[Matsuoka] I'll just follow you snipe ^-~
* Gravedigger shifts his eyebrows
[Snipe] That might lead to trouble; think he has it out for me
[Avatar] [Apologizes, General. It is a good idea to get ready to "scramble" when the time comes...]
[Steel] I don't want to hear private conversations, ladies
[Matsuoka] don't worry
* Gravedigger signs, 1 " No kidding "
[Matsuoka] wha...!?!
* Rio stands at attention
[Matsuoka] s,sorry mr steel
[Snipe] Sure, Steel "Balls"...*mutters this*
* Matsuoka grumbles a little
* Steel goes ridged
* Snipe eyes widen some at his mistake
[Matsuoka] so... Mr Steel
* Avatar thinks about how unwise Snipe was in saying that
* GarlandJR looks at Snipe, and says out of line "Stale Blasts? What?"
[Matsuoka] what will we be doing here
* Gravedigger smacks his forehead
* Steel walks over there and picks Snipe up and holds him in the air
*** Yuffie is now known as Spirit
* GarlandJR scratches his head
[Matsuoka] Hey! Let him go!
[Steel] I've had enough of you, dipshit  *shakes him hard* You're a frackin' moron!
[Maestro] You should call him "Genreal" or "Sir"
[Steel] You all, shut up!
* Steel throws Snipe onto the ground
* Rio stiffens up
* Avatar is silent anyway, so continues to be so
* Matsuoka growls a little
* Gravedigger offers his hand to Snipe to help him up
[Steel] Give me fifty pushups - the rest, with me/
* GarlandJR has never been told to shut up, "How can I shut up?"
* Avatar nods and moves to follow him
* Gravedigger takes it back slowly
[Matsuoka] You okay snipe? *kneels by him*
* Rio follows steel
* GarlandJR shrugs it off and follows.
* Snipe groans in pain
[Snipe] Fine....
* Snipe gets on his hurt hand and begins his pushups
* Matsuoka helps him up
* Gravedigger follows, turned around watching snipe as he backs out
[Matsuoka] ... okay
* Maestro gives a short laugh at Snipe and follows Steel
[Snipe] He just intentionally..hurt my hand..so this would hurt..like hell...
[Avatar] (to GarlardJr) [Colloqual way of saying "stop speaking and be quiet"]
* Spirit follows.
[Steel] MATSUOKA!!!
[Matsuoka] eep!
* Matsuoka chases after the group
[GarlandJR] NRP:!!!!!!! HE SPOKE OF EEP!!!!!!
* Snipe grunts in pain as his hand threatens to give out, it turning white
[Steel] Now, we're ready to begin?
* Avatar nods
* Matsuoka looks back at Snipe and frowns
* Rio glances at matsuoka then turns his attention back ahead
* GarlandJR shakes his head to Steel
* Rio nods
[Maestro] Yes, sir!
[Steel] What is that, kid?
* Steel glares at Garland
[GarlandJR] Yes! I'm ready!
[Steel] Better.
[GarlandJR] NRP: he shook up and down..
[Steel] I'll run you through a simulation test today.  Nothing fancy.  Just see how well you can take out a small maverick camp.
[Gravedigger] NRP: More customary to vocalise a response anyway
[Steel] There will be no mission orders, so make it up as you go along.
* Rio nods quickly
* Steel walks off and the enviroment changes around them to the edge of a cliffside, desert around them; the classic Wasteland effect
* Gravedigger takes his shovel out again and stands ready
* GarlandJR keeps an innocent smile as he sees this as a chance for fun
*** Steel is now known as GM
[Matsuoka] so...
* Rio takes out his rifle
* Gravedigger bends down at his knees
[Matsuoka] what now?
* Snipe isn't around
* Matsuoka walks over to Spirit
* Avatar looks around and psionically scans the area
* Rio glances around the scenario
[Maestro] Ok, I should be the leader
[Rio] Well...
[Matsuoka] ...
[Avatar] [We need to stay in team formation and find the outpost.]
* Gravedigger smacks his forehead
* GM the area has multiple lifesigns, some ranging from animal to machines
* GarlandJR walks around, looking at the scenery *
[GarlandJR] Oooo......
[Matsuoka] I say we put Spirit in the lead
* Gravedigger signs, 1 " Split up into groups. Cover more area. "
* Avatar attempts to scan the camp (aka reploid concentration)
[Spirit] Thanks...
[Rio] Me too!
* GM isn't to the northeast, but that's all he can get from the sim
[GM] it's
[Avatar] [That would leave our power divided. Unwise.]
* Snipe appears beside them, rubbing hand
[Rio] i say spirit in the lead!
* Gravedigger signs, 1 " And watch the kid, make sure he doesn't stumble into anything "
[Snipe] What did I miss?
[Avatar] [I sense it is to the northeast.]
[Spirit] I'll scout it out then...
[Matsuoka] Snipe! you okay?
[Snipe] ...Fine...
[Rio] NRP: which ones the kid, me?
* Matsuoka smiles
[Spirit] Be back in a min!
[Avatar] [Psionically keep in touch with me, SPirit. Do not attempt to face them alone.]
[Gravedigger] NRP: GarJR
[Rio] NRP: stupid me
* Gravedigger pats Snipe on the back
[Spirit] [I'm not stupid Av... maybe reckless, but not stupid]
[Snipe] Sending 1 scout alone?  That's bad...
[Maestro] I should be the leader, becuase I'm not taking stupid risks
* GarlandJR walks around, looking fifteen, but acting a mix of 3 and 18.
* Snipe snorts
[Matsuoka] I'll go with her
[Maestro] Work in groups of twos!
[Snipe] Forget the leader, just follow the most sensible approach
[Rio] i will go with spirit
* Spirit heads forward until she's out of sight then shifting into a falcon and flying towards the base.
[Snipe] Then go, Rio
[Matsuoka] ...
* Gravedigger signs, 1 " You do realize that our bickerin's gonna bring Steel down hard on us, don't you? "
[Avatar] [Let's all just go northeast. In This desert we should be able to see the camp.]
[GarlandJR] We could just do this.
* Avatar starts northeast
* Rio starts walking northeast
* Snipe doesn't follow
* GarlandJR walks northeast
[Maestro] If you want to get Steel pissed at us... We don't HAVE to be organized
[Avatar] [Snipe?]
* Matsuoka stcks next to Snipe
[Snipe] Wait, just WALK towards their base?  That's INSNAE.
[GarlandJR] Your right.
* Rio turns around
[Snipe] We know nothing except that they're there.  To go walking out there, would be stupid
[Rio] SO!, im not strategist!
[Maestro] Yes
[GarlandJR] A back attack is too predictable.
* Gravedigger sighs
[Avatar] [Interesting point. I wasn't planning to walk into it but to it... What is your suggestion?]
[Snipe] Neither am I, and I saw that.
[Maestro] I am!
[Maestro] Well, Im a pilot
[GarlandJR] I say we go side attack, if we directly attack at all.
[Rio] im a scout
* Gravedigger whistles loudly
* Spirit flys as high as the can while she can still see the ground clearly and heads towards the base...
* Snipe glances at Grave
[Snipe] Yeah, Grave?
* Rio looks at grave
[Maestro] How many of us is there?
[Avatar] [We could have a small portion of us do the "predictable" thing and directly attack. The others will sneak in and surprise them.]
* Snipe a line of lasers spring up on Spirit
[Spirit] o.O
* Gravedigger signs, 1 " We NEED to get organized. This is obviously an excersice to see how well we mix with one another. I say we split up into groups and scout it out, then repot back if anyone finds anything. No heroics. "
[Avatar] [Spirit!]
* Rio nods and stands to the left side
[Snipe] Alright, lets split into two
[Snipe] Who wants to lead the groups?
[Rio] Left side ONe team, Right another
[Maestro] Wait, We could send our scouts as decoys and then give em hell... Kinda like a pincer
* Gravedigger signs, 1 " No leaders, group effort. "
[Avatar] [I volunteer to lead one.]
* Spirit keeps her course, not directly to the base, pretending not to notice the lasers like a normal hawk would...
[Snipe] My kind of man, Grave
[GarlandJR] My father told me Heroics was what saved Earth from the Tsivrixsh. But if we must have strategy, fine by me.
[Avatar] [With my psionic abilitiy, I can keep in touch with all the mmebrs of the group easily.]
[Spirit] [I think I got trouble...]
[Maestro] I'll lead
[Avatar] [Not to mention sense their thoughts, ideas, etc.]
[Snipe] Too bad we can't get a map layout of the base
* GarlandJR glares at Avatar
[Avatar] [I suggest going backwards and lying low Spirit.]
* Gravedigger signs
[Snipe] Alright, okay, two groups....we each head to the side, but don't just walk to it...find another way to the base IF possible.
* Rio stands, waiting to be directed
[Spirit] [I can't double back yet, It'll blow my cover, I gotta keep it up until I'm past the base...]
[Snipe] Walking will probably kill us, knowing Spade.
[Avatar] [Psionically, I could roughly detect movement inside, but that's all... We need to hurry up.]
* Gravedigger signs, 1 Av, Gar, me, one team. 'Stro, Rio, Snipe, and Sprit two. "
[GarlandJR] [to avatar] that depth of survelence is looked down upon on Parnel, I'm meerly informing you.
* Snipe heads off to the right
* Rio walks to stro snipe and spirit
[Spirit] *relays a image of her view of the base to Avatar*
* Gravedigger signs, 1 Sorry, and Mat with us "
* GarlandJR can't read sign language
[Maestro] If we can lead the maverick force into a valley, using scouts as decoys, we should be able to force them into an ambush!
[Avatar] [Interesting, though with the Enhanced it is not. It works best in our collective, but...]
[GarlandJR] hehe, he's playing with his hands!
* Matsuoka chases Snipe, keeping next to him
* Avatar looks the image over
[Rio] NRP: i saw we have two rooms, one for each teem
* Avatar psionically tells GarlandJR what he said
* Snipe steps up to a small cliff and gets a few of the base
[GarlandJR] Oh, okay! *walks over to GD*
[Avatar] [Lets go.] *starts forward*
[Snipe] See that, Matsuoka?  Gotta be a way in there, past those laser defenses Spirit keeps triggering.
* Rio walks up behind snipe
[Matsuoka] what about...
[Snipe] Your fox?
* Gravedigger starts off
[Snipe] I that about it too.
[Matsuoka] ...
[Matsuoka] I guess
[Snipe] He's low enough he might not get fried
* GarlandJR follows
[Matsuoka] ...
[Rio] NRP: come on lets have two rooms, one fer each team
[Maestro] I wish I brought MOD...
[Matsuoka] what would we have him do?
[Avatar] [Perhaps a circuitous route?]
[Snipe] NRP: Nah, Rio
* Avatar mentally remembers where Spirit got shot at, so as to not cross that line
* GarlandJR humms walking along (a catchy tune, too!)
[Snipe] Well, they have to have some path to the base...just see where the lasers are triggered.
* Gravedigger looks out and finds...?
[Snipe] NRP: Just sees the base in the distance
[Matsuoka] well... I guess
[Avatar] [Excellent idea, Snipe.]
* Rio stares over the cliff at the base
* Gravedigger starts looking real finely for any signs of traps
* Matsuoka looks down at Koio
[Avatar] NRP: Have we reached the laser point yet?
[Snipe] NRP: Yes
* Avatar stops
* Snipe edges to the edge of the laser field
* Gravedigger takes out his shovel and flips it a few times
* Matsuoka kneels down and speaks to Koio a little
* Gravedigger picks up a rock and tosses it into the laser field
* Rio follows snipe
* Avatar psychokinetically lifts sand over an area of wher he thinks the laser field is tot he right
[GarlandJR] NRP: X1 saw Mystery Men too much this summe.r
* Snipe grabs some string and ties to Koio's tail and makes it stick straight up
* Snipe it gets vaped
[Gravedigger] NRP: Had the idea before it came out
* Spirit flies past the base shifts into a different type of bird and makes a different run over the base.
[Avatar] NRP:  The rock or the sand?
[Snipe] NRP: Rock
* GarlandJR walks along
[Snipe] You know, if we're being timed, we're wasting alot of it
[Snipe] Send the fox, Maki
[GarlandJR] Yup.
[Avatar] [Lets find that field then]]
* Gravedigger closes his eyes and starts running through
* Snipe Gravedigger is hit by the lasers
[Avatar] [Gravedigger!]
* Snipe jaw drops at GD in the distance
[GarlandJR] !!!!
[Maestro] Okay, Do we have barbaque sauce, That fox will taste good after its FIRED
* Gravedigger hits the ground and grabs his shovel, trying to deflect the blasts
* Rio stares at GD in horror
* Snipe GD is cut in half
[Matsuoka] What!?
[Snipe] ....My god, he's dead...just like that...he's DEAD?
* Matsuoka grabs Koio
[Rio] NRP: why is snipe the gm?
* Gravedigger looks at his wounds, and passes out
[Snipe] NRP: I'm DS
* GarlandJR gets into a stance, the air heating up around him, getting ready for battle
[Avatar] ....
[Rio] NRP: oh
[GarlandJR] They know we're here now, I'm sure.
* Snipe the simulation ends around them
* Avatar clears sand pychokinetically to see if there is equipment below the sand for the lasers
*** GM is now known as Steel
* Avatar turns to Steel
* Rio runs over to GD
[GarlandJR] ------or it could spontaniously end! That's fine!
[Steel] What the hell WAS that?  You took 20 minutes getting to the laser field and then one of you runs blindly THROUGH it?!  Are you INSANE?!
* Gravedigger looks up at the normal room, then at his wounds, then his eyes leap
[Matsuoka] ...
* Steel notes GD's wounds are gone
* Steel though the pain remains
* GarlandJR looks down for not trying to hurry things along.
[Avatar] [We should have found another way and not rushed into it... Without a leader, it was difficult for us to act together...]
[Steel] ....You are a bunch of worthless piece of shits I've ever seen....
* Spirit shifts back into human form, not liking to let people see her do that.
[Maestro] Sir, They acted against my Recemendation
* Gravedigger signs, 1 Sorry sir, I was trying to follow my instincts. "
[Steel] But what if your leader is gone, what do you do then, fall apart, Avatar?
* Snipe crosses arms and remains silent
* Rio stands at attention with a sad look on his face
* Gravedigger rubs his stomach, trying to lower the pain.
[GarlandJR] What's a shit?
[Steel] SHUT UP!
[Avatar] [That was, I've always assumed, what the chain of command is for, sir. But, point taken.]
[GarlandJR] What?
* Matsuoka leans on Snipe and looks at Steel
* Steel grabs Garland
* Gravedigger signs, 1 It was my mistake, I cost them dearly, it won't happen again. "
[Steel] If you don't start getting some damn common sense, you little ...
* Steel sighs in disgust and drops him
[GarlandJR] I only speak a little engish!
[Matsuoka] Mr Steel, it IS his first day
[Matsuoka] I think...
[Steel] Alright, training's over...it's evening, if you haven't noticed...see you at the crack of dawn tomorrow..and shower up, you're all sweating like pigs
* Steel walks off
*** Steel is now known as GM
[GarlandJR] engish engish... hehe.... oh english!
* Avatar nods
* Snipe shakes head at Garland
* Gravedigger rubs the bakc of his neck
* Rio walks to the showers and cools off
* Gravedigger signs, 1 Well, I blew that one...sorry people. "
* GarlandJR looks at himself, not really sweating at all
[Matsuoka] I don't like him much
[Snipe] Hey, lets all go take a shower then hit Mega City nearby....we need a break.
[Avatar] [Sometime I could psionically teach you expressions and idioms in English, if you wish, Garland.]
[Rio] Sure snipe
* GarlandJR looks at avatar
[GarlandJR] Okay!
[Avatar] [It's all right, Gravedigger... You won't make that mistake in a real mission, which is good...]
* Matsuoka walks off with Spirit
[Rio] That was a real mission
[Snipe] And, my shower's open...ooops, that's sexual harrassment...dear me.
* Maestro pats Gravedigger on his back "Wait-a-go, You Screwed us all"
* Gravedigger signs, 1 I COULD have though, that was the point..."
* Snipe heads for his and GD's room
[GarlandJR] Could you um...... what's the word.... explain the meaning of "shit" to me?
* Gravedigger glares at Maestro
* Rio takes a shower and goes to his room and lies down
* Maestro returns his gear to his locker
[Matsuoka] NRP: Are the showers in our rooms?
[Avatar] [... Vulgar word meaning "feces", that can also be used as an interjection to mean anger, surprise, fear, etc.]
* Rio talks to himself 1" I dont think anyone liked me, ill never make friends"
[Snipe] Time Chart: 20 minutes later
[Maestro] "...time when, I had..."
* GarlandJR sits on a bench, meditating.
* Snipe carries a towel swung on his back, he walks outside the base, the cool night air hitting him as he grabs the HoverVan
* Rio dresses in his finest clothes and gets ready for a night on the town with snipe
* Matsuoka walks with Spirit to their room
* Rio sits on his bed
* Snipe twirls the key, he looks up at the moon, sighing, and unlocks the door
* GarlandJR gets up and walks around the courtyard of the base, weak from adjusting to the gravity
* Gravedigger climbs into the van
* Rio pets Kio
* Maestro tries to find the counciler *typo*
* Spirit is wearing a dress simular to a school uniform, and a light jacket.
* Matsuoka grabs a quick shower then puts on her "Night clothes"
[Snipe] So, Grave....want to chat?
* Snipe grins
* GarlandJR things to go visit Dom, his Grandfather, whom he's never met
* Snipe honks the van's horn as he cranks it up
* Gravedigger glares
* Rio is wearing some kahkis, a nice sweater and his hair is combed
* GarlandJR walks around, not finding him.
[Snipe] Come on, pal, we're friends, right?
* Matsuoka scurrys out to the van
* Spirit runs out, late as usual.
* Rio runs out
* Gravedigger signs, 1 Yeah, so why do you insist on giving me a hard time about the fact I can't talk?"
* Snipe nods at them all, smiling long at the girls
[Maestro] Hey! Can't I get counciling around here!
[GarlandJR] !Rio sd3bmq2.mid
[Snipe] That's only the second time.  You're too sensitive.
* Matsuoka hops into the van
* Rio hops in the van, sitting in the back
[GarlandJR] NRP: gotta love autorequest.
[Snipe] Hi, Maki....Rio....
[Matsuoka] Hiya! ^^
[Rio] HI *shyly*
* Gravedigger signs, 1 Hah! Second? Try twentith already..."
[Matsuoka] thought you could get rid of me huh?
[Snipe] Alright, only one person can sit up here with me
[Snipe] The rest of you need to cram in the back
* Matsuoka dives in front
[Matsuoka] ME!?!
* Rio sits in the very back
[Snipe] Sure, Maki *grins*
[Matsuoka] YAY!
* Snipe puts on his shades, even though it's dark outside, and honks again
[Snipe] Is that everyone?
* Matsuoka smiles as she sits down
* Rio sits with his hands folded in front of him and looks at the floor
[Snipe] Where's Diamondback, Slash, and the other slackers?]
* Gravedigger grumbles and climbs out of the shotgun seat
* GarlandJR walks around aimlessly, seemingly calmed by this.
* Maestro goes to the lounge
* Snipe honks again
[Snipe] Damn them, alright, lets go
[Spirit] NRP: What do we do about Av?
* Gravedigger sits down in the back
* Snipe reverses, flips the headlights on, and begins to turn away from the base
[Snipe] NRP: He stayed behind?
[Snipe] Alright, everyone buckled up?
[Rio] NRP: who am i sitting next yo?
[Snipe] I was hoping for a bigger crowd...but....
[Matsuoka] ... *buckles up* yup 
[Rio] NRP: to
* GarlandJR walks into the food court, and sees the food
* Rio is buckled
[GarlandJR] Hehehe...... *grabs a plate*
* Maestro continues the search for the councilor
[Snipe] Alright, screw Garland, Maestro, and Avatar...lets have fun
* Matsuoka laughs
* Snipe peels the wheels and heads away from the base
[Spirit] Yea!
* GarlandJR IS having fun
* Snipe pulls onto the main road
[GarlandJR] Oooo..... I'll have a little of this.... oh and that!
[Rio] NRP: who is in the van?
[Gravedigger] NRP: Snipe, Mat, me, you
[Snipe] NRP: Me, you, Maki, Grave, and Spirit
* Matsuoka smiles at everyone
* Rio sits there... staring at the floor
[Matsuoka] so... where to first
[Snipe] So, if I was to flirt you with, Maki, you could legally do away with me *Smirks*
[Snipe] Well, I don't know Mega City that well, but I've heard of this great night spot...we'll head there
* GarlandJR eats... and eats..... and eats.... oh and he eats.
* Matsuoka giggles and blushes a little
[Spirit] Whoo hoo!  Sounds great!
[Matsuoka] stop it you!
[Gravedigger] .oO(I couldn't have stayed in teh frozen north, could I? Nooo, I had to come to this god-forsaken place...)
* Rio looks at GD and manages a small smile
[Spirit] o.O
* Snipe pulls away from the windows of the base
* Snipe is out of the sight of the base now (Sorry losers!)
[Matsuoka] Yeah! No more Steel!
* Matsuoka cheers
[GarlandJR] NRP: who's loosing!? I GOT FOOD!
* Snipe drives down the street, chatting with Matsuoka, and enters Mega City
* Gravedigger looks out the van's windows
* Rio cracks his knuckles casually, making a slight "ping" sound due to the fact he is a cyborg
* GarlandJR grabs a bucket of chicken
* Snipe the city is light up, and people are everywhere
[Maestro] NRP: I can't get counciling .... *sniff* Awww well, I can always get food, and brag about my piloting skills
[Snipe] Gee, I heard the city was huge...but this is REALLY big....*The size of it has doubled in the past 19 years*
* Matsuoka looks out the window almost in amazement
[Spirit] NRP: *garland flees in terror!*
* GarlandJR sits infront of the tv, smacking on a leg
* Gravedigger signs, 1 You should see Toranto. ": ""
* Snipe stops in front of a crowded spot, that reads Bar Bikini
* Rio gets out of the car
[GarlandJR] NRP: chicken legs, to those who have sick minds.
[Spirit] o.O?
* Matsuoka glares at Snipe
* Snipe takign the keys out of the car and steps out, opening the door for Matsuoka
[Snipe] IT's NOT what you think
* Matsuoka hops out
* Gravedigger snaps his fingers
[Matsuoka] sure...
* Snipe blushes deep red and leads them in
* Rio stays close to spirit
[Spirit] And how would you know what I'm thinking ;)
[Maestro] NRP: Noooo Don't go it's a trap! They're REALLY aliens!
* Rio looks around
* Snipe enters the building and bikinis are being sold, posted on the walls
[Matsuoka] NRP: no aliens so HAH!
[Snipe] See?  IT's not what you thought, was it...
* GarlandJR watches "the late night comedy hour" [with Jay Leno's frozen head!
* Matsuoka glares more
[Gravedigger] NRP: GAH! KILL LENO!
[Matsuoka] WHAT are you implying!?
* Snipe waves them to a back booth
* Gravedigger signs, 1 That you're a male schoinestic pig. ": ""
[Snipe] Nothing, nothing
* Rio follows snipe
[Gravedigger] NRP: No! Leno SUCKS!
* Matsuoka slides next to Snipe
* Snipe sits down in a dimly booth, near all the band
* GarlandJR eats more chicken
* Maestro joins Garland
[Snipe] er, dimly lit ven
* Rio sits next to spirit
[GarlandJR] Chicken?
* Snipe glances at the menu
[Rio] NRP: good just dont talk about it in here
[Matsuoka] NRP: GO LINA!!!
[Maestro] Huh?
* GarlandJR holds the bucket up to Maestro
* Rio looks at the menu
* Gravedigger slumps into his seat
* GarlandJR smacks on another leg
[Snipe] Well, who plans on getting drunk?  I'm the driver, so I won't drink
[Rio] I cant drink
[Matsuoka] I'm... fine...
* Gravedigger holds up his hand
* Matsuoka laughs
* Snipe ushers the waiter over for GD
* Rio said that comment ver softly
[Maestro] Oh, No thanks I already ate... Oh what the hell, Thanks
[Snipe] C'mon man, don't let Steel get you down
* GarlandJR gulps the vodka he grabbed, too.
* Maestro takes a piece of chicken
[Spirit] I'll take a round or two ;)
[Matsuoka] well... HOLD UP!!!
[Rio] Ill have a cherry coke
* Snipe orders some feitas and some pizza
[Snipe] What?
* Gravedigger signs, 1 I was KILLED. How can't I let that get me down? ": ""
[Matsuoka] why do you want me drunk snipe!
[Maestro] *with a full mouth* Aren't you too YOUNG to be drinking?
* Snipe lip twitches
[Snipe] I never said I wanted you drunk
[Matsuoka] oh...
* Rio orders a pasta salad
* Snipe listens to the band, tapping out the beat on the table
[GarlandJR] Oh, no, see Dad say's if I'm gonna be accepted here, I have to be able to hold my liquor.
* GarlandJR munches
* Snipe glances at the bikinis on the wall and blushes
[Snipe] Well, Maki, call me John.  IT's my real name, anyway
* Rio stares at the table... his head down
[Matsuoka] okay John ^^
*** Snipe is now known as John_McCormick
* Gravedigger manages to order the stiffest drink, without teh waiter understanding sign language.
[Maestro] Youre father is the old gezeer? The Captian?
[John_McCormick] No sense in being formal with code names
[Spirit] Er, are they strict on the drinking age here?
[GarlandJR] Geezer?
[GarlandJR] What's a Geezer?
[John_McCormick] No, Spirit
[John_McCormick] Hell, I'll order you one
[John_McCormick] What do you wnat?
* Matsuoka leans against John
[Maestro] An old man
[GarlandJR] He's only 26 in earth years.
[Spirit] Ah, I'll just try the house special
* Gravedigger *waiter comes back with a huge ass glass of something*
* Rio looks at Spirit, a glint of attraction in his eye
[John_McCormick] Waiter, I'll have the house special
[Maestro] Even 5 years older than me is too old
* John_McCormick puts his arm around Matsuoka as he waits for Spirit's drink
* GarlandJR munches on a wing
* Gravedigger takes the glass and starts downing it
[John_McCormick] Grave...really, you shouldn't...
* Matsuoka whispers something into John's ear
* Gravedigger spits it out
* John_McCormick jaw drops and then he looks back up Grave, not fully distracted
* Gravedigger signs, 1 Gah, weak...don't they have any real drinks here? ": ""
* Matsuoka giggles
* GarlandJR looks at Maestro
* John_McCormick the waiter hands John the the drink and he slides it to Spirit
[Gravedigger] NRP: Scuse my funky symbols, still working out the alais
* Rio occasionaly glances at spirit
* John_McCormick smiles at Matsuoka
[John_McCormick] So, care to tell me some about your past?
[GarlandJR] Humans are funny, ya know? Takes them 20 earth years to look like my dad!
[Spirit] Thanks *takes a drink*
[Matsuoka] oh me?
* GarlandJR gulps down a beer
[John_McCormick] No, not you, the other beautiful purple headed girl next to you
[Matsuoka] oh...
[John_McCormick] NRP: Or hair even
[Maestro] Yeah were funny, but what are you going to do
* Gravedigger sighs and runs his finger around in his drink
[John_McCormick] Of course you
* Matsuoka grins
[Maestro] *downs a beer and says* Ever piloted a fighter craft, Garland? That is my favorite thing to do... aside from chasing women...
[Matsuoka] well... not much really, I came from Tokyo and came here after I finished school, looking for a job
[GarlandJR] Well.. I don't chase women, I'm already engaged, and no, but my dad has!
[John_McCormick] And you wound up at the Armed Forces?  Interesting.
[Rio] .oO(no one even notices me... i guess it cant help that im so shy)
[Matsuoka] well... I had a few little things happen to make me want to join the force
[John_McCormick] I see....*flips Rio a coin*
[GarlandJR] He piloted a fighter lot of times!
[Maestro] I'll have to compare war stories with him some time
[John_McCormick] Hey, man, go see if you can talk the band into letting us dance.
* Rio grabs the coin
* Gravedigger gets up from his seat and heads out somewhere
[Spirit] *downs the rest of the drink in a single gulp*
[Rio] Whats this for John?
[Spirit] Ah, that's pretty good stuff!
[John_McCormick] For doing a good job out there.
[John_McCormick] ...*looks at Spirit uneasily* Want another one?
* Rio manages a half smile
[Rio] i didnt do... much... if anything
[Maestro] Of course, I am Ace of Aces, Tom "Maestro" Wilson, Please to re-introduce myself
[GarlandJR] He don't do much fighting anymore. Not since the fight at Nailava's Falls
* Spirit checks her pockets.
[Spirit] Sure, but I'll have to pay you back later ^^¡
* Matsuoka slaps John on the leg
* John_McCormick orders another drink for Spirit
[Matsuoka] don't tempt her now ^^
[John_McCormick] You're right...last drink Spirit
* Matsuoka smiles at Spirit
[John_McCormick] Don't think that will clunk her out, do you?
* Rio is starting to glance at spirit even more frequently
[Matsuoka] Spirit? nah
* John_McCormick motions Rio to the band then flicks head at Spirit
* Rio looks at the band
* Matsuoka jabs John "Hush you evil thing"
[Spirit] Hey, I can handle my own.  Watch!
[Maestro] What was the battle at Nailava's Falls?
* Rio looks back
* Matsuoka looks at Spirit
* Spirit shallows the drink in two gulps
* Matsuoka blinks
[John_McCormick] .....I started something....
[Matsuoka] I guess you're gifted
* John_McCormick glances at watch and sees an hour has passed
* Spirit puts the drink down, but looks a little shaky.
[GarlandJR] Long Story, but he can still as I think I heard Mr. Steel say "beat ass"!
[Maestro] Heh, That must be a great compliment from the General
[John_McCormick] Well, boys and girls, if you're going to go hit the floor, you better do it now...we can't stay out ALL night.
* Rio pretends to stretch his neck but really steals a look at spirit
[GarlandJR] ? No, he was saying that to me "I'm gonna beat you ass"
* Matsuoka whispers to Rio "Go on! Ask her... she's almost drunk ^-~"
* Rio looks uneasy
[John_McCormick] ....*smacks forehead at a revelation*
[GarlandJR] I don't think he likes me much.
* Rio just looks at the table
* John_McCormick looks nervously at Spirit and then at Matsuoka, thinking
[John_McCormick] Hey, Rio, lets head to the bathroom for some "Boy" talk.  Will you ladies excuse us?
* Gravedigger is hanging around the door, outside
[Maestro] Now thats a BAD thing, But I think the General talks to mostly everyone like that
[Matsuoka] okay...
* Rio gets up and follows John
* Matsuoka looks at Spirit
[Matsuoka] are you drunk?
* John_McCormick heads for the bathroom and grabs Grave as he goes
[GarlandJR] I'd not be surpized.
[GarlandJR] I'm sure he's actoually a nice person deep down!
[Matsuoka] Spirit?