Session Start: Tue Jun 10 23:58:12 2003
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20030610.log'
<Stark> yea
<DeathStar> Session 74: Total Recall Part III
<Stark> Gooo!
<Icebrand> DEATH!
<Stark> STAR! GO!
<DeathStar> Time Chart: A little bit later, assembled in the street across from Mega City Police Department. All who are RPing are THERE. THERE! RIGHT THERE WHERE I SAID. READ IT HERE
* Ayn crosses her arms, standing outside the HQ. She looks around, looking for her comrads.
* Jake stands on the street, looking at police chopters circling the main police building inside the police lots. Officers and swat teams are all running around the building.
* Icebrand looks at Jake and Ayn
<Icebrand> <I see you two managed to get out.>
* Stark leans on his walking stick.
Session Close: Wed Jun 11 00:00:00 2003

Session Start: Wed Jun 11 00:00:00 2003
Session Ident: #taw
* Ayn nods to IB, "I was out in the garden anyhow. Figured I should stay on the outside in case."
<Ayn> What did you find out from Senny?
<Icebrand> <Talk to Stark. He put me to sleep early on.>
<Silouette> *glances at Jake* "...anything we should know about the situation?"
<Stark> Ayn II didn't make it easy for us. He wouldn't confirm or deny much, but he said enough to make me think Ire's not a 5th Column.
<Jake> From what I've heard, Ire just hit the place by a storm. Boarded up certain floors, set traps, and got 5 people hostage. He released all but one.
<Jake> NRP: like a storm
* Ayn looks to Stark, "For my sake, could you please stop calling her that. I'm nothing like her, and she's nothing like me."
<Icebrand> <Any idea who the last person is?>
<Jake> I've been asking around. Remember that guy who was with Colonel Roberts? The bald man?
* Icebrand taps his temple, thinking
* Ayn nods, "Yes, I remember. Holovid man."
<Icebrand> <Yeah. Him?>
<Jake> Him.
<Silouette> ...heh... why am I not surprised.
* Icebrand punches his open palm
<Icebrand> <I knew trusting Ire was a mistake from the very beginning. I say we get in there and kick his ass from here to next Tuesday.>
* Ayn looks at the group, "I'm going in there. I'm going to save him."
<Jake> Well...I suppose if we talk to the Col, he'll let us have first crack.
<Stark> We'll have to take him down, but not kill him.
<Jake> He's at the building itself. Follow me.
* Ayn nods, "Lead on Jake."
<Icebrand> <Tch, what's the point? The guy's obviously a sleeper agent gone psycho. I say we take him down while we have the chance.>
<Silouette> *looks at IB* ...make that an order then.
<Icebrand> <...Grr...> *clenches his fists* <Tch, fine, whatever.>
* Jake leads Ayn into the police lot. People run by. The entire lot is in an uproar.
* Ayn glances to IB with a look that could kill. It's no secret she's sworn to follow Ire into Hell.
* Ayn stays oddly calm, like an angel almost amungst the chaos.
<Icebrand> <...Sheesh, is it something I said?> *runs after Jake*
* Silouette heads after Ayn and Jake.
<Stark> .oO(Nothing alike, sure..)
* Stark follows.
<Jake> 6* Col. Roberts is looking up at the 8 story building, shouting orders to various people. The entire building is surrounded.
* Jake leads them right up to him.
* Ayn follows Jake right up to Roberts. She looks to Roberts, "We want permission to go in and take him out."
<Icebrand> .oO{But they just said I-...never mind...}
<Jake> Col. Roberts: .... *looks at the group* He's armed and dangerous and has hostages.
<Ayn> I'm armed and more dangerous then he is.
<Silouette> ...there's no one who knows his moves better than us, sir.
<Jake> Col Roberts: .... I suppose you are right. But I want him taken alive, if possible. Alright?
<Icebrand> <That's what we're here for.> .oO{I guess.}
* Ayn nods in agreement, "Yes sir." Odd, she's playing the part of a soldier.
* Stark looks at Ayn, a bit uneasily.
* Silouette nods to the Colonel
<Icebrand> *to all PCs except Ayn* <...Is it just me, or is she acting more than a little strange?>
<Jake> Col. Roberts: Alright. He's on the seventh floor. He has several doors and ways locked in. Good luck. I'll be out here if you need help.
* Ayn turns to the group, "You guys should go in from the bottom. I'll take it from the roof."
<Icebrand> <No way. If anything, we should split up evenly.>
<Silouette> ...I'll go with her then.
<Icebrand> *holds his hands up* <Just a suggestion, sir.>
* Ayn looks to IB, "And since when did you learn to fly?"
* Ayn looks to Sil, and nods, "Sure thing."
<Icebrand> <...Since a long time ago?> *shrugs*
* Stark has already headed in from the bottom
<Jake> GM: *the lobby area is deserted. Everything is quiet for Stark*
* Jake remains out with Col. Roberts.
<Icebrand> <...You people need to stop sneaking off like this.>
* Icebrand runs after Stark
*** DeathStar is now known as GM
*** GM is now known as GM`
* Ayn nods her head towards the building and glances to Sil, "Let me guess, I'm going to pick you up and carry you?"
<Silouette> *shrugs* ...I can walk. It's up to you.
<Icebrand> <Thanks for running out on me, Stark. So, what's the plan?>
<Stark> Go get Ire?
<Icebrand> <You know what I mean.>
<Ayn> It's quicker if we fly. *she tries to pick up Sil like one might carry a princess*
<Stark> He'd probably seal himself up in the most fortified area of the building.
* Stark looks at IB
<Icebrand> <He's on the seventh floor. What all's up there?>
<GM`> GM: *for note sake, the other building is full of glass windows, but you can't see in them. Just out them*
<GM`> *outer*
* Silouette lets herself be carried... She's pretty light, not that it'd make much of a difference to Ayn =P
<Stark> Just the offices. THat's go.
<Stark> *Let's go... dunno how that one happened.
* Stark heads for the stairs.
* Ayn smiles and flies up towards the roof. She lands lightly on it, and sits Sil down gently, "So, flying in style. right?"
<Icebrand> *follows* <Didn't Roberts say the stairs were blocked?>
<GM`> GM: *the roof is full of lasers beams all over it. One step, click*
<GM`> GM: *the stairs seem to be fine*
<Silouette> NRP: The entire surface, or a grid?
<GM`> NRP: Entire surface, but I'll be nice, except the spot you landed*
<Ayn> NRP: thanks
<Stark> The elevators are right next to the stairs.
* Ayn looks to Sil, "...Well, I suppose this wasn't my best idea...."
<Silouette> ...he was busy.
<Icebrand> <...I think I'd rather take the stairs.>
* Stark pries the doors to the elevator open with his cane.
<GM`> GM: *there's one basement level to this place, also. Making it a total of 9 levels. 8 above ground, 1 below. Ire is on the 7th one above ground*
<Icebrand> <...Stairs?>
<GM`> GM: *the doors open, though with difficulty*
<Ayn> He's a bright boy.... *she eyes the lasers* Any bright ideas?
*** X-One is now known as X1-Sleep
<Silouette> NRP: Are all airvents, doors, etc, obviously trapped?
<GM`> NRP: If I were Ire, I'd do it.
* Stark starts shimmying up the shaft
<Ayn> ....I have an idea.
* Icebrand watches Stark go
<GM`> GM: *suddenly, the elevator begins to plummet down at Stark*
<Icebrand> <That's a really bad idea, you know.>
* Stark swing back into the lobby floor.
* Silouette glances at Ayn.
<GM`> GM: *the elevator falls past them and crashes in the basement*
* Ayn looks to Sil, "Get on my back." She begins charging her ki up.
* Stark makes sure there's only one elevator.
<GM`> GM: *there is*
* Silouette climbs on.
* Stark restarts his climb
* Icebrand draws a saber and slashes the cables apart
* Ayn sighs, "Well, here goes the whole shebang." She charges a protective sphere of ki around them and sprints towards the door on the roof.
<Icebrand> <There, safer climb.> *sheathes it*
<GM`> GM: *the lasers...were trip lasers. Alarms go off on the roof and machine guns rise out of it, opening fire at them. The doors begin to get locked down with double barriers*
* Icebrand grabs the cable and starts climbing up
<Ayn> ....fucking wonderful....
<Ayn> Sil, blast the door open!
* Stark jabs his walking stick in the door of the 7th floor elevator.
<GM`> GM: *Stark reaches Floor 7!*
<GM`> GM: *the door, if he can tell, is warm. Unlike Floor 1*
<Stark> Intresting..
<Icebrand> *looks up, still climbing* <What?>
* Stark feels the door.
* Silouette tries to cut the seal with her blade, since she doesn't have anything for blasting.
* Ayn flares the ki up, so that the two are protected from the guns.
* Stark climbs up to the 8th floor and prys that door open instead.
<GM`> GM: *the door opens for Stark*
* Stark waits for IB.
* Icebrand grumbles, passing the seventh and continuing his climb
<GM`> GM: *door is cut open*
* Stark hands him two explosive voodoo dolls.
<Stark> Put them at the hinges of the 7th floor and come back.
<Icebrand> <...While I'm hanging on to the cable. Right.> *snickers*
<GM`> GM: *the stairway before Ayn/Sil is dark. It goes...DOWN!*
* Icebrand changes into falcon form and takes the dolls, flying back to the 7th
<Stark> Careful where you place them, we don't want to blow it up, so much as in.
* Ayn pulls her pisol out, and then uses her katana to swipe through the doorway, testing for traps.
<Icebrand> <Gotcha.>
<Stark> There could be hostages pressed against the door.
* Icebrand places a doll on each side of the door, against the hinges
<Icebrand> <How's that?>
<Stark> Good, come back up here.
* Icebrand flies back up and grabs the cable
<GM`> GM: *a machine gun fires down at her sword*
* Stark backs up away from the blast area, blasting it once IB joins him.
* Ayn twists the blade, hoping to deflect the bullet.
<GM`> GM: *the doors suddenly explode much more than they should. IT seems Ire bombed the other side. The entire building rattles*
<GM`> GM: *the machine gun runs out of bullets*
* Silouette stumbles .oO( What was that...? )
* Icebrand is thrown back and forth as the cable swings
<Icebrand> <...Good timing!> *hangs on tightly*
* Ayn stumbles as the building shakes, "...fucking morons...." She steps through the doorway, dropping the ki shield.
<Stark> NRP: I waited untill you joined me.
<Icebrand> NRP: The cable's still swaying with me on it. :P
* Stark spins his cane and flips onto the 7th floor.
* Icebrand lets go and flies to the 7th floor
<GM`> GM: *they are in a hallway now. It looks quiet. Office doors, closed, are on either side*
* Stark slides in, kneeling.
* Silouette moves down the stairs, cautious for traps.
<GM`> GM: *they reach the door to the 7th floor. Sil and Ayn.*
* Stark flanks the doors, pressing his ear against the wall.
* Ayn follows Sil
<Ayn> ....he's here, there will be alot more traps here.
<GM`> GM: *silence so far for Stark.*
* Icebrand waits for Stark to do his thing, since he's better at this
* Stark tests the knob, checking for the warm feeling and silently testing the lock.
<GM`> GM: *the door is unlocked and can open*
<Ayn> NRP: this is the floor with the control room?
<GM`> NRP: I can't tell you
<Ayn> NRP: tell me if there any security cameras at least?
<GM`> NRP: No.
<GM`> NRP: They're all destroyed.
<Ayn> NRP: okay.
<Silouette> NRP:...we don't know the layout of our own HQ? o.o
<GM`> NRP: Nope! You guys never been allowed above Floor 2!
<Ayn> NRP: lol
<Icebrand> NRP: The dorms are on floor 2. We always go upstairs to get to the command room. HA!
<GM`> NRP: ... this is not Building 38
<GM`> NRP: You know this, right?
<Icebrand> NRP: I don't care. HA!
* Stark opens the door very slightly.
<GM`> GM: *it ... opens...very slowly*
<GM`> GM: * Ayn/Sil are still at Floor 7 door*
* Ayn eyes Sil "Who gets the honors?"
* Silouette glances around for a vent grate.
* Stark places his cane in the crack of the door, looking at the reflection off the metal tip.
<GM`> GM: *there is one, above the door*
<GM`> GM: *The room is empty*
* Stark opens the door fully and glances in.
<GM`> GM: *this is a deserted office.*
* Ayn looks to the vent, "It's bound to be trapped too. Ire's way to smart."
* Silouette grapples to the ceiling and carefully pries off the cover and looks for any traps.
<GM`> GM: *indeed, a laser beam is clearly seen in it*
<Icebrand> <Wrong answer?>
<Silouette> ...find some cover.
<Stark> Not here..
* Stark moves on.
* Ayn glances around the hallway for some cover.
<GM`> GM: *Stark comes to a door with low mumurs, like talking, behind it*
<GM`> GM: *further down the stairs, by dear Ayn*
* Ayn shrugs, and then moves down the hallway a bit, hoping that would do it, "Be ready to move Sil."
<GM`> NRP: You know you're in a stairway. Now a hallway!
<GM`> (Not)
* Silouette quickly stabs a shurikens into the wall on an angle they'd reflect the beam back to the projector(s)
* Icebrand walks after Stark
* Stark listens in.
<Ayn> NRP: sorrry. stairs.
<GM`> GM: *something occurs in the vent. Then silence.*
<GM`> GM: *the mumurs are too low to make out*
<Silouette> NRP: How far back did it sound?
* Ayn slides closer to Sil, and looks at the vents, checking to see if it's now safe.
<GM`> NRP: Fairly far back.
<Silouette> ...I still managed to trigger it... I'll head in first.
* Icebrand presses his ear against the door as well
<GM`> GM: *murmur murmur*
* Stark repeats the tests he did on the previous door.
* Silouette climbs into the vent and proceeds about 2.5m in
<Icebrand> NRP: I knew taking that Enhanced Senses advantage was a good idea. ^^
<GM`> GM: *the door slowly opens, the murmuring still heard.*
<Icebrand> NRP: Or not. *thawps DS*
<GM`> GM: *so far so good, Sil. You now have access into the hallway Stark/IB are in*
* Ayn climbs in after Sil. She moves slowly and lightly.
* Silouette carefully cuts out part of the vent and slides it under her
<GM`> GM: *will Stark take a peaky with his special thing he did last time?*
* Stark will indeed.
<GM`> GM: *he sees...a flame thrower. If the door opened anymore, toasty!*
* Silouette checks the hallway directly below for traps.
<GM`> GM: *seems safe*
* Stark looks at IB
* Silouette rolls into the hole, keeping a grip on the edge, then softly lets herself drop the last little bit to the floor.
<GM`> GM: *Sil is in view sight of Stark and IB*
<Icebrand> *to Stark* <Figures.>
* Ayn follows suit, landind lightly to the side of Sil. She glances to Sil, "That was fun."
<Stark> Indeed..
<GM`> GM: *murmur murmur. Pause. Murmur mur*
* Stark moves on.
<GM`> GM: *Stark...moves into Sil!*
<Stark> NRP: Kinky.
<Silouette> ...find anything?
* Ayn glances to Stark, "Those glasses must block the light out."
<Stark> An empty room and a flame thrower.
<GM`> GM: *suddenly, a shot. But not from flamethrower door. From another door!*
<GM`> (shout)
* Icebrand facepalms. *to PCs* <SHUSH!>
* Stark stares at Ayn for a second, but then spins to the door and slides to it.
* Ayn spins to face the other door where the shot came.
<GM`> NRP: Shout, not shot.
<GM`> GM: *there's definitely commotion going on inside. Ire's voice. Yelling. In rage.*
<Ayn> ...Ire.
<Icebrand> <There's our boy.> *draws a gun*
* Silouette glances around to see if there's any other possible enterances.
<GM`> GM: *just the door*
* Ayn walks up to the door, and peers at it, searching for traps
* Silouette moves against the wall, trying to hear specifically what Ire is saying.
<GM`> GM: *he's yelling rage about "A NAME"*
* Icebrand presses against the wall as well
<GM`> GM: *door seems to be trap free*
* Ayn ponders what would happen if she walked it. She shrugs, and taps the door slightly with her blade, hoping to open it just a bit. She looks in if she can.
<GM`> GM: *the door taps open. Ire is still raging and a man's voice can be heard whimpering, "I know nothing!"*
* Stark quirks his brow.
*** GM` is now known as Ire
<Ayn> ....I'm going in....
<Silouette> *w* "...he's to be apprehended ALIVE, and unharmed if at all possible."
<Icebrand> *to PCs* <...Whatever.>
* Ayn pushes the door open and aims her gun at the man, "Like hell you do."
* Ire holds the bald man up by his throat. The man weeps and cries, finally spitting out, "Roberts". Ire roars and sticks the trigger against his skull, firing a shot. The back of the man's head explodes in a display of blood and bone. He looks up as the team enters.
<Ayn> NRP: not at Ire.
<Silouette> ......
* Ayn blinks and lowers her weapon, ".....Ire."
<Icebrand> <Well, somebody doesn't know which side they're on.>
<Ire> ... *Grabs two flash grenades. He chunks one at the team and one out the glass window behind him. Suddenly, both detonate, blinding the team. A loud crash out the window is now heard, as if something big went through it*
* Silouette quickly scans for cameras.
* Silouette apparently can't see a thing.
* Icebrand shields his eyes
* Ayn holds her arms up, and winces as she'sblinded.
<Icebrand> <Way to go, guys!>
<Ire> GM: *the light dims now...they can see again...a large hole in the window is visible*
<Icebrand> <Hate to break it to you, but Ire just hauled ass. Tell me how we're going to get him in unharmed now!?>
* Stark pushes his shades up his nose.
* Silouette hurrys over to the window to look for Ire.
* Stark looks at the bald man.
<Icebrand> <So what's the plan now, "boss lady?"> *sneers*
<Ire> GM: *A chair is on the ground below. What he used to help out? Or something else. Cops below rub their eyes, blinded by their flash grenade. They wouldn't have saw a thing*
* Ayn blinks, and lets the light into her eyes. "....He's still here...." She sniff, smelling for Ire's presense."
<Ire> GM: *the bald man's head is exposed. He was the man with Col. Roberts. He is now dead*
<Silouette> *turns to Icebrand* "...that order still stands."
* Stark checks the man for anything of importance.
<Ire> GM: *only thing on him is some high level clearance. Some of the highest. Just under Roberts*
<Icebrand> <...Fine, fine, whatever. Standing around here's not doing anything! Tell me why we're not following him?!>
<Silouette> ...not all of us can fly.
* Ayn begins peeking around the room, under the desks, the consoles. She moves lightly along the floor, hoping to not make sound.
<Ire> GM: *a the wall. Ayn finds it*
* Stark takes the clearance.
<Ire> GM: *it's open*
<Stark> I'm headed to the high-level security room.
<Ayn> ...I'm going down the rabbit hole...
<Stark> I'll cover you over the intercom, if he's not destroyed the system.
* Stark walks off.
* Ayn sheaths her katana, and pulls her magnum out. She sits in the shoot, gun aimed ahead of her. She then slides into it.
<Ire> GM: *Ayn falls down...all the way into a basement, landing on boxes. These boxes look like they've been landed on once already*
<Icebrand> <Now THERE'S somebody with the right idea.>
* Icebrand dives into the chute
* Silouette sees the chute, and heads back to the elevator.
* Ayn quickly stands, and moves out of the way.
<Ire> GM: *Ayn moves through the teches areas. Some of their clothes are hung up but the area looks deserted. Ahead are some stairs leading to the first floor*
<Ayn> ....Good God... *she looks around the basement, looking for a door*
* Stark enters the security room, checking all the camera.
* Silouette quickly slides down to the lobby
* Icebrand slams into the boxes, face-first
<Ire> GM: *all of them look quite busted. 1st, 7th, and Basement. Odd...*
<Ire> GM: *the rest are fine*
<Stark> Makes sense...
* Ayn runs towards the stairs, and stops before she enters the stairwell, looking for traps.
<Icebrand> <...ow...>
* Stark starts tacking away.
<Ire> GM: *no traps. The door to the lobby is open though*
<Icebrand> <...Christ, wait up!> *runs after Ayn*
<Ire> GM: *Sil lands in the lobby. It looks clear! Some cops charge in, weapons aimed*
<Ire> Officer: Where is he?! We were told he was in here!
* Ayn runs up the stairs, not listening to IB. She runs through the door to the lobby.
* Stark attempts locking all the doors remotely.
* Icebrand runs up to the lobby - and raises his hands
<Ire> GM: *The lobby doors lock*
<Icebrand> <Whoa whoa whoa! Down, boys!>
<Ire> Officers: Dammit, the guy told us he was here!
<Silouette> probally just let him escape.... check the perimeter.
<Ayn> ....he's still here....
<Ayn> what guy?
<Silouette> ...what guy?
<Ire> NRP: Now, pause for a moment, and see what happened...In Ireavision.
<Ire> NRP: I'll tell you when to resume.
* Ire feels the flash grenades go off. Grabbing a chair, he grabs it and hurls it through the window. Running to the chute, he throws himself down into the basement, landing on the boxes.
* Ire quickly standing, he moves through and grabs a white lab coat, nerd glasses, a name badge, and makes his hair messy.
* Ire strolling up the stairs into the lobby, he steps out past the cop, sounding freaked and nerdy.
<Ire> He's in the basement!
<Ire> He's got a gun!
* Ire watches the cops start running in and he strolls on.
<Ire> NRP: Resume!
<Icebrand> <...Odds are, that was Ire himself, you idiots!> *holds his hands up, his gun resting upside-down on his finger*
<Ire> Officers: Oh...
* Silouette darts outside.
* Ayn moves to the lobby doors, which are locked now.
<Ire> GM: *the lobby doors stop Sil. They are locked*
<Silouette> NRP: Oh. THOSE doors are locked...
* Ayn fires her gun at the lock, not even caring right about now.
<Stark> NRP: Cops are idiots...
* Stark unlocks the doors!
* Icebrand charges outside
* Stark just runs at the window and jumps out.
<Ire> GM: *the area looks deserted. But if Ire were trying to go...the main gate is the best way*
* Ayn runs outside, and scans the area of Ire.
<Ayn> ...main gate...
* Ayn sprints towards the main gate.
<Icebrand> <Tch.> *lifts off, trying to get a better vantage from the air*
<Ire> GM: *The main gate is deserted, as all the cops are now at the HQ. Ayn clears it easily*
<Ire> GM: *IB would spot something a trashcan near the HQ...across the street*
* Silouette keeps with Ayn
<Icebrand> <Gotcha!> *fires at the trash can*
* Stark looks aroudn for anything important, Stark-style.
<Ire> GM: *The trashcan explodes, near Ayn*
<Ire> GM: *A white labcoat flutters out*
* Ayn glances about, sniffing the air. She then shouts, "IB, you fucking asshole!" She spins to watch the trashcan go up. She leaps backwards.
<Ayn> ...a disguise....
* Silouette checks the possible ways Ire could have gone;
* Stark continues the Stark-style search.
<Icebrand> Tch... *looks around again*
<Ire> GM: *down the street, either way. Though, Tyler McCabe is to the right.&
<Ire> GM: *Stark finds porn files and various bits of files*
* Ayn glances to McCabe....
<Icebrand> ...What's he doing here...?
<Ire> GM: *while she's heading for McCabe, she might spot a red headed man casually walking down the street*
<Ire> GM: *and...there's a black haired man walking in another way*
<Ire> GM: *And a blonde man going right*
* Stark picks up the porn and looks at it.
* Ayn looks at the men, watching them.
<Icebrand> <There's my man.> *dives after the black-haired guy*
<Stark> NRP: <Stark> Stark-style strikes again... Oooo-yeah!
* Ire looks up, sees...IB and runs into the nearest building. It's a 70 story building. Nothing important.
* Stark enters the shadows and searches.
* Ayn glances to McCabe, "Why are you here?"
<Ire> NRP: NO mcCabe around.
<Icebrand> Oh, no you don't. *follows him in*
* Silouette fires a stun shot at Ire's leg, hopping to slow him down
* Ire slams the door shut on Sil, then spins and kicks IB out of the air.
<Ayn> NRP: where did McCabe go then?
<Ire> NRP: I meant the building McCabe HQ
* Icebrand slams into the back wall, leaving an Icebrand-shaped impression in it
<Ayn> NRP: oh... sorry.
* Ire runs up the stairs of the building.
* Silouette keeps running after Ire.
<Ayn> ...shit... *she dashes up after Sil*
<Icebrand> <You know that gives me every right in the world to use force to bring you in now, right?> *charges after him, firing at Ire's legs at every opportunity*
* Ire has a good gain on them when it comes to running up the stairs.
* Icebrand starts flying instead, trying to gain speed
* Ire still has that crazed, sweaty look he had going before.
* Ayn shakes her head leaps up, flying as she skips many leaps. Hopefully she'll overtake IB and Sil
<Stark> Hrm... *picks up a folder*
* Ire reaches the roof, barely, and runs through the door to it.
<Stark> 'Tikal'.... Hardly ledgible...
* Stark tries to discern anything he can from it.
* Silouette is wishing she could shout about now...
<Ire> GM: *the door swings shut*
* Ayn plows through the door.
* Icebrand charges - into the door
<Ire> GM: *A shot impacts against the door as soon as they open it. It's not specifically aimed at them*
* Ire stands on the edge, handguns trained at the door.
<Ire> BACK OFF...
* Icebrand slams into the ground and goes rolling
* Ire spits the words out, looking around.
* Silouette steps out onto the roof and slows to a stop.
<Ire> I can nail you before you reach me. You and I both know it.
* Stark can only read one word.. "Danger....?"
<Icebrand> <This has gone on long enough! What the hell are you doing!?>
* Ayn falls to her stomach, and looks up to Ire, "Ire, don't do this..." She crawls up.
* Stark thinks...
<Ire> I'm going to find Roberts and kill him. That's what I'm doing.
* Ayn stands, her gun at her side, yet still in her hand. "He set you up, didn't he?"
<Icebrand> <Care to give us a reason, "boss man?">
<Ire> I...*Strains his words* did not kill Tikal...
* Silouette holds her hands up as she walks towards Ire to a comfortable speaking distance.
<Ayn> I believe you.
<Icebrand> <I'm open to discussion. Keep talking.>
<Ire> GM: *suddenly, a shuttle zooms up behind them. Ire looks up in horror*
<Ire> GM: *A shot flies off before any of them can stop it*
<Ire> GM: *Ire is hit in the chest, sent spinning back, and goes right off the roof*
* Ayn looks at the shuttle, ".....fuck...." She leaps off the roof, her body straight to catch him.
* Silouette darts over and trys to grapple Ire before he splats.
* Icebrand goes for the shuttle, firing at the engines while trying to identify it
<Ire> GM: *the shuttle lands on the roof after wards. Ayn would find Ire landed on a windwasher platform*
*** Jake is now known as Col_Roberts
<Icebrand> NRp: Scratch that, then.
* Stark places all of the file into a zip-lock bag.
* Col_Roberts steps off, his sniper sitting the shuttle.
* Icebrand levels one gun at the shuttle and the other at where Ire went off
* Stark takes any other kind of file he can that looks interesting.
<Col_Roberts> You are lucky. He was charging his gun up while he was talking to you.
* Ayn lands on the platform, and kneels over Ire, checking for vitals.
<Silouette> said you wanted him alive.
<Col_Roberts> GM: *Ire was shot in the shoulder. It was not meant to kill him*
<Col_Roberts> ...we scanned the building before hand.
<Col_Roberts> He landed safe and sound.
* Col_Roberts walks over to the edge and looks down.
<Icebrand> <I'd believe you, but I know for a fact that his guns can't charge.>
* Ayn looks at the shuttle, and then to Ire, "I'm sorry I didn't catch you...."
<Col_Roberts> Oh, they can boy.
* Ayn looks up, her gun aimed at Roberts.
<Col_Roberts> Or didn't you know he can fire charged shots now?
<Icebrand> <Tch, whatever.>
<Col_Roberts> ...what do you think you're doing?
* Ayn sure wishes Ire would say something.
<Col_Roberts> GM: *two men leave the shuttle and leap down onto the platform with Ire and Ayn. They pick him up*
* Stark steps out and heads out.
<Col_Roberts> We'll heal his shoulder, then question him about his 5th Column connection and the murder of Tikal
<Col_Roberts> You are all ordered to return to base now.
* Ayn fires at the men's hands as they try to pick Ire up.
<Ayn> dont touch him.
<Silouette> ......
<Col_Roberts> GM: *the men instantly hit Ayn with a tazer, knocking her body senseless*
* Ayn falls to the platform.
<Icebrand> .oO{...That was smart.}
<Col_Roberts> ...I should take in that one too...
* Col_Roberts studies Ayn, considering it.
<Silouette> ...she's just... overwhelmed, sir.
<Col_Roberts> ....
<Col_Roberts> Alright. Take her back to your building
* Icebrand leans against the door
* Ayn just flew.
<Col_Roberts> Wait for me there.
* Silouette nods and salutes.
* Col_Roberts walks back to his shuttle. The men carry up Ire, lift him into the shuttle, and drop him in
<Col_Roberts> GM: *the shuttle flies up and leaves*
* Stark heads back to the building, going into the control room and begins attempting to restore the document.
* Ayn grunts.
*** Col_Roberts is now known as GM
<GM> GM: *Shift of places now...coming up...*
<GM> Location: Building 38
*** Ire is now known as Jake
<GM> GM: *Stark sees something odd in Ire's drink, which is still out on his desk*
<Ayn> NRP: Jake is the mastermind of it all!
* Jake walks into the control room with Stark.
* Stark hrms, looking away from the restoration process at it.
* Stark grabs the cup and looks at it.
<GM> GM: *the drink has a white powdery substance in it*
<Jake> Hey...wait, what's that Stark?
<GM> GM: *the three from the roof arrive home now. Lets say they got a ride back*
<Silouette> NRP: Er... was this done in an earlier session? o.o;
<Jake> NRP: Part 1.
* Stark scrapes it off, examining it.
* Jake looks up
<Jake> If I wasn't mistaken, isn't that a halluciogen?
* Stark flicks off the monitor.
<Stark> Not for you, Jake.
<Ayn> NRP: I can walk again?
<Silouette> ...that was wreckless of you Ayn.
<Ayn> ...yeah, I know....
* Stark tastes a partical.
<GM> NRP: Yeah.
* Icebrand shakes his head, having reverted
<Icebrand> <Today's just been stupid. I need a beer.>
<Stark> .... It is.
<Jake> ...Why is it in Ire's cup?
<Stark> He's been drugged.
<Jake> ...
* Stark stands.
* Ayn scowls, her jaw set in that way everyone can tell someone is going to die.
<Jake> ...that could explain why he's been breaking out sweats.
* Jake hears the others arriving
<Jake> We should tell them.
* Icebrand glances at Ayn
* Stark looks at Jake.
<Silouette> *nods absently* ...we'll do something.
<Icebrand> <You should get some leave. That way, when somebody dies, at least they can't nail you for being on duty at the time.>
* Stark presses the alert button to call everyone to the control room.
<Jake> Hey, guess what I managed to swipe!
<Stark> What?
* Jake holds up a hologem.
* Ayn smiles, "If I'm gonna go down, I'm gonna go, you know?"
<Jake> The thing baldy had on him.
<Jake> You remember that viewing he showed us?
* Ayn looks to Jake, "What is it?"
<Stark> And I thought I took all the good stuff. Let's see it.
<Icebrand> <I heard that.> *blinks at his communicator* <Looks like we're needed, boss lady.>
<Ayn> Yes, let me guess, it was doctored.
<Jake> I took it before the hostage situation.
* Jake hands it over to Stark.
* Stark plays it.
<Jake> GM: *it shows the same thing as before*
* Icebrand heads upstairs to the control room
<Jake> ...wait...
* Stark looks for anything noteworthy.
<Jake> GM: *Ire, despite the lights, has no shadow*
<Stark> Fuck!
<Icebrand> *walks in* <Fuck?>
* Silouette smirks a little.
<Stark> Ire's innocent.
* Ayn smiles, "Wanna bet someone wants Ire out?" She then frowns, "Roberts."
<Silouette> just realized that?
<Jake> ...and they've been drugging him.
<Stark> We have to get him back. NOW.
<Jake> Whoa whoa whoa.
* Jake holds up his hands
<Stark> No, Silouette, we have proof now.
* Stark looks at Jake.
* Ayn rolls her eyes, "I've been saying that all along." She looks to the group, "So, when do we break him out?"
<Jake> They'll make this proof disappear guys
<Jake> If you want to get Ire, it would require breaking him out.
<Stark> That's why you're going to make sure it doesn't.
<Icebrand> <Which is our job.>
<Silouette> ...even if we could prove this was the evidence they used against him.
<Jake> ...M-Me?
* Ayn nods, "That's why you have to make sure it doesn;t Jake."
* Stark looks at the others.
* Ayn looks to Jake, "I knew when we fucked you were a good man."
<Stark> Well, as it stands, our unit is seen as a joke.
<Jake> Uh, thanks!
<Stark> NRP: *cries*
<Jake> I'll hold onto the data. But...
<Stark> Here's our options, people...
<Stark> We can try this evidence to due process... or...
* Ayn turns to Stark, "Did you find anything about Tikal? I bet you he was close to finding out who killed her."
<Jake> GM: *the file Stark has is restored*
<Stark> ...Break him out. As for the information I found, I'm trying to restore it, the compu--oh, it's done.
* Stark brings it up.
* Ayn shakes her head, "No. The same people that control us, control the system."
<Jake> GM: *"Discovered that Ire is a sleeper agent for the 5th Column. Will use to diffuse situation. Tikal a danger. Use information, destroy all evidence."*
<Ayn> ...who's is this?
<Icebrand> *reads over Stark's shoulder* <And what file is this?>
<Stark> 'Tikal'.
<Jake> ...wait, so he is a sleeper agent? Yet he didn't kill Tikal?
<Stark> So... what the hell?
<Icebrand> <Whose file is this?>
<Jake> ....
* Jake looks at everyone
<Jake> I hope you realize something
* Stark looks at Jake.
* Ayn looks down in thought, "He loved Tikal. I know this becuase Senreich used it against him." She spins around, "What if he was really a sleeper agent, but something went wrong. tikal. He fell in love."
<Jake> The second you bust Ire out of jail, if these guys are as powerful as I think, there will be no turning back. You will be public enemy #1.
* Ayn smiles, "I've lost a better home then this one before."
<Stark> I reazlize that. I was going to bring that up before they asked about the file.
* Silouette just simply shrugs.
<Stark> I only came here to make sure things go right...
<Icebrand> ...*turns away*
<Jake> better hurry then. If they're drugging him, he'll be pleading guilty any minute.
<Stark> I suppose this is where that mission will lead me.
<Ayn> ....and Ire's worth it. *she smiles, actually happily* I love him.
* Stark quirks his brow at Ayn
<Icebrand> <I...>
<Stark> Are all Chiere love-sick like you?
* Stark holds up the key-card from the bald man.
* Ayn looks to Jake, "We'll need guns. Lots of guns." She rolls her eyes to Stark, "He reminds me of my brother."
<Icebrand> .oO{I thought she loved Pope.}
<Jake> *nods* Well, *holds out a hand* Lets do it.
<Stark> If we do this, we have access to the armory.
* Icebrand shakes his head
<Stark> The full armory.
<Icebrand> <Explosions are good.>
<Stark> I was thinking something bigger.
<Jake> I'll work on that.
* Ayn places her hand on Jakes, "I like grenades. And railguns."
<Icebrand> <...Than explosions?
<Icebrand> >
<Jake> BTW you get Ire free, I'll have things lined up for you
<Jake> (By the time)
<Jake> Just come back here immediately.
* Stark looks at Jake.
* Stark nods.
<Stark> Let's do it.
<Silouette> ...and thusly they stepped forth, into the gates of hell themselves...
* Ayn nods to Jake, "And you make sure that data is kept safe."
* Stark starts down, donning his black duster.
<Icebrand> <This is a really bad idea...>
<Jake> To Be Continued....
Session Close: Wed Jun 11 01:41:19 2003