shiva` steps off behind her
<Raistlin`> i don`t think they get us.. do they..
<Katrina`> Pilot: *looks sheepish*
<Cardinal> Maybe today won't be as much of a headache as two days ago... *sighs*
<Thedda> You have no idea what it's liketo be THIS....
<Shiva`> NRP: My Penis does.
* Cipher floats into the shuttle.
* Cardinal walks into the shuttle
* Shiva` follows behind Cardinal
* Katrina` arrives a few moments later, handing out oxygen masks.
* Thedda keeps her eyes glued to the flooor.
<Raistlin`> No i do not. But i wish you to have a body tho.. *speaks quietly to Thedda so she only hears*
* Katrina` lets her hair down long, putting on her mask.
* Thedda nods her head at Raist's generousity.
<Katrina`> Pilot: *pilots them down to the planet*
* Cardinal slips her oxygen mask on
* Katrina` remains silent, fiddling with her name tag on her uniform.
* Shiva` grabst he mask and places it around her neck
<Shiva`> Cipher...
* Raistlin` glances towards Katrina, pondering... he then shakes his head as memories seem into his mind.
<Katrina`> GM: *as they get lower, the giant mechanical planet is divided into areas. One - fourth of the planet is nothing but factories with high pollution. Since the reploids don't breathe, it doesn't bother them. Another section of the planet seems to be the government body area, clean air and everything. And, yet, another area has an artifical park, for some odd reason*
<Cipher> Yes?
<Katrina`> GM: *the shuttle aims for the government section of the planet, where the tall buildings rise for hundreds of stories, putting Earth's biggest building to shame*
<Shiva`> Why did you give us access when they saw you? If it's ok for me to ask.
<Cipher> I'm a Mark II.
<Cardinal> ...Isn't this partially why Earth was on the way out before it was destroyed? *sighs and shakes her head*
* Thedda doesn't look up at her homeworld she once to lovingly adored.
<Cardinal> So much for learning from your mistakes...
* Thedda glances at Cardinal for a second, then her eyes return to the floor.
<Raistlin`> .oO(feels good to be home..)
<Katrina`> gM: *the shuttle lands on the roof of one of the tallest buildings*
<Katrina`> GM: *10 reploids are standing around, waiting for them*
* Katrina` turns on her oxygen supply.
* Cipher floats out of the shuttle. He floats into the building, unhampered by the reploids.
*** Cipher has left #taw
* Thedda looks up, and floats out of the shuttle.
<Katrina`> GM: *one of the reploids steps forward, his white mustache twitching*
<Katrina`> Reploid: You are from the Alliance ship?
<Thedda> Yes, we are.
<Katrina`> Reploid: Your name?
* Raistlin` stands and makes his way into the back and out, he moves towards the edge of the building and looks down
* Cardinal steps out of the shuttle
<Thedda> Thedda.
* Katrina` steps out.
* Shiva` puts her mask on and slowly steps out from the shuttle, stepping lightly with each step
<Cardinal> Yes. I am the Captain of the Aquarius, Hwenira Yshidhan. A pleasure to make your acquantaince, sir. *bows*
<Katrina`> GM: *some of the other reploids check their records for a Thedda*
<Katrina`> Reploid: *to Raistlin and Thedda* You may go downstairs. We'll finish the body for you, Thedda.
<Thedda> Thank you very much. *nods slightly and begins to make her way downstairs*
* Raistlin` nods to his fellow Reploids as he waits for Thedda
* Cardinal straightens, saying nothing
* Raistlin` follows after Thedda
<Katrina`> Reploid: *stares at the others, twitching his mustache with distate*
<Shiva`> I am Shiva Sevintes, Gear Mechanic. Thank you for allowing us to stop by. *kneels and bows at the same time*
<Cardinal> I apologize for our intrusion, but I felt we owed it to Thedda. If you wish us to leave, we shall.
<Thedda> I hope they all die.
* Thedda continues downstairs.
<Katrina`> Reploid: *looks at Cardinal* You are not human, are you?
* Raistlin` smirks as he listens to Thedda, following behind her
* Shiva` slowly rises from her kneel and looks at the Reploid with the white moustache
<Cardinal> No, I am not. I am of the Dharina.
* Katrina` walks over to the side, looking over the planet with a scientific gaze.
<Thedda> I wouldn't laugh. I'm serious.
<Katrina`> Reploid: You may enter, too.
<Shiva`> Becareful Katrina..
<Raistlin`> I`m not laughing. I`m agreeing.
* Katrina` glances at Shiva.
<Cardinal> Thank you, sir. Hold down the fort, Katrina.
<Katrina`> Why?
* Katrina` nods at Cardinal.
* Cardinal walks past the Reploids and enters
<Shiva`> It looks like it could be a long fall.
<Katrina`> Hm.
* Katrina` nods thoughtfully
* Thedda continues floating forward. "They don't understand us..."
<Katrina`> Reploids: *glare at the two*
<Katrina`> GM: *thedda reaches a floor with Reploid Doctors*
<Raistlin`> few do. few do..
* Shiva` isn't phased by teh glares
<Cardinal> *looks around* ...Wow... really advanced...
<Thedda> Ah. My techs. This will be fun.
<Katrina`> Reploid Doctor: This way, Thedda. This will not take long. We brought up your old schematics.
* Thedda moves in. "I'm glad to hear you are prepared for me. I would have expected nothing less."
* Shiva` walks upto Kat and sits down besides her
<Shiva`> This is quite beautiful here.
* Katrina` sits down next to Shiva, looking glum.
<Katrina`> Yes, it is. Dad would have liked it.
* Cardinal catches up to the others
* Raistlin` follows Thedda out and moves along with the Doctor "Is Dr. Xcral here?
* Shiva` smiles turns to a frown
<Thedda> Your creator Raist?
<Raistlin`> Indeed.
* Thedda smiles.
<Thedda> .. I never knew mine.
<Katrina`> Reploid Doctor: I'm sorry, he is away on business.
<Cardinal> Sorry about the delay. *nods to the doctor*
<Shiva`> I wish I could've gotten to know him better. I only knew what Slasher had told me about him. He held his values and beliefs very highly.
<Katrina`> Reploid Doctor: *leads Thedda into a room where a body is waiting. They begin to hook her up*
<Katrina`> Yes.
<Katrina`> Reploids: *listen in on the two humans*
<Cardinal> ...So that's how it works. *leans against the wall*
* Raistlin` stays outside the reem where her body is
*** Alicia has quit IRC (Quit: Restarting mIRC)
*** Kimera has quit IRC (Quit: )
<Katrina`> GM: *time passes*
*** Alicia has joined #TAW
* Raistlin` glancees to Cardinal "hmm?"
<Katrina`> Reploid Doctor: It is done.
*** Kimera has joined #taw
* Shiva` turns her head back to the two Reploids
<Thedda> Wow... *a look of great joy washes her neutral look.* ....Really?
<Shiva`> Would you two care to join us?
<Katrina`> Reploid: No.
<Katrina`> Reploid Doctor: Yes. Try it out.
<Shiva`> Please come join us. It is quite a beautiful view.
<Katrina`> Reploid: We do not sit with humans.
<Shiva`> Well, I'm not a pure-bred human.
* Thedda stands up and begins walking around. She stretches her arms and bends forwards and backwards. "Wow... it's beautiful."
<Katrina`> Reploid: You are bad enough
<Katrina`> Reploid Doctor: Take care of it now.
<Cardinal> The Reploids' reactions to the humans of the team... did they really have that much of a falling out?
* Thedda tears begin to roll down her face.
<Shiva`> What makes me any so bad?
<Katrina`> Reploid: All humans are evil.
<Katrina`> ...
* Katrina` rubs her eyes, turning away from the reploids.
<Thedda> Look Raist!
<Shiva`> Who was the first to make a robot?
<Shiva`> Atleast on Earth.
<Katrina`> Reploid: Humans. But in their error, they considered them slaves.
* Raistlin` finishes a note to his creator as he looks up tpeards Thedda "Very nicee, nicec to see you with a body"
* Cardinal looks up, noting that Thedda didn't acknowledge her presence
<Shiva`> So what makes you any worse than the human who created you?
<Shiva`> NRP: Better.
* Katrina` removes her breath mask, shaking her hair back. She sits there, holding her breath.
<Cardinal> Looking good, Thedda. *gives a thumbs up* Hey, sorry I was giving you a hard time earlier... I don't know what was wrong with me.
* Shiva` looks over at Kat
<Katrina`> Reploid: We do not enslave people in order to do our work...what is she doing? *eye kat*
* Thedda smiles brightly. "It's nice to have my body back.... Writing to your creator?"
<Thedda> ...Doctor? Can you tell me who my creator was...?
<Katrina`> Reploid Doctor: I can try. Hold on.
<Shiva`> Kat...
* Raistlin` nods "Of corse, i do regularly"
<Katrina`> Reploid Doctor: *looks up Thedda's information*
* Katrina` looks at her.
* Thedda nods at Cardinal, but says nothing. "Oh really Raist.. That's very nice of you."
<Cardinal> ... *quietly* Hrmph.
<Shiva`> Please don't.
<Katrina`> Reploid: She...should put on the oxygen mask. *sound slightly worried*
<Raistlin`> Well, I have an experimental personality system that he maid so, i send him reports and letters along with them seeing what work he is doing.
* Shiva` looks into her eyes, and mouths to her "What are you doing?
<Katrina`> Reploid Doctor: Dr. Chaus. He was a male reploid.
* Katrina` slips the mask back on, taking a breath.
<Katrina`> Enjoying the planet in it's natural state for a moment.
* Thedda turns to the doctor and smiles. "Beautiful... made by my own kind. Thank you so much."
* Shiva` a smile appears on her face and she lets out a light laugh
<Katrina`> Reploid: Humans...*shakes head*
* Katrina` smiles back at Shiva.
*** Sardis has joined #taw
* Raistlin` moves over to the Doctor Reploid as he hands him the letter "Please give this to Dr. Xcral apon his return."
<Thedda> Hey Raist? Want to take a walk down memory lane?
*** Sardis is now known as Garland
<Katrina`> Reploid Doctor: Of course.
<Shiva`> Mr. Reploids, Not all humans are as bad as the ones that first enslaved you. Some of them actually fought for your freedom, with their lives.
* Cardinal sits down, being completely ignored
<Raistlin`> Sure, why not.
<Thedda> I've not been here for years... I wonder how much things have advanced.
<Katrina`> GM: *Cardinal's communicator beeps*
<Katrina`> Reploid: ... I doubt that, seriously. Humans only have a capacity for hatred and destruction.
* Cardinal jumps. Catching her breath quickly, she flips it on.
<Cardinal> Captain Yshidhan.
* Thedda turns to the noise. "Wow... wouldn't it be a shame if that was alerting us of Shiva's death."
<Katrina`> Ensign 3 on comm: Sir, we're detecting what could be a cloaked ship in the sector. It might be a Raider cloak.
* Cardinal covers it for a moment
<Cardinal> Amen to that.
<Shiva`> While the female species also have a capacity for love and nuturing.
<Cardinal> *takes her hand off* ...Perfect.
<Shiva`> NRP: Wow that was a powerful boom.
* Raistlin` nods as he starts to move towards the door
<Shiva`> NRP: Lightning strike, set off some car alarms.
<Thedda> Don't try to get on my good side now Captain.
* Thedda grabs Raist and drags him out of the room and towards the exit.
<Cardinal> Ok, I'll come back and we'll check it out.
* Shiva` slowly stands up
<Cardinal> You t-...never mind.
<Katrina`> Reploid: ...
<Shiva`> You have a beautiful planet here.
* Raistlin` is draged off by Thedda
* Cardinal glances at the doctor
<Katrina`> Reploid: Thank you, human.
<Cardinal> ...Uh... what'd I do?
<Thedda> NRP: wasn't the reploid talking to Shiva?
<Shiva`> Don't make the same mistakes that the humans you hated made.
<Katrina`> Reploid Doctor: ...
<Thedda> I can't WAIT to get out there...
* Cardinal sighs and walks out, stretching her arms and wings once she is in the hallway
<Katrina`> GM: *the streets of Roboticron are full of reploids, living out their lives. It's a busy place, but nothing like Earth. It's a reploid paradise*
<Katrina`> Reploid: We won't.
* Thedda looks on in awe... "Look at it Raist..."
<Thedda> It's beautiful.
*** Cipher has joined #taw
<Cardinal> I'd like to know how I pissed her off that badly... *sighs* I guess two days ago really messed with all of us. *rubs the gunshot wound on her arm*
* Cipher floats back up to Kat and Shiva.
<Raistlin`> Indeed. *grins as he sees all the reploids around them* A sight i haven`t seen in a while.
<Shiva`> May I ask your names?
<Katrina`> Reploid: I am Riker.
<Vile> NRP: Number 1!
* Shiva` reaches her hand out to greet Riker
* Cardinal steps out of the building and rejoins Katrina and Shiva
* Thedda begins walking down one side of a busy street. "Wow.. I can't even remember my last day here, before I left for the Academy."
<Katrina`> Reploid: ... *looks at the hand, then raises a hand and shakes it*
<Katrina`> Captain.
* Shiva` shakes it gently
* Shiva` smiles
<Raistlin`> I can, it was a while ago tho. I tell you this much, my memories are a bit too good at times *chuckles as he walks along beside her*
<Shiva`> Maybe Slasher was right about Reploids.
<Cardinal> We've got trouble, you two. We need to head back to the Aquarius.
<Katrina`> Aye.
* Katrina` steps into the shuttle.
<Thedda> I can't even remember my friends. I've tried to block out my old self from my memories.
* Cipher floats into the shuttle, turning into mantis form. He looks to be thinking.
<Katrina`> Reploid: Perhaps.
<Thedda> It seems to be working.
<Cardinal> My apologies for the sudden exit. We shall return later for Thedda and Raistlin. .oO{I hope.}
<Shiva`> May you never lose sight of your ideals...*turns and walks into the shuttle*
<Raistlin`> Ah. Well that would do it. I was training ever since i was activated really, to test out the capapilates of the personailty matrix
* Cardinal bows, then steps back onto the shuttle
<Katrina`> Pilot: We're going, Captain?
<Thedda> I wish I was that lucky. Were you built here, or on Earth?
<Raistlin`> Here.
<Thedda> Wow... True luck.
<Shiva`> What's up Captain?
<Thedda> I was built on earth. I never want to return.
<Katrina`> GM: *someone bumps into Thedda*
<Katrina`> GM: *the shuttle takes off, heading back for the Aquarius*
* Raistlin` nods "I rather not go to earth myself.. i can stand human for the.. *looks at the someone*
<Cardinal> Yeah, head back for the Aquarius. It looks like there's a cloaked Raider ship in the vicinity.
* Thedda 's shoulder is bumped. "Hey, watch where you're -- Chandy?"
<Katrina`> GM: *a female reploid, looking to be 20 something, leans back. Her black hair flows*
<Katrina`> Chandy: Thedda?
<Shiva`> ....Should we warn the Reploid Planet?
<Cardinal> Things could get interesting if the Roboticronites find it before we can get rid of it.
<Thedda> ... Yeah, it's me...
<Shiva`> They might notice us powering up our weapons.
<Katrina`> Chandy:*looks surprised* I .. didn't expect to see you...
<Thedda> I... well, hi...
<Thedda> I didn't expect to run into you either... .. How are you?
<Katrina`> GM: *the shuttle docks on the Aquarius*
<Katrina`> Chandy: I'm...I'm fine. You?
* Cipher walks off the shuttle.
* Raistlin` looks towards Chandy and nods to her "Hello.:
* Cardinal steps off
<Cardinal> I'll make a decision once we know a little more about the situation.
<Thedda> .. I'm... I'm doing good.. Just got back from the doctors. Had to get a new body. Oh... Raistlin, this is.... Chandy, my.. exgirlfriend..
<Shiva`> ....The Raiders might use this against us if we don't think this carefully.
* Thedda blushes as she says this.
<Shiva`> NRP: WOOT!
<Katrina`> Chandy: Hello.
<Raistlin`> Nice to meet you.
* Katrina` follows the Captain to the bridge.
* Cardinal calls the elevator
<Cardinal> They probably plan to, Shiva.
<Shiva`> Then it'd be best if we tell them.
<Thedda> *PAUSE*
*** Garland has quit IRC (Quit: This time, it's sleep.)
<Thedda> ... Oh great! Of all people I run into, it's the ex girlfriend. Not to mention after the messy, and I mean messy breakup. Not to mention the fact that Raist had to be with me. I can't believe I broke up with her to leave and go to the Academy...
<Thedda> I mean, god she was and still is way more important then any stupid 'Saving the world' crap.. What in gods name was I thinking? She was the one person who supported me through everything, and never thought twice about it. How could I have ever thrown that away. And look at me. I look nothing like how she remembers me.
<Thedda> I used to dress in pinks and blues and beiges... I used to be such a caring and loving person... What has happened to me? ... I've become hostile, and cold... with nothing good to say...
<Thedda> *UNPAUSE*
* Cardinal grumbles
<Vile> NRP: Now THAT is an impressive monologue.
<Katrina`> Chandy: ... is the Academy?
<Cardinal> Either way, they're going to blame us. Say that they followed us. At least I kind of/sort of have their trust.
<Shiva`> Your the captain tho so whatever you plan on doing I'm behind you fully.
<Thedda> ...Well, I graduated and.... I'm a commander now on my ship..
<Katrina`> Chandy: *nods, looking down* That's...good...
* Katrina` stands on the bridge.
<Shiva`> I'm gonna try to rig up something incase we need to make a quick escape.
<Thedda> ... What have you been ... doing?
* Cardinal sits in the captain's chair, still thinking
* Katrina` takes her science officer seat.
<Cardinal> Katrina, see if you can't find something out about our new friends.
<Katrina`> I will try.
* Raistlin` looks around for a interface to get into his mail here to see if there is a package from his creator.
<Cardinal> Any information we should know about, number 3?
<Katrina`> Ensign 3: Skippy is having trouble locking onto them. We got upgrades after our last encounter with the Raiders, so we can find their cloaks now, but this ship keeps hopping around. But I think it might be heading for the planet.
<Katrina`> Chandy: Me? The same ol' same ol'. I've been thinking about becoming a singer.
* Shiva` turns and steps onto the elevator.
<Cardinal> Perfect. Hail those fighters from earlier, if they're still around.
*** Shiva` has quit IRC (Quit: )
<Katrina`> Ensign 3: They're ignoring all hails, sir.
<Thedda> A Singer! Oh Chandy... you were always such an elegant singer. *she smiles, as if she was taken back in time to when things were okay.*
<Raistlin`> excuse me for a moment *moves a hole ten steps and checks for a package in the interface*
<Katrina`> Chandy: *smiles back, softly*
<Katrina`> ...I wonder why they would be here....
<Cardinal> That figures. Try to contact the planet, then. ...Crud, Raist isn't around. Can anybody man the weapons?
<Katrina`> Ensign 5: *takes the weapons*
<Thedda> ... Look... I think we need to talk....
<Katrina`> Chandy: *nods* I agree.
* Thedda motions for her to take a seat on a bench.
<Katrina`> The ship, it keeps jumping around erratically, Captain. No pattern.
<Cardinal> Figures.
<Katrina`> Chandy: *Walks over, hands cupped together in front of her. She sits down, laying them in her lap*
* Raistlin` gets out the package from his creator and looks over the note attached to it "hmm... alrighty then..." he moves back to the other two, but sees what the two are doing and keeps a lil distance as he reads the note
*** Cipher has left #taw
<Katrina`> They don't seem to be getting any closer to the planet, though.
<Thedda> Always so polite.... I'm sooo sorry for what happened before I left..... I...
<Katrina`> Chandy: It's okay. I understand. *smiles at Thedda.*
<Cardinal> ...I wonder if they know we're here. They could be daring us to come after them.
<Katrina`> Ensign 2: I say we take them up on that dare.
<Cardinal> I take it you haven't had any success contacting the planet, number 3.
<Katrina`> Ensign 3: No, sir. Sorry.
* Thedda reaches over and takes Chandy's hands. "but.. it's not... and you know that...."
<Katrina`> Chandy: You...had things you wanted to do. *looks down* And if it made you happy...then...
<Vile> *While cloaked raider ship continues to vanish and reappear on their sensors, several small cloaked shuttles use the distraction to slip by the Aquarius as they enter high-orbit, planetbound.*
<Vile> nrp: er...while THE cloaked..
<Thedda> ... But... it didn't make you happy... god Chandy... I've been SO selfish...
<Katrina`> Chandy: ... *looks at Thedda* It's okay...really. I've got my life back together.
<Thedda> Have anybody in the picture...?
<Cardinal> *sighs* Number 5, contact Scrap and tell him to assemble some scouts. Katrina, scan the area. I want to make sure it's not serving as a distraction.
<Katrina`> Chandy: Y-Yes. Tiwilia
<Katrina`> Ensign 5: Alright. *contacts Scrap*
<Katrina`> Scanning closer.
* Thedda drops Chandy's hands as soon as she hears Tiwilia's name.." I....Oh..." She stands up, and starts to act a bit disoriented.
* Raistlin` pulls out the chip and looks it over "I`ll have to think about this one... " sighs as he glances towards the other two
<Katrina`> Chandy: *stands up, taking Thedda's hand* I'm sorry...
<Katrina`> ...that's odd.
<Thedda> No... You needed to move on... I understand. *she moves her head from left to right, avoiding eye contact*
<Katrina`> Chandy: ... Thedda...
<Cardinal> ...What's up?
<Thedda> I.... I need to go...
<Katrina`> For a second I thought I detected some energy signatures from a ship near the planet. But there's no ships near the planet right now, except us.
* Raistlin` watches Thedda's movements as he sighs
<Vile> *Suddenly, the roof of the massive skyscrapper the group was just on is suddenly...gone. Well, it doesnt go quietly, as the top 3 floor explodes from massive gun fire, raining debris down on the masses below.*
<Cardinal> ...Weird... check for cloaked fighters.
<Katrina`> Chandy: *looks up as the building falls towards her*
<Katrina`> Ensign 3: Captain, there's reports that an attack of some kind has occurred on the planet. We're being blamed.
* Thedda looks up at the building as it the debris begins to fall near them. "CHANDY!" She grabs Chandy and covers her, with her body.
<Cardinal> ...I knew it...
<Katrina`> NRP: *thedda loses her body---again!*
* Thedda lowers Chandy to the ground, and continues to protect her.
<Cardinal> Number 5! Check that earlier command - tell Scrap to ready fighters.
<Thedda> NRP: I swear to fuck if you do that, I'll cry.
<Raistlin`> What?! *growls as he runs towards the side as he goes to get out of the way, grapping both Thedda and chandy as he goes
<Katrina`> GM: *Thedda and Chandy are barely saved...thanks to RAistlin!*
<Vile> *3 shuttles de-cloak, hovering over the ruined mess of the top 3 floors. The shuttles hover over the make-shift landing pad, and their docking doors slide open. Mark 1 reploids begin leaping out, all decked out in black armor sporting large energy-type rifles.*
<Katrina`> Chandy: W-Who would do this?
<Katrina`> Ensign 3: We're being ordered not to intefere, Captain.
<Thedda> ....The humans.
<Cardinal> ...Perfect. Cancel that command, number 5. *falls backwards* Dammit, Hwenira, watch ALL sides of the battlefield...
<Katrina`> ...
* Katrina` gets up and runs out of the bridge.
<Katrina`> GM: *Reploids run around in confusion. Attack teams are prepared to fight the invading reploids*
* Thedda looks Chandy in the eye. "Go, I need you to be safe. Go home... This is where I shine..."
<Cardinal> ...Hey!
<Katrina`> Chandy: But...Thedda...
<Raistlin`> Fuck it.. *picks up the Zero chip Dr. Xcral sent him and places it in a safe spot as he races towards the building where the Mark I's are
<Cardinal> Kat, where do you think you're going!?
* Katrina` hits the elevator down button.
<Vile> *They quickly spread out, forming a perimeter around the roof. Several reploids, natives, and heavily wound stir in the wreckage. The Black armored warriors show no mercy, as one soldier steps up to a female one trying to dig herself out. He aims his rifle point blank and suddenly her head is a masse of circuits on the ground.*
* Thedda puts her finger over Chandy's mouth. "No... I will be fine. Don't worry about me, please... Just go."
<Cardinal> Kat, stand down! That's an order!
<Katrina`> Chandy: *nods, then begins to run away*
* Thedda turns and follows Raist.
* Katrina` grabs her comm and throws it into the elevator, stepping out of it. She eyes the shuttle, still prepped. She grabs the pilot and drags him into it
<Cardinal> ...The goddess hates me... *buries her head in her hands*
* Katrina` forces the pilot to fly her out of the Aquarius.
<Katrina`> Ensigns: *stare at Cardinal*
<Katrina`> Ensign 1: I didn't...know she had it in her.
<Vile> *3 more reploids leap out of the shuttles, landing in a crouch. Their armor is a brilliant Gold, trimmed in red. They are Mark II models.*
* Thedda catches up with Raist. "What's going on????"
*** Cipher has joined #taw
* Cipher steps onto the bridge.
<Cipher> This is bad.
* Raistlin` rases up the building, the rage burning in his eyes as his body seems to catch fire as he moves, a visual of his anger... he stops as he looks to Thedda "I dunno.. but i`m stoping them..."
<Katrina`> Chandy: *hides away form the fighting*
<Cardinal> Tell me about it... ah, the hell with it. *stands and runs for the elevator* 5, tell Scrap to send some ground fighters to the hangar. *steps into the elevator and is gone*
* Thedda nods and continues to sprint towards the fighting.
<Katrina`> Ensign 5: *does so*
<Katrina`> Chandy: *secretly follows the group*
* Cardinal notes Katrina's comm on the floor of the elevator. She picks it up and pockets it.
<Katrina`> GM: *Kat's shuttle is just on the verge of launching*
* Raistlin` pulls out his saber as he activates it as he races upwards the roof.
* Thedda pulls her whip from her belt and light it. It is now ingulfed in flames.
* Cardinal charges into the hangar
<Cardinal> Kat, wait!
<Katrina`> Shuttle: *lifts off the ground*
<Katrina`> Chandy: *picks up...A ROCK*
* Cardinal runs up to the shuttle and bangs on the door
<Vile> *The last figure gently floats out of the 3rd shuttle. Decked out in blood red form fitting armor, he's male and aparently human, which is the odd thing considering all the reploids. A black cloak flows from his armored shoulders, with a hood pulls up over his head, his face bathed in darkness. He touches down lightly and gestures. The Reploids begin sifting thru the rubble for a stair way or elevator shaft.*
<Katrina`> GM: *the door opens, thanks to the pilot*
* Cardinal pulls herself up and in
<Katrina`> ...Ca-Captain?
<Cardinal> Trying to hog all the action to yourself, Ms. Katrina Star?
<Katrina`> I-I...I can't let Thedda get hurt...
<Cardinal> And I can? Hit it, pilot.
<Katrina`> Pilot: AYE!
<Katrina`> GM: *the shuttle launches*
<Cardinal> <Comm> Scrap, send those ground fighters after us. We're going on ahead.
* Thedda races towards the rooftop.
* Katrina` looks down, embarassed at having ignored her orders earlier.
<Katrina`> GM: *the fighters launch*
<Cardinal> And don't worry about earlier. I'm having a bad week. *shrugs, grinning*
* Raistlin` reaches the caved in area right uunder the new roof?
<Katrina`> Chandy: *keeps following up the roof*
<Katrina`> GM: *the Warships return. They attempt to blast the shuttles out of the sky*
* Thedda reaches the rooftop, she sees so many reploids.
<Cardinal> ...Damn, I forgot they think we're the attackers.
<Raistlin`> .... ready?
<Katrina`> GM: *they also fire on Cardy's group*
<Thedda> .... I.. We are fighting our own?
<Katrina`> Pilot: *skillfully dodges*
<Vile> *The cloaked figure turns to see the warships. He raises his hands and large peice of debris tear from the roof and rocket out toward the enemy warships.*
<Raistlin`> Looks like it..
<Katrina`> GM: *suddenly, above Thedda, she Alliance shuttle and fighters!*
<Katrina`> GM: *the fighters begin to fire on the attacking Reploids*
<Thedda> *PAUSE!*
<Thedda> .... I think whatever I have thought is left of myself is gone... Chandy, now seeing somebody else.. I'm not sure what I was expecting, her to sit here and wait for me until I come back? I still lvoe her, but I can't keep her from a normal life, even if it is with Tiwilia...
<Thedda> And the reploids... I thought things were the same, all reploids are on the same page... We would stand together as one... Not fighting each other... This was never meant to happen this way.. This was supposed to be a happy time where I could remember the good things.. And not what is wrong...
<Thedda> Chandy has moved on, the reploids don't stand united, and nobody on the Alliance gives two shits about me... I'm not sure who I should be mad at... them... or myself.
<Thedda> *UNPAUSE!*
<Vile> *Several of the black armored reploids spot Raist and Thedda. They watch them, then gesture them over, even as one rushes up to the cloaked figure, holding a small device in his hand. The figure lowers his hands and the shuttles, while returning fire, land on the roof. The figure takes the device and floats up into the shuttle.*
<Katrina`> GM: *the Alliance shuttle swoops in overhead, the doors opening. Kat stands there*
<Katrina`> Thedda!
<Katrina`> GM: *the fighters are being hit by the warships, who are now focusing on them instead of the bad guys*
* Thedda keeps her hands to her side... She doesn't look up as her name is being called.
* Raistlin` walks up towards the black armored reploids
* Thedda slowly walks towards them....
* Katrina` activates her beam saber and leaps off of the shuttle. Her eyes close, praying this isn't stupid.
<Thedda> NRP: them being the reploids
* Katrina` hits the new roof hard, bouncing once and rolling towards the edge.
* Cardinal shakes her head and dives out of the shuttle, spreading her wings to direct her fall. She lands softly next to Katrina.
<Vile> *The gold reploids leap into one of the 3 shuttles, as do many of the black armored ones. One stays, watching Thedda and Raist as they approach. When they are close enough, he calls, "Come on, we're getting out of here!"
* Katrina` gets to her feet, her arm brusing already.
<Thedda> Where are you going?
<Cardinal> You ok?
<Katrina`> GM: *the Alliance fighters try to avoid firing on the good guys*
<Katrina`> Yeah.
<Vile> *The reploid shakes his head, and gestures to the battle raging above them, "Talk later! Go now!"
* Katrina` looks over at Thedda and Raist.
<Cardinal> That was pretty dumb, you know. *grins* Brave, though. Good going.
<Katrina`> I'll regret it in the morning.
* Cardinal looks off the building at the chaos below
<Vile> *With that, he turns and races towards one of the shuttles.*
<Raistlin`> ... *glancecs towards Thedda*
* Thedda looks at Raist.
<Cardinal> Goddess, I wish we could convince them who is on whose side.
* Katrina` hobbles after Thedd and Raist.
<Raistlin`> Shall we?
* Thedda nods.
* Cardinal jumps to the ground
* Thedda runs forward to the shuttles.
<Vile> *2 of the shuttles continue to pour fire into the invaders even as they take off, streaking space-ward. The 3 remains on the roof, it's hatch open.*
* Raistlin` races after the other reploid and the shuttles
<Vile> nrp: the third..
<Katrina`> GM: *chandy follows, at a distance*
* Katrina` runs after the others, moving slowly since her ankle seems to have been hurt in the fall.
* Thedda jumps into one of the shuttles.
* Raistlin` jumps in after Thedda
<Cardinal> NRP: Check the jump.
<Vile> *The black armored reploid stands at the hatch way, beckoning them forward, "Come ON!" *He helps Thedda in, then Raist.*
<Katrina`> Chandy: *gets in*
<Cardinal> Hey, hold on a second!
<Thedda> .!!! CHANDY! What are you doing??
* Cardinal runs after Katrina
<Katrina`> Chandy: I came to help you.
<Thedda> .... You're not safe...
* Katrina` tries to catch the shuttle before it goes.
<Thedda> I suppose you're more safe with me.... Alright fine!
<Vile> The black armored reploid watches Cardinal and Katrina, "We gatta go, come ON!" *He grabs Katrina's hand even as the shuttle lifts off*
* Katrina` is grabbed and pulled on.
Session Close: Mon May 05 00:00:00 2003

Session Start: Mon May 05 00:00:00 2003
Session Ident: #taw
* Raistlin` looks towards Kat, rasing a brow
<Cardinal> .oO{They think we're...} *jumps up and grabs the edge of the shuttle. Her right arm nearly gives out, but she pulls herself up*
* Thedda holds her hand out for Cardinal.
* Katrina` pants, obviously in pain.
<Katrina`> A-Are you okay?
<Vile> *It's armored scorched and pounded, with it's shields failing, the shuttle's engines flare as it orients spacewards, then takes off.*
* Cardinal nearly loses her grip, but grabs Thedda's hand
* Cardinal scrambles on
* Thedda pulls Cardinal up.
<Katrina`> Chandy: *sizes up Cardinal and Katrina*
<Cardinal> ...Thanks.
<Vile> *The black reploid hits the hatch button and it closes.*
* Thedda nods to Cardinal. "What are you guys doing back here??"
* Cardinal stands there for a moment, holding Thedda's hand and looking into her eyes, then quickly shakes her head and looks the other way
<Katrina`> GM: *the Alliance fighter retreat and rejoin the Aquarius. The warships tend to the wounded, leaving the attacking shuttles home free*
<Katrina`> We couldn't leave you.
* Katrina` closes her eyes.
<Cardinal> Checking on you, of course. *looks back, and grins*
* Thedda looks at Cardinal and smiles... She then realizes she's still holding her hand, and lets go quickly.
<Katrina`> Chandy: Who are they, Thedda?
<Vile> *Inside the shuttle are about a dozen of the black-clad reploids. They pull their helmets off, and sighing on how close that was. several of them size up the newbies.*
<Thedda> Well..Chandy, Cardinal here is my Captain, and Katrina is a very sweet girl on our ship.
* Katrina` looks at the reploids
<Katrina`> Why did they attack the homeworld of reploids....?
* Raistlin` does the same
<Thedda> I wish I knew.... I really do.
* Cipher is in charge of the Aquarius!
* Cipher pilots the Aquarius around in circles.
<Thedda> ...Captain, Kat, this is Chandy.
<Katrina`> Hell
<Katrina`> Hello
<Cardinal> NRP: Scary thought, that.
<Cardinal> Nice to meet you. *offers her hand*
<Vile> *All the reploids are quiet, and dont respond.*
<Katrina`> Chandy: *greets them*
<Cipher> GM: *The Aquarius does flips*
<Vile> *One looks at Cardinal's outstretched hand and shifts the position of his rifle across his knees.*
<Raistlin`> NRP: *cipher turns the Aquarius into a replaca of himself*
<Thedda> NRP: *blinks*
<Katrina`> NRP: Sounds like him.
<Cardinal> *notes the shift* ...It's called a handshake.
* Katrina` stands up.
<Katrina`> We need to do something before we go into hyperspace, Captain.
* Thedda sits, shifting her position. She's obviously uncomfortable.
* Raistlin` stands as he moves among the other reploids and greets
* Katrina` walks around, working her way to the pilot.
<Raistlin`> *them
* Thedda looks up at Chandy and sighs.
<Vile> *All of them are quiet, and make no movie to shake any hands nor acknowledge them. One finally stands, the one that beckoned them inside, "Have a seat and enjoy the ride. The captain will have to decide what to do with you now."
* Katrina` moves "inside"
<Vile> *The pilot reploid glances at Katrina, then back to his controls.*
* Raistlin` nods as he takes a seat at the back, a bit behind the others from the aquarius
<Thedda> Why did you come after me? You know I can handle my own.
* Raistlin` pulls out the chip and looks it over, pondering
* Katrina` looks over the cockpit.
<Vile> *It's a standard shuttle cockpit - but now, before them, polluted atmosphere gives way to space.*
<Katrina`> Chandy: I was worried about you.
* Katrina` moves her way to the back and whispers into the Captain's ear.
<Thedda> ... You've been worried about me before, but never followed me....
<Katrina`> Chandy: I thought maybe I could help you this time.
* Cardinal nods
<Thedda> You been up to something since I've been gone, since singing?
* Katrina` sits down.
<Katrina`> Chandy: *smiles, mysteriously*
<Thedda> I knew it!
<Katrina`> NRP: *Chandy reveals herself to be a Mark 10003334 Reploid*
<Vile> *Suddenly, there is a large bump that can only be the shuttle touching down - most likely, in a shuttle bay.*
<Thedda> NRP: Whoa!
* Katrina` nods thoughtfully, looking at the shuttle doors.
<Kimera> NRP: *baps DS* No time travel!
*** Ellie has joined #taw
<Vile> *NRP: She slices, she dices, she-hi Ellie!
<Katrina`> Well, we're here. How do we get back to the Aquarius?
<Ellie> NRP: yo, sup?
* Thedda smiles at Chandy, and pats her hand.
<Vile> *The shuttle begins powering down, all the black armored reploids stands, stretching slightly. One hits the hatch button and the doors slide open revealing a massive hanger bay, filled with shuttles and fighters.*
* Cardinal shrugs
* Katrina` hops off the shuttle.
* Katrina` grimaces in pain, looking at her ankle.
* Thedda jumps off, holding Chandy's hand as she does.
* Raistlin` stands and walks off the shuttle, chip still in hand..
<Katrina`> .oO (Dumb move earlier, Kat)
<Katrina`> Chandy: *follows*
<Thedda> NRP: Thedda: Good Chandy! *pets* Have a cookie!
* Cardinal steps off and looks around
<Vile> *They would see the other 2 shuttles, battered and scorched, also having landed. The 3 golden reploids stand at the ready, while the black armored reploids glance at the new comers. The floating figure in the blood red armor and hood and cloak floats out the shuttle, turning to them.*
* Thedda looks around for a minute. She continues to hold Chandy's hand, totally not noticing.
* Raistlin` looks towards the red figure
<Thedda> Who are you?
* Katrina` looks around, judging various methods to escape.
<Vile> *He floats above 3 or 4 inches off the ground touching down infront of them. He pulls his hood back, revealing a human face...well, what was a human face. He's disfigured badly, with more than half of his jaw misses, replaced with cybernetic implants. One eye has been removed, replaced with a robot one, the other still human, only seeming to float around in his socket. He has no nose, as it's been torn down to the skull beneath.*
<Vile> nrp: missing
<Thedda> NRP: CATS! ..All your base are belong to us!
* Katrina` looks away in horror.
* Thedda doesn't flinch at the man. ".... Who are you?"
<Vile> *He tilts his disfigured head, drool dripping from his ruined jaw, "I am captain here...Irae."
*** Vile is now known as Irae
<Katrina`> NRP: You know this calls for an Ire vs. Irae battle!
<Thedda> NRP: WOO! Alt/Alliance cross over!
<Irae> nrp: for the latin impaired, Irae is latin for Wrath.
<Thedda> NRP: aww crap.
* Irae gestures to Kat and Cardinal, "They die."
<Ellie> NRP: I knew that. My Catholic upbringing helps with rping!
* Katrina` draws her saber and activates it.
<Katrina`> Back off.
<Irae> *All of the black armored warriors point their rifles at Katrina.*
<Thedda> No.. They DONT Die.
<Katrina`> Chandy: *steps up* You will not hurt Thedda's friends!
<Cardinal> Wait, wait, wait, hold on just a second.
<Irae> Why do you care? They are biological.
* Thedda holds her arm across Chandy's chest and pulls her back some.
<Thedda> These who are here for my benefit only.
<Thedda> *two
<Irae> They're still not one of us.
<Katrina`> You're a human, too!
<Thedda> I know that. I don't expect you to accept them.. If you let us leave you won't have to associate with them again.
* Katrina` tries to steady herself, obviously afraid at the numbers.
* Irae steps toward her, "I WAS human. I strive to better myself, to EVOLVE into what you are." *He gestures to his face, "It is within my grasp,"
<Katrina`> Chandy: *stands to Thedda's side, looking ready to help Thedda if things go bad*
<Thedda> You are doing a beautiful job at transforming yourself into part of the perfect race.
<Katrina`> ...
* Katrina` loses a little of her stance after Thedda's lines.
* Irae nods, even are more drool drips from his ruined jaw, onto his armor, "You should join us."
<Thedda> .oO(I am SO gonna get bitched at about that one.)
<Irae> We fight for reploid freedom.
* Cardinal continues just standing there, her "wait a second" line lost in the wind
* Katrina` glances at the nearest shuttle, checking to see if it has been left running.
<Thedda> I would Sir, but I have other priorities I must take care of.
* Irae looks to Cardinel, his biological eye twinkling gentle, "I can see...see...into their minds...I've seen what they've done to you.."
<Katrina`> If you fight for Reploid freedom, then why did you attack their planet?
<Irae> *All of the shuttles are powered down at the moment.*
<Thedda> What they've done to me?
* Raistlin` looks town to his hand as he thinkgs, not really paying attenchion
<Cardinal> ...Mind enlightening me, then?
* Irae smiles, or atleast attempts too, "Those reploids have deserted the cause a long time ago. They have grown fat and lazy, and compliant."
<Ellie> NRP: *Doc Black sits there, drinking some scotch.*
<Cardinal> Because they had the freedom that you supposedly seek. A bit ironic, no?
<Thedda> They are searching for freedom everywhere, not just on our homeworld.
* Irae nods, "Perhaps. But is it not true, 'Captain', that you've used her like any of your other devices? Hmm?"
* Katrina` withdraws some, heading for one of the shuttles.
<Irae> *One black armor reploid steps toward Kat, "Hold it, flesh bag."
* Katrina` holds up her saber.
* Katrina` flicks on the DS' saber.
<Cardinal> ...She's the commander of the Aquarius. If anything, she uses the rest of the crew instead of vice versa.
<Thedda> Both of you, fall back.
* Raistlin` looks up towards Irae "So you are saying that Thedda and myself are being minuplulated by the humans?"
<Katrina`>*tries to sound brave*
* Irae looks to Raist, "Thats exactly what i'm saying. Is it not true? You are sent on these missions...regardless of the odd. After all, you both are expendable...repairable..."
* Irae turns his gaze to Katrina, and suddenly, her saber is pulled from her grasp.
<Cardinal> ...Good analogy, bucko, considering myself and Katrina are here.
<Thedda> Regardless of how much they hate me there, I still am doing a job I believe in, regardless of who I am working with.
* Katrina` looks at Thedda sharply.
<Katrina`> I don't hate you!
* Irae looks to Cardinal for a moment, then to Thedda, "Then work with us. Help us."
<Cardinal> Us? Hate you? Since when?
<Irae> *Katrina's saber floats gently just over her head, and begins to turn, slowly, so the blade is pointing down at her.*
<Thedda> Once I am finished with my work with them, I will consider working with you.
<Katrina`> ...What is the DS saber...doing...?
<Katrina`> Chandy: ... Well, I for one don't agree with what you do!
<Cardinal> ...Ah, you're a psion... interesting.
* Irae looks to Thedda, his cybernetic eye clicking gently, "Really...after they left you without a stay with them?"
<Ellie> NRP: gnight
<Katrina`> Chandy: You attacked my homeworld!
*** Ellie has quit IRC (Quit: Descartes was a pussy and a fraud.)
* Thedda turns to Chandy.. " You don't agree with what I do?!"
<Katrina`> Chandy: I'm talking to him.
<Raistlin`> But Irae... rome reploids thrive on the odds..
<Raistlin`> *some
<Thedda> Oh.. *blushes* Sorry.
<Irae> Then best to throw your lot in with us.
<Irae> You dont owe these biologicals anything. It is in our-THEIR nature to decieve and backstab.
<Thedda> There is no doubt in my mind that I was absolutely humiliated the wholetime I was without my body... However, us reploids are strong, and can handle anything.
* Katrina` eyes her saber, frowning.
<Katrina`> Chandy: You had no right to attack my planet.
<Irae> *The saber suddenly lances down at Katrina, angling to gently nick her leg.*
* Katrina` falls back, her leg hit slightly by the saber. She quickly grabs it, even as she cries out in pain and falls.
* Thedda whips at the Saber and snatches it from the air, before it hruts Kat.
* Irae looks to Chandy, "I had EVERY right! They would sit like hermits while the galaxy used them as slaves!"
* Raistlin` spins the chip around in his hand before he lets a compartment open up, and he places the chip in a storage place*
<Katrina`> Chandy: No one used as slaves! You were the first person to invade our world!
* Irae steps toward Chandy, "And do you think I'll be the last?"
* Irae gestures to Cardinal, "Did they not arrive before us?"
* Thedda drops the saber in front of Kat.
<Katrina`> Chandy: Of course not! When my people find you, they will make examples of you!
<Irae> No doubt, they herald the apocalypse of your world.
<Katrina`> Chandy: ...they're Thedda's companions...
<Thedda> ...You're welcome Kat.... *she turns back to Chandy.*
* Irae grunts, "Some companions. Invading your space, uninvited."
* Katrina` blinks in awe, looking at Thedda
<Katrina`> Thanks.
<Katrina`> Chandy: ...
<Irae> For the sole purpose of restoring one of their grunts. *He gestures to Thedda*
<Katrina`> Chandy: At least THEY didn't blow our buildings up!
<Thedda> They were invited... homeworld accepted them, even if for only a short time, they accepted them.
* Irae 's biological eye flares at Chandy, "You are weak.." *From behind, a small support strut tears from the wall, now jagged and spear-like, and rockets at Chandy's back.*
* Raistlin` slowly moves along the dech of the hanger as he looks around "And what do we do with this?"
<Thedda> Let us go, and we will not invade again.
* Thedda pulls Chandy to the ground, away from the spear.
<Katrina`> GM: *Thedda is just seconds to slow. The spear-like wall stabs through her chest*
<Katrina`> Chandy: *stumbles forward, then is pulled to the ground by Thedda*
<Katrina`> Oh my God...
<Thedda> .....
* Irae lifts gently into the air, "Kill them...kill them all."
* Thedda drops to her knees, Chandy in her arms.
<Thedda> ...Chandy....
<Irae> *The black armor reploids raise their rifles, taking aim.*
* Katrina` steps in front of Thedda, saber armed.
* Katrina` attempts to get between her and the attackers.
<Cipher> GM: *suddenly, right behind them, the Aquarius is seen. It opens fire into the hanger*
* Thedda slams her hands on the ground and she sobs uncontrolably.
* Cardinal whips her sword out - and immediately dives behind a shuttle
<Cardinal> Take cover!
* Irae 's black cloak falls in around himself as he pulls his hood over his disfigured face. Suddenly, the raider vessel shakes and the soldiers are thrown to the ground as its shields absorb the Aquarius's salvo*
* Cipher sits in the Captain's chair, all mantis like
<Cipher> Fire!
<Cipher> Ensign 5: AYE AYE!
<Katrina`> The shuttle, Captain, get to the shuttle and activate it!
* Cardinal crouches, embarrassed at having forgotten about shielding, and slips into the shuttle that she dove behind
* Raistlin` looks towards chandy then Thedda.. his cold gaze sets apon Irae.. his body erupts into flames... he pulls out his saber as he charges towards Irae, in a blind rage
<Katrina`> We need to hurry, Thedda.
<Thedda> ...My love... love? *she holds onto Chandy's limp hands.*
* Irae remains floating, "Reploid Freedom begins NOW! Kill those we lack the will! Kill them all!"
* Katrina` bends down, putting an arm around her to pull her away.
<Irae> nrp; er , we = that
<Katrina`> NRP: Hee hee, kill those, we lack the will!
* Cardinal works on activating the shuttle as soon as she gets to the console
<Irae> NRP: What horrid typo.
* Raistlin` leaps into the air and slashes at Irae
* Thedda is pulled away from her love... She sobs as she is pulled.
<Cipher> GM: *The Aquarius keeps firing at the shields*
* Katrina` leads Thedda away from Chandy's corpse and onto the shuttle
* Irae 's hand comes out from his cloak, pointing his palm at Raist - Raist 's slash slams into a black trooper, who was yanked from the floor by Irae himself to take the slash*
<Cardinal> Start, dammit!
<Thedda> CHAN...CHANDY!! *she covers her face with her hands, stumbling around totally in shock*
* Katrina` softly comforts Thedda, looking back at Raistlin.
<Irae> *The shuttle begins to power up, it's engines humming to life even as the ship rocks from the alliance vessel's bombardment.*
* Cipher attacks them...mantis style!
* Irae laughs, looking down at Raist, "Come to me, slave. When you meet the Gods, tell them Irae sent you."
<Katrina`> RAIST, WE NEED TO GO!
* Cardinal pumps her fist and waits on the others
* Katrina` keeps comforting Thedda, waiting for Raist to come back.
* Raistlin` glances back towards Kat and growls as he is torn from battle and races towards the shuttle.. looking towards chandy's body
* Irae gestures at Raist again, and this time the rifles from all the fallen soldiers rise into the air and point towards him(
<Katrina`> GM: *The body is already sparking. The sparking indicates the reploid cannot be revived*
<Irae> *The floating rifles fire, stitching the ground around Raist as he runs for the shuttle.*
<Cardinal> Let's GO!
* Raistlin` leaps into the shuuttle
* Thedda curls up on the floor of the shuttle and mourns.
* Katrina` hits the hatch door, the hatches closing.
* Katrina` tries to remain strong, comforting Thedda.
* Cardinal hits the thrusts and blasts out of the hangar
* Irae roars in anger, spittle flying from his hood. His cloak flares out around him as if the wings of some demonic beast, watching the shuttle blast out of the hanger.*
* Cipher catches the shuttle in a tractor beam and yanks them into the Aquarius.
<Cipher> Hyperspace.
<Cipher> GM: *The Aquarius turns and leaps into hyperspace*
<Cardinal> And aren't you guys glad I know how to fly one of these things.
* Katrina` is quiet. Too quiet.
<Katrina`> GM: *the shuttle lands and a Med Team comes in, taking the shell shocked Thedda to Med Lab*
* Raistlin` makes aloud of loud noises and lots of dents into the shuttle
<Raistlin`> *alot
<Thedda> *PAUSE*
<Thedda> On the outside at this moment I might seem incredibly disoriented, as anybody would after loosing someone so close to them, but I know exactly how I'm feeling and what I've accomplished today...
<Thedda> I've realized that it's better off that I'm not like all those other Reploids... I can be accepting of all, regardless of race. I've also found those who truly care...
<Thedda> Kat and Cardinal I don't think would have returned if they didn't care. .. And Chandy... She died because she just wanted to protect me from anything... Now I will know that she truly cared...
<Thedda> ...Regardless of loosing someone this day.. I have gained much insight on my life.
Session Close: Mon May 05 00:52:19 2003