Session Start: Sun May 18 17:51:24 2003
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20030518.log'
<Ire> Session 61: Dahok - Bad Seed
<Ire> Time Chart: July 20th, 2222
<Ire> Location: Building 38
* Ire sits in the control room, as per his usual days lately, working on old case files. He sips a cup of coffee as he flips through some older files.
<Dahok> Elsewhere: *a lone man takes a stroll through a park, his black braided hair, covering part of his face, several tatoos line his face. He walks over to an open field and kneels down, poking his finger into the ground and letting something fall into it with his other hand. He then covers the hole up and pats it, walking away. Moments later a small seedling emerges from the ground*
* Dahok sits infront of the HoloVid, watching the local News
*** TAW is now known as Jake`
* Jake` snores next to Dahok
* Ire finishes his coffee, setting down the mug on the table. He sighs, shoving some of the files away.
<Ire> GM: *the door to Building 38 swings open and Colonel Roberts, overseer of their unit, walks in. He eyes Dahok and Jake.
<Ire> Colonel Roberts: Do you think you two can lead me to your commanding officer?
* Dahok turns his head towards the door opening and looks at Colonel Roberts
<Dahok> ...Spose...*stands up*
<Jake`> Huh? What? *looks around. He stands up, as if on cue, next to Dahok*
<Ire> Colonel Roberts: *looks over Dahok with a slight look that suggests disgust* You're the XO of this unit, are you not?
<Dahok> I think..
<Ire> Colonel Roberts: You don't even know if you're the second in command of your own unit?
<Dahok> Last I recall, Caladia was, but she couldn't handle the pressure and lost it.
<Ire> Colonel Roberts: Typical of this unit. Well, lead the way.
<Dahok> Fine Sir....*says it with a taste of anger* This way...*starts walking towards the Control Room*
* Jake` follows Dahok
<Ire> Col. Roberts: *steps up behind them*
* Ire pauses, tapping his fingers restlessly on his desk, when he hears the approaching sound of footsteps up the stairs.
* Dahok steps into the control room and stands to the side of the doorway
<Dahok> Right here Sir...
<Ire> Col Roberts: *steps in after Jake as secured himself next to Dahok. He looks over at Ire* Lieutenant.
* Ire stands up, saluting, before dropping his hands.
<Ire> Sir.
* Dahok cross's his arms and leans against the wall
<Ire> Colonel Roberts: A situation in the park has developed. Reports of a plant attacking people and objects are starting to come in, so I've had a few units clear the park. I feel this...particular case is right up your alley, is it not, Lieutenant?
<Ire> ....I suppose so, sir.
<Ire> Colonel Roberts: Good. Report to the park immediately and deal with whatever the problem is. If you think your...unit can handle such a thing as a plant. *eyes Dahok and Jake*
* Dahok looks at Colonel Roberts, popping a sucker into his mouth
* Jake` looks casual.
<Ire> They can...
<Ire> Colonel Roberts: That's...good to hear. Leave ASAP, Lieutenant. Go kill some weeds. *he walks out*
<Dahok> ....*begins mocking Col. Roberts as he leaves* Blah Blah BLAH!
<Ire> ...Fyro. *he says sharply*
<Jake`> I guess you have to be an asshole to be a Colonel.
<Ire> ...*glares at Jake*
<Dahok> Hey I like this new guy!
* Ire clicks his comm, calling a van to meet them downstairs.
<Jake`> Thanks.
<Dahok> I'm gonna call you Toby...
<Jake`> Toby?
<Dahok> Yeah, Toby.
<Jake`> ...*looks baffled* Why Toby?
<Dahok> Cuz I said so.
* Ire grabs his two handguns, spins them several times, then holsters them.
<Jake`> ...Okay.
<Ire> Lets go.
<Dahok> *turns and walks down the halls to the stairs, making his way to the outside*
* Ire walks down the stairs.
<Ire> GM: *a van pulls up and the driver stumbles out, drunk*
* Ire steps outside, Jake tagging along behind him.
* Ire gets into the driver's seat.
* Jake` gets in the back.
* Dahok jumps into the front pasenger seat
* Ire starts the van up and pulls out, does a quick spin, and drives towards the park.
* Ire looks grimmer than normal.
<Jake`> So, uh, how are we going to beat up a plant?
* Ire turns up the AC.
<Dahok> We'll figure that out when we get there.
<Ire> GM: *up ahead, the park entrance is surrounded by several police cars. The officers are sitting around, joking and talking to one another*
* Ire pulls the van up next to the police vehicles and flips off the engine. He sighs as the AC turns off, then steps out of the van, his feet touching light on the ground. He turns from the van, looking at the officers on security perimeter duty, eyeing them as they emerge from the van.
<Ire> Officer 1: *under his breath* Lookee who they got to deal with this one. Officer 2: Figures.
* Jake` hops out.
* Dahok steps out of the van, stretching
<Ire> Officer 1: *loudly* Look who got assigned to some garden duty.
<Ire> Officer 2: Yeah, guess command thought they'd be more useful picking weeds.
* Jake` looks at the two officers, frowning.
* Ire ignores the two officers, stepping up to the park entrance, glancing inside to see if he can see anything.
* Dahok quirks his eyes at the two
* Dahok motions his fingers up
<Jake`> Officers: *glance up*
<Dahok> *two vines pop out of the ground and yank the officers feet from underneath them*
* Ire glances sharply at Dahok.
<Dahok> *looks at Ire, smiling*
<Ire> Officers: *mutter, freak out, and blame the Alt team, naturally, for their weirdness*
<Ire> Lets go in.
* Ire steps into the park, Jake trailing behind him cautiously.
* Dahok walks alongside Ire, looking around
<Ire> Stay on the look out, Fyro. You should have a heads up before me or Connor.
<Ire> GM: *they follow a dirt path through various flowers, trees, and plant life. It seems like this is the only peaceful part of the city, outside the park at HQ
<Dahok> .....*slows himself to a stop* Something's not right...
* Ire pauses, glancing at some odd plant life nearby.
<Ire> Odd, I didn't think those type of plants were native here.
* Jake` pokes a sharp pointy plant.
<Jake`> I don't recall seeing them before.
* Dahok walks over to the plant and kneels next to it, looking at it
<Dahok> I know this plant...
<Jake`> What is it?
<Dahok> It's...It's a Moon Glide Flower...
<Dahok> Native to my home...South America...
<Dahok> But how did they get here...
<Ire> ...good question.
* Ire glances around.
<Jake`> Maybe the park people decided on some changes?
* Dahok touch's the flowers pedal
<Ire> Perhaps we should keep searching for the source of this.
* Dahok recoils his hand
* Dahok stands up
*** Lucca` is now known as Lucca-neko
<Dahok> By the way all this is growing...I think it started in the center of the park.
<Ire> Then that's where we go.
* Ire walks towards the center.
* Jake` follows after them.
<Jake`> It's a bad idea to introduce new plant life so a new location like this. What if something goes wrong?
* Dahok follows alongside Ire, the look on his face more of a look of pain
<Dahok> I think that's the idea Toby.
* Ire turns a corner of a few more odd looking plants, nearing the center, which is a small little area of bush hedges, forming a nice circular pattern.
<Jake`> Name's Jake Connor.
<Dahok> Ok Toby...
<Jake`> ...
<Dahok> ....You feel that Ire...
<Jake`> Alright, alright.
<Ire> Feel what?
* Dahok stops and looks around
* Ire glances from side to side.
* Jake` looks behind them.
* Dahok turns around, but quickly spins around again.
<Dahok> GM: *the ground suddenly begisn to rumble beneath them*
* Ire gets in a kneeling position, drawing his weapons.
<Ire> That I feel.
<Jake`> Earthquake!?
<Dahok> Worse....*lose's balance but gains it back*
<Dahok> GM: *the rumbling suddenly stops
<Ire> What is that?
*** GiantVenusFlyTrap has joined #taw
* GiantVenusFlyTrap explodes out of the ground.
<Ire> ?!
<Jake`> This is bad.
<Dahok> Oh no...
* GiantVenusFlyTrap swings some tentacles at them.
* Ire leaps up over the tentacle flying over him, landing back on the ground in a crouched position.
* Dahok leaps up and backwards landing on the ground a few feet backwards
* Jake` gets whacked into a bush
* GiantVenusFlyTrap opens it's "mouth".
* Dahok two leaf's pop out of his gauntlet
* Jake` pushes himself up
<Jake`> Let me guess...we're it's flies.
<Ire> Not today! *fires at the plant*
<Dahok> Watch out for it's Spit...It's very sticky and is a weak Neuro-Toxin.
* GiantVenusFlyTrap screams in pain, swinging it's tentacles wildly all over the place in no predictable pattern.
* Dahok darts forward, leaping and rolling underneath a tentacle.
* Ire ducks under one, then is forced to jump over another. He lands flat to avoid two more.
* GiantVenusFlyTrap spits at Dahok.
* Ire rolls along the ground towards the fly trap.
* Dahok flips backwards, the spit slamming the ground infront of him
* Ire gets to his feet and jumps at the fly trap, firing some more at close range, blowing chunks out of it, liquid spewing.
* GiantVenusFlyTrap slaps Ire back with a giant tentacle.
* Dahok turns around only to get slammed by a tentcale, sending him flying into another tentacle which wraps it's self around him
* Ire lands on the ground in a backwards roll, sliding to his feet.
* Jake` uses his tazer and slams it into the plant's side, tazering it.
<Dahok> .....Wrong move...*two leafs pop out of the sides of the tentcale and Dahok throws his arms up, cutting the tentacle in half, letting him fall to the ground*
* GiantVenusFlyTrap slithers away from them, obviously hurting.
* Dahok lunges forward and lands ontop of a Tentacle, he quickly begins running ontop of it towards it's base*
* Ire stands up.
* GiantVenusFlyTrap tries to hit Dahok with a second tentacle.
* Ire leaps out and lands on the tentacle aimed at Dahok, blasting it with his gun.
* Dahok leaps up and over the second tentacle, landing on the ground.
* Ire flips off as it is destroyed, landing on the ground.
* Ire aims at another tentacle, firing. It explodes.
* Jake` throws his activated tazer into it's mouth, letting it tazer the insides.
* Dahok squats and darts forward, flying by the base of the VenusFlyTrap, putting a giant gouge into it's base
* GiantVenusFlyTrap withers in agony.
<Dahok> *lands on the ground and turns to Ire* FIRE AT THE OPENING!
* Ire turns slowly, aiming at the tentacle in a side-ways position. He angles his head briefly before firing a plasma shot from his handgun, which soars straight into the gouge made by Dahok.
* Dahok turns away from the Fly Trap and leaps into a nearby Fountain
* Jake` hops behind a bush
* GiantVenusFlyTrap pauses ever so briefly as the shot enters it. Then, suddenly, it explodes, sending fluids, spit, all tentacles flying in every direction. Ire stands there as the pieces fly by him, litering the park with it's remains.
<GiantVenusFlyTrap> GM: *the lower half of it's body remains, twitching. If it's alive, it's unknown*
* Jake` pokes his head up from behind the bushes
<Jake`> Ew.
* Dahok pops out of the fountain, water dripping off him
<Ire> GM: *all the plants not native to the area begin to wither away and die*
*** GiantVenusFlyTrap has left #taw
* Ire lowers his handgun.
* Dahok plops out of the fountain and walks over to Ire
* Ire looks around at the dying plants, then holsters his weapon.
<Dahok> You didn't get hit by any of it's innerd did you?
<Ire> No.
* Jake` joins the others.
<Jake`> So, mission accomplished.
<Jake`> Except for the fact we don't know what caused it.
<Dahok> No...
<Ire> This didn't just happen. Someone did something.
<Dahok> *looks at the what's left of the Venus Fly Trap and then turns around and looks over at a Skyscraper*
<Dahok> These plants don't get that big naturally...Plus they're way too aggressive..
<Jake`> Someone tampered with their DNA, perhaps?
<Dahok> *shrugs*
* Ire looks around.
<Ire> Well, we need to find something to go on.
<Jake`> But what? All the plants died.
<Dahok> All the plants that we could see died.
<Ire> Did you pick up anything from the plants, Dahok?
<Dahok> *shakes his head* That's the problem...
<Ire> Explain.
<Dahok> ...*plops down* Something blocked me from reading it's mind...I couldn't even control them...
<Ire> Then someone, knowing your ability to communicate with plants, purposely set out measures to block you from doing so?
* Dahok stands up
<Dahok> That's what I was afraid of..
<Dahok> Someone from my Sect. is here...
<Ire> And why would they do this?
<Dahok> Brahnk's Way was built upon the belief that humans should coincide with nature..And through many years of devout training. We've learned how...Obviously someone has decided to topple down the Industrial World and bring back the Nature World...
<Ire> Any idea who?
<Dahok> Uh...No.
<Ire> ...alright. Any idea where he would go next if he wanted to top the Industrial World?
<Dahok> Probably either the center of the Industrial Zone of the tallest skyscraper.
<Jake`> Tallest skyscraper? *points over at the one near them* That one is close by and would be easy to reach after stopping by here.
<Dahok> ....*looks over at it*
<Dahok> There now...
<Ire> You think that would work, Fyro?
<Dahok> It did work...It's already there...
<Ire> Then we move.
* Ire breaks into a run towards the skyscraper.
<Jake`> Here we go.
* Jake` follows Ire.
* Dahok sprints behind Ire
<Ire> GM: *after a nice run, they arrive at the base of the skyscraper*
* Ire slows down, looking up at it.
* Ire notices a wall of vines blocking the door
<Dahok> ....*the leaf blade pops out of his guantlet and he slash's the top of the vines, the vines dropping to the ground*
* Ire moves up and throws open the doors, stepping inside. The air in here is humid like that of a jungle.
* Jake` follows Ire and Dahok in.
* Dahok steps inside
<Dahok> Home sweet home...*pulls off his sweatswirt, a dark blue shirt on underneath it*
<Ire> GM: *a plant in the corner of the ceiling spits out a poisonous dart at Dahok*
* Dahok ear quirks and he leaps forward onto the ground, dodging it*
* Ire spins around, eyeing the corner.
<Ire> It seems there's some natural traps here for us.
<Dahok> Whoever it is, they're powerful.
<Ire> What do you think the chances are that the elevators are still working?
<Dahok> Depends if he wants me or not.
<Dahok> Or knows if I'm here.
* Ire moves over to them, hitting the open button.
<Dahok> MiniGM: *the elevator door dings and opens up, revealing what seems to be several giant vines intertwined into a rough shape of an elevator
<Ire> ...
<Jake`> Now THAT doesn't look safe.
* Dahok reach's his hand out towards the elevator and his eye's begin to glow a dull green, several vines spread apart showing a compartment within the vines*
<Dahok> ...We should be good...
* Dahok steps onto the elevator, sweat beading off his forehead
* Ire cautiously steps in after Dahok.
* Jake` makes a cross sign in the air, then steps in.
<Dahok> MiniGM: *the vines close and the vine elevator begins to rise upwards*
<Ire> What floor do you think he'll be on?
* Dahok more sweat begins forming on his forehead
<Jake`> Probably the top. It's a villian thing.
<Dahok> MiniGM: *the elevator shoots upto the top, but suddenly jerks to a halt*
* Ire grips the side.
<Ire> What was THAT?
* Jake` stumbles.
<Dahok> *reaches his hand out and the vines split apart* Get off now...goto the...stairs...and he'll be up there....
* Ire eyes Fyro briefly, nods, and heads off the elevator, rounding the corner for the stairs.
<Jake`> Are you going to be okay?
* Jake` looks at Dahok.
<Dahok> JUST GO!!
* Jake` nods, running after Ire.
* Ire reaches the stairs.
<Dahok> *the elevator slams shut and disappears*
*** MiniGM has joined #taw
* Ire runs up the stairs.
* Jake` follows after Ire, keeping an eye out.
<MiniGM> *several vines shoot out from the sides of the walls and grab onto Ire and Jake's legs*
* Ire halts, falling forward. He holds out his hands to soften the impact, then reaches into his holster, removes his handgun, and aims at the vines, firing.
* Jake` grabs a knife and cuts at them.
<MiniGM> *the vines flail around then fall to the ground*
* Ire continues to work his way up the stairs now.
* Jake` shakes off the remains of the vines and follows Ire.
* Ire looks for any more traps as he scales the stairs.
<Dahok> MiniGM: *a hissing noise can be heard to the side of Ire*
* Ire pauses, whipping his gun towards the side.
<Dahok> *a vine with a mouth on it's tip slams out from the side and into Ire, pinning him against the wall*
<Ire> UNG!
* Ire drops his handgun. It clatters down the stairs next to Jake's feet.
<Dahok> MiniGM: *a vine drops from the cieling and whips around infront of Ire's face, it's mouth opens and hiss's, a spike appearing in it*
* Jake` picks up Ire's handgun, aims poorly, and fires at the vines.
<Dahok> *the vine swings over to Jake and fires a spike at him*
* Ire turns his face away from the vine with the spike and strains against the vine pinning him to the wall.
* Jake` steps back, falls down the stairs, and avoids being spiked. However, the fall down the stairs KOs him.
<Dahok> *the vine turns back to Ire and hiss's again, a new spike forming in it's mouth*
* Ire gets a hand down to his second hand gun, then whips it straight up at the vine with the spike forming. He tilts his head at it and fires.
<Dahok> *the vine explodes and falls limp*
* Ire frees himself.
* Ire glances at Jake, sees he's fine, then continues up the stairs.
<Dahok> *the vine that was pinning him picks itself up and strieks at him*
* Ire twists out of the way and fires at it.
<Dahok> *its explodes, but another vine appears from behind it and strikes at Ire's legs*
* Ire leaps to the side, firing.
<Dahok> *the vine is ripped in two*
<Dahok> *a flower blooms besides Ire and fires off two spikes*
* Ire leaps forward, spins, and fires two more shots at the flower blooms.
<Dahok> *the flowers explode, sending goop all over him*
<Dahok> *10 more steps and Ire will reach the door to the next floor*
* Ire runs up the staird.
<Dahok> *the doorway is blocked by rows of vines that slither back and forth*
* Ire aims his handgun and fires away at the vines.
<Dahok> *the vines explode, sending more plant goo on Ire*
* Ire runs past them and opens the door, moving into the next area.
<MiniGM> *the entire room is covered with beautiful flora and deadly vines, in the center of the room is a chair composed of vines, upon it is sitting a tanned man, his black hair draps down mid-chest, all of it is braided. To the side of him, someone is hanging from the cieling, unconcious*
* Ire glances at the person hanging from the ceiling.
<MiniGM> MiniGM: *it's Dahok*
<Ire> ....
* Ire eyes the man in the chair.
<Dahok> Man: Ahhh....Here comes our stallant hero. To stop me of course.
* Ire aims the handgun at him.
<Ire> Release Fyro now.
<Dahok> *wave's his hand, several vines shoot out from the ground and grab onto Ire's hands, pulling them so that the gun's are facing his own face*
<Ire> ...
<Dahok> Man: But cannot stop the prophecies. The Ancient Way shall rise again.
<Dahok> Man: Your stone walls will crumble and your iron gates will fall..
<Dahok> Man: *laughs maniacally* And your technology gave birth to it all.
<Ire> Oh?
<Dahok> Man: *holds out a seed* All this created from one single seed. Genetically engineered to grow at an accellerated rate.
* Ire tests the strength of the veins holding him as the man talks.
<Ire> (vines)
<Ire> So that's how you caused all this.
<MiniGM> MiniGM: *the vines pull outwards and lift him up*
<Ire> Urm.
*** MiniGM is now known as Paynal
* Paynal stands up from the seat
<Paynal> I am Paynal, the messenger of God. And he has told me that now is the time for the new to end and the old to begin again.
<Ire> Sounds like the voices in your head.
<Dahok> *stirs awake*
* Ire struggles.
<Paynal> *the vines get tighter, putting more stress on his joints*
* Ire grimaces.
<Paynal> *turns towards Dahok* Ahh one of mine has awaken....
* Jake` wakes up on the stairs, groaning. He looks around, seeing no sign of Ire. He glances at the handgun beside him, grabs it, then stands.
<Paynal> The only other person to see Brahnk's true meaning...
<Dahok> *head flops backwards* What...are you talking about?
<Paynal> You were the only other person to ignore the Prime Minister and go on your own...
<Paynal> You will walk alongside me and join me in toppling this Iron City.
<Dahok> ...I didn't ignore her...I ran from her...
<Dahok> But now I see what she meant....
<Paynal> *eyes narrow* If you will not join me...then watch as your friend dies! *raise's his hand, and moves the apart, the vines start to pull harder*
<Ire> !
<Ire> Gryaaaaaaaah.
<Dahok> *SHINK* *two leafs pop out from the sides of the vines that are holding him, the vine lets go and squirms around in pain*
<Dahok> *raise's his hand and his eye's grow green, the vines holding Ire begin to loosen*
* Ire takes that moment to strain.
* Jake` breaks in
<Jake`> I'm here!
* Jake` aims his handgun and fires wildly at Paynal.
<Paynal> You will die for interfering! *turns around and raise's his hand, a vine erupting out of the ground and slamming into Dahok, sending him flying across the room and into a side wall, denting it in*
<Dahok> *bounces off the wall and slams into the ground*
<Paynal> *turns and quickly thrust's his hands up, a wall of vines shoots up taking the blunt from the shots*
* Ire keeps straining against his vines.
<Jake`> Damn.
<Paynal> *the vines drop from infront of him*
* Jake` looks around for anything that looks important to shoot.
<Paynal> HAHAHAA!!!
<Paynal> one will stop me from restoring the Old Way...
<Paynal> *darts forward tackling Jakes and slamming him into the wall*
* Jake` gasps in pain as he hits the wall. He trembles with pain.
* Dahok shakes his head and reaches out, the vines holding Ire, let go of him*
<Paynal> *picks him up by the collar and hurls him across the room*
* Ire hits the ground lightly. He raises, his handgun in his hand. He walks calmly forward and picks up the second one Jake dropped, then aims them both at Paynal. As soon as Paynal hurls Jake, he opens fire at him.
* Jake` slams into the wall near Dahok, bouncing off.
<Paynal> *leaps back but is hit in the shoulder*
<Paynal> Grrr....*eyes begin glowing red*
* Ire rushes forward, firing.
<Paynal> YOU WILL DIE!! *thrust's his hands upwards and several vines shoot upward pinning Ire against the cieling*
* Ire grunts as he strains. He forces his hands forward, trying to aim at Payanl.
<Dahok> *push's himself up, coughing blood up*
<Paynal> *the vine drops Ire, and as he falls another vine slams him from the side, sending him flying towards the wall*
* Ire spins at the wall. Unlike the other two, he plants his feet against the wall and though it's painful from the impact, he kicks off and lands on them.
* Ire spins and aims at Paynal, firing.
<Paynal> *darts to the side and rolls, several vines popping up from the ground infront of him taking the hits*
* Ire runs parallel to Paynal, firing away.
* Jake` glances at Dahok.
<Paynal> *the vines move like a wave around himself, keeping a wall between him and Ire*
* Ire stops firing and begins to charge the handguns with his own energy.
<Dahok> *stands up fully and holds his hands out, several vines whip out from behind Paynal and slam into him, sending him flying into the wall*
<Paynal> *grunts from the blow*
* Ire aims at Paynal as he hits the wall and fires off two charged shots (-4 TP, 800 AP)
<Paynal> *see's the shots coming and throws his hands up, vines instantly wrapping themselves around him*
<Paynal> *the shots slam into the vine shield, blowing chunks off*
<Paynal> HAHAHAHAA!!! You cannot win!
* Ire looks around for something to hurt Paynal with.
<Dahok> *growls, his face contorting from pain, his eyes growing brighter green. The Vine shield covering him suddenly rumbles and is picked up*
* Jake` stands up, holding his ribs.
* Ire charges his gun with an ice element now.
<Dahok> *swings his hand to the side, and the vines carrying the Vine Shield, slam into a wall pinning Paynal against it*
<Paynal> HERK!! *a crunching noise is heard, wether it's from his body or the wall is hard to tell*
<Dahok> *swings his other hand forward and several vines intertwine together and slams into Paynal again*
<Jake`> Classic villian mistake of not killing us when he had the chance.
<Paynal> *the vines begin bending around and shoot off inseveral directions, one slams into Jake's thigh*
<Jake`> ARGH
* Jake` falls back.
<Paynal> *blood drips from his forehead*
<Paynal> *stumbles foreward and then sprints full force at Ire*
* Ire calmly aims and fires off 2 shots of ice blasts at Paynal (-7 AP, 800 damage, Ice Elemental)
<Paynal> *several vines intertwine around his hands into a spear and he thrusts it forward towards Ire, only to get hit by the ice shots, now making a frozen pointed spear*
* Ire twists to the side to avoid the spear, almost running on reflex.
<Paynal> *slides to a halt and swings his spear arm towards Ire*
<Dahok> *clamps his hands together, and two groups of vines in the shape of hands slam into Paynal and grab him*
<Paynal> AHHH!! *squirms in an attempt to break free*
* Ire presses his gun against Paynal's skull.
<Ire> It's over.
<Dahok> It's over Paynal...*pulls his hand backwards then throws them forward and the vines launch outwards through a window*
* Ire watches passively.
<Paynal> MiniGM: *the vines launch outwards and continue on and begin to fall then shoot downwards driving Paynal down 40 some stories and then slam him into the road below, leaving a crater of about 5 ft round
<Ire> Old Woman: *looks at the crater* Crazy Martians... *she keeps walking on*
*** Paynal is now known as MiniGM
<MiniGM> *the vines begin to brown*
* Ire holsters his guns.
<Dahok> ...We need to get out of here now. The vines have replaced the structure points...
<Ire> Right.
* Jake` stands up, holding his thigh.
<Jake`> But the only way out is the stairs.
* Dahok shakes his head
<Dahok> *points at the giant vine that's hanging out the window*
<Jake`> ....oh boy.
* Ire walks to the edge of the window, eyeing the vine.
<Dahok> We don't have much time...
* Ire leaps out and grabs the vine, moving down it.
<MiniGM> *the building begins to rumble from structural lost*
<Jake`> ...
* Jake` looks the vine over.
<Jake`> You sure it's safe?
<Dahok> Go now...
* Ire grips the vine and cautiously moves down it.
<Dahok> *leaps up and onto the top of the group of vines and begins sliding down it
* Ire reaches the bottom.
* Jake` slides along, complaining.
<Dahok> *grabs onto a leaf that was outstretched from the plant and rips it off, he grabs the other end with his other hand and begins to para chute down*
* Ire waits.
<MiniGM> *the building begins to rumble then suddenly collapses inward, falling down a good 30 feet below the surface. In the process of hitting the ground it kicks up and incredible amount of dirt into the air*
* Jake` reaches the bottom just as the dirt flies into him.
* Dahok lands with a giant thud, sadly because of the dirt, he lands ontop of Jake
<Jake`> Ack!
<Dahok> Sorry...
<Jake`> No...problem...*Cough*
* Ire rejoins the others, glancing at the ruined building.
<Dahok> ...It's over Ire....
<Ire> Yes.
<Dahok> Let's head back to right up a report...
* Ire nods, turning away.
<MiniGM> *as the smoke clears away, a small sproutling breaks through a cement crack and opens it's leaves up*
<MiniGM> Session End
Session Close: Sun May 18 20:45:58 2003