Interlude 5: United or Divided?

Garland stood there, looking out the viewport at the building that was just destroyed moments before. The cigar Snipe lit up, that the old man was trying to light up, had exploded...The flames reflected off of his eyes, his rage now in vain, but even worse for Wiendigo making him a fool...

The Orphans

Death Star looked out the viewport at Booster talking to his children. It had taken a little while, but Death Star had managed to make it over to the area Booster had left them. He glanced at his chronometer and guessed it was getting close to ten at night. Sigma and the others would be waiting. Probably thinking the Hunters weren't going to show.

He watched the kids board the ship and Booster lead them off. However, Death Star was silently uneasy about having the kids on the ship. If the battleship was attacked, because he was certain the enemy knew he had one or something was up with one, they could be under attack...but being with the team could also be the safest place for them.

It was a six one, half a dozen another way. Or however that old saying went...

Death Star backed away from the viewport as he listened to Booster talking to the kids outside. One of the boys looked up at Booster. "Booster, you rule! We're really gonna fly in that?!"

Booster nodded, smiling. ""Yes, really. And you won't believe who found it..."

A girl spoke up. "It was scary out here by ourselves..."

Booster shook his head. "I wish I could have taken you with me, but I didn't have a choice... But at least I came back like I promised."

Another boy spoke up. "I wasn't scared!"

Booster grinned. "I'm sure you weren't." He led the way up the ramp, the horde of children following behind him. Death Star noted them and slowly slipped into the shadows in the corner next to the opening, attempting to hide himself. Booster turned to the kids, not noticing Death Star, and said, "Welcome to the Wraith Hunters' new battleship -- which is actually an old Tsivrixsh battleship. It was found in the ocean by--"

One of the girl's spoke up. "Death Star!"

Booster nodded. "That's ri-- huh?"

Another boy looked around. "Cool! Where?"

A boy next to him pointed. "I see him! Right there!" Death Star crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. Niiiice, I've been spotted. Most of the kids swarmed in on him.

"Er, excuse me, but --" Booster tried to say. Death Star blinked in surprise at the sudden attention.

The kids began to chant. "Death Star! Death Star!"

Death Star swallowed hard. "Uh...hi?"

Another girl spoke up. "It's really him!"

Death Star nodded. "Last time I checked..."

One of the other girl's shouted out. "Can I have your autograph?!"

"... uh, sure?"

One of the boy's went next. "Blow something up!"

"Like what?"

The kids kept shouting out demands that Death Star couldn't begin to keep up with. Beginning to panic, he looked around, spotted someone, and grinned evilly. "Hey, KIDS!" He reached over and grabbed X, pulling him next to him. "Meet X!"

X acked in surprise and looked over all the faces of kids staring back in awe at him. He blinked in surprise and swallowed. "...Hi...?"

"Is that reeeally X?" a boy asked.

"Looks like it to me," a girl said.

Death Star nodded and answered for X. "Of course." X glared at Death Star, knowing perfectly well what he was up to.

"Where'd you get the cool armor?!" a boy asked.

"Top secret. I can't say."

"Where've you been? Did the Tsivrixsh get you?" a girl asked.

"Did you really beat Sigma all by yourself?!" a boy asked.

"Can I have your autograph too?!" another girl asked.

X stared in dismay, not able to keep up with all the questions. At the same time, Death Star continued to be flooded by questions himself. Zero rounded the corner at that time and almost toppled a kid over. "Hey, X, I need you to---holy shit!"

A boy asked Death Star, "So how many Tsivrixsh have you wasted, Death Star?"

"Are you really gonna save us like Booster always says?" a girl asked.

"Hey, Death Star! Are you really the best beam saber fighter ever?!" another boy asked him.

Another boy shook his head. "No way! HE is!" The kid pointed at Zero, who stared at them all in shock. All the kids in unison shouted, "ZERO!"




Booster, seeing the three 'legends' standing there, not saying anything, finally spoke up. "Er, excuse me... everyone?" Death Star started looking for a path of escape. X continued to smile, trying to answer all the questions. And Zero began to edge back the way he came. The three kids split into three groups, each debating, arguing, and talking to their favorite.

One girl stared at Zero. "Did you really turn evil?"

Another girl chatted with X. "What's it like being one of the first reploids?"

X shrugged. "Uh...interesting."

Another boy talked to Death Star. "I'm always you in battle games!" He whipped through air with an imaginary beam saber. "Zzzng zzzng znzng!"

Zero blinked. "..battle games...?"

"Er, ladies, gentlemen, shouldn't you --?" Booster continued to try.

"And I like being X! But the boys say I have to be Iris," one girl said and pouted.

X blinked. "You shouldn't let people force you to be someone who you don't want to be."

Death Star scooted behind X and tried to make his escape through a side door. Jiggling the handle, he looked down and saw a kid in front of it, like some stalker following him. Sighing, he looked over and saw Zero continuing his backwards motion, only to bump in a pack of kids behind him. X finally looked up from talking and saw the two trying to escape. "Uh...guys?"

Another boy continued the debate. "And I'm Death Star, 'cuz he's the coolest!" Death Star gave the boy a thumbs up.

"Nuh-uh! X is!" someone else said. X grinned cockily.

A girl spoke up next. "Zero's cooler!" The chatter became inchoerant among the kids and the three were unable to keep up with it anymore.

"'Bout time someone named me," muttered Zero.

Death Star grinned. "Hey, Zero, you know you come in last." Zero flipped him off and X sighed at the two.

"Give me Sigma any day..." X said.

"...that could be arranged..." Death Star mumbled.

"Say what?" X asked.

"Oh, nothing."

Booster cleared his throat and took a deep breath. "QUIIIEEEEET!" Death Star froze. X shut up. Zero blinked in surprise. And all the kids immediately became quiet. "...Now, then, let's do this in a nice, calm way. I'll make sure everyone gets a chance to talk with each of the heroes they want to, all right?" The kids cheered.

Death Star rose his hand. "Can I disagree?" Booster gave him a play along look. "The Death Star fan club can meet me outside," he said. He pointed down the ramp. "Feel free to go on ahead."

"Now, wait a minute..." Booster began.

"I just remembered I had to file a report...yeah...file a report." X began to edge away with Zero.

"First, let's find a place where we can all be together..." Booster said and approached Death Star.

He slammed into the wall, trying to escape this situation and looked around. Some of the kids chuckled. "Uh...I need to go pilot the ship..yeah...tight schedule..."

"Easy, easy. I just need a room in here that I can put the kids in, for now..." Booster told him. Death Star pointed at room 12.

"Hey, good idea, I'll go pilot the ship," Zero said.

"Hey, forget that! Zero, if you touch those controls---!! ZERO!" Death Star shouted at him.

"See? Death Star's a wimp," a boy said.

"Is not!" a girl defended.

"Is not!" Death Star snarled.

"Is too!" Zero snapped. Death Star and Zero locked gazes, glaring at each other. The kids began to argue again.

"Figures, they're worse than the kids..." X muttered.

"Please, you two, try not to encourage that..." Booster asked. Death Star began to grind his teeth, seething with anger. He appeared to be sulking. Zero on the other side of the hallway appeared to be pouting.

X leaned over and looked at a little girl. "Hiya."

"Hewwo X."

Booster cleared his throat loudly. "Everyone? Let's go to Room 12, OK? I'll try to arrange things so everyone can talk with each of them as soon as possible." He waved with his tail at the three and they took that moment to escape.

"Where's a superhero when you need one..." muttered Death Star.

"You are a superhero," Booster corrected.

"Oh, that's a laugh. Him, a superhero?" Zero snorted.

X walked by Zero and whapped him in the back of his head. "C'mon."

"Get back here, blueberry boy!" Zero said and followed him. The three walked off as Booster horded the last of the kids into the room.

"Wonder if it's possible to lock that door..." Death Star said.

"Well, this super hero is going into hiding," Zero told them. X and Zero went off in their own direction and Death Star went for the bridge to get them going.

The Governor

"Sir, we finally detected what those 'meteors' were. They were actually two ships."

Hirsh blinked. "How did they manage to get past our sensors? Dammit, who were they?"

"They were of unknown origin. Never seen before. The ships were destroyed upon landing. I sent a crew to investagate."

"...hrm. And what of that battleship the ground troops saw?" Hirsh asked.

"Well, we've lost tracking of it, sir. There's a few storms causing the sensors to go haywire. But once we start the project up tomorrow, the storms should cease to exist. ...uh, sir?"


"Shouldn't we inform the High Council that they have a battleship?"

Hirsh shook his head. "No. The Emperor said it was our problem. There will be no messages sent out. We'll deal with their new toy ourselves." The officer looked at him, unsure, his red eyes glowing dimly as a sign of that. "Do you have no faith in our abilities to stop them?"

The officer shook his head, his eyes going to a normal red color again. "Of course not, sir! I have every faith in your abilities."

Hirsh nodded and stepped forward to the viewport, looking down at the dead planet once known as Earth. Just what the hell was going on down there...

Booster and Death Star

Booster finally managed to settle down the kids, getting them to think of something else than the three 'heroes' they met. Wandering onto the bridge, he found Death Star sitting back in his chair, musing, the ship flying toward the location where their original ship crashed.

He walked over next to Death Star, who warily glanced behind Booster to see if there was a pack of kids following him. "Relax. They're still in room 12." He grinned. "Speaking of which, can you meet me there three hours from now?"

Death Star turned back to the viewscreen. "Three hours we'll have landed. Things will probably start getting into high gear once we reach Sigma. X and Zero...don't know yet."

Booster nodded slowly. "Hopefully things will go smoothly when we meet with them..."

"In my line of business, things never go smoothly when you need it."

Booster turned to face the viewscreen too. "To be honest, I'm as worried about Sigma's behavior over time as I am about X and Zero's immediate reactions."

"Sigma will likely stab us in the back once we reclaim Earth."

Booster nodded. "I'll be there to help against him if it comes to that, and I'd be surprised if it didn't."

"I have enough faith in the Wraith Hunters that they can handle him," Death Star told him and then glanced at Booster. "Will you be joining the team or sticking it out with where ever Dom goes?"

Booster turned to him with a grin, wagging his tail. "Turn down an opportunity to fight alongside you for the sake of Earth's future? Of course not!"

Death Star smiled. "Glad to have you on the team."

Booster glanced back the way he came. "The kids are going to need someplace..."

"There's a ship that carries less than a million people the Special Unit managed to get off of Earth from the attack. It's called Fury."

"Ahh... that should do in the short term, at least... But I want to try to win Earth back for them and make sure it's never taken again, too. Or at the very least find them a new permanent home..."

Death Star sighed. "If Earth remains dead, it won't be a nice place to live."

Booster nodded. "That's the other problem... but for now, it's a problem that has to wait... But enough doomsaying... When do you suppose there'll be three hours to spare so the kids can interview you and Zero and X?"

"After we reclaim Earth, no doubt."

Booster sighed. "I don't think the kids will want to wait that long... I have to arrange something sometime in the near future..."

"You can probably snaggle X and Zero sooner than me. Since I'll be up most of the night going over plans."

Booster nodded. "Well, see you later!" He turned and began to head for the hall again.

Death Star called out. "See you later, Booster. And take care of those kids." He smiled sadly. "Probably the only people who have any innocent sense about them without worrying about what to do next."

Booster paused. "That's one reason why I enjoy them..." He continued out. Death Star stood up and walked out of the room, looking for someone...someone he learned was on board and was very confused. Crystal. Garland walked in a moment later and stood at the viewport, crossing his arms and staring out.

Team B (I)

Ripple watched the Mavericks idly prep the shuttle for launch, having cleared the shuttle doors finally after an entire day almost. During that entire time Spirit had remained in her coma and his connection with her was...empty. There was nothing there. It was as if it didn't exist.

Blackjack, Diamondback, and Sabre worked on checking the systems, which was constantly bringing up errors as the Mavericks tried to launch it. It was crowded in the shuttle, with thirty Mavericks coming along, Spirit, the two Hunter rookies, and the rest of Team B.

Blackjack sighed. "Why don't I just fly this thing?"

Sabre looked at him. "Pardon, uh, sir, but records indicate that you, uh, can't fly well..."

Blackjack glared at him. "You saying something about my flying?"

Sabre shooks his head slowly. "Of course not, sir...just...suggesting?"

Diamondback stepped between the two. "Lets just let the Mavericks fly, Dad. I'm sure they'll figure it out sooner or later."

Blackjack huffed but said nothing more. He knew perfectly well he couldn't fly the shuttle.

Ripple felt the shuttle jerk as it powered up and flew out of the hanger bay. He pressed against a Maverick, who glared at him angerily. He returned the glare and the Maverick meekly turned the other way. Turning back, he looked back down at Spirit, who was still remaining still.

"Andrea..." he said.

The shuttle continue to fly on, locking onto the area where the other ship had crashed earlier. Hopefully they would lock onto it soon and arrive there.

Iceheart, Wiendigo, Gravedigger, Snipe and Dias

Iceheart stood over Wiendigo, looking down at him, still out from the whack received from Gravedigger's shovel. "When do you think he'll wake, Grave?" she asked, studying Wien.

Snipe leaned against the wall, resting, feeling the vibration from the ship. He had patched himself up and was now just trying to regain some of his strength. He watched Wiendigo, who was non moving.

Wiendigo's mouth twitched and formed into a devious smirk. "This is a nice view." His eyes opened and stared up at Iceheart.

Gravedigger blinked. "...Now?"

"How long have you been like that...?" demanded Iceheart, frowning down at Wiendigo. Dias glanced over at Wiendigo and 'Frosty', as the rest of the team knew her.

"Since about after the kid hit me with the shovel. Really, you think a shovel is enough to take me down?" Wiendigo remarked.

Snipe grinned evilly, focusing his gaze on Wiendigo on the floor. "Well, you are getting old..."

"And who knows, maybe you just can't admit to getting your ass beat in by a shovel," Dias said.

Gravedigger fixed his view on Dias. "Hey Dias, how about I beat you with a shovel?"

Wiendigo, in the meantime of their arguing, responded to Snipe. "Not nearly as old as some of these other models, punk."

Snipe shrugged. "Old is old, old man. Anyway, then you must know you were proven right."

"I figured."

Dias and Gravedigger's arguing broke through the conversation again. "Hey Grave, how bout you try to and I kick your ass?"

Gravedigger gave Dias an expression of humor. "See, now that's funny, 'cause it wouldn't happen, but you say it anyways."

Dias stared at Gravedigger, his eyes giving off a purple glow. "It'll happen."

Gravedigger flipped Dias off.

Dias regraded him. "Your number one in my book too."

"It's nice to be wanted."

Snipe continued to talk with Wiendigo, blocking Gravedigger and Dias out of his head. "Garland's sore as hell about it. You should go cheer him up."

"Bah, screw it. Runt's beat, he knows I'm right and he has to live with it." Snipe looked funny at that, but didn't show it.

Iceheart continued to look down at Wiendigo, who remained on the floor. "How did you know the old man was crooked?" she asked him.

Wiendigo looked back up at her. "I travel through limbo, darlin', it's not like I'm beyond extra sensory perception."

Snipe sneered. ", what am I wearing then?" Iceheart looked over at Snipe like he was a total moron. He gave back no indication of caring.

"Pretty old underwear, punk, you should really change," Wiendigo told him.

Snipe shook his head. "Uh huh. Well, anyway, I just cleared your name but I'll just mosey on out. No need to thank me." He began to walk off down the hallway to the bridge. "I know you wouldn't even if your life depended on it."

"Not like I couldn't handle myself, Snippy," Wiendigo replied after him.

Death Star and Crystal

Death Star stood in a room, looking out one of the viewports. A few moments later, like he predicted, or perhaps he forsaw it, Crystal silently slipped into the room without knocking. "Death Star...?"

Death Star glanced behind himself at her. "Ah, hello Crystal."

"I'm suprised you'd recognize me... She looked down at her battered blue armor, almost grey with dust and grime.

"I...have a good memory." Crystal smiled a bit upon hearing that. He turned completely around to face her, giving her his full attention, and leaned against the viewport.

"I have to know.... what happened to Slash...? Why isn't he here?" Crystal asked.

"Slash...Before I begin, I want you to know I have the utmost respect for Slash. What happened didn't take away that respect and awe I had for him at all. And he'll always be my friend."

Crystal nodded, a crystalline tear forming. She said quietly, "Continue..."

Death Star sighed and began. "Slash was fighting so many commands. He was built after Zero. He was created by Sigma. And he had his own goal in life. They were...conflicting." His eyes seemed to water up, the first time since thinking of Slash. "He gave it a long long. As long as I knew him.

"On a meteor, Slash's...programming got to him finally. He went basically Maverick and attacked the group. I had to battle him, Crystal, to prevent the death of the others. I wanted to talk sense to him, I did, but as we battled...he died..." Death Star finished.

Crystal closed her eyes, tears falling. "Then.... what I dreamt was true..."

"I'm...sorry. I understand if you...blame me."

"...." Crystal shook her head, pulling out a small necklace from around her neck. "No... that cant be.... I... when I woke up.... there was a body... laying there..... it was nearly destroyed..... but it had this on it..." She showed the small black diamond skull and crossbones.

"Unless Slash teleported on the verge of death to Earth, it couldn't have been him. We were lightyears one could have made that jump..." Death Star told her, finding it hard to say, but knowing the facts. Crystal finally broke down crying. He moved over there and patted her on her back, trying to comfort her. "It's okay, Crystal..."

"We were fighting the Tsivrixsh mothership.... I got blasted by something.. then darkness.... and suddenly I wake up again.. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??" Crystal shouted and sobbed.

Death Star continued to try to cheer her up, patting her on the back. "Twenty years ago the Tsiv. ultimate weapon struck Earth. It was a Planet Killer. When it opened fire on the station, you were killed in the blast...Slash buried you on Earth."

"..... Why.... why did I come back...??" Crystal asked.

"...I'm not quite sure. I talked to a few of the others. Seems a surgical wave by the Tsiv. brought back all dead reploids to kill Dom's people." Crystal sighed, trying to compose herself. " okay?" he asked, glancing down at her, worried.

"I'll be fine..... I just wish that I knew Slash left his legasy.... not what he did when he went maverick... but who he was.... You know?"

"He did, to a degree," Death Star told her and held out his hand, a chip in it. Crystal look at it then up at him.

"Did you try running it?" she asked.

"His memiors." Crystal nodded. Death Star reached over and placed it into her hand. "You keep it."

"Thank you DS..... I know what he ment to you, and I remember how highly he spoke of you..." she told him and closed her hand softly.

"We'll remember him together," Death Star promised and Crystal nodded, smiling. "...Ripple...was sorta like Slash's son. He took him in... Ripple is on Team B...but he should be heard soon enough. He would probably like to meet you."

"..... I really can't see him raising a son...."

"Heh. Slash was full of surprises," Death Star agreed.

"Is this... Ripple anything like Slash?" she asked.

"I see Ripple's thoughts follow that of Slash's now and again. And his attitude."

Crystal smirked. "Those do rub off..." She looked down at the chip again and turned to walk off. ".....Thanks again..."

"See you around, Crystal...if you ever need to talk...I'm here," Death Star told her.

"Alright." She continued walking for a bit, then stopped and turned to face DS at the door. "I hope to be seeing you around." She disappeared out the door.

"...good luck at your second chance, Crystal..." he said then stopped, a thought hitting him like a hovertrain.

Dominator said a surgical wave brought back all the dead reploids to kill his group...brought back all the dead reploids...brought back all the dead reploids.

"Iceheart...?" he began and the next thought him. Frosty. Iceheart. Frosty. Iceheart. Frosty is Iceheart!

"Can it be...?" he mumbled out loud to no one in particular. He had no proof...Shivering, Death Star walked for the bridge, desperately wanting to talk to Ariel for some reason.

Snipe and Garland

Garland stood on the bridge, the fire still reflecting in his eyes, even though it is long passed. He glanced at Dominator and Death Star walking off, the two chatting with each other since Death Star had just arrived and bumped into him, catching up on good times. He crossed his arms and turned back to staring straight out the viewport as Snipe walked over to him.

"Sooooo, how are we today?" Snipe asked. Garland glanced at him and then turned back to the viewport. "You should do something about the entire Wiendigo subject. He's going to be on a high horse and never let you hear the end of it."

"It doesn't matter. I was wrong."

Snipe glanced at him. "Trueeeee, that happens a lot. But you'll only get angerier if he rags you about it."


Snipe shook his head. "You're not going to confront him on this, are you?"

"When the time comes. Not on this most likely." Garland continued to look straight ahead.

"Uh huh..." Snipe gazed out the viewport too, watching the landscape move below them.

"One day I think he'll turn on us, or injure one of us, most likely Status, then...." Garland trailed off.

"Eh, at least it'll be Status and not someone else."

"Status is a member none-the-less."

"...he's a computer who pisses people off. One day, he'll piss off the wrong person," Snipe pointed out.

"Status is aware, correct?" asked Garland.

"Who knows. Dominator would know better. But he's off with Death Star somewhere."

"That leaves a window then."

The two stood there in silence, looking out the viewport. "Anyway, I should go rest. Cheryl told me not to overdo. Something about leaping on grenades is not only stupid, but incredibly lethal." Snipe waved at Garland and began to walk away.

Garland swallowed hard, narrowing his eyes. Snipe stopped and looked back, concerned. "Becareful around Wiendigo. He won't let you forget this. Especially after you hit him through the house."

Garland seemed to shrug. "That's all he's going to do. Talk."

Snipe frowned and shrugged. "From what I heard, Wiendigo is more than talk."

"If he starts it, he'll get it."

"...right. Anyway, see you when we land at the ship." Snipe walked off.

Wiendigo, Iceheart, Gravedigger, and Dias

"But your not," Dias told Gravedigger.

"Oh but I am, as you just said."

"No I just said your number one in my book," Dias corrected him and then proceeded to flip Gravedigger off.

"And No. 1 means 'wanted', Daisy."

"Only in someways Lurch," Dias said.

Iceheart sat down in a chair and looked at Gravedigger and Dias arguing. She leaned back in it, getting a nice slant without falling, and relaxed. "Are you two going to stand there and argue all day?"

"Lurch? That's ALL? Sheesh, c'mon, gimme something I can WORK with, no-eyes," Gravedigger said to Dias then looked over at Iceheart. "Yes."

"Bite me necro," Dias responded.

"Necro? Please, at least i didn't go blind from...well..." Gravedigger said then coughed.

"From what huh? Just say it Graveyboy."

"If you have to ask, you'll never know."

"Jog my memory, jelloboy."

"Nah, that'd require too many electric shocks."

"Least I don't have a fetish for invertebrates, eh Squirrel boy?"

"You don't? Wow, that so doesn't explain Juan..."

"Yeah, as if you don't remember..." Gravedigger turned away from Dias, obviously bored.

"Run out of insults Grave?" No comment. "Come on Grave, least you can do is talk to me." No comment. "I mean, it's not like I got crabs here. That's Snipe." No comment. "Man Grave, you're no fun."

Iceheart and Wiendigo, meanwhile, were continuing their own conversation. Wiendigo slid along the floor over to Iceheart's chair and looked up at her. She glanced down and smirked. "So, what say you an' me go somewhere a little less...public," he finally asked. Iceheart didn't reply at first, blinking. "What's the matter, Frosty, cat got yer tongue?" He grinned.

"No, no, just holding back a laugh at the thought."

"Uuuuh huh, I'm sure that's all you're holding back," Wiendigo said.

"Better believe it. Don't let your own little dreams cloud your mind," Iceheart teased.

"Hey, dreams can come true."

Iceheart grinned. "Well, the more you keep on dreaming, the better the moment will be for you then."

"Or you." He grinned.

Iceheart smirked, amused. "I doubt your that good."

"You'd be pleasantly surprised."

Dias finally broke in on the two. "I think I'm going to go now..." He began to back away from them. Iceheart glanced at Dias.

"You go do that, kid," she told him.

"I guess I'll give you and him some down time, eh?" Dias commented. He grabbed Gravedigger by the neck and began to drag him after him. Gravedigger slipped free, turned him around, and shoved him away with his foot.

"Hey grabbin the ass fruitcake," Dias said. Iceheart shook her head at the two.

"Don't touch the goods, Daisy boy."

"Your neck is your goods?" Dias asked Gravedigger. There was no comment. "I love you too Gravey." He slapped at him, missed, and ran down the hallway.

Iceheart shook her head. "...he reminds me of Slasher."

Gravedigger answered, "He's Slasher's adopted son." From down the hallway, Dias chucked a banana at Gravedigger.

Iceheart sighed. "Oh, great, I should have seen that..."

Gravedigger reflected the banana. "Hey Grave, wanna carrot?" He tossed one at Gravedigger, who reflected it back. Dias ducked the flying carrot.

Iceheart stood up, shaking her head, and entered another room, getting away from the two. Wiendigo smirked, stood up, and followed after Iceheart into the room.

Gravedigger regarded Dias. "Dude, go find someone else to bug. Go bug Booster."

"He'll probably try to hump my leg or something. I guess I'll go bug Snipe.." Dias commented and ran off.

"Good, you do that..."

Death Star and Dominator

Death Star glanced sideways at Dominator as they walked down the hallway. Dominator glanced back at him. "It's good to see you managed to survive all these months on Earth."

Dominator nodded. "Thanks. I must say, it hasn't been easy, but I wasn't about to give up hope... No matter how dire the circumstances."

Death Star smiled. "I wouldn't think someone of your character would."

"It's good to see you're alive. No and I doubt someone like you would either."

"Guess you can't keep two old buggers down. Look at X and Zero."

"You were presumed dead for some time, but it isn't like you to die, is it?" Dominator asked.

Death Star smiled. "No. I don't have a reason to."

"True. I'm almost as old as you all are too..." Dominator thought on. Death Star nodded. "Neither does Earth... which is why we won't stop short of freeing it."

Death Star got a blank expression on his face, as if he were somewhere else briefly. Dominator continued talking. "As for X and Zero... What do you think of them? We're seen imposters before, but these two..."

Death Star glanced back at him, snapped back to reality. "So far they are legit. I've talked to some of the others where I can. So far, perfectly legit. Hard to believe. They even act the same."

"True, but... what does worry me is these aliens that supposed saved them. They are an enigma..." Dominator commented on.

Death Star nodded. "I have a bad feeling about them."

Dominator went on. "I suppose we should count our blessings to have X and Zero back with us now... but we should still be wary in the future. Just like we must be wary of the Mavericks once we free Earth..."

"I don't trust Sigma as far I can throw him. Garland warned me that Sigma was going to try to kill me."

"Sigma told Garland so?"

"Who knows. He didn't say that much."

"You'd best be wary... I doubt Sigma's goals have changed. And, unlike Repliforce, he apparently feels that Earth is the place for reploids, Maverick ones, to reign supreme. That helps us currently, but later it will be a danger," Dominator warned.

"I'm not worried about Sigma. Even if something happens to me, I believe in the Hunters."

"Still, Earth will be in a delicate state once we get rid of the Tsivrixsh. I don't want the Mavericks assuming power. Sigma may see this as his best chance to gain control of Earth."

Death Star nodded. "...Sigma could very well take control of the planet."

"We're here to stop him though."

"True. I'm sure you guys can stop him."

"'You guys'? You'll be here as well, won't you?" Dominator asked.

Death Star glanced at him. "Of course. I'm not planning on leaving."

Dominator nodded. "Just making sure... I expected you to say 'we'... Anyway..."

"I should go find Ariel. I think Garland is on the bridge. He's still...out about the Wiendigo matter," Death Star informed Dominator.

"All right. I've been looking forward to speaking to Garland some more...One more thing. Garland told me that Blackjack's with another one of your teams? I assume he's well?"

"He's great."

"Good. Nice to see that alot of our old team is left..."

"The majority." Death Star smiled sadly. "Kinda miss X1."

"X1... He had his quirks, and lots of them, but he was an integral part of the team and a good friend..." Death Star nodded. "At least he's still alive, or I hope he is... Some of the others didn't make it..."

"Our times come, we'll just have to do what we can before then," Death Star said.

"Right. How will live our lives is the important thing."

"But of course," Death Star said, grinning.

"Well, let's continue to live them well then," Dominator told him and held out his hand. Death Star shook it.

"Good to have you back around," Death Star said.

"And good to have you."

"Well, we'd both better get going before one of us starts to reminisce...It's best we keep our minds on the present."

"One day at a time," Death Star said, his old "new" catch phrase. The two old Hunters nodded at each other, turned, and left. Death Star heading out to find Ariel. Dominator looking for Garland.

The Maestro (I)

He continued to walk through the wastelands. He had been backtracked by the forces of the enemy, causing him have to take longer ways around, plus he only remembered the general location of the ship. Also, the Rage had slowed him down. But he had survived.

Maestro glanced up at the rising moon and then over the sands, gleaming in the night. His orders were to go to the ship. That was what he was doing. He would see then if he was still a Hunter or not.

He continued to march through the sands, getting closer and closer.

Death Star and Ariel

Ariel sat next to the sleeping child that they had taken back from the old man's house. A knock on the door sounded a few seconds later followed by Death Star's voice. "Ariel? You in here?"

"Come on in, DS," Ariel said. Death Star opened the door and strolled in, seeing the girl was asleep, and began to move toward them quietly. "Hmm... One of the few people on the ship I don't have to tell to be quiet when she's sleeping..."

"Heh. I'm use to sneaking around I suppose." He grabbed a chair, lifted it over next to Ariel, and sat down. "How is she?"

Ariel smiled. "She's doing surprisingly well... Quite a sweet little thing, her name's Sara apparently."

"Oh?" Death Star asked and leaned forward in his seat, smiling. "You learn anything else about her?"

"No... I wasn't about to question the poor thing. Thinking about what she's gone through would have been too hard on her..." Ariel told him.

"I...didn't think about that."

"I can only imagine what she's been through... I may have lost my world to the Tsiv, but it was NOTHING like this..." Ariel said.

Death Star frowned. "I'm sure each is painful in their own way, Ariel. I...could understand what it would feel like it, even if I haven't lost a world."

"Could you...?"

"Earth was everything to me. When it turned it's back on me, cast me out from it, I felt betrayed. To me, my world had died. I saw no point in coming back."

"'Earth' never betrayed you DS, even if some who lived there did."

"Hah. Earth has a whole, no. Just the government. I warned them...oh, I warned them, and look where the planet is now..." Death Star sighed bitterly.

"Hmmm, and you wonder why I never made it any higher than Captain with EarthGov? They wouldn't listen to me either..." Ariel informed him.

"Looks like only one person can't change fate. But a group can. Shame I didn't keep trying. Try to reform the Hunters or something...anything. I just turned my back and waged my own personal war."

"We all make mistakes DS... Even the best of us."

Death Star ran his hand through his hair, looking tired. "Good thing is we're all back together now." He grinned. "It's good to see everyone again." He glanced down at his hands and then nodded at the girl. "What do you plan on doing about her?"

"If everything works out right, I think I'm going to look after her myself..."

"All by yourself?"

"I've looked after Strife for the last twenty years... a human child shouldn't be much harder," Ariel said.

"True. I--" he began and looked down sheepishly. "So, where do you plan on watching her? On Origin or on the Fury?"

Ariel pondered. "Origin is probally as safe as the Fury." She smiled and shook her head. "Anyways, I just can't abandon you guys. You need all the help you can get."

Death Star nodded. "I agree to that."

Ariel sighed. "But there is one problem I can see with it..."

"And that is?"

She smiled jokingly. "Where am I going to find a baby siter on the Origin?"

"You could always have Slasher do it," he said, grinning evilly, knowing that Ariel can't stand Slasher.

Ariel looked quite serious. "Over my dead body."

Death Star cleared his throat. "Uh, anyway, jokes aside...I would love to help you take care of her...if you wouldn't mind."

"Really? DS, I never knew you were one for children."

He shrugged. "You should have seen the mob I ran into earlier. I have my own fan club."

Ariel giggled. "I wouldn't be too surprised if they had their own hotline."

He rubbed the back of his head and chuckled. "I never saw myself as a superhero or a role model to anyone before."

"Well, they should make Hunter action-figures."

"Start off a new economy."

"I wonder if they'd make the hunter station or origin station as a playset..." she wondered.

"No batteries included, of course."

"Same thing as the beam sabers EarthGov assigns," she said, grinning.

Death Star chuckled quietly, as not to wake the girl up. He then sat there for a moment, looking at his hands, trying to think of something to say, knowing what he would like to say, but finding himself unable to come up with the words.

Ariel sighed. "Some day, we'll have no need for beam sabers... there will be no more wars to fight, and the children won't have to grow up to be soldiers..."

"I pray for that day. I pray for it so. All my life I've seen war. Peace...seems so far away, you know?" Death Star asked.

She nodded. "I just hope the cost isn't too high..."

"I know I'm willing to sacrifice a lot for it, but only if I'm willing to sacrifice myself too. I couldn't ask it of anyone else if I'm not willing to do it myself," he said.

Ariel shivered slightly. "I hope that isn't necessary. Oh... That reminds me, there's something I've wanted to ask you."


"Is it even possible for you to really die?" she asked.

Death Star lost his sad grin and rocked back in the chair. "I can be killed, yes. As for how long I can live...I can last for a long time. A very long time. All things reach an end cycle."

She shook her head. "It'd be another 10000 years before you give up the fight, let alone roll over and die."

Death Star said very seriously, "If it takes that long."

"Even when there's peace, it has to be maintained."

"Others can do that. Not my job. People like Dominator make up that type of job. I am...a soldier...nothing more," Death Star told her, each word coming out slowly, as if digesting the news himself.

"DS, there's more to life than fighting..."

"I know. And I hope to find it...but all my life, I've fought. What more do I know?" Death Star asked.

"Honestly DS, I don't think you let yourself really live because your worried that you won't be able to win if you let yourself think about anything other than this war..."

He sat there a moment, taking the news in. "The last time I tried that...someone died..."

"... IceHeart?"


Ariel sighed. "I was sorta hoping that you had put that behind you..."

"I have, but... ...I guess I never allowed myself any fun, either," Death Star told her.

"Live a little DS. If your going to fight for life, at least know what your fighting for."

"I'm fighting for the next generation," he said, nodding at the sleeping child, "So they might have freedom and not have to worry about an enemy hanging over their heads, waiting to crush them. I guess I fight for the innocence I lost."

Ariel nodded sagely. "War does that... when Edo found me, I had the chance to start anew... but hatred wrecked that chance..."

"Care to tell me what happened?" Death Star asked.

"A group of men came and trashed our place, accusing Edo of harbouring aliens... He... He didn't survive the night... I ran, over come with grief... I made some bad choices after that..." she told him. Death Star nodded as he listened. "Hmm... you know... I almost had another chance after that... Since the radiation had scrambled my circuits enough, I couldn't remember my past... but with all reploids exiled in the wastelands, it wasn't the best time to start a new life."

"No, it wasn't..." Death Star agreed.

"Ah, I'm just lucky to be alive after that explosion..."

"I'm glad you did." He glanced over at her. "You're one of a kind."

"Thanks DS... means alot to hear you say that."

He blinked. "Oh?"

Ariel shook her head. "Are you sure your over IceHeart? I mean, what if she walked in this room right now?"

Death Star grinned. "I'd wish her luck in whatever she was going to do, but it wouldn't be with me. I heart is elsewhere."

"Oh?" She smiled, a touch of mischeif in her grin.

Death Star nodded and looked at Ariel. "Yes. And I mean that."

"So who's the girl you haven't told me about?" she asked with a wink.

"Oh, let me think..." He tapped his finger against his chin, like he was thinking hard. "She's smart, intellegent, knows just the right things to say, very beautiful, and I just enjoy being in her company."



"Must be one of a kind find."

"Oh, yes, very. So, you know anyone that fits the bill?" He smirked playfully.

"Cheryl?" she asked teasingly.


"You better not be after Sera, Garland would take a fit," Ariel told him with another wink.

"Oh, gee, and get the whole family mad at me? Nuh-uh." He rolled his chair over to Ariel. "I'm more than happy enough to be around you. I'm honored to be around you."

She smiled. "So when do you start taking me out to dinner?"

"Oh, say, when we get off the planet, we stop by the Fury and pick out a nice place to dine?" he asked.

"Sounds good."

"You can see Strife too."

"DS, I truely love the kid and all, but he is NOT coming with us if we go out. Got it?"

"Oh, gee, darn, I'm heart broken..." Death Star said, playing like he was heart broken. The two continued to stare at each other after that, neither of them saying anything. Suddenly the child murmered in her sleep suddenly and Ariel turend to check on her, realizing she had been staring. "Uh..." Death Star said and rubbed the back of his head, snapping out of his staring daze. "I.. have to go land the ship I suppose. And I don't want to disturb Sara anymore."

"Right... I'll catch up with you later, 'kay?"

"Right." He nodded and winked. "Later, Ariel." He stood up and opened the door. Glancing back he smiled and walked out.

Snipe and Dias

Dias sneaked up behind Snipe, who sat in front of his desk writing on a note pad. He lightly threw a cigar onto the desk from behind him. Snipe stopped writing and glanced at the cigar. "I swear, Wiendigo, don't you have better things to do than bother me?"

"Hey I resent that."

"---Dias?" he asked and turned around.

"Who else?" Dias responded. Snipe shrugged and said nothing. "So you think everyone is gonna make it out alive?"

"Not EVERYone, no."

"Man, I hope I make it. So when you gonna give me a lil 1 on 1 Mech battle?" Dias asked.

"When we get home I suppose."

"Good. Our mechs'll have a lot of dust on 'em."

Snipe blinked. "We've only been gone 3 days...."

"You gotta remember, Slasher's workin in the area." Snipe nodded and Dias continued. "Is it me or does Frosty act weird around Death Star?" Snipe shrugged. "Don't care?""

"I find it funny everyone calls her Iceheart," Snipe admitted.

"I noticed that too."

"Gravedigger and Wiendigo are pretty protective of her."

"Don't tell me we have to bring that crap head with us back to the Origin."

"Up to Death Star," Snipe said.

"Man, this whole things been one rollercoaster," Dias muttered, sitting down on the desk.

Snipe nodded. "And it'll only pick up in speed."

"Let's hope it doesn't derail."

"Don't rock the boat then."

"Me? Why would I ever do something stupid like that. Now my alter have to worry about."


"Wonder if he's good at flying mechs..." Dias mused.


"My alter ego."

"Ah. I wouldn't want to find out."

"Well since my minds wan..." Dias began but then began to follow a piece of dust floating in the air. "Oooh...err. Sorry."

"If I'm THAT boring, leave."

"It's not that your boring, just ugly to look at for more than 5 minutes."

"Uh huh."

"So you think Elayne's still mad at me for ignoring her that one night?"

"Probably..." Snipe said, looking defensive all of a sudden.

"Why so defensive? Gotta knack for her?" "...uh," he began and coughed dismissively, "what do you mean?"

Do you want her? Or do I need to spell it out?" "..." Snipe looked at him. "I, uh.."

"Oh just admit it. Hell, if she liked me, then she's gotta like you."

Snipe cocked his head. "I think she sees me as an older figure who leads."

"Hey, you might as well try spunky. I still feel bad for pretty much ignoring her. If she only knew what I was going through that night."

Snipe responded quietly. "Tell her."

"Why? Obviously you like her."

Snipe shrugged. "You're young, you have a lot going for you..." You won't die soon...

"I'm young? I'm like 19. You're what 20? And if your worried about dieing young, then go for it while you still can."

"Forget it."

"Hell, might as well live the last years of life a happy man than never to be a bitter ol man."

"....I said forget it."

"Then I'll talk to her about it," Dias said with a smirk.


"Aright if ya don't want me to, but you do know she'll probably figure it out in time, and by that time it might be too late." Dias took a bite out of a banana.

"She already knows I'm dying."

"I actually meant telling her you like her..."

Snipe blinked. "Look," he said, grabbing his notepad and pen again, "you two would be perfect for each other."

Dias looked at the notepad and pen. "What the hell do you want me to do with that?"

Snipe kept writing down in it. "I meant you and Elayne."

"Oh...Ya but you gotta remember Garland can't stand me, it'll drive the ol' cook nuts, he likes you more..."

".... Garland considers me more of a 'friend' than a suitor to his daughter."

"Why do you think me and her are perfect? Why not her and Gravey boy?"

"Gravedigger and her? Human and reploid? It's very uncommon..."

"....Look at my dad and Cheryl."

"True... I said, uncommon," Snipe pointed out.

"I just wonder what'll happen if Eve ever gets loose and Elayne still likes that'll be a catfight."

"Eve...really likes you dude. Holds you and Grave's opinions high."

"I know, thats why I really don't think I'm perfect for Elayne. You'ld stand a better chance with Elayne."

"So, what, you're going to go after Eve?"

"I don't know. Technically I can't cuz she's a criminal ya know."

"Eh, I'm sure things can be pulled to let her out, if she's on good behavior."

"Ya, but then I'ld have to compete with that walking pudding boy for her."


"I'm guessing I've talked to much....I still say you should talk to Elayne." Dias stood up and got down from the desk, heading for the door.

"I doubt Grave's interested in Eve," Snipe finally said. "And I also doubt that I should get into a relation and break someone's heart when I go."

"Never know. And hey you never know, you might just pull out of it. If there was one Wish machine, then there should be another."

"Cavaet emptor."

"Aye." Dias walked off.

Snipe nodded slowly. "Bye, friend." Dias muttered Carpe Diem as he walked off.

Garland and Dominator

Dominator walked onto the bridge and saw Garland standing there, his arms crossed, staring out the viewport. Giving the bridge a quick glance and seeing it was empty, Dominator looked back over at Garland. Garland turned his head to look at Dominator. "Hello, Garland."

"Hello, Dad."

Dominator walked over and joined him, looking out the viewport too. "Not very scenic, is it?" he asked. Garland uncrossed his arms and nodded. "Doesn't bring back very nice memories to me either..." Dominator went on and sighed softly. "After the first Alien War, I had hopes that someday the Wastelands would be restored and cultivated to be inhabitable. Now, it seems, almost the entire world will need that cultivating..."

"Unfortunately true....."

"We're on the right track, though. Nothing can be done while the Tsivrixsh remain... And to defeat them, we must work together," Dominator said.

"But we're gonna do it, either with this 'paradise's' help or without," Garland agreed.

"Right. We can't give up hope. You're a 'Wraith"' Hunter... Do you think they can manage in this coming war?" Dominator asked.

"I'm not a Wraith."

"But still, you're served with the others."

Garland nodded. "Yes, we can."


Garland went on. "I know it."

"Unfortunetly, the days of our 'Maverick Hunters' are gone. Many of the old Hunters aren't here anymore... The torch has long been passed and our new teams must try and accomplish the impossible, just as the old did. The Resistance is made of scattered survivors from the ravaging of Earth... Their individual skills vary and despite my efforts, they act only minimually like a team... but we must unite as allies to defeat the Tsivrixsh now. This ship will help, but only careful planning and decisive action can win this war," Dominator informed him.

"I wish you weren't right..."

"I wish we could have met again under better circumstances than these, but..." Dominator began but his voice trailed off.

"Dad, any circumstances are great to see you."

Dominator smiled. "And you... Let's hope we live to have many more reunions."

"Don't worry about it..." Garland said and grinned. Dominator nodded.

"I don't like us working with Sigma though..." Garland told him.

"I know... I don't particularly like having to work with Mavericks either. I fought hard to defeat the Mavericks, as did most of us... But, unfortunetly, we need them to defeat our mutually enemy, the Tsivrixsh. They know, just as we do, that once this war is over, we'll be enemies again and our own war will continue..."

"He and I fought shortly before we arrived, by the way."

"Physically? And how did it end?" Dominator asked.

"He won, but he also cheated, and it was broken up. You know how I am with electricity, correct? He used it to his advantage."

"I see... Garland... I don't want you to get killed or wounded by an ally, regardless of whether or not we want them to be our allies... I know you feel strongly on some things, just as I do, but we must stay united to free Earth," Dominator stressed.

"As you wish, father....." There was a moment of silence before Garland went on. "Anyway, how bad are these Vultures? We've not run into any yet."

"Don't worry, Garland, I won't let the Mavericks take over after the Tsivrixsh are gone... I doubt you would either. As for the Vultures, bad enough. They tend to hunt in packs, which can make them very deadly... They're designed to work together and are a challenge enough alone... they can shield themselves from attack in a group and become very dangerous."

"Given Sigma's views on humans, we will definently be taking him on after we free Earth," Garland agreed. "Hrm.... That will be a problem," he added to the Vulture statement.

"Yes, they will be... They are defeatable though. Let's hope we won't face too many still."

"Right, also noticed no one in your group uses psionics... Why?" asked Garland.

"And for an important reason... The Tsivrixsh have managed to give a serious drawback to psionic usage... Psionics on Earth are unstable. For example, trying to telekinetically move something will generally make it explode," Dominator told him.

Garland held out his hand and formed a ball of ki. "Hrm...I suppose I'm exempted."

"I'm not sure... Your ki abilities don't neccessarily fall until psionics, but classifying those kinds of powers isn't an exact science...Telepathy results in an extremely painful headache, preventing rational thought..."

"Ki is very much the same energy as psionics, or rather psionics is as ki. Except Ki is used differently. ...Hrm."

"Interesting. Perhaps the method that ki is used is different enough from the way psionics is used for it to be unaffected by the Tsivrixsh psionic defenses," Dominator suggested.

"Must be.... Anyway....." Garland turned to look out the viewport again. "So desolate, yet eerilly peaceful, aside from the Tsivrixsh running around."

Dominator nodded and looked as well. "That's how it was during the exile... Quiet and deadly. It was very lonely as well..."

"I spent a lot of time alone the past 20 years, only Sharlena....... Only she really visited me." Garland looked down, lost in thought.

"... I'm sorry about Sharlena, Garland. I know how it would feel to lose you..." Dominator said.

Garland sniffed, his heart still aching when he thought about her. He ran his hand through his hair, parting it slightly. "She wouldn't want me sulking forever...Besides, I have Elayne and Sera to think of."

"No, she wouldn't. You have to go on and act so that she would be proud of you..."


"By act, I mean live as she would have wanted," Dominator explained.


"We'll protect them, Elayne and Seraphna, in the coming war."

"We're talking about Seraphna, Dad.... does she need protecting?" Garland asked.

"True. Let's hope we'll all make it through this war."

"I'm not sure to be happy or not, I'm going to be a father again soon...."

"And congratulations on that, Garland... I'm very happy for you."

"I hope this doesn't mean I have to smoke a cigar with you..... I already had to with Death Star."

Dominator chuckled lightly. "I think we can pass on the cigars, if you'd rather." He patted Garland on the back. "Garland... You'll be a great father, as always. I know you will be..."

Garland coughed. "Thanks Dad... Those cigars tear me up anyway." He coughed again.

"I don't like them either... Not at all."

"Like father like son, eh?" Garland joked.

"Yes, that sounds about right."

Garland put his arm around Dominator's shoulder. "Wait..... aren't you President of the now Defunt EarthGov now?"

"Er... Some of the Resistance members have called me that, but..." Dominator said.

"I guess it was only a matter of t----" Garland began when a cough from behind them broke out.

Dominator turned around. "Greetings, Death Star..."

Garland nodded in greeting. "Death Star."

Death Star nodded. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything...?"

Dominator shook his head. "No, no, it's all right."

Death Star looked a bit uncomfortable breaking in on their moment and nodded. "I'm just here to prepare the ship for landing..."

"No need to explain yourself..." Garland said.

"Right." Death Star walked over to his chair and tapped the keypad. The ship began to noticeably lower.

"We're almost there, then? Are the others ready?" Dominator asked.

"They should be. Just try to keep me and Wiendigo seperated. He's probably more sore than I am at the moment," Garland commented.

"I suppose. They're around the ship. Not really ready. Besides, they deserve the night off. When we land, you two have fun. Probably be a busy day tomorrow. X and Zero informed me they had some news to discuss tomorrow," Death Star told them.

"Yes, they apparently know much... Rest and a bit of relaxation would be a good idea in this... calm before the storm," Dominator agreed. "It's the storm I worry about."

"If Dad's worried....... I'm worried," Garland said.

Death Star opened his mouth as if to say something, but changed his mind and shook his head. "Don't worry. You'll both get off Earth alive."

"I'm not just worried about my life or Garland's, Death Star, but of freeing Earth," Dominator told him.

"I wasn't worried about Dad or myself..." Garland said.

Death Star smirked. "Don't worry. About anything. Earth will not belong to the Tsiv any longer after we're done here."

Garland went on. "I'm worried about Snipe and the others, Acid rain won't do much to metal, but over time, yes. It's the human members I'm worried about."

Death Star smiled. "...and don't worry about them.

"Hrm..." Garland hrmed.

Death Star sat down and continued to type on the keypad. "Call it a gut feeling." "I hope so. Of course, those of us leading are supposed to worry about the future. It's our job. We must be confident for the others though... Garland tells me your Hunters can do manage in this war. I believe his word."

"I have all the faith in the world in my Hunters," Death Star told Dominator. Garland adjusted his collar on the Hunter jacket he wore. "Once we get everyone together, we can do this..." Garland said.

Death Star finished up his calculations. Dominator leaned over. "Is everything in order?"

"Well, anyway, we're landing now. You guys should go get ready to step off," Death Star told them.

Dominator nodded. "All right." Death Star looked down, looking tired. Dominator looked over at him. "You should get some rest yourself, Death Star."


"Something wrond, Death Star?" Garland asked.

Death Star looked at Gar and shook his head. "No, nothing. You two run along and talk. You have a lot of catching up to do..."

"Okay..." Garland said.

Dominator nodded. "All right... If you need any help, Death Star, just ask. And get some rest soon..." He turned to Garland. Let's go... And good luck to us. Good luck to us all."

As the two began to walk away, Death Star heard the question from Garland, "So, did you ever get all those Rune Crystals?"

Death Star felt the ship stop moving and he opened the door and platform. He looked out the viewport and saw Sigma and his Mavericks. "Joy..."

X / Zero and Sigma / Excaliber

X breathed in sharply. "What in the name of Light!?" he cried out when he looked out the viewport at Sigma and the other Mavericks. His first thought was this was some ambush by Sigma. How very like him. His second thought was how could Sigma still be alive. And then his third thought was that Sigma wasn't there ready for an attack...but seemed to be waiting for them like...a friend? He turned to Zero. "They've allied themselves with the Mavericks!"

Zero shook his head. "The fools. We have to stop him now, X!" The two reploids teleported and arrived in front of Sigma and Excaliber.

Sigma blinked in mild surprise. "X?! Zero?! You're alive..." he stated. Zero drew his sabre, it glowing brightly in the night, and pointed it at Sigma.

"Damn right we're alive, Sigma. And I'm going to take you out," Zero snarled. X stepped up behind him and began to charge his blaster. Excaliber immediately got on the defensive, charging his blaster like X.

Sigma held his hand up. "Is this anyway to be treating allies, X?" he asked.

X regraded Sigma as if seeing him for the first time. " An ally? That day will never happen, Sigma. Your only interest is in yourself1"

Sigma looked offended. "X, you hurt me. No, my only concern is my people...the reploids. And to ensure that they can survive, I must make sure that the aliens are destroyed once and for all. So, I'm teaming up with your friends in that ship."

X and Zero turned around and saw Dominator and Garland standing there on the edge of the platform, watching. Dominator called out. "We need all the help we can get, X. If you kill Sigma, we could lose some potential help along the way."

Zero laughed scornfully. "He's a potential bomb."

Garland nodded. "We have to put our differences aside...for now." X and Zero both got Garland's meaning put up their weapons. Excaliber relaxed and resumed his position next to Sigma.

Everyone seemed to be staring at each other for the moment, the tension building.

Cipher and Viper

Cipher had been circling in Viper over the Mavericks, cloaked, for the past few hours, waiting on the others, who were late. Typical of the older model reploids, no doubt.

Finally a ship had flown in, looking like a Tsiv. battleship. Cipher had prepped up Viper to open fire on them when they landed, seemingly non-hostile, and X and Zero came out. Mixed feelings followed with their appearance, being the first of the older models.

Followed by them were a few more Hunters and finally the fight below settled down it seemed. Cipher had Viper set down and decloak. Several of the Mavericks jumped in surprise. Sigma scowled upon seeing this, realizing this ship was probably tracking them all day.

Cipher exited Viper, heading for the group.

Team B (II)

The shuttle beeped out warnings as an engine burned out. Sabre blinked in surprises. "Uh, sirs, I don't think we can keep this thing in the air with that engine..."

Blackjack looked over at the readings. "Damn, he's right. Everyone, hold on tight."

The maverick pilot began to panic and stepped away from the controls. Blackjack dived over and grabbed the controls and kept the shuttle level, it flying over the ground by a couple of feet.

Diamondback stood by his father. "Are we going to have to jump?" he asked.

Blackjack thought a moment. "Better to be ready. Get everything ready." Diamondback and Sabre ran off to prep the shuttle for jumping out. Ripple stayed by Spirit's side still, but seemed to be taking everything in.

Blackjack pulled hard on the throttle and noticed a couple of ships up ahead. "That's it! There's Team A!" Everyone on the shuttle cheered, except Ripple, who a grim look of determination on his face.

The shuttle kept wavering and Blackjack realized if they didn't do something, they would crash into the group. And was that X and Zero he saw ahead?

Barely leveling the shuttle, Blackjack flipped off the last engine and gently let the shuttle crash onto the sand dunes, letting it hop along the ground...roughly. Everyone was shaking hard on the shuttle. Ripple had to hold down Spirit to keep her steady.

Blackjack pulled up, letting the shuttle glide once more, then it hit the sand, spun around, and slammed to a stop against a sand dune ten feet away from the group. "Now that's flying..."

Diamondback held his head. "No, that's crashing..."

All Together Now

Death Star hopped down off the platform and gazed at the smoking shuttle. "What in the hell...?" he muttered and turned to Dominator, Garland, X, Zero, Sigma, and Excaliber, who were all watching in amazement too. Cipher walked over and joined them.

Sigma shrugged. "Looks like one of my Maverick shuttles."

"Must be Team B then!!! They did survive!" Death Star said, grinning from eara to ear. Booster walked down the platform behind Death Star, coming to see what all the noise was.

"What's going on? The kids heard a loud crash and..." he began but stopped when he saw the shuttle.

Dominator began to walk toward the shuttle but stopped when the door opened and out popped Blackjack. "And I make my best landing ever!" Blackjack told them. He stopped when he saw Dominator and the two stared at each other for a moment. "...Dominator...?"

Dominator smiled. "Good to see you again, Blackjack."

Blackjack grinned and walked over to him, patting Dominator on the back. "Dominator! It's been ages!"

Dominator nodded. "You look better than ever."

Blackjack smirked. "And you look just like you did twenty years ago..." The two began to chat as some mavericks poured out and joined Sigma. Finally Sabre hopped out.

Sabre looked over at Death Star. "Greetings, sir."

Death Star nodded. "Hello, Sabre."

Diamondback hopped out next and turned around, talking to someone inside the shuttle. He stepped back and more Mavericks piled out. After the last one left, including the two rookie Hunters, he went back inside and began to pull out the end of a stretcher. Death Star swallowed hard and felt a presense behind him. He turned around and saw Ariel standing there, watching too.

Diamondback pulled the rest of the stretcher out and Spirit could be seen laying on it. Ripple helped carry the front in and they walked over to the group, setting her down. No one said anything for a moment. Ripple gazed over at them, his eyes hardened. Death Star walked over to him and led him to the side of the group. They stared at each other for a moment. Finally Death Star spoke. "What happened, Andrew?"

Andrew brushed his hair back, and sighed. "... She's in a coma. It happened shortly after we arrived..."

Death Star sighed and glanced back at Andrea. "Any idea how?"

"I dont know... We havent had our rapport since we hit the atmosphere... and thats always been there..." He slammed his one fist into the palm of the other, "Whoever did this to her will pay. I swear on Slash's grave."

Death Star blinked at the last comment, as if hiding something. He turned and looked back at the crowd, scanning, then spotted Crystal. "Ripple, look at where I'm pointing. Tell me if you know who she is..."

Ripple turned to look at where Death Star was pointing, eyes examining Crystal for a few moments... "No. I've seen that face somewhere, but I have no idea where....." Ripple's eyes hardened, thinking about Andrea again.

Death Star nodded. "Alright, then don't worry about it then." He turned back to Ripple. "Listens, Andrew, we'll get Spirit off this planet and she'll be all better. I'm sure it's some dampening field doing this."

"I doubt they will. I'm quite sure you'll come face to face with the 'Govenor' Dominator mentioned."

Ripple turns away for a moment, a small, deadly smirk growing on his face, "Good. Someone will pay for this. Revenge is a dish best served raw."

Death Star looked worried. "Don't do anything...reckless, okay Andrew...? Promise me..."

Ripple turned back, the smirk gone. "No problem. I don't want to die before my first anniversary."

Death Star nodded. "Right. Lets get Andrea loaded onto the battleship there so we can keep her safe."

Ripple nodded, and strode toward the stretcher, waiting for Death Star to assist him. The two pushed her up the ramp onto the battleship, Cheryl running over and joining them.

Death Star noticed that the Hyper vials he was carrying for Ripple was missing. He then realized Rippple must have taken them from him. I hope you know what you're doing, Ripple... He didn't let on he knew Ripple had them and they continued to push Andrea onto the ship.

Gravedigger leaned against his shovel and whistled. "That didn't look good..."

Dias nodded. "Yeah..."

Blackjack nudged Dominator and pointed over at X and Zero. "Isn't that...X and Zero?"

Dominator nodded. "Yes it is. It's a long story. One I'll be glad to tell you." The group settled down for the night and got some sleep finally.

The Maestro (II)

Death Star walked along the sand, gazing at the stars above. Maestro appeared on the horizon, walking towards the camp, wearing a sand scarf. Death Star stopped and looked out, blinking. Maestro continued to walk onward and onward. DS stopped, waiting for the figure to get closer, recognizing it as Maestro.

Maestro walked still...

Death Star waited still...

Maestro walked more.

Death Star waited more. Maestro walked into his general area, obviously not hearing him. Cupping his hand around his mouth, he yelled out, "Hey, MAESTRO!"

Maestro quickly looked in DS's area. "Who's there?" He flicked out a mine.

"Death Star." He stepped out of the shadows and the two glanced at each other.

Maestro tossed the mine up in the air and made it dissappear. "General."

"What are you...doing out here alone?" Death Star asked, gesturing around him.

"Haven't the others returned yet?"

"Yes," he said, nodding at the crashed ship and the hovering Tsiv. battleship. "They're over there."

"I was "removed" from the Hunters, For enganging in "immoral" activity, and I got "lost" on the way here."

Death Star frowned. "Why would they remove you...what "immoral" activity were you doing...?"

"Disrespecting a infidel, Sir."

"Care to explain further or should I call one of the others out here to help clear this up?"

"Call upon another, if you wish it, I did nothing to deserve being removed from the mission."

Death Star gabbed his comm and spoke a few words into it. He then placed it back on his side and glanced at Maestro. "Snipe's on his way."

"This should be interesting."

Snipe came walking up a few moments later and saw Maestro, grimacing. "Ah, Commadore McCormick, would you care to explain...?" Death Star began and waved his hand at Maestro.

"Yes, Please explain, sir," Maestro added.

Snipe looked down. "Lieutenant Maestro kicked a dead man's corpse then spit on a dying child. It was my belief this was unfit so I kicked him off the team..."

"..." Death Star crossed his arms and looked down, thinking. "Maestro, is this true?"

"That it is, Sir."

Death Star sighed. "Maestro, what do you see the job of the Wraiths as?"

"To repeat history."

"In what way?"

"To aid the Eternal cycle... War, Peace, Rebellion."

"Alright, right now, we're at the war stage. But in war, you can't forget about the innocents, the weaker, the ones who can't protect themselves. Everyone is weak, even if they refuse to admit it. But there's a few who's willing to step forward and make sure those who are weak are taken care of. I see that as the Wraith's job. To fight a war and to protect the weak."

"Awnser this honestly sir, who really cause the most death of innocent, You or the Tsiv?" Maestro asked.

"The Tsiv. do, Maestro. They destroy anything and everything in their path to take over the entire galaxy. This is a galactic conflict, and one we need all the help to do. But in a conflict, lives will be lost. We have to ensure that as few casualties as possible are lost."

"But aren't you really the one who kills them in the end, Aren't you the reason innocent people will die by the billions?"

Death Star shook his head. "No."

"The Galaxy was more or less at peace when the Tsiv took over the solar system and you had to start another war."

"You don't know it, Maestro, but right now, the Tsiv. is waging hundreds of wars with other planets. Each month, a system falls to them. Each week, a planet is under their control. Each hour, hundreds are killed."

"How many people will YOU sacrifice for your cause?"

"I will sacrifice only those who are willing to lay down their lives for another. I cannot ask anyone on my team to sacrifice themselves if I'm not willing to do so myself. But before all, I would sacrifice myself for my team to ensure they can survive."

"That is not the awnser of a wise man, Death Star."

"No, listen. When one joins the Wraiths, they are willing to put their lives down for another. Garland, Snipe here, Ariel, Cheryl, Dominator...they would all give up their lives to save another. I wouldn't sacrifice the Wraiths if I could help it, but if prevented a billion deaths...I would do it. But only if I saw no other way..."

"You're responsible for the death in this 'war', you're just as evil as the Tsiv, I know, I've fought on both sides of the line."

Death Star waved his hand around. "Then why are you fighting, Maestro? I want to ensure a galaxy of peace."

"Revenge, I never said I was good. The Tsiv only want a galaxy of peace too, Death Star."

Death Star chuckled. "A galaxy of peace in which THEY control EVERY aspect. They destroy WORLDS Maestro to get what THEY want. They take what they see and screw who dies in the process. Earth? What could EARTH do against them? They BLEW it up for no REASON," Death Star snarled. Snipe stood there, quietly watching the two argue, not taking sides.

"Isn't that more peaceful than a Galatic Senate which constantly bickers amongst themselves? You know, a Galaxy which is controlled by the Tsiv might be a Utopian society?"

"You only wish this because you're too blind to look at the facts!"

"This comes from a man who doesn't wish to take responsiblity for those who he WILL slaughter. As I said, Who is more responsible for the upcoming death? YOU are!"

"I'll take whatever responsibility falls on my shoulders. I don't care if I get called a murdering, ruthless bastard who wiped out the Tsivirxsh Empire and killed thousands of them. I'll take that if it would ensure a better galaxy for the next generation."

"Its just a war Death Star, you're killing them for cultural differences, and Better Galaxy... like I said, if the Tsiv win, they may make the Galaxy a better place rather than your idea of Democracy."

"I rather have a choice to do what I liked than be someone's lapdog servant."

"Okay, DS, What is YOUR cause?"

"I want people to have the same thing I had when I was created. Freedom. I didn't start this war, but I'm going to end it."

"What a selfish cause. You get your freedom through taking others?"

"I don't see any problem killing an enemy would wants to see me dead and countless billions along with me."

"You still don't get it do you?"

"Perhaps I'll never get what you think."

"This is your war, You started it... War, Peace, Rebellion. Histroy was at peace."

"Peace was them coming in and killing 5.6 billion people? They were trying to do genocide to the planet!" Death Star snarled.

"Earth has colonies... Humans will live on."

" don't know, do you?"

"5.6 billion to their trillions upon trillions, You think thats a fair price? Know what?"

"The colonies...were either taken over or destroyed."

"Taken over means Humans still live on."

"As for trillions upon trillions, I'm not here to mass genocide them. I'm here to kill the leaders asking for war. I'm not going to kill their innocents. As a soldier, I'm willing to take another soldier's life. But not an innocent."

"How will you NOT take Innocent blood? Its a war, It will happen. How will you take a colony and not kill Innocents? If you attack places where civilians live, Civilians will die."

"'ll happen, yes...I admit it. But I'm going to try to anything I can do to preven that. I'm going after military posts. Once we reach the homeworld...I don't know how to get around killing innocents there." Death Star sighed.

"You're just going straight for the throat? Bad move."

"No, I'm not going straight for it. I'm not a fool. You might see me as a murderer, but don't take me for a fool."

"I see you as a leader of army... You are responsible of the following death, Shinigame, if you will."

"Yes...and it'll be my nightmare to carry with me for all time.."


"But I'll bare it, even if I go to hell, knowing that the galaxy will have freedom to make their own choices."

"Now, You see my crime is small, and insignificant to yours."

Snipe snorted. "Gee, that's what this has ALL been about?"

"Maestro, you say you fight for revenge. I'm fighting for someone and something. Why would you care to remain with the Wraiths when all you have left is to fight for revenge?" Death Star asked.

"DS, Giving the Galaxy 'freedom' only gives history one step to skip, Rebellion. Because, I know if I stick with you, I can make them feel pain, Hey, I may even become a legend... The Tsiv is my wheat, My food, and the Lexington is my Scythe."

"Perhaps, one day, after this is over, we'll see where we are and see if we can finish this conversation. What do you say, Maestro?"

Maestro shrugged. "After this war, I plan on dissappearing."

"I'm sure you can spare a few words. Your opinion after this is all over would be...welcomed," Death Star said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He began to walk back to camp, Snipe hanging behind.

"I suppose YOUR thoughts on this war are pretty much the same as HIS."

"I'm just along for the ride and trying to make sure the rest of the team doesn't kill themselves. I don't agree with a war, no, but I don't agree to the Tsiv. methods, either," Snipe told him.

"How do you propose solving this without a war?"

"Hey, that's why I'm not the leader anymore, isn't it? I have NO proposal."

"A smart man defeats an enemy through tactics, A wise man defeats an enemy without soldiers."

Snipe began to head for the camp slowly. "Sometimes, I suspect DS will defeat the enemy without soldiers. But, you got to give him credit. Not that I would..." He walked on some. "Well, you coming or are you going to stand out here? Oh, and I'd avoid some of the other members, they probably want to kick your ass. And I wouldn't blame them."

"I'll come, I have 'Justice' on my side," Maestro said, walking toward the camp.

Snipe shook his head. "You're something. I don't agree with your thinking, but I got to tell ya, you're something..."

"I'm the Ferryman, Welcome to Hades."

The Three 'Superheroes'

Death Star stood on the edge of the camp, snorting in disbelief at Maestro. He would look forward to the end of the war and see what thought then. If either of them were alive by then. He looked at the stars and saw the sun coming up in the distance and realized he hadn't gotten any sleep that night. He hoped that didn't make him a liability to the group. He would get rest tomorrow night.

X and Zero walked up behind him. X frowned. "You didn't tell us you were working with Sigma."

Death Star turned to them. "I know. But I didn't want tensions building up before then. Sometimes, when you have time to think, you cool off. Other times, you come up with a plan."

Zero nodded. "Sounds reasonable enough."

Death Star turned back to the rising sun. "Alright, tell me everything you know about the Paradise plan. We have to be ready to get our plans together so we can strike tomorrow. I have a feeling it's a race against time."

He also had a very bad feeling about it. Who would sacrifice themselves for the team?