Wiendigo and Iceheart:

Cyber War Prelude: Black Ice

[Iceheart] Time Chart: Day 146
[Iceheart] Location: Near latest campsite.
* Iceheart leans over a rock and looks down into the rivine
* Wiendigo lights up a cigar
[Wiendigo] Careful. If you go over, I'm not goin' for ya.
* Iceheart pushes up her head band to keep her hair out of her eyes and adjusts the tattered remains of one of Wiendigo's coats.
[Iceheart] Don't think I'm going to fall for you.
[Wiendigo] ...Cute.
* Iceheart watches the activity below, some hovertanks driving by
[Iceheart] I'm cute?  Why, Wiendigo, you know how to make a girl feel all warm inside.
* Iceheart slides back down and leans against the rock, closing her eyes
[Wiendigo] You? Heh, more like ice crystals runnin' through your veins.
* Wiendigo puffs on the cigar
[Iceheart] So, I like to stay cold.  You're not much of a teddy bear yourself.
[Wiendigo] Never said I was. Teddy bear's can't fight. I'm a grizzly.
* Iceheart slides onto the ground laughing
* Wiendigo looks at IH quizitively
[Iceheart] Oh, that's rich.  Grizzly.  Hah!
[Wiendigo] ...Oh go blow an icicle.
* Wiendigo looks over the revine, scanning
[Iceheart] Oh, don't get all grumpy about it past your hibernation time?
* Iceheart stands back up, dusting off her black outfit
[Wiendigo] Sorry, this bear don't take naps.
[Iceheart] *sighs* Scouting assignments.  Bleh.
* Iceheart leans against the rock and watches the trucks
[Wiendigo] *mumbles* Should be out there fighting...
* Iceheart forms a snowball and drops it over he edge, letting it smack a tank'
[Wiendigo] Nice, LET them know where we are.
[Iceheart] *shrugs* Better than staying up here bitching about doing nothing
[Wiendigo] Sez you.
* Iceheart plops back down on the ground
* Wiendigo flicks off some ashes
[Wiendigo] Gos this blows.
[Iceheart] ...having some fantasy over there, Griz?
* Wiendigo slumps down and lays on the ground
[Wiendigo] Yeah, you, a case of motor oil, and a cage.
* Iceheart raises eyebrow
* Wiendigo chuckles as he taps out his cigar, getting rid of more ashes
[Iceheart] I don't think I want to know.  *leans back against the rock* We're stuck out here for two hours.  Have anything you mind tellin' a lady, Griz?
[Wiendigo] Nuthin' appropriate, no.
[Iceheart] What I would give to have some beer.
* Wiendigo reaches into his coat and flips a can over his head
[Iceheart] ...God...
[Wiendigo] Having Limbo at your disposal makes great storage options. Also keep beer nice and chilled.
[Iceheart] ...what do you want for it?
[Wiendigo] It's on the house.
[Iceheart] Alright.  I'm not passing down a free drink.
* Wiendigo tosses the rest of cigar over the edge of the revine
* Iceheart opens it up and takes a sip
[Iceheart] So, anyway, whatever happened to the Hunters?  After Death Star ... killed me.
[Wiendigo] We went on to stop an aliend worldship from blowing up Earth. I 'died', later, DS 'died', he was restored, then the government retired everything and everyone went their own way.
[Iceheart] Huh.  *takes a big gulp of the can* Death Star mentioned a little about you.  Not a whole lot.  He never liked to talk about the Hunters.
[Wiendigo] Doesn't surprise me. Bunch of whiney-ass toddlers. 
* Iceheart stares at Wien for a moment, thinking
[Wiendigo] What?
[Iceheart] ...huh?  What? 
[Wiendigo] I could feel you staring at me. *tilts his head back slightly* What is it?
[Iceheart] ...*shakes her head* Just thinking about what a boring conversationalist you are.
* Wiendigo shrugs
[Wiendigo] I don't like talking, so sue me.
* Iceheart sets the empty can down
[Iceheart] I can see that.  I bet you had some hard times in your life.  After all, you got locked up in Hell.  You had to some pretty harsh things to manage that.
[Wiendigo] More than you can imagine, sweetheart, more than you can imagine...
[Iceheart] I can imagine a lot.
[Wiendigo] I just bet you can.
[Iceheart] Don't let it go to your head, Griz.
[Wiendigo] Too late.
* Iceheart chuckles
[Iceheart] Damn, I need something stronger.
* Wiendigo reaches into his coat and takes out a bottle, handing it to Iceheart
[Wiendigo] Strongest shit I've ever had.
[Iceheart] Hah.  I'll just have to show you how 'strong' it is.  Men.  Can't handle liquor any.  *opens it up and takes a sip* Gaaah.
[Wiendigo] I warned ya. *laughs lightly*
* Iceheart keeps on drinking it to despite Wien
[Iceheart] Anyway, were you ever in love?
* Wiendigo gets noticably quiet, even for ]Wien
[Wiendigo] ...Once.
[Iceheart] Oh?  *takes another sip* And what happened there?
[Wiendigo] You don't wanna know...
* Wiendigo lights up another cigar and smokes it at a rapid pace
[Iceheart] Eh...*giggles* I don't?  Like it's going to effect me...I mean, gee, I tried to kill my old lover.  Ended up stabbed through the gut...twice, mind you.  Twice goddammit!
* Iceheart takes another sip
[Wiendigo] She betrayed our circle of friends, led 'em to their slaughter by CorSec, just 'cause she thought she was saving someone I knew...long ago. He had to kill her, someone killed him, so I killed the son of a bitch.
* Iceheart takes another sip
[Iceheart] Better than what I did, I suppose.
[Wiendigo] No, not really, not if you knew the whole story.
[Iceheart] Heh.  Which I won't hear, I know.
[Wiendigo] Get me drunk enough, you might.
[Iceheart] Heh.  I can just picture you drunk at Nova's bar.  It was almost like yesterday for me, as you can tell...being dead for 19 years can do that.  *Takes another sip and burst out laughing*
[Wiendigo] ...*shakes his head* I think someone crossed your wires, lady, you're losing it.
[Iceheart] Huh?  What's that Griz?  *snorts and takes another sip* Damn, this stuff is good...
* Wiendigo pitches a pepple into the air
[Iceheart] So, anyway, who killed her?
* Wiendigo stays silent for a while
[Wiendigo] I did. In a fashion.
* Iceheart looks at him, obviously drunk
[Iceheart] Huh?
* Wiendigo looks out at nothing
[Wiendigo] Nothing.
* Iceheart looks down, thinking
* Wiendigo takes out a can of beer and starts drinking it
* Iceheart looks around
[Iceheart] So, why are you hanging out with Dom's little posse?
[Wiendigo] I owed him from back in our Hunter days. Plus, without me, they'd all be dead by now. I think he's ludicrous for going after this 'Paradise', so someone needs to give him a regular reality check.
[Iceheart] *snorts* Reality check?  Just look around.  Helloooooooooo hell.
[Wiendigo] Hologram's still a hologram, no matter how real it seems. It ain't ever gonna replace living flesh and tissue.
[Iceheart] Welcome to the....whatever century...*falls over*
[Wiendigo] Heh, wasted lush.
[Iceheart] So...why were you sent to Hell, Griz?  *looks up at the red clouds above*
[Wiendigo] Blew up a CorSec building, killing over 700 humans and Reploids inside.
[Iceheart] Gee, we could have used you in REBEL...
[Wiendigo] I'd been giving them plenty of headache way before that. They knew I was good, too good. That's why they sent me to Hell instead of the Wastelands.
[Iceheart] I remember when we destroyed Hell...right after they started hunting reploids again...not a friendly place.
[Wiendigo] Nope, not at all. *kicks back on his beer*
* Iceheart moves over to the edge and looks down, wavering slightly, obviously drunk
* Wiendigo sits up and holds onto the edge of the coat she's wearing
[Iceheart]  *looks behind her* I have perfect balance.  *looks back down* I wonder if I could make the fall...
[Wiendigo] You're sloshed, no, you wouldn't.
* Wiendigo stands up and stands behind her
[Iceheart] *sighs* Life sucks.
[Wiendigo] No one ever claimed otherwise.
* Iceheart backs up some from the edge
[Iceheart] So, Wiendigo, why were YOU created?
[Wiendigo] A cure to the Maverickism.
[Iceheart] ---*Thinks for a moment* Bah, virus balony.  Just an excuse for reploids making the decision to go off and kill.  Sure, maybe there was a minor virus, but it probably was just a "suggestive" things.  Look at humans.  They don't claim to have a virus.
[Wiendigo] No, but brainwashing holds true. Brainwasing for a Reploid's nothing more than reprograming. 'Sides, sometimes our actions are more rational than our thoughts could ever make them.
* Iceheart looks down at that like she was slapped
* Wiendigo puts his hand on her shoulder
[Wiendigo] I wouldn't say it if I didn't know what it was like.
* Iceheart sits back down, holding her hand to her face
* Wiendigo sighs
[Wiendigo] Look, you can keep taking everything I say as a personal attack against your past, or not, I can't regulate how you're going to take it. You're not the only one who's made mistakes. Some of us have made ones far worse than you could ever hope to make, and we'll never be able to make up for 'em.
[Iceheart]'s not that I'm taking your comments as personal attacks, Wiendigo.  *lowers her hand* I'm just wishing things had gone differently.  I'm sure you know.  
[Wiendigo] More than you could ever hope to know.
[Iceheart] Now that I've sobered up some, I'm getting a headache.  Yeouch.
[Wiendigo] I could make it better.
[Iceheart] Oh?
[Wiendigo] Yeah. I could gut you like a fish. That'd take your mind off your headache. *grins*
[Iceheart] What every girl dreams off.
[Wiendigo] Better believe it.
[Iceheart] Oh, I would know.  I have to say, I stay up late at night, just dreaming of you gutting me wide open.  Sometimes on a pile of skeletons.
* Iceheart stands up, waving back and forth some
[Iceheart] Has two hours passed yet?
[Wiendigo] S'long as it's kink, it's all good.
* Wiendigo looks at the sun
[Wiendigo] Doesn't look like it.
[Iceheart] ...*looks over the edge again, then turns and faces Wiendigo, crossing her arms*
[Iceheart] I fast are you...
[Wiendigo] What?
* Wiendigo raises an eyebrow
[Wiendigo] Excuse me?
* Iceheart steps back and flips over the edge, falling head first down
[Iceheart] Don't get any ideas.
[Wiendigo] HEY!
* Wiendigo lunges at the edge
* Iceheart looks ... down to look up at Wiendigo as she falls
* Wiendigo throws down a Dark Tendril and grabs her
* Iceheart while she's down, she throws an icicle at one of the tanks and nails it, blowing out it's engine
* Wiendigo jerks her back up quick
[Iceheart] Soldiers: *look around, confused at how the tank blew out*
[Wiendigo] You're unbelievably fucking insane.
* Iceheart grins at him and hugs him, still hanging upside down by the tendril
[Iceheart] Gee, only took you 5.6 seconds
* Wiendigo lifts her up and looks at her with a cold glare
* Iceheart grins back
[Wiendigo] I could use you as shark bait if I thought they'd have a taste for you.
[Iceheart] Gee, that'd be a rush.
[Wiendigo] ...
* Iceheart swings back and forth
[Wiendigo] Don't give me any ideas.
* Iceheart looks back down
[Iceheart] Those idiots think their engine froze over.
[Wiendigo] Dumbasses.
* Iceheart crosses arms, looking down, seeming to enjoy hanging upside down
[Iceheart] Oh, Griz?  I thought you said you wouldn't catch me.  
* Wiendigo brings her in close
[Wiendigo] Oh, but I won't. This time.
* Wiendigo smirks
* Iceheart grins
* Wiendigo lets go of the tendril
* Iceheart begins to make the journey back down
* Iceheart pulls out another icicle and throws it at another tank
* Wiendigo continues smirking as he lets the tendril fade
* Iceheart realizes that she's about to hit bottom, loses her smile and replaces with a look of calculation
* Wiendigo suddenly yanks back on the tendril, bringing it back full strength
* Iceheart blinks in surprise.
[Iceheart] Wha?!
* Wiendigo slyly grins as he pulls Iceheart back up, face to upside-down face
[Iceheart] Gee, Wiendigo, you're making yourself into quite the liar today...and if you keep it up, I might get brain damage.
[Wiendigo] No one does it better.
* Iceheart swishes back and forth, grinning slyly at him
[Iceheart] Are you getting a kick out of watching me upside down, Wien?
[Wiendigo] What can I say? You look good in that position.
[Iceheart] I look good in most positions I hear.
[Wiendigo] So you enjoyed being tied up? What a naughty girl you've been.
[Iceheart] You should have seen what we did for kicks back at REBEL.  
[Wiendigo] Really? Hmmm, and if I get you liqoured up some more, you'd probably show me, right?
[Iceheart] Anything for a kick.
* Wiendigo lets Iceheart down
[Iceheart] Swept right off my feet.  Why I do declare.  *said with a teasing tone as she stands up*
[Wiendigo] *grins and jerks on the tendril, making Iceheart losing her footing*
[Iceheart] Eek!
[Wiendigo] Careful, the ground's unstable. *flashes Iceheart a smirk*
[Iceheart] Talk about falling head over heels...
* Iceheart sits up some and playfully pushes Wiendigo
* Wiendigo yanks on the tendril again, pulling Iceheart upside down once again
[Wiendigo] You were saying?
[Iceheart] Eek!  Okay, I think you're having a little too much fun.
[Wiendigo] Oh believe me, this ain't anything.
[Iceheart] What next?  Hanging me over a roasting fire.  Very romantic.
[Wiendigo] Alright, screw the rest of the scouting. Is Boot-licker asks, we were out here for 2 hours.
* Wiendigo slings Iceheart over his shoulder
[Iceheart] Sounds good to me.  And I get a free ride.
[Wiendigo] I rather like that Roasting you over an open fire. Haven't had me barbeque in ages.
* Wiendigo starts back towards camp
[Iceheart] Hey, you know, this is in perfect alignment with your ass.
* Wiendigo stops
[Iceheart] YOU put me like this.
[Wiendigo] ...Got a point there.
* Wiendigo dumps Iceheat off of his shoulder
* Iceheart rolls after landing
* Wiendigo dusts his hands off and continues walking, whistling
* Iceheart rolls to her feet, raising her hands into the air. She then handstands after him
[Iceheart] There goes stabbing you during the ride and blaming it on bugs.
[Wiendigo] Puh-lease, I'd have broke your neck and left your for the scavngers.
* Iceheart flips to her feet and walks beside Wiendigo
[Iceheart] So you say.
[Wiendigo] So I know.
[Iceheart] ...say, you know, this is just the perfect setting  *points at the blood red clouds, the skeletons in the background, cracked grounds* All they need is The Tunnel of Hate.
[Wiendigo] Heh.
* Iceheart walks along quietly, out of witty remarks and lost in thought.
* Wiendigo stuffs his fists into his coat pockets
[Iceheart] So, Wiendigo, when do you think the Hunters will be coming back to Hell's Keep?
[Wiendigo] Nope.
[Iceheart] ...ooooookay, nice answer to a question that didn't have a nope answer.
[Wiendigo] Don't think it'll happen.
[Iceheart] ...*looks around* Not much reason to come back, is there?  You have anyone you know on the team, other than the original memberS?
[Wiendigo] Just Baberlus, but he wasn't a Hunter. He'd tried to kill a few of us on occasion. And if I ever get my hands on that son of a bitch, I swear I'm gonna tear him apart and use his ass as a spitoon.
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[Iceheart] *giggles* I meant the Hunters, actually.
[Wiendigo] I know the original set of kids the left Earth with. One of 'em I trained.
[Iceheart] Oh?  What's his name?
[Wiendigo] Gravedigger.
* Iceheart laughs lightly
[Iceheart] Sounds like YOUR sort of name.
[Iceheart] Let me guess, you gave him the name, right?
* Wiendigo looks at Iceheart blankly
[Wiendigo] ...Yeah. Kid didn't have one. Plus he buried his creator and all he had was this stupid shovel.
[Iceheart] Ingenius.
[Wiendigo] I try.
* Iceheart gruts a little and holds her stomach
[Wiendigo] ...You're not going to hurl, are you?
[Iceheart] ...of course not...
[Wiendigo] ...Then why the hell are you clutching your stomach?
[Iceheart] The damage I took from the ice spike Death Star shoved in my gut to...stop me...though we've patched it up...we don't have the proper materials here to fully repair it...
[Wiendigo] And you have no idea how to pathwork your own systems....niiiiccceee....
[Iceheart] Not quite that simple.  That ice spike was designed to kill you forever, based off the spike North Star shoved through my gut.  It's quite near unrepairable.  You need a good doctor.
[Wiendigo] The only guy I know who could help you's been out in space for months. *rubs the back of his head*
[Iceheart] And who might that be?
[Wiendigo] *mumbles*
[Iceheart] What's that?  Speak up, Griz.
[Wiendigo] *sneers* The dumbass X1. For as goddamn annoying as he was, he could fix up anybody.
[Iceheart] *chuckles* X1...I remember him.  *sighs* How much time must have passed.  Wonder if he forgave me for knocking him out and trying to get Death Star to kill him.
[Wiendigo] He's probably kiss Sigma on the lips given the opportunity.
[Wiendigo] Guy doesn't hold a grudge, that much I've learned.
[Iceheart] I heard of Sigma.  Never really saw him.  Before my time and you killed him before I met the Hunters.  Still dead, too.
[Wiendigo] That's not what I heard.
[Iceheart] What?  I thought you Hunters took him out.
[Wiendigo] And so did X and several occasions.
[Wiendigo] 'Sides, you were dead twice before, never stopped you.
[Iceheart] Wonder if X will ever pull a stunt and come back.
[Wiendigo] Not if he's smart.
[Iceheart] One cannot escape their destiny.
[Wiendigo] I hear that.
[Iceheart] Of course, I wouldn't know what mine was, so I don't know what I'd escape from.
[Wiendigo] Our destiny's are subject to change, though, we make our own paths. What happens is meant to happen.
[Iceheart] So, why was I meant to be revived on a planet near death?
[Wiendigo] That, m'dear, is the real mystery.
* Iceheart laughs suddenly
[Wiendigo] Find somethin' funny?
[Iceheart] Yeah.
[Wiendigo] Good fer you.
* Iceheart keeps walking
* Wiendigo keeps up with her
[Iceheart] Have any idea what month we're in?
[Wiendigo] Yeah.
[Iceheart] ...and it is...?
[Wiendigo] Wouldn't you like to know.
[Iceheart] Thought so.
* Wiendigo smirks
[Wiendigo] There's the camp up ahead.
[Iceheart] Finally.  I can lay down and take a nap.
[Wiendigo] Just be careful 'bout those wetdreams.
[Iceheart] Couldn't figure out WHO they would be about...certainly not you...
[Wiendigo] Of course not.
* Iceheart slows down her pace as they arrive
[Wiendigo] Just don't die before we win this damn war, Or I'm going to kick your damn dead ass.
* Iceheart glances at him
[Iceheart] And why would you be concerned?
[Wiendigo] You've still got my coat.
[Iceheart] I'm quite sure you can mug a dead body.
[Wiendigo] And you already downed a bottle of my finest moonshine.
[Wiendigo] 'Sides, you owe me.
[Iceheart] For?
[Wiendigo] Sparing your life.
[Iceheart] Hmm...we'll just see if I can't return that favor one day.  Wouldn't want to let you have any leverage over little ol' me, would I?
[Wiendigo] You seem to miss my meaning girlie. This is the payback. You don't die. Plain and simple.
[Iceheart] I caught your meaning.  I just don't want to have---*catches herself*  Right.  Deal.
[Wiendigo] As for leverage, I'm on top. Always.
* Iceheart raises eyebrow but says nothing
[Wiendigo] You heard me.
[Iceheart] No comments.
[Wiendigo] Uh huuuuh.
[Iceheart] Oh wipe that smirk look off your face and pull your mind out of the gutter.
[Wiendigo] You obviously don't know me very well, Frosty. It's ALWAYS in the gutter.
[Iceheart] I would believe it, Griz.
* Iceheart sizes Wien up before moving along
* Wiendigo does the same to Icy from behind as she walks ahead
[Iceheart] If you're going to stare at my ass you might as close your jaw and actually do something.
[Wiendigo] Oh, I will, but not 'til later.
* Iceheart waves finger in the air at him, not turning around
* Wiendigo follows IH
* Iceheart stops at the edge of the camp and puts her hands on her hips
[Iceheart] Now where is the welcoming committe?
[Wiendigo] Probably all jerkin' off somewhere.
[Iceheart] ...not everyone passes their time like you do.
[Wiendigo] Ha ha. I'll have you know, I work getting drunk off my ass into that regimine too.
[Iceheart] No doubt.  *gets into a kneeling position, looking around, making sure there's no enemies around since it's all quiet*
[Wiendigo] It's clear, if that's what you're worried about.
[Iceheart] Better safe than sorry.  That's what winds you up dead. 
[Wiendigo] That it does. Be too cautious though...*makes a cutting motion across his neck*
* Iceheart stands up
[Iceheart] I know how to take care of myself...*grimaces* Okay, ignore that.
[Wiendigo] Will do.
* Wiendigo looks around the camp
[Iceheart] ANYONE there?
[Wiendigo] Not that I can see. ??They're probably off scouting too or some shit.
[Iceheart] Figures, leave the camp unguarded.  Stupid idiots.
[Wiendigo] Dom wouldn't have, he's blind, but he's not stupid. He likely left one or two guards behind, they probably wandered off.
[Iceheart] You and Dom don't see eye to eye well.
[Wiendigo] He kisses ass to whatever person flashes a higher ranking badge in his face. Follow orders, ask questions when you retired.
[Wiendigo] I act upon my independence. 
[Iceheart] I remember Death Star commenting on that a few times.  But now there's no "higher" ranking force.
[Wiendigo] Still we meet up with anyone who shows a hint more authority than him, he'll follow them. If Death Star was here, Dom's nose would be brown.
[Iceheart] ...Dominator's been declared the President of Earth.  I doubt he'll easily follow Death Star.
[Wiendigo] He's been called it by a bunch of yuppie wanna-be soldiers, he's NOT the President of Earth by any actual means.
[Iceheart] True.  But he's let it go to his head.
[Wiendigo] Eh, he's doing the same shit he's always done, he hasn't acted upon the Pres gig in the slightest.
[Iceheart] Heh.  We'll see.  I'm quite sure that title will be coming up if or when he meets an outside group.  By him, that is.
[Wiendigo] It won't by him. It WILL, however, by those dumbasses who follow him around.
[Iceheart] Wonder what's going on out there in the big galxy.
[Wiendigo] A lot of fucking shit.
* Iceheart lays down on her back and looks up at the clouds that hang overhead
[Wiendigo] What the hell are you doing?
[Iceheart] I wonder when those red clouds will go away forever.  They only let you see outside them once and a while.  Like a night.
[Iceheart] Admiring the hellish sky.
* Wiendigo sits down next to IH
[Wiendigo] S'funny...
[Iceheart] ...what is?
[Wiendigo] I was thrown into Hell for my crimes, against my will, my freedom revoked. As soon as I was free, bam, I'm trapped in a Hell clsoer to the Biblical sense, my freedom again taken, where it should''ve been unbriddled...
[Iceheart] ...that's what I was laughing about earlier.  That this was the ultimate prison.
[Wiendigo] If...WHEN we get out of this scrap, someone's gonna fucking pay.
[Iceheart] Plan on doing it alone or following Dom's group?
[Wiendigo] Which ever's going to get me to the action sooner.
[Iceheart] *chuckles* Probably some military group out there.  But I can't see you joining that type of organization.
[Wiendigo] I'd be there purely for the shits n' giggles.
[Wiendigo] And what about you there, kid, eh?
* Wiendigo nudges IH
[Iceheart] I don't quite know where I'm going after this.  Right now I'm just with Dominator's group to survive.  If I leave the planet, I'd probably go somewhere quiet.  Live the rest of my days in peace.  Or maybe staying here would do that better.  Bashing a few heads is always fun.  
[Wiendigo] Stick with me, Frosty, and they'll be plenty of heads to bash. 
* Iceheart turns her head to glance at him from her ground position
[Wiendigo] What?
* Iceheart turns back to look at the clouds
[Iceheart] Surprised at the offer.
* Wiendigo shrugs
[Iceheart] But why not?  It'll be tons of fun.
[Wiendigo] You wants to bust heads, I wanna bust heads, I go where the action is, you should too.
[Iceheart] At least someone in the group knows how to have a good time.
[Wiendigo] Damn straight.
* Iceheart falls asleep
[Wiendigo] *looks over to Ice* Heh, porr kid.
* Iceheart continues to sleep
* Dominator walks into view
* Wiendigo turns with his arms folded and sees Dom
[Wiendigo] 'Bout damn time you showed up.
* Dominator nods to Wiendigo
[Dominator] Sorry about my absence, I had to check something out...
* Dominator glances around, "I left some guards posted, but they must have wandered off..."
* Wiendigo looks down at IH and walks closer to Dom, as not to wake her
* Iceheart murmers in her sleep
[Dominator] And how did your scouting mission go?
[Wiendigo] That's what we figured. Only you could leave complete idiots on duty.
[Iceheart] Status: I take offense at that.  I hand picked them.
[Wiendigo] Destroyed a couple of tanks.
* Wiendigo ignores Status
[Iceheart] Status: Did you kill Lady Iceheart?
* Wiendigo continues ignoring Status
[Dominator] I see... Just scattered troops or tanks as usual? With luck, we can stay out of the way of the larger patrols...
[Iceheart] Status: Dominator, I think Wiendigo's hearing is broken.
[Dominator] Status, we all already know Wiendigo's opinions about our troops and Iceheart's asleep...
[Wiendigo] And before you say we shouldn't have destoryed any tanks due to the fact it was a scouting mission, I don't give a shit. We were bored.
* Iceheart rolls over onto her side and cuddles up into a ball, shivering
[Wiendigo] We have a situation though.
[Dominator] *eyebrow raises slightly* Continue
[Iceheart] Status: ... query 'situation'.
[Wiendigo] *nods back to IH* She's sufferin' from a wound Death Shit gave her, she's not holding up to well.
[Iceheart] Status: I know that.  The wound is unrepairable with our supplies.
[Wiendigo] She's needs help, and soon.
[Dominator] *glances at Iceheart out of the corner of his eyes, then back at Wiendigo* I presume you're talking about the physical wound...
[Dominator] I know. Unfortunetly, help is something we're a bit short on... Our supplies here can't help her much
[Wiendigo] ...No, dipshit, I'm talking about all the fucking mental trauma the shitface gave her. Of COURSE I'm talking about her physical wound!
[Wiendigo] Then we find her supplies.
[Iceheart] Status: This is not logical.  Wiendigo worried about someone else?  Illogical.  
* Wiendigo glares heavily at Status
[Dominator] *ignores Wiendigo's outburst* ... All right. The question is... how to go about doing that
[Iceheart] Status: Eep.
[Dominator] It won't help Iceheart if we storm some base and all get killed before we can help her... Or get killed a few hours after we help her
[Wiendigo] We do it. Plain and simple.
[Iceheart] Status: ... do what?
[Wiendigo] No if's, no and's, no but's.
* Iceheart shifts some more
[Dominator] So what's your opinion? Do you think our troops are capable of "doing it"?
[Wiendigo] How the hell should I know? I didn't train the little bloody elves, now did I?
[Dominator] No... Unfortunetly, neither did I, but we'll have to do with what we can... *glances at the campsite* ...I'd better not have to go look for those guards...
[Iceheart] Status: I thought we were searching for that computer simulated paradise.  Or was.  What are we doing?
[Dominator] Status, how long do you think Iceheart can last with her wound?
[Iceheart] Status: Depends on hard she pushes herself.  She takes it easy, months.  She goes out and uses her powers a lot, like ice spikes and ice shields, she'll hurt herself more, increasing the damage.
[Dominator] *nods* It's best to keep her out of combat then... but we may not have that option...
[Wiendigo] She won't let you do that.
[Dominator] As for our goals... We're trying to survive. I've given a good deal of thought to the computed simulated paradise... As much as I want freedom from the Tsivrixsh, I want Earth back, not a simulation of it...
[Dominator] But doesn't she realize her condition? You don't think you could convence her to take it easy just a bit?
[Wiendigo] She knows. Doesn't mean she gives a flying rip.
[Wiendigo] Trying to convince her to ease off would only make her go out harder.
[Dominator] Good point...
[Dominator] Then whatever we do, we'll have to do it quickly...
* Wiendigo glances back at IH
* Iceheart murmers
[Dominator] *looks up at the stars for a moment* We took for granted our base orbitting a moon of Jupiter... And a free Earth... *sigh slightly*
[Wiendigo] *still looking at IH, not really listening to Dom* Yeah, whatever...
[Iceheart] GM: *only blood red clouds can be seen over Dom, as the entire skyline is covered in them, until night when they part some*
[Dominator] I'm suprised you care enough about her to talk to me about it...
[Dominator] *muttered a few minutes ago too then* And being able to see starry skies...
* Wiendigo turns sharply around and gives Dom a cold stare
[Dominator] ...*quickly* Not that I think that's a bad thing... I'm surprised, but almost pleasently so...
* Wiendigo continues glaring
[Dominator] Moving right along...
* Wiendigo 's eyes only narrow in response
[Iceheart] Status: I think he's about to attack...
* Iceheart cries out in pain and then grows quiet again
[Dominator] ...You always think that
[Wiendigo] He's always right then.
* Wiendigo looks quickly back at IH as she cries out
[Iceheart] Status: Hmm...from a dream or her wound?
* Dominator looks at Iceheart sadly, thinking about a plan of action
[Dominator] Or both?
[Iceheart] Status: Who's Death Shit?
[Dominator] Wiendigo's way of refering to Death Star...
[Dominator] So, tell me Status, if you were in my position, what would you do?
[Iceheart] Status: Your team's not equipped to take out a base.  It'll be suicide.
[Iceheart] Status: Your best hope is for some miracle.  Or get the simulated world on and see if it can heal her.
[Dominator] But would the simulated world be safe from the Tsivrixsh... That's the question
[Dominator] They built it, after all
[Iceheart] Status: Who knows.  We don't have the manpower to find out.
* Wiendigo continues watching IH
[Iceheart] Status: ... Wiendigo, why are you staring?
* Wiendigo ignores Status
[Dominator] ..
[Iceheart] Status: Uh...should we leave them alone, sir?
[Dominator] Well, Wiendigo, I'm going to have to work on a plan... We'll do our best to save Iceheart... *glances around the campsite again* Remind me to have a talk with those guards when they get back...
[Iceheart] Ugh...Wiendigo...?  *Rolls over, obviously asleep*
[Wiendigo] Heh.
[Wiendigo] *Wien's countance grows dark as an evil smirk appears over his face* Oh, Dominator?
[Iceheart] Status: ... yuh oh..
[Dominator] *pauses* ... Yes?
* Wiendigo clocks Dom hard across the face with a tightly clenched fist.
[Iceheart] Status: Sir!!!
* Dominator rubs face and turns back to Wiendigo, "And... what was that for?"
[Wiendigo] *takes out a cigar and lights up* Needed to prove that I'm still the baddest son of a bitch to ever set eyes upon.
[Wiendigo] *laughs and walks away*
[Iceheart] Session Ends