Interlude 4: Incoming Meteors

The Tsivrixsh Station Orbitting Earth

"Sir, we're detecting two unidentified objects entering Earth's atmosphere..." the Lieutenant officer told Govenor Hirsh. He walked over there and looked at the data screen.

"Well, are they ships?" he asked impatiently.

"Well, no, I don't think so. They are metalic though..." the officer said.

Hirsh snorted. "They are just meteors. Maybe they'll hit the Hunters down there, if we're lucky." He walked back over to his seat and contacted his leading officer of the ground troops. "Have you determined the status of the team we had waiting at the ship?"

"All were destroyed sir. Shall I send more troops there?"

"No...the same thing will just happen. We need to send a large number of troops to begin cutting them off and destroying them...yes, prepare a largest assault team to destroy them," Hirsh ordered.

"Two hundred troops?"

"Sounds good. And prepare another two hundred as backup."

"Right away, sir," the officer said and the communication was terminated. Hirsh stood up and walked to a viewport, looking at the Rage directly over the spot the Hunters and the Resistance was. Hopefully, it would destroy them all.

"What is Model One's status?" he asked.

"Model One is currently tracking the Resistance again after we determined they were still alive. It's orders are to catalog every last one of them and then destroy the bodies, to ensure that they die."


Team B's Location

The Rage hit their area finally the ship groaned, almost as if it was going to slide the rest of the way into the rivine. Diamondback and Sabre stood next to Ripple as he tried desperately to wake Spirit up. But it was no use.

"Andrew...I'm sure once we get her off the planet, she'll wake up, just fine..." Chris suggested. He wanted to help Ripple since Ripple had saved Spectre's life at the risk of his own.

Ripple didn't seem to hear him, lost in his own grief. Outside, the storm raged on and the ship definately shifted some. They weren't in the safest of locations.

Diamondback turned to Sabre. "We need to get the shuttles operational and find the others. Then perhaps we can move these...MAVERICKS out of here after we get outselves to safety." He turned back to Ripple, still by Spirit's side. "Sooner or later Ripple's going to snap out of his state and be looking for definate revenge...he'll want to be with Death Star's team to see some action."

Sabre looked at him. "You think Death Star's team is okay? They were hit too..."

Diamondback sighed. "I honestly don't know..."