The Galactic Conflict

The Decade After
Year 3-2

Session Start: Sun Sep 29 19:18:50 2002
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20020929.log'
<Snipe> The Alien Wars: The Decade After...
<Snipe> Year 3: May 2nd, 2210
<Snipe> Location: Mega City
<Snipe> GM: *a ceremony is taking place near Slasher's "new building" that has been built since last year. Today, finally, he will reveal what it contains.
<Snipe> GM: *a moderate size crowd has gathered in the streets near the new building, interested in what it is Slasher will tell them about the building. Several news groups are also present, covering the event*
* Snipe adjusts his gunglasses, standing near Dias and Eve.
*** Slasher has joined #taw
*** Rip|Cleaning_peircing_BBS has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Snipe> Remind me again why I'm hear for this stupid event?
<Snipe> (here)
* Slasher stands infront of the building, which is covered
<Dias> Because he invited you here.
<Snipe> That's not a very good reason!
<Dias> Snipe...
<Dias> *looks at Eve who's fully showing her pregnancy*
<Snipe> Eve: *shakes her head*
* Dias shrugs
<Snipe> So, you finally got some runts of your own coming. Finally. I felt weird being the only one with kids.
<Dias> I still can't believe you did that..
* Slasher looks over at Hianule
<Slasher> Ready Hianule?
<Snipe> Hianule: *nods at Slasher* Indeed I am.
<Snipe> Katrina: *chats with Sharlena*
<Snipe> It creeps me out seeing a Garland - any Garland- getting along with Slasher.
<Dias> And it creeps me out that you knocked up Elayne.
* Slasher steps upto the mike
<Snipe> Hianule: *Stands to the right of Slasher, a bit behind. He waves at the crowd*
<Dias> I mean...she had hairy palms
* Snipe looks over at Katrina and Sharlena talking off to the side.
<Snipe> Eve: Shhh, he's about to speak, dear.
<Snipe> I'll choose to ignore that right now.
<Dias> Sorry..
*** Alicia is now known as Hotaru-chan
<Slasher> Ladies and gentlemen, it's been over 3 years now since I've taken office and we've done nothing less than what I've expected us to accomplish. And to commerate not only you, but the men and women who died in freeing the galaxy along with our planet. I have for you today....*nods to Hianule giving him the ok*
* Hotaru-chan watches the proceedings.
<Snipe> Hianule: *unveils the building*
<Slasher> MiniGM: *before them stands a massive Marble Musuem named The Alien Wars Musuem
<Snipe> ...."The Alien Wars"? What corny kind of name is that?
<Slasher> This Musuem will showcase the events of The Alien Wars along with the Brave Men and Women who died in what they believed in. I welcome you all to come take a look.
* Dias elbows Snipe
<Snipe> Ow!
<Garland> NRP: It was sponsored by Lucasarts, they wanted to promote the 1000th' aniversay of Episode II.
<Dias> NRP: Quiet you!
<Seraphna> NRP: I just figured Slasher decided to steal the name from Contra... ^^
<Slasher> NRP: Uhh...yeah seing as this is TAW *smacks his forehead*
<Snipe> Crowd: *murmurs, then some clap*
<Seraphna> NRP: Slasher doesn;t get it... ye gods...
<Snipe> Hianule: *nods at the crowd, smiling*
<Snipe> Katrina: *runs over to Slasher, now 8 years old* I think they'll like it, Uncle Slasher,.
<Snipe> Crowd: *begins to enter the musuem. Snipe remains outside, walking over to Slasher*
* Slasher looks at Kat and picks her up
<Slasher> I hope so...
* Snipe grins, lowering his sunglasses some to look at Slasher.
<Snipe> From fighter to mechanic to leader of Earth to musuem builder. What next, Uncle Slasher?
<Slasher> ....God?
<Snipe> Katrina: *giggles*
<Snipe> That's the logical step up from musuem builder, I suppose.
<Snipe> Hianule: *wanders inside*
* Garland crosses his arms
<Snipe> ...and how the hell did you and Garland wanna-be there get along so well?
<Garland> Don't be too proud of this technological terr--I mean, what the hell is that supposed to be?
* Snipe glances at Garland, blinking
* Hotaru-chan laughs a little
<Snipe> AAH, the other one!
<Slasher> He's not as....*looks at Garland*
<Dias> Way to go pops...
* Dias puts his hand around Eve's waist
<Snipe> News People: *Run over to Garland* Mr. Garland, how do you feel about the "TAW Musuem?"
<Garland> I heard my name said three times---not as what?
* Garland looks at the camera and flips it off.
<Snipe> News People: *seem to enjoy this greatly*
* Slasher shakes his head at Garland
<Snipe> Eve: ... Garland and cameras seem to get along well....
* Snipe rolls eyes
<Snipe> Lets hope he doesn't make that a new fad.
<Slasher> I would be much...obliged to have your opinions on the contents of the Musuem..
<Hotaru-chan> ... yeah... I don't want Michiru picking that up...
<Snipe> Even Garland's?
<Garland> Hey Slasher!
<Slasher> Yes, even his.
* Garland flips off Slasher while on camera
<Snipe> News Paper: *love it!*
* Slasher looks at him, almost enjoying it
<Snipe> ....why do I suddenly forsee that happening everytime Garland, cameras, and the mention of Slasher comes up?
<Garland> Can they even show that on TV?
<Snipe> Katrina: *Waves at Garland*
<Slasher> Please...come in..*turns, carrying Kat on his side, and walks to the entrance of the Musuem
<Snipe> Well, with all the regulations by the previous networks destroyed when Xevil toasted the planet, I don't think they have to abide by them anymore.
*** Protean has quit IRC (Quit: )
<Dias> Shall we honey?
<Snipe> Eve: Lets.
* Snipe pushes up his sunglasses and glances at Hotaru
<Snipe> Well, lets see what the fuss is all about.
<Hotaru-chan> Lets go.
* Dias leads her up the stairs to the entrance
* Slasher steps inside disapearing with Kat
<Hotaru-chan> Woman: *tags along with the group*
* Snipe walks up the steps.
<Snipe> Why is it Slasher and Garland and Hianule are rapidly becoming the most favorite three men on Earth?
<Hotaru-chan> Not to me, they're not.
* Snipe steps inside the musuem
<Seraphna> *Man passing by, "Because this planets just that messed up?"
<Snipe> Makes sense!
* Dias follows inside
* Slasher is standing in the center of the main room, a huge circular room with a dome cieling. Inside it is directions to several wings and small historical facts about the history of the Earth
* Snipe glances at the various wings.
<Snipe> Eve: *muses herself with looking at various things*
<Slasher> MiniGM: *many of the wings have names above them, some of them contain things about The Maverick Hunters, The Hunters, and The Wraiths, one hall is dedicated to the Heroes of the Final Battle*
<Hotaru-chan> This better not all be about you, Slasher...
<Slasher> ...Some of it is...but it's dedicated to all of us..
<Hotaru-chan> ... okay...
<Snipe> that a T-Shirt shop over there selling T-Shirts with your face on it, Slasher...?
<Hotaru-chan> .oO(I'd hate it to be just his ego trip, but...) WHAT?
<Slasher> ....Uhh....*scratches the back of his head*
<Snipe> Eve: *groans*
<Seraphna> *Lucas walks in in traditional Lunarian garb and a cloak, looking around
<Slasher> I couldn't resist...
* Snipe grins, looking around
<Snipe> Well, we should probably work our way from the beginning to the end.
<Slasher> Aye...
* Hotaru-chan is dressed in her old "freelance maverick hunter" gear
* Snipe steps into the wing known as "The Maverick Hunters".
* Slasher leads them down the first hall
* Snipe is wearing casual clothing.
* Slasher follows behind Snipe, carrying Kat still
<Dias> Wow...this is...beautiful...*looks at Eve*
<Seraphna> *Lucas follows with them
<Snipe> Eve: He certainly put a lot of work into it. *looks at a T-Shirt with Slasher's face on it, buying one for Dias*
<Hotaru-chan> Woman: What ugly T-shirts...
<Seraphna> *there is a huge rush for the replica DS beam sabers!
* Dias doesn't notice her buying it
<Hotaru-chan> Woman: *blinks*
<Snipe> NRP: Yes, yes, everyone loves those sabers.
<Dias> MiniGM: *sadly tho, there aren't any replica DS beam sabres*
<Snipe> NRP: You gotta love Slasher and his musuems! He controls all! He's da leader!
* Snipe looks around the wing.
* Dias stands in the center, looking over all the things again
<Snipe> Eve: *glances around next to Dias*
<Dias> This is cool..
<Snipe> GM: *there is various items that have survived the Maverick Wars hanging around, with write ups about what happened*
<Seraphna> *There aren't? People scream as the "play battles" turn into" cutting off each other limbs with non-replica saber"
<Dias> Hey is that...*looks at a Statue*
<Slasher> NRP: Sera I advise you back off..
* Snipe glances up from looking at a Maverick's head and looks over at the statue
<Snipe> Is what what?
<Seraphna> NRP: Yeah yeah... hate hate, blah blah
<Dias> It's X and Zero locked into battle..
<Hotaru-chan> NRP: At least put an NRP at the start so we know it's a joke
<Hotaru-chan> X...
* Snipe looks at the two, amazed at the detail placed in it.
<Hotaru-chan> and Zero... heh...
* Snipe looks over a write up on Slash.
<Hotaru-chan> I wish I'd seen this scene for real, but then... well...
<Snipe> GM: *Information on Dr. Cran is seen near by*
<Snipe> (Er, Dr. Cain)
<Hotaru-chan> NRP: AHHHHHHH! CRAN!
<Snipe> GM: *Near Dr. Cain is information on...General Cran!*
<Hotaru-chan> Woman: *reads up on Dr. Cain*
* Hotaru-chan reads up on General Cran!
<Seraphna> *Lucas stops and looks over the Cran section
<Snipe> General Cran: A young office who grew up with the horror of the Robotic Wars and War World III, he vowed to stablize the world under one military force that he himself would run, which eventually lead to the creation of CorSec. General Cran used the reploids and manuevered them into allowing himself to gain such a position, his mindset that all Reploids were as evil as their robotic cousins*
* Slasher below the statues of X and Zero stands a plaque dipicting they're history together
<Hotaru-chan> ... kinda makes him look evil...
<Seraphna> *Lucas rushes down, looking for the Hunter's history section
* Slasher looks over at Kat
<Slasher> What do you think so far?
<Snipe> GM: *the information on the Maverick Hunters is extensive, covering the exploits of X, Zero, Death Star, Brian Carter, Slash, and Dominator in great detail*
<Hotaru-chan> Woman: *looks at the Hunters section*
<Seraphna> *Lucas looks around for mentions of his Mom and Dad
<Snipe> GM: *alas, there is no information on them in Maverick Hunter days before TAW1*
<Snipe> Pretty good job, Slasher.
<Slasher> When you guys are ready...
<Seraphna> Lucas> Oh yeah... they joined after the X and Zero fight...
<Hotaru-chan> Yeah...
* Snipe stops, seeing a huge picture of Sigma
<Slasher> Thank you Snipe..
<Dias> This is soo....nuts man..
<Hotaru-chan> Sigma... I remember him too...
* Snipe looks around
<Snipe> I am not mother, I am not mother!
<Hotaru-chan> ...?
* Dias looks at Snipe
<Dias> Snipe whats wrong?
<Snipe> Nothing, heh heh.
<Snipe> Lets go to the Hunter section.
* Snipe runs out of the Maverick Hunter wing.
<Snipe> Katrina: He weird.
<Seraphna> *Lucas grins and follows him, "Crazy ol Snipe..."
<Seraphna> *Lucas looks about 10 BTW
<Hotaru-chan> Woman: *to Dias* Are you Dias?
* Snipe slides into the Hunters section
<Dias> *stops and looks at the women* can I help you?
<Snipe> Eve: *studies the woman*
* Slasher slowly makes his way with Kat
* Slasher talks with Kat as he walks down the hall
<Slasher> I have something special instored for you in the last section Kat.
<Snipe> Katrina: Oh?
<Slasher> I hope you approve of it the most..
<Hotaru-chan> Woman: I'm a big fan of yours. Oh, I'm Amelia. *has shortish blonde hair, and looks fairly young*
* Snipe studies the statues of all the original Hunters.
* Slasher pulls Eve closer
<Snipe> Man, why does Slasher looked so beefed compared to the rest?
<Slasher> NRP: DOH!
* Dias pulls Eve closer to him
<Hotaru-chan> Heh... I wonder...?
<Snipe> Eve: *cooly* Hello, Amelia.
<Dias> Why...thank you.
<Hotaru-chan> Amelia: Hello. ^^
* Snipe looks at a Garland at 4-year's old statue.
<Snipe> ....*looks around, then laughs, snorting*
* Slasher enters the main room of the Hunters Section
<Hotaru-chan> I wonder if Mom's even going to have a statue...
* Snipe walks past a Wiendigo statue, him holding a hand.
<Snipe> ...why the hell is Wiendigo holding a hand?
* Hotaru-chan shudders at Wiendigo.
<Slasher> Long story the plaque.
* Snipe reads the plaque
<Snipe> ...Who's Justin?
<Hotaru-chan> Amelia: *reads the plaque herself*
<Seraphna> *Lucas looks around, looking for stuff on his family members... Dakota, Montana, Seraphna, and Garland
<Slasher> MiniGM: *there's statues of them all with plaques below them*
* Snipe walks past a statue of X1 holding a coffee cup.
<Seraphna> *Also... Ariel and Cheryl
<Snipe> ...
* Snipe looks at the X1 statue, a funny look on his face.
* Hotaru-chan looks for her statue
* Snipe walks past a Seraphna catgon statue
<Hotaru-chan> Amelia: Why does that one have a coffee cup?
* Slasher the statue of DS looks rather normal, nothing spectacular about it
* Slasher turns to Amelia
* Snipe studies some artwork of various battles the Hunters engaged in.
<Slasher> Because thats what he was famous for.
<Hotaru-chan> Amelia: Coffee?
<Slasher> Deadly...
* Snipe stops at a replica of the first Planet Killer.
<Hotaru-chan> ...
<Hotaru-chan> Amelia: *shivers a little*
* Snipe reads the write up of how the Darien destroyed the first Planet Killer by sacrificing his own life.
<Seraphna> *Lucas looks at his Mom's statue
* Snipe glances over at statue of the CorSec personnel - Cran, Spade, Albert, Hodges, and Fury
* Slasher a small tear forms in his eye
<Seraphna> *Lucas reads the plaque
* Snipe looks over at the statue of Sigma, Vile, and Crucifixation.
* Hotaru-chan stays quiet.
* Snipe comes face to face with Xevil and The Elder's statue
<Snipe> Eeeegaaa.
<Hotaru-chan> Who's that with Xevil?
<Slasher> That's the Elder...
<Hotaru-chan> Ugly...
<Snipe> Hmmmm....*looks over a replica of the Hunter Station*
<Snipe> A lot of battles were fought over this statue...
<Snipe> (station)
<Slasher> It's a shame it had to go down....Did you know it was converted into a Musuem itself?
<Hotaru-chan> I'm glad...
<Seraphna> Lucas> Elayne told me about that...
<Hotaru-chan> We don't need hunter stations any more... but we'll always need museums.
* Snipe reads an article on Slash, who's holding warpblades in his statue
<Snipe> GM: *strangely, Slash looks just like Zero*
<Hotaru-chan> What's with the statue?
<Slasher> We'll always need Stations..
<Hotaru-chan> Why?
<Snipe> Slash was created by Sigma, if I recall right, to be "Zero" when X was trying to collect Zero's parts.
* Slasher puts his hand on Slash's statue, a small tear forming in his eye
<Hotaru-chan> Explains the likeness...
<Hotaru-chan> Amelia: *blinks*
<Snipe> Slash died in a battle with Death Star in an asteroid core.
<Slasher> You were always there for me Slash...
<Seraphna> *Lucas looks down, "Isn't that when Sharlena died?"
<Snipe> Around the same time, yes.
<Hotaru-chan> ... oh...
* Slasher looks at Kat
<Snipe> Katrina: But..Sharlena is alive...
* Hotaru-chan is obviously bothered, despite not even knowing Sharlena or Slash.
<Slasher> Come on...let's go to the next section...
<Seraphna> *Lucas walks on
* Snipe stands there, studying Slash's statue, wondering what caused him to give into being a maverick in the end and try to kill his best friend Death Star.
* Slasher walks on ahead towards The Wraiths section
* Snipe follows after the others.
* Hotaru-chan follows Slasher.
* Dias gives Eve a kiss on the cheek and walks onwards to the next section
* Snipe thumps the Sigma statue as he walks out.
<Hotaru-chan> Amelia: *pauses at the DS and Slash statue, then follows*
* Snipe steps into the Wraith's section, glancing around.
* Snipe points at the asteroid core write up
<Snipe> That's where it happened.
* Snipe points at a statue of Snipe and Garland fighting
<Snipe> Hey, cool, a write up of my many fights with Garland.
* Hotaru-chan reads up.
<Hotaru-chan> Hey, you did pretty good.
* Slasher looks at the statues of IceHeart, Gravedigger and Wiendigo
<Snipe> Yeah. He win one, I'd win one, he'd win one, I'd win two.
* Dias looks at the statue of Gravedigger
<Dias> I miss him..
<Hotaru-chan> NRP: Any Gray Fox statue?
* Snipe leans against Dias
<Hotaru-chan> Dias... we all do...
<Snipe> I wonder if we'll ever see him again.
<Snipe> I never understood what Death Star did to make Wiendigo get lost in the realities and what caused Grave to lunge after him.
<Dias> I wish we could
<Dias> NRP: All of them.
* Snipe stares at a statue of himself.
<Dias> Grave couldn't leave his mentor behind..
<Hotaru-chan> Amelia: *looks over at the Gray Fox statue*
<Snipe> ....
* Hotaru-chan looks at Snipe's statue.
* Snipe refuses to look at the write up about himself.
* Hotaru-chan looks.
* Dias looks at Snipes write-up
* Snipe moves on and walks past Death Star's statue
*** Sherin-Nappin is now known as Sherinmir
<Hotaru-chan> Amelia: *walks over to DS' statue by now too*
* Snipe glances at a statue of Slasher next to a mech.
<Slasher> MiniGM: *Star's statue is as normal as the other one, stating the same as before but more of what part he took in this time*
<Hotaru-chan> Amelia: *seems to nod, then looks over at Slasher's*
* Snipe looks at the write ups on Catgons.
<Slasher> MiniGM: *Several of the surviving mechs are against the far wall, fully restored to the operating condition
<Snipe> Say, Slasher, who's idea was to put in they breed faster than rabbits?
<Seraphna> *Lucas looks at it with him
* Slasher raises his hand
<Hotaru-chan> ...
<Snipe> Figures.
<Hotaru-chan> Slasher...
<Hotaru-chan> Well, *I* don't breed like a rabbit, anyway.
<Slasher> What...*shudders at the thought of Catgons*
* Dias looks at Snipe
* Snipe reads the fine print at the bottom
<Dias> Not yet you don't..
<Snipe> ...stay...away
<Hotaru-chan> SLASHER!!!!
<Seraphna> Lucas> We don;t breed that quick... otherwise the planet would be overrun...
<Slasher> What?! Garland told me to do it!
<Hotaru-chan> ... oh, really...
<Slasher> I saw like 4 of them pop out of your mom in like 1 week!
<Hotaru-chan> Well, that's MOM!
<Seraphna> Lucas> It was three months!!!
* Snipe looks at a picture of Seraphna surrounded by broken mech parts.
<Snipe> ....say, what's this one suppose to mean?
<Slasher> That's still god damn too close apart!
<Slasher> If you haven't figured it out yet Snipe...
<Hotaru-chan> ... well, at least you're not insulting me personally...
<Seraphna> LUcas> And two of us are twins!
<Slasher> You weren't born a catgon Hotaru..
* Snipe sees a huge write up on Chip.
<Hotaru-chan> ... good point.
<Hotaru-chan> Neither was Emily, so I'll let it slide.
<Snipe> ....getting a little carried away there, Slasher?
<Slasher> I don't think so...
* Snipe sees a statue of General Cran, looking almost heroic.
<Seraphna> *Looks looks up at Hota, "Let it slide?"
<Hotaru-chan> ... well, it's his museum, and I don't want to cause trouble...
<Slasher> I know what your thinking about Snipe...But he deserved it in the end..
<Hotaru-chan> However angry I am...
<Slasher> It's not my musuem...It's Earth's.
* Hotaru-chan calms, hearing about Chip and Cran.
<Snipe> ....*reads outloud* Having been though dead, Cran resurfaced when he saved Katrina's life from Spade. He then began to aid the Hunters in information and other tidbits, finally revealing many secrets to them about their past...including that Sharlena was still alive. He died by resurrecting Slasher, a hero's death."
<Snipe> (thought dead)
* Snipe rubs chin
<Hotaru-chan> ... Cran... thankyou for everything...
<Hotaru-chan> If not for you, I'd be dead by now...
<Snipe> Eh?
<Snipe> How so?
<Hotaru-chan> You think I could've come back from the dead if I wasn't so far into my research?
<Snipe> Hmmm...true.
* Snipe stares at a statue of Garland.
<Snipe> ...."While a bit blockheaded, dumb, and obviously retarded, Garland Hianule saved the galaxy countless times."
<Hotaru-chan> Yeah, that's Garly for you...
* Slasher sneaks away and heads to the Final Battle Room with Kat
* Snipe catches Slasher going and sneaks away after him
<Seraphna> Lucas> Guess so... Mom's mueseum on Lunaris shows kinda the same things towards Slasher...
* Hotaru-chan looks at her statue, while Amelia follows Slasher
<Hotaru-chan> Why can't those two get along?
<Slasher> NRP: Of course she'd do something like that...I mean come's obvious.
<Seraphna> NRP: THought it up 5 seconds ago, cool huh?
<Slasher> NRP: *yawns*
<Seraphna> NRP: Not like I wasn;t predicting what you would do
<Slasher> NRP: Let me guess, she's the leader of her planet too right.
* Snipe doesn't tell anyone, but he placed a sheet of paper saying that stuff about Garland on top of Slasher's real write up
* Hotaru-chan giggles softly.
<Hotaru-chan> NRP: Quietly, rather
<Seraphna> NRP: Nope, that's Dakota
* Snipe steps into the Final Battle Room
* Hotaru-chan follows Snipe
<Snipe> NRP: *Final Battle Room has sheets of paper saying 'Xevil SUCKS!' and nothing else.*
<Seraphna> NRP: SO unique!
* Slasher enters the section and sets Kat down, infront of them are statues of every person who fought the final battle, Garland's statue looking normal, besides a huge bulge in his pants
* Slasher kneels down next to her
<Snipe> ...that is so,....ewww...
<Slasher> Look at Star's statue and tell me if you notice something about his.
<Hotaru-chan> I know... *looks at her statue*
<Snipe> Katrina: *glances at DS' statue*
<Hotaru-chan> Amelia: *looks at DS' statue too*
<Snipe> GM: *The statue of DS actually has a piece of his shoulder armor on it, but other than that, looks pretty normal*
<Snipe> Katrina: *smiles*
<Slasher> MiniGM: *Star's statue stands proudly a mock replica of his sabre held outwards in a battle stance
<Slasher> ...Would he be proud of me?
<Snipe> Katrina: Of course.
* Slasher looks at her and smiles
<Slasher> Thank you.
<Snipe> Katrina: *hugs Slasher*
* Snipe looks at his own statue.
<Snipe> I felt pretty useless in that fight.
<Seraphna> *Lucas sighs and shruggs, "Well... back to training..." *heads out and walks off*
<Slasher> MiniGM: *also standing next to and behind Star's statue is a statue of Katrina holding onto his leg. Ariel stands off ot his right also in a battle stance*
<Hotaru-chan> You too...?
<Snipe> Katrina: *looks at herself*
<Snipe> Heck, you showed more power than I did in that fight.
* Snipe glances at Hotaru.
* Hotaru-chan blushes.
* Dias looks around, seeing a stange statue of himself with another statue above it of DarkHeart, Eve off to his side and the Angel Form of Eve above her's the top two statues almost glowing with each other*
<Hotaru-chan> I guess so...
<Snipe> Eve: *looks at herself*
* Snipe turns, watching Lucas walk off.
<Slasher> MiniGM: *Diamondbacks stands proudly, a psionic glow appearing around it, which is nothing more than light shows but give sthe same effect*
<Snipe> Well, I'm going to go myself. *waves at everyone* IT's been real.
<Slasher> MiniGM: *every single person's statue stands there, even Black Jacks, a special plague below his*
<Slasher> Snipe, what did you think?
<Hotaru-chan> NRP: Hotaru: *catches the disease and dies*
<Snipe> It was good, Slasher. You honored a lot of people.
* Hotaru-chan reads BlackJack's plaque
<Slasher> MiniGM: *The plaque depicts his honorable sacrifice helped turn the tide of the war and ensure the fights victory*
* Snipe turns to Eve.
<Slasher> MiniGM: *it also gives a long history of him and what he all did to help*
<Snipe> Good luck on the pregnancy.
* Snipe gives a thumbs up to Dias and walks off.
* Dias smiles at Snipe and nods
<Slasher> Aren't you going ot look at yours Snipe?
* Snipe looks over his shoulder.
<Snipe> No thanks. Not my style.
* Hotaru-chan looks at Snipe's.
* Snipe grins and heads on out.
* Slasher smiles
<Slasher> MiniGM: *Snipe proved his worth in the end after he was brought back from death by Slasher. He fought with every ounce of his strength and helped to turn the tide in the Space Battle between the Alliances Forces and the Tsiv's. He also helped to stop Xevil by nulling his powers*
<Hotaru-chan> Yeah... Snipe did more than me... *reads hers*
<Snipe> NRP: *outside Snipe gets hit by a car and is defeated*
<Snipe> NRP: The driver...Diamondback!
*** Seraphna has left #TAW
<Snipe> NRP: Session ended in 15 seconds*
<Snipe> NRP: Ending
<Hotaru-chan> MiniGM: *Hotaru fought with a previously unseen level of strength, helping to turn the tide against the Tsiv in the final attack. She was a great help to the rest of the hunters in the battle against Xevil also, with her psionics.*
<Hotaru-chan> NRP: Best I can do in the short time, but I think it sounds okay
<Slasher> Thank you for coming all...*looks at Star's statue one last time, his armor giving off a twinkling shine*
<Snipe> Session Ends
Session Close: Sun Sep 29 20:56:06 2002