Session 10-Mission 109: If He Screws Up Again....

Session Start: Fri Sep 24 20:02:18 1999
[Snipe] Time Chart: October 1st
[Snipe] Location: The Special Unit Wing
* Gravedigger whaps everyone for being lax on that one
* Garland works on his personal log, in his chair.
* Snipe is in his room, laying on the bed
* Garland closes it, yawns, and does his stretches
* Matsuoka steps out of her room and walks down the hall
* Spirit is hanging around the lounge, reading a book.
* Gravedigger is doing upside-down hanging crunches in the hall
* Matsuoka knocks on Snipe's door
* Snipe glances at the door.
[Snipe] It's open.
* Matsuoka steps inside with a smile
* Gravedigger slips off the rod his knees are hanging on and hits the ground
[Matsuoka] What cha up to? ^-^
[Snipe] ....Busy being depressed.
* Matsuoka sits down right next to him "Still?"
[Snipe] I did cost a few high schoolers their lives...and then Dias took the blame.
[Matsuoka] Come on... cheer up!
[Matsuoka] I'm sure you did your best!
[Snipe] Oh, you're optimistic..
[Matsuoka] I try...
[Snipe] Well, sometime that isn't enough...
[Matsuoka] I know, I know... -_-
* Snipe turns away
* Garland walks out of his quarters, and into the lounge
[Snipe] I probably should take off the badge of Commander before I screw up again
* Spirit looks up at Garland as he enters, and goes back to reading.
* Garland pulls out a can of coke, and drinks it
[Matsuoka] I don't like seeing you all depressed likr this... makes me all depressed too. You're a very good leader... your still learning, you can't expect to be perfect
[Garland] Hey.
[Snipe] Hrm.  So you say...
* Snipe leans up and glances at the door
* Gravedigger wakes up and pulls himself up off the floor, shaking the cobwebs out of his head
[Snipe] I wonder if they have any FAITH left in me.
* Garland looks at spirit, seeing no responce, then grabs a BIG sandwich
[Matsuoka] Yeas they do... mor importantly, I do
* Snipe glances at Maki
[Snipe] ...Really?
* Matsuoka nods
* Gravedigger hears Maki and Snipe tlaking, and slides up agaisnt the wall, trying to listen in
* Spirit is trying to loose herself in her books after what has happened.
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[Matsuoka] Why do you think we trust your judgement so much?
[Snipe] NRP: Session
[Snipe] ...Because you were all paid to?  *Grins*
* Garland removes the bandage/bandana that's around his head
[Matsuoka] Because you're a bad leader? No! Because you're a great leader! ^-^
* Snipe gives her a bear hug
[Snipe] Thanks.
* Gravedigger plops his ear against the door
[Matsuoka] Hee hee... no problem ^-^
[Snipe] Hold on a minute...
* Snipe slams the door against the wall, with Grave's head along for the ride
[Matsuoka] Huh?
[Snipe] Sorry, we had snoops.
[Matsuoka] Grave!
* Gravedigger silently groans
* Gravedigger slides down the wall groggily
[Snipe] Computer: Would the special unit please gather in the command room at this time?
[Snipe] ...*Groans* What NOW?
* Spirit doesn't even hear the computer
* Matsuoka shrugs "Let's go I guess"
* Matsuoka takes Snipe's hand and walks out of his room
* Snipe follows along, begrudgingly
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* Gravedigger gets up slowly, and stumbles along the way
[Snipe] Computer: HEY, YOU, SLACKER, GET MOVING!
* Garland finishes his sanwich
* Snipe pinches Matsuoka
[Snipe] So, you are you ready for so more doomed leading?
[Matsuoka] Ow! What gives?
* Garland gets another, kinda hungry
[Matsuoka] ...
* Gravedigger falls onto Mat and Snipe, holding onto their shoulders
[Matsuoka] Oh hush up, you'll do fine!
[Snipe] ......Why does he do stuff like that....?
* Snipe walks into the control room
[Snipe] ....Oh goody...there's no one here.
* Gravedigger drags along into the room, hanging onto Snipe
* Garland gets another coke, and heads off to the training room
[Snipe] Computer: Hey, you, who's stuffing his face, get the hell in the control room
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*** Matsuoka has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[Snipe] ....Who programmed this computer...remind me to have a talk with them....*Waits in the control room, only the three in there*
[Garland] .......*glances at the computer speakers*
[Snipe] .....Where's everyone....?
[Garland] .....Okaaay..... *wonders if X1 programmed this computer, or, if it's the same computer from TAW*
* Garland walks into the control room
[Spirit] *notices everyone gone suddenly, and heads to the control room when she senses them there*
[Snipe] I know we can go out to the clubs again, buuuuuuuut.....
[Gravedigger] NRP: Didn't X1 program the computer from Taw?
[Snipe] NRP: Computer: How degrading...I am much better!
* Spirit finally makes it to the control room. "Sorry I'm late..."
* Snipe glances at Spirit
* Gravedigger falls flat on his face again
[Maki] -_-ˇ
[Snipe] ......*Grimaces and bites his lip* Maybe I shouldn't send us out on a mission
* Garland crosses his arms in the room
[Snipe] ....I could always get one of the other units to do it....
[Maki] Ohh come on!
[Snipe] ....*hits the mission orders button*
[Maki] I gotta good feeling about today!
[Snipe] Computer: The Mavericks have constructed a doomsday type weapon somewhere in the Amazon Jungle, however, we don't know where in it is....none of our sorces can find it.
[Garland] Maki.... word of advice, when you feel good about a mission, be on gaurd...
[Maki] ...
* Gravedigger slides over to a chair and pulls himself into it
[Garland] Just a word of caution.
[Maki] ...thanks...
[Snipe] Computer: Your first mission will be to travel to the Amazon Jungle to a small town called Qatz, where you'll find a small group of Armed Force members undercover that will lead you to the location of the weapon.  However, if their information is correct or not, we do not.
*** Slash ( has joined #taw
[Snipe] Computer: Upon arriving at the town of Qatz, the leader of the unit will further brief you.  A map to the town and of the town is being downloaded into your shuttle.  Good luck.
*** Slash is now known as Ripple
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ripple
[Maki] Soo... we get to go to the pretty jungle ^-^
[Snipe] ............We're going to a hot jungle when winter is just beginning outside!?
[Spirit] Sounds like fun... -.-
* Ripple walks in
[Maki] Like I said... a good feeling!
[Snipe] ....Lets go
[Spirit] So look who finally decided to join us.
* Snipe bumps into Ripple
[Ripple] Sorry im late, had a few things to do..
[Garland] Well, I'd best get into my summer clothes.....
[Snipe] ....You're kidding, right....?
* Maki runs to her room and grabs her camera
* Snipe looks at Maki run off, in distress
[Spirit] *To Ripple* [Glad to see you!  We're just moving out... ]
[Snipe] But---
[Snipe] I---
* Garland runs off to his quarters, and a few moments later, walks back in with his classic blue gi on.
* Snipe throws hands up and sighs
* Gravedigger pulls his hood over
[Ripple] *To Spirit* [Where to?  I seem to have missed his briefing..]
* Snipe walks into the hanger
[Garland] .....*raises brow* It gets hot in that thing!
* Gravedigger takes out his sai and starts digging the crud out from under his finger nails.
* Ripple walks to the hanger, not daring to power up the warp field
* Garland walks light footedly to the hangar
* Maki comes back with a tank top, some shorts with sunglasses and a camera
* Gravedigger heads to the hangar
* Snipe jaw drops as Maki walks in
[Maki] Alright! Let's goo!
[Spirit] *To Ripple* [Some place called Qatz in the amazon]
* Garland looks at maki
[Ripple] *To Spirit* [Ah.  Might as well get in the thick of things then..]
* Snipe stumbles into the shuttle and sits down, nodding at the squirrel piloting
[Ripple] Yea... Go...
* Spirit arrives in the hanger with her gear.
[Garland] .....Maki.... Um.... err...... *shrugs her off and keeps going*
* Ripple sits down, taking off his leather jacket
[Maki] NRP: The next one of my typo's will feel the ultimate wrath!
* Gravedigger climbs into the shuttle
* Snipe the squirrel powers the shuttle up
* Garland finds an old cracker that was in his gi pocket (note he hasn't worn this thing in 20 years)
* Ripple straps his weapons to his back, trys to relax a little
[Ripple] NRP: Yummy.. almost like RJC food...
* Garland gives it to the squirrel
[Garland] Can't be too old...
* Snipe the shuttle takes off for the Aamzon
* Snipe squirrel ignores him
* Garland walks off to his chair
* Maki looks out the window
[Snipe] ....
*** Sound requests OFF
[Maki] I always wanted to go to the jungle ^-^
[Ripple] So Snipe, whats the deal with this mission?
[Snipe] ....You did?
[Maki] Isn't this great!
* Maki nods
[Snipe] ....Uh, sure...
* Snipe turns to Ripple
* Garland sits down
[Snipe] .....We
[Snipe] 're destroying a doomsday weapon and saving the world.
[Ripple] ... *raises eyebrow* Fun....
[Maki] Ooooo I'm so excited! Hopfully we finish early and take in some sights!
[Garland] *from the back* Again?
* Snipe leans against Maki and falls asleep
* Maki giggles
[Snipe] Squirrel: Chitter
[Maki] Guess I'm the only one this excited ^-^
[Ripple] Hey, its a new experiance for me....
[Ripple] [I've only been able to experiance the jungle through the collective..]
[Spirit] Going to the jungle will be... interesting...
[Snipe] Squirrel: chitter!  Chitter!  (why, you guys have no more experiance then a barrell of nuts)
[Ripple] NRP: yea, Nuts you ATE!! *glares at squirrel*
[Snipe] Computer: Checkpoint reached.  Now landing
[Maki] Yay!
* Snipe the shuttle lands in the middle of the hot jungle
[Garland] NRP: punches the squirrel, oh wait... that'd kill it.. *PUNCH!*
[Spirit] Whew... I didn't think it'd be THIS hot here...
* Snipe snores softly
* Ripple gets out and is hit by the heat
* Maki hops out of her seat, forgeting about Snipe
[Ripple] Whoa...
* Snipe hits the window
[Snipe] OW!
[Maki] Whoo hoo! Let's get a move on!
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[Snipe] ...*Rubs head and steps out, activating his battle suit*
* Maki hops out the door
* Ripple pulls off his shirt, revealing a Tank to[
[Snipe] "Let's get a move on!"  Gahh....too cheerful
* Garland walks out, keeping his gaurd up, as usual.
[Ripple] Man, its HOT out here
* Gravedigger climbs out of the shuttle
[Maki] Wow! Sure is pretty!
* Snipe glances at the data pad and looks around
[Snipe] Alright, Qatz is this way...lets go
* Gravedigger takes out his scythe and starts haking at the plants
* Ripple stretches, flexing muscles
* Ripple follows Snipe
* Snipe walks along the thick vegatation
* Spirit follows along
[Ripple] Sure could use a weed eater..
* Maki takes a picture of the canopy and catches up to the group
[Snipe] ....sure could use a chainsaw..
[Garland] Maki:I suppose..... nowhere near the Jiang Fields though
* Ripple tosses Snipe one of his warp blades
[Maki] What were those like?
* Snipe catches it
[Ripple] Here this should help
[Snipe] do I use this?
[Ripple] Push the button on the handle, and flick switch.
[Ripple] And CAREFUL where you aim it
* Gravedigger hacks on ahead of the group, scouting
* Snipe flicks the button and then pushes the switch
[Garland] Contrary to the name, it's actoually a forest.
* Snipe it zaps him
[Snipe] GAH1
* Ripple demonstrates, and the blade pops out, glowing a dark purple
[Maki] It's even more beautiful than this!?
* Snipe suddenly a flock of birds fly into the air and a sound of movement can be heard
[Ripple] ...
[Garland] I think so.
[Ripple] Quiet..
* Spirit stops in her tracks.
[Maki] Ohh! I hope I can visit THEM someday... sorry ^-^ˇ
* Ripple telepathicly scans for anyone around the area
* Garland get low to the ground
[Snipe] GM: Nothing
[Ripple] ...
* Snipe points at the river flowing by them
* Ripple nods
[Maki] A swim? Cool!
[Ripple] *to Snipe* [Watch out for parana..]
[Snipe] ....Lets---MAKI, NOOOOO!
[Maki] @_@
* Garland puts his finger over Maki's mouth
[Garland] shh.....
* Ripple shushes Snipe
[Maki] Okay ok.... *mumble*
* Snipe a huge anadaconda explodes out of the water and heads for them
[Ripple] AHHH
[Snipe] -------AAAAAAAAAH!
[Maki] @_@
[Ripple] I..HATE...SNAKES!!!!
* Gravedigger flips over the snake's head and slices it's neck, just below the head
* Garland stands up, and slashes the anaconda
* Snipe the huge snake swallows Garland whole
* Maki takes a picture of it then runs behind a tree
[Gravedigger] !
* Snipe leaps behind a tree and glances back
[Snipe] Damn!
* Ripple follows snipe, hot on his heels
[Ripple] AHHHHH
* Gravedigger grabs the snake and bear hugs it, thrasing it about
* Garland jabs his sword through the belly of the snake
* Ripple flips into a tree, and takes pot shots at its head with his rifle
* Snipe the snake roars and then dies
[Gravedigger] ....
[Snipe] Great, we got the wild life after us....
* Ripple keeps shooting the dead body
[Garland] LET ME OUT!!!!
* Garland cuts his way out
* Gravedigger pants then wipes off his forehead
[Ripple] I.. HATE... SNAKES!!!
* Snipe it suddenly begins to pour down rain
* Ripple stops
* Garland walks out, covered in slime
[Garland] Yeck...
* Ripple climbs down
[Maki] This is so refreshing!
[Snipe] .....How can one person be so cheerful...
[Spirit] Where's Chris when you need him...
[Ripple] ...Must be a gift...
* Garland glares at Ripple
* Gravedigger pulls his hood over his head even more
[Snipe] Alright, lets cross this river and head on to Qatz.
* Maki twirls around in the rain laughing
[Maki] Okay ^-^
* Snipe grins at Maki
* Ripple smirks
[Snipe] NRP: Who gave her the fudge?  C'mon!  Admit it
[Ripple] NRP: err.. *hides box*
* Snipe steps up the river and looks across
[Ripple] NRP: Not me...
[Spirit] NRP: I'll never talk!  Never!
* Maki bounces up next to Snipe
[Ripple] Bundle of energy today arnt we Maki?
[Snipe] ....Any ideas on how to cross this...20 foot wide river?
* Maki nods
[Maki] Yes I am!
[Ripple] Float across?
[Snipe] .....And get eaten?
* Snipe the rain makes it harder to see
* Garland looks at the other side
[Garland] NRP: I am LAGGED....
[Ripple] I mean telepathically
[Maki] Sooo that rules out swimming huh?
[Snipe] ...That could work
[Snipe] I would say so, chipper one
[Maki] Drat... maybe later
[Garland] what?
* Ripple concentrates and lifts Snipe, Maki and himself into the air
[Snipe] I'll take you for a swim next's that?
[Spirit] I'll take grave and Maki, you get Garland and Snipe, okay Andy?
[Maki] Okay ^-^
[Spirit] Or you take Maki and snipe...
[Ripple] Whatever works..
[Snipe] ....I'm
* Maki snaps a picture of the River
* Snipe lightning zaps down and hits Gravedigger
[Ripple] Try not to move too much.. I dont want to drop you.
* Gravedigger spins out his shovel
[Gravedigger] !
[Garland] .....*flies up off the ground on his own*
[Garland] ....*cough*
* Spirit lowers her head for a moment and floats Garland across
[Spirit] !
[Snipe] ....Grave?!
* Gravedigger looks toasted, then stifly falls over
[Spirit] What?  You can do that?
* Garland crosses the river quickly
[Spirit] Grave?  Are you okay?
* Maki giggles and takes GD's picture
* Ripple looks at Gd, and moves over to him, Maki and Snipe having no choice but to follow
[Gravedigger] ....
* Garland looks at Spirit
[Garland] Yes.
* Spirit lets go of Garland as soon as she finds out he can fly.
[Snipe] ...Is he dead?
* Gravedigger stifly stays as he was when he fell over
[Ripple] I Hope not... he was pretty handy with that shovel..
* Snipe second bolt strikes Grave
[Maki] @_@
* Spirit jumps back
* Garland can't help but laugh a bit
* Snipe flinches
* Gravedigger 's eyes open even wider, still solid
[Garland] NRP: BRB
* Spirit practically throws Grave across the river
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[Maki] That'd ruin one's day
* Ripple was close to the lightning, and was partially shocked, lowering Maki and Snipe closer to the river
[Snipe] .....*glances at Maki*
[Snipe] ...WHOA!
* Ripple shakes his head
[Maki] Huh? Ack!
*** Garland ( has joined #taw
* Ripple they level off again
[Ripple] Ok, lets go..
[Ripple] Coming Spirit?
* Ripple gently floats them over the water, as fast as he can
[Maki] Wee! That was a thrill ^-^
[Gravedigger] ...
* Snipe a third bolt comes flying down from the sky
* Ripple looks up
[Ripple] Oh Crap..
[Garland] OH CRAP!!!
* Garland gets low to the ground
* Snipe it hits Grave once more
[Maki] NRP: LMAO!
[Garland] NOT GOOD, NOT GOOD......
* Snipe shields eyes
* Spirit jumps to the side, turning into a bird, and catching herself in the air.
* Ripple flings the two he is carrying to the shore, and dives in front of hte bolt
[Snipe] Jeeze, he's going to get his circuits fried.
[Spirit] [Think we're under attack by chance?]
[Ripple] NRP: Heros to the core...
* Snipe Ripple is elecrocuted
[Ripple] [No kidding]
* Garland 's face turns white
[Snipe] RIPPLE!
* Ripple falls to the shore, shuddering weakly
[Garland] NO!
[Ripple] NRP: Ow...
* Gravedigger shakingly hands Snipe his shovel
* Snipe jerks hand back
* Garland runs over to Ripple, but doesn't touch him
[Snipe] No way in hell I'm touching that!
* Gravedigger forces it into Snipe's hand
* Ripple lays there twitching
* Snipe leaps back before he acn
[Snipe] STOP THAT!
* Spirit lands in a tree above the others.
[Ripple] *twitch*
* Snipe another lightning bolt comes flying from the sky at Grave
* Gravedigger grabs Snipe, snips him, and slaps it on his back
[Snipe] .....Oh shit..
* Gravedigger plops Snipe in the bolt's path
* Snipe rolls out of the way
* Snipe the bolt hits the spot he stood
* Maki GD!!!
* Ripple opens his eyes
* Garland rips off his shoes, and grounds himself completely
[Ripple] Ow....
[Snipe] Alright, lets get into the jungle...
* Snipe picks Grave up and runs for cover
* Ripple trys touching his watch, but cant reach
* Garland puts his shoes in his puch
[Garland] NRP: pouch
[Gravedigger] NRP: FRY!
[Ripple] NRP: err, im still laying there...
* Snipe a bolt hits Garland, frying him
* Maki chases after Snipe
* Spirit lands by Ripple and shift back to human form.
[Spirit] [Are you okay?]
[Snipe] ....GARLAND?
* Garland screams, but since he grounded himself, it's not NEARLY as bad
[Snipe] .....Shit, shit...this is bad...
* Garland sprawls onto the ground
[Ripple] [No.....  I just got hit by a lightning bolt.... can you touch the faceplate on my watch?]
[Garland] AGg...... craaaap.....
[Maki] I think it's more then a coinsedence now
* Snipe notices a bolt heading for him now.
[Snipe] It's picking up on our metal!
* Snipe tries to turn his armor off
* Garland is prime target..... btw....
[Spirit] !
* Snipe disarms it and dives out of the way
* Ripple gets up
* Snipe another bolt hits Garland
[Spirit] Whew... that was a close one...
* Garland keeps himself grounded
[Garland] AGH!!!!!!
* Ripple slowly, his muscular arms burnt
[Gravedigger] ....
* Snipe then the storm stops
* Snipe pants
* Garland spits up blood
* Spirit helps Ripple.
[Ripple] NRP: Anyone need a little mr. Crispy?
[Snipe] ....Is everyone okay?  *is pale*
[Ripple] Just... call me Mr. Crispy..
* Garland keeps grounded as well as he can, in massive pain
[Maki] *Phew* Of all days not to wear armor... I'm telling ya! A good feeling!
[Snipe] ....Boy, you're just physic..
[Snipe] Alright, Spirit, left Grave and Garland
[Snipe] lift
[Garland] NO!
[Snipe] Ripple...can you walk?
* Ripple lifts himself into the air
[Ripple] Not really.. but i'll float..
* Gravedigger bounces up on his own feet, then a loud cracking can be heard from him
[Garland] Don't you DARE.
[Snipe] You're hurt, Ensign....
[Garland] And if I get hit while in the air, I'm DEAD.
[Ripple] No kidding im hurt....
[Snipe] The storm is over.
* Snipe points hand in the sky
* Ripple glances up
[Spirit] That was a freaky storm...
* Garland sits there, stubbornly
* Maki gasps
[Ripple] [Not natural about it...]
* Snipe glances at Maki
[Snipe] What?
[Maki] A Rainbow!
* Snipe smacks forehead
* Gravedigger rocks back and forth around, rather then actually walking
* Maki giggles
[Snipe] ...Alright, lets head for Qatz...everyone ready?
* Maki takes three or four pictures of the rainbow
[Maki] I am now!
[Ripple] Yea... *wince* lets go.... these burns can take care of themselves..
* Garland gets up to his feet, (bare foot, for grounding)
* Snipe sets off in a jog through the forest
* Garland 's back is tornup something bad
* Maki chases right behind Snipe
[Snipe] ....So, you're enjoying wearing a tanktop and shorts in the jungle?
* Ripple follows Snipe, feet hovering over the ground, upper body looking like an over-cooked peice of BBQ meat
* Spirit uses her PsiHealing on Ripple and Garland.
[Ripple] What about all the bugs?
[Maki] Yup ^-^
[Maki] @_@
[Snipe] Those big 1 foot skeeters?
* Garland the healing is very little
* Ripple beats off a skeeter the size of his head
[Maki] Meh...
[Spirit] You're going to run out of film soon Maki...
* Maki laughs
* Garland trudges on
[Ripple] No, those big 3 foot Skeeters
* Maki looks around the jungle
[Maki] .oO(Just like that sim... better watch my step)
* Gravedigger rocks back and forth after the group
[Snipe] I hope everyone brought extra clothes...these are ruined  *motions at his clothes*
[Maki] I have a beach towel in the shuttle
* Garland wishes he had worn his hot uniform now
[Snipe] ..Oh, you're going to wear THAT?
[Ripple] Yea, but its my armor..
[Maki] Well... no....
* Ripple raises eyes
* Ripple eyebrows..
[Snipe] Knock that look off your face...
[Garland] I wish I brought a rubber suit....... ugh......*holds his burned and bloodied back*
* Ripple wipes it off
* Snipe points ahead, Qatz in sight
[Snipe] Well, we made it...just have to find the undercovered unit.
[Spirit] 'Bout time...
* Ripple keeps floating along with Snipe
[Snipe] ...AND hope the Mavericks aren't in town...
[Maki] =D *Takes a picture of Qatz*
* Snipe snatches the camera and takes a picture of Maki before handing it back
[Ripple] *To Snipe* [I have a question to ask you.... Do you EVER think you'll find dad alive?]
[Maki] Hee hee ^-^
[Snipe] ...Well, if those weird ninja aliens have him, chances are slim we'll find him soon.
[Ripple] ...
[Snipe] oO (chances are, we'll never see him again either)
[Gravedigger] ...
* Garland holds his back
* Gravedigger bonks Snipe with his shovel
* Garland NRP: watches his lag go up and up
* Ripple catches that thought, and frowns
[Snipe] OW1
* Snipe rubs head
* Snipe arrives at the small town
* Garland limps into town
[Maki] Do they have jewlery shops here?
[Snipe]'s a rather large town
* Ripple lands, on his feet, wincing as his burns crack
[Maki] Yay!
[Snipe] I'll go check us into a hotel so we can doctor these guys up
[Maki] I'll take a look around town!
[Snipe] Alright, see you later.
* Maki runs off into the streets
*** Snipe is now known as John_McCormick
[Gravedigger] ....
*** Ripple is now known as Andrew_Stryfe
* Gravedigger wonders if he should follow Maki to keep an eye on her
* John_McCormick walks into the large hotel
[John_McCormick] C'mon Grave
* Andrew_Stryfe follows John
[John_McCormick] We need to check out your systems...those bolts could have done something
*** Spirit is now known as Andrea_Williams
* Garland looks at John
[Gravedigger] ...
* Gravedigger follows begrudgingly
* Garland rolls his eyes and heads off looking for a doctors office.
* John_McCormick checks out a hotel from the guy at the front desk and throws everyone their own keys
[Andrea_Williams] [Mind if I stick with you for now Andy?]
[Andrew_Stryfe] [*trying not to sound eager* Sure.]
[John_McCormick] [Shhh, keep it down?]
* Andrew_Stryfe catches his
* John_McCormick heads for his own room, pulling out a tech. kit and handing it to Grave
[John_McCormick] Here, that should repair all damage to your system
* Andrew_Stryfe asks the guy at the front desk where a good resturant is
[John_McCormick] But you'll need to rest for it to work
* Garland walks into what he THINKS is a hospital, but then runs/limps out, being chased by a woman with a pin roller
[Gravedigger] ...
[Garland] AAHH!!!
* John_McCormick steps into his own room and begins to take a shower
[Garland] I'm sorry miss! I thought your house was a hospital!!! Nice wall paper though!! AHH!
[John_McCormick] Man: *bumps into Maki* Er, sorry Miss.
[Andrew_Stryfe] Shall we go out for a bite to eat Andrea?
* Garland runs into the hotel
[Maki] Oh... No problem ^-^
* John_McCormick Garland's key is on the desk
[John_McCormick] Man: *eyes her* Say, who are you?
[Andrew_Stryfe] NRP: *she flings the rolling pin at Garland, hitting him in the back of hte head*
* Garland grabs the key and runs into his room
[Andrea_Williams] Good idea... I'm starved.
[Maki] I'm Maki Kasagi!
[Andrea_Williams] After that storm...
[John_McCormick] Man: *thinks* Really?  Hmmm..why are you here?
[Andrew_Stryfe] Yea, lets get some decent clothing first... *glances at his tattered cloths
[Maki] On vacation... I think. Say... could you tell me where any good jewelery stores are?
* John_McCormick finishes his shower and sits down on the bed and fiddles with the comm. link to contact the unit
[John_McCormick] Man: Hmmm...yes, right over there in that alley....
* Andrew_Stryfe walks into a clothing store and comes out a few minutes later in a muscle shirt, and new jeans
* Gravedigger stands there, regenerating
[Maki] Thanks ^-^
[John_McCormick] Man: No problem
[Andrew_Stryfe] NRP: In that alley?.... Man, *cough*Setup*cough*
* Maki walks into the alley
[Maki] Now... where is it...
* Garland rips the bed sheets on his bed into bandages for his back
[John_McCormick] Man: *steps up behind her and two other men leap out in front of her*
* John_McCormick fiddles with the
* Andrew_Stryfe links arms with Andrea and walks off in the direction of the resturant
* Maki blinks
* Gravedigger still stands there, regenerating
[Maki] Uhh... hello there...
[John_McCormick] Man: Alright....just play along nice and easy, and nothing will happen to you, got it?
[Maki] Wha!?
* John_McCormick jerks head up, sensing something
[John_McCormick] ...Maki...?
* Andrew_Stryfe checks his watch
* Andrew_Stryfe taps it a few times, and trys to tune the comm link on it
* John_McCormick walks to the window and glances down and sees the alley a few blocks away.
[John_McCormick] Man: That's right....
* Garland also pulls out a needle from his gi, and starts sewing it up
*** Sound requests ON
[Maki] And what if I kick your sorry butts!
* John_McCormick grabs comm.
* Andrea_Williams adjusts the bracelet on her write uneasily.
[John_McCormick] Man: *aims their weapons at her* Try it..
[Maki] Geh...
[Andrew_Stryfe] NRP: Thaaats right folks, he slices, dices, and even mends his own clothes!
* John_McCormick opens window and leaps out onto the next roof
[John_McCormick] Man:.... Alright, back up into the alley....
* Maki growls "Alright then..."
* Andrew_Stryfe watches John leap over him
* John_McCormick does a running jump onto the next roof
[Andrew_Stryfe] Uhhh.. John, where the hell are you going?
* Garland finishes with his bandages, but doesn't bother putting his shirt back on
[Andrew_Stryfe] ... Somethings wrong..
* John_McCormick grabs a loose brick from the roof and throws it at the guys, beaning one
[John_McCormick] Need help, Maki?
* Maki looks up
[Andrea_Williams] Big surprise...
[John_McCormick] Man: OW!
[Maki] John!
[John_McCormick] Man: Alright, GET THEM!
* Andrew_Stryfe concentrates and disappears appearing next to John, with Andrea from a warp field
* John_McCormick the three men shoot at the three on the roof
[Maki] Huh?!
* Gravedigger irons out his cloak
[John_McCormick] DOWN!  *throws the two down*
* Garland hears the shots, grabs his sword, and runs out there
* Maki tackles one of them into a wall
[Garland] What the hell!?
[John_McCormick] Man: GAH!
* Andrew_Stryfe dives to the ground
* Garland runs in the direction of the shots.
[John_McCormick] Man:  *grabs her head and yanks it*
[John_McCormick] ...Dammit!
[John_McCormick] MAKI!
* Maki yelps
[Maki] Lemme go!
[John_McCormick] Man: Hardly.
* Andrew_Stryfe pulls out his rifle and attempts to pick the mans head off
* Maki kicks and struggles
* John_McCormick the man hits the ground
* Garland gets there
[Garland] HEY!
* Garland holds his sword ready
[John_McCormick] ....*leaps off the roof and lands next to Maki*
[John_McCormick] Find the store?
* Andrea_Williams is still a little confused about what's just happened.
* Andrew_Stryfe jumps down and lands on the mans back, cusioning his fall
[Maki] Not yet ^-^ˇ
* John_McCormick watches the last man run off
* Maki throws a rock at him
* John_McCormick he hits the ground
* Garland watches him run
[Andrew_Stryfe] Well Johno, im outta here.  Was about to sit down for dinner...